Ways to increase customer loyalty in a retail store. Key Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty A guide to improving customer loyalty

Loyalty is the desire of the consumer to buy a certain product in this particular company, exactly from this seller.

Relationships with customers need to be built - people like it when they smile, give gifts, provide discounts, congratulate them on their birthday - in general, they distinguish them from the crowd and pleasantly delight.

Loyal customers are financially beneficial for the company, attracting a new customer is four times more expensive than retaining an old one.

In a highly competitive world where it is possible to buy the same product at a nearby store for the same price, or maybe even less, customer loyalty is of the utmost importance. You have to stand out, create the conditions for excellent service. The main components of success are the latest innovations, the widest assortment, attentive and helpful service, that is, the friendliness of the sellers, an individual approach, bonuses, and much more.

A loyalty program makes sense if your customers are episodic (customers who purchase a product repeatedly, but not regularly) and/or regular (consumers who may purchase a product regularly and for a long time). There is also a category of one-time customers (consumers who bought the product once), the reason for a one-time purchase may be that the buyer came to him by chance, for example, on his way, or the need for your product for the buyer is rare, which is typical for wedding salons, real estate and advocacy offices . In the case of disposable customers, apply ways to increase loyalty, i.e. encouraging repeat purchases is pointless. Often a business combines all three categories of customers, in which case it is necessary to rate customers on a one-time-occasional-regular scale and use a loyalty program to influence the last two categories.

It should be remembered that a customer loyalty program should be implemented only if the company sells a quality product / service that satisfies consumers with its functional properties. If the buyer is not satisfied with the product / service itself, it is useless to take measures to keep it (the buyer)!

There are many ways to increase customer loyalty, here are some of them:

1. A high level of service, a quick response to requests and complaints from customers, an individual approach make the customer feel important to the company. The majority of buyers whose complaints are satisfied maintain a relationship with the company and tell an average of five acquaintances about it. Whereas buyers who are dissatisfied with the company refuse its services and tell eleven friends about it;

2. Regular reminder of yourself. , From time to time it is useful to update the client, send a fax or e-mail. It is important that this is not overbearing, but looks like taking care of the client;

4. Discounts. This tool does not always lead to an increase in sales, it happens that a price reduction does not lead to an increase in buyers, but to a decrease in the company's profit. Therefore, it is better not to scatter discounts once again;

5. Accumulative cards, buying goods, which can not only be used by its owner, but also by his many friends and relatives, which directly affects the increase in sales - the accumulative card brings new customers to the company from the owner of this card. Plus, it develops attachment to the store, because each purchase increases the discount;

6. Gifts. Gifts can be given with a certain amount of purchase, exchanged for a certain number of collected coupons, labels, points, etc. A gift can be presented for a specific holiday;

7. Contests, prize draws. Family competitions are especially popular, for example, for “the most original photo» and competitions involving children, such as the best children's drawing. Of course, competitions should be accompanied by gifts (not necessarily expensive, it can be a certificate for the company's products, but the more valuable the prize, the more people wish to take part in the competition), or maybe a festive show, it all depends on the capabilities and goals of the company;

8. Clubs of "regular/faithful" buyers. Membership in the club gives the client additional discounts and bonuses, to enter the club, the buyer must purchase the company's products for a certain amount, other conditions for membership in the club are possible;

9. Distribution of the "branded newspaper". It can be your own print or email newsletter. The newspaper should not be 100% advertising, then the buyer will send it soft to the trash can, it may contain interesting stories about your product, your customers, helpful tips, humor, etc.;

10. Congratulations on your birthday, new year, professional holidays, the most important thing is that the congratulation is personal, it is possible to write a congratulation by hand, or it is unusual to arrange it;

11. Gratitude, on the birthday of the company, you can send letters to customers with gratitude for cooperation with your company. And just every time to emphasize gratitude to the client;

12. Exit fee. In some cases, a contract form is used in which the client undertakes to pay a tangible amount upon termination of the contract with you.

If you know more ways to increase customer loyalty, leave comments.

If you think that conversion optimization ends when a user converts to a lead, you are deeply mistaken. And this delusion will cost you big money. Conversion is good, but don't stop there: stable income bring not "disposable" leads, but loyal customers.
Customer loyalty is a vague concept, but no matter what the experts define it, one thing is clear: loyalty promises you long-term benefits.

