
Numbers surround every person virtually all the time: every day we come across money, payments at retail outlets, remember what day and month is it today? Citizen's passport and identification number...
Russian legislation establishes that every resident of the country, excluding certain categories of the population, must pay taxes. This rule is imperative, since paying taxes is one of...
In the Russian Federation, tax authorities exercise strict control over the activities of persons involved in entrepreneurship. According to the legislation of our country, every citizen who decides to organize his own...
Every working or business citizen must have an individual taxpayer number (TIN). It is issued in the form of a certificate. It can be issued upon reaching 14 years of age, and the child for whom it is registered...
The taxpayer identification number (hereinafter - TIN) is an integral attribute of everyday life, participating not only in the tax accounting system, but also in the economic, social and other spheres of human life....
What does OKPO stand for? How to find out OKPO IP? Businessmen often have this question. Upon registration, all enterprises and organizations are assigned OKPO, which provides the ability to conduct financial and...
In this material, I have combined many ways to check the organizations with which you are going to cooperate. Checking a company is actually quite simple: just follow the steps according to the checklist below....
Today in Russia, following the example of European countries, many different quite convenient classifiers have been created. For example, OKATO. What is OKATO and what are these codes for? This abbreviation is quite simple...
Any entrepreneur or accountant is forced to contact the organizations that control his activities and submit reports in a timely manner. Today, most forms contain mysterious abbreviations: OKTMO or...
Those who, as part of their duties, have to interact with credit authorities, maintain tax and financial documentation, day after day, have to interact with such abbreviations as OKTMO and OKATO. WITH...