Personal values, honesty, loyalty to the organization. What happens if I have all the necessary qualities of a Gulfstream employee, but professionally I do not cope with my duties

The information we get from asking this group is somewhat similar to the information about motivators, but it also gives us additional information about human values. This is especially important for companies with a conscious corporate culture that management seeks to preserve and strengthen, as well as in a situation where a person's work involves a lot of temptations. In addition, we recognize those behaviors that a person considers possible, most often encountered, and we can compare them with what is typical and expected in our organization.

Here are examples of answer options and their interpretation:

I. Why do people steal (work left) in some organizations, but not in others?

Because in one case, people work as if for themselves, they are interested in the success of a common cause, there is a team, and in the other, all this is not.

Positive motivation of honesty, a common cause, a team is important for a person.

You have to pay enough.

Justification of dishonesty by the desire to earn more. When receiving such an answer, you should carefully evaluate the honesty of the candidate, try to "probe" him in other ways. In fact, the candidate fully admits that if the pay subjectively does not satisfy the employee, then you can steal or work for the left.

Somewhere there is simply nothing to steal.

Similar to the previous situation: dishonesty is allowed if it is possible from a practical point of view. Also, as in the previous case, it requires additional verification.

It depends on the selection of people: there are honest people, and they should be hired.

A positive answer if honesty is cultivated in the organization and the selection of personnel is, in particular, according to this criterion. There are no subjective excuses for dishonesty in this answer: it all depends on what kind of person.

2. How do you explain this situation: the manager is on vacation, and people work as hard as in his presence?

People are interested in the result.

We get additional information about a person's motivation, and also get a positive model of a responsible attitude to business - an interest in the result.

The goals are set correctly, people know what needs to be done. Similar to the previous one, while in managing this person it is worth considering the importance of the clarity of goals.

So there is someone to exercise control even without a leader, there is a deputy, and then the leader will find out anyway. The answer requires further testing of how capable the candidate is of working without pressure and control, since in this case the only explanation for the situation was that there is still control, i.e. even the thought that people can still work is not allowed. without control.

Team, communication with people (questions 5, 6)

These questions show us the expectations and preferences for the team and environment. Moreover, we can get information of a slightly different type, using both questions from paragraph 5: ideas about a productive and comfortable team can either coincide or diverge. Of course, it's better if they match. The sixth question is more aimed at identifying expectations from individual-personal relationships, and also shows which communication model the candidate considers the most correct and successful. It remains for us to correlate the ideas of the candidate with what we have in the organization and what we consider correct. The answers to these questions cannot be considered right or wrong, but rather show how the candidate will be able to adapt in our team and how his idea of ​​​​correct communication correlates with our corporate culture.

When analyzing answers about the team, it is also worth paying attention to the balance of personal and work relationships or its absence:

Friendly, cheerful, close-knit - only personal relationships.

Structured, with clearly defined goals, professional - just a working relationship.

Professional, like-minded, mutual assistance - balance.

The interpretation itself is not particularly difficult, but it is very useful, before using these questions in an interview, to get answers from already working employees, assess how they match (homogeneity of expectations and their coincidence with the corporate culture of the company), and then compare the answers of candidates with answers prevailing among those working in the company.

Career motivation (question 7)

This question is very important: the fact is that most candidates applying for a job in a commercial structure will, in one context or another, talk about the desire for growth. Some do it simply because they consider it socially desirable (after all, it is bad to strive for nothing), others mix and confuse different concepts. This question is what helps us determine whether the candidate is really striving for career growth as such (i.e., striving to manage people) or other factors are more important to him. It often happens that people confuse the idea of ​​career growth with income growth, professional development, stable position on labor market. If we see that the substitutions career development does not happen by other factors, then we can assume what factors encourage this person to strive for career growth. Knowing them, we can complete the picture of the candidate's motivator map, as well as understand how to positively influence the employee in case of impossibility of career growth. We also get additional tools to assess whether it is worth hiring a candidate in the case when growth is not possible in the near future.

Conflicts (questions 12-15)

The answers show the main problem areas and possible reasons conflicts in different areas(organization, people, client). It is important for us to assess the degree of conflict, i.e., how serious or, conversely, how insignificant are the named possible causes of conflicts. For example, the candidate cites that the main reason for conflict with the client is that the client does not clearly describe his needs. Of course, this should not be the cause of conflicts. Thus, we can assume an increased tendency to conflict with customers, the inability to form and identify their needs. In another situation about dismissal upon passing probationary period the candidate says that, probably, he did not find mutual understanding with everyone in the team. It is also a definite signal. Let us remind once again that so far we are only making assumptions and further verification is needed, for example, using CASES. If the candidate names serious causes of conflicts (for example, the management has broken promises on the amount of compensation), then we use such answers in order to assess not the conflict as such, but to find out the candidate’s negative experience or the most fundamental points for him.

Clients (questions 13, 14)

We can assess the "bottlenecks" in working with clients that are typical for this candidate, as well as learn about his previous negative experience and determine how critical it is for us. For example, the candidate gives the answer: "The most problematic client is a client who does not know what he wants." If the duties of a future employee primarily include the formation of customer needs, if the product and the order formation process are very complicated, then it is worth considering whether such a candidate is suitable for the company. If the duties are reduced to providing information to customers who themselves applied to the company, and the formation of an order is not difficult, then this answer is absolutely neutral.