What is customer loyalty

In general, loyalty is the repeated choice of a consumer in favor of one company or product, given the available alternatives. This relationship is often measured using various metrics, such as cross-purchases (intention to buy another product from your company), brand/company recommendations to other consumers, etc.

The European Consumer Satisfaction Index (ECSI) is probably the most popular of all non-financial key indicators efficiency. In essence, it is the average between all the components that contribute to customer satisfaction.

Marketers use a variety of tools to measure customer loyalty, but they all say the same thing: a loyal customer will continue to use your product.

Customer loyalty is sometimes confused with, as well as retention, but there are significant differences (albeit small) between these terms. Retention is one of the indicators of behavioral loyalty, while customer satisfaction with product use or UX is not always related to loyalty (that is, it is not a guarantee that the customer will definitely choose you in the future).

Why Optimize Your Customer Loyalty Program

Loyal customers tend to spend more, buy more often, and tell more people about your brand.

Every study done by marketers in this area proves the undeniable cost-benefit of customer loyalty. However, experts pay very little attention to it. Why is this happening? First, increasing customer loyalty often depends only on the corporate policy of the company. Loyalty is the responsibility of not only a marketer, but also every employee of the company. Only in this way can the program become truly effective. Secondly, the costs of a loyalty strategy are not so easy to “justify” to the authorities due to the fact that it will not pay off in a day or two, the results are sometimes not so easy to measure, which means it is more difficult to prove the profitability of such investments. But if you want customers to choose you again and again, providing you with a stable income, it is worth stepping over these barriers. Let's take a look at 6 tips to increase customer loyalty.

1. Where to start

If you provide, say, software, in conditions of limited or no competition, then customer loyalty will not be very relevant for your business.

If you are trying to convert a regular customer into a loyal customer using a service, you will get a customer with a "lifetime" marker (in most cases). If you do it with social networks, then in addition to this you can create word of mouth.

At the initial stage, your efforts can be focused on improving the user experience, as a bonus, you will receive not only an increase in loyalty, but also in the conversion rate.

2. Reduce Customer Effort

One way to improve user experience, as well as customer loyalty, is to reduce cognitive load and simplify everything that can be simplified as much as possible.

A study by the Harvard Business School business school) shows that reducing customer effort is a key factor in building loyal relationships. Why? A simple pattern creates a habit, and habit plays an important role in loyalty.

For example, if the application is easy to use, the customer is more likely to become a regular user. Even if the main menu for him is a Chinese letter, you can say goodbye to dreams of his loyalty.

Ease of use is referred to by A.G. Lafley and Roger L. Martin as a “savings plus” and is defined as the foundation upon which a company builds its initial competitive advantage. Our brain is very lazy. He does not want to waste energy on operations with a high level of complexity, if competitors offer something simpler and more understandable, experts say. Eg, The best way to declare the water resistance of the phone - not to give cumbersome calculations of some formulas of a new material, but simply to show in practice. In this case, simplicity is the key to success.

Why are hundreds of users opening the Amazon site right now? Because it is intuitive and because they are used to it. Why do you use a particular search engine? Because you understand it and you are used to it. Your brain does not want to look for other options unless absolutely necessary.

Of course, these thoughts are more typical for the B2C market, but in any area, decisions are made primarily by living people.

3. Repetition is critical to habit formation.

If the user bought your product, but then disappeared into the fog, this is a huge loss. Don't let him get lost!

Every time a customer chooses your product, the latter gets an advantage over all the alternatives that weren't chosen. And this gap increases with each purchase. Everything is important in forming a habit, but one of the most important aspects is design. Don't design it just "to be", create it from scratch in order to form a habit. Of course, this is not an easy topic and you will not be able to get one single-true advice on how to achieve this, but it is worth thinking about it at the “before” stage.

Nir Eyal and Ryan Hoover described the "hook" model: a four-step process to be used to form consumer habits (investment - trigger - action - reward)

Your final goal- to lead the user so that he does not think about the choice and does not analyze it, but makes it automatically.

4. Loyalty and gamification

Of course, the product itself plays an important role in optimizing the loyalty program (because if its qualities are left to do better, it is not so easy to encourage a client to repeat purchases), but you should not lose sight of the methods themselves, for example, the use of gamification principles. How to apply them in practice? There are many ways, here are just a few (by the way, the popular Duolingo application successfully uses them):

  • Points / points in a variety of variations
  • Achievements
  • Competition (comparison with other users)

5. Invest in fans

Always take care of your customers and don't let current challenges overshadow this fundamental principle. But in fact, there are so few companies that can be called customer-centric.

