What is the purpose of staff development. The role and importance of the personnel development system

I. Theoretical aspects development of the personnel of the organization………………1

1. Personnel development: content, goals, results……………………..1

2. Forms and methods of personnel development of the organization……………………...3

2.1. Forms of personnel development…………………………………………..3

2.1.1. Vocational training and professional development.....7

2.1.2. Characteristics of in-house personnel training ... ... 12

2.1.3. Forms of additional staff training………………15

2.2. Personnel training methods………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17
I. Theoretical aspects of the development of the personnel of the organization

1. Personnel development: content, goals, results

Development of human resourcesEgorshin A.P. defines as a complex and continuous process of comprehensive development of the personality of the employees of the organization in order to increase the efficiency of their work. 1

Shatalova I.I. defines personnel development as a set of activities aimed at improving the quality of the organization's human resources. The overall development of personnel is a process of enriching the intellectual capital of employees, understanding the surrounding reality, accepting new values, expanding social ties and partnership opportunities that contribute to the full disclosure of individual labor potential with the aim of personal growth and increase contribution to the affairs of the organization 2 .

Vesnin V.R. writes that personnel development is a set of organizational and economic activities in the field of training and retraining of personnel, career planning and professional growth, and organization of the adaptation process 3 .

Methods of managing the development of personnel - ways to implement managerial influences on personnel in order to increase the professional competence of personnel 4 .

Staff development is general and professional.

The above diagram shows one of the possible views on the development of human resources. It is not necessary to describe or prescribe the precise procedures that any specific organizations. This framework brings together the various elements of human resource development (see Appendix 1).

In the field of human resource development, if there is no top-down initiative and support and not all managers understand and support a holistic approach, organized learning will not take place. Instead, there will be development of human resources separately in each department without regard to what happens in other departments, with the possible result of "achieving efficiency" for the group or "part of the system", but with losses in the effective operation of the organization in achieving its corporate goals and implementation. strategic plan.

As managerial roles and functions become more dispersed across organizations, it is necessary for all managers to develop personal responsibility for the continuous development of human resources. It is desirable that the capital investment should be made for a long period.

Consider goals and forms of personnel development.

According to Vesnin V.R., personnel development is a set of organizational and economic activities in the field of training and retraining of personnel, career planning and professional growth, organization of the adaptation process 1 . They are aimed at unlocking the potential of employees, their ability to contribute to the organization.

The forms of personnel development are: professional orientation, training, advanced training, self-education, improvement of personal qualities, invention and rationalization, etc.

Turchinov A.I. V professional development organization includes:

– preparation of regulations governing personnel activities in the field of professional development;

- analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the organization's staffing;

- professional and official formation and career advancement of personnel in the organization;

– additional professional education;

– organization of internships, briefings, trainings;

– conducting qualification examinations, attestation, competitions for filling vacant positions 2 .

Kibanov A.Ya. the concept of personnel development includes management business career, personnel reserve, personnel training 3 .

I.I.Shatalova has a similar classification, where the basic elements of the system of professional development of personnel in an organization are: 1) creating motivation for learning; 2) staff training; 3) management of business career and service and professional advancement; 4) induction and adaptation; 5) formation personnel reserve 4 .

Main development goals are 5:

– formation of common values;

– providing all employees with equal opportunities to receive decent wages and career advancement;

–improvement of the moral and psychological climate;

-reducing the need for staff and their turnover;

– Facilitate the delegation of authority;

–increase in labor productivity and quality of work;

– development of professional skills;

– the formation of a certain type of thinking and behavior; obtaining additional knowledge.

Alleged staff development results are presented in Table 1.
Table 1

Outcomes of personnel development for the employee, organization and society 1

Personnel Development Results

for an employee

for organization

for society

1. Job security guarantee

2. Acquisition of new knowledge, skills, abilities, disclosure of abilities

3. Increasing your own

value as an employee in the labor market

4. Expanding opportunities for professional and career growth

5. Expansion of social connections and contacts

6. Increased self-esteem and self-confidence

1. Increasing the productivity and quality of labor, and, consequently, the income of the organization


3. Reducing the adaptation period

4. Increasing employee motivation

5. Improving the moral and psychological climate in the team

6. Improving the corporate culture of the organization

7. Positive impact on labor discipline

8. Reducing employee turnover

1. Development of labor potential


2. Increasing the productivity of social labor

Today, the development of personnel plays a decisive role in ensuring the competitiveness of firms, because a modern worker must have strategic thinking, entrepreneurial spirit, broad erudition, and high culture.

International practice shows that 5–10% of the fund should be spent on staff development wages.

Need in professional development due to the need to adapt to changes in the external environment, equipment and technology, strategy and structure of the organization, to master additional activities.

Today, over 85% of surveyed Japanese managers put the development of human resources in the first place among their tasks, while the introduction of new technologies - 45%, and promotion to new markets - about 20% 2 . And this is no coincidence, because firms that develop employees generally have twice as high rates as others.

Responsibility for development lies with the administration, line managers (their duties are, on the one hand, models for subordinates in this area, and, on the other hand, to competently direct their efforts), as well as the employees themselves.
2. Forms and methods of personnel development of the organization

2.1. Forms of personnel development
Personnel development can be general and professional 3 . Pprofessional development - is the process of preparing employees for the implementation of new production functions employment, aimed at overcoming the discrepancy between the requirements for an employee and the qualities of a real person. It requires significant efforts on the part of the candidate, therefore it is impossible without interest on his part.

Turchinov A.I. highlights professional development as a process of changing the qualities of a person as a subject professional labor, the result of increased professionalism and special education, professional development and employee self-determination. Professional development management is a process of purposeful influence of the heads of management bodies and personnel services on improving professionalism, expanding professional competence and increasing the competence of personnel 1 .

The professional development of personnel is a system of interrelated activities aimed at improving the professional competencies of employees and their motivation in order to fulfill not only the duties necessary for work, but also new functions to solve the current and future tasks of the organization. The essence of the professional development of personnel is the increase in the level of knowledge, the formation of skills, the development of skills, the mastery of various methods of communication, the improvement of the production and organizational culture to meet the personal needs and demands of the enterprise. Thus, we can conclude that the development of personnel contributes to the achievement of the goals of the employee, organization and society as a whole.

Motives could be:

  • the desire to quickly master a new job, keep the old one or get a higher position;

  • provide a guarantee of stability or income growth; acquire knowledge;

  • expand contacts, become more independent and competitive in the labor market;

  • to achieve high results;

  • become the first.
These motives operate when there is confidence not to be fired and to get a promotion.

The tasks of development of a particular employee are determined by his immediate supervisor on the basis of observations and study of job functions.

plays an important role in employee development self improvement based on self-knowledge.

It not only allows you to acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, but also gives a person confidence in their abilities, provides the ability to quickly respond to changes, take advantage of opportunities, reduces the need for special training and retraining, facilitates understanding of others, their attitude towards themselves, helps gain physical and spiritual health.

People engage in self-improvement for the sake of career success, increasing the efficiency of their current work, striving to get more satisfaction from work and life.

Self-improvement comes down to developing the skills of independent thinking, learning and generating ideas based on one's own and others' experience and with outside help.

Experts call the following self-improvement methods 2 .

  1. Fixation, analysis and evaluation of ongoing events, developing self-discipline.

  2. Keeping a diary and reflecting on records of major events, conflicts, successes, failures, their causes, their decisions, thoughts, feelings, statements of others.

  3. Analysis of one's intuition, thoughts and actions (helps to collect thoughts in a tense situation, when making important, difficult or alternative decisions).

  4. Discussing your ideas with others.

  5. Experimenting with a new type of behavior (changing the menu, changing clothes, putting yourself in a previously avoided situation, etc.).

  6. Strengthening willpower through regular exercises (hold back, do something immediately when you don’t feel like it, concentrate, be silent).

  7. Training the ability to perceive the new on the basis of determining the reasons for the negative attitude towards it.
Such reasons here can be: prejudice, contradiction to one's principles, ideas, beliefs, organizational difficulties, possible loss or, conversely, the appearance of additional work, etc.

  1. Development of their strengths and the fight against shortcomings (the number of both is better the same).

  2. Systematic reading of literature, for which you need to determine the goal, draw up a plan (when, how, in detail or superficially, in whole or in part, with or without a summary), evaluate what you read (your thoughts, correlation with existing knowledge, feelings) and, if necessary, discuss what you read .

