Career advancement. Why do some people move up the corporate ladder and others don't? You expect to be treated personally

Just because you're an introvert doesn't mean you don't have managerial potential. You must use your strengths. Career coach and entrepreneur Larry Cornette explains how this can be done in his Medium column.

We all know what we need to do to move up the career ladder: improve our skills, do quality work in a timely manner, be reliable and responsible, work in a team.

I took this approach for a long time, and it worked well as I started my career at IBM, continued my career at Apple, and then plunged into the wild and unexplored world of tech startups. Being an introvert, I took a position as an executive at eBay, became executive director at Yahoo and eventually founded a startup.

Once I realized that I need to stop pretending to be an extrovert and use my introversion in order to enjoy work and move forward. In this article, I will tell you how you can use introverted qualities to achieve high results.

Career ladder problem

There are many differences between introverts and extroverts, and some of them show up in how they move up the corporate ladder. At the beginning of their careers, introverted designers, introverted programmers, and introverted researchers are just as quick to get promoted as their extroverted counterparts.

However, some companies build a clear career path with the opportunity to grow to senior positions for ordinary employees, others do not. The management ladder is more common and may be the only option available to you.

I remember how we in the company discussed the work of our key employees and decided what tasks they would be responsible for in next year. The most common and obvious option is to promote them to the position of manager. It was then that stereotypes and expectations appeared that good leader must be an extrovert. The main argument of the company's management: “What are we going to do with them? I don't see how they can manage the team."

"65% of company directors cited introversion as a barrier to leadership," Harvard Business Review, The Hidden Benefits of Quiet Bosses.

Employees are aware of this prejudice. Most likely, many have even heard from the boss that in order to get a promotion, they need to change their behavior. At this stage, many gave up: “Well, apparently, leadership is not for me,” they thought. This is very sad, as many of the hidden strengths of introverts will help them become a great leader in the future.

By the phrase "change behavior" leaders often mean that you need to respond correctly in difficult situations, be more confident, make difficult decisions for a short time and interact with the team.

Well, first, let's understand what introversion is.

accept yourself

For most of my career, I believed that I needed to act like an extrovert. I observed the success of my "open and sociable" colleagues and believed that in order to achieve the same results, I must change my behavior.

That's exactly what I did. I took part in social networking events, learned how to speak in front of an audience, and turned a blind eye to the discomfort I felt. Many of my colleagues still do not believe that I am an introvert.

Did it work? Yes, it was like that for a while. I was promoted to a managerial position and started climbing the corporate ladder. Did it last long? No. You can suppress your introversion for a few years. However, you will constantly feel discomfort and stress.

I believed that my real qualities were flaws and weaknesses that needed to be fought. What mistake! Some hidden traits of introverts, on the contrary, help them achieve high results in their work. They need to be developed, not suppressed. For example:

    Introverts can develop deep relationships with colleagues and form alliances.

    Introverts think about problems, do deep research, and eventually find the right solution.

Many personal qualities of introverts can become powerful leadership tools. Introverted behavior patterns can help you redefine leadership so you can become a better leader.

A new type of leader

Today, when many employees are dissatisfied with their work and most often leave it because of a bad boss, it becomes obvious that the standard extroverted model does not always work in leadership.

Below I have provided seven examples of how introversion can be used as a powerful leadership tool.

1. Empathy versus detachment

I realized that I enjoy developing the careers of others and building mentoring relationships that go beyond the company. I was a coach-mentor, and this helped me not only develop the talent of my employees, but also build strong relationships with talented people that lasted for decades.

3. Strategic vision vs. action

A true leader must have the ability to create and communicate a strategic vision. We have all seen companies fail when they fail to motivate their employees with a compelling and inspiring vision. Introverts can find ways to create this vision.

Of course, it is important not only to have this vision, but also to put it into practice. This is one of the most difficult tasks for introvert managers.

For example, it was very difficult for me to constantly take part in operational meetings. This is how I imagined hell: stuck in a small room, listening to other people's conversations, chatting with colleagues during breaks, participating in arguments and discussions.

I spent hours looking out the window at the trees, dreaming of getting out of the room and taking a walk. I needed a break, some time to recharge, if only for a few minutes.