What does customer centric mean? There are several main principles:

Peep Laja, founder of CXL, has repeatedly spoken about the importance of shared values. This is an incredibly powerful mechanism for building long-term customer loyalty (assuming the values ​​are real and important, of course).

Marketing research shows that customers are loyal not to the brand itself, but to the values ​​that this brand promotes. As researcher Aaron Lotton notes, emotional attachment to a brand certainly exists, but loyalty begins with shared values ​​that unite a particular consumer and brand.

In 1983, Harley-Davidson was on the verge of going out of business, but by 2008 it was valued at $7.8 billion and had become one of the most recognizable brands in the world. The success was caused, in particular, by the brand strategy: Harley-Davidson is not just a brand, it is a brand with its own spirit, its own history.

As part of this recommendation, you can go from the opposite: find an “enemy”, that is, the opposite of the brand. Users in any case want to feel like they are part of a group, and this can be a group "for" something or "against". For example, if Apple positions itself as a brand chosen by the young and progressive, it turns out that Microsoft users become the opposite, and vice versa.

Instead of appealing to a sense of group cohesion, you pit a group against another (hypothetically, of course), real or imagined. An example of such a strategy is the Chubbies company and its antagonism to office plankton.

Positioning itself against these ideals, the company forms its own cohesion groups.

There are many ways to measure loyalty, but one of the most popular is (Net Promoter Score). This index for determining the commitment of consumers to a product or company includes several steps.

  1. Consumers are asked to answer the question "What is the probability that they will recommend the company/product/brand to their friends/acquaintances/colleagues?" on a 10-point scale, where 0 corresponds to the answer "I would not recommend in any case", and 10 - "I definitely recommend".
  2. Further, based on the data obtained, all consumers are divided into 3 groups: 9-10 points - supporters (promoters) of the product / brand, 7-8 points - neutral consumers (passives), 0-6 points - critics (detractors).
  3. As a result, the NPS index is calculated. NPS = % Supporters - % Critics.

High conversions for you!

The topic of increasing customer loyalty worries many businessmen. To all those interested in this issue, we offer an article by John Fraser-Robinson, which contains useful tips and interesting thoughts on how to win and increase customer loyalty.

Participants of the modern business space attach great importance to building relationships with customers. The entire field of marketing, sales and service puts the task of increasing customer loyalty in the first place. It is no wonder that specialists from these areas assign such an important role to customer loyalty. But do not forget that the commitment and trust of customers will bring success to the entire enterprise, the company as a whole. Therefore, all employees, without exception, should worry about this indicator.

In the modern business world, one method of increasing competitiveness is being replaced by another, and often such fashion trends pass without a trace, both for the company and for the business market as a whole (for example, the philosophy universal control quality - TQM). But such an indicator as customer loyalty is a measure of stability and reliability. Experience has shown that the pursuit of end-user satisfaction has not brought the expected results, it only created unnecessary trouble for the buyer in the form of a huge number of questionnaires to fill out, and the policy aimed at building customer loyalty has stood the test of time.

In reality, an over-enthusiasm for customer satisfaction looks like trying to measure the temperature of the water with your little finger before jumping into the pool. Customer loyalty and customer satisfaction are of a different nature. When it comes to loyalty, it refers to the actions of customers, and not their verbal assessment of a particular product. For example, if a customer repeatedly buys the same product, this is a specific action that allows you to talk about loyalty.

What factors can influence customer loyalty?

First of all, customer loyalty is affected by:

Each of the above indicators plays an important role in the formation of a loyalty system. Loyalty management strategy designed with logic and emotion in mind. What does it mean? For example, the cost of a product and its quality can be logically justified. And such factors as the quality of service and the attitude of the client to the company lie strictly in the emotional plane. To effectively manage loyalty, marketers need to balance the use of the logical element and the emotions of the customer, as they mutually influence each other. Achievement high level business elements based on emotions will allow you to focus all your efforts on building relationships with customers.

The combination of these factors is complete system, but for a clearer picture, you need to consider each of them separately.