  1. The use of notes to facilitate memorization. Abstracts, solid text, fragments, a web-like diagram (a set of concepts, their decoding and logical connections) can be abstracts.

  2. An analysis of the reasons for a good or unfavorable attitude towards certain people, the performance or non-performance of tasks, the manifestation or non-manifestation of willpower, the ease or difficulty of making decisions, the perception or non-perception of the new.

  3. Memorizing material with the help of notes, training concentration of attention, analogues, visual associations, etc.

  4. Training of thinking by drawing up flowcharts of actions (logical tree), thinking about the logic of the formation of an object, abstract (for example, analyzing the significance of a particular quality) and specific problems.

  5. Coursework and self-education.

  6. Execution of special projects important for the organization and oneself.

  7. Participation in associations professional associations, conferences, discussions.

  1. Writing books, articles.

  2. Teaching others.

  3. Improvement of physical and spiritual health.

  4. Developing the ability to correctly perceive the reaction of others to yourself.

  5. Developing the ability to compromise.

  6. Formation individual style behavior, image.

  7. Training of communication skills, the ability to listen, empathize, refrain from criticism, support others.

  8. Participation in group training.
The self-improvement program should be linked to the interests of the individual and the needs of the organization.

Let's characterize the types of training (see: Table 2).

table 2

Characteristics of the types of personnel training 1

Types of training

Characteristics of the types of training

1. Professional training of personnel, including:

Acquisition of knowledge, skills and training in communication methods aimed at performing certain production tasks. Training is considered completed if qualifications for a specific activity are obtained. Youth students are learning

1.1. Vocational initial training

Development of knowledge, skills and ways of communication as a foundation for further professional training (for example, bachelor's training)

1.2. professional



Designed to obtain a specific professional qualification. Deepening knowledge and abilities in order to master a certain profession (for example, specialist, master)

2. Professional development (training), including:

Expansion of knowledge, abilities, skills and ways of communication in order to bring them into line with modern production requirements, as well as to stimulate professional growth (workers employed in production with practical experience are trained)

2.1. Improvement of professional knowledge and abilities

Bringing knowledge and abilities in line with the requirements of the time, their actualization and deepening. Specialists are trained [horizontal mobility]

2.2. Professional development for career advancement

Preparation for performance of qualitatively higher tasks. Leaders are trained vertical mobility)

3, Professional retraining (retraining)

Obtaining knowledge, skills, and mastering the ways of communication (behavior) for the development of a new profession and a qualitatively different professional activity (employed in production or unemployed workers with practical experience are trained)

Individual types of training should not be considered in isolation from each other. Purposeful training of qualified personnel implies a close connection and coordination between all types of training.

The needs for training qualified personnel must be considered in a differentiated way, i.e. by target groups or target persons in order to create a high-quality vocational training program for a particular employee. For individual target groups the main tasks are highlighted (see: Table 3).

Personnel development is a directed change in personnel to acquire a new quality through the removal of external restrictions in order to achieve the goals of this organization.

The task of personnel development is the creation of such conditions within the framework of one organization, when a person could develop harmoniously, raising his professional, creative and material status, which would contribute to the stability and prosperity of the company itself.

Development is a strategic function of personnel management. At present, in theory and practice, the question of the essence of the concept of "development" has not been sufficiently studied. In practical activities in the field of personnel management, organizations understand development as staff training. Development is the leading factor in the system of education of a person, the personnel of an organization, along with training and education.

The development of personnel can be determined through the characteristics of its indicators.

Characteristics of the concept of "development" Indicator

as an object of study. Represents a set of functionally interconnected elements, links, dependencies that change with the transformation in the internal structure, structure. Development occurs procedurally in certain conditions of interaction with "neighboring systems"

Structure (mechanism). It is characterized by the number of constituent elements, the order of their location and qualitative changes in the development process.

Source of development. Arises as a result of contradictions between the old and the new

Form of development. Evolutionary (slow, gradual, qualitative change); revolutionary (sudden, abrupt, spasmodic) change in qualitative characteristics in the structure of the object.

Orientation. progressive; regressive

Dynamics. time; growth rate

Leading organizations spend significant amounts of money on professional development - from 2 to 10% of the payroll. These costs are the organization's investment in the development of its employees, from whom it expects a return in the form of increased productivity, i.e. increasing the contribution of each employee to the achievement of organizational goals. In addition to the direct impact on financial results investments in professional development contribute to the creation of a favorable climate in the organization, increase the motivation of employees and their dedication to the organization, ensure continuity in management.

Professional development also has a positive impact on the employees themselves. By improving their qualifications and acquiring new skills and knowledge, they become more competitive in the labor market and receive additional opportunities for professional growth both inside and outside their organization. This is especially important in modern conditions rapid obsolescence of professional knowledge.

The key point in the management of professional development is to determine the needs of the organization in this area. Essentially we are talking about identifying the discrepancy between the professional knowledge and skills that the organization's personnel should have to achieve its goals (today and in the future), and the knowledge and skills that they actually have. Determining the professional development needs of an individual employee requires the joint efforts of the professional development department, the employee himself and his manager. Each of the parties brings its own vision of this issue, determined by its position in the organization and its role in the process of professional development.

The traditional methods for identifying and recording professional development needs are assessment and preparation of an individual development plan. During the certification, the employee discusses with the manager the prospects for his professional development. The result of this discussion is an individual development plan, which is transferred to the personnel department. Professional development specialists evaluate the plan for its feasibility, feasibility, suitability for the needs of the organization and its financial capabilities, and make the necessary adjustments to it. The combined employee development plans become a program for the professional development of the organization's personnel. This program defines the goals of professional development, the means to achieve them and the budget.

In recent years, psychological testing methods have become increasingly popular, with the help of which the degree of development of certain professional skills among employees of an organization is determined. Comparing the results of the assessment with the portrait of the "ideal" employee makes it possible to identify gaps in professional training and provide for measures to eliminate them.

Professional development activities for personnel are marketing seminars for employees of the personnel department, a visit to a business school by a commercial agent, learning English by a mechanical engineer, the work of a newly hired boss planning department assembler on the factory conveyor, etc. In large multinational corporations, there are special professional development departments headed by a director with the rank of director or vice president, which emphasizes their great importance for the organization. The importance of professional development for modern organizations is also evidenced by the fact that goals in this area are included in the personal plans (on the implementation of which the amount of remuneration depends) of the top managers of many corporations: presidents, regional vice presidents, directors of national companies.

Forms and methods of personnel development

Personnel development - carrying out activities that contribute to the full disclosure of the personal potential of employees and the growth of their ability to contribute to the activities of the organization.

Such activities can be individual or group, carried out at the workplace or specialized, focused on the development of general or specific skills and abilities.

Development opportunities should be provided to everyone, because it increases not only work efficiency, but also management flexibility, improves morale, facilitates the delegation of authority, and ignoring the need for development, new knowledge and skills increases staff turnover.

The implementation of the modern concept of development involves increasing the flexibility of the training system, group forms of work, and replacing teachers with consultants.

Staff development can be general and professional.

Professional development is the process of preparing employees to perform new production functions, occupy positions, and solve new problems, aimed at overcoming the discrepancy between the requirements for an employee and the qualities of a real person.

It requires significant efforts on the part of the candidate, therefore it is impossible without interest on his part. The motives here may be the desire to quickly master a new job, keep the old one or get a higher position, provide a guarantee of stability or income growth; acquire knowledge; expand contacts, become more independent from employers and competitive in the labor market.

The Russian labor legislation provides for the following types of vocational training for employees: training of new employees; retraining (retraining); training in second (related) professions; training.

There are two main forms of learning: on-the-job and off-the-job training. educational institutions(various kinds of centers, schools of working skills, courses, etc.). For beginning workers, a combined form such as apprenticeships is possible, combining on-the-job and off-the-job training.

The training of new workers is the initial professional and economic education persons admitted to the enterprise and previously had no profession. . Pupils enjoy all the rights of workers, and they are fully subject to labor legislation, the collective agreement and other regulations.

The main forms of training new workers in production according to Russian legislation are individual, group and course training. With individual training, the student is either attached to a skilled worker, or included in a team, where a foreman or another member of the team, a highly skilled worker, works with him.

