The bare-throated bell ringer is a sonorous bird that sounds like a bell. Birds of the Moscow Region (photo and description): large predators and small birds A bird that makes different sounds

We all know how pleasant it is to open your eyes in the morning, hearing the flooding voices of songbirds. It is they who are the first to call the sun, proclaiming the coming of a new day. Maybe for you it's cock crows in the village, where you spent your summer holidays with your grandmother. One way or another, bird singing accompanies us everywhere. It became habitual, sounding in the ears as a constant background. But having listened, everyone realizes how beautiful and simple the natural sounds of nature are. We will talk about this amusing chirping of birds.

Sounds of nature

Birdsong is considered one of the most peaceful and beautiful sounds in the world. Residents of big cities, in an effort to find peace and feed on the energy of nature, leave the stone jungle in order to hear it and fully relax. Fresh air and bird trills are one of the best ways to stop the running of thoughts and realize how beautiful the world around us is without its hectic rhythm and daily stress.

Birds, like other animals, transmit information to each other through sound signals. With their help, birds express the whole range of their inherent emotions, signal their relatives that danger awaits them. Even the hen, being an intellectually primitive bird, protects her chickens by sending them characteristic signals. According to them, the kids understand that it is necessary to leave an unfavorable place and hide in a shelter.

Singing and seasons

Birds do not need words to convey important data. To do this, they have a peculiar intonation, timbre and a voice inherent in each breed of individuals.

Trills of birds are well audible in spring and summer. This is due to the fact that during the period when the sun warms all living things, these creatures are taken to create their own families. In order to attract a female, males show all their advantages. In addition to external signs, they are distinguished by a special manner of inviting a potential partner with their voice.

The louder, more expressive and melodious it sounds, the more likely the male is to attract the attention of the female and fulfill the purpose laid down by nature. The instinct of reproduction is the main motivation of birds. We, as outside observers, simply enjoy this gift.

Tested and proven

Scientists conducted an experiment during which they isolated a chicken from all its relatives so that, growing up, they would not hear the sounds made by them. When the chick grew up, its sound signals were no different from the chickens that spent this time in the hen house. Experience has proven the fact that birds do not learn to sing (chirping, screaming). It's built into them genetically.

Moreover, some birds also reproduce the voices of their feathered relatives. In particular, we are talking about a mockingbird, for which he got his name. Another example is the canary. Once in the society of songbirds, for example, nightingales, after a while she acquires the skills of their singing. But the property of imitating a singing voice is not inherent in a sparrow. Another inimitable pretender among birds is a parrot. And although he is capable of learning human speech, imitating voice and timbre, he lacks awareness of what is being said.

Singers of our country

Russia covers vast territories and includes regions with different climatic conditions. In view of this, the variety of birds living in Russia is replete with unusual species.

Among the songbirds that live in the middle lane, there are those that evoke direct associations with our homeland.

Nightingale. Its iridescent trills inspire Russian poets and songwriters to create their masterpieces. A modest, outwardly inconspicuous bird, the nightingale has a unique and inimitable voice.

The singing of thrushes is akin to playing the flute.

The trills of the lark are heard in the morning, when it calls the sun and proclaims the beginning of the day.

Bright yellow orioles chirp, sing, whistle.

The robins chirp loudly and boisterously. No wonder in Rus' their trills are called raspberry ringing.

Other colorful singers of Russia: blackbird, siskin, goldfinch, chaffinch, mockingbird and others.

overseas birds

The vociferous birds of the world have been of interest and admiration to man since time immemorial. They inspire people and encourage the creation of musical instruments that imitate birdsong. But there is also a category of birds that do not sing, but talk. First of all, we are talking about parrots. These exotic birds surprise with their ability to reproduce the words and sounds of human speech. They live in Africa, Brazil, as well as on the exotic southern islands. The most talkative parrots on the planet are the Jaco parrots. They immaculately repeat not only words, but copy intonation, voice and speed of speech.

Another talkative bird is the European rook myna. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it not only pronounces words, but actually inserts them in a dialogue with a person.

Another talented parodist is the warbler. She also reproduces the singing of other birds. It lives in the countries of the Old World, and flies to Africa for the winter.

Sleepless in the night

Some birds are nocturnal. With the onset of darkness, their activity increases significantly, because at this time the birds are looking for food. A prime example of this is owls. They fly silently, have keen eyesight and strike their prey at the most unexpected moment. We associate the peculiar hooting of an owl with a dense night forest and danger.