I encourage you to clearly define your role and spend more time creating a strategic vision for your product. However, you still need to complete your official duties. How?

Trust and delegate. Hire smart people and send them to these meetings. You must abandon the traditional "command and control" management style.

“Employees today are not interested in leaders who adhere to the “command and control” style. They won't work because I said so. They will work because they want to.” – Irene Rosenfeld

Good leaders must fulfill a wide range of responsibilities for the company. However, they cannot handle everything on their own. Invest in your introverts strengths to inspire and motivate people. Delegate things smart people who you hired and motivated.

4. Innovation vs. Brainstorming

If you want to move up the career ladder, you need to demonstrate the ability to come up with new ideas to improve a product or service, organizational structure or workflow. To do this, you must spend some time thinking and looking for new solutions. It is often very difficult to come up with new brilliant ideas in a group.

In my 23-year career, I've never seen even one brilliant idea come up during a brainstorming session. Still, companies will continue to believe in the myth that teamwork and open offices are the key to innovation. Unfortunately, such a culture prevents introverts from coming up with innovative and creative ideas.

At one of my companies, we take a different approach: we tell employees about the problem, leave them alone and let them do whatever they want. This is heaven for introverts.

“It has been scientifically proven that brainstorming is a bad way to come up with ideas. If you have talented people on your team, they must work alone.” – Dr. Adam Furnham

I am not saying that group meetings are ineffective. I think they help you get into the details of idea evaluation and execution planning. However, brilliant and breakthrough ideas are not born in group sessions.

5. Deep Thinking vs Instant Decisions

A study published in 2012 in the Journal of Neuroscience points to physical differences between the brains of introverts and extroverts. In particular, introverted brains show thicker areas of the prefrontal cortex associated with abstract thinking and decision making. This partly explains why introverts tend to think things through, while extroverts live in the moment.

Introverts need more time to come to their own conclusions. They should think about the problem well, do a little research, evaluate possible options. It is difficult for them to make a decision right here and right now. Unfortunately, this is exactly what many companies require of them. The need to make decisions quickly will arise in telephone conversations and at meetings.

I still don't like this type of pressure, so I refused to make decisions without thinking them through thoroughly. If you find yourself in the same situation, state firmly that you need more time to think.

I know this goes against the culture of Silicon Valley companies that prefer to "go fast and break everything in their path." However, at some point, you begin to understand that you need to think about yourself and work in a way that makes you comfortable. If your boss refuses to accept this, it might be time to change jobs.

6. Mentoring versus leadership

As I mentioned earlier, I like to have tête-à-tête meetings with team members. So I can give them advice and guide them in their careers. I know that relationships with talented people go beyond the company. I have maintained friendships with some colleagues for over 20 years.

I have always been against managing people as "resources". I do not agree with the approach that the work must be done by a certain moment, and the team is a resource in order to make it all possible. Many managers are very tactful and rarely give long-term guidance to their employees.

Some of the companies I've worked for in the past argue that a manager must have mentoring and training skills. But let's be honest, how many of our bosses have been great mentors?

The ability to teach and mentor will help you excel in leadership positions. As an introvert, you will try to avoid group discussions, but deep one-to-one conversations will seem natural and comfortable to you.

Play to your strengths and sides, rather than acting like you're running some kind of amorphous team, and that's good for your career.

7. Public speaking versus casual conversation

What do extroverts and introverts have in common? They are afraid of public speaking. However, a huge number of well-known introverts were excellent speakers (for example, Barack Obama).

I often talk about the importance of public speaking for my career, but I understand how difficult it is to overcome this fear. This takes a lot of work and practice. Mastering this skill will have a huge impact on your career.

Some of your introverted qualities can actually help you become a good speaker. Introverts can quietly spend a lot of time researching, preparing and practicing in order to master the desired skill by a certain point. They also focus their presentation on the key message and not on themselves.

Like many others, I myself was afraid of speaking in front of an audience for a long time. However, one day I realized that in fact it was the fear of two completely different and at the same time related problems.

First, I was afraid of failure. Nobody wants to make a fool of themselves in front of a huge group of people. However, the fear of failure can be easily overcome with practice and preparation, which is quite within the power of an introvert.