The group (brigade) form of education provides for the association of students into special groups, classes with which are conducted by highly qualified workers.

The course form of training is used to train an employee in complex professions and is carried out in two stages: first, in study group under the guidance of a master of industrial training at a specially created for this educational and production base of an enterprise or a training center, and then at workplaces at an enterprise in a training group under the guidance of a qualified worker who is not released from his main job - an instructor of industrial training.

Retraining (retraining) is organized for the purpose of mastering new professions by released workers who cannot be used for their existing professions, as well as by persons expressing a desire to change their profession, taking into account the needs of production. According to calculations, the cost of retraining an engineer is three times lower than the cost of finding and hiring a new one, who is also more likely to leave.

Training of employees in second (related) professions with an initial or higher level of qualification is carried out in order to expand professional excellence, preparation for work in the conditions of the use of collective forms of labor organization, if necessary, combining professions.

Advanced training is training after employees have received basic education, aimed at consistently maintaining and improving their professional and economic knowledge (deepening, upgrading, bringing in line with the requirements of a higher position), skills. For this, production and economic courses, schools of management, special-purpose courses, schools of advanced methods and methods of work, etc. are organized.

Modern advanced training programs aim to teach employees to think independently (including economically), solve complex problems, implement an entrepreneurial approach to business, and work in a team. They provide knowledge that goes beyond the position and stimulate the desire to learn further. However, the prospect of professional development activates only those employees who have not yet reached their ceiling.

management personnel personnel management

The term "development" is often applied to personnel or human resources. A.P. Egorshin defines "human resource development" as a complex and continuous process of comprehensive development of the personality of the organization's employees in order to increase the efficiency of their work Egorshin A.P. Personnel Management. Ed. 3rd. N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2001. - 716 pp. According to V.M. Maslova, personnel development is a set of activities aimed at developing the human potential of enterprises Maslova V.M. Enterprise personnel management: textbook. allowance for universities. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2007. - 159 p.. In the interpretation of P.E. Schlender, human resource development is a system of activities aimed at supporting trainable employees, disseminating knowledge and best practices, training young qualified employees, awareness of the importance of employee development and reducing staff turnover by management personnel. Personnel management / P.E. Shlender [i dr.]. M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 320 p. According to the definition of R. Harrison, the strategic development of personnel, labor resources represents “development that comes from a clear understanding of the abilities and potential that works in strategic structure business as a whole, op. by: Armstrong M. The practice of human resource management. Ed. 8th. SPb.: Piter, 2004. - 831 p. , within the framework of achieving a certain level of social and economic development organization, meeting the collective and individual needs of the staff.

The development of personnel should be aimed at optimizing the effectiveness of its activities, for which purpose the necessary conditions. It is the managerial aspect of personnel development that interests us in the first place. In this sense, we can talk about the creation of a personnel development system at the enterprise and the management of this system. Proceeding from this, we understand personnel development as an activity project that includes a system of management technologies, methods and activities aimed at improving the professional potential of personnel in order to increase work efficiency.

Further, the logic of scientific research requires an appeal to the design of a personnel development system at an enterprise and the management of this system. social management It is characterized by the ability of a person to develop ideal projects of activity and implement them on their own or with the help of other people. The role of the subject of management is characterized by the development of a project of activity and the creation of conditions for its implementation Kostin V.A. Theory of management: textbook. manual for universities. - M.: Gardarika, 2004. - 222 p. Thus, designing occupies a special place in the management system and performs the function of organizing the activities of both the subject of management and managed subjects.

Based on the methodology of the systematic approach and the principles of project management, personnel development management is interpreted by us as the interaction of the managing and managed entities regarding the development and implementation of a personnel development project, including a system of management technologies, methods and activities aimed at increasing the professionalism and competence of personnel in order to increase its efficiency. work. The implementation of this project involves the creation of conditions within the organization for the development of the professional potential of personnel, which would contribute to the sustainability and development of the organization itself, as well as the coordination of common, group and individual interests. Practical activity should be preceded by the development of a theoretical concept of personnel development management.

A new trend in personnel management after increasing its role to the level strategic function is a more integral concept - the development of human resources.

In the work of P. Jung, personnel development is defined as follows: “Personnel development is a systematic process focused on the formation of employees who meet the needs of the enterprise, and, at the same time, on the study and development of productive and educational potential employees of the enterprise Yung P. The concept of personnel development in the VAG alliance. - 1998. - S. 43 ..

The works of other researchers contain the following definitions.

Personnel development is a set of measures that includes professional training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, as well as personnel career planning in the organization. Accordingly, learning "is associated with the development of general intelligence, and training is correlated directly with the skills future work Odegov Yu.G., Zhuravlev P.V. Personnel Management. - M., 1997. - S. 455 ..

Personnel training - a set of actions developed within the framework of a single concept of organization training and focused on the systematic training of personnel. At the same time, these actions have a positive impact on changing the skill level and productivity of employees of all hierarchical levels, satisfying the individual need for training and the organization's need for trained employees J. Bertel. Fundamentals of the concept of personnel work in the organization. - 1989. - S. 202 ..

Professional development is the process of preparing an employee to perform new production functions, occupy new positions, and solve new problems Shekshnya S.V. Personnel Management modern organization. - M., 1996. - S. 125 ..

Pyatkina N.E. believes that the main goal of professional development is the creation of such conditions within the organization, when the employee could develop harmoniously, improve his professional, creative and material status, which would contribute to the stability and prosperity of the organization itself. To solve this problem, the organization needs to develop development model, which is a theoretical construct that combines a variety of methods, tools and technologies that facilitate the transition of personnel from one qualitative state to another.

The success of achieving the goal directly depends on how ready the employees of the organization are to become subjects of development. The term "subject of development" means that a person is aware of the need for social growth and comprehensive development, has an interest in this, and that he is a self-reflective and responsible person. Thus, in order to become a subject of development, the personnel of an organization must have three indispensable qualities:

Have a personal interest in the development of the organization and a deep intrinsic motivation to participate in the actions taken by the management;

Be sufficiently qualified and have the appropriate personal qualities to engage in a new activity;

Be responsible for the result (if the development goal is not achieved, then the subject will suffer obvious damage) Pyatkina N.E. The concept of personnel development and the problems of modeling its development / Lomonosov Readings. 2002. PhD students. Volume 1. [website] // Electronic Library of the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Access mode: URL: http://www.lib.socio.msu.ru (checked on 11/01/2009).

This study uses the methodology of applied systems analysis, developed by R. Ackoff, one of the authoritative specialists in applied systems analysis, which includes five stages: 1) analysis of the state of the organization and its problems; 2) development of options for the "idealized" future of the corporation; 3) development of means to achieve goals; 4) distribution of available resources (materials, equipment, personnel, finances); 5) implementation planning Ackoff R. Planning the future of the corporation. M.: Progress. 1985. 327 p.

At the first stage, in order to analyze the state of the organization and its problems in terms of personnel development, comprehensive study its efficiency.

At the second stage of the analysis, according to the chosen methodology, the development of options for an “idealized” future is carried out, as a result of which the concept of the project is developed. “The concept of the project is its main provisions, presented in certain system. The purpose of the concept is to define ultimate goals project and identify possible ways to achieve them. In other words, to present in a systematic way what we want and how we will do it. Usually the concept reflects: the relevance of the project; its purpose and objectives; the content of the proposed activity; legal, economic, organizational substantiation of the project; expected consequences of its implementation Lukov V.A. social engineering: studies. allowance. Ed. 4th. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow. humanit.-social. Academy: Flint, 2003. - 240 p.

The third stage is the development of means to achieve the goals. The methods of personnel development usually include: methods of adaptation of new employees, methods for assessing and attesting the accumulated potential and actual competencies, training (in various organizational forms, including self-education), career management and personnel reserve management, methods of stimulating and motivating work.

In general, the system of development of the personnel of the enterprise and its professional potential can be represented as follows:

Figure 1.1 - Model of the system for developing the professional potential of personnel

The fourth stage - the distribution of available resources (materials, equipment, personnel, finances) is necessary to ensure the project, however, this is not within the competence of sociologists, but is carried out by the relevant departments (HR directorate, financial department, etc.). Unfortunately, in the context of the economic crisis, there are not enough resources for personnel development. It is all the more important to dispose of them with the greatest effect.

