Quiet managerial revolution. "Quiet managerial revolution or a new managerial paradigm"

The history of managerial thought is associated with the existence of organizations that arose several centuries ago. Clay tablets of ancient Sumeria dated to the third millennium BC have come down to us, on which laws and information about transactions are recorded. The achievements of large organizations in antiquity indicate that fairly developed systems of government were created in these states. An example is the Roman Empire, which existed for hundreds of years.

Forms of manifestation of modern management can be traced in the flourishing organizations of antiquity. An example of an organization that has been run in the same way as organizations today is the church. A simple structure, defined by the founders of Christianity, is successfully functioning at the present time (Catholicism - pope, cardinal, archbishop, bishop, parish priest). Modern military organizations are similar in many ways to those of ancient Rome.

However, the nature and structure of government in those days was different from today. There were fewer middle managers, often led by one person. These were mainly recommendations on public administration. People were interested in how, using organizations, to acquire great political power, to earn more money rather than how to manage them.

The search for theoretical approaches began in the era of the formation of capitalism. The main force behind the interest in management was the industrial revolution that began in England. Then, for the first time in America, the idea was born that management itself could contribute significant contribution in the successful development of organizations.

The main question was: what drives people, encourages them to take action? The Englishmen Thomas Hobbes in 1651 and James Stewart in 1767 argued that the main motive of human behavior is the desire for power.

The English economist Adam Smith, in his work “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” (1776), formulated the principle “ economic man”, main goal which is the desire for enrichment and satisfaction of personal needs. However, further studies have shown that only about 12% of people strive exclusively for enrichment, while almost 40% seek fame.

Starting point of development modern management 1886 should be considered the year when businessman Henry Town spoke at a meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers with a report "The Engineer as an Economist." In this report, for the first time, the problem of the need for management as a professional specialization and scientific discipline was raised.

The birthplace of management is the United States of America. The following conditions contributed to this:

1. Absence of prejudices of origin and nationality.

2. Encouraging the ability to earn.

3. "Brain drain" from Europe.

4. Education for all.

5. The state did not interfere in business and entrepreneurship.

6. System of taxation.

7. America on the threshold of the twentieth century - the most big market(the construction of the main railway lines has been completed).

8. Technical progress and machine production required the standardization and unification of everything production process, its comprehensive rationalization, saving time and resources.

Development scientific management was not a series of successive steps. It was several approaches that often overlapped. There are four major approaches that have made a significant contribution to the development of management theory and practice (Fig. 3.1).

In the 1930s, Western sociologists and economists created the theory of managerial revolution. According to this theory, with a broad transition to the joint-stock form of enterprises, the power of the capitalist owners over banks and corporations passed into the hands of specialists - managers, technocrats (highly qualified specialists - scientists, engineering and technical intelligentsia, managers participating in production management) and bureaucrats ( layer of the highest bureaucratic administration, often pursuing their own, selfish interests). Thus, Professor J. Galbraith stated: “Seventy years ago, a corporation was a tool of its owners and a reflection of their individuality. The names of these magnates - Carnegie, Rockefeller, Harriman, Mellon, Guggenheim, Ford - were known throughout the country ... Those who now head large corporations are unknown ... The people who manage large corporations are not owners in the slightest. significant share of the company. They are not chosen by the shareholders, but, as a rule, by the board of directors.”

In its development, management practice has undergone considerable changes. Sometimes management has changed so radically that we can talk about management revolutions, when a transition is made from one qualitative state of management to another. All managerial revolutions are examples of the allocation of new activities and their isolation.

Most recent in time managerial revolution, which falls on the twentieth century - the transformation of managers first into a professional stratum, and then into social class. Administration and management stand out as an independent type of activity, and managers become the most important participants in economic processes. Management is turning into a specific branch of social practice, knowledge and skills that need to be accumulated, multiplied and transferred to employees who need them.

In 1941, J. Bernheim, in his book The Managerial Revolution, expressed the idea that the class of capitalists was practically supplanted by the class of managers. The capitalist-owner has ceased to be necessary prerequisite normal functioning of production, and managers have become the same public class like the bourgeoisie or the bureaucracy. Executives-managers, having taken key positions in the management of production, pressed the owners of enterprises and shareholders in the performance of control functions. The idea of ​​transferring control over production to management personnel was developed by sociologists P. Sorokin, T. Parsons, P. Drucker. The growth of bureaucracy in the public and private sectors in modern times was the result of the inability of the business class to manage highly complex technological, economic and social processes.

In the middle of the twentieth century, interest in management reached its apogee. The idea of ​​a managerial revolution has embraced the sphere of not only scientific, but also everyday thinking. In 1959, the famous sociologist R. Dahrendorf stated that legal property and formal control finally divided, and thus the traditional theory of classes lost any substantive value.

At the turn of the century and millennium, mankind entered a qualitatively new period of its development. When solving any problems, more and more one has to reckon with the "outer limits" of the planet and the "inner limits" of the person himself (A. Peccei). The era of informatization and globalization has come, the time of rapid changes, when all processes are developing rapidly and at the same time contradictory. The global transformation of the world order, the systemic nature of the changes taking place on the planet make us think about the general laws of history, the deep logic of the change of eras. Past and future do not exist on their own as completely autonomous spaces; they turn out to be merged into a single stream of time, pulled together by the shores of history, being united only by the subject of historical action - man.

Cardinal changes in the worldview, social psychology and mentality seem to be no less important than changes in the material, eventful life of society, since it is the first ones that are the main factor in social revolutions that give rise to grandiose transformations of the economic and political status of the world. Development information technologies and communication capabilities, the entire powerful arsenal of civilization significantly weakened the role of geographical spaces and the restrictions imposed by them in the 20th century. A different perspective of global development than before has been formed, the configuration of civilizational contradictions has undergone certain metamorphoses. The new quality of the world - its globalization - also manifested itself in the fact that today almost the entire planet is covered by a single type of economic practice. New, transnational agents of action have also emerged, loosely linked to the nation-states on whose territories they operate. Accordingly, the principles of construction have changed international systems management and their tasks.

At the same time, global governance does not at all imply the unification of the social and economic life of the planet. The phenomenon of management generates a managerial way of thinking. However, as many researchers believe, in the course of their evolution, the theory and practice of management have come to the point where it is necessary to integrate disparate models of the subject of study. It is necessary to build a managerial metatheory based on a holistic concept that combines the methods and ideas of sociology, economics, psychology, cultural studies, philosophy, and management. The main problem, which, as it were, stands in the way of turning management into a science, is the person himself. His behavior is unpredictable, because it is determined by many factors and circumstances - values, needs, worldview, attitudes, level of willpower, i.e. that cannot be foreseen and taken into account.

Contemporary social management is still far from meeting the requirements of the time. There is a need for its renewal, for fundamental changes that will allow to influence the main cause of the general crisis of management - the growing contradiction between the subject and object of management. The most important condition for solving these problems is the growing role of cultural and socio-psychological factors. In the management culture, the rational principle, knowledge, modern concepts, high technologies are of particular importance. It is quite obvious that a special managerial action begins with the knowledge of the essence of ongoing processes, the promotion of new ideas, which characterizes, first of all, the content of management, the level of managerial thinking. Without the ability to put forward innovative goals and objectives, and then find adequate methods for their solution, there can be no effective management. Management ideas play an equally important role.

Today, it is becoming a priority for managers to study human behavior in social organization, in society, understanding the laws of disclosure of the creative potential of each employee, the culture and psychology of human communication. In a word, knowledge and understanding of a person, the forms of his behavior in a social organization is the most important element of managerial culture and the essence of the managerial revolution that the world is going through. And managerial intelligence becomes the most important resource of mankind and part of the general culture of both society and the individual.

In modern management systems, individuals who act as carriers of knowledge and intellect are organized and interact. In addition, they constantly improve their intellectual capabilities, therefore, it is unlawful to ignore intelligence as a quality of a person, neither from the point of view of science, nor from the point of view of organizational practice. management activities; after all, the organization is carried out not only of means, skills, methods of interaction and organizational structures but also personalities.

The carriers of the new managerial and organizational culture are both society as a whole and its individual social groups, primarily the educated strata, and finally, individuals. And today, the idea of ​​forming a modern political and administrative elite, which is able to influence public life as if proactively, based on professional knowledge, creative imagination, unconventional perception and innovation.

However, the "administrative revolution" did not eliminate the contradictions between the economic and administrative authorities. This contradiction does not make itself felt if the administrative apparatus of corporations achieves a high and stable increase in the share price, and thereby a successful accumulation of capital - property (as was the case in the 50s and 60s). But when stock prices fall (this was the case in the 70s), large investors (banks, firms, funds) through their managers express dissatisfaction with the activities of managers, change personnel senior management of corporations and dictate many management decisions.

One of the important consequences of the managerial revolution is a decisive change in the relationship big business from the outside market environment microeconomics. We know that small farms are not in a position to influence the market price. Therefore, it submits to its regulatory role. Large corporations do otherwise. They seek to monopolize the market and determine the prices of their products. Mass production on large enterprises, equipped with a system of high-performance machines, requires to foresee the release and sale of products for a long time, excluding accidents market conditions. That's why economic activity large business - in contrast to the spontaneous market - is planned.

Moreover, the management of modern large-scale machine production acquires not only a planned, but also a scientific character. It is no coincidence that a large detachment of scientifically trained specialists is involved in the management personnel. Describing management personnel corporation, J. Galbraith concluded: “As a result, the thinking center that determines the actions of the company becomes not an individual, but a whole set of scientists, engineers and technicians, specialists in sales, advertising and trading operations, experts in the field of public relations, lobbyists , lawyers and people who are well acquainted with the peculiarities of the Washington bureaucracy and its activities, as well as intermediaries, managers, administrators.

Such a significant change in the role and nature of managerial activity has led to the emergence of a special branch of scientific knowledge and skills - management.

The concepts of "management", "management" are known today to almost every educated person. Their significance was especially clearly realized in the 1920s and 1930s. Management activity has become a profession, the field of knowledge - an independent discipline. Today, it is obvious that the high level of development of the modern world, for the most part, is due to successful management methods. Competent managers are required in any field, their social stratum has turned into a very influential social force, A professional activity is often the most important key to success.

Ideas strategic management are a vivid manifestation of the "quiet managerial revolution" that began in the American economy at the turn of the 80s. Having discovered the inability of their managers to cope with the growing difficulties in external environment during the longest economic crisis of the entire post-war period, American corporations faced a crisis in the manageability of their economic systems. The search for a way out of it was carried out not only by improving the skills of managerial personnel, but also through the transition to a new "management paradigm", which is understood as a system of views arising from the fundamental ideas of the scientific results of a number of prominent scientists and determining the core of thinking of the bulk of researchers and managers. -practitioners.

The following five components define the concept of strategic management:

*species definition commercial activities and formation strategic directions its development, i.e. it is necessary to identify goals and long-term development prospects;

* the transformation of common goals into specific areas of work;

*skillful implementation of the chosen plan to achieve the desired performance.

* effective implementation of the chosen strategy;

* assessment of the work done, analysis of the market situation, making adjustments to the long-term main directions of activity, goals, strategy or its implementation in the light of experience gained, changed conditions, new ideas or new opportunities.

The task of implementing the strategy is to understand what needs to be done in order for the strategy to work and to meet the planned deadlines for its implementation. The work on the implementation of the strategy initially belongs to the area of ​​administrative tasks, which includes the following main points:

*creation of organizational capabilities for the successful implementation of the strategy;

* budget management for the purpose of profitable allocation of funds;

*determination of the company's policy that ensures the implementation of the strategy;

* motivation of employees for more effective work; if necessary, modifying their responsibilities and nature of work in order to achieve the best results in implementing the strategy;

* linking the amount of remuneration with the achievement of the intended results;

* creating a favorable atmosphere within the company for the successful implementation of the intended goal;

* creation of internal conditions that provide the company's personnel with conditions for daily effective execution their strategic roles;

* use of the most advanced experience for continuous improvement of work;

*providing the internal guidance needed to move forward with the implementation of the strategy and to oversee how the strategy is to be carried out.

Thus, the company's strategy consists of planned actions (intended strategy) and the necessary adjustments in case of uncertain circumstances (unplanned strategic decisions). Therefore, the strategy should be seen as a combination of planned actions and quick decisions to adapt to new industry developments and new field dispositions. competition. The task of developing a strategy involves developing a plan of action or an intended strategy and adapting it to a changing situation. The current strategy of the company is compiled by the manager, taking into account events taking place both inside and outside the company.

The potential of innovation management is fundamentally based on the performance of the following functions:

¦ synergistic function, reflecting the search, research, heuristic nature;

¦ valeological function characterizing the anti-crisis and preventive content;

¦ sociocratic function, expressed in a solidarity, person-centered orientation;

¦ communicative function associated with information, social, cultural variables.

The need for a transition in management from a leadership model to a coordination model, from a technocratic management style to a sociocratic management style is dictated by the extreme aggravation of social problems in Russian society.

Social content of management within new concept management has an advanced, revolutionary character. The progressiveness and revolutionary nature of this process is determined by the specificity of Russian conditions.

The history of the development of Russian society and economy over the past decades has not contributed to the emergence and spread of a new managerial mentality. Only the education system can create mass new class Russian managers, to produce innovative leaders with a new market culture of management, organization of production and labor. As a result, the realities of Russian practice establish education as the only way to change the managerial mentality, which, in turn, also has serious drawbacks: the lack of practical orientation, a significant gap between theoretical knowledge and actual experience, and an underdeveloped postgraduate level. Such a deplorable state of the system vocational education reinforces negative assessments of the prospects for the development of Russian society.

Despite the high complexity of the problems, education is not currently a priority area public policy. Domestic business is also not interested in providing employment, raising the qualification base of labor, subsidizing vocational training. The new elite layer of large Russian businessmen is far from the problems of the economic and social revival of the nation, the restoration of the economic and political status of Russia in modern world, is far from realizing the need to subsidize the system of education, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel. As a result, the lack of professional training, the development, acceptance and implementation of unskilled management decisions inevitably reduces the quality of management.

All the acuteness and complexity of the problem of the formation of a new managerial mentality by many specialists comes down to the lack of market conditions: there is no demand, and, accordingly, there is no preparation. However, in fact, this process does not depend on market laws, but is directly related only to the quality of strategic social management.

Presidential Management Training Program for Organizations National economy The Russian Federation, in its idea, is called upon to solve a number of problems related to the redistribution of priorities in the field of the production and labor management system, organized on the basis of modern principles. The goals and objectives declared in the Program and plans for the training of top managers, including as a necessary component, take into account the production of a new managerial mentality. However, the evaluation and forecasting of the results of the implementation of the Program in terms of the logic of construction and the effectiveness of training (training) lead to a logical conclusion: it is practically impossible to achieve high quantitative and qualitative results. The main reason for the negative assessment of the effectiveness of the project is the lack of mass and scale in preparation. The dissemination of new, progressive, revolutionary ideas through one employee in an organization is impossible due to their blocking and the erection of barriers by employees who do not have the appropriate system of knowledge and skills. In essence, the law of rejection of the new and resistance to innovations begins to operate.

In addition, the participation of a number of managers in the Program showed that the main contingent of students are specialists and managers of lower or middle management levels. In many organizations, these levels do not take part in the formation and development of general goals, development strategies and policies of the organization. Accordingly, the acquired knowledge and skills cannot lead to qualitative changes in the management system of these organizations. Participation in the Program of such students in most cases is carried out only on the basis of their own initiative in order to expand opportunities for further career development, and the successful completion of training makes them competitors in the eyes of the current management, and therefore requiring the neutralization of their initiatives and innovations. As a result, their education and training, including through the organization of foreign internships in companies and firms of the participating countries this project, lead to the complication of the processes of professional and socio-psychological adaptation when an already updated specialist re-enters his organization. At the same time, no measures are envisaged to promote and mitigate adaptation processes in the organization within the framework of the Management Training Program. The whole complex of identified problems, both in conceptual and practical terms, does not allow us to hope for successful implementation goals and objectives of the project.

Thus, summarizing the stated provisions, thoughts and judgments, we can make a reasonable conclusion that existing system management is a huge obstacle in realizing the possibilities of Russian society, and a new sociocratic management philosophy is urgently needed, aimed at realizing the national interests of stability and development and forming a new managerial mentality of top management.

Modern management puts the consumer at the beginning of the production process, based on individual, and not impersonal, mass demand. With this understanding, profit appears as a result of the enterprise's activities in the field of design, marketing, innovation, labor productivity, quality of after-sales service and an important means of control. feedback with the consumer.

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in interest in the problems of professional development. This is due not only to the eternal significance of professionalism and its development, but also to the specific patterns of passing the path to the highest achievements of a person both within the framework of professional life and within the integrity of life, the creation of research teams, an increasing number of dissertation developments that are devoted to identifying such patterns. The co-organization of research of this kind was facilitated by the emergence of an integral field of scientific knowledge - "acmeology" and the corresponding creative groups, their cathedral, institutional design (B.G. Ananiev, A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach, N.V. Kuzmina, E. A. Klimov, A. K. Markova and others).

First of all, it is necessary to assume the level form of the "ladder of development" of the internal qualities of a person, including as a specialist, and the trajectory of life, which has ups and downs according to certain criteria and indicators. Ups show coming to peaks (“acme”), and downs show a departure from them, as well as preparation for a new upsurge and reaching a higher peak. After the "graph" of the dynamics of quantitative indicators for materials life path man has already been built, it is possible to determine his highest peak, his life acme. When monitoring the dynamics of a healthy person who has his own life prospect, it is possible to build hypothetical forecasts of the acmeological type and create conditions for raising or lowering his main peak. For a pedagogical psychologist, acmeologist - corrector and consultant, for a representative of the acmeological service, personnel development service, for a strategist and personnel policy it is extremely important to know about the patterns of development dynamics, the impact of external and internal factors on changes in quantitative and qualitative indicators. This allows you to take measures that contribute to the maximum self-expression of a person on his life path within the framework of his usefulness for himself and society.

Since the time of Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, it is well known that manifestations of any type are predetermined by the abilities of a person, his structure and potential, relying on which a person somehow manifests what is inherent in him, internal and external. In special cases, he has the ability to change the potential and nature of all external and internal manifestations of his "essence". Hegel distinguished being “in-itself” as the maintenance of structure, “for-other” as a manifestation of complete dependence on an external factor, “for-itself” as a manifestation taking into account not only the external, but also the structure of oneself, and “for-in-itself” " as a response in the direction of changing the properties, the acceleration of one's "in-itself" being. Consequently, the highest expression, the manifestation of oneself by a person depends on what his being is “in-itself”, what is the basis of his “I”, and only then - on the external conditions of manifestation. If a person has a naturally conditioned change in himself, for example, in maturation, then to observe the phenomenon of "acme" it is only necessary to wait for the shift internal device to its most developed state. If, in sociocultural conditions, there are opportunities to seriously influence the internal qualities, the mechanism of a person, his mental whole, "I", etc., then one should only analyze the ratio of the internal dynamics of the mechanism and the qualities of the external environment that stimulates its changes. So, socialization has some possibilities in the transformation of a person, and occulturation, the supposed introduction of universal qualities, has other, more extensive possibilities. General offset line internal mechanism of man is magnificently shown in Hegel's "Philosophy of Spirit" and its accompanying details ("Philosophy of Law", "Philosophy of Religion", "Aesthetics", "Phenomenology of Spirit", etc.).

energizing managerial thinking head

Later, a number of similar analyzes of human development were carried out in developmental psychology and other fields of knowledge (for example, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, J. Piaget, E. Meissen, and others).

The specificity of acmeological analysis lies in the emphasis on being "for-in-itself", since in this being there are the leading prerequisites for achieving peak results. Until a person determines himself in favor of self-development and development, in favor of being "for-in-itself", he does not have great prospects, even being in the most favorable conditions. So, a manager who solves strategic tasks and problems, developing strategies, correcting them, has objective activity conditions for rapid development and self-development, since the nature of the activity requires a qualitatively higher level of development of thinking, reflection, intellectual self-organization, consciousness, self-awareness, self-determination, etc., than before the start of this activity. However, if the manager does not recognize the objective nature of these requirements, does not turn his self-determination in the direction of compliance with the requirements, does not concentrate in self-organization to overcome internal obstacles to compliance with the requirements, then this objective opportunity will subjectively not be used. In fact, we observe just the non-realization of such opportunities among the vast majority of civil servants involved in direct public administration. Such non-realization is facilitated by the lack of acmeological services designed to quickly identify these opportunities and design the conditions for their implementation based on the value of maximizing the real potential of managers and analytical assistants in management. However, acmeological science itself in the field of psychocorrection still uses very little knowledge about human development in activity structures and in sociocultural environments and is often distinguished by significant empiricism, does not use the achievements of the mental culture of philosophy and methodology. This is partly justified by the initial stage of such a line of development.