The second problem was my fear of networking and casual conversations. I have always associated public performance with group discussions. After I took part in such activities, I realized that they had nothing to do with what made me uncomfortable.

Accept your introversion

Don't pretend to be someone else. This will not help you achieve high results in your career. Fortunately, modern companies are starting to recognize the fact that successful teams are made up of different people, and introverts can be the great leaders that employees need.

Think about how you can use your latent introverted qualities in your career. Are there companies that see the unique value you can bring to their organization?

Ultimately, we all want to spend our time and energy on the things we enjoy. Take full control of your career ladder and you can shape your future and use the power of introversion to make it happen.


Thinking outside the box is a very valuable quality that helps to find an unexpected and effective solution where others are racking their brains. To develop non-standard thinking in yourself, wean yourself to think stereotypically and stereotyped, try to look at the tasks assigned to you from a different angle. Drop the boundaries and rules and turn the problem you need to solve on its head. Non-standard thinking is also associated with changes in the ordinary and familiar. Therefore, try to change the environment, environment, habits and way of thinking.

Responsibility, initiative and independence are the qualities that contribute to the rapid development of a career. When a few or a large number of people work on a project, most often they lose interest and initiative. If no one takes responsibility, take matters into your own hands. Moreover, a project for one person has more chances of success. What is not a reason to prove yourself in the right quality?

The desire to learn helps to move forward, does not allow you to get stuck on the knurled rut of a monotonous routine. Usually, when a person has occupied a certain niche and gained a foothold in it, he loses the desire to learn something new and improve. Laziness does not allow to develop further. Therefore, do not lose motivation, be positive and always ready for the new and the unknown. A person who is constantly learning and has a broad outlook has a great chance of success.

Attention to detail and a tendency to understand all the nuances of work (meticulousness) is a sign of a true professional. Your opinion will be recognized as authoritative even by the most inveterate debaters. A professional in any field is a person who is valued and respected, who is reckoned with.

Willingness to help - a quality that will help you yourself when you need someone else's help. After all, what we give to others, according to the "boomerang law" returns to us. Of course, you should not become a trouble-free person who helps because he does not know how to say "no" and tries to serve everyone. Such people are usually simply used by others for their own purposes.

Humility attracts people, arrogance repels. If you are a professional in your field and at the same time have modesty, you will certainly be appreciated. However, you need to know the measure in everything. One thing is modesty combined with a sense of dignity and self-confidence, another is excessive meekness, which can play a cruel joke on you. It is important to find the right balance.

A sober mind and the ability to find practical solutions at the right time is a very useful quality that most successful people. Many people do not know how to manage emotions, and therefore often make rash decisions, which they later regret. You must become a person who knows how to make the right, informed decisions.


If you are an ambitious person, you probably plan to move up the career ladder. To achieve your goal, you will need to observe strict discipline, always maintain positive attitude and follow some important principles.


Keep track of your appearance. Employers often pay attention to how their employees dress. If you work for a large firm, try to look the part. A formal suit will show that you are a responsible person who is serious about his work. If you wear casual clothes, you will show that you are not too dedicated to your work and do not pay much attention to it.

Do not stand aside when resolving difficult situations that arise within the team. Be a proactive person, communicate more often with superiors and work colleagues. To show leadership qualities, you must be willing to do work that is not directly related to your professional duties. By doing so, you will make it clear that you are doing your job well and are ready to help your colleagues. Such activity will show your superiors that you can always be relied upon. He will see that you are working not only for yourself, but are truly interested in the life of the whole company.

Always prepare for important meetings and negotiations. If you want to present to your superiors your vision of solving any problems or suggest improvements in the organization of the business process, be prepared to show a clear plan, presentation, various diagrams, etc. Avoid situations where your proposals will seem unfinished, never come to meetings unprepared. This will let your employer know that you are doing an excellent job with your current responsibilities and are ready to take on a higher order job.

It is extremely important to always remain a responsible person. Remember that by delegating certain responsibilities to you, the employer is counting on you as a person who will take them seriously. If you make mistakes, bear responsibility for them, be prepared to admit your mistakes. It is very important for employers to know that you are ready to take responsibility for your actions.