The fifth stage is implementation planning. Life cycle The project consists of stages. The following stages can be considered as the main ones: development of the project concept, assessment of the viability of the project, project planning, budgeting, project defense, preliminary control, project implementation stage, project correction based on the results of monitoring, completion of work and liquidation of the project Lukov V.A. Social design: textbook. allowance. Ed. 4th. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow. humanit.-social. Academy: Flint, 2003. - 240 p.

Personnel development - a system of interrelated actions, including the development of a strategy, forecasting and planning of personnel needs, career and professional growth management, organization of the process of adaptation, education, training, formation organizational culture.

Analyzing the concepts of “staff development” and “staff training”, one should clearly distinguish between their meanings. Personnel training is implemented within the framework of personnel development programs, and personnel development includes, in turn, the following components:

Professional education;

Professional development and retraining;


Delegation of powers;

Career planning.

The purpose of personnel development is to increase the labor potential of employees to solve personal problems and tasks in the field of functioning and development of the organization.

Basic principles of personnel development:

Integrity of the development system, continuity various kinds and forms of personnel development;

Leading nature of training and development based on the forecast of scientific and technological development and the conditions for the development of the organization;

Flexibility of various forms of development, the possibility of their use at individual stages of development;

Professional and social stimulation of human resources development;

Building a personnel development system, taking into account the specific capabilities of the organization, the socio-economic conditions of its functioning.

Factors affecting the need for personnel development in modern conditions:

Serious competition in various markets in the context of the globalization of the economy;

Rapid development of new information technologies;

Systemic, complete solution issues of human resource management and all strategic tasks on the basis of a unified program of the organization's activities;

The need to develop a strategy and organizational culture of the organization;

Participation of all line managers in the implementation of a unified personnel policy and solving the strategic tasks of the organization;

Availability of a wide specialized network of consulting firms in various areas of human resource development.

System strategic management human resources, developed from the standpoint of a systematic approach to personnel management, has the following functional levels, interconnected by direct and cascade feedback Besedin A.L. A systematic approach to personnel management within the framework of the concept of modern management. - Tula: Publishing house "Grif and K", 2001. - 328 p.:

1. Formation and understanding of the overall strategy of the enterprise. The strategy of the enterprise as a whole is formed by the available (actual) personnel potential and should be focused on the human resource that actually exists at a given time.

2. Transformation of the enterprise strategy along the line of organizational and technical tasks of departments and services. The correspondence between the strategic objectives and the available support personnel in specific divisions and services of the enterprise is established.

3. Determination of the imbalance of actual and required competencies for the implementation of the developed enterprise strategy. This takes into account the existing (previously identified) professional potential, which, in the course of appropriate training and retraining, can be brought to the level of competencies required to implement the developed enterprise strategy.

4. Separation of required competencies into key and auxiliary ones. Key competencies are decisive, decisive for the implementation of the enterprise strategy; auxiliary competencies allow you to achieve your goals with minimal time and material resources.

5. Determination of ways to form the required competencies for the effective implementation of the enterprise strategy. In these paths, the main installations laid down in the personnel management strategy are displayed.

6. Determination of links operating in the personnel management system. The absence of conflict situations at this stage indicates that the constructed system of strategic management of human resources of the enterprise really ensures the harmonious integration of the management strategy and personnel development into the updated strategic context of the enterprise.

7. Correction (recalculation) total strength personnel required for the effective implementation of the enterprise strategy. This takes into account not only the required new key and supporting competencies, but also possible structural changes enterprise and the optimal occupancy of its new or reconstructed divisions and services.

8. Definition of a set of functions of personnel management of the enterprise. For the complex interaction of personnel management functions, single-loop feedback is used. by the most simple example such use of specified functions is hiring with subsequent training within the framework of the corporate training system.

9. Cascade feedback at this level is used to correct managerial impacts when the results of the activities of personnel management services for the performance of its main functions deviate from the specified indicators (quantitative and qualitative). For example, a correction can be carried out by forming the required competencies in the direction of strengthening the role of corporate training due to the lack of the required competencies on the market or due to the impossibility of providing specialists hired “from outside” with the requested remuneration for work.

10. Comprehensive Assessment activities of personnel in the implementation of the enterprise strategy. This assessment is carried out periodically in order to determine the effectiveness of the strategic personnel management system.

11. Fixing the actual state of the implementation of the strategic goals of the enterprise. Correspondence of the achieved results and planned performance indicators is determined.

According to the results of the assessments at levels 9 and 10, an appropriate correction is introduced into the system of strategic management and development of the enterprise's personnel up to the first level.

Summing up the results of the analysis, we can draw the main conclusions: the effectiveness of measures to develop the professional potential of personnel depends on the readiness of personnel for development; management of the development of the enterprise's personnel involves the development and implementation of social technology, which should eventually lead to an increase in efficiency production activities.

The main wealth of the company is "human resources". A manager who is able to think in the future realizes that investments in the development of personnel are beneficial. Properly investing in employee training means getting a well-coordinated, motivated, competent team that will bring profit to the company.

In the article we will talk about the development of a strategy and methods of personnel development, we will help you choose effective training tools.

Staff training and development strategy

Training measures are aimed at creating a professional, dedicated company team, increasing the return on the work of each employee. This helps to solve the problem of staff turnover and save on the training of new employees. Labor productivity is growing and with it the profit of the company.

Development is also beneficial for employees. It helps them:

  • reveal their hidden professional opportunities;
  • make a good career;
  • quickly adapt to new business conditions, changing technologies and tools.

The development of personnel in an organization is not a one-time action, but a constant "pumping" of business and personal qualities employees. As part of this work, HR managers perform a set of actions. Let's briefly talk about the main ones.

Development of a personnel development strategy

At the stage of strategy development, the manager must determine what results he wants to achieve from employees, what professional and personal qualities need to be developed.

On a note
The personnel development strategy can be situational and systemic. In the first case, it is tied to a specific business task (for example, increasing sales). This strategy is usually implemented through external training. With the system option, there is constant learning and development within the company. Through this strategy, employees improve the full range of skills and apply them in practice on the job.

Personnel planning

To calculate how many employees a company needs, HR specialists have to analyze a huge amount of data: enterprise plans, staff training and wage costs, the level of “churn”, the state of affairs in all departments (for example, a shortage or excess of staff), etc. Determining the need in the quantity and quality of personnel is a complex mathematical problem. It is solved in various ways, in particular, experts are involved, computer models are used.

Professional education

Specialists capable of moving the company forward do not come “out of nowhere”: they need to be created. Identifying promising talent, selecting appropriate training methods, and investing in personnel development programs are the tasks of management and the HR department.

But the contribution to training bears fruit only when the process is built competently, in stages. You can pay an eminent business coach for knowledge that will never be put into practice - and all because, for example, the training did not correspond to the current tasks of the company and the needs of employees.

Vocational training is implemented in several stages:

  1. Identification of staff training needs. It is necessary to determine the level of training of each employee and decide what skills he should develop, what result it will bring.
  2. Motivation. All efforts will be in vain if the worker does not want to learn. Conversely, when there is a stimulus, the learning outcome is better. Motivation increases awareness of the practical benefits of development. When an employee is convinced that “pumping” professional skills will help him become more successful, he does not need coercion.
  3. Determining the approach to learning. It can be internal (only the forces of the company are involved) and external (an external organization is involved). The choice depends on the goals. Thus, product-specific training is more often carried out within the company, and employees undergo multidisciplinary training in training centers.
  4. Choice of methods and activities. They are diverse: trainings, lectures, practical lessons, business games, case studies, etc.
  5. Organization of events, that is, the educational process itself.
  6. Control. Employees undergo certification during and after training.

Retraining and advanced training of personnel

Giving workers professional skills is only half the battle: they need to be constantly updated. In the face of rapid technological progress, knowledge quickly becomes obsolete. A leader who looks to the future understands this and therefore tries to improve the skills of his staff: this is the only way to keep the company afloat and overtake competitors.

On a note
Retraining is the acquisition of a second (usually related) profession. It is required, for example, when introducing new technologies or transferring an employee to another position. Advanced training is the improvement of knowledge and skills in an existing profession.

