
The company director demands a report on turnover. Please advise where to start? Is it correct to measure the percentage of turnover in departments with 1-3 employees? Please advise what other analysis should be done? Answer...
In this material: Many people, especially children, love animals, so entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a zoo. A business plan for a petting zoo will help in this difficult and interesting task. Some...
In the practice of international trade, the form of payment for products supplied, work performed or services performed is of great importance. Taking into account the mutual interests of participants in foreign economic transactions, settlements are carried out in...
You can submit an application for factoring financing on the website: A non-recourse factoring agreement is an agreement between a supplier (seller) and a factoring company (bank), within the framework of which...
The balance sheet is an important source of complete and reliable information about the financial and economic activities of an organization. However, in order to draw a conclusion about the dynamics of its financial and economic...
Most modern people cannot imagine life without coffee. They drink coffee in the morning to cheer up before work, in the middle of the day to get some rest and distraction, in the evening to move from work to relaxation with...
Every enterprise that produces any product needs a thoughtful approach to its marketing. Only specialists should deal with such issues, because improper sales planning can lead to a decrease...
Material from the website What is the return on assets of an enterprise Return on Assets (ROA) is a relative indicator of the efficiency of an enterprise, used in the analysis of financial...
Leasing as a form of payment between partners implies financial relations consisting in the provision of certain property for use: equipment, real estate, and so on. Essentially, it provides...
With an approximate design, it indicates that a transaction has taken place between the counterparties, and the document is its acceptable part, a form of external economic connection. It includes all the terms of trade, the requirements of the parties involved...