It is important for us to single out a specialist, manager, analyst, scientist, teacher, etc. against the background of the integrity of self-organization. a specific link of self-determination and that type of it, when the proposal of one or another “way of life” acts as a reason for self-determination. When it comes to lifestyle, it is not situational self-expression that is emphasized first, but character traits self-movement, accompanying self-organization, persisting for a long time with a tendency to persist throughout life. A change in lifestyle is based on re-self-determination and supra-situational design of a life path. It is easy to see that every qualitative step in changing oneself, in development, every transition to a different stage of development changes the needs and motivational prerequisites for the organization of behavior. There are more or less noticeable changes in lifestyle.

We see the following grounds for organizing aspirations for being “for-in-itself” at all age stages. They arise from the consideration of the ontology of the world of activity, the pre-activity of the worlds - vital, sociodynamic, sociocultural, cultural - as well as from the abstract line of development with transitions from a lower to a higher type of world. Supreme type the world is "spiritual". We believe that each person should gain experience in the consistent development of being in each of the types of worlds, from the lowest to the highest, with a positive effect, “success”. In reality, everyone is placed in all or almost all types of worlds at the same time. Therefore, a “pseudo-natural” path along the ladder of development is required, which is usually carried out, albeit with varying degrees of spontaneity, in the education system. Outside of education, the professionalism of teachers is replaced by an amateurish chance of solving a pedagogical task by “others”. Really education system most often, to a large extent, it is similar to the preformative form of the implementation of the specified installation and function. This is due to the extremely poorly developed system of educational and pedagogical self-determination and professional development, professional development of teachers and those who serve them - methodologists, managers, etc. The criterion for the correctness of self-determination, and then self-organization, external organization activities is functional compliance. If functional analysis relies primarily on the highest forms and means of organizing thinking, building images of the “I”, on the use of the most abstract concepts, categories and, consequently, on the culture of thinking, then this culture is precisely what is lacking in pedagogical activity and in the system of teacher education. functional analysis is the opposite of situational analysis and cannot coincide with such types of analysis as analysis within the framework of setting and solving problems and problems, methodological analysis, etc. In other words, even in the education system we do not have adequate forms of passing the path of development and methods of forming the ability for an essentially significant organization of self-development. At the same time, it was in Russia, and earlier in the USSR, at the end of the 70s that developing games arose, aimed primarily at the passage of development cycles by their participants. Being at first a place for modeling the development of external systems - activity and socio-cultural - they inevitably included a reorientation towards the development of the abilities of adults, specialists. Outside of their development, replacement of internal foundations, it was impossible to carry out either the development of external systems or the implementation of the developed projects of a qualitatively different type. The very device of developing games included both the player's action, and the reflection of the action, and the criteria-based support for reflection in the form of methodological consultations and corrections. Since the quality of thinking, reflection, self-determination, etc. based on criteria support, on the methodological service of reflection, such complications of the previously existing " business games” would be impossible without the methodology.

For such games, the most remarkable feature was the interaction of "ordinary" specialists with methodologists. In contrast to the usual discussion interaction within the framework of a character ensemble and a fixed plot, methodologists demanded from the specialist conceptually and categorically significant grounds, abstract forms of procedures, methods, constructions as a justification for the introduced thought. Since the main and foundation were on different levels of abstraction, specialists could not answer such questions in a more or less organized way and continued to introduce variations of answers of the same level of certainty, quality, etc. The emphasis and direction of the questions remained non-conceptual and caused a negative reaction. At the same time, and due to the preservation of habitual thinking, the essentiality and depth of thought or its emptiness could not be identified, built. Out of connection with these contents, the “profound” statements of the methodologists became formal and even formalistic. Thus, in the games of interaction between the bearers of empirical content and methodological culture, the problematic situation, revealed by Kant, was reproduced.

For the qualitative growth of understanding the contents, the discovery of "depths" and "surfaces" in them, a qualitative change in thinking, and then consciousness, self-awareness, in order to reach a different level of solving problems and problems, it was necessary to recognize the necessity, fundamental usefulness and inevitability of a new type of content, methods actions, all the work of methodologists, and then - the complication of their own ideas on the topic, including both the old and "new" ideas, the establishment of correlations, combinations, reversible re-emphasis. In other words, the old "world" is supplemented by a new one with the distinction of internally useful and neutral qualities of what is included in the content of thinking, reflection, and then in the form of thinking and reflection.

A positive attitude towards the other and its integration, in turn, presuppose not only an attitude to the content, but also to the bearer of contents, and then to the functional place in which the bearer resides and on behalf of which he carries out a mental action, reflection.

Thus, starting from external interaction with a methodologist, a specialist comes to the need for functional-positional, organizational-positional and only then morphological-positional identification with a partner, which allows him to understand and take into account him, use his positive qualities for the benefit of the “work” being carried out, solving game tasks and game problems.

The identification and coordination of actions with the methodologist, the use of his special advantages during the game ensured the transfer of the entire cycle of relations with him beyond the playing space. At the same time, the manager, as the main person in the games we are talking about, could successfully identify with the methodologist only through self-correction and its organization, by changing its foundation. Both identification and self-correction became the basic process of self-change in the specific conditions of game interaction, organized in a game-technical way. Initially, the main initiative to launch and implement self-change comes from the position of a game engineer-methodologist. During this period, the manager's self-determination was characterized by inertia and was directed towards defensive work. However, with the formation by the manager of such fragments of foundations, subjective attitudes, needs, directions that took into account the partner, created, as it were, his representation within the former consciousness, self-consciousness, etc., inertia was overcome and rapid qualitative growth was carried out within the former position. It gradually consolidated, and the manager began to “not recognize” and otherwise evaluate his own actions and the actions of others of the same quality.