Business career planning

Career planning is an important part of the personnel development system. This benefits not only the employee, but the entire company. If an employee sees his prospects, has a clear career advancement plan, his loyalty to the organization, job satisfaction, and therefore, labor efficiency increase.

Personnel rotation

If career growth is a movement up the career ladder, then rotation can be compared to moving in one plane. The worker goes to new position while remaining at the same level of the hierarchy. In the structure of personnel development management, personnel rotation helps to:

  • create a personnel reserve (a specialist who can perform various functions can replace a colleague if necessary);
  • quickly adapt employees;
  • level out conflict situations etc.

Work with personnel reserve

The personnel reserve is employees who, in the event of an urgent need, will be able to take up new positions without prior training. For example, when the head of a department is fired, a trained specialist will quickly replace him. The creation of a personnel reserve helps to save time and money on staff training, and helps to improve the professional level of employees.

Organization of adaptation

When a newcomer is accepted into the company, the HR manager must bring him up to date and help him adapt to the corporate environment. The faster and more comfortable this process proceeds, the higher the professional return, the lower the percentage of "churn", the lower the cost of recruiting and training new personnel.

Formation of corporate culture

Corporate culture affects the image of the company, the attitude of staff to work, determines the psychological climate in the organization. Its formation includes:

  • development of rules of conduct for employees;
  • prescribing the mission and values;
  • brand building;
  • team building activities (team building), etc.

Staff training methods

Methods of personnel development can be conditionally divided into directive, interactive and personal.

Directive Methods

Directive methods are based on the interaction of a student with a mentor, instructor, teacher, trainer. Training is conducted in full-time form. Directive methods include:

  • Lectures. This method can train hundreds of people at the same time, but the feedback is minimal, the transfer of knowledge is one-sided.
  • Seminars. Here, the degree of student activity is already higher, especially if practical classes are built with elements of a business game, brainstorming, case study, etc.
  • Mentoring- a traditional method in which an experienced employee transfers knowledge to a novice.
  • Briefing. As with mentoring, learning is on-the-go. labor activity. The instructor introduces the new employee to the course of the upcoming work.
  • Trainings. As a rule, they help develop certain competencies - negotiating, increasing sales efficiency, time management, etc.
  • Secondment- a relatively new methodology for the professional development of personnel in Russia. An internship in another department or firm helps to quickly gain new experience.

Interactive Methods

Interactive methods involve the active participation of personnel in training, while a large role is given to modern technical capabilities. Thanks to the Internet today have become available:

  • distance learning;
  • online conferences and webinars;
  • video lessons.

Such methods often do not require the involvement of specialists (trainers, teachers), an employee can study at any convenient time and place. The video format contributes to a better assimilation of information.

Personal Methods

Personal methods are based on self-training of the staff. This is where motivation comes into play. Self-training of employees should not be left to chance: it should take place under the guidance and supervision of HR specialists. Various ways of increasing motivation are practiced: “round tables”, regular discussion of the experience gained by the whole team, etc. It is necessary that the employee is clearly aware of all the advantages of self-education. In fact, rotation is also self-learning.

Employee development tools

Each group of methods is characterized by special tools for personnel development. There are many of them, but we will focus only on the most popular and effective solutions. These are the most commonly used by HR departments.


Corporate regulations are the charter of an enterprise, a document that sets out the rules of conduct for employees in the workplace, the norms of their relationship with colleagues, management and customers.

In the personnel development management system, the regulation solves the following tasks:

  • formation of a corporate culture, assertion of the company's values, its goals and mission;
  • maintaining discipline in the organization;
  • assistance in adaptation to beginners.

Corporate portal

Corporate portals are created in order to facilitate the exchange of information within the company, to automate some work processes. Their functionality includes:

  • corporate data storage and management;
  • quick search for the necessary information;
  • publication of news, announcements, notifications.

From the point of view of the development of the enterprise's personnel, the corporate portal solves several problems:

  • helps employees in adaptation (due to quick orientation in the working environment, convenient search for the necessary data);
  • provides opportunities for self-learning;
  • promotes the spread of corporate culture;
  • makes it easier for HR managers to collect and analyze information about employees.

But the reality of most companies is that the functionality of corporate portals is used by no more than 15-20%. The reason is probably that this tool is not interactive enough, is not able to provide full feedback and is subconsciously associated with purely working functionality.

Corporate social network

Unlike a portal, a corporate social network is designed primarily for communication. It is focused on ordinary employees and effectively solves their problems, so its attendance is much higher. The functionality of the tool combines the capabilities of conventional social networks and a corporate portal:

  • personal pages of users;
  • contact database, where information about each employee is stored;
  • self-publishing content;
  • ample opportunities for communication and information exchange (forums, chats, comments on posts);
  • creation and maintenance of thematic groups;
  • news feeds;
  • reminders and alerts, etc.
  • increases staff loyalty to the company (employees who are actively involved in the life of the organization demonstrate greater involvement);
  • forms a corporate culture and conveys its principles to each member of the team;
  • promotes team building;
  • helps beginners quickly adapt;
  • stimulates employees to gain knowledge and facilitates the learning process (due to the variety of sources of information, quick access to them, as well as thanks to the operational feedback with colleagues);
  • provides opportunities for professional and personal growth (for example, in the process of joint discussion of business problems);
  • provides the HR manager with rich material for planning the development of personnel, analyzing the business and personal qualities of employees, assessing the psychological climate in the company.

Successful business is unthinkable without competent strategy staff development. Improving the professional level and personal qualities of employees requires the use of modern methods and tools. One of the effective solutions in the management of "human capital" is a corporate social network.

Which social network for business to prefer?

The IT development market offers many solutions for company personnel management. Dmitry Benz, founder of KSS LOQUI BUSINESS, talks about the features of corporate social networks:

“Social networks and instant messengers eat up most of the working time of employees. Meanwhile, prohibitive measures on the part of the leadership in this regard are ineffective. CCC developers figured out how to direct the activity of social network users in a useful direction and turn communication into a valuable tool for personnel management.

A feature of LOQUI BUSINESS is a convenient, "friendly" interface. The user navigates it easily, as in a regular social network, easily establishes contacts with colleagues, finds news of the necessary departments of the company. New people quickly join the team. Managers do not need to be forced to visit the KSS: they themselves willingly use all its opportunities.

Navigating LOQUI BUSINESS is facilitated by a tool such as the "circle". It combines all important sections in one application: places, events, goods, services, information about colleagues who are nearby. Each section is georeferenced. For example, while on a business trip, you can find out the address of the nearest company branch, client office, etc. Krug is available from any mobile device.

By the way, georeferencing - new trend in the development of corporate social networks, and so far this feature is only available in LOQUI BUSINESS.

P.S. Learn more about corporate opportunities social network LOQUI BUSINESS and see the demo version on the website.

In an unstable economic situation, acute competition businesses need to work harder to survive in tough market conditions and become successful.

Along with well-organized recruitment and selection procedures, adaptation, incentives, business evaluation of personnel, one of the ways to help generate new ideas for business, master modern models of equipment, develop and implement advanced techniques and technologies, and train highly qualified employees is to create in the organization of the system of professional development of personnel.

The concept of continuous development became relevant half a century ago. It was then, with the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution, that the whole world paid attention to the fact that professional knowledge becomes obsolete faster than it is obtained in the full cycle of education. And most importantly, there has been a fundamental change and rethinking of the role of man in production. Now it is the personnel that is the strategic resource of the organization and a key factor in its long-term and stable functioning. A well-trained, willing to change with the organization, open to innovation staff becomes competitive advantage any enterprise, and personnel development is one of the most important functions of personnel management.

Modern literature considers many definitions of the concepts: "process" and "development", but the meaningful interpretation can be reduced to the following definitions:

1. Process - a set of a number of sequential actions aimed at achieving a certain result.

2. Development - a process aimed at changing material and spiritual objects in order to improve them.

3. Personnel development - (in a broad sense) a set of activities aimed at improving the quality of the organization's human resources.

Staff development- (in the narrow sense) is a system of interrelated actions, including the development of a strategy, forecasting and planning of personnel needs, career and professional growth management, organization of the process and adaptation, education, training, formation of organizational culture.

Staff development is general and professional.

General staff development is the process of enriching the intellectual capital of employees, understanding the surrounding reality, accepting new values, expanding social ties and partnership opportunities that contribute to the full disclosure of individual labor potential for the purpose of personal growth and increasing contribution to the organization.