Manager (question 20)

The results of the answers to this question give us an idea of ​​which manager is best suited for this candidate. Particular attention should be paid to avoidance. It remains only to compare the candidate's answer with the real state of affairs. If we interview the leader high level, then the answer to this question also gives us information about what model of management and behavior of the leader he considers the most correct and successful. Again, we need to match this model with what we want to see in our organization.

Employee (question 19)

If the answer is given by a person who does not have experience or a pronounced inclination for leadership work, then we get an idea of ​​​​the model of success in the organization, that is, what, according to the candidate, one must be in order to be evaluated as a good employee. If the answer is given by a leader or a clearly expressed leader, then we get information about preferences according to the characteristics of subordinates. As in the previous situation, it makes sense for us to compare preferences with the real situation.

Projective interview

The proposed methodology is based on the fact that people, when talking about the past, in most cases adhere to the facts (except for situations where a person deliberately intends to distort reality), but give them those explanations and interpretations that are relevant to them now, and not to that the moment when the events took place. Of course, this is true only if the events are sufficiently (at least several years) removed in time from the present moment.

The method of analyzing early childhood memories of A. Adler made me think about the creation of such an interview method. Of course, this technique works for completely different tasks, where the interpretation is much deeper and the situations of application are significantly different from the situation of a business interview. The following facts unite these methods:

the subject describes events that are much distant in time;

the interpretation of events is based to a greater extent on representations characteristic of the current state of the subject;

it is not so much facts that are important as emotional coloring and explanations.

So, our task is to get a description and explanation of some events that are significant enough for the candidate, remote in time for several years, but at the same time somehow related to the business situation, since otherwise we can shock the candidate with intervention into his private life. Based on all these factors, it was possible to come up with the idea that served as the basis for the PROJECTIVE INTERVIEW - the idea of ​​choosing a profession. Accordingly, this type of interview is relevant only for those candidates who graduated from school no later than 5-6 years ago. It should be noted that the name of the technique is somewhat arbitrary, since it includes both an element of a projective interview and projective questions, as well as other methods, some of which we have already considered.

First of all, let's consider the very structure of the interview (see the figure), then we will give interpretations of the main, most common answers and analyze several examples of the results of such interviews.

What did you want to be when you left school?

What was chosen instead of the original?

Did you manage to become For what?

Why choose your current job

(Kind of activity)?

You are good …

(called the current work, type of activity)?

Why do you think so?

Have you had success?

What has been achieved?

Why do you think this is a success?

Have you had any failures?

What were they connected with?

How do you act in a situation

when you can't reach your goal

which they put in front of themselves?

What if it still doesn't work?

What do you consider your most strengths?

What do you consider your shortcomings?

Interpretation of results

What does this question reveal?

1. What did you want to be when you left school?

2. Why?

The motivation for a fairly serious choice, the structure of a person’s decision-making, the ability to make decisions independently, the degree of influence of other people and circumstances on the decision (if there is such an influence, we can reveal a tendency to one or another reference group). An interesting situation is critical self-assessment, in which a person shows unsuccessful motivation (for example, the institute was close to home) and critically evaluates it himself. When analyzing this answer, one can also assess the ability to clearly set goals and the ability to make forecasts for the future. In addition, the answer to this question in many cases shows the person's professional inclinations and areas of interest.

4. Why didn't they?

The degree of responsibility for failures, as well as their explanation. The ability to analyze the situation of failure and draw the right conclusions from it for the future

5. How did you manage to achieve this?

Success model: how a person is used to achieving success, what he generally considers as a way to achieve a goal. We can also assess the degree of detail - globality and how much a person tracks cause-and-effect relationships

6. What was chosen instead of the original?

Same as question 1 (fact)

7. Why?

We check and supplement the picture obtained in the analysis of the answer to question 2

8. Managed to become? For what?

Same as question 5 (success model)

9. Why did you choose your current job (type of activity)?

The choice motivation is checked, we can assess whether there are dynamics of changes in the thoughtfulness of decision making and choice motivation. In the event that the answer to the first question was due to chance, hygiene factors(for example, the proximity of the institute to home) or the ease of achieving the goal, it is important to assess whether the approach has changed in the following stages

10. Are you good... (named current job/occupation)?


11. Why do you think so?

Determining the type of reference

12. Have you had success? Describe your biggest success

Self-esteem, as well as the definition: "loner" - "team player" - "manager"

13. What made you successful?

Same as questions 5, 8 (success model)

14. Why do you think that these are successes?

Determining the type of reference

15. Have you had any setbacks?

Self-esteem, the ability to admit one's own mistakes and take responsibility for them

16. What were they connected with?

Model of failure, the ability to take responsibility

17. How do you act in a situation when you cannot achieve the goal that you have set for yourself?

The path to goal model. We evaluate several main points: purposefulness, i.e. whether or not a person refuses to move towards the goal in the event that he encounters some significant obstacles; flexibility, the ability to consider several versions or options for action in a difficult situation; the desire to request someone's help, to involve other people in solving their problem; in some cases, a reference group may appear

18. And if it still doesn't work out?

Same as the previous question, but in a tougher and more complex situation

19. What do you consider your greatest strengths? Why?

It is known that many people prepare in advance for answers to the question about advantages and disadvantages, but we may be interested in prioritization. In particular, this will give us an idea of ​​how much a person understands the suitability of the vacancy for which he is applying (for example, if a candidate wants to take a position that requires great independence in decision-making, and calls diligence his greatest advantage, then we can immediately say that his idea of ​​the relationship between a vacancy and its qualities is inadequate).