The price of the product

Businessmen often attach too much to the price great importance. Of course, this is an important factor, but do not overdo it in an effort to influence customer priorities with the help of price. Companies use a loyalty management strategy to minimize the impact of price on customer attitudes. When you earn the trust of the client, the price will no longer be the determining factor for him when choosing your particular product, the buyer will appreciate your product or service. This does not mean that loyalty cannot be influenced by the price, just when setting the price, one should not forget about the benefits and prospects. further development companies.

Product quality

The client will not repeat your product if it does not meet the declared level of quality. For example, if a device breaks down before the expiration of its service life, then this will affect not only the client's attitude towards a particular product, but also his attitude towards the manufacturer as a whole. Actions aimed at increasing customer loyalty will be crowned with success when the proposed goods will justify, or even exceed, consumer expectations.

Fulfillment of delivery conditions

Fulfilling the terms of delivery is not just delivering the goods to the specified address. Delivery is a way to build corporate reputation and identity, it's a kind of promise you make to a customer. There is a significant difference between supply and technical distribution. The distribution of goods is a chain of logically meaningful operations that occur at a stage far from the final consumer, that is, it is the process of distributing material flow between various wholesale buyers.

When it comes to delivery, it means direct, uninterrupted contact with the customer. A policy aimed at increasing customer loyalty implies the uninterrupted functioning of the communication channel with the consumer and the readiness to respond to his request at any time of the day.

Quality of service

Experience shows that a customer-oriented business places a strong emphasis on service. It's hard to do large corporations and holdings, whose “sluggishness” and inveterate connections often prevent the consumer from delivering. This cannot be said about representatives of small businesses, who have greater freedom of action in this area, since they are not burdened with various “protocols” and traditional structures. For example, it will not be difficult for a small company to satisfy a non-standard, unusual desire of a client, as it is free and dynamic in its decisions and actions.

The foregoing does not mean at all that large companies do not have the opportunity to become as customer-oriented as possible. It’s just that they will need more effort and time for this: to create a competent management culture, to properly organize personnel department, change organizational structure and so on. To increase customer loyalty large companies need to be more mobile and energetic.

Customer attitude

Any company wants to earn the recognition and respect of customers. And no matter what kind of clients in question: about individual consumers or other organizations. Loyalty management approaches are the same in any case. In order for the client to prioritize in your favor, give each employee his own separate customer base, so it will be easier for him to build a trusting relationship with them. The employee will be able to identify the individual needs of each client, which will have a beneficial effect on his loyalty to the company.

So, in order to influence customer loyalty and earn their respect, attention and trust, you need to systematically and diligently work on the five indicators mentioned above. Only A complex approach to ways to increase customer loyalty will lead to the intended goal. We should not forget about the need to combine the experience based on logic (issues of price, product quality, delivery) with the experience based on the emotions of customers (service, subjective attitude of the client).

To the question of emotions. How does the client feel when dealing with your company, how does he feel about it? The answer to this question should worry any company. The emotional aspect should not be ignored. Many methods of forming customer loyalty are ineffective only because they pay insufficient attention to the factors that are based on emotions and feelings.

How to measure loyalty?

Here are some questions that will help you measure your customer loyalty:

How do customers feel about the company? – indicator of customer satisfaction;
How long ago was the last purchase made? - an indicator of the relevance of a product or service;
How often are purchases made? - an indicator of how regularly the client uses your services;
How long has the person (or organization) been your customer? - an indicator of the duration of the relationship with the client;
How much are clients spending? - an indicator of value in monetary terms;
What feedback do consumers leave about you? – will allow you to consider the advice and suggestions of your customers;
How much of your spending do customers “leave” for your company and your competitors? - an indicator of the share in the client's expenses.

Why do you need to know how much of the cost customers "leave" in your company? It is necessary to analyze the expenses of your customers related to your products in order to build the right marketing policy and assess the level of consumer loyalty. The client is loyal and committed to your company as long as the share of your products in his expenses is 70-80%, when this figure is below 50%, then the client will easily accept the offer of your competitors. This indicator requires accuracy, not approximate calculations. This question can be directly asked to the client, and based on accurate data, build a strategy for further development.

Another important question, which every businessman should ask himself: are customers ready to help your company? Helping customers primarily lies in their willingness and willingness to spread positive or negative feedback about your company. Often people will be more willing to answer a question about their willingness to leave recommendations than a question about their desire to purchase more of your products. This valuable type of information will also help to calculate the moves in the formation of a loyalty system.


