Famous sayings about reading. Quotes and aphorisms about reading

Since ancient times, literature has been going side by side with humanity. Books have always been a source of knowledge, impressions and inspiration. Reading still occupies an important place in the life of mankind. From early childhood to old age, we learn the mysteries of life through the literature of various genres. We bring to your attention a selection of the most beautiful sayings and quotes about books and reading.

50 best quotes about books

Books collect the pearls of human thought and pass them on to posterity. We will turn into a handful of dust, but books, like monuments of iron and stone, last forever. M. Aibek

The love of books is a love that requires no justification, no apology, no defense. Yu. A. Langford

The book is a fabulous lamp that gives a person light on the most distant and dark roads of life. A. Upit

The book is a device that can fire the imagination. A. Bennet

Love a book, it makes your life easier, it will help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect a person and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity. M. Gorky

Books are unique portable magic. S. King

Everyone has their own happy place. The scene that immediately pops up before your eyes, as soon as you close your eyes and mentally transport yourself to that point on the globe where life envelops you with warmth and comfort. For me, it's a bookstore with its emerald green walls and huge windows that frame the twinkling stars at night. Embers are still burning in the fireplace, reminiscent of the color of the setting sun, and I myself am sitting in front of the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket, and reading a book with enthusiasm. S. Gio

Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us. F. Petrarch

Without a book, the world is night; without a book, darkness is all around. V. Hugo

You don't need a magic wand to stop time. Take tea and a book.

The book, one of the greatest inventions of the human mind, enriches our lives with experience. What happiness for a person that he is given the opportunity to be friends with a book and use its inexhaustible wisdom. A. Gorbatov

Books are doors that lead you out of four walls... They teach you, educate you, you travel with them, dream, imagine, live other lives, and multiply yours a thousand times. A. Perez-Reverte

Books are ships of thought, roaming the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation. F. Bacon

Most of us cannot go everywhere, talk to everyone, visit all the cities in the world. We don't have the time, or the money, or that many friends. Everything you are looking for exists in the world, but a simple person can only see one hundredth with his own eyes, and he will know the remaining ninety-nine percent through a book. R. Bradbury

Books enlighten the soul, uplift and strengthen a person, awaken the best aspirations in him, sharpen his mind and soften his heart. W. Thackeray

Freedom exists then to go to the library. I. Brodsky

Reading moments are the longest moments in the world. Each of them can be compared with a small eternity… G. Petrovich

Where there is a book, a person no longer remains alone with himself, within the four walls of his horizons, he joins all the accomplishments of the past and present ... S. Zweig

Books are society. A good book, like a good society, enlightens and ennobles feelings and morals. N. Pirogov

A book is a vessel that fills us, but does not empty itself. A. Decursel

One day you will be so old that you will start reading fairy tales again.

The book is the friend of the lonely, and the library is the refuge of the homeless. S. Vitnitsky

If the intellect is compared to a plant, then books are like bees carrying fertilizing pollen from one mind to another. D. Lowell

Life should be filled with books that are filled with life. A. Markov

What a nice way to spend an evening! Frankly speaking, I do not know of pleasures like reading. How much faster you get tired of any other activity! When I get my own house, I will feel miserable if I don't have a good library. J. Austin

Books - good way talk to someone you can't talk to. F. Begbeder

Paradise is a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No... eight days a week. A. Bradley

Books are just one of the receptacles where we store what we are afraid to forget. There is no mystery in them, no magic. The magic is only in what they say, in how they sew the pieces of the universe together into a single whole. R. Bradbury

Trust books, they are the closest, they are silent when necessary, and they speak, opening the world before you, if necessary.

