Presentation "Successful Student - Successful Future". Presentation on the topic “Successful people Presentation on the topic of how success people come

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"Success should be measured not so much by the position that a person has achieved in life, but by the obstacles that he overcame, achieving success" Booker Tagliaferro, US politician What is success, what do you think?

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From a psychological point of view, success is the experience of a state of joy, satisfaction because the result that a person aspired to in his activity either coincided with his expectations, hopes, or exceeded them. On the basis of this state, new, stronger motives for activity are formed, the levels of self-esteem and self-esteem change. In the event that success becomes stable and permanent, a kind of reaction can begin, releasing huge, hidden for the time being, human capabilities.

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Success is predictable. At the heart of his expectation can be both reasonable hopes and hope for a miracle. Miracles, although they do happen, but success cannot be born from scratch. Ascertainable. Records the achievements of a person, gives joy and good mood, gives the recognition of others, a sense of their capabilities and faith in the future. Generalizing. The expectation of success becomes gradually a steady need. On the one hand, this is good. This is a state of certainty. On the other hand, there is a danger of overestimating one's capabilities, of calming down. Besides, along with success, there is always failure.

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Many of our contemporaries express the idea that a person is then drawn to knowledge when he experiences the need for learning, when he is driven by healthy motives and interest, supported by success. This process is called self-development.

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Self-development. A person, in addition to studying or working, should engage in self-development, read additional literature, study the media. Self-development helps a person to receive new and useful information for him. With self-development, a person does not stand still, and does not wait for the actions of others, he strives and moves forward himself. Self-development helps a person to be one step ahead of others, and it depends only on him!

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Remember! Teaching is a light that gives a person confidence in his actions and deeds. It is the school's goal to help students acquire this confidence. However, one often hears phrases from schoolchildren about unwillingness to fulfill homework and even go to school. Some children do not seek to expand their knowledge: they are passive in the classroom. And in vain!

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Evaluation of any result always involves consideration in pairs: knowledge - ignorance, luck - failure, success - failure. The pursuit of knowledge is a way to overcome ignorance. Striving for success is a way to overcome failure. These series could be continued, but one thing is clear - failure (one's own, of course) cannot be loved, it does not bring joy, but it should be respected. It is always possible, even inevitable; without it, success loses its appeal. Only the depth of failure helps a person to comprehend the full depth of success. One does not exist without the other.

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We all read books, watch TV, communicate with quite a lot of people. Surely each of us knows people who are called "lucky" and who are said to be born in a shirt. These representatives of humanity feel good in our difficult world. They are always lucky, circumstances are favorable for them. They never complain about the lack of money, they achieve the positions they want. They look cheerful and carefree.

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They are successful in everything and always, but you look closely - and there is nothing special in appearance, and their height is small, and their hair is burdock. But there is something in them. Something that attracts other people, makes you talk to them, listen to their opinion, follow them.

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But we also know people who are unlucky in this life. They came into this world not to rejoice, but to serve their punishment. They work by the sweat of their brow, but their bread is always scarce, and there is never enough money for what they would like. At best, they can hope to be lucky in the future. Therefore, they always buy not what they want, but what they have money for, and then they still worry, parting with the money and doubting: “Was it worth it?”

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The world is at war with them. They do not achieve the desired positions - always some "bad" person intercepts the desired position. This gives them reason to envy him. However, they envy everyone and everything: that wife is more beautiful, this husband earns well, they repaired the apartment better, and these are already changing the third car in three years, but with me ... Such people are in eternal irritation, everything is not for them . These are the losers.

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The purpose of our parent meeting- explore what qualities you need to have in order to achieve success in life. We must realize what “success”, “successful person” means, and analyze what qualities are formed in school life Do they contribute to future success? So let's start.

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What does "success" mean? In Ozhegov's dictionary, success is: 1. Luck in achieving something. 2. Public recognition. 3. Good results at work, study. What do you think "successful person" means?