But the most important information we can glean from the answer to the second question. In this case, we can evaluate whether the candidate associates merit and achievement of goals with success. If yes, then this is a very good indicator of the adequacy of the construction of cause-and-effect relationships, as well as the focus on achievement.

do you consider your shortcomings? Why?

Interpretation is similar to question 19. In addition, we again test the ability to recognize our weaknesses

Let's consider an example of a projective interview of a candidate for the position of chief accountant and a brief interpretation of the candidate's answers.

Question answer

Response interpretation

What did you want to be when you left school? I wanted to become an international economist.

Why? I have always been interested in exact sciences and analytics, it seemed that economics was closest to mathematics, and this profession at that time provided very good career opportunities.

The area of ​​interest is the exact sciences, a person clearly sees causal relationships, can find a logical compromise (economics is closest to mathematics), a career orientation and a desire to predict the future are visible

Become? Yes.

How was this achieved?

I always studied well and knew very clearly that I wanted to go to college right away. And then she was able to pass the competition for work in her specialty, because she had a good professional reputation, which she acquired while working part-time during her studies.

Clearly traces causal relationships. The success model is good knowledge / study / work + awareness of one's own goals and a pronounced desire. Building on a positive professional reputation

Why did you change your major? (We see from the resume that the candidate works as a chief accountant.)

This profession turned out to be much more in demand and stable in the labor market, in addition, at that moment it was one of the highest paid professions. Therefore, I decided to slightly change the direction of my activity.

Career orientation, demand and stability in the labor market are reappearing, as well as material motivation. There is independence in decision-making and responsibility for decisions made. At the same time, the desire for a single line and similarity is once again manifested (“slightly changed the direction of activity”)

What made it possible to succeed in new profession?

The combination of experience as an economist and accountant helped me a lot. In addition, I am not afraid to make decisions and I can not only work on my own, but also ask others.

The "expert" model of success (reference to experience), the importance of the decision-making factor for a person, is confirmed once again, and avoidance is manifested here, i.e., one can assume a pronounced negative attitude of a person to situations in which people do not want / are afraid to make decisions. The candidate attaches great importance to the “ability to work”, high demands on himself and others are manifested

Why did you choose your current job?

I heard a lot good reviews about this company from our general auditors, and I was offered much better terms.

A high degree of focus on professional reputation is confirmed, as well as material motivation

You are good Chief Accountant?

Normal self-esteem, provided that we know about the good professional reputation of the candidate

Why do you think so?

I have always successfully passed audits, tax audits, and I have a stable accounting department that I can rely on and which I am very satisfied with.

Mixed reference, focuses on objective indicators of success (checks), as well as on your opinion of people. Sees himself as a leader, people are important, the ability to rely on them and appreciate them highly

Have you had success? Describe your biggest success.

I believe that my biggest project is the introduction of a Western accounting system in a large holding. I managed to coordinate the work of several divisions and achieve well-functioning work in just six months after the start of the implementation of the system.

Sees himself as a leader, propensity for innovation major projects. Systemic view (well-established work), a combination of capabilities and procedures

What made it possible to achieve success? A clear goal, common goals with management, the ability to achieve decisions on time.

The importance of goals for motivation, understanding the business and the organization as a whole, the importance of decision-making and the propensity for speed - factors that are significant for the candidate, the model of success

Why do you think this is a success?

Because business performance has improved.

An important factor in self-assessment and assessment of one's professional success is objective indicators of the development and success of a business

Have you had any failures?

Adequate self-esteem, the ability to admit mistakes

What were they connected with?

I couldn't stand my ground when I needed to.

The ability to take responsibility for oneself is once again confirmed by an integral part of the success model - the ability to defend one's opinion

How do you act in a situation when you cannot achieve the goal that you have set for yourself?

I think what else. I didn't try the path.

The strategy of action in the face of failure is very attractive: the candidate does not deviate from the goal, at the same time does not go ahead, but tries other options

What if it still doesn't work?

I am looking for other ways. Unless, of course, I still believe that the goal is relevant.

Here we see the significance of the fact that the candidate himself must be sure of the relevance of the goal, only in this case he continues to look for solutions. This should be kept in mind by the future manager and seek with the employee a common understanding of the relevance of the goals set at different stages of moving towards them.

What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Why?

The ability to achieve goals and not be afraid of decisions, even if not everyone likes them. This is what helped me in my professional career.

Success Model: Dignity is what helps you achieve your professional career. Career and professionalism are very valuable. The tendency to defend the decision, a certain negative experience in unpopular decisions, which is worth paying attention to, since the future employee may be inclined to be somewhat categorical in defending his opinions and decisions

What do you consider your shortcomings? Why?