A good book is like an iceberg, seven-eighths of which is under water. E. Hemingway

Any kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books. V. Hugo

The library is a herbarium of feelings and passions, a vessel where the dried specimens of all civilizations are stored. P. Claudel

A man with a good book in his hands can never be alone. C. Goldoni

Reading is a daydream. It's a wonderful experience of living someone else's life, very intense living, safe but high quality. I can read from the age of three, or rather, I was three years old when adults noticed that I could read. What little I remember from that early childhood are dreams in which a wonderful grandfather on some island taught me to read, and I apparently learned - there were no other options. M. Fry

What kind of person you become will be determined by two factors: the people you associate with and the books you read. R. Sharma

Reading books is not a way to escape from life, books provide the key to understanding it. Key to reality. S. Folks

The one who reads books is never bored. I. Welsh

Books are an airplane, a train, and a road. They are both the destination and the journey. They are the house. A. Quindle

The smell of books is a spicy smell that smells like a fairy tale. S. King

Reading used to be one of the most common leisure activities. A very pleasant and useful leisure, I must say. But now the book is increasingly being replaced by electronic devices - smartphones, tablets, laptops, TVs and audio players. Or do people prefer full reading only short excerpts and quotes from books. But if we compare reading a book with other ways of obtaining information, then it significantly surpasses them in usefulness, because it activates several important parts of the human brain at once, thereby enhancing mental potential. In addition, answers to the question "why do I need to read books?" - a lot of. Let's consider. And we will do this using quotes about books and their benefits.

Wise quotes from great people about books and reading

I am sure that nothing will replace the book in the future, just as nothing could replace it in the past.
Isaac Asimov

Reading is extremely helpful, and books are good company, if you take the most suitable.
Louisa May Alcott

Everywhere I searched for peace and found it in only one place - in the corner, with a book.
Umberto Eco

The one who reads books is never bored.
Irvine Welsh

Reading books is not a way to escape from life, books provide the key to understanding it. Key to reality.
Sebastian Faulks

What kind of person you become will be determined by two factors: the people you associate with and the books you read.
Robin Sharma

It's not about the number of pages you read, but the number of thoughts they evoke.
Paulo Freire

Peace, a fireplace, books, silence... Formerly they saw only philistinism in this. Now it's dreams of a lost paradise.
Erich Maria Remarque

Nothing can be more pleasant than living in solitude, enjoying the spectacle of nature and sometimes reading a book.
Nikolay Gogol

Nothing can replace a book. Despite latest discoveries, new types of information storage, let's not rush to part with the book.
Dmitry Likhachev

The quote that, despite new technologies, you should not part with the book is extremely relevant. Indeed, people read literature less and less, giving preference to other, more progressive sources of information. This is evidenced by the fact that among people of different age categories, watching various TV shows and films is more popular. And yet, books are indispensable. Let's continue to validate this. smart quotes about books.

Thoughts and quotes about books and reading

Whatever you do, whatever you do, you will always need a smart and faithful assistant - a book.
Samuil Marshak

Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience - that's the ideal life.
Mark Twain

Literature is the sweetest way to ignore life.
Fernando Pessoa

If someone next to you is immersed in reading a book, then consider that he is not near you - he is somewhere else; he has nothing to do with you - he communicates with other people.
Karel Capek

A man with a good book in his hands can never be alone.
Carlo Goldoni

Any kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books.
Victor Hugo

Just read and let the words caress your ears like music.
Roald Dahl

Everything that humanity has done, changed its mind, everything that it has achieved - all this has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books.
Thomas Carlyle

Paradise is a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No... eight days a week.
Alan Bradley

He who reads a lot and walks a lot sees a lot and knows a lot.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

When watching movies, fantasy does not develop - it is limited only by special effects. Books also train the imagination, making our brain more plastic. We really hope that these quotes about reading will make you want to open some book.

Beautiful quotes about books

Reading is passive creativity.
Victoria Tokareva

There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading.
Andre Maurois

Eating with a book does not mean eating alone.
John Irving

And what else can a normal person in this country do in order not to get dirty? All that remains is to read books and love girls.
Yuri Polyakov

Reading is like this world behind closed eyelids - and it can be said that while reading, we also close our eyes to everything. Open book- cover, pages - as if blinding us: it fences off from the outside world, its persistent calls and awakens fantasy.
Peter Mendelsund

We live in turbulent times. People began to eat a lot and read little.
Grigory Gorin

Reading is an unpunished vice...
Bernard Chirini

Reading is a good substitute for vodka...
Sergey Lukyanenko

Reading is just a kind of friendship. Which either adds up or doesn't.
Max Fry

As children, we were often told that we needed to read books in order to grow up to be a smart person. Indeed, books enrich us and teach us a lot. Many of us read books all the time, others less often. Someone reads historical novels, and someone only reads magazines on the plane - it all depends on education, mood, character and many other factors. We hope that if you read these quotes, then books are not alien to you.

Statuses about books are short

Reading is the basis of all knowledge.

People stop thinking when they stop reading.

Read serious books. Life will do the rest.

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Cheer up and remember - when it's hard, take a book and read.

In the movies I watch others, the book allows me to become a different person for a while.

Books are separate magical worlds.

Books break the shackles of time, proving that people are capable of magic.

Reading good books, we water the flowers that grow in us.

We hope that quotes about books gave you the desire to read. After all, the future depends on education. It is important to learn not to drown in gadgets, but to properly balance between them and books that really open your eyes and make you see beauty in small things. No need to go far: take interesting book and you will understand what is interesting - nearby!

Quotes about books are funny

Life is some kind of constant hindrance to reading.

There are people who read only to find mistakes in the writer.

Indeed, many people read only in order to have the right not to think.

What is written without effort is read, as a rule, without pleasure.

Someone likes tea with sugar, someone - with jam, and I love - with a book.

My problem with reading books is that I'm constantly distracted... by other books.

Books are doors that lead you out of four walls...

The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The person who never reads lives only one.

In bed, you can do everything that gives pleasure to both. Even read.

Trust books, because they are your closest friends. Books, like friends, are silent when needed, and give you the whole world in the palm of your hand when needed. And always with meaning.

Wise Thoughts on Reading

The advantage of books is that the lives, stories, thoughts contained in them become yours. Closing the book, you are no longer the same as you were, opening it ...

Every book has a soul. The soul of the one who wrote it, and the souls of those who read and experienced it, and dreamed about it.

You will read many good books. Bad, of course, too, but you will learn to see the difference.

A good book only gets better the second time you read it. The Great Book is under the third.

Books are a good way to talk to someone you can't talk to.

Don't get us wrong, reading is for introverts. Extroverts can also be book lovers, but they are more open to the outside world, their dialogue with others is bright and rich. Extroverts are happy to communicate, go to parties, travel, keep diaries with inserts from old photos and funny notes, hold hands with lovers, look at the sky and the sea a lot, they like stories with a happy ending. Books are written by those for whom the process of self-knowledge is important. And they read avidly - introverts, whom books help to feel brighter external world. Reading is a kind of bridge from the ideal world to the real world.

With the help of books, we try to get rid of the feeling of loneliness: firstly, it's nice to know that we are not alone, book drunkards, and secondly,

  • no one understands us the way Sartre understands;
  • no one will teach us courage but Hemingway;
  • no one writes our love like Remarque;
  • no one knows us better than Borges.

And so on ad infinitum. Take the books from us and we start reading the announcements in the subway. And this novel, another page of the story - so what, it's already morning? But now our world is filled with the feelings and emotions we need and is painted in all the colors of magical ponies.

55 aphorisms and sayings that remind us why we love to read so much:

1) Literature is the sweetest way to ignore life. – Fernando Pessoa;
2) The book is a device that can fire the imagination. - Alan Bennett
3) A book is a dream that you hold in your hands. – Neil Gaiman
4) Leave me my books. That is all I have. - Franz Kafka
5) A good book is endless. - D. R. Cumming;
6) A good book is a precious source of the vitality of the spirit. – John Milton

7) By acquiring the habit of reading, you build a refuge for yourself from almost all the suffering of life. - Somerset Maugham;
8) The writer is just starting the book. The reader finishes it. - Samuel Johnson
9) Books are unique portable magic. - Stephen King
10) Books are an airplane, a train, and a road. They are both the destination and the journey. They are the house. - Anna Quindlen
11) Books are beacons erected in the great sea of ​​time. - E. P. Whipple;
12) Books are the quietest and most constant friends, they are the most accessible and wisest advisers, and the most patient teachers. – Charles William Eliot

13) A house without books is like a room without windows. - Heinrich Mann

14) When you read, you live several lives. - William Styron
15) A room without books is like a body without a soul. - Mark Tullius Cicero
16) Our mind needs books like a sword needs a grindstone so as not to become dull. - Tyrion Lannister (George Martin)
17) The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. He who never reads only one. George Martin;
18) Books have become my passport to personal freedom. - Oprah Winfrey
19) I don't believe in the magic that is said in my books. But I believe that something truly magical can happen when you read a good book. - Joanne Rowling;

20) Children become readers on their parents' knees. - Emily Buchwald

21) To instill in a child a taste for reading is the best gift we can give him. - S. Lupan;
22) It's good to inherit a library, but it's even better to build your own. - Augustine Birrell
23) Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience: this is the ideal life. - Mark Twain;
24) Reading can be dangerous. - Diana Setterfield
25) I find television very instructive. Every time someone turns on the TV, I go to another room and read a book. - Groucho Marx
26) It always seemed to me that Paradise is a kind of library. - Jorge Luis Borges
27) I was born with a “reading list” that I can never finish. - Maud Casey
28) If there is a book that you want to read, but it has not yet been written, then you must write it. - Toni Morrison
29) If you only read books that everyone reads, you will only think what everyone thinks. - Haruki Murakami
30) My best friend is a person who will give me a book that I have not read. - Abraham Lincoln;

31) No matter how busy you are, you must find time to read, or surrender to your own ignorance. - Confucius;

32) Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers. - Harry S. Truman;
33) Once you learn to read, you will always be free. - Frederick Douglass
34) One of the joys of reading is the opportunity to tap into the common wisdom of mankind. - Ishmael Reid
35) Reading is a discount ticket everywhere. – Mary Schmidsch;
36) Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. - Joseph Addison
37) Reading takes us away from home, but more importantly, it finds us a home everywhere. – Hazel Rochman;
38) Reading is one of the greatest pleasures that solitude can offer us. - Harold Bloom

39) So many books, so little time. - Frank Zappa

40) Love for books is a love that does not require any justification, apology, or defense. - Yu. A. Langford;
41) After reading a great book, it’s like I find a wonderful friend. - Oliver Goldsmith
42) Passion for reading is great gift. - Elizabeth Hardwick
43) A person who does not read good books has no advantage over a person who cannot read. - Mark Twain;
44) The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. – Saint Augustine;
45) The world of books is the most wonderful creation of man. - Clarence Shepard Day
46) There are many ways to expand your child's world. The love of books is the best of all. - Jacqueline Kennedy

47) There is no friend rather than a book. - Ernest Hemingway;

48) There is an art of reading, as well as an art of thinking and an art of writing. - Isaac Disraeli
49) Never trust someone who hasn't brought a book with them. - Lemony Snicket
50) What you read will change you. - Deepak Chopra;
51) Reading is like thinking, praying, talking to a friend, expressing your thoughts, listening to others' ideas, enjoying music, seeing beautiful scenery and walking along the beach. - Roberto Bolagno
52) When you sell a book to a person, you are not just selling him a set of paper, ink and glue - you are selling him new life. - Christopher Morley
53) Create your own bible. Collect from everything you read those words and statements that shocked and deafened you. - Ralph Emerson
54) Joint reading of books aloud binds people stronger than the joint payment of a loan. - Janusz Wisniewski;
55) Freedom exists then to go to the library. - I. Brodsky.

No matter how old you are, there is nothing better than a good book in your hands.

Everyone has their own happy place. The scene that immediately pops up before your eyes, as soon as you close your eyes and mentally transport yourself to that point on the globe where life envelops you with warmth and comfort. For me, it's a bookstore with its emerald green walls and huge windows that frame the twinkling stars at night. Embers are still burning in the fireplace, reminiscent of the color of the setting sun, and I myself am sitting in front of the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket, and reading a book with enthusiasm.

Sara Gio - Moonlight Trail

You don't need a magic wand to stop time.

Take tea and a book.

If the intellect is compared to a plant, then books are like bees carrying fertilizing pollen from one mind to another.

Lowell D.

Neil Gaiman, "The Ocean at the End of the Road"

A book should be called "big" or "small" not by the number of pages, but by the place it occupies in your heart.

I have to get up early tomorrow? Spit...))

Please! she whispered, opening the book. - Please take me away from here, just for an hour or two, but please, away from here.

Cornelia Funke. Inkheart.

How nice to just read your favorite book in bed with coffee!

The main thing is not how much you spend by buying a book.

The main thing is how much you will lose by not reading it.

Good way

More time would be

How do I read

Modern world...

Life is some kind of constant hindrance to reading.

If there is an opportunity to inspect someone else's bookcase, I certainly do it. And deep down I still believe that it is the best way recognized e person.

And I am fascinated by such books that when you finish reading them, you immediately think: it would be nice if this writer became your best friend and that you could talk to him on the phone whenever you want. But this rarely happens.

In the movies I watch others, the book allows me to become a different person for a while.

What do you prefer coffee with? with sugar, milk, cinnamon?

- I prefer with a book.

This is why we read novels: they give us the cozy feeling that we are in a world where the concept of truth is indisputable, while real world— a much less reliable place... Reading a literary text, we run from the anxiety that overcomes us when we try to say something true about the world around us... This has always been the function of myth: to give form, structure to the chaos of human experience.

Umberto Eco

A librocubicularist is a person who reads in bed.

Why do people listen to songs? Why do people read books? To forget for a while, to escape from yourself. Good book, good song, they drown out your inner voice. They kind of take control. You are immersed in a song, you are immersed in a book - and you are freed from your own experiences and thoughts and imbued with the thoughts of the author. It's like you step out of your body and become someone else. Douglas Copeland.

Books are separate magical worlds.

Books break the shackles of time, proving that people are capable of magic. Carl Sagan

There is no better remedy for refreshing the mind than reading the ancient classics; it is worth taking one of them in your hands, even if for half an hour, - immediately you feel refreshed, relieved and cleansed, uplifted and strengthened, as if refreshed by bathing in a clean source.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Everyone needs to read. From a three-year-old girl to a decrepit old man. If you are wondering why read books, because there is the Internet, movies and music, then it is either too early or too late for you to start reading books. Man is shaped by knowledge, knowledge of himself. And in this, like nothing else, this book helps. Whether it's bad or good, it's good. A bad book encourages you to appreciate a good one, while a good book helps you see the bad in yourself. Everyone should read, anytime, anywhere.

There is magic in every book.

Everywhere I searched for peace and found it in only one place - in the corner, with a book. Umberto Eco

Reading good books, we water the flowers that grow in us.

My problem with reading books is that I'm constantly distracted... by other books.

The best moments in reading are when you find a thought, a feeling, a look at things that seem special, close to you. And here they are, spoken by someone else, someone you've never met, perhaps long dead. As if someone's hand reached out and touched yours.

Reading good books is a conversation with the most the best people past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us their best thoughts.

As a child, I thought that a book is a plant from a wonderful land, because it has sheets and a spine. Thick spine and many sheets - wood. A thin book without pictures is grass, and with pictures is a flower. And before going to bed, I often thought: what kind of magician digs up all the books and brings them to us?

Books are the most silent and most faithful friends; they are the most accessible and wisest advisers, and they are the most patient teachers.

Books are doors that lead you out of four walls.... They teach you, educate you, you travel with them, dream, imagine, live other lives, and multiply yours a thousand times.

The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies

The person who never reads lives only one.

The advantage of books ... is that the lives, stories, reflections contained in them become yours; when you close a book, you are not the same as when you open it. Some of the pages are very well written. smart people and if you can read humbly, patiently, and with a desire to learn, they will never disappoint you. Even the incomprehensible lies in some distant hiding place of your head - for the future, which will give it meaning and turn it into something beautiful or useful. Arturo Perez-Reverte | Queen of the South.

Every book has a soul. The soul of the one who wrote it, and the souls of those who read and experienced it, and dreamed about it. Carlos Ruiz Zafon. "Shadow of the Wind"

When there are no friends with whom you can chat, the book is always ready to talk with you, bring you some amazing news, color your bored life with an amazing picture. Diana Duane.

When you read, it’s as if a whole world is being created in your head. And your own world, you know? He does not depend on anyone or anything - neither from directors, nor from actors, nor from budgets, nor from special effects - only from you!

How should you read? If a book captures us, then the first time we read it quickly and enthusiastically. We're just swallowing the pages. But in the future (and a good book is read and re-read many times) you need to read with a pencil in your hand. Nothing forms the taste and fidelity of judgments so much as the habit of writing out a passage you like or marking a deep thought. You need to make a promise to yourself not to miss anything when reading writers you truly appreciate.

Each person has their own book. It is as if the books know in advance whose life they are about to enter, how to guess their person, how to teach him a lesson, how to make him smile, and just when it is necessary.

The book is another adventure that you have experienced.

I dream of an endless supply of books. It is those that you will definitely like, those in whose worlds you will "live".

Cheer up and remember - when it's hard, take a book and read.

In bed, you can do everything that gives pleasure to both. Even read.

Only books can save, only in them can one find sympathy, and consolation, and love... Books, without demanding anything in return, love everyone who opens them. They never leave even those who do not care for them.

When we read a good book for the first time, we experience the same feeling as when we make a new friend. To reread a book you have already read is to see an old friend again.

Reading good books, we water the flowers that grow in us.

Books can take you to distant lands, make you laugh or cry. They can tell about worlds in which you would never find yourself in reality. The books are wonderful.

I reread only what is worthy of this honor.

What is worth it? - Bernat suddenly seemed to have turned into Adria.

The ability to captivate the reader. To make one admire the clever thoughts that are in the book, or the beauty that comes from it. For all that, rereading by its very nature contains a contradiction.

What do you mean, Isaiah? - asked Aunt Alina.

A book that doesn't deserve to be re-read doesn't deserve to be read at all. He looked at the guests. - You asked if they wanted tea? - Berlin looked at the book and immediately forgot about his role as a host. He continued: - But until we read the book, we do not know whether it is worthy of being read again. Life is a harsh thing.

Jaume Cabre - I confess.

Books are friends, impassive but true. Victor Hugo. Outcasts.

They say books come to life at night... So, where was the tale of the three mice?

Why do you need so many books?

To absorb them.

Jaume Cabre - I confess.

One of the most common types of meditation is this: you find a place where no one will distract you; allocate time in which you will engage only in meditation; take a comfortable position and choose something (a point on the wall, a feeling of movement of the abdominal wall during breathing, an internal image) that you will hold throughout this time. If your attention moves away from the selected object, you gently bring it back. John Kabat-Zin, one of today's most famous meditation teachers, likens it to training a puppy. You put the puppy on the mat and tell him to sit. When he gets bored and goes to wander, you return him to the rug and again tell him: "Sit" - and so on until he understands that this is his place. Why am I? And to the fact that the way we read fiction is very similar to meditation in many ways.

In the same way, we reduce the number of external stimuli and throw out vital thoughts from the head, we also focus (on the thin stream of words flowing into our consciousness), and if attention begins to wander, we gently return it to what we are reading. Meaningfully, meditation and reading achieve opposite effects: meditation "empties" the mind, while reading "fills". But attention works in a very similar way here and there. So, both of these activities are an excellent antidote to the epidemic of multitasking that has swept the world.


Learning to immerse yourself in the work - to suspend distrust of the unusual and really surrender to the power of the author's gaze - without this we will never be able to go beyond the boundaries of the history and way of perceiving the world imposed on us from childhood.

You know better how to squander time and money. I will stay at home and read, for life is short.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon - Playing an angel

"The whole life of mankind consistently settled in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the book remained."
A.I. Herzen

“Most of human knowledge in all areas exists only on paper, in books, this paper memory of mankind. Therefore, only a collection of books, a library is the only hope and indestructible memory of the human race.
A. Schopenhauer

“You need to know the book. You have to love and believe in her. It is necessary to develop in oneself the ability and practical dexterity to work with the help of a book.
ON THE. Rubakin

“Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.”
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

“If you carefully look for wisdom in books, you will find great benefit for your soul.”
Nestor the Chronicler

“What could be more precious than to enter daily into communion with the wisest people in the world.”
L.N. Tolstoy

"Books give birth to a dream, bring it to life, make you think, bring up independence of judgment."
S.G. Strumilin

"No failures of history and deaf spaces of time are able to destroy human thought, fixed in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books."
K.G. Paustovsky

“The book is magical. The book changed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.

“What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness.
Charles Lam

"The reason people remember so little of what they read is that they think too little themselves."
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

"Every kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books."
Victor Marie Hugo

"Acquaintance with the thoughts of bright minds is an excellent exercise: it fertilizes the mind and refines the thought."
Johann Gottfried Herder

"Study was for me the main remedy against the boredom of life, and I did not have such grief that did not dissipate after one hour of reading."
Charles Louis Montesquieu

“Classes with books nourish youth, amuse old age, decorate happiness, in misfortune they provide shelter and comfort, please at home, do not interfere outside the home ...”
Mark Thulius Cicero

"The book is the purest essence of the human soul."
Thomas Carlyle

"A book is viable only if its spirit is directed to the future."
Honore de Balzac

"Books are the best companions of old age, at the same time the best guides of youth."
Samloel Smiles

“Books have the power of immortality. They are the most enduring fruits of human activity.”
Samloel Smiles

"There is nothing that would have attracted me to a greater extent all my life than reading good, kind books containing deep and interesting thoughts."
Ali Apsheroni

“With books we have the same situation as with people. Although we get to know many, we choose only a few as friends, as heart partners in life.
Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach

“The best service that a book can do you is not only to tell the truth, but also to make you think about it.”
Hubbard E.

“Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us.
Petrarch F.

“In books, we avidly read about what we don’t pay attention to in life.”
Emil Krotky

“A book read on time is a huge success. She is capable of changing lives, just as her best friend or mentor will not change.
Pavlenko P.A.

“All good books are similar in one thing - when you read to the end, it seems to you that all this happened to you, and so it will remain with you forever.”
Hemingway E.

“There are many good books in the world, but these books are good only for those people who know how to read them. The ability to read good books is not at all tantamount to literacy.”
DI. Pisarev

"Reading good books reveals to us the thoughts hidden in our own soul"
C. Piermont

"The greatest merit of classical works is that they inspire wise conversations, serious and cordial conversations, reflections."
A. France

"A book whose merit lies in the subtlety of observations on the nature of man and things can never cease to please."
K. Helvetius

“Read not in order to contradict and refute, not in order to take it on faith; and not then to find a subject for conversation; but to think and reason.
F. Bacon

"A good book is a gift bequeathed by the author to the human race."
D. Addison

"Learn, read, reflect and make the most of everything."
N.I. Pirogov

“How many people who, after reading another good book, opened new era own life!"
G. Toro

“Because life is very short and free hours are very few, we should not spend any of them reading books of little value.”
D. Reskin

“The most useful books are those that make you think the most.”
T. Parker

“Look for people whose conversation would be worth a good book, and books whose reading would be worth a conversation with a philosopher”
P. Buast

“The book is a teacher without pay and gratitude. Every moment gives you revelations of wisdom"

“It is absurd to lay down strict rules about what should be read and what should not. A good half of modern culture is based on what should not be read.
Oscar Wilde

"Books are ships of thought, roaming the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation."
Francis Bacon

“Reading is the best teaching!”
A.S. Pushkin

“There is no better remedy for refreshing the mind than reading the ancient classics; as soon as you take one of them in your hands, even if for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, relieved and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if refreshed by bathing in a clean spring.
A. Schopenhauer

"Reading makes a man knowledgeable, conversation makes a man resourceful, and the habit of writing makes him accurate."
F. Bacon

"People stop thinking when they stop reading."
D. Diderot

“Read not in order to contradict and refute, not in order to take it on faith, and not in order to find a subject for conversation; but to think and reason.
F. Bacon

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”
D. Addison