Professional development of personnel - this is a system of interrelated activities aimed at improving the professional competencies of employees and their motivation in order to fulfill not only the duties necessary for work, but also new functions to solve the current and future tasks of the organization.

The essence of the professional development of personnel is the systematic increase in the level of knowledge, the formation of skills, the development of skills, the mastery of various methods of communication, the improvement of personal and business qualities necessary to perform work, the improvement of production and organizational culture to meet personal needs and requests of the enterprise.

Professional development refers to all areas of activity, whether it is production, trade, transport or education. It should become the norm, not a heavy burden, a formal job duty, but a way of life, a useful habit.

Personnel development is a systematic process focused on the formation of employees that meet the needs of the enterprise, and at the same time on the study and development of the productive and educational potential of the employees of the enterprise.

In order for the personnel development process to be effective, the following principles must be taken into account:

1. Consistency. Personnel development should be a permanent process, i.e. carried out throughout the life of the employee. In other words, it is not enough to become a professional once. In order to remain a “pro” in your business, you must constantly update all your professional competencies.

2. Interdependence. Employees of the organization and managers should have: motivation, conditions and opportunities for professional development.

3. Perspective. Personnel development activities should be proactive, i.e. be relevant, relevant and future-oriented.

4. Complexity. Professional development of personnel is usually understood as only training of personnel, but this is not entirely true. The concept of "professional development" is much broader than the concept of "training", which means that it includes not only training, but also other programs.

The basic elements of professional development in an organization are:

Professional selection and hiring of employees;

Introduction to the position and adaptation;

Creating motivation for learning;


Business assessment of personnel;

Retraining and advanced training of personnel;

Business career management;


Delegation of powers;

Formation of a personnel reserve;

Organization of payment and stimulation of labor.

I want to pay special attention to each of the listed elements and analyze in more detail.

Professional selection and recruitment of employees.

Personnel selection - is the process of studying psychological and professional qualities an employee in order to establish his suitability for performing duties at a particular workplace or position and to select the most suitable one from a set of applicants, taking into account the correspondence of his qualifications, specialty, personal qualities and abilities to the nature of the activity, the interests of the organization and himself.

The selection process is carried out in several stages. The main ones are:

Planning of quantitative needs for personnel - based on the adopted plan strategic development companies or applications from line and functional services about expected vacancies;

Building competency models for vacant positions, describing the vacancy profile and job description;

Organization of the search for candidates using internal and external sources, as well as non-standard approaches;

Primary selection of candidates (resume analysis, telephone interview, questionnaire analysis);

Secondary selection of candidates (testing, interview, case methods, etc.);

Making a decision on hiring an employee;

Decor employment contract, enrollment, preparation and implementation of the adaptation program.

There should not be too many selection criteria, otherwise it will be difficult. The main ones are: education, experience, business qualities, professionalism, physical characteristics, personality type of the candidate, his potential.

Hiring is a series of activities aimed at attracting candidates with the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. It's a complex organizational measures, which includes all stages of recruitment, as well as assessment, selection and hiring of employees. Some experts in the field of personnel management consider this process up to the end of the induction stage, that is, until the moment when new employees fit into a specific work team and the organization as a whole.

Introduction to the position and adaptation of personnel.

Job introduction - a set of measures designed for quick and effective adaptation of new personnel. The induction program, developed in the organization, allows you to provide the best possible start to a new member of the team. Her the main objective is to familiarize new employees with general rules work in the organization, safety and health regulations, with new working conditions, corporate traditions and norms of behavior. The beginner must be familiar with common activities organizations; with his colleagues, especially with those who will work with him directly; the nature of the work itself; working conditions (work regulations, safety and health protection, equipment, general plan buildings, etc.).

Ideally, the program should be supervised by an employee who is the direct supervisor of the newcomer, although depending on the specifics of the organization, these functions may be performed by different employees. They will need to spend some time selecting and preparing the information provided to the new employee. The development of an induction program must be approached with the utmost care. After all, the first impressions of a new employee about the organization are the strongest and can affect motivation for work and attitudes in a long time. work collective. An unsuccessful introduction to the position can significantly worsen the process of adaptation in the team, which means delaying the time when the employee begins to make a full contribution to the organization.

To manage the induction process, it is advisable to develop a special plan, where you indicate the dates for the completion of each item of the program and regularly check the implementation of activities. This allows you to give an idea of ​​what information has already been learned by the new employee, and what is not.

Personnel adaptation - this is the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the gradual development of the employee in new professional, social and organizational - economic conditions labor.

Goals of staff adaptation:

Reducing start-up costs, since so far new employee does not know his own workplace, it works less efficiently and requires additional costs;

Reducing the degree of concern and uncertainty among new employees;

Reducing workforce turnover, as if newcomers feel uncomfortable in a new job and unnecessary, then they may respond to this by dismissal;

Saving time for the manager and employees, as the work carried out under the program helps to save time for each of them;

Development positive attitude to work, job satisfaction.

Tasks of the adaptation management unit or specialist:

Organization of seminars, courses on various issues of adaptation;

Conducting individual conversations of the manager, mentor with a new employee;

Passing intensive short-term courses for new managers taking office;

Passing special training courses for mentors;

using the method of gradual complication of tasks performed by a beginner;

Fulfillment of one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team;

Preparation of a replacement during the rotation of personnel;

Conducting special events in the team role playing for rallying employees.

There are two types of adaptation:

1. Primary adaptation - the adaptation of young personnel who do not have professional experience (as a rule, in this case we are talking about graduates of educational institutions).

2. Secondary adaptation - the adaptation of workers with experience in professional activities (as a rule, changing the object of activity or professional role, for example, when moving to the rank of manager).

Distinguish the following forms adaptations:

1. Professional adaptation characterized by additional development of professional opportunities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professional necessary qualities personality, positive attitude towards their work. As a rule, job satisfaction comes when certain results are achieved, and the latter come as the employee masters the specifics of work at a particular workplace.

2. In progress psychophysiological adaptation there is a development of the totality of all conditions that have a different psychophysiological effect on the worker during work. These conditions include: physical and mental stress, the level of monotony of labor, sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment, the rhythm of work, the convenience of the workplace, external factors of influence, etc.;

3. In progress socio-psychological adaptation there is an inclusion of the employee in the system of relations of the team with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee receives information about the system of business and personal relationships in the team and individual formal and informal groups, O social positions individual members in the group.

4. In progress organizational and administrative adaptation- the employee gets acquainted with the features organizational mechanism management, the place of his unit and position in common system goals and organizational structure.

5. Economic adaptation- allows the employee to get acquainted with the economic mechanism of managing the organization, the system of economic incentives and motives, adapt to the new conditions of remuneration of his labor and various payments.

6. In progress sanitary and hygienic adaptation the employee is accustomed to the new requirements of labor, production and technological discipline, labor regulations.

The adaptation program is divided into general and specialized.

The overall adaptation program concerns the entire organization as a whole and addresses the following issues:

General idea of ​​the organization;

Payment of labor about the organization;

Fringe benefits;

Occupational health and safety;

Employee relations with the trade union;

Household services

After the implementation of the general adaptation program, specialized adaptation program. It covers issues related specifically to any department or workplace. This program is usually run by line managers or mentors.

This program includes the following topics:

Unit functions, goals and priorities; organization, goals, structure and functions; relationships with other departments;

Duties and responsibilities; a detailed description of current work and expected results; an explanation of why this particular job is important, how it relates to other types of work in the unit and in the enterprise as a whole; duration of the working day and schedule; requirements for the quality of work performed;

Prescriptive rules: rules specific only to a given type of work or a given unit; safety regulations; relationships with employees of other departments; food, smoking in the workplace; telephone conversations of a personal nature during working hours;

Inspection of the unit: fire alarm button, entrances and exits; smoking areas; places of first aid;

Presentation to department staff.

Motivation for staff training.

Different organizations have their own system of employee motivation.

They can be divided into two groups:

1. Material motivation

2. Non-material motivation, it includes:

Recognition and status;

Interpersonal relationships;

Creativity and growth;


1 TO material motivation include: the amount of money and the regularity of the issuance of wages, the ability to regularly increase earnings, the direct dependence of remuneration on the results of their work, the absence of a ceiling in income. Organization of catering at the expense of the company. Providing employees with travel tickets. Provision of subscriptions to fitness centers. Full or partial payment for travel to the place of rest or the rest itself, etc.