I get into arguments easily. This sometimes takes too long.

He knows how to recognize shortcomings, a real shortcoming is named, not an extreme form of dignity, as advised in many articles. There is a tendency to speed, unwillingness to spend a lot of time

Thus, we have a candidate of a high level of professional and social maturity, able to make decisions, defend them and bear responsibility for them, quite stable, striving to predict the future, sometimes it can be too tough and categorical, a leader, a purposeful person with adequate self-esteem and a clear inclination to management.

As you can see, in a real projective interview, you can slightly change the wording and sequence of questions, based on what answers the candidate gives.

Everything can always be understood and forgiven. Forgive, explaining the lack of time, work, inexperience or human weakness. However, regardless of all this understanding, our values ​​​​and qualities determine what our future will be! It depends, because they determine all our thoughts, words and deeds, and hence our results! Fight for your values! Take care and develop your qualities! Otherwise, we will remain part of a society where circumstances and the surrounding crowd determine our fate. This article is required for study by all employees of the company. It is a key benchmark for defining what is "good" in our company. In this article, we will describe the main values ​​that we protect, as well as 10 qualities of an employee of our company!

More than one meeting was held with the leaders and top managers of the company before 10 qualities of a Gulfstream employee and two of our core values ​​were brought out. Discussions were held with leaders, that is, with those who are primarily responsible for the atmosphere, for the future of the company, for setting norms and for the space in which we live and want to live. These meetings were devoted to what is the most valuable and most important thing in the people of our company. What qualities should we all have in order to build the company that we will consider native, comfortable, loved and our own? Who will we not hire under any circumstances, and who are simply obliged to raise and support on the way to achieving their goals? We have developed criteria for what qualities should be present in leaders. We have developed values ​​that we will keep and protect. So,...

Values. Intelligence and care is what we protect in the company
INTELLIGENCE. But what is intelligence? Let's just say it is a person's ability to perceive, analyze and create something new. Imagine that everyone has knowledge. But not everyone can put them into practice. It is rationality that allows dreams to come true with the help of knowledge. For Gulfstream, which always strives for something more, cares about the development of the company, career ladder employee.

CARE. And we also appreciate the manifestations of care for each other, for our customers. We are sympathetic to the feelings, lives and successes of our employees and Gulfstream as a whole. Our care is manifested in friendly support, in understanding, in a warm word and even harsh criticism. Can you imagine any family without taking care of each other? If so, then nothing is left of her. meaningful word. The “Gulfstream” team is a family, and we do not scatter phrases in vain, therefore, care, the basis of the existence of the human condition, is what we value and protect.

main qualities, which an employee of our company should have
It is very important for us that only those people who have certain qualities get into the team. After all, if we accept a liar or a coward into our team, then he will affect our atmosphere, will destroy relationships or avoid achieving our goals. That is why we all must clearly understand which people we will gladly accept into our family, and which ones we should not take into the company ... After all, there are many ways to earn money, and we sincerely believe that earning income while respecting values ​​is and there is a high level of management. Therefore, let's once again recall those qualities of employees that are most important for working in the Gulfstream team:

1. Respect for people
2. Honesty
3. Absence and rejection of intrigue
4. Focus on results and performance
5. Responsibility for your words, decisions, actions or inaction
6. Lack of indifference and indifference, mutual assistance and mutual support
7. Courage, incl. in admitting their mistakes
8. Mindfulness (I am aware of what I am doing)
9. Leadership (ability to take an active position in a difficult situation)
10. Independence of thinking

What qualities must all employees have?
Note that some qualities are highlighted. Why is that? Everything is simple. The first four qualities are mandatory for a person who wants to be part of the Gulfstream team, a full-time employee of the company. They should be there from the very beginning, from the first day, and we carefully select employees for the company precisely for these qualities and decide whether this person is “our” or not… Even if a person makes an outwardly normal impression, we understand that he does not correspond these qualities, we will refuse him a job... If such a person is already in the company, he will sooner or later show both positive and negative qualities... And in case of manifestation of negative, unacceptable qualities for our company, we with management we will be forced to make a decision to part with this employee.
What qualities required for the manager And desired by employees?
Please note that there are 6 more qualities that can be developed by being accepted into the team. They add up to ten!
How to recognize the manifestations of these qualities?
We understand that the concepts of “honesty”, “respect”, “intrigue” are very subjective, depending on the point of view. That is why we judge the presence or absence of these qualities by their manifestations. At the same time, some manifestations are extremely unacceptable, and when they occur, we immediately part with the person. In some cases, we give a second chance to fix.

By what criteria can one understand that my behavior does not correspond to these qualities?

NOT Respect for people we learn...

NOT Honesty we will know...
1. Theft
2. Using the benefits of the company without the consent of the head for personal purposes
3. Bribe (embezzlement) without notifying the manager
4. Bribe (embezzlement) with the notification of the head
5. Direct deception
6. Silence of information

INTRIGUES we learn...

LACK OF RESULTS we find out...

Unlike personal relationships, everything in a company is built on agreements: between a manager and a subordinate, between colleagues, between an employee and a client (partner). Agreement means that each party provides the final results. For example, the client pays money, and the company ensures the quality and timing of the order. In the event that an employee is unable to provide the result that he undertook to achieve, and at the same time does not seek advice from the manager, then we consider this a violation key quality employee. It happens that we do not have the necessary knowledge to achieve the result, but to distinguish the inability to achieve the goal is quite simple. Ask the question: “What did you do to overcome the difficulties that arose?”, “Did you turn to the leader for help?”, “Did you follow his advice?”. If not, then there is a violation of this principle of the Gulfstream company.

There are two approaches to work - ensuring the process or ensuring the result. Someone is focused on the implementation of schemes, instructions, functional duties, and someone on whether it ensures the achievement of goals or not. Process-focused people can work long hours, but they have little interest in achieving their goals. Results-focused people are always keeping track of whether their actions are getting closer to the goal or not. They are very zealous about what they spend their time on, do not allow it to be “stealed” and always start the day with planning. Lack of performance in work is unacceptable for the Gulfstream company, but it is a signal. This means that the leader will definitely point out the discrepancy with this principle, but will always give time and help in changing the situation. Of course, if in the designated time there is no tendency to focus on goals and move towards ensuring effective work, the manager will raise the issue of a mismatch of qualities this employee the main qualities of the Gulfstream company

The main task of each employee is to adequately assess their strengths and knowledge and take responsibility for solving problems in accordance with this assessment. It is important to signal in case of uncertainty about the ability, ability or knowledge to solve certain problems. This also shows responsibility and maturity in professional work.

You can avoid inaction in the following way - ask yourself three questions when performing tasks - did I do everything in my power to complete this task, did I turn to everyone who could influence the solution of this task and signaled that this task needs to be solved.

Asking for help, you will see a desire to understand your problem, to understand your difficulties, to find out why you cannot cope with the issue on your own. This is a sign of indifference. An indifferent person will definitely start a conversation with a description of his difficulties, lack of time or other reasons, with the help of which he will immediately fence himself off from your request.

Most often, indifference is noticeable in situations where a person was asked for help, but another type of indifference, hidden, is more dangerous. For example, a company has decided to maintain cleanliness and order in common areas and workplaces. Agree that someone will pass by an abandoned piece of paper, deciding that this is a cleaning lady’s question, and someone will pick it up, because. he worries about the image and order in the office. It is impossible to describe all cases of such indifference, but it is not so difficult to convey the essence.

Of course, we can't pay attention to everything. Agree, this is true, but, as we said earlier, the question is in the reaction, in the first reaction.

What to do if you notice signs of indifference? Pay the person's attention to this moment. If he starts to delve into the issue, listens to you - this is one situation. If he immediately begins to justify himself, give a lot of reasons for his employment or explain that this issue is not within his area of ​​​​responsibility, then there is a violation of this principle. Offer to discuss this point with his supervisor if the person is really interested in finding out if he violated this principle or not. Rejection automatically means that the person is not interested in our values. In this case, I recommend discussing this issue with your immediate supervisor, because. you will have to work with this person further. It is unlikely that inaction in this situation will be the observance of our values.

COURAGE, incl. in admitting our mistakes we learn...
Courage is manifested in the performance of tasks that are quite difficult and require responsibility not only for oneself, but also for others. Courage is manifested in the desire to set and achieve ambitious results. Courage also manifests itself in making difficult decisions, as well as in admitting one's own mistakes and in the need to draw conclusions.

It is very important to notice courageous people who very consciously take responsibility, and not mindlessly “rush to the front” in an attempt to show themselves as a hero. These employees are simply irresponsible.

Awareness (I am aware of what I am doing) we will know...
Consciousness is manifested in the fact that before completing tasks, the employee asks himself the question: “Why am I doing this, and does it bring me closer to the goal that is set for me and for the team/project as a whole? Am I aware of the possible consequences of the actions I take, and also understand how this may affect others?

Lack of awareness entails mindlessly following patterns, instructions, directions, and automatically completing tasks. This approach is unacceptable in the company and can lead to senseless work of both the employee himself and many departments in general. Do not allow such an attitude to tasks!

LEADERSHIP (the ability to take an active position in a difficult situation) we will learn ...
Leadership is often perceived as the ability to lead, but in the interpretation of the Gulf Stream, this is not the most important thing. A leader is a person who, first of all, takes an active position in his life, work and any situations that, in his opinion, affect the achievement of his goals or concern his interests. It is an active position that allows such a person to achieve his goals and manage his life. The leader will never say “Well, I don't decide anything here” or “That's not my issue”. He understands that such a weak-willed position will turn him into a passive bystander who simply hopes that everything will turn out well. As you understand, only Leaders can provide results - people who take responsibility for everything that happens in their lives!

Everyone in Gulfstream should be a leader if he is interested in career and professional growth.

For a leader Leadership is a must!
For an employee - desirable.

Independence of thinking is the ability to ask yourself the question: “What do I want? Why do I want it? How can I do it? What is my personal opinion on this issue? How do I assess this situation? After all, often the options for solutions invested in us are just templates that we apply without hesitation. A person who has independent thinking will never accept anyone's suggestions and assessments “on faith”. He will ask you to explain how this offer will achieve the desired result, and will try to develop their own opinion. Perhaps it will coincide with the opinion of someone, but perhaps not. As you understand, only the Leader is capable of independent thinking.

It is very important to have a good understanding of intrigue, dishonesty or disrespect. This is important because if you were silent at the time of their manifestation, did not pay the attention of your colleagues to this, did not express your position, you essentially approved such a fact. You saw - and you were silent.

Answering common questions...
What happens if my behavior does not match these qualities?
Manifestations that indicate the absence of qualities can be either signal or critical. Critical manifestations - dismissal. Signal - the fact of parting depends on the person's awareness of the mistake and the desire to correct the situation. If he agrees that he acted contrary to values ​​unconsciously and is ready to correct himself, we will give this chance and suggest what needs to be done. If his act is critical, then we will part with him.
Why is an employee fired at a critical manifestation and what actions belong to this category?
The fact is that some human actions indicate that the roots of such behavior are practically not corrected. They are laid down at the level of education and basic values. For example, a conscious intriguer inside will remain so. Intrigue is his normal way to achieve his goals. And our remark will just make him more cautious in his intrigues, but they will remain. Or here's another example - theft. Will you be able to work and trust further the person who stole even one hryvnia? Every time you will doubt his honesty. And even if a person has corrected himself, you will no longer trust him internally.
Who makes decisions on dismissal in case of non-compliance with the basic qualities of an employee?
The key decision on dismissal is made by TOP-HR. However, he accepts it on the basis of developed criteria for compliance with the values ​​of the company or professional qualities employee.

1st criterion - compliance with values;
The 2nd criterion, if the 1st is satisfied, is professional compliance.

If the first criterion is satisfactory, and the second is not, then we try to find a position suitable for him in terms of professional qualities.

But TOP-HR first of all discusses the issue with the immediate supervisor of the employee in order to get maximum information, and his opinion will be key. However, all other top managers must understand why such a decision was made and agree with it in order to be able to communicate these reasons to colleagues and subordinates! They cannot simply remain silent and must respond to any confusion.

Therefore, all discussions BEFORE the dismissal or AFTER (if the situation did not allow) will first be discussed with the TOPs. If more than 50% do not agree with the decision due to lack of data, then HR will take the issue for further study to clarify the information.

What happens if I do not have the necessary qualities, but professionally I meet?
In this case, we will definitely part if the manifestation of quality is critical.
What will happen if I have everything necessary qualities of a Gulfstream employee, but professionally am I not doing my job?
In this case, we will try to find the work options that best suit you, however, we cannot provide a full guarantee, because in this moment may not be relevant vacancies. Yes, it is very important for us not to lose a person who is close to us in terms of values ​​and principles, but your Professional Development depends largely on your desire, zeal and desire to find your place in our company. A place where you will get great pleasure from work and be most useful to the Gulfstream team.

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The information we get from asking this group of questions is somewhat similar to the information about motivators, but it also gives us additional information about a person's values. This is especially important for companies with a conscious corporate culture that management seeks to preserve and strengthen, as well as in a situation where a person's work involves a lot of temptations. In addition, we recognize those behaviors that a person considers possible, most often encountered, and we can compare them with what is typical and expected in our organization.

Here are examples of answer options and their interpretation:

I. Why do people steal (work left) in some organizations, but not in others?

Because in one case, people work as if for themselves, they are interested in the success of a common cause, there is a team, and in the other, all this is not.

Positive motivation of honesty, a common cause, a team is important for a person.

You have to pay enough.

Justification of dishonesty by the desire to earn more. When receiving such an answer, you should carefully evaluate the honesty of the candidate, try to "probe" him in other ways. In fact, the candidate fully admits that if the pay subjectively does not satisfy the employee, then you can steal or work for the left.

Somewhere there is simply nothing to steal.

Similar to the previous situation: dishonesty is allowed if it is possible from a practical point of view. Also, as in the previous case, it requires additional verification.

It depends on the selection of people: there are honest people, and they should be hired.

A positive answer if honesty is cultivated in the organization and the selection of personnel is, in particular, according to this criterion. There are no subjective excuses for dishonesty in this answer: it all depends on what kind of person.

2. How do you explain this situation: the manager is on vacation, and people work as hard as in his presence?

· People are interested in the result.

We get additional information about a person's motivation, and also get a positive model of a responsible attitude to business - an interest in the result.

The goals are set correctly, people know what needs to be done.
Similar to the previous one, while in managing this person it is worth considering the importance of the clarity of goals.

So there is someone to exercise control even without a leader, there is a deputy, and then the leader will find out anyway.
The answer requires further testing of how capable the candidate is of working without pressure and control, since in this case the only explanation for the situation was that there is still control, i.e. even the thought that people can still work is not allowed. without

Team, communication with people (questions 5, 6)

These questions show us the expectations and preferences for the team and environment. Moreover, we can get information of a slightly different type, using both questions from paragraph 5: ideas about a productive and comfortable team can either coincide or diverge. Of course, it's better if they match. The sixth question is more aimed at identifying expectations from individual-personal relationships, and also shows which communication model the candidate considers the most correct and successful. It remains for us to correlate the ideas of the candidate with what we have in the organization and what we consider correct. The answers to these questions cannot be considered right or wrong, but rather show how the candidate will be able to adapt in our team and how his idea of ​​​​correct communication correlates with our corporate culture.