For development effective strategy to increase customer loyalty, you need to constantly study and analyze their needs. In addition, the study of the opinions and recommendations of customers will allow you to understand the shortcomings and strengths company, be it a corporation or a small organization. Sensitivity and interest in relation to customers will help earn their trust and respect. In addition, you should consider the costs incurred by the company to acquire a new customer and the real value of the existing one. This information will allow

Any experienced and adequate leader knows that personnel is everything. If one employee is dissatisfied with the processes taking place in the company or the lack of necessary benefits, he may speak it out loud or silently hate the whole office. It is not yet known which is worse. Someone who is dissatisfied with something out loud can be easily fired. The one who is silent and interferes is quite difficult to figure out.

But this is an example when (read what to do in this case). If the company is brewing dissatisfaction with most of the staff, we can talk about the lack of employee loyalty to the organization. And this indicates that the management is doing nothing to solve this problem or is doing something wrong.

Loyalty is understood as a benevolent, respectful, correct attitude towards the company and management, compliance with all established rules and norms, even with internal disagreement with them. In a general sense, this means the commitment of the organization's employees, the approval of its mission and goals, and the methods for their implementation.

Allocate different types loyalty:

  • external: represents compliance with the rules and mandatory procedures established in the company,
  • internal: this is a deeper relationship that is connected with the thoughts of the employee, with the coincidence of his personal values ​​with the values ​​of the company.

Naturally, it is very easy to increase the external component: you just need to develop ways to control compliance with the established rules and procedures in the company. The problem of the internal component is not so simple and requires a lot of effort and expense on the part of management. It is about increasing internal loyalty that will be discussed below.

Ways to increase staff loyalty

To form internal loyalty, the principles of the organization must include respect for people and fulfillment of their needs. If you understand what people need in the workplace, you can identify the following points:

Competent control system with a clear and transparent structure. Employees have a sense of confidence and stability if there is a clear delineation of areas of responsibility, a clear hierarchy in the team and delimitation of powers. Also important point is the possibility of direct contact with the head, which forms the responsibility for final result and creates an atmosphere of trust between subordinates and the leader.

Competitiveness and the prestige of the business and the company. Any person wants to be proud not only of their own position, but of work in general.

Respectful attitude on the part of management, friendly relations within the team. These features increase the loyalty of employees and increase their desire to grow and develop in this particular company.

Opportunity to be seen and heard. If the employee is firmly convinced that for his diligence and quality work he will be provided with opportunities for career development or his own project, his loyalty to the organization will greatly increase. A positive assessment of the quality of the work performed by the management, of course, will lead to the fact that a person does not want to change and lose his job.

Worthy wage and awards. If an employee receives a salary that does not correspond to the efforts and costs involved, he will consider himself undervalued, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of his activities. Helps to avoid this. Confidence and providing bonuses from management. This applies mainly to leading employees, highly qualified specialists and subordinates who have worked long and effectively in this place. This trust can be expressed in providing a flexible work schedule to an employee (the so-called self-management), the ability to make decisions independently, personal responsibility for the result of a particular project, etc.

Important manager's attitude towards disloyal employees, as well as his commitment to the organization (observance of the same rules, demonstrating a personal attitude to the cause and interest in the work).

What tools to use?

The main means of increasing loyalty are:

  • knowledge of the corporate mission by all employees,
  • corporate trainings, teambuilding and team building trainings,
  • collaboration on projects,
  • in-house newspapers, online magazine, etc.,
  • organization of competitions and competitions in the company,
  • events that make employees feel proud of the company (sponsorship, large-scale global, all-Russian or city events).

In order for the company to have as many loyal people as possible, it is necessary to consider actual problems every worker. In some companies, even the removal of close and distant relatives of employees to Bali will not increase loyalty, while in another organization, compensation of 100 rubles for travel or lunch will bring more joy to employees, and, accordingly, increase their loyalty.

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Privacy agreement

and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is accepted freely and by its own will, applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and / or its affiliates, including all persons belonging to the same group with LLC "Insales Rus" (including "EKAM Service" LLC) can obtain about the User during the use of any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of "Insales Rus" LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC of any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him in the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

1.2. The use of the Services means the User's consent to this Agreement and the conditions specified therein; in case of disagreement with these conditions, the User must refrain from using the Services.