As in mastering any means or methods that imply a different level of development of subjective qualities, the step of development is accompanied by a change in the bases of energy, aspirations, and desires. But when mastering the means and methods of methodology, there is not just a qualitative shift in the being of abilities, their transformation - the fundamental guidelines and supports change. Identification with a methodological position, its inherent intellectual and motivational grounds sometimes turns not only into a condition for the successful solution of previous tasks and problems, the implementation of the former type-activity function, but also into an independent significance, more important than the former type-activity being. There is a qualitative change in the activity “I” and a reassessment of the former type-activity “I” of the integrity of the “I” of specialists. Already the former type-activity "I" turns into a service for the new type-activity "I", although there may also be a simple rejection of the former "I", leading to disharmony. To plan a life line, including a professional component, a person must recognize his "I", even if it has undergone a qualitative transformation. Then the planning of actions, the way of being outside the limitations of a particular situation and with submission to one's new "I" leads to the creation of a new way of life. Having experience in its construction, a person can reflect on its corrections and enter into a special form of analysis of the phenomenon of "lifestyle", giving the concept, concept and even the category of "lifestyle". To realize this possibility, we need an environment of those who regularly conceptualize, understand, categorize. Most often, this is done either by theoretical scientists or methodologists who are interested in understanding the vocabulary of activity theory. Along with identification and even coming to regular work, specific to methodologists, the specialist studies YAT (the language of activity theory) and uses all the necessary categories, concepts, including “way of life”, as peripheral and close to the psychological set of categories and concepts.

The introduction into the practice of reflexive self-organization of such means of analysis as "I", "self-determination", "self-consciousness", "way of life", etc., creates the prerequisites for finding that type of lifestyle that most of all corresponds not only to claims, but also characteristics of a particular person. By themselves, mental attempts at self-discovery are insufficient, and the use of ordinary life experience is associated with the risk of obtaining unnecessary, negative traces of these tests, an indefinite lengthening of the process of self-finding. Therefore, developing games are the most favorable forms of finding one's way of life, since the generation of options and their selection takes place in an accelerated and organized manner, with the introduction of many bases for the experience of reflection and oneself.

If we return to the general line of transformation of the professionalism of managers, the transformation of its internal subjective mechanism, and then to monitoring the manifestations of new states and levels, then interaction with the methodologist gradually creates a situation of choice for the manager:

1) ignore, close oneself from the impact of other qualities, stay in the usual way of life, or

2) change the way of life, move on to new foundations and improve them by leaving the old way of life, or

3) change the way of life for a while in order to sufficiently master the possibilities of the methodology and return to a changed, but former way of life, using new opportunities, or

4) consider temporary otherness as a condition for acquiring a new quality, but in the "old" way of being, or

5) to reincarnate in a different way of being while maintaining the possibility of temporary and adequate, but higher in quality stays in the former way of being. In reality, a choice occurs when a manager or other specialist, being involved in the methodology of activities and abilities, has already been able to go through all the options and is able to distinguish and correlate them. At first, the manager moves from one type to another, noticing only the next transition, seeing the prospect of a different existence as a threat or a blessing. Since the main criterion for distinguishing is the opposition “pre-methodological-methodological”, the shifts in the way of life are directed towards an ever greater departure from the situational, momentary, anxiety in the face of surprise, unpredictability to supra-situational, eternally significant and eternally imaginative, calm and prudent being in thinking, analytics.

Each of the correlated positions has its own typology of being and corresponding subjective manifestations. In management, pre-cultural and culturally appropriate forms of being are distinguished. In the methodology, the actual cultural, fundamental and applied, culture-influencing forms of being are distinguished. The highest level for a manager is the correct use of cultural means and methods for successfully achieving management goals and solving professional problems and problems.

In its development, the SM went through the following main stages:

First stage. 1950s-1960s Strategic planning was a long-term planning of production and market development. Around this time, long-range plans became the focus of attention in developing the strategic behavior of the organization. There are new approaches to achieving goals in competition;

Second phase. 70s The meaning of the strategic choice has changed significantly, which was no longer a fixation of production plans for the long term, but was an answer to the question: “What to do with the business that has been successful so far, but may lose its attractiveness due to changes in consumer priorities?”;

Third stage. 1980-1990s The dynamism of the external environment has made the task of timely adaptation to changes occurring in all spheres of public life so difficult that the ability of the organization to properly respond to such a challenge of the environment has become the essence of its "strategic behavior. The basis of strategic decisions now turned out to be the choice of such behavior at the current moment, which would ensure the prosperity of the organization in the future;

Fourth stage. First decade of the 21st century - a sharp increase in the environmental factor. Awareness of the need to develop a strategy focused on changes in the external environment, the elements of which are diversification, integration, development of new markets.

D. Campbell and D. Stonehouse tend to believe that the next stage in the development of management science will be "knowledge management". The main tasks of this direction of management:

Creation of new knowledge, which is primarily of commercial value;

Knowledge training;

Introduction of knowledge into production and management processes;

Storage and protection of knowledge.