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Business game 1. To figure out what a successful person means, you need to choose the most important qualities characterizing success. You are offered qualities; if you think something is missing, add it. First, each determines for himself, then discuss in a group and come to common decision. Then the representative of the group puts the qualities on the board and explains why the group chose these qualities.

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Qualities: competitive spirit, camaraderie, creativity, curiosity, preoccupation with material success, decency, honesty, kindness, independence, intellectual development,

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obedience, enterprise, openness, own beliefs, organization, sense of humor, sincerity, adaptability, good manners, perseverance.

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2. Let's compare these qualities. If you are successful at school, do you acquire the qualities that allow you to become successful people in life?

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Opinion of psychologists Five qualities of successful people: 1. Such people are ambitious. They see themselves as capable of being better. They develop their abilities, not for a moment doubting the correctness of their decisions. You must see yourself as capable of changing for the better.

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2. They are brave. They work to overcome the fears that hold most people back. The two biggest enemies of your success are fear and doubt. Eliminating fears and doubts is the key to success.

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3. They believe in themselves and their business. Successful people in every field in which they work, they are completely dedicated to their work. They believe in themselves; they believe in their company; they believe in their products and services; they believe in their customers; they have great faith.

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4. They are professional. They are professional in whatever they do, as they are constantly learning and improving. They are eternal students. A professional never stops learning new things. They prepare for any situation, consider questions before each business meeting.

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5. They are responsible. They see themselves as the president of their own personal service corporation. The biggest mistake we can ever make is to think that we are working for someone else other than ourselves. Think that you are the president of your own life.

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A successful person is successful in any business. What unites successful people? As a rule, it is not only a matter of talent and innate abilities. They are distinguished by: activity: they appreciate an active lifestyle, take the initiative with pleasure; creativity: they see problem situations as interesting tasks to solve and are not afraid of them; responsibility: ready to take responsibility for their actions and decisions; confidence: they believe in themselves and strive to show their capabilities to the fullest; communication skills: able to competently give feedback support, ask for help.

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I asked for strength ... And life gave me difficulties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom... And life gave me problems to solve. I asked for riches... And life gave me the brain and muscles so that I could work. I asked for the opportunity to fly ... And life gave me obstacles so that I could overcome them. I asked for love... And life gave me people whom I could help in their problems. I asked for blessings... And life gave me opportunities. I didn't get anything I asked for. But I got everything I needed.

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The results of the test "Do you know how to be happy?" 12.5% ​​students before happy people that it’s simply hard to believe that this is possible: they enjoy life, do not pay attention to troubles and worldly hardships. They are cheerful, like others with their optimism, but aren't they too superficial and light-hearted about everything that happens? Maybe a little restraint wouldn't hurt them?

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54.2% of students are happy people, and there are clearly more joys in their lives than sorrows. They are brave, cold-blooded, they have a sober mindset and an easy character. They do not panic when faced with difficulties, and soberly assess them. Those around them are comfortable. Their strength is enough to achieve everything that they conceive. in 33.3% of students, happiness and unhappiness are expressed by the formula "50/50". If you want to tip the scales in your favor, try not to give in to difficulties, meet them stoically, rely on friends, do not leave them in trouble.

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The results of the test "Command or obey?" 4.2% of students are privates. You are too respectful of others and indulgent to the weaknesses of others, so you are not able to command and compete successfully. Perhaps fear or disappointed hopes are hidden behind your relinquishment of power? Then, before drawing any conclusions, analyze how many times your attempts to lead have failed. If frankness requires admitting that you feel great even without leadership, stay a little aloof from events. In fact, it's not so bad - so calmer.

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Class hour
"A successful man, what is he?"

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1. Successful people look much younger than their years. Remember Sophia Loren, Madonna, Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Pozner, Maya Plisetskaya and many others. They all look 10 or more years younger than their real age. And the older they are, the greater this difference. 2. They are energetic and cheerful at any age. 3. Successful people are not obsessed with their appearance and health. But they devote enough time to maintain vitality.