Always follow the deadlines that the employer sets for you. If you are doing any work, do not get distracted by anything, even helping your colleagues. This is especially true if your position in the company has great importance and the results of your work are very important. In addition, postponing even the most petty work, you will appear before the employer as an optional person who is not ready to focus on the tasks at hand.

Learn to say “no” if you disagree with colleagues or superiors. Constant agreement on all issues will not bring you benefits. You must show that you have your own opinion and your vision of the situation. However, it is necessary to object and refuse correctly. There are many ways to do this, but they must all begin with the word "sorry." This way you will show that you are acting sincerely, not sabotaging other people's initiatives or the demands of your superiors.

Every person working anywhere dreams of getting a high position. But many are wondering: "How to do it?" In this article, I will talk about several ways to climb the career ladder.

Skill Development

The most important thing is to develop your professional skills. If you are on large enterprise, you may be able to find courses in your specialty through your place of work for free. Of course, not all enterprises train their employees. But it will not be so difficult to find courses on your own. For example: through the Internet, watch ads on TV or in newspapers. It may seem to you that you are an experienced specialist and you no longer need to develop. But after you start practicing, it will immediately become clear that you still have something to learn.


Complete all tasks on time! You need to complete all tasks by the deadline, but you should not linger after the end of the working day, because this will show that you do not have time to cope with the tasks.

It doesn't matter what your position is - an employee or a boss who only indicates,. In any case, all orders must be completed on time.

New ideas

Try to come up with new ideas, bring them to the authorities and implement them. Thus, you will stand out with your activity among the rest. For example, you can suggest to the authorities to introduce contactless cards, which will be the best and most convenient tool for customers.


In order to keep up with tasks and remember to do other things, you need to be able to manage your time and create a work schedule in advance that will help you navigate the time and complete all the work on time.

Location of superiors

One of the main and important ways to climb the career ladder is to win over the bosses. Follow all assignments, don't be shy to ask your employer if you don't understand something. If, upon receiving the assignment, you could not understand it, go to the boss and tell him that you did not understand certain points, but you should not say that you do not understand anything!


Don't be afraid of change and be ready for it! Flexibility is professional quality worthy worker! The management should see that you have many skills and are able to adapt to any situation, moreover, do not lose your face and adequately cope with any tasks!


Set goals for yourself and achieve them! Get in the habit of setting various goals for yourself and doing everything to achieve the final result!

Watch for the mistakes of others!

In order not to make unnecessary mistakes, observe your colleagues and write down all the mistakes they made. IN free time analyze all these errors. If you do this, you will make much fewer mistakes.

The main thing is to believe in yourself and in your abilities. Don't give up, know that you will succeed.

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Why do some people move up the corporate ladder and others don't? What special things do they do to once again take a step up? Is it because they have been with the company for a long time?

First of all, you need to ask yourself, how much growth do you expect? Often, a promotion doesn't necessarily mean a promotion. wages, it's just a job title change.

And how often does a person advance without having sufficient qualifications? Probably too often to count.

According to a Gallup study, 82% of companies are not able to grow, train a successful manager, so obviously there is a problem on both sides.

Many people think that the only way to get promoted is to work overtime to show the company how hard they are trying.

But this is a delusion.

First, there are several reasons why people don't get promotions.

Second, there are things to keep in mind when trying to get promoted.

Here are a few reasons that prevent promotion. By working on them, you will definitely be able to succeed.

1. Lack of Required Skills

The so-called “Peter principle” is relevant here - you must be familiar with “with”, even if you are not yet familiar with. This management concept says that people are promoted based on their skills in their current position, not their future one, but it is important to know what skills are needed to be successful in the position you want.

The obvious way to fix this is to learn the skills required for the position you're trying to get. Of course, this is easier said than done, but it must be done.

How? Feel free to ask whoever is currently in this role or someone in HR what skills are needed and there will definitely be a way to develop those skills.

2. Lack of so-called “soft skills”

Usually, applying for a higher position, you need to develop more “soft skills”, such as communication and problem solving.

For example, when a developer software becomes a team leader and is now responsible for the training, development and coaching of his employees. He often doesn't have the necessary "soft skills" to be a good coach. Most developers seem to be in a kind of bubble with the same headphones.

Mastering these skills is a little more difficult, but it can also be done. You need to take the initiative and become a mentor for new employees. This will show management a willingness to act.

3. No Feedback

Feedback is essential to help you grow and develop, so don't avoid it. Many people make this mistake. natural reaction feedback- take a defensive position and make excuses, but instead, it is worth understanding why they are talking about it. Worth listening and seeing what can be improved.

How about getting a promotion?

Sometimes companies themselves conduct various surveys of employees to determine their satisfaction with their current position. But this is rather an exception.

4 tips to get the promotion you want:

1. Speak up

It is important to remember that everyone, in any position, is dealing with their own personal problems. Managers do not have time to notice every little thing that you do. That's why it's important to speak up to get noticed.

And one more piece of advice - publicly praise your colleagues. This will show senior management that you are ready to be a leader who recognizes the work and accomplishments of your team.

2. Find a mentor

Above in the article it was already mentioned that you need to be a mentor for other people, but also, each person should have a mentor from whom he learns himself.

Dmitry Kasyanov, head of the department for work with legal entities MIA "Russia Today"

Someone might object that irreplaceable people can not be! However, it is easier for an employer to try to retain a valuable employee than to grow a full-fledged replacement by spending a huge amount of time and material resources.

Employers in young employees value, above all, the twinkle in their eyes, with which they are eager to fight. The notorious initiative, which is so cherished and cherished by many companies, is most often the lot of young employees. And, as always, the question arises: where to start?

To begin with, carefully study the work of your unit. Define it weak sides. This is not at all difficult to do. Analyze in what aspects your unit requires the most control, it can be efficiency, quality, adherence to procedures, etc. As a rule, what is most controlled by the leader is the weak point of the unit.

In addition to your own analysis You can chat with colleagues who are related to you at work. For their part, they always have an opinion about what issues could be “pulled up”.

Once you have defined your task, begin to actively study everything that can be useful to you in solving the problems of your unit. Look for publications of the best authors, read articles, books. The most important thing is to immediately try to apply new knowledge. Otherwise, it will remain an interesting reading and no more.

The main requirement for the task you will take on is that it must be solvable in the foreseeable future.

Pay attention to which of your leaders is really interested in the development of the unit. You need to contact him with offers! If the boss is indifferent to what is happening, you will not receive support, but rather you will even acquire a reputation as an upstart who, before he has time to come, tries to indicate what and how to do.

Be careful about taking the initiative. The initiative is acceptable only within your official duties. Suggestions to improve the work of the “whole company” will be ignored or will cause a negative reaction.

In any case, it’s not worth taking on grandiose things right away, especially since they may not be trusted at first, so start small. There are always issues that the unit either deals with “insofar as” or does not deal with at all. It is on them that you need to focus in the first place: streamline, improve, determine a phased implementation schedule, help find resources within the company. This will help you express yourself.

Be sure to agree with the leader on how to solve the problem and proceed. Having taken the initiative, having successfully dealt with even small matters that have been waiting in the wings for a long time, you will prove that you can be relied upon.

In parallel, try to find out what are the plans for the nearest development of your unit. Perhaps, it is planned to introduce new software tools, develop new methods and instructions, expand the powers of employees, etc. Whatever it is, you must be involved in this activity. Everything cutting edge and new will give you a chance to prove yourself. Colleagues who have been working in your department for more than one year perceive all innovations as an unnecessary and useless burden that distracts from work. Therefore, it is you who should be at the forefront in working with everything new. Be proactive and take responsibility for participating in new projects. Your colleagues will not even notice how you are a few steps ahead.

Most Right way to career growth - to occupy an empty niche. It makes no sense to compete with more experienced colleagues - this is a dangerous and inefficient way. Successful careers are built this way. You move from one empty niche to another without competing with anyone. Competition gives rise to struggle, but only a few can emerge victorious from it, and moreover, spending a fair amount of time and vitality.

To be the best means to succeed in specific task, specific issue. No need to spread out and try to cover everything at once.

By being the best at just one or two things, you'll already be an expert. How to understand what happened? Colleagues will begin to turn to you for advice and help. Managers will try to involve you in solving more complex and important tasks. On top of that, you will earn a reputation as an irreplaceable employee and ensure yourself untouchable even in difficult times for the company.

Go from decision simple tasks to more complex ones. The more significant the consequences of solving problems, the more valuable they are.

Don't stop there, keep learning. Feel free to share your experience and knowledge with colleagues. And most importantly - do not give up halfway through, always bring what you started to its logical end. It's nice to start and quit - it's even worse than doing nothing at all!

Let's draw some conclusions:

  1. Identify weaknesses in the unit and think about what you personally can do to change the situation in better side. Start small.
  2. Use the experience of the best of the best in your work: read the most advanced books and articles.
  3. Work for tomorrow: participate in new projects, be the first to start applying new things in your work.
  4. Offer caring leaders ways to solve non-standard tasks. There are often simple answers to complex questions!
  5. Do not join the fight, look for an unoccupied niche. There are always tasks for which there is not enough competent employee.
  6. Be proactive and don't be afraid to take responsibility. If necessary, seek help from colleagues, but in the process of completing a task, in no case should you shift responsibility to others.
  7. Always finish what you start!

These simple tips will help you in a fairly short time to do what your colleagues could not achieve in a few years, going with the flow.

Success in your career!

The term "career" can reflect both the dynamic, evolving over time, and the static side of the concept. For example, images of a career path, a career ladder refer to the dynamic side of this concept, and the scientific construct “career anchors” identified by E. Shane seems to be a stable static mechanism, which reflects the essence of the described phenomenon.

J. Greenhouse offers a broad classification of career success factors. It summarizes seven groups of characteristics associated with professional success: career strategies, interpersonal relationships, family relationships, investment in human capital, motivational factors, organizational characteristics, and personality characteristics.

According to E.G. Moll career development can be influenced by situational, institutionalized and individual factors of personality development.

The American specialist Edgar Shane developed the concept of "Career Anchors". He argues the need to determine his "career anchor" - an interest or value that a person will never give up if he has to make a choice.

Shane identified the following "career anchors":

    A specialist who really likes his profession and who is extremely interested in being a good specialist in this profession, is an example of a person with techno-functional anchor or value. Such a person will have little interest in a job involving general management, unless he has the opportunity to study the specialty in detail. A person with a technical-functional orientation usually has a strong need to feel that he belongs to a professional association, and takes pride in the fact that he is a skilled practitioner in his field. In order to interest an employee who is distinguished by a technical and functional orientation, the manager must:

    create opportunities for this person, the implementation of which will ensure him recognition from his colleagues in the profession;

    constantly provide him with opportunities to solve professional problems in his specialty;

    promote that person in a professional or technical excellence career, or offer him or her a reward related to the development of such a career, rather than a career related to general management or leadership.

2. Unlike a technical and functional specialist, an employee who has aptitude for general leadership, strong motivation will arise in situations where he can perform functions related to general leadership. For such a person, the need to belong to his original profession, for example, an electrical engineer or a specialist in computer software development, is practically absent. Such a person rather strives to climb more and more high levels organizational control and leadership.

For example, as a member of a project team, such a person might be interested in:

    the ability to manage any aspect of the project;

    the ability to introduce system and order into the work of the team;

    specific forms of recognition, such as monetary rewards, status and titles, as well as the recognition of senior managers, which is considered by the specialist as a sign of possible promotion in the future.

3. Employee, driven by a desire for independence- this is the specialist who always tries to do everything in his own way, in his own style and manner. Such a person does not need an external structural framework other than assessing whether he achieved his goals and whether he managed to meet the deadlines in doing so. Such a person may have difficulty working in a team, as he usually prefers to approach work in his own way, and he is often considered a player who is unable to play in a team. in the best way to form motivation in a person driven by the desire for autonomy will be:

    give him a task that will allow him to act independently with minimal supervision;

    offer him a job in which he will bear great responsibility and be able to lead this project from beginning to end;

    do not appoint this person to perform functions that involve constant group decision-making, as well as to roles that involve general management functions.

4. In today's ever-changing and unpredictable world, motivating such a person can be a problem for a manager, as this team member is experiencing the need for continuous and stable work. For such an employee, keeping this job for a long time is often main goal. Typically, these professionals tend to work as part of a team in the government sector. Solving problems, working in a new role and innovative solutions do not interest them. When motivating such team members, emphasis should be placed on:

    assigning them to more traditional and less risky roles;

    assigning them to tasks that they will also be able to perform in new projects after the completion of the current project;

    participation in long-term projects that could give them the opportunity to feel “attached” for a sufficiently long period of time.

It can be expected that such a team member will experience anxiety when the project is nearing completion due to the uncertainty of the next assignment. The manager should try to help him in this situation by actively working with this person to determine what his next appointment will be and, if possible, show him how his new appointment will be related to the old one.

5. Depending on the nature of the activity, team member with an entrepreneurial streak can be a source of great joy or a big headache for the leader. Such a person will strive to create new business ventures and look for a situation in which the probability of developing their own vision of the case and then turning it into reality would be quite high.

In a team work situation, such people work most effectively when they can apply rationalization and creativity. They begin to experience anxiety when performing routine or predictable tasks. Entrepreneurial employees are suited to projects that involve building new products with other members, or projects that require creative alliances with another department or other companies.

The best way to motivate such a person would be to:

    actively involve this team member in the development of the big picture of the project, as well as in the work at the start-up stage of the project;

    do not assign him to such work, which limits the field of his work and activities too narrow;

    Move them quickly to start-ups and new ventures as the current project progresses, as such a team member is less likely to be able to effectively complete the job.

6. Such a person strives to be useful in professional activities which has a personal meaning and value for him. People with such inclinations often choose "helping" professions, such as medicine, teaching, and counseling. Regardless of the choice of profession, such a person strives to be useful or help others.

In order to motivate such a team member, he should be assigned to a job where he can:

    provide services such as "customer service" to other team members or project participants;

    in situations where the client makes complaints and a person is needed who would like to help and be useful;

    perform tasks they deem necessary in order to improve someone's life or to help someone do their job or duty better.

7. Motivating such an employee will not be difficult. The inner desire of such a person is to solve such problems and perform such duties that allow him to "stretch his muscles" and evaluate his strength. This is a classic example of a person with a high level of intrinsic motivation, constantly striving to challenge himself by solving new professional (and personal) problems for himself.

An employee with a strong need to test his strength can be a very ambiguous "good" for the leader. A manager will certainly appreciate a person who seeks to solve complex problems in situations where a volunteer is needed who is ready to take on the difficult and risky task that occurs in any business. On the other hand, when such an employee is offered to perform more “earthly”, routine tasks, this can be a problem for the manager, since this team member may lose motivation and even show his discontent.

What to consider when deciding how to interest such employees:

    offer them as varied and, if possible, new appointments as possible;

    Initially, conduct conversations with them in order to determine what other work they would like to take on, which could be a test of strength for them;

    remember that they can be used in critical situations when a “hero” is needed in order to save the day.

This value does not contradict active participation in professional work, but it says that for such an employee, the main priority in life will be to live in accordance with what he considers the ideal lifestyle. This focus on lifestyle may indicate that they value their personal time and that the fulfillment of professional duties should not take away from them time that they consider personal.

8. For such a person, the main thing is balance between work and personal life. Such a person will highly appreciate the organizational flexibility of work, i.e. flexible working hours or the use of telecommunications to receive and send work. Formation of motivation in such a person is a simple task, for this you need to provide him with the opportunity to:

    to carry out such buildings that have a clear beginning and end and which will not regularly occupy his personal time;

    participate in the performance of such functions that do not require frequent and / or long business trips or relocation to other geographical areas;

    work part-time, which will give him the opportunity to combine work with his personal hobbies.

In the process of forming a personnel career management system, it must be taken into account that a career is an interaction of three groups of factors:

    Personality of the person

    The professional environment in which a person works and develops

    Outside the working environment in which he lives and rests

Let us analyze the factors influencing career growth and, in general, the career itself as a whole. There are external and internal factors.

It is possible to conditionally divide the external factors of career development into two areas: general (non-service) and special (service). This division is conditional, since the factors operating in the non-service sphere form many characteristics of an employee that have career significance, and, conversely, official position largely determines his attitude, behavior, ties in the family and society. Let us turn to the table of external career factors.