The "quiet managerial revolution" of the early 1980s

The term "strategic management" was put into circulation at the turn of the 60-70s. 20th century to indicate the difference between the management of the production and economic system at the production level (“current”) and its management carried out at highest level. The need to fix such a difference is caused by changes in business conditions, the importance of shifting the focus of attention in a particular business to the situation in its environment in order to promptly and appropriately respond to changes taking place in it. The development of strategic management ideas was reflected in the works of Frankenhofs, Grantger, Apsoff, Shenbed and Hattei, Irwin and others.

The ideas of the SM are a vivid manifestation of the "quiet managerial revolution" that began in the American economy in 1970-1980. Having discovered the inability of their managers to cope with the growing difficulties in the external environment during the most protracted economic crisis in the entire post-war period (1973-1981), American corporations faced a crisis in the manageability of their economic systems. The search for a way out of it was carried out not only by improving the skills of managerial personnel, but also through the transition to a new "managerial paradigm", the essence of which is a certain departure from managerial rationalism, from the initial belief that the success of a company is determined by the rational organization of production, cost reduction by identifying intra-production reserves, increasing labor productivity and efficient use of all types of resources.

The new paradigm is based on:

Based on systemic and situational approaches to management: the corporation is considered as an open system; the main prerequisites for the successful operation of the company are found not only inside, but also outside it, i.e. success is associated with how well the company adapts to the external environment - scientific and technical, economic, social, political, etc.;

On the concept of the company as social system. Not only the nature of strategies, the type of organizational structures, planning and control procedures, but also the style of leadership, the qualifications of people, their behavior, reaction to innovations and changes must be constantly analyzed and improved when building organizational systems management.

Within the framework of the “new paradigm”, particular importance is attached to the factors of organizational culture - the values ​​established in the organization, individual and group norms of behavior, attitudes, types of interactions, etc.

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FGBOU VPO "Ural State Economic University"

Distance Education Center


by discipline: Management.

Executor: student

Knitel. V.A.

Yekaterinburg 2015

Exercise 1. Answer questions in writing

Modern concepts of management.

School of Human Relations- arose at the end of the 1920s, when the level of intensification of the use of the physical efforts of workers reached its maximum. This was accompanied by mass strikes.

The School of Human Relations boiled down to a few key points:

It is necessary to develop among workers a sense of not only individual, but also collective responsibility for the results of work;

It is necessary to form common goals and interests for the entire team of employees;

According to the school of human relations, any organization can be considered as a social system in which the employee is assigned a role social worker:

1. Mary Follet- studied the causes and ways of resolving conflicts, different leadership styles and their effectiveness. She considered management as the ability to do work with the help of other people and considered it necessary to choose a method depending on the specific situation in the team.

2. Hugo Münsterberg- developed a scientific approach to choosing a profession. Known for a series of Hawthorne (Hawthorne - a city near Chicago) experiments conducted from 1927 to 1929. The essence of the experiment: a group of young workers was selected for him, provided them with a separate room and simple work on assembling products. At the same time, working conditions were constantly changing: the regime, the duration of breaks, the wage system, time, consecration. This made it possible to increase hourly labor productivity by 40% in 2.5 years. Then, the initial working conditions were established, but productivity did not decrease. This allowed us to conclude that informal relations were formed that contributed to mutual assistance, mutual understanding. Therefore, in order to increase the results of work and responsibility, it is necessary to create teams of workers.

3. Elton Mayo. He based his sociological theory of management on two main ideas. The first is that people, by their very nature, are forced to seek social union and productive cooperation with each other. His second idea is about the need to regulate human relations through the introduction of social skills of cooperation. Collaboration appears in Mayo as a universal, basic type of relationship both at the level of the organization and society as a whole. Its formula is positive theory of society"was based on a human component. He considered the character and level of development of social ties and relations, the growth of cooperation in relations between people, as a measure of social progress.

5. In the continuation of the school of human relations, arose group of behavioral concepts.

6. Concept by Friedrich Herzberg(two-factor model). He considered it necessary to abandon the performance of narrow operations by workers, he proposed to cancel the conveyor. He considered it necessary to assign to a group of workers the entire complex of work on the manufacture of products; rotate workers (move them from one workplace to another). He believed that managers should consult with workers, as this increases their level of return. Based on this, he developed a two-factor motivational model.

7. Concept by Douglas McGregor(the human side of enterprises). Suggested 2 styles guides:

1. The head of the theory "X" - believes that a person is lazy by nature, so he must be forced to work and controlled. The worker is unambitious, unwilling to take responsibility and seeks safety.

2. The leader of the theory "U" - believes that for everyone, work is the same natural occupation as rest. Any person strives to achieve certain goals, is ready to take responsibility with appropriate remuneration, so it is necessary to stimulate initiative and ingenuity.

3. Management by Objectives by Peter Drucker(50s) - you must first formulate goals for the enterprise, and then determine the functions and build a system of relations between the links of the organization.

4. Peter Drucker's concept of a self-managed collective- at the enterprise it is advisable to create a collective management body, which should include representatives of different groups of workers. The manager must solve the production and social problems of the team, which can be accompanied by an increase in the effectiveness of the organization.

5. Peter Drucker's Management Elite Concept- The management of an organization largely determines the dynamics of development not only of this organization, but of society as a whole. Therefore, management must take upon itself the solution of a number of social problems at the level of the region, the country.

Theories "2", "7 C".

In the 1980s it became widespread concept of seven "C" Peters and Waterman, which identified the key success factors for the firm:

System "7C"

At present, the 7C system has received great development in the West, because it includes basic controls such as:


systems and procedures,

Sum of staff skills,

management style,

The composition of the staff,


Shared values.

The hard elements of the system include:

1. Strategy, i.e. a course towards the distribution of limited resources to achieve the intended goals;

2. Structure - a description of the organic scheme of interaction between departments. concept leadership managerial revolution

3. Systems and procedures of work - a description of the processes and oral procedures enshrined in the relevant instructions.

Soft elements of the system include:

1. The composition of the staff, i.e. characteristics of the most important categories of personnel of the enterprise.

2. Style - the nature of the actions of leading managers to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

3. The sum of staff skills - the abilities, professionalism that distinguish the enterprise and the staff as a whole.

4. Shared values ​​are the most important values ​​that are brought to the minds of the employees of the enterprise.

The essence of the "quiet managerial revolution".

According to most researchers, a new management paradigm has emerged today. It is referred to as the "quiet managerial revolution", and its key features are the following.

1. Rejection of the managerial rationalism of the classical schools of management, which consists in the belief that the key to the success of management lies in the right impact on internal factors organizations. Instead, the problem of flexibility and adaptation to constant changes in the external environment comes to the fore. The latter dictates the strategy and tactics of management, determines the structure of the organization and the forms of its management.

2. The use of systems theory in management made it possible not only to formulate a new view of the organization as an "organic whole" that has its own logic and laws, but also to identify a number of universal variables of any system, the control of which forms the basis of effective management.

Organization as open system

Traits and properties

Characteristics, justification


The system is made up of a number of parts called elements.

System components are interconnected


The form of communication is organizationally fixed in the structure


Components influence each other by being in the system and leaving it, which is the result of mutual influence and interaction with the environment

Changes that occur as a result of interactions are called processes.

Holism and emergent properties

System - integrity (holism - English holos - Greek: whole), showing properties that arise only as a result of the interaction of its components


Properties of a system on the basis of which it can be identified and distinguished from other phenomena that are not included in the system


It is represented by phenomena, formations that are not part of the system, but significantly affect it. This is the system environment


A system is a concept whose specific form reflects the goals and values ​​of the individual or group that developed the concept.

3. Situational approach to management, which is the dominant modern theory and management practices. His main thesis is that the entire organization within the enterprise is nothing more than a response to external influences that are different in nature.

4. Recognition of the social responsibility of management both to society as a whole and to the individual working in organizations. The most important characteristic of management at the present stage is the orientation towards a new social group in organizations - cognitariat. It can no longer be considered as only one of the economic factors, but is treated as a key resource, effective use and building which becomes the most important task of management. These and other provisions are the basic principles of modern control theory.

Task 2. Underline the correct answers

In what form can the control action be implemented in the management process?

A) command, command, instruction;

b) plan, task;

d) control data.

What elements form the environment of direct influence?

a) the political situation;

b) competitors;

V) suppliers;

d) development of engineering and technology.

What characterizes the horizontal links of the organizational structure of management?

A) availability of tasks to be solved jointly by units;

b) subordination and responsibility on all issues;

c) subordination within a certain function.

What psychological factors affect the employee of the organization?

A) internal;

b) external;

c) production;

d) non-productive.

What, according to the theory of F. Herzberg, is a motivating factor?

a) remuneration;

c) conditions of the workplace;

d) leadership style.

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The term "strategic management" was put into circulation at the turn of the 60-70s. 20th century to indicate the difference between the management of the production and economic system at the production level (“current”) and its management carried out at the highest level. The need to fix such a difference is caused by changes in business conditions, the importance of shifting the focus of attention in a particular business to the situation in its environment in order to promptly and appropriately respond to changes taking place in it. Idea development strategic management was reflected in the works of Frankenhofs, Grantger, Apsoff, Shenbed and Hattei, Irwin and others.

The ideas of the SM are a vivid manifestation of the "quiet managerial revolution" that began in the American economy in 1970-1980. Having discovered the inability of their managers to cope with the growing difficulties in the external environment during the most protracted economic crisis in the entire post-war period (1973-1981), American corporations faced a crisis in the manageability of their economic systems. The search for a way out of it was carried out not only by improving the skills of managerial personnel, but also through the transition to a new "managerial paradigm", the essence of which is a certain departure from managerial rationalism, from the initial belief that the success of a company is determined by the rational organization of production, cost reduction by identifying intra-production reserves, increasing labor productivity and efficient use of all types of resources.

The new paradigm is based on:

> based on systemic and situational approaches to management: the corporation is viewed as an open system; the main prerequisites for the successful operation of the company are found not only inside, but also outside it, i.e. success is associated with how well the company adapts to the external environment - scientific and technical, economic, social, political, etc.;

> on the concept of the firm as a social system. Not only the nature of strategies, the type of organizational structures, planning and control procedures, but also the style of leadership, the qualifications of people, their behavior, their response to innovations and changes must be constantly analyzed and improved when building organizational management systems.

Within the framework of the “new paradigm”, particular importance is attached to the factors of organizational culture - the values ​​established in the organization, individual and group norms of behavior, attitudes, types of interactions, etc.