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4. They work longer than others and achieve best results. For example, billionaire Donald Trump goes to bed at one in the morning and gets up at five in the morning. 5. Successful people have confidence and self-control, which are manifested in everything - look, gait, voice, decision-making. 6. Successful people are optimistic about life. Everyone has problems, but the ability to keep a smile is characteristic of them.

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7. They do what they love and love what they do. In the morning they go to work with joy, and in the evening they return home with the same feeling. 8. Successful people have a family and at least two children. 9. They are financially successful and help other people.

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10. Successful people know how to plan their lives and set high and difficult goals and make every effort to achieve them. 11. A successful person is happy with what he has on this moment. But he does not stop there, because he knows that the best is yet to come. 12. They know how to control their fear and act until they achieve a result.

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13. Successful people focus on solving the problem, not the problem itself. 14. They believe in themselves and in their own strength and know that the one who is lucky himself is lucky. There is luck, but to become truly successful, you also need action. 15. Successful people don't wait for the right opportunity, they create it themselves.

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This list can go on and on. But the following saying characterizes a successful person best of all: The one who gets up one time more than he falls wins. I think now you have formed an image and now you really know why successful people have become so. Most likely you have your own personal criteria that affect whether you feel like a successful person or not.

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Therefore, you can complement the image I created with your own characteristics and get the final portrait of the person you would like to become. After all, successful people are also happy people. And it will surely help you on your way to success. All that remains for you is, without delay, start acting today.

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Habits to help you succeed:
1. do relaxation exercises every day 2. write down your little success every day 3. do 1 thing that will bring you closer to your goal 4. do a little mini-cleaning (put everything in its place, etc.) and so on .. .

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Your habits will depend entirely on your needs. You can write down what you would like to achieve first, and then make a list of habits. At first it may be 1-2 habits, then you will see that your day becomes planned and there is still a little time for a new habit.

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We like to imagine that we are not successful because we were not at the right time in the right place, and did not show ourselves. While this is true in some cases, the most successful people are those who have maintained a positive attitude and patience in the face of obstacles, and, despite setbacks, have remained true to their cause and aspiration.

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Be patient - and work! It is better to always be ready for an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be ready for it. Whitney Young

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Parable "Envious Neighbor"
The man bought himself a new house. Big, beautiful ... And a garden with fruit trees near the house. And nearby, in an old house, lived an envious neighbor who constantly tried to spoil his mood: either he would throw garbage under the gate, or he would do some other nasty things. One day a man woke up good mood, went out onto the porch, and there - a bucket of slop. The man took a bucket, poured out the slop, cleaned the bucket to a shine, collected the largest, ripest and most delicious apples into it and went to a neighbor. The neighbor, hearing a knock on the door, gloatingly thought: “Finally, I got it!”. He opens the door in the hope of a scandal, and the man handed him a bucket of apples and said: - Whoever is rich, he shares it!

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  • There are no uninteresting people in the world
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    The purpose of our conversation

    • to explore what qualities you need to have in order to achieve success in life, to realize what “success”, “successful person” means, and to analyze what qualities are formed in school life, do they contribute to future success?
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    • Qualities of successful people
    • The manifestation of human success
    • 1. Ambition
    • 2. Courage
    • 3. Faith in yourself and your business
    • 4. Professionalism
    • 5. Responsibility
    • They see themselves as capable of being better. They develop their abilities, not for a moment doubting the correctness of their decisions. You must see yourself as capable of changing for the better.
    • They are professional in whatever they do, as they are constantly learning and improving. They are eternal students. A professional never stops learning new things. They prepare for any situation, consider questions before each business meeting.
    • They work to overcome the fears that hold most people back. The two biggest enemies of your success are fear and doubt. Eliminating fears and doubts is the key to success.
    • They see themselves as the president of their own personal service corporation. The biggest mistake we can ever make is to think that we are working for someone else other than ourselves. Think that you are the president of your own life.
    • Successful people in every field they work in are completely dedicated to their work. They believe in themselves; they believe in their company; they believe in their products and services; they believe in their customers; they have great faith.
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    Responsibility: ready to take responsibility for their actions and decisions;

    Confidence: they believe in themselves and strive to show their capabilities to the fullest;

    Activity: they appreciate an active lifestyle, take the initiative with pleasure;

    Sociability: able to competently give feedback, support, ask for help.