When analyzing answers about the team, it is also worth paying attention to the balance of personal and work relationships or its absence:

Friendly, cheerful, united- only personal relationships.

Structured, with clearly defined goals, professional- only working relationship.

Professional, like-minded, mutual assistance -balance.

The interpretation itself is not particularly difficult, but it is very useful, before using these questions in an interview, to get answers from already working employees, assess how they match (homogeneity of expectations and their coincidence with the corporate culture of the company), and then compare the answers of candidates with answers prevailing among those working in the company.

Career motivation (question 7)

This question is very important: the fact is that most candidates applying for a job in a commercial structure will, in one context or another, talk about the desire for growth. Some do it simply because they consider it socially desirable (after all, it is bad to strive for nothing), others mix and confuse different concepts. This question is what helps us determine whether the candidate is really striving for career growth as such (i.e., striving to manage people) or other factors are more important to him. It often happens that people confuse the idea of ​​career growth with income growth, professional development, and a stable position in the labor market. If we see that career growth is not replaced by other factors, then we can assume what factors induce this person to strive for career growth. Knowing them, we can complete the picture of the candidate's motivator map, as well as understand how to positively influence the employee in case of impossibility of career growth. We also get additional tools assessing whether it is worth hiring a candidate in a case where growth is not possible in the near future.

Conflicts (questions 12-15)

The answers show the main problem areas and possible causes of conflicts in different areas (organization, people, client). It is important for us to assess the degree of conflict, i.e., how serious or, conversely, how insignificant are the named possible causes of conflicts. For example, the candidate cites that the main reason for conflict with the client is that the client does not clearly describe his needs. Of course, this should not be the cause of conflicts. Thus, we can assume an increased tendency to conflict with customers, the inability to form and identify their needs. In another situation about dismissal after passing the probationary period, the candidate says that, probably, he did not find mutual understanding with everyone in the team. It is also a definite signal. Let us remind once again that so far we are only making assumptions and further verification is needed, for example, using CASES. If the candidate names serious causes of conflicts (for example, the management has broken promises on the amount of compensation), then we use such answers in order to assess not the conflict as such, but to find out the candidate’s negative experience or the most fundamental points for him.

Clients (questions 13, 14)

We can assess the "bottlenecks" in working with clients that are typical for this candidate, as well as learn about his previous negative experience and determine how critical it is for us. For example, the candidate gives the answer: "The most problematic client is a client who does not know what he wants." If the duties of a future employee primarily include the formation of customer needs, if the product and the order formation process are very complicated, then it is worth considering whether such a candidate is suitable for the company. If the duties are reduced to providing information to customers who themselves applied to the company, and the formation of an order is not difficult, then this answer is absolutely neutral.

Manager (question 20)

The results of the answers to this question give us an idea of ​​which leader is best suited for this candidate. Particular attention should be paid to avoidance. It remains only to compare the candidate's answer with the real state of affairs. If we interview a high-level manager, then the answer to this question also gives us information about what model of management and behavior of the manager he considers the most correct and successful. Again, we need to match this model with what we want to see in our organization.

Employee (question 19)

If the answer is given by a person who does not have experience or a pronounced inclination to leadership work, then we get an idea of ​​the model of success in the organization, i.e. what, according to the candidate, one must be in order to be evaluated as good employee. If the answer is given by a leader or a clearly expressed leader, then we get information about preferences according to the characteristics of subordinates. As in the previous situation, it makes sense for us to compare preferences with the real situation.

Human actions are governed by moral rules. Moral values ​​and norms guide and correct the life of an individual in relation to public opinion. Usually, a person is oriented towards general norms of morality and fulfills his own ethical duties. Moreover, mass patterns, stereotypes and recognized models do not affect the responsibility of people for the rejection of these principles. Everything is determined by conscience. Sometimes the concepts of "morality" and "morality" differ in shades of meaning, but in most cases they are considered synonymous. Moral values ​​are one of the fundamental concepts of philosophy.

What is included in the concept

Moral values ​​are understood as a system of people's worldview that evaluates everything that exists in terms of goodness, objectivity, usefulness and other qualities that correlate human actions with the widespread order of social traditions. The selection of significant moral priorities enables people to choose their attitude to events and actions and analyze their behavior, as well as choose the value orientation of their understanding of morality. The final moral position is expressed both in individual concrete actions and in the whole mode of action.

Moral values ​​enable people to determine their moral responsibility to relatives, friends, colleagues, society, themselves; to formulate their understanding of good and evil, objectivity and impartiality, decency and immorality. The main function of morality is the regulation of the behavior of individuals in society and the nature of their relations, depending on their understanding of the main categories of morality. The concept of morality plays an additional role in the formation of the consciousness of the individual, contributes to the emergence and strengthening of:

  • human judgments about the essence of life;
  • obligations to society;
  • the need to respect other people.

Moral consciousness evaluates behavior and actions from a position of agreement with morality: approving, condemning, supportive, sympathetic opinions. hallmark moral values ​​is that they control the consciousness and manner of action of a person in various fields life:

  1. domestic;
  2. family;
  3. communicative;
  4. working.

People face this everywhere and every day. Moral ideas strengthen the foundation of civilized relations that are created during the formation of society.