Other birds also respond at night. This is a nightingale, wild quail, warbler, redstart, blackbird.

Night trills pour during the mating season, namely in spring and summer. Mostly males sing. This is how they attract the attention of their potential partners.

The favorite habitat of night singers is places near water bodies and swamps. Their typical inhabitant is the marsh bittern. She makes very specific sounds, similar to a roar (bull).

City birds sing

Habitual inhabitants of the urban jungle are pigeons, swallows, crows, wagtails, magpies and sparrows. Their amusing but insipid chirping, cooing and croaking we hear all year round everywhere.

But with the onset of spring, the variety of voices and their melodiousness are greatly enhanced. The mating season in birds, as you know, is accompanied by singing. The trills of the nightingale, starling, song thrush, robin or chaffinch sound harmoniously in the city. Often these birds fly from the forest belt. In the city, they choose squares, parks and other places where there is vegetation. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the singing of birds and take a break from everyday hustle and bustle, go for a walk in a park or city garden. Such live concerts are held for the townspeople throughout the spring and summer.

whistling birds

Some representatives of the feathered world make sounds resembling a human whistle. It is heard in the forest, garden, park, both in spring and in the summer months. The characteristic sounds fit-fit, tick-tic-fuyu are made by the common redstart and its close relative, the black redstart. These small-sized birds from the flycatcher family are songbirds. They are considered one of the most beautiful birds living in city parks. The size of the bird is only 10-15 cm. The belly and tail of the bird are painted in a rich orange color. When she spreads her ponytail, it seems as if a real flame flares up.

We determine the bird by the manner of singing

Here are the exclamations characteristic of some birds by which they are recognized:

  • sparrow: jik-jik-jik, chir-chir;
  • raven: loud cries krok-krok, kru-kru;
  • jackdaw: khee-khe, kaaa-kaaa;
  • rook: kraaa;
  • thrush: tsek-tsek, khii, keee;
  • lark: tiu-tiu-tiu;
  • warbler: chir-chir-chchrr;
  • swallow: chirr-chirr;
  • titmouse: ts-ts-tsy-prrr;
  • jay: zhge-zhge;
  • magpie: check-check-check;
  • goldfinch: tsvi-tsvi-tsvik;
  • wagtail: voiced intermittent chirping.

Sound Therapy: Birds and Children

The soothing sounds of nature deliver not only aesthetic pleasure. The trills of songbirds have a beneficial effect on the mental well-being of a person.

Listening to them calms, sets you up for a good rest and harmonizes from the inside. Children are especially sensitive to sounds and very impressionable. Therefore, it is important that from the first days the child is surrounded by the singing of birds.

The impact of the voices of songbirds occurs through their entry into the auditory zone, and then into the cerebral cortex and extends to it completely. When a baby (even a baby) hears bird singing, all his internal organs are tuned to harmonious and well-coordinated work. Audio recordings with bird calls are suitable for listening to a child before going to bed, and also if he is irritable, nervous or sad.

Birds are healing

Doctor of Biological Sciences Professor V.D. Ilyichev at one time conducted an experiment, during which a curious fact was revealed. People living outside the city and daily surrounding themselves with natural sounds, including birdsong, are more likely to be centenarians. This is explained by the fact that the natural sounds of rain, the rustle of leaves and bird singing are synchronized with the processes occurring in the body. It has been proven that certain bird voices solve very specific health problems.

The singing of the nightingale, accompanied by musical overtones with sharp and smooth transitions, uplifts the mood, fights migraines and depression.

Calm music with the chirping of a canary, thrush or finch has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart.

The singing of the lark uplifts the mood.

The singing of the blackbird is listened to for migraine and hypertension.

Principles of Sound Therapy

Nature shares its benefits with man and offers help. Subtly sensitive people use birdsong as an effective medicine that has no contraindications.

When you enter a park, forest, or other songbird habitat, step away from everything that worries you and listen carefully. Choose for yourself the sound of a bird that is especially pleasant to you and concentrate your attention on it. After a while, you will enter a light meditative state, and your energy background will stabilize and return to normal.

Listen to the songs of birds with pleasure every time, as soon as possible. After a while you will notice how you have become calm, balanced and cheerful. As for physical ailments, they will stop bothering you the way they used to.