    Creativity: they view problem situations as interesting challenges to solve and are not afraid of them;

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    • Exercise.
    • Choose a point of view close to you or offer your own and explain your choice
    • "Most main characteristic I consider a successful person to be his unity with the world, because the formation and disclosure of all his talents can only be done for the benefit of humanity as a whole. Were the eighteen-year-old boys who died in the Great Patriotic War, protecting their country, because they could not maintain their health, acquire wealth, make a career and find love. But from the point of view of Eternity and us, now living, they are heroes. I am sure that a successful person is a person who has done good not only for himself, but also for his country.”
    • “I believe that a successful person is one who achieves his goals. Everyone is as successful as they want to be. A successful person knows exactly what he wants. He plans the process of achieving his goal, believes in his ability to achieve it, devoting maximum time to the implementation of his plan. A successful person will think before they say anything. He carefully weighs his words when communicating with people, focusing on positive points and minimizing the expression of dissatisfaction, or avoiding it altogether.”
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    • "I'm curious to see if any of you can open the huge, heavy door in that wall over there?...."
    • The sage turned to the rest of the disciples and said…
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    • What accompanies success in life, my dear students?
    • First, life itself.
    • Second, don't rush.
    • Thirdly, be prepared for the fact that you will have to make decisions,
    • Fourth, do not dare to retreat, since the decision has already been made.
    • Fifth, spare no effort and energy.
    • And just don't be afraid to make mistakes in this life
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    • ... it's time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself. (L.N. Tolstoy)
    • Many years ago I bought a wonderful dictionary. The first thing I did was find the page with the word "impossible" and carefully cut it out of the book. (Napoleon Hill, bestselling author of Think and Grow Rich)
    • People who decide to act are usually lucky; on the contrary, they seldom occur in people who are only concerned with weighing and procrastinating. (Herodotus)
    • Look inside yourself more often. (Cicero)
    • Set yourself achievable goals. (Horace)
    • Nothing is impossible for people. (Horace)
    • Those who do not give themselves entirely to the cause will not have brilliant success. (Xun Tzu)
    • He who achieves much, lacks much. (Horace)
    • For success in life, the ability to deal with people is much more important than having talent. (D.Lebbock)
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    • Sometimes it is effort that we need in life.
    • If we were allowed to live without encountering difficulties, we would be deprived.
    • We could not become as strong as we are now.
    • We could never fly...

  • The story began when Benjamin Franklin was a simple printer in Philadelphia. He considered himself an ordinary person, but he believed that he could find the basic principles of success in life. Franklin made a list of thirteen personal qualities which, in his opinion, were necessary for success. Franklin worked through and developed one of them every week. In thirteen weeks, he went through the entire list. Within a year, he repeated this process four times. The result is obvious: everyone knows the name of Benjamin Franklin.

    Thirteen qualities (principles) of Benjamin Franklin: 1. Abstinence - do not eat to satiety; don't drink till you drop. 2. Silence - say only what will benefit others or you; avoid frivolous conversations. 3. Order - let all your things have their place; let each of your duties at work have its time. 4. Decisiveness - decide to do what you must do; make sure you do what you decide to do. 5. Thrift - spend everything for the benefit of others or for your own, that is, do not waste anything. 6. Diligence - do not waste time: constantly do something useful, stop all unnecessary activities. 7. Sincerity - avoid harmful deceit; think innocently and justly, and if you speak, speak accordingly. 8. Justice - do no harm to anyone by inflicting insults or not doing good, which is your duty. 9. Moderation - avoid extremes, tolerate insults as much as they deserve. 10. Cleanliness - be intolerant of the unclean density of the body, clothing and dwelling. 11. Calm - do not get upset over trifles or because of ordinary or unavoidable accidents. 12. Chastity - rarely indulge in voluptuousness - only for health or procreation, never - for boredom, weakness, or to your own detriment, or to the detriment of the peace and tranquility of another. 13. Humility - imitate Jesus and Socrates.