If an employee has money as the dominant motivator, then it is important to form additional motivators, since, relying only on the financial motivator, the employee can easily change jobs based on monetary interest.

2. Non-material motivation. The employee attaches great importance to such criteria in work as a normalized or free working day, a convenient work schedule, a stable salary, the availability of medical and pension insurance, and convenient travel. Work in a large company is also of great importance, which acts as a certain guarantee of stability.

Recognition and status. Opportunity for career and professional growth. To achieve professionalism in any job, an employee must strive to become the best in his specialty.

Clear boundaries. These include a normalized working day, a certain range of duties. Reward individual people for the total contribution of the group. In this era of teamwork, people often feel like their individual accomplishments go unrecorded.

Interpersonal relationships. The employee's interest in good interpersonal relations in the team largely depends on the policy of the organization itself. A good relationship they develop with colleagues if employees of the same organization have the opportunity to communicate in their free time: these are corporate holidays, birthday greetings, joint field trips, a friendly team - creativity and growth. This category includes the ability to independently set goals, control oneself, find creative ways problem solving, the company's tolerance for risk and potential errors, the possibility of training for employees. A person who is passionate about learning will definitely grow in position and develop additional skills. Therefore, you can use knowledge and learning as a reward and motivator.

Praise. Verbal encouragement can sound on general meetings and holidays, accompanied by the presentation of certificates, cups, etc.

Personnel adaptation system - gives a new employee an idea about the company, the criteria for successful completion probationary period and about the program of its actions for this period. All this increases the employee's sense of security and helps to build employee loyalty, starting from the first days of work in the company.

The motivation system of each company is developed based on the goals and strategy of the company itself and there is no single model that is suitable for all organizations. Important to consider psychological features employees, so that the motivation system generates in employees exactly the behavior that is expected of them. The reward system should be clear and objective for employees. Explain to your subordinates the reward system you have adopted. Inconstancy and arbitrariness in rewards and rewards leads to conflicts, not to an increase in motivation.

Training - the main way to get vocational education.

This is a purposefully organized, systematically and systematically carried out process of mastering knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of communication under the guidance of experienced teachers and mentors. Specialists, managers, etc.

There are three types of learning to be distinguished:

- Personnel training- systematic and organized training and release of qualified personnel for all areas of human activity, possessing a set of special knowledge, skills and methods of communication.

- Staff development- training of personnel in order to master new knowledge, skills and ways of communication in connection with the growth of requirements for the profession or promotion.

- Retraining of personnel - personnel training for the purpose of mastering new knowledge, skills and ways of communication in connection with mastering a new profession or changing requirements for the content and results of work.

There are many purposes for training company personnel. We list some of them:

Obtaining by employees of new knowledge and skills necessary for work;

Maintaining the professional level of staff;

Preparation of staff to replace colleagues during vacation, illness, dismissal, etc.;

Preparing for promotion;

Acquaintance of personnel with the standards of the company, development strategy, technology of activity;

Maintain a positive attitude towards work;

Formation of a sense of belonging to the company, motivation for further work.

What methods of personnel training can be used in the company?

There are different methods of staff training. For example:

Self-education of staff;

Long-term additional staff training related to the strategic objectives of the company;

Short-term compulsory training of personnel, caused by the need to maintain technological processes at the modern level;

Short-term additional staff training related to the company's strategic objectives;


In addition to solving a few more problems, this way you can teach the standards of the company. This is not the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities, but the transfer of existing corporate knowledge within the company.

Self-education of staff includes the study of specialized literature, visits to thematic exhibitions and seminars, the collection and systematization of information. The main difference between self-education and additional education is that, as a rule, it is not of a systemic nature and may have nothing to do with the strategic objectives of the company.

Long-term additional training personnel related to the strategic objectives of the company, includes obtaining a second higher education, MBA degrees, and participation in long-term training programs and events. From a business point of view, such education can be viewed as an investment in personnel, which begin to work after a certain time.

Short-term compulsory and additional training personnel associated with the operational tasks of the company - this is a very large range various events, which are necessary for effective operational management related to the strategic objectives of the organization. This category includes seminars and business trainings that are of interest to the company both at the current stage and in the future. It can be conferences and exhibitions where there is an exchange of experience. This also includes the participation of the company's specialists in the work of various professional clubs and communities, as well as 1c training courses.

Training is short-term and long-term. Short term training are professional trainings and seminars. In the process of such training, several skills and abilities are worked out, if this is a training, or information is thrown on one or more topics, if this is a seminar. Its duration is from one to three days. As a rule, in today's business environment, the effect of short-term staff training is noticeable within three to four months, a maximum of six months. The company is more interested in it to solve its business problems, so the organization usually pays for it entirely.

IN long-term education(long-term programs, getting a second education, advanced training programs), of course, both the company and employees are interested. It increases the value of the worker in the labor market, so in this case good decision there will be a parity payment for staff training. In this case, both the motivation of the staff and its loyalty increase. On the other hand, the company has compensation for part of the costs, and by concluding an agreement with an employee, receives certain guarantees of his work in the organization and the use of the knowledge he has received.

To determine how effective the staff training turned out to be, it is also necessary to determine what was at the input and what was the output, in other words, where did the increase in knowledge, skills and abilities occur during training.

Thus, the control system necessarily includes:

Input control;

Current control (if we are talking about long-term training programs);

Final control (may have a formal and informal form);

Control over the use of acquired knowledge and skills in the process of work.

All methods of personnel training can bring the desired result and be in demand within the organization. The main thing is to know what result the company expects from this staff training, why it needs it, and how the results will be monitored.

Business personnel appraisal - this is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of labor productivity and the factors of its provision with the requirements of a position or workplace.

The main tasks of personnel assessment:

a) Management influence. With the help of evaluation, as well as with the help of an evaluation conversation, an employee can be shown his place in accordance with his achievements, which contributes to the manageability of the staff.

b) Determining the amount of remuneration, since only with an objective assessment of the achievements of an employee is it possible to fairly pay for his work.

c) Staff development, as it provides a choice of worthy forms of encouragement and assistance to the professional growth of employees.

c) Rational use of the employee, since the assessment is mandatory when taking a job, promotion, relocation, making a decision to leave the job.

d) Labor motivation, as it is an impulse to the conscious activity of employees aimed at increasing achievements.

In addition, personnel assessment can help in solving such significant tasks as:

Establishing feedback with an employee on professional, organizational and other issues;

Satisfying the needs of the employee in assessing their own work and quality characteristics.

Types of personnel assessments should be distinguished according to many criteria that are used in production practice.

In accordance with the criteria of systematicity, the following are distinguished:

Systematic assessment, carried out by clearly defining all the most important features of the assessment (assessment process, its frequency, assessment criteria, assessment measurement method).

Unsystematic assessment, in which the evaluator is given a choice of how the assessment is measured, the assessment process, assessment criteria.

In accordance with the criteria of regularity, there are: regular assessments, which are used most often continuously, for example, to determine the amount of remuneration. Typically, such ongoing assessments are carried out once every six months, a year, or two years.

Retraining and advanced training of personnel.

If we consider vocational education as a system, then it is necessary to distinguish two stages in it. The first one is actually professional training. The second is the subsequent efforts made to deepen, expand and supplement previously acquired qualifications.

Retraining- training related to the need to change the specialty due to changes in the professional structure of employment, changes in the worker's ability to work, etc.

Training- training due to a change in the nature and content of the work of specialists in their positions, obsolescence of knowledge.

At the same time, depending on the goals pursued, the previously acquired qualifications must be maintained, brought into line with the changed situation or used for professional promotion. This approach to advanced training directly follows from the concept of continuous education, which is based on the principle of organizing step-by-step industrial training of personnel.

Continuity of training is understood not as episodic retraining of workers due to the obsolescence of their qualifications, but as a successive process of systematic advanced training and expansion of its volume, planned on the basis of forecasts for the development of means of production, according to the principle of transition from less to more complex professions, from narrow specialization to multidisciplinary. Such planning of the process of developing the potential of the workforce in accordance with the development of the material and technical base minimizes the need for urgent and poorly prepared measures to retrain workers in new professions.