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A large number of large and small birds live in the vicinity of Moscow. Although the proximity of a huge metropolis makes its own adjustments to their habitat, the forests near Moscow, fields and swamps are rightfully considered their home. Consider examples of their most famous types:

White stork

Our list of "Birds of the Moscow Region" opens with a beautiful and majestic white stork

A large bird with white plumage and a long powerful beak. Black shiny edging along the edge of the wings creates the illusion of a black back for a sitting stork. In the cold season, it migrates to Africa and India. The bird prefers to nest near human dwellings on rooftops or poles.

Golden eagle

Other birds of prey of the Moscow region, photos and descriptions of which are presented here, cannot be compared with the Berkut. This representative of the hawk order is very large in size. Its wingspan is up to 2.5 meters. The objects of his hunting are rodents, hares, lambs or even small deer.


A rare endangered species of birds listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region. It has a black and yellow variegated color. Bittern lives in swampy areas and feeds on small fish. The bird is of medium size and weighs about 1 kilogram. A distinctive feature is a low trumpet voice, similar to a bull's roar.


Do not confuse this majestic large bird with an ordinary crow. Black plumage with a metallic sheen, powerful beak and large body size distinguish the raven from this ubiquitous companion of man. Crows live up to 75 years.


Capercaillie - another bright representative of the list "Birds of the Moscow Region"

A bird of the chicken order, the size of a turkey. Females and males are very different, both in color and size. They fly very hard and noisily, not rising unnecessarily high above the forest. The bird owes its name to the peculiarity of the structure of the larynx. During mating games, it makes bubbling sounds, at the moment of which it loses its hearing.


A close relative of the crow, but more slender. The black metallic color and the absence of plumage in front of the beak distinguishes the rook from it. It feeds on almost everything that it can handle. Small rodents and human waste, worms and grain - all to his taste.


The thrush itself is rather faded, but it has bright accents in the form of an orange breast and beak.

When viewing the catalog, which lists the birds of the Moscow region, their photos and descriptions do not attract much attention. The inconspicuous brown-brown variegated color of the back, white belly and rusty-red sides do not prevent him from making beautiful sounds that can rightly be called singing.

little owl

A nocturnal bird similar in appearance to an owl, but smaller. The head of the owl is large with huge eyes surrounded by facial rims. Above them there are black protrusions, similar to eyebrows. There are no ear-like feathers. Owls often settle in buildings next to people.

yellow wagtail

The yellow wagtail weighs only 17 grams

A small bird weighing up to 17 grams. It has a yellow-green color. Her long tail is always in motion. Wagtail can often be found near water bodies on tall grass stalks. Belongs to the order Passeriformes.

green woodpecker

A bird with a very beautiful olive green color. The size is comparable to a jackdaw. Lives in deciduous forests. He is very shy, so meeting him is a great success. Like all woodpeckers, it feeds on small bugs, which it finds in rotten trees and stumps.


This small bird has a very uncommon appearance. Large head with a huge spear-shaped beak on a short body. Weak thin legs and short wings complete this whole picture. With all this, the kingfisher has a very bright plumage: its back and wings are blue, and the bottom of the body is yellow. The bird settles on the banks of reservoirs, as it hunts near water.


When considering small birds of the Moscow region, the photo and description will be remembered for the fact that this songbird has a very bright color of feathers. His chest is red-brown, and the back is brown-green. Due to this, it is clearly visible in nature.


It has an elegant color of feathers of yellow and black. The size of a starling. He sings very beautifully, like a flute. However, occasionally it can make a terrible sound, like a cat whose tail has been stepped on. The bird is fast and mobile. Lives in forest thickets, flying in waves from branch to branch.


This common waterfowl is the ancestor of the domestic duck. It has a body up to 60 centimeters long and weighs up to 1.5 kilograms. In plumage, sexual dimorphism is observed, which consists in the presence of green iridescent plumage of the head and a white collar in drakes. The mallard is a game bird, a favorite object of hunting for hunters.


Belongs to the order Falconiformes. Kobchik is a mini-falcon. The color is black, the males have brick-red “pants”, and the females have a red head and lower body. Like all representatives of falconiformes, it is an excellent hunter. It is a predator that hunts for small rodents, swiftly grabbing them with tenacious claws from above.


The body size of the corncrake is from 20 to 22 centimeters. The body is elongated. The color of the feathers is gray or ocher-red. The beak is short. Likes to nest near swamps or wet meadows. Winters in central Africa. This bird does not like to fly. In case of danger, he prefers to run away or fly close.


A large representative of falconiformes with blunt wings. It has a light color, which can be either pure white or gray. It prefers northern regions, but in some winters it was also found in the Moscow region. The object of his hunting are small birds.

mute swan

A pure white beautiful bird with an orange beak provided with a black outgrowth. The black legs are webbed for swimming. The swan flies and swims beautifully, but walks poorly on the ground. The weight of a swan can reach 18 kilograms, and the wingspan is 220 centimeters.