    The first billionaire in history John D. Rockefeller's wealth is legendary. So, in 1917, his fortune was 2.5% of the total US gross domestic product. Rockefeller could easily finance the entire state, while not being on the verge of ruin. For comparison: the state of the modern multibillionaire Bill Gates is only 0.5% of the GNP.

    As a child, he never lost in checkers, thinking over each move for half an hour, and answered the indignant opponent: “You don’t think that I play in order to lose?” John made his first money at age eight by raising and selling a flock of turkeys for $50. He immediately gave the earned money on loan at 7% per annum. In an effort to help his mother, 16-year-old Rockefeller went to Cleveland to look for work, with a three-month accounting course under his belt. After six weeks of unsuccessfully looking for a job, he was hired as an assistant accountant by Hewitt and Tuttle. The day he was hired as a junior accountant in a trading firm, he celebrated for the rest of his life as Work Day and considered his second birthday. For the first three months, Rockefeller worked for free. His performance was to be envied. On the threshold of the office, John appeared at 6.30 am and left it only at 10 pm. At Hewitt and Tuttle, Rockefeller learned the basic mechanics of the transportation business.

    When the manager of the company left, John was put in his place, but the salary was raised only to $600 a year, while the previous performer received $2,000 for the same job. And Rockefeller quit. Having a small start-up capital and having borrowed money from his father, in partnership with another merchant, at the age of 19, he organized a company selling flour and pork, hay and grain, and other goods.

    In 1865, one of the chemists involved in obtaining kerosene from oil invited John Rockefeller to work together. Their joint venture was Rockefeller's first foray into the oil business. Rockefeller developed strategic plan to consolidate the oil industry. To this end, at the age of 31, he founded the Standard Oil Company. The company's charter stated that the employees of the company should not receive any salary, but only shares. According to Rockefeller, stock ownership should encourage employees to work better in order to increase the value of securities.

    Already by 1880, thanks to numerous small and medium-sized mergers, 80% of the entire US oil business was in the hands of Rockefeller. Standard Oil becomes at this time largest company in the world. True, not for long. In 10 years, the famous Sherman law against monopolies will be released. Rockefeller will respond by splitting Standard Oil into 34 small companies (in all he will have a controlling stake). Thanks to this law, John Rockefeller becomes even richer.

    Then they will say about him: "More than anything in the world, Rockefeller loved two things, Baptism and oil." He walked around his property every day, always found a kind word for his subordinates, was a good owner, paid wages higher than anyone else, gave out sick leave, appointed good pensions. But with those who contradicted him, he dealt ruthlessly. That's why they were terrified of him. The workers' wives scared their children: "Don't cry, otherwise Rockefeller will take you!"

    He believed that inheriting a huge fortune is a great responsibility, and taught children to work, modesty and asceticism. The children of the multimillionaire had no pocket money, they had one bicycle for four, they wore out old things one after another. The layout reigned in the house market economy: for every job from catching mice, weeding beds to playing music, children received their cents, kept detailed ledgers, for every offense, like being late for breakfast, they were fined the same cents.

    One of the first in big business, he introduced loans and borrowed such amounts that his partners did not sleep at night from fear. But this strategy allowed Rockefeller to constantly innovate, improve the business, which made a profit. He was the first to use tanks instead of wooden barrels to transport oil. And he also financed the country's first network of oil pipelines, which finally ousted all competitors from the market. Dirty methods were also used, prices were reduced on the local market of a competitor, forcing him to work at a loss, or oil supplies to recalcitrant refiners were stopped. Such operations were kept in the strictest confidence. Rockefeller's monopoly has been called "the greatest, wisest, and most dishonest that ever existed."

    Throughout his life, charity was as much Rockefeller's passion as business. Being a religious man, he did not advertise his generous contributions and tried to make them anonymously. And in 1914, John Rockefeller handed over his business to his son and devoted himself entirely to one charity. Rockefeller will pay church tithes all his life. 10% of your monthly income. In addition, he will build the University of Chicago, Spelman College, Rockefeller University, the Museum of Modern Art, monasteries and the Rockefeller Foundation.

    In 1901, Rockefeller founded the Rockefeller Institute Medical Research, which later became part of Rockefeller University. In this organization, close attention was paid to discoveries in medicine, the development of new drugs and drugs. In particular, an effective serum for the treatment of spinal meningitis was invented at the institute. John Rockefeller passed away in 1937 and his charitable foundation and to this day makes donations all over the world.

    He founds the Museum of Modern Art, monasteries and the Rockefeller Foundation, allocates funds for the construction of the United Nations. During his life, he gave more than $500 million to charity. Rockefeller Center and oysters are named after him.

    "Charity is only useful if it helps you gain independence." "Your well-being depends on your own decisions." "Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship." "The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way that we buy sugar or coffee ... And I will pay more for this skill than for anything else in the world." "The first and foremost prerequisite for success in business is patience."

    King of animation Walt Disney was offered to become the mayor of Los Angeles. To which he replied: "Why? I'm already a king." Winner of 29 Oscars and the highest civilian US government award, the Medal of Freedom. Founder of the Walt Disney Company consortium and creator of the world's first huge children's amusement park, Disneyland.

    At the age of 8, Walt started earning money by getting up at 3:30 every morning and delivering newspapers for six years. From childhood, he showed an interest in drawing, and began selling his first comics at the age of seven. Young Walt took part in the creation of the school newspaper as an artist and photographer, and in the evenings he attended the Academy of Fine Arts. Then he took a course in newspaper cartoonists, where they taught non-standard thinking, funny violations of the usual logic and a laconic manner. In 1918, Walt Disney tried to enter military service, but at the age of sixteen they were not taken to the service. Then Walt joined the Red Cross and was sent abroad, where he spent a year driving an ambulance. This car has become a local landmark, as Walt decorated it all with funny drawings. In his spare time, he and his colleagues give the new helmets a badly battered look and sell them to tourists as "real military souvenirs." In 1919, Walt Disney began work as artistic director commercial studio. There he met Ub Iwerks, a young artist who became his business partner. They opened a joint studio and purchased a used camera, with which they made two-minute promotional films.

    Soon Walt receives an $11,000 contract for a cartoon series about a fairy. And the down payment is only $100! When the material was filmed six months later, the customer, unexpectedly for Disney, went bankrupt. This disaster Laugh-O-gram Films did not survive. The workers fled, and Walt's money was barely enough for food. Fortune smiles on Disney for the last time, sending a $500 order to make a film about oral hygiene. Walt immediately rushes to shoot a new cartoon Alice "s Wonderland (Alice's Wonderland), where a real girl is surrounded by cartoon characters. But the money runs out before it is completed. Then Disney declares Laugh-O-gram Films bankrupt, and buys a ticket to California with the last money to his uncle Robert and finds himself in Los Angeles in August 1923 with films of an unfinished cartoon and $40 in his pocket.

    In January 1926, the first Disney studio opened in California. In 1927, the first two cartoons about the adventures of a mouse were drawn. His first name was Mortimer Mouse, but Walt's wife did not like this name, and she suggested calling him Mickey. Mickey Mouse became the first talking prankster with the voice of Disney himself.

    In 1933, Disney released its first color cartoon, The Three Little Pigs. The song that sounded there “We are not afraid Gray wolf became a national hit. Before that, in 1931-1932, there were cartoons featuring Donald Duck, Pluto and Goofy. In 1934, Disney began work on the first ever feature-length cartoon, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. in February 1938 the film was released. The success of the cartoon was incredible - only the film "Gone with the Wind" could block the fees from "Snow White", and the name of the heroine became a household name ..

    At the end of the film's production, Walt Disney noticed a flaw in the Prince's figure as he leans in for a kiss from Snow White. Liberty magazine reported that Walt carefully supervised the new version of Prince's portrayal and forced all theaters that were showing "Snow White" to replace the copy. Even after the premiere, he continued to work on the film and improve it. His first feature film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, became the highest-grossing film of all time. "Snow White" was deliberately repeated every seven years to be recognized and loved by a new generation of children. When the video tapes of the cartoon appeared in 1994, twenty-seven million tapes were sold in thirty days.

    In 1953, Disney found a suitable site an hour from Los Angeles for Disneyland. When the animator conceived an amusement park for the whole family, his associates refused to support him. And Disney turned to the "main enemy", which was then television for filmmakers. Giving "television debt", Walt went on the air with weekly program and showing the masterpieces of his film library. It has revolutionized TV from a mass medium to family entertainment. So at 53, Disney became a millionaire. In 1955, the opening of this fabulous country for children and adults. $17 million was spent on its construction, but very soon all investments paid off tenfold. Within the first seven weeks, one million guests paid to enter the park.

    For the first 30 years, the Disney brothers' studio was ruined every year, because Walt constantly put everything he had on the line. For the sake of Disneyland, he mortgaged both the house and the money. He suffered 8 nervous breakdowns and 19 life crises. After each "RU illness" - disappointment and despondency - he returned to business with even more impressive ideas. He removed all references to age and date from the films. But they were released anew every 10 years, not being afraid that they were outdated, they gave re-rolls for a new generation of children. And the works that failed the first time, then brought fabulous profits.

    To stimulate the creative initiative of employees, Disney made full use of material incentives. A bonus of $5 was paid for inventing a successful joke for a cartoon character, and $100 for a radical idea that enriched the film. At that time, this bonus was about half the monthly salary of the multiplier.

    Disney came up with the "three room strategy". In one - only dreamed. Its walls were hung with paintings, drawings, quotations that excite the imagination, disorder and a riot of colors reigned. No criticism was allowed - only dreams without boundaries, only ideas. Realist's room - desktops equipped with the most advanced technology. Here the idea was realized. When Disney had to take a “second look”, evaluating what he had done, the animator went to the cramped closet of the Critic.

    Walt Disney invented absolutely new method, which allowed to reduce the cost of making a film. Live actors were shot on film, and the material was studied for subsequent work on Cinderella. Disney called this advanced process "the art of painting in lifelike motion."

    Very handy for the Disney company, it turned out that cartoon characters can be a good source additional income. One day a businessman New York offered Disney $300 for permission to put Mickey Mouse on fountain pens. Walt Disney just needed money, so he willingly agreed to replicate the image of a mouse. After that, portraits of Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters began to appear literally everywhere: on plates and toothbrushes, towels and school notebooks, candy wrappers and wallpaper for children's rooms. In 1930, the first series of Mickey Mouse comics was published. All this brought good money, and most importantly, contributed to the promotion of cartoon characters and ultimately led to the fact that many of them turned into national legends in America.

    In the last years of his life, Disney suffered from lung cancer, from which he died on December 15, 1966, two weeks after his 65th birthday. Other amusement parks bearing his name were built around the world later. And his characters are so popular that in any election in the United States, ballots are removed from the ballot boxes on which the names of all candidates are crossed out and the name of Mickey Mouse is added. Thus, about 1% of voters vote for him in the presidential elections.

    “I don't make films just to make money. I make money to make films." Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is enough imagination in the world.” W. Disney produced about seven hundred cartoons in fourteen languages.

    American engineer, industrialist, inventor. One of the founders of the US automobile industry, founder of the Ford Motor Company. Organizer of flow-conveyor production. At the age of 12, Henry equipped a small workshop, where he enthusiastically spent all free time. It was there, a few years later, that he designed his first steam engine. In 1879, Henry Ford moved to Detroit, where he got a job as an assistant machinist.