Training(training) is the purposeful acquisition of new knowledge and skills, the study of best practices. It is professional improvement in accordance with the constantly changing conditions of production activity that is the main content of advanced training.

Further training after completion of vocational training and a certain period of work in the profession is aimed at achieving two goals:

- ensuring the adaptation of professional qualifications to new trends in technical and professional development by conducting training activities that accompany the labor process, mainly at the enterprises themselves;

Preparation of a professional career with the transition to a higher level of qualification as specialists and middle managers (for example, craftsmen, technicians, specialists in practical issues of organization and economics of an enterprise, specialists in various fields, etc.) by attending courses at the enterprise, with a training center serving many businesses, or a vocational school.

Therefore, the importance of professional development is increasing. The periods of time when study predominates are replaced by periods of time with a predominance of practical application, and vice versa. Work and study are constantly becoming more and more inseparable from each other. Vocational training, professional work and advanced training always contain both elements: an element of study and an element of application.

It is important to note the following:

1. Training is a systematic process of changing the behavior of an employee in order to best achieve the goals of the enterprise.

2. A formal training program is an attempt by an employer to provide its employees with the opportunity to improve their work skills, skills and knowledge.

3. Learning all this is an activity through which the individual improves his skills, knowledge and capabilities, which is reflected in the corresponding changes in his work.

4. The purpose of training is to improve skills. Motor skills, mental skills, communication skills are the objects of various training programs.

During the period of intensive technological transformations, advanced training is given exceptional importance, which ensures the very existence of the enterprise.

Business Career Management - is a set of activities personnel service organizations, for planning, organizing, motivating and controlling the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, capabilities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on the goals, needs, capabilities and socio-economic conditions of the organization. Every employee is engaged in managing his business career. Business career management allows you to achieve employee devotion to the interests of the organization, increase productivity, reduce staff turnover and more fully disclose human abilities.

The goal of a career cannot be called a field of activity, a certain job, position, place on the career ladder. It has deep content. Career goals are manifested in the reason why a person would like to have this particular job, to occupy a certain step on the hierarchical ladder of positions. Career goals change with age, as well as as we change ourselves, with the growth of our qualifications, etc.

Forming career goals is an ongoing process.

The main task of career planning and implementation is to ensure the interaction of professional and intra-organizational careers.

This interaction involves the implementation of a number of tasks, namely:

Achieving the relationship between the goals of the organization and the individual employee;

Ensuring career planning is focused on a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs and situations;

Ensuring the openness of the career management process;

Elimination of "career dead ends", in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development;

Improving the quality of the career planning process;

Formation of visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions;

Studying the career potential of employees;

Providing a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations;

Determination of career paths, the use of which will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

H) Rotation. From time to time employees of the organization move from one position to another, from one department to another. This happens both at the initiative of the management and own initiative employee. Actually, this movement is called rotation. In the theory of personnel management, rotation is understood as a system of transfers and movements of employees within a department or company to new jobs on a regular, lawful and organized basis.

The meaning of rotation is that:

1) diversity brings the employee satisfaction with the new position held, new functions performed, new tasks set, achievement of new goals and results, that is, the development of one's own career. Consequently, the employee is not looking for "novelty" in another company (worse - from competitors);

2) a sense of community is brought up between employees of the entire company, their readiness for compromise, cooperation, and teamwork is enhanced.

However, it should be remembered that an employee transferred to a new position quickly learns new official duties and much slower - new to themselves social roles or new aspects of already familiar behavioral roles. Therefore, an employee can successfully cope with professional (functional) tasks, but experience additional difficulties and even get into conflict situations due to not confirming his role expectations.

Delegation of powers.

delegation - is the process of transferring part of his official functions to subordinates without active interference in their actions .

The principle of delegation of authority consists in the transfer by the head of a part of the powers, rights and responsibilities entrusted to him to his competent employees.

The following types of work are usually delegated:

routine work;

specialized activity;

Private and unimportant questions;

Preparatory work.

When delegating authority, the manager delegates (establishes) responsibilities; determines the rights and level of responsibility in the exercise of authority.

Benefits of delegation of authority:

The ability to deal with tasks that require the personal participation of the leader;

Focus on strategic objectives and long-term plans for the development of the enterprise;

This The best way motivation of creative and active workers;

This is the best way to learn;

This is the way to a professional career.

Formation of personnel reserve.

The presence of a personnel reserve makes it possible in advance, on a planned basis, according to a scientifically and practically substantiated program, to prepare candidates for newly created and to be replaced vacant positions, effectively organize training and internships for specialists included in the personnel reserve, rationally use them in various areas and levels in the management system.

The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out on the basis of the findings attestation commissions based on an objective comprehensive assessment of information about the business and personal qualities of candidates for leadership positions. At the same time, the conclusions of such commissions should be based on an analysis of the specific results of the professional activity of specialists achieved at various stages of their work in the management system.

The work on the formation of a personnel reserve consists of the following stages:

1. Preparing a forecast of expected changes in the composition of management personnel.

2. Evaluation of business and personal qualities of candidates for the reserve for nomination.

3. Determination of candidates for the reserve.

4. Making a decision on inclusion in the reserve.

5. Coordination of the lists of candidates included in the reserve with higher organizations.

Reserve list formation methods:

a) analysis of documentary data;

b) interview;

c) monitoring the behavior of the employee in various situations;

d) evaluation of the results of labor activity;

e) the method of a given grouping of workers (people are selected for the given requirements for the position or for the given structure of the working group).

Factors to be taken into account when forming the list to the reserve:

1) requirements for the position, for the workplace, assessment of labor productivity;

2) professional characteristics of a specialist;

3) a list of positions for which the employee can apply;

4) limiting restrictions on the criteria for selecting candidates for the position;

5) the results of the assessment of the requirement and the individual characteristics of the candidate;

7) opinion of managers and specialists of related departments, labor collective;

8) the results of the assessment of the potential of the candidate.

Organization of remuneration and labor incentives.

Financial incentive- this is a complex of various kinds of material benefits received or appropriated by personnel for an individual or group contribution to the results of the organization's activities through professional work, creative activity and required rules of conduct.

Therefore, in the concept financial incentives includes all types of cash payments that are used in the organization, and all forms of material non-monetary incentives. To date, in domestic and foreign practice, the following types of direct and indirect material payments are used: salary, bonuses. Bonuses, profit sharing, additional payments, deferred payments, equity participation.

The organization of wages at the enterprise is understood as the construction of a system for its differentiation and regulation by categories of personnel, depending on the complexity of the work, as well as individual and collective results of labor, while ensuring guaranteed earnings for the fulfillment of the labor norm.

To the base part of the salary, additional payments and allowances can be established, which are integral part development of wage conditions. Their use is due to the need to take into account, when paying, the additional labor costs of employees, which are of a fairly constant nature and are associated with the specifics certain types labor and areas of its application, and in this regard is aimed at creating the interest of employees in increasing additional labor costs and reimbursement of these costs by the manager.

Currently, more than 50 types of additional payments and allowances are used in the country's economy. Surcharges and allowances are divided into those guaranteed by labor legislation and optional, determined by local regulations.

The most important direction of material monetary incentives is bonuses. The bonus stimulates special increased labor costs, and its source is the material incentive fund.

Benefits and compensations are a special form of employee participation in the economic success of the enterprise. In the modern economy, the condition for the success of an organization is not only profit maximization, but also social Security employee, development of his personality.

In this regard, there are a number of tasks that the organization strives to solve by voluntarily providing its employees with benefits and compensation:

Aligning the goals and needs of employees with the goals of the organization;

Development of a special psychology among employees when they identify themselves with their organization;

Increasing productivity, efficiency and quality of work and the readiness of employees for effective work for the benefit of the organization;

Social protection of employees for over high level than provided by law;

Creation of a positive microclimate in the labor collective;

Formation of a positive public opinion about the organization as an employer and strengthening its positive image among employees.

The system of financial incentives is supplemented to a limited extent by non-material incentives.

The meaning of "non-material stimulus" combines everything that is necessarily reflected in a person's feelings and mental images, at the same time affects the spiritual, moral and moral. Aesthetic needs and interests of the individual. Non-material incentives are based on knowledge of the psychological foundations of human behavior in labor and understanding the importance of labor activity in meeting human needs.