A duck-like hunting bird of black color with a white beak and a bald forehead, to which it owes its name. A relative of the corncrake. There are no membranes on the legs, but it moves well in the swamp and water. The beak is more like a chicken. For this, it is sometimes called the "swamp chicken".

burial ground

The Imperial Eagle is a very large bird of prey. In Central Asia, he builds nests on ancient burial mounds. That's why it got such a creepy name. It can hover high in the air for hours, tracking down prey. It runs beautifully on the ground in the morning, waiting for warm air currents for flight.


Bird of the tit family. Slightly smaller than an ordinary tit and differs from it in plumage color. Black head and wings in composition with a white belly. He prefers to live in coniferous forests, but often flies to parks to feast on feeders.

common cuckoo

A gray bird the size of a magpie. Has a long tail. In the first half of summer, it makes the characteristic sounds of "cuckoo". A feature of this species is that females do not hatch chicks, but “throw” eggs to other birds.

common bullfinch

A very bright representative of the feathered family. Bright red breasts of bullfinches are very clearly visible in winter on white snow. They feed on fruits and berries left on the trees. The size of a bullfinch is no larger than a starling.

The black-headed gull is much smaller than the sea gull

It is ubiquitous throughout our country. It has white plumage with a black head. Eats fish. It nests near freshwater bodies of water. The size of this gull is much smaller than its marine relative.

white-tailed eagle

A large representative of hawks, which reaches a mass of 7 kilograms. Males are much smaller than females. The bird has a brown color, except for the white plumage of the tail. This species is distinguished by constancy in choosing a pair.


The forest bird is a relative of the domestic chicken. It has brown plumage with a gray belly. The males have bright red eyebrows and the head is topped with a crest.


Very beautiful winter birds. They have bright plumage with red, yellow and brick-colored elements. The head is decorated with a chic crest. You can often see them on the mountain ash, when they eat the berries left for the winter.


Needs no special introduction. The bird settles next to the person. It feeds on its waste products.


The jay is the hardest-working bird that worries about winter supplies in advance

When studying the birds of the Moscow region, photos and descriptions should also be taken into account, since this is the most industrious bird that prepares its supplies for the winter.


King of the song. Despite its small size, it has an exceptionally beautiful voice. No wonder there is a comparison "sings like a nightingale."

Bare-throated bell ringers inhabit the territory of Brazil, so they can often be found in the local forests. Ringers are also inhabitants of Guiana.

These voiced birds are common in tropical forest thickets of eastern Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina. In winter, ringers migrate to the area of ​​lowland forests.

External features of bare-throated ringers

The bare-throated bell ringer can reach 27 centimeters in length. Males are distinguished by a brilliant white plumage, which is absent only in the throat part.

The beak and throat are colored blue-green, and covered with black bristles. In the upper part of the body, on the wings and tail of the females of the bare-throated bell ringer, greenish feathers with an olive tint predominate. And the chest part of the body and abdomen are yellowish in color with white or slightly light stripes. The head is small and black.

Lifestyle of bare-throated bell ringers

Thanks to the observations of Waterton, Prince von Wied and Schomburgk, we have received detailed information about the manners and lifestyle of bare-throated bell ringers.

Words by Prince von Wied: "This delightful bird, both with its dazzling white plumage and with its loud, clear, resonant voice, makes it clear that it is an invaluable feature of the magnificent forests of Brazil." Ringers are common wherever large forests can be found.

In addition, these birds are found in the darkest thickets, overgrown with trees. Meanwhile, the bare-throated bell ringer can not be found in the same number everywhere and, it seems, for the most part, he likes mountain forests.

Birds fly up to the tops of tree crowns, and with short pauses they begin to make very loud sounds. And sometimes they are heard continuously, often, several times in a row, then the singing is like the sound made by a blacksmith striking an anvil with a hammer.

It is said that if a person listens to the bell ringer at a close distance, this can lead to hearing damage.

Listen to the voice of the naked bell ringer

The sounds of bare-throated ringers are heard throughout the day, and over far, far distances. No wonder the voice of this bird is considered the loudest in the whole world of birds.

Feeding bare-throated bell ringers

Most of the time these birds spend on the very tops of trees, so they feed on fruits and seeds.