What are they needed for

The orientation of moral values ​​is determined by education since childhood. They can be both positive and negative. Many peoples have stereotyped moral principles necessary to build a civilized society in which public well-being should become more significant than personal advantages acquired at the expense of others. Moral principles regulate the thoughtfulness of statements and the evaluation of actions in advance before they are committed. They advise taking into account the interests and rights of other people, which in fact, far from every person does. Differences in the moral values ​​of people are so radical that contact can lead to a conflict situation.

Generalized representations of morality are the concepts of good and evil, which differentiate morality and immorality. Traditionally, goodness is associated with benefit to people. Although this concept has a relative meaning, because at different times the good is regarded differently. Adherence to common moral traditions and canons, as well as inherent priorities, helps a person to lead a harmonious and balanced lifestyle in society. And people whose rules and assessments do not correspond to generally accepted ones are often forced to exist apart, in isolation. An individual who commits unkind, daring, humiliating acts deserves only disapproval and reproach.

Moral principles allow the individual:

  • to be comfortable in the environment;
  • be proud of useful and noble deeds, a clear conscience.

How they are chosen

For many centuries, starting from ancient times, there has been a concept of eternal values ​​that have not lost their meaning today. Mankind has always condemned:

  • meanness;
  • ignobleness;
  • perfidy;
  • deceit;
  • dishonesty;
  • slander.

Norma and right behavior always were:

  • decency;
  • nobility;
  • loyalty;
  • sincerity;
  • restraint;
  • humanity;
  • responsiveness.

Such qualities are directly related to the upbringing and self-awareness of the individual, a sense of the importance of these character traits. Compliance with a moral model requires the individual to voluntarily comply with ethical rules. Moral values ​​and norms are manifested by moral foundations:

  • industriousness;
  • collectivism;
  • patriotism;
  • philanthropy;
  • conscientiousness.

Life requires from a person the ability to coordinate personal needs with the needs of society, the ability to pay attention to fellow men, to build friendly relations with them on the basis of mutual assistance. Love for the motherland is manifested in the veneration of traditions home country understanding of the importance of our people's contribution to world civilization. Diligence allows you to recognize the spiritual significance and importance of work for the sake of self-affirmation of a person.

System of moral principles

The value of moral values ​​depends on their level for various categories of people. There are universal, group and individual norms. By type of relationship, they can be mutually exclusive and complementary. The most important are the highest values. This is the ideal. key idea modern science it becomes that universal human norms dominate over group norms - those that serve the bourgeois class. They are part of the spiritual, material and social values ​​and have national significance, defining social regulations, the concept of independence, objectivity, impartiality, ethics. In the process of change external conditions they are capable of intraspecific transition. With the advent of innovations in society, modernized values ​​arise, and some of the former ones lose their meaning.

Self-improvement of a person involves following the principles of morality, and psychologists recommend following them daily: try to become more kind, attentive, caring, responsible. Each individual must be sincere with himself, honest, principled; regulate your thoughts, emotions; fulfill obligations, prove words with deeds. The implementation of these rules will help a modern citizen to adequately enter today's society.

The fourth value is honesty and openness. We position ourselves as a company that speaks honestly and openly about what is unacceptable for it, about what it expects from its employees. And if we do something wrong, we openly discuss with employees in order to find the right solution thanks to criticism. This is very important aspect, because although we have several ways of communicating within the company with its management, it is quite difficult for an ordinary employee to oppose if he thinks that the company is wrong about something. This requires inner courage. But the company encourages this, and we are ready for constructive criticism. At the same time, we reserve the right, just like the employees, to discuss and oppose if we believe that the position of the employee is wrong.

The employee may have one view of the situation, the company - another. Simply because each of the parties has certain knowledge about the subject or situation. Therefore, our task in this constructive communication is to get the opinion of the other side and make the right decision taking into account this opinion. Let's add that one of the ways of communication with the company is the "Careful Line", the name of which reflects such values ​​as honesty, openness and responsibility. We care, and we openly, honestly discuss our problems and strive to create an atmosphere for such open communication.

Four palms outstretched towards each other form a plus sign - this is how the value of open and honest interaction in the company was visualized by Ekaterina Anikanova, a specialist at En + Coal LLC. Her entry won the Best Logo/Emblem category. corporate competition"Redefining Ethics" at En+. Over 300 works from employees of 24 enterprises were submitted to the competition committee, chaired by En+ Group Chief Ethics Commissioner Igor Lerner.

“The palms in the logo do not have “ranks”. These are both the palms of management and the palms of ordinary employees. I wanted to show that trusting relationships need to be built between all the links in the team. It is no coincidence that four palms end up forming a plus sign. On the one hand, this is a reference to the name of the En+ Group of Companies. On the other hand, it is a symbol of unification, a single team, a single spirit that multiplies the efforts of each member of the team,” explains Ekaterina Anikanova.

She said that there were no long thoughts on the logo. Inspiration came literally the next day after I decided to participate in the competition. Perhaps, Anikanova says, ethics training, which by that time had already been completed by all employees of the company, helped such a quick decision-making. “A healthy, open atmosphere in the team is very important to me personally. That is why I chose this particular value,” adds Ekaterina Anikanova.