Table 4

External factors of career development

General scope(off-duty)

special sphere(service)

1. Family. The family can be a source of career energy in the service, or maybe its silencer. If for a family the service is a family tradition, a source of satisfaction of material and social needs, it supports the career of an employee, is proud of his achievements, creates a favorable environment at home for working on oneself.

1.Organizational structure. The structure of the organization determines job models; professional requirements to a specialist; a list of functions that a professional should perform in a particular position, opportunities for professional and career growth

2. The close environment of the employee and his family. It develops on the basis of constant relationships with childhood friends, studies, and the first stages of service. These relationships are strengthened by common interests and similar career goals. Recognition by this environment of human achievements is a significant incentive for its further development.

2. Personnel policy organizations. Philosophy of the organization in relation to young professionals; the chances of getting a higher position, whether conditions are created for training, advanced training, retraining; What is the system of remuneration in the organization.

3.Macroenvironment - the world community. Motherland, city, village. A full-fledged stable career will not take place if you do not keep abreast of international events, neglect the history of the fatherland, be indifferent to the fate of your country, and support anti-social political movements.

3. Social, legal regulations activities.

4. Social norms, culture, economic standard of living, development of technology, progress. It is necessary to constantly monitor technical innovations, to catch in the achievement of science and practice that which can enrich professional experience.

4.Working conditions. The mode of work and rest, medical care for personnel, the duration of the working day and week; the presence of overtime work, the presence of business trips and their duration.

5. Knowledge of the life of the business world is the basis for organizing your service in accordance with the changes taking place in it.

5.Principles of personnel advancement. Requirements for the qualifications of employees at each stage of professional and career advancement.

An analysis of internal factors influencing career development allows you to check your internal readiness for future professional activities and outline ways for further professional and personal development:

1. Factor of human ability. The easiest and surest way to identify your abilities is to analyze the experience of your activity, find out what you are most successful in. It is wise to start such an analysis by identifying the activities that give you the most pleasure. However, activity is always associated with solving problems, many of which do not correspond to the sphere of personal interests. An internal resource can be activated in two ways. The first is the development of what is not interesting: in the process of increasing knowledge about the subject of activity, the ability to handle it, it becomes “one's own” and interesting. The second way is to involve the will in an undesirable but necessary activity.

2. The factor of the ability to awaken, maintain and develop activity in solving professional problems and advancing in professional skills. This ability is closely related to human temperament. When planning a career, a differentiated orientation to the type of temperament is necessary.

3. The factor of self-confidence, the desire for leadership, a sense of duty and responsibility. There is a danger that confidence can be transformed into self-confidence, the desire for leadership degenerates into lust for power and vanity, which can deform the career process with a focus on selfish goals. At the same time, the dominance of the properties of a sense of duty and responsibility in the personality structure fetters initiative, creativity, gives rise to uncertainty and fear for the consequences of decisions made.

4. Factor of professional knowledge and experience. In each area of ​​professional activity, the set of these components is specific. But all of them are determined by the qualification requirements for the position held and the specialty received. Even more important for a successful career is an orientation towards the demands that professional life makes today and will make tomorrow.

5. Factor of interest and ability to learn and gain experience. Abilities develop in activity, therefore self-development of abilities consists in the constant achievement of new frontiers. Interest has an amazing ability - not to disappear after the successful achievement of the goal, but, on the contrary, to increase.

6. Health factor. The relationship between health and career is very significant. Any advancement of a person is associated with loads on the body, since in connection with this there is a tension of protective forces, the mobilization of bodily and neuropsychic resources to adapt to changes and solve life problems. In this regard, it is necessary to have certain anti-stress programs.

The satisfaction of the employee with his professional destiny and personal life, as well as his labor productivity, which directly affects the efficiency of the organization, depends on how correctly the career path is chosen and implemented.

So, career development is effective only when a person makes maximum use of internal resources and takes into account the possible influence of external factors of professional advancement towards the intended goal. The internal resources of a person determine his way of achieving this goal. However, it is necessary to know and take into account the influence of career growth factors on a person, and then career advancement will be successful.