Reproduction of ringers

Males, having chosen a favorable place for themselves, shout loudly, throwing their heads back. Thus, they attract the attention of desired females. When female partners enter the arena, the males begin to jump from twig to twig, spreading their tail feathers wide. After such a bright dance, couples are formed.

Having mated, the young parents start building the nest. The latter has a cup-shaped shape, and is located at a height of about 7 meters above the ground. The clutch of the bare-throated bell ringer consists of one light brownish egg, decorated with dark brown spots.

The first feathered guests arrive in the Moscow region in late February - early March. Their voices outside the window create a spring mood. Birds are studied and taken into account precisely by their voices, because it is often difficult to distinguish them visually on a tree. Ornithologists conduct a count in the spring, on April 1 - International Bird Day.

The correspondent of the Mytishchi news agency learned from the creator of the Museum of Nature Conservation in, associate professor of the Moscow State Forest University Galina Balyasova, how to distinguish the voices of birds.

Where does spring begin?

Blue Tit. Photo:,Philippe Rouzet

As soon as the February sun begins to warm, the circling of tits is immediately heard. They ring especially in the spring. Such birdsong is associated with the mating season. It is then that we hear the most beautiful songs, amazing trills. Now this is already noticeable in parks and city squares, says Galina Balyasova.

“Even crows croak in the spring in a very special way. Jays and magpies crackle with love. This is accompanied by flights, courtship, ”the ornithologist notes.

According to her, the birds that live on the territory of the Moscow region belong mainly to the order of passerines and are considered songbirds, including a jackdaw with a crow.

At the same time, many birds remain in cities for the winter. All year round in the Moscow region you can meet sparrows, pigeons, crows, magpies, jackdaws, woodpeckers, kinglets. Tits also live with us all year, but their behavior changes markedly in spring. It is the bright “ringing” of titmouse that first notifies that spring has come, the expert notes.

Who have us overflight?

Bullfinch. Photo:, Natural England

In addition, the migration of finches, tap dances, greenfinches, and goldfinches passes through the Moscow region.

In the spring, residents of the Moscow region are pleased with their appearance and a busty bullfinch, similar to a bunch of ripe mountain ash, who also sings! This little bird can be recognized by its characteristic singing: “zhu-zhu-zhu”. Even while having breakfast, he does not stop singing. Bullfinches are a rare exception among birds - both males and females sing. By the way, before goldfinches, siskins and bullfinches often lived at home in cages, they were kept in pairs. They delighted the owners with their amazing trills. Currently, the capture of these birds is prohibited.

Waxwings, despite the fact that they nest in the north, flying through the Moscow region, gather in flocks and whistle melodiously. In recent years, these birds are increasingly appearing in cities. They fly from tree to tree, causing surprise and delight of the townspeople with the perfection of their outfit and a delicate silver arrow.

Waxwing. Photo:, Pam Link

Meetings with flocks of waxwings outside the city, in still snow-covered forests and gardens, are also unique. Here they often appear together with thrushes and bullfinches. Thrushes crackle softly, red-breasted bullfinches whistle into their sad flute, waxwings ring in silver bells.

The main part of the birds arrive in the Moscow region in April, when the temperature crosses the threshold of plus 6 degrees, the summer of insects begins - and the birds have more food, the ornithologist explains.

Nightingales of Moscow and Moscow region changed their songs because of city noise>>

city ​​bird

Nightingale. Photo:, Edwyn Anderton

Very soon, the nightingale from the thrush family will begin to bring out its trills. This bird-urbophile feels great in the city. The main thing for her is to have shrubs, and since there are plenty of places in our parks, the nightingale lives in comfort, the expert notes. Enough for him and food - insect pests.

It is best to listen to the nightingale at night, when no extraneous sounds interfere. After the initiative (several quiet, chirping, whistling, less often rattling sounds), the nightingale emits strong, clean whistles. Nightingales near Moscow are characterized by the whistle "willow-willow".

Twittering or chirping?

Nightingale. Photo:, Tatiana Bulyonkova

Warbler, warbler, starling - there are countless songbirds. For thousands of years, people have been trying to figure out what birds sing about. For ornithologists, they still remain mysterious creatures, scientists observe them, study their habits and characteristics. Singing in birds occurs according to certain biological clocks. First, some sing, others join them, then thirds chirp, fourths chirp.

The avifauna of the region is very rich. Dozens of different species of birds live in the Moscow region - it is impossible to imagine yards, parks, squares without them.