    In 1891, Ford became an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company, and two years later was appointed the company's chief engineer. He was nicknamed "ball" at the factory: he seemed to have an uncanny ability to be in several places at once. Ford assembled the first internal combustion engine in the kitchen of his home. Soon he decided to put the engine on a frame with four bicycle wheels. So in 1896, a quad bike appeared - vehicle which was the first Ford car.

    “It was treated almost like a public disaster, because it made a lot of noise and scared the horses,” Ford recalled, “I could not stop anywhere in the city without a crowd of people immediately gathering around my cart. If I left her alone, even for a minute, there was immediately a curious one who tried to ride her. In the end, I began to carry a chain with me and had to tie the cart to a lamppost if I left it somewhere, ”G. Ford himself recalled

    After retiring in 1899 from the Edison Illuminating company, Henry Ford founded his own company, Detroit Automobile. Despite the fact that the company went bankrupt a year later, Ford managed to assemble several racing cars. Ford himself took part in motor racing and in October 1901 managed to defeat the American champion Alexander Winton. Once he came to the office with a piece of steel sheathing, ordered to urgently find out what it was made of. Found out. The piece was made of vanadium steel. An order followed to urgently find a plant in America that produces such steel. If there is none, find out the production technology in Europe. The piece came off a French racing car that crashed at a recent race in Palm Beach. Ford liked the French car because it was strong and light. Rushing to the scene of the accident, Ford saw a torn piece of skin on the ground and quickly picked it up.

    The company's first car was sold on July 23, 1903. In 1906, Henry Ford became president and principal owner of the company. In 1908, Henry Ford made his dream come true by releasing the Model T, a reliable and inexpensive car that became one of the most popular and popular cars of its time. The people dubbed the car "Tin Lizzie." Ford's car was easy to drive, it did not require complex Maintenance and could even drive on rural roads. In 1913, Ford was the first in the world to introduce the assembly line method for automobiles. The results were stunning: labor productivity rose by % in just one year, the Model T was assembled in just 93 minutes.

    Ford cars were extremely popular. Every second car in the world was then made by Ford. Famous robbers Clyde and Bonnie gave Ford a huge publicity. They only stole Fords. Even the romantic death of a gangster couple played into the hands of Ford Bonnie and Clyde were shot dead by the police in a car of his brand. A photo of a brown Ford riddled with bullets appeared in all the newspapers in America.

    He introduced the famous principle "5 dollars per working day" at his factory. Only worthy workers received decent pay, those who led a healthy lifestyle did not drink, did not smoke, spent evenings at home with their families, saved money for old age. A special service was created to control the workers. Workers were forbidden to talk to each other in the shops on topics not related to production.

    Failure only gives you a reason to start again and smarter. Honest failure is not shameful. If you have enthusiasm, you can do anything. Enthusiasm is the basis of any progress. Only two stimuli make people work: thirst wages and the fear of losing her. My secret to success lies in the ability to understand the other person's point of view and to look at things from both his and my own points of view. The main use of capital is not to make more money but in making money to improve life. About G. Ford's book: "Ford's book will not please entrepreneurs, but it will help them get rich."

    On the basis of the Model "T" cars were created for various services: pickup trucks, cars for delivering small loads, ambulances, vans and small buses. This photo shows a police car.

    The seven key personality traits are: intuition (imagination), self-respect (self-confidence), risk-taking (recklessness), rebellious spirit (independence), willpower bordering on obsession (enthusiasm), hard work (energy), and stubbornness (stubbornness).

    Laws of Winners Create a clear vision and direction Dedicate yourself to what you love Unleash your natural creativity Learn every detail of your business Learn from your mistakes Continuously learn throughout your life Focus on the essentials Be self-disciplined in everything Act with determination Take care of your health Never give up

    The winner is always part of the solution The loser is always part of the problem The winner always has a program The loser always has an excuse The winner says "Let me do it" The loser says "It's none of my business" The winner sees the answer in every problem The loser sees the problem in every answer The winner says : "It's difficult, but possible" The loser says: "It's possible, but difficult"