How to find out okpo for SP quickly and correctly

It is sometimes difficult for a person who is just starting his journey in entrepreneurship to understand all the intricacies of interaction with government agencies. He has to learn to navigate in various specific codes and classifications, encrypted in incomprehensible abbreviations. And no matter how uninteresting and troublesome it may seem, the IP should understand this. Even in the event that a specially invited specialist will deal with his reporting. This material will help you figure out how to find out the OKPO IP code, as well as help you understand what it is in general and how to deal with it.

What is the OKPO code?

Upon registration, each entrepreneur and legal entity receives their OKPO code. OKPO stands for All-Russian Classification of Enterprises and Organizations. This classifier is designed to systematize information about business entities and simplify the work of various government agencies. The code itself is designed to identify an enterprise or entrepreneur in any system of Rosstat and other government agencies. It is assigned based on the industry in which the business entity operates, and if he decided to change the scope of activity, then the identifier for him will also change.

This code is a ten-digit number, in which the last digit is the control number, and all previous ones indicate the industry and direction of the entrepreneur.

Important: OKPO is indicated in all documents where the presence of IP details is required. These are: accounting invoices, invoices, acts of work performed, contracts, letters, registration documents, licenses, permits, certificates, as well as all types of tax, accounting and statistical reporting.

If an entrepreneur radically changes the types of activities, then he will need to submit documents for re-registration and obtaining a new identifier.

How can an individual entrepreneur find out his own OKPO code?

This code, first of all, is indicated in an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which, along with other registration documents, is issued by an individual entrepreneur in the tax service. This statement can be requested from the tax office if necessary and later. To do this, fill out the appropriate application and within 5 days the document will be sent to your postal address. Today, an extract from the USRIP can also be obtained electronically using a special online service of the Federal Tax Service.

If the package of registration documents was lost for one reason or another, and it is not possible to take an extract from the tax office, then the entrepreneur can request a certificate from Rosstat, which, in addition to other data, will also indicate the OKPO code. To do this, you need to contact your regional office of Rosstat, providing a completed application form for the provision of an information letter. The application must be submitted personally by the individual entrepreneur, having with him a passport, a certificate of state registration of an entrepreneur and a certificate of assignment of a TIN. Help is usually provided within five business days.

How to find out the OKPO codes of your counterparties?

As we mentioned above, the number from the All-Russian Classifier is indicated on all documents of an organization or individual entrepreneur where details are required. You can find out the code by requesting an invoice for payment or some other document from the counterparty you are interested in. Also, the OKPO code is often indicated on the seal, therefore, if it is not indicated in the document, then it is worth looking for it in the text of the imprint. Another option for answering the question: “How to find out the code of OKPO IP - counterparty?” maybe the same extract from the USRIP. In the Federal Tax Service, an extract can be obtained not only about yourself, but also about other entrepreneurs and organizations.

Important! The issuance of extracts from state registers to the Federal Tax Service is not free. In addition to the relevant application with a request to provide a document, it will be necessary to transfer to the tax authorities a receipt for payment of a special fee.

In addition, there are such ways to find out the OKPO code:

  • on the official resource of the Federal Tax Service by the TIN code, you can find out the registration address of the counterparty, then you should call the district state administration, where you will be given the required code;
  • using the resource, you can request information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Legal Entities 24 hours a day, the service is paid;
  • in the Unified State Register of Legal, in order to receive the OKPO code, it will be necessary to pay the appropriate amount through SMS messages, electronic payment systems or Sberbank;
  • using the Internet portal, based on the name, you can get complete information about the counterparty, including the necessary identifier.

It should be borne in mind that any of the methods for finding out the OKPO code of counterparties requires knowledge of any of its details: registration address, full name, TIN code, OGRN, etc.