The Mytishchi Museum of Nature Conservation has a scientific systematic collection of birds - more than 190 exhibits in total. They are represented by orders and families. Galina Balyasova started collecting this collection in 1967 when she became a lecturer at the Moscow State Forest University.

Ornithologist urges residents of the Moscow region to take care of birds.

“There are a lot of birds in the Moscow region, because the number of pests in parks and gardens has increased. However, in the absence of food, which often happens not only in winter, but also during dry periods, birds need to be fed and provided with access to water. And then you and I will enjoy the flooding singing, chirping, chirping and chirping of small winged creatures more than once, ”concluded Balyasova.

Julia Alabina

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Few know which birds chirp. But everyone is pleased, going into a park or garden, to hear the trills of birds, the sonorous chirping of small birds. Especially in spring, when they begin active work on arranging their nests, breeding chicks. Without their polyphony, nature would have plunged into dead silence, become numb.

Forests, meadows and parks enliven with their unforgettable. But each bird speaks in its own way. These sounds are diverse and unique. Further, we will learn in detail how the birds "talk" among themselves: who crackles, rings, and who hums.

The sounds that birds make

Each bird makes a sound. Ornithologists divide all bird vocals into long songs (trills) and short beeps. So what sounds do birds make? Nightingale, thrush - flood, whistle, click. Oriole singing consists of the sounds "fiu-liu-li" or "gi-gi-gi-gi". The starling imitates many sounds. The lark is ringing. The cuckoo was named after her cry - "cuckoo". With this sound, the male attracts the female during the mating season. They say: "The cuckoo cuckoos." But where did the yellow-bellied titmouse get its name from?

After all, she does not have blue plumage. The people noticed that the titmouse, especially in spring, pronounces “zin-zin”. In the people, it is also called Zinka, Zinziver. It is known that the swallow - chirps, the rook - shouts "gra", the sparrow - chirps, the crow - croaks, the magpie - cracks, the dove - cooes, the woodpecker - knocks, the owl - hoots. From poultry: duck - quacks, goose - cackle, rooster - crows. Below we learn about who coots from birds.


Before answering the question of which birds cooing, let's look into Dahl's explanatory dictionary and find out what the word "cooing" means. The dictionary explains to us its meaning as "to make characteristic sounds, reminiscent of" kurly-kurly ". The cries of turkeys are called cooing. But sometimes they say that the turkey kuldikatsya.

In common parlance, sometimes domestic turkeys are called kuldyks. On the head of the turkey there is a small process that, when air is blown out, vibrates and makes a low but loud sound. In letters, it looks like this: "kh-ul-dykh."


Turkeys aren't the only birds that coo. Cranes cry the same way. Returning to Dahl, another interpretation of the word "coo" is: "shout like a crane." With its loud trumpet cry, this bird stands out among other polyphony of birds.

The crane in many peoples of the world symbolizes holiness and spirituality. The ancient Egyptians considered him a bird of the sun, close to the gods and the sky. In the Caucasus, it was believed that after the death of the souls of soldiers who fell in battle, they move into cranes. It was considered a great sin to kill this bird. V was very often depicted on art canvases, and poets composed their haiku about him. And also in this country there is a tradition to give the newlyweds (during the wedding ceremony) paper origami "cranes" as a symbol of longevity, health, faith and peace.

Tall, thin-legged, graceful in its own way, this wading bird has always been a source of inspiration for writers, poets and artists. For example, Paustovsky compared crane cries with the sonorous pouring of water in a glass vessel.

Signs associated with cranes

So, you already know which birds are cooing. Cranes in Rus' have always been revered. They were considered mystical birds, and many signs were associated with their appearance:

  • In the old days, it was believed that a crane wedge flying away in autumn takes the souls of the dead with it to the afterlife.
  • In the spring, on the contrary, he brings the souls of unborn babies. A particularly joyful event was to meet a crane wedge in the spring. Hearing the ringing cooing in the sky, the peasants ran out into the street and turned to the birds with prayers for health and well-being. Cranes were often mentioned in ritual spring songs and incantations.
  • It was believed that the one who sees a pair of cranes for the first time in the spring will get married or get married this year. And whoever meets the whole flock as a whole will soon be replenished in the family.
  • A crane wedge in the sky is a harbinger of a thaw. “It became warm, so the zhurka flew in, and he says: I brought it!”.
  • If the cranes fly to the Nut Spas, then there will be frost on Pokrov; if not, then winter - later.
  • If the cranes fly off to the southern countries one by one, then there will be a crop failure, and if in a flock, then one should expect a rich harvest.