"Insales"- Society with limited liability"Insales Rus", OGRN 1117746506514, TIN 7714843760, KPP 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushin St., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter referred to as "Insales"), on the one hand , And

"User" -

or individual who has legal capacity and is recognized as a participant in civil legal relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

or entity, registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such person is a resident;

or individual entrepreneur, registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such person is a resident;

which has accepted the terms of this Agreement.

1.4. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties have determined that confidential information is information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational and others), including the results of intellectual activity, as well as information about the methods of implementation professional activity(including, but not limited to: information about products, works and services; information about technologies and research works; data on technical systems and equipment, including elements of software; business forecasts and details of proposed purchases; requirements and specifications of specific partners and potential partners; information relating to intellectual property, as well as plans and technologies related to all of the above), communicated by one party to the other party in writing and / or electronic form, expressly designated by the Party as its confidential information.

1.5. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect confidential information that the Parties will exchange during negotiations, conclusion of contracts and fulfillment of obligations, as well as any other interaction (including, but not limited to, consulting, requesting and providing information, and performing other assignments).

2.Obligations of the Parties

2.1. The Parties agree to keep secret all confidential information received by one Party from the other Party during the interaction of the Parties, not to disclose, disclose, make public or otherwise provide such information to any third party without the prior written permission of the other Party, with the exception of cases specified in the current legislation, when the provision of such information is the responsibility of the Parties.

2.2. Each Party will take all necessary measures to protect confidential information at least with the same measures that the Party applies to protect its own confidential information. Access to confidential information shall be granted only to those employees of each of the Parties who reasonably need it to perform official duties for the execution of this Agreement.

2.3. The obligation to keep secret confidential information is valid within the term of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated 12/01/2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and within five years after termination their actions, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

(a) if the information provided has become publicly available without violating the obligations of one of the Parties;

(b) if the information provided became known to the Party as a result of its own research, systematic observations or other activities carried out without the use of confidential information received from the other Party;

(c) if the information provided is lawfully obtained from a third party without an obligation to keep it secret until it is provided by one of the Parties;

(d) if the information is provided at the written request of a public authority, other government agency, or organ local government in order to perform their functions and its disclosure to these authorities is mandatory for the Party. In this case, the Party must immediately notify the other Party of the request received;

(e) if the information is provided to a third party with the consent of the Party about which the information is being transferred.

2.5. Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User, and is not able to assess its legal capacity.

2.6. The information that the User provides to Insales when registering in the Services is not personal data, as defined in federal law RF No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006. "About personal data".

2.7. Insales has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes in the current version, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided new edition Agreements.

2.8. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that Insales may send personalized messages and information to the User (including, but not limited to) to improve the quality of the Services, to develop new products, to create and send personal offers to the User, to inform the User about changes in Tariff plans and updates, to send marketing materials to the User related to the Services, to protect the Services and Users, and for other purposes.

The user has the right to refuse to receive the above information by notifying in writing to the e-mail address Insales - .

2.9. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that the Insales Services may use cookies, counters, other technologies to ensure the operation of the Services in general or their individual functions in particular, and the User has no claims against Insales in connection with this.

2.10. The user is aware that the equipment and software used by him to visit sites on the Internet may have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies (for any sites or for certain sites), as well as deleting previously received cookies.

Insales has the right to determine that the provision of a certain Service is possible only if the acceptance and receipt of cookies is allowed by the User.

2.11. The user is solely responsible for the security of the means chosen by him to access the account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Services under account of the User, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data for access to the User's account to third parties on any terms (including under contracts or agreements). At the same time, all actions within or using the Services under the User's account are considered to be performed by the User himself, except for cases when the User notified Insales of unauthorized access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicions of violation) of the confidentiality of their account access.

2.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify Insales of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently carry out a safe shutdown of work under his account at the end of each session of work with the Services. Insales is not responsible for the possible loss or corruption of data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to the violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. The Party that violated the obligations stipulated by the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transmitted under the Agreement is obliged to compensate, at the request of the affected Party, the real damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Compensation for damages does not terminate the obligations of the violating Party for the proper performance of obligations under the Agreement.

4.Other provisions

4.1. All notices, requests, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those including confidential information, must be in writing and delivered in person or through a courier, or sent by e-mail to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated December 01, 2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be specified in writing by the Party in the future.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, pp. 11-12 BC "Stendhal" LLC "Insales Rus".

Publication date: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

Insales Rus LLC

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

TIN: 7714843760 KPP: 771401001

Bank details: