Management personnel management system. The main directions of psychological support for work with personnel Career as an object of management

  • Chapter 3. Criminal psychology
  • 3.1. Fundamentals of studying and evaluating the psychology of the personality of a criminal
  • 3.2. Psychology of individual acceptability of committing a criminal act
  • 3.3. Criminogenic motivation and social perception in criminal behavior
  • 3.4. Psychology of the criminal environment
  • 3.5. Psychology of criminal groups
  • 3.6. Psychology of criminal violence
  • 3.7. Psychological aspects of victimization of crime victims
  • 3.8. Socio-psychological monitoring of crime trends
  • Chapter 4
  • 4.1. Fundamentals of personality psychology of a lawyer
  • 4.2. Professional orientation of the personality of a lawyer
  • 4.4. Lawyer Ability
  • 4.5. Professional skill of a lawyer and its psychological components
  • 4.6. Professional and psychological preparedness of a lawyer
  • Chapter 5
  • 5.1. Psychological concept of management in law enforcement agencies
  • 5.2. Personality in the management system
  • 5.3. The identity of the head of the law enforcement agency
  • 5.4. Psychology of style and methods of management of law enforcement personnel
  • 5.5. Value-target factors in management
  • 5.6. Psychology of organizational relations in management
  • 5.7. Information support of management and psychology
  • 5.8. Psychological aspects of managerial influences and decisions
  • 5.9. Psychology of current organizational work
  • 5.10. Psychology of demanding leader
  • 5.11. Psychology of organizing interaction between services and departments of the law enforcement agency
  • 5.12. Psychological support of innovations in law enforcement agencies
  • Chapter 6
  • 6.1. Psychological selection in law enforcement
  • 6.2. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of legal education
  • 6.3. Moral and psychological training of a lawyer
  • 6.4. Professional psychological training of a lawyer
  • 6.5. Psychological support of the legality of the actions of a lawyer
  • 6.6. Psychology of discipline in law enforcement
  • 6.7. Prevention of professional deformation of law enforcement officers
  • Chapter 7. Psychological service in law enforcement agencies
  • 7.1. The current state of the psychological service and the conceptual foundations of its functioning
  • 7.2. Psychological diagnostics as a function of psychological service
  • 7.3. Psychological correction and personality development as a function of psychological service
  • 7.4. The main directions of psychological support for work with personnel
  • Chapter 8. Psychological actions in law enforcement
  • 8.1. The concept of psychological actions and psychotechnics
  • 8.2. Psychological analysis of professional situations
  • 8.3. Psychological analysis of legal facts
  • 8.4. Psychological portrait and its compilation
  • 8.5. The study of man in psychological observation
  • 8.6. Visual psychodiagnostics of criminal personality traits
  • 8.7. Drawing up a psychological portrait of the criminal in the footsteps at the scene
  • 8.8. Psychological observation of the group
  • 8.9. Psychology of professional communication, establishing contact and trusting relationships
  • 8.10. Psychological impact in law enforcement
  • 8.11. Psychological analysis of citizens' messages
  • 8.12. Psychology of diagnosing lies and hidden circumstances
  • 8.13. Psychodiagnostics of a person's involvement in an offense in the absence of evidence
  • Question 1. “Do you know why you were invited to this talk?”
  • Question 2. “Do you believe that this crime (incident) (say what happened) was really committed.
  • Question 2. “Do you have any new thoughts or suspicions about who could have committed this crime (incident)?”
  • Question 4. “How do you think the person who did this feels?” A question that prompts a person to describe his inner feelings in connection with a committed misconduct (crime).
  • Question 5. "Is there any reason that does not allow you to be excluded from the number of suspects?" A question that clarifies the attitude of a person towards himself as a suspect by others.
  • Question 6. “Is there an explanation for the fact that you were (could have been) seen at the scene of the crime (accident)?”
  • Question 8. “Did you do it?” It must sound with an interval of three to five seconds after the first. Looking into the eyes of the interviewee, you can fix his emotional reaction to the question.
  • Question 10. “Would you like to take a polygraph test?” You do not ask the interviewee to do this, but only talk about the possibility of participating in such a test.
  • 8.14. Legal psycholinguistics
  • 8.15. The psychology of exposing disguises, staging and false alibis
  • 8.16. Forensic psychological examination
  • 8.17. Post-mortem forensic psychological examination
  • 8.18. Non-expert forms of using special knowledge of a psychologist in criminal proceedings
  • 8.19. Non-traditional psychological methods of disclosure and investigation of crimes
  • Chapter 9
  • 9.1. Psychotechnics of speech
  • 9.2. Psychotechnics of using speech and non-speech means
  • 9.3. Psychotechnics of constructing statements
  • 9.4. Psychotechnics of verbal proof and refutation of objections
  • 9.5. Psychotechnics of speech inactivity
  • 9.6. General psychotechnics of professional thinking of a lawyer
  • 9.7. Psychotechnics of reflective thinking
  • Psychological workshop (to part III)
  • Chapter 10. Psychological features of professional legal actions
  • 10.1. Preventive and post-penitentiary psychology
  • 10.2. Psychological features of juvenile delinquency prevention
  • 10.3 The psychology of road safety
  • 10.4. Psychological aspects of the fight against economic crime
  • 10.5. Psychology of investigative activity
  • 10.6. Psychology of interrogation
  • 10.7. Psychology of confrontation, presentation for identification, search and other investigative actions
  • Chapter 11
  • 11.1. Psychological features of extreme situations in law enforcement
  • 11.2. Combat readiness and vigilance of the employee
  • 11.3. Psychology of personal professional security of a law enforcement officer
  • 11.4. Psychological aspects of the detention of offenders
  • 11.5. Psychological foundations of negotiating with criminals
  • 11.6. Psychological support for the actions of law enforcement officers in emergency situations
  • 11.7. Head of law enforcement agency in extreme conditions
  • Chapter 12 Psychological characteristics of the activities of personnel of various law enforcement agencies
  • 12.1. Psychology of prosecutorial activity
  • 12.2. Features of professional psychological selection of personnel for the prosecutor's office
  • 12.3. Psychology of police activity
  • 12.4. Psychology of customs activity
  • 12.5. Psychological features of the jury
  • 12.6. Psychology in advocacy
  • 12.7. Psychology of activity of bodies executing punishment (penitentiary psychology)
  • 12.8. Psychology of activity of private security and detective services
  • Psychological workshop (to part IV)
  • 7.4. The main directions of psychological support for work with personnel

    Professional orientation and selection of personnel. In most law enforcement agencies, the psychological service is a structural element of the personnel apparatus. Therefore, one of the main tasks facing the service is the use of achievements practical psychology in work with personnel (staff, personnel).

    career guidance - this is a system of psychological, pedagogical, organizational and other measures of the state, specific departments and psychologists aimed at optimizing the process of youth employment in accordance with the desires, inclinations, developed abilities and taking into account the need for specific specialists. Professional orientation in law enforcement includes various forms of work. The most common is to familiarize young people with the specifics of the activities of law enforcement agencies through the use of the media (central, local, departmental). Educational institutions hold open days every year. In many regions, specialized colleges and classes are being created in general education schools. The participation of a psychologist in professional orientation work at the stage of selecting candidates for service allows them to correct their ideas about future activities, provide qualified advice on the choice of a specialty (faculty), and sometimes convince a candidate that his personal qualities do not meet the qualification requirements for a future specialist and thereby save a person from possible disappointments and stresses.

    In the course of professional counseling, the attention of the candidate and his relatives is drawn to the especially tense and dangerous nature of the future specialty, the conditions of service in specific structural units.

    Vocational orientation work is often carried out among a relatively small group of young people - the children of law enforcement officers. On the one hand, this is a positive factor, since young employees, brought up on family traditions know more deeply the specifics of the activities of the relevant services, are better prepared for professional and psychological difficulties practical activities. There is no staff turnover among this category of specialists. But, on the other hand, the focus only on the children of law enforcement officers strengthens the closedness, isolation of this system, and limits the influx of capable young people.

    The experience of individual vocational guidance of capable and gifted young people deserves attention. They are identified at the stage of training in various educational institutions, their personal qualities are studied. Professional counseling is carried out not only for candidates, but also for their parents. Only after that, candidates are invited as applicants to specialized educational institutions of law enforcement agencies.

    The central stage of the psychological support of work with personnel is professional selection. It includes a set of "special procedures for studying and probabilistic assessment of the suitability of people to master a specialty, achieve the required level of skill and successfully perform professional duties in typical and specific difficult conditions" 1 . In other words, professional selection is a procedure that determines, first of all, a person's suitability for professional activity.

    An important feature of this procedure in law enforcement agencies is its legal regulation, due to increased demands on employees government agencies and responsibility officials for its implementation. The regulations provide for the following aspects of professional selection: social and legal (age, education, citizenship, etc.); medical (fitness for professional activity for health reasons); psychological (the presence of appropriate personal qualities). Specific Features psychological selection, in which practicing psychologists take an active part, are discussed in § 6.1.

    Placement of personnel and management of their professional adaptation. The final conclusion on admission to the service in law enforcement agencies and staffing carried out directly in the territorial divisions. A practical psychologist at this stage acts as an expert and consultant. He compares, on the one hand, the psychological information about the personality of the candidate, obtained from his direct study and received from the center of psychodiagnostics, and on the other hand, the requirements that apply to a particular position (professiogram or specialist model).

    The absence or weak development of certain properties in a candidate is not always a contraindication to service (if we are not talking about moral qualities), because these properties can be formed only in the process of professional activity.

    When deciding on employment, it must be borne in mind that modern personnel management involves not only the adaptation (“fitting”) of the individual to the requirements of the position, but also the adaptation of the position ( functional duties, authority, responsibility) to the psychology of a particular person, the redistribution of functions.

    When enlisting in law enforcement agencies, it is often taken into account personal guarantee for an experienced employee candidate. This implies the official responsibility of the guarantor for the recommended employee, as well as the obligation to be his mentor. Personal guarantee is important especially in situations where the candidate for the service is conditionally recommended (i.e. falls into the risk group).

    At the stage of accepting a candidate for service, a psychologist often has to conduct individual consultations in order to reorient the future specialist to work in another area, not in the one that the candidate dreamed of.

    The law enforcement agencies are well developed mentoring institute and as an important form of ensuring the professional development of young employees, and as a means of psychological assistance in adapting to the team. Therefore, one of the tasks of a practical psychologist is to advise the head of the unit in order to select mentors who are psychologically compatible with the employees who have been hired, as well as to further advise the mentors and improve their psychological competence. Considering that the psychological service itself in law enforcement agencies is going through a period of formation and experienced workers do not always realize its necessity and its possibilities, it is quite justified that psychologists also shift the emphasis in their work to young employees. In many subdivisions, psychologists begin their work with hired employees with an individual conversation based on the results of a psychological examination, at the same time clarify their self-esteem, level of claims, and develop tactics for behavior in the service team.

    Yes, on adaptation process of young employees such a quality is significantly affected conformity. Increased conformity can lead to the fact that the newcomer easily succumbs to negative influences, is drawn into "mutual responsibility". Nonconformity, the desire for independence leads to ignoring traditions, public opinion, generates conflicts with experienced employees. In large divisions (several hundred people), where the annual replenishment of young employees is quite large, it is advisable to conduct social and psychological training with them. And above all - self-confidence training. Experience shows that trainings relieve emotional tension, significantly unite young employees, provide an opportunity to discuss the socio-psychological difficulties they face in work teams and when communicating with the population, and form a sense of self-confidence.

    In the course of social and psychological trainings, a certain immunity to negative phenomena in law enforcement agencies is instilled, the foundations are laid for the personal growth of employees. Purposeful work is carried out with persons at risk. On them, the psychologist starts a special folder (case), where all the activities carried out are recorded. At the end of the probationary period (from 6 to 12 months), the results of their service activities, relationships in the team are comprehensively analyzed, a repeated psychological examination is carried out by the psychologist of the unit or in the center of psychodiagnostics. After that, a final decision is made on the further service of an employee classified as a risk group. Experience shows that this category of employees should be registered with a psychologist for up to three years.

    The psychologist's task is to analyze the factors influencing the process of professional adaptation and develop measures to optimize them. For the successful adaptation of young employees, work is also carried out with the teams in which they work. The attitude of employees towards a newcomer in social psychology has always been considered as a criterion for the level of development of the team itself. The ability to notice the first successes of newcomers, to stimulate their diligence significantly affects motivation and job satisfaction, and forms self-confidence.

    The problem of adaptation is relevant not only for the practical units of law enforcement agencies, but also for educational institutions. It is known that the first year of study is the most difficult for students. New living conditions: getting up, exercising, drill and physical training, switching to a statutory form of relations, strict control over behavior, separation from parents, barracks conditions, different food, new friends, colleagues to be reckoned with, and sometimes just them endure, intense training - have a strong psychological impact on first-year students, cause deep feelings, doubts about the correctness of the choice life path. It is no coincidence that the number of expelled students in the first year and in the first semester of the second year of study is the most significant.

    Difficulties in adaptation can also be judged by the reasons for expulsion. So, in the first semester of 1997/98, for all educational institutions, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was deducted,%:

    At their own request - 46;

    For negative reasons - 32;

    For academic failure - 14;

    For health and family reasons - 8.2

    Based on these data, it can be argued that the main difficulty in adapting students is not study, not the intellectual level of development, but personal qualities: motivation, value orientations, discipline, relationships in a team, etc.

    The main forms of work of a practical psychologist during the period of adaptation of students are:

    Individual counseling of students at their request;

    Psychocorrectional work with persons referred to the group of conditionally recommended (they make up 33%) and the group of those not recommended, but admitted to educational institutions (they make up 7%);

    Psychological and educational work with all first-year students (on the difficulties of adaptation and ways to overcome them);

    Creation of favorable socio-psychological conditions in study groups;

    Right choice and appointment of junior commanders.

    The adaptation of young employees and students of educational institutions is mainly completed by the end of the first year of study. This is manifested in the assimilation of basic professional techniques, methods of work and value orientations. A young employee begins to identify himself with law enforcement agencies, he develops a sense of “we”, a sense of professional pride, he connects his future fate with his career and the results of his professional activities. The further process of professional development of the individual is often carried out spontaneously, and the task of the practical psychologist and the head of the unit is to give it a purposeful character.

    Personal growth and professional development of law enforcement officers. The task of a psychologist is to work with employees at all stages of their business career. Therefore, having provided psychological assistance to young employees at the stage of adaptation, it is important to exercise psychological control over their further development. professional development and personal growth. Personal growth law enforcement officers is a system of purposeful development of their socially and professionally significant qualities and skills. Personal growth is carried out primarily in the process of properly organized professional activity. Therefore, by monitoring changes in the personal potential of employees, their authority in the team, the results of professional activities, satisfaction with the service, the psychologist gives recommendations to management on improving the organizational climate in the team and individualizing managerial influences on specific employees.

    In labor psychology, it is generally accepted that seven years in one position is already a critical period, after which the performance does not increase anymore, the motivation of employees decreases, and staff turnover increases. An analysis of statistical data shows that in some regions up to 70-80% of employees with experience of up to three years work in law enforcement agencies. It seems that the reason for the transition of experienced employees to other areas of activity lies not only in the low financial security of law enforcement personnel, but also in insufficient attention to the issues of personal growth and business career of mature employees.

    The departure of experienced officers from law enforcement service is also associated with such a phenomenon as the “mid-life crisis” 3 . At the age of 35-45, people full of energy, energy, are often aware of the limitations of their opportunities in a business career, the contradictions between personal beliefs and the values ​​of society; are dissatisfied with the standard of living and family well-being. An existential conflict arises - people lose the meaning of their former life and try to find new life guidelines.

    A practical psychologist owns an arsenal of psychotechnical methods of influencing employees, which can ensure their personal growth. Considerable experience has now been accumulated in conducting such trainings 4 . So, clarification of personal life plans during the training can be carried out according to the following scenario:

    1.0. Self-assessment of various spheres of life. 1.1. Job: Am I clear about my job and its goals. Does work help you achieve your goals in life? 2.0. Based on the assessment of various areas of life, specify your main personal goals and justify why they are important to you. 2.1. My life goals are:

    * * * 2.2. Deadline for the implementation of my goals: 2.3. What factors contribute to achieving your life goals, and what hinder? 2.4. What resources do you need to use to achieve your goals? (time, money, health, etc.). 2.6. Are you ready to tap into these factors, or do you need to adjust your goals? 3.0. Private goals and action plans that contribute to the achievement of life goals:

    To achieve the set life goals, it is necessary to implement measures in the following areas:



    Control: when, how

    3.1. In the field of health and physical condition

    3.2. In the field of personal growth (work on oneself)

    3.3. In the field of interpersonal relationships with other people

    3.4. In service

    3.5. In family relationships

    3.6. In the financial sector

    To clarify life plans, taking into account a possible crisis situation, the exercise "Three years" 5 is performed.

    After the employees (training participants) have decided on their life goals, they are given a new introductory one: “Imagine you find out that you have three years left to live (you will be completely healthy all this time). What is your first reaction to this news? Where and how would you like to spend your remaining years? What must be done during this time?

    After the training participants shared their ideas about the new life situation, the similarities and differences between the imaginary picture of life and the real one are compared. What actions in the simulated picture should be included in the life plan?

    This kind of training in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is usually referred to as moral and psychological training, because we are talking about the formation of an orientation, in contrast to professional psychological training, when operational qualities (memory, attention, observation, etc.) are developed 6 .

    At present, new psychotechnologies for the development of the personality and changes in its psychology are also widely used 7 .

    Psychological support of work with a reserve of personnel for promotion 8 . Enrollment of employees in the personnel reserve for promotion is traditionally carried out on the basis of real performance indicators, the availability of appropriate education and age perspective. However, it is known that a good specialist does not always become a successful leader. So, for example, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the turnover over the past year of the heads of city railing agencies - the leading managerial link in the system of law enforcement agencies - is about 19%. At the same time, about 12% of managers were moved to lower positions (out of the total number of those who were moved); 3.4% were fired for negative reasons. It is also noteworthy that 2.1% of managers in this position have worked for less than one year. Among lower-level managers, these figures are even less satisfactory. Thus, among the dismissed heads of the criminal investigation department, 8.7% worked in this position for less than one year!

    The turnover of the leadership of law enforcement agencies is often the result of an insufficiently deep study of its psychological characteristics, inclinations for managerial activity and the presence of appropriate motivation. Therefore, in connection with the creation of a psychological service, among the tasks assigned to it, an important place is given to working with a reserve of personnel for promotion 9 .

    The main directions of this work are: psychological examination of employees who are in the personnel reserve for promotion; psychological counseling of these persons based on test results; psychological preparation of employees for management activities; advising the head of the department when appointing a candidate for a vacant position; providing psychological assistance to the newly appointed leader when entering a new position.

    Psychological examination of employees enrolled in the personnel reserve for promotion, pursues the following goals: the study of their individual psychological characteristics and organizational abilities, as well as predicting the success of their activities as a leader.

    Since there is currently no generally accepted model of the leader's personality, and the qualities included in it are often descriptive, practical psychologists more often use standard tests, "containing indications of the permissible limits for the variation of certain professionally valuable qualities, expressed in terms of some measuring scale. ". 10

    So, according to L.N. Sobchik and T.N. Lobanova, who used the MMPI test, the success of high-level managers correlates with the predominance of 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 scales with a normative spread (not higher than 70 T-bashes). “The complex of properties revealed by this profile represents such personality traits as an active life position in solving important problems, a high level of motivation to achieve a goal, optimism, tendencies towards systemic and analytical types of perception and processing of information, quick orientation when the situation changes, flexibility in social contacts, etc.” eleven .

    The use of the same test when examining students of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 12 shows that among the future leaders of city raillin authorities, 33% have a pronounced asthenic profile (the leading scales are 4.9 to 70 T-points), in 5.9% of students these scales are included in the number of dominant ones, but they are compensated by scales 5, 3, 2, 1. Only 8% of managers have leading scales 2, 0, 7 (pessimism, introversion, anxiety), which determine the asthenic behavior of the individual. Forecasting success in managerial activity is carried out not only according to the main profile, but also according to the degree of expression of such structural components of the personality as: motivational orientation, emotional stability, communicative competence, leadership potential, intellectual efficiency. Each component is calculated according to the efficiency formula and includes a number of main and additional scales 13 .

    Valid enough from the point of view of studying the psychological potential of leaders are the Cattell test and other specialized methods 14 .

    Psychological counseling for employees who are in the reserve for promotion. Experience shows that people are very interested in receiving information about the results of their testing. At the same time, it is inappropriate for a psychologist to wait until they turn to him for advice, but he should take the initiative himself and determine a meeting time that is convenient for the client, given that the latter are constantly busy solving official tasks. In order to save time, a group consultation can also be held. Employees are given the results of their personal testing, as well as the average group values ​​for each parameter. When comparing one’s values ​​with the average group values, as well as clarifying the psychological essence of the studied qualities, their relationship, not only an in-depth knowledge of oneself takes place, but also a correction of ideas about oneself (“I-concepts”).

    In subsequent individual conversations, the psychologist can explain more reasoning to each employee in the reserve for promotion, their problems, strengths and weaknesses, clarify self-esteem, i.e. show how the test results match their self-image. If clients have doubts about the reliability of the survey results, they can be offered to be tested additionally using other methods.

    This stage of work should end with the development of an individual plan for personal growth (self-development).

    Psychological preparation of employees for management activities - the longest stage of work with a reserve of personnel for promotion. An analysis of the literature shows that the most effective form of training future leaders is socio-psychological training. Considerable experience has now been accumulated in the active socio-psychological training of managerial personnel. 15 Its effectiveness is enhanced if the official level of managers and the specifics of their activities are taken into account. An important form of professional and psychological training of candidates for managerial positions is the performance of the duties of a manager during the absence of a permanent boss or an internship in an appropriate position. It is advisable that at the end of this period, the trainee submits not just a formal report on the work done, but during an individual conversation, the psychological difficulties that he encountered were analyzed, and the plan for further personal growth (self-management) was clarified (corrected).

    Advising the head of the department in the appointment of a candidate for a vacant position. When solving personnel issues, the head of the department often sets the task for the psychologist to prepare psychological characteristics for candidates who can take a vacant position. When consulting a manager, a psychologist should at least draw his attention to the following points:

    Prospects of candidates in terms of further business career;

    Psychological reliability (professional, moral, emotional, motivational) of candidates in terms of fulfilling new functional duties;

    Correspondence of personal qualities and style of activity of candidates to the psychological climate in the team;

    Expectations (expectations) of the team regarding the new boss;

    The final decision on the appointment of a candidate is made by the head of the unit, taking into account all factors.

    Providing psychological assistance to the newly appointed leader when entering a new position. Psychological help may include:

    Providing the newly appointed leader with information about the moral and psychological climate in the team, its psychological structure, the presence of informal leaders;

    Assistance in carrying out individual educational work with personnel;

    Discussing the preferred leadership style, taking into account the moral and psychological climate in the team;

    Formation of a positive image of the leader in the team (preparation of the team for the appointment of a new leader);

    Counseling on current socio-psychological difficulties that arise in the process of managing a team.

    Psychological support for work with a reserve of personnel for promotion can only have a positive effect if the psychologist has a high level of professional competence and enjoys informal authority in the team, because his official status is lower than any functional leader.

    Participation of a psychologist in the evaluation of employees. Certification of employees from the point of view of psychology is an assessment of their business, professional and personal qualities. Certification is a strong mobilizing factor. At the same time, this is also a rather strong stress factor for many employees, especially those with increased anxiety, self-doubt, who have the utmost length of service.

    In law enforcement agencies, the procedure for attesting employees is, as a rule, regulated by relevant regulations. They do the right thing in those departments where a practical psychologist is included in the attestation commission. Usually, at the beginning of the calendar year, the head of the institution (organization) issues an order that provides for the composition of the certification commission, the grounds for its work, and the circle of persons subject to certification. In the order, the psychologist is obliged to conduct an in-depth study of the personality and submit materials to the certification commission or take them into account directly when preparing the text of the certification. This creates a normative basis for the direct participation of a psychologist in the work of the attestation commission.

    When preparing materials for the attestation commission, it is especially important for a psychologist to comply with professional and ethical requirements, because the fate and professional career of employees largely depend on his assessments. The psychologist should stimulate further personal growth of the assessed, provide psychological assistance, and not act as a scarecrow for the personnel.

    Along with the standard form of certification of employees (where the performance of work, attitude towards it and professionally important qualities of the person being certified) are noted, in recent years, both in our country and abroad, modified certification options have been used.

    Circular certification: according to specially selected parameters, the person being certified is evaluated by subordinates, colleagues, senior managers, clients (for example, residents of the microdistrict are offered to evaluate the district police officer). For example, in the Israeli police, subordinates annually evaluate (certify) their immediate superior. In case of unsatisfactory assessment by the team, he is given a year of probation. If the situation repeats the next year, then the head is transferred to an equivalent position in another unit. When a year later the manager again receives a negative assessment from his subordinates, he is demoted.

    In a comprehensive audit of an institution (subdivision), certification is recommended using distribution method. According to the results of the activity, they distinguish:

    10% of the best employees;

    20% good employees;

    40% average employees;

    20% lagging employees;

    10% of the worst employees.

    The method of self-certification of employees is also used. They are asked to evaluate themselves using a special form.

    Control over the state of the moral and psychological climate in the team and prevention of destructive phenomena. The moral and psychological climate (MPC) is an integral characteristic of the team. The well-being of employees and business activity depend on the level of its development. The task of the psychologist is to monitor the state of the IPC both in the organization as a whole and in individual units (primary teams).

    The moral and psychological climate is assessed according to the following objective indicators: the results of operational activities, staff turnover, the state of discipline and legality.

    The following are used as subjective (psychological) climate indicators: satisfaction with work and performance results; relationships in the team, leadership style, destructive mental states of employees and suicides.

    At present, a number of standard methods have been developed that make it possible to diagnose the moral and psychological climate in a team and influence its optimization 16 .

    In law enforcement agencies, increased attention is paid to the issues of psychological prevention of such destructive phenomena as professional deformation 17 , violations of discipline and legality 18 , auto-aggressive manifestations (suicides).

    In solving individual psychological and group problems of optimizing the IPC, the psychologist takes a direct personal part; in solving managerial problems; acts as a counseling psychologist 19 .

    Ensuring the activities of law enforcement officers in difficult conditions 20 . The main goal of psychological support is to maintain the optimal level of psychological state and professional performance and combat capability of employees in solving official tasks in difficult conditions, maintaining mental health 21 .

    Psychological support of activities in extreme conditions involves a system of interrelated and continuous activities carried out by the psychological service. In the time interval, these activities can be divided into three stages: preparatory, psychological support, psychological work after returning to the place of permanent service.

    At the preparatory stage carry out: psychological selection of employees, psychological training, staffing of units.

    Despite the fact that when entering the service in law enforcement agencies, employees undergo a psychological selection, before recruiting units that will be sent to "hot spots", a special study of the personality is again carried out. This is explained, firstly, by the fact that activities in extreme conditions make higher demands on the individual than on the service as a whole; secondly, in the process of service, not only the mental state of a person, but also his personal qualities can change. Psychological (moral-psychological) preparation is aimed at solving the following tasks 22:

    Formation and development among employees of the patriotic and moral foundations of honest and responsible service, protection of Russia's interests in difficult conditions of acute social and ethnic conflicts;

    Special motivation of personnel for selfless actions in solving responsible tasks, understanding of the state need for their solution;

    Formation of attitudes towards a benevolent attitude towards the population, respect for national and ethnic culture, development of skills to establish psychological contact;

    Formation of value orientations towards a predominantly legal, rather than forceful approach to solving official tasks, to the use of weapons only in lawful cases;

    Formation of psychological stability, the ability to successfully act in conditions of emotional stress, the development of skills to control oneself and prevent disruptions in behavior;

    Development of professional and psychological qualities necessary for successful actions in a tense and dangerous environment: vigilance, mobilization, efficiency and accuracy of thinking, intuition, as well as courage, endurance, determination, perseverance, activity;

    Development of professional psychological skills and abilities: psychological analysis of the situation, psychological observation, the ability to negotiate and have a psychological impact on offenders.

    The psychological service should pay special attention to the recruitment of units sent to solve problems in difficult conditions. In the psychologist's field of vision should be the issues of psychological compatibility of employees, their socio-psychological status, the authority of commanders (leaders). In the course of conducting socio-psychological trainings and other forms of training, it is important to pay attention to the issues of rallying primary teams, building mutual trust, support, mutual assistance, and exposing false rumors.

    At the stage of psychological support of personnel under extreme conditions, the following tasks are solved:

    Monitoring the dynamics of the mental states of employees;

    Identification of factors that negatively affect the mental state of employees, taking measures to eliminate and prevent them;

    Providing psychological support and carrying out psycho-corrective measures;

    Conducting a psychological examination and making a conclusion on the expediency of secondment (evacuation) of employees, taking into account their moral and psychological state; analysis of relationships in the team, prevention and resolution of conflicts.

    Practical psychologists should pay special attention to working with personnel at the initial stage of their stay in "hot spots" (up to two weeks) and at the final stage (less than ten days before the end of the business trip). Quite often, the final stage escapes the field of view of psychologists. Meanwhile, during this period, despite external well-being, fatigue accumulates, efficiency decreases, excessive caution appears (there is no desire to take risks at the end) or, conversely, bravado, a tendency to violate established norms, thoughts about the family and work at a permanent duty station are updated . Therefore, practical psychologists are faced with the task of activating the motivational sphere of employees at the final stage of service.

    Psychological work after the return of employees to the place of permanent service involves: psychological examination of employees; organization of socio-psychological support during the period of adaptation to normal conditions; carrying out psycho-corrective measures.

    The need for a psychological examination of employees after performing official tasks in difficult conditions and conducting special psychological rehabilitation has been proven by life itself. Despite the implementation of measures for the psychological selection and training of employees, after their participation in critical incidents, many experience negative post-stress conditions. For example, a psychological examination of the personnel of the Budyonnovsky District Department of Internal Affairs, conducted 10 months after the city was attacked by terrorists, showed the presence of symptoms of post-stress disorders in 21.5% of employees 23 . A significant percentage of the fighters who participated in the Chechen events also experienced post-traumatic stress syndrome.

    The psychologist is armed with various psychodiagnostic methods for studying the mental states of law enforcement officers. The questionnaire of traumatic stress by I. Kotenev 24 , which is validated and standardized on a large sample of employees of the internal affairs bodies (1137 people), is most adequate for the tasks being solved.

    The ability of a practical psychologist to involve the heads of departments and family members of employees in the rehabilitation work serves to speed up the process of adaptation of employees who have been in "hot spots", i.e. organize social and psychological rehabilitation.

    Based on the symptoms that are found in employees, methods of psycho-correctional work are also selected.

    Thus, the psychological support of work with personnel is a diverse, holistic and leading direction in the activities of practical psychologists.

    1 Psychological dictionary. - M., 1983. - S. 285.

    2 Upbringing and development of the personality of students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. M, 1998. - S. 36. 3 Erickson E. Identity: youth and crisis. - M., 1996; Loginova N.A. Personal development and its life path. The principle of development in psychology. - M., 1978. - S. 168-169; and etc.

    4 Bityanova N.R. Personal growth training. - M., 1995; Marasanov G.I. Socio-psychological training. - M., 1998; Prutchenkov A.S. Personal growth training. - M., 1993; etc. 5 Rainwater D. It's up to you. How to become your own psychotherapist. - M., 1992. - S. 206-224. 6 Stolyarenko A.M. Psychological training of personnel of internal affairs bodies. - M., 1987. 7 Sitnikov A.P. Acmeological training: theory, methodology, psychotechnologies. - M., 1996; Fleming Fat. transformative dialogues. Series "Recent Psychology". - M., 1997, etc. 8 This part of the paragraph was prepared in collaboration with N. Yu. Portnyagina.

    9 State work with personnel of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation for 1998. - M .: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 1998. - S. 15. 10 Klimov E.A. Introduction to the psychology of work. - M., 1988. - S. 115. 11 Sobchik L.N., Lobanova T.N. Psychodiagnostic criteria for leading personnel. // Psychological journal. - 1989. - No. 1. - P. 47. 12 Computer program author A.D. Shpachenko. 13 Methods diagnostics and development of the psychological potential of the heads of internal affairs bodies. - M., 1996. - S. 96-118. 14 Durakova K.B. Personnel Management. - M., 1998; Sievert X. Personality testing. - M., 1998. 15 Alekseev A., Pigalov V. Business administration in practice. - M., 1993; Boydell T. How to improve organization management. - M., 1995; Emelyanov Yu.N. Active socio-psychological education. - L., 1985; Marasanov T.N. Socio-psychological training. -M., 1998; Krasovsky Yu.D. Behavior management in the firm. - M., 1997; Sitnikov A.P. Acmeological training. - M., 1996.

    16 Parygin V.D. Socio-psychological climate of the team: ways and methods of study. - L., 1981; Pankin A.I. Improving the socio-psychological climate in the departments of the internal affairs bodies. - M., 1998; Fateev N.M. Methods for studying the socio-psychological climate in the teams of city and regional departments of internal affairs. - M., 1992. 17 Pinyaeva S. Individual-psychological prerequisites for the prevention of professional deformation of employees of internal affairs bodies. - Abstract. cand. diss. - M., 1998. 18 Pishchelko A.V., Belosludtsev V.I., Sokolov I.I. Psychological, pedagogical and legal problems of strengthening the rule of law in the activities of bodies executing punishment. - Domodedovo, 1998. 19 Fateev N.M. The influence of management features on the socio-psychological climate of the team. // Issues of psychology. - 1986. - No. 1; Tobias L. Psychological counseling and management. - M., 1997.

    20 Stolyarenko A.M., Karpov B.C. Moral and psychological preparation police officers to work in extreme conditions. - M., 1998; Kamenev I.O. On the concept of psychological support for the activities of police officers in extreme conditions. // Problems, ways of formation and further development of the psychological service of the internal affairs bodies. Part II. - M., 1998. - S. 60-61. 21 Kotenev I.O. On the concept of psychological support for the activities of police officers in extreme conditions. // Problems, ways of formation and further development of the psychological service of the internal affairs bodies. Ch. P. - M., 1998. - S. 60.

    22 Moral-psychological training of personnel to perform tasks to protect the constitutional rights of citizens in a state of emergency and in armed conflicts. - M., 1995. - S. 4-5.

    23 Kotenev I.O., Bogdanova M.B. Terrorist act in Budyonnovsk: post-stress conditions among police officers. // Proceedings of the MC PO and KNI at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - 1996. -№3. - S. 49-53.

    24 Kotenev I.O. Psychological diagnostics of post-stress conditions in employees of internal affairs bodies. - M., 1997.

    Psychological workshop (to part II)

    Exercise 1

    Upon taking office as the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the N-th region, police colonel Belov A.I. his predecessor only positively described police lieutenant colonel Zhukov I.I., who previously worked for various leadership positions in the ATC unit. On the initiative of the previous head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Zhukov was appointed head of the lagging district department of internal affairs in the city of Znamensk, and after some time - the head of another "neglected" district department of internal affairs. According to the former head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Zhukov "pulled out" both of these district departments of internal affairs from the failure. No one was interested in what means he used in this case.

    Externally Zhukov I.I. "Looked": energetic, fit, executive, sociable. He is somewhat cheeky, but does not reach familiarity, he knows the matter, he understands instructions perfectly. True, among his colleagues - heads of the GROVD and some employees of the apparatus of the Internal Affairs Directorate - he does not enjoy special respect: he is arrogant, arrogant. Zhukov allowed some violations, abused his official position. Negative information about Zhukov also reached the new head of the Internal Affairs Directorate, but he, trusting the opinion of his predecessor, generally considered Zhukov a business leader. Therefore, when Zhukov approached the deadline for serving in the rank of lieutenant colonel, Belov A.I. insisted that he be appointed head of a large GOVD region, where the maximum rank of the head according to the staff list was “police colonel”. After some time, despite the objections of some members of the Board of the Internal Affairs Directorate, Belov A.I. sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation a submission on the assignment of Zhukov I.I. another special rank. At the same time, rumors began to circulate among the senior officials of the Internal Affairs Directorate and city district authorities of the region that Zhukov I.I. is a relative of the new head of the ATC and therefore makes a quick career. Rumors reached Belov. He invited Zhukov to his place and asked about the reason for the rumors. To this question Zhukov I.I. A.I. explained to the astonished Belov that he himself, Zhukov, had spread the rumors in order to increase his authority among the heads of the regional internal affairs bodies.

    1. Analyze the proposed situation.

    2. Give a generalized psychological characteristic of the personality Zhukov I.I.

    3. Highlight the main motives for the actions of Zhukov I.I.

    Exercise 2

    In 1782, Catherine II approved the "Charter of the Deanery or the Police". In this statute, in the section “Order to the Council of the Deanery”, the rules of good morality are formulated, i.e. moral principles by which the police were to be guided. Here are the main of these rules (in relation to the actions of police officers):

    I. Do not repair to your neighbor what you yourself do not want to endure.

    II. Do not do harm to your neighbor, but do good to him as much as you can.

    III. If someone has done a personal offense to a neighbor, either in an estate or in a good rank, let him satisfy as far as possible.

    IV. Help each other in goodness, lead the blind, give shelter to the poor, give drink to the thirsty.

    V. Have pity on the drowning, lend a helping hand to the fallen.

    VI. Blessed is the one who has mercy on the cattle, if the cattle and your villain stumble, lift it up.

    VII. Show the way to those who have gone off the path ...

    XIII. A right and equal judgment for every state.

    XIV. Give protection to the innocent and the mourner.

    XV. Abstention from bribes: for they blind the eyes and corrupt the mind and heart, but they put a bridle on the mouth.

    It seems that the principles of behavior of employees of law enforcement agencies formulated in the charter have not lost their relevance today. Questions and tasks:

    1. Analyze the rules of good manners formulated in the "Charter of the Deanery or the Police". What is the significance of these principles of behavior of law enforcement officers in modern conditions?

    2. What current legal acts contain such professional and ethical principles of behavior for law enforcement officers?

    3. Think about the degree to which these ethical principles are related to the style of leadership of law enforcement personnel.

    Exercise 3

    In the psychology of personnel management, based on numerous observations, the following patterns have been identified:

    The more fully positive formal relations are represented in the management system and process, the less room remains for the emergence of negative informal relations;

    The more fully positive informal relations are represented in the management system and process, the less opportunities for the manifestation of negative formal relations.

    The reverse judgments are also fair.

    1. Analyze the essence of the patterns presented and formulate a clear understanding of your own understanding of the relationship between formal and informal relations in the process of managing the personnel of law enforcement agencies.

    2. Recall the main psychological characteristics of formal and informal relationships by referring to the relevant chapters of this study guide.

    3. Formulate the main directions of accounting for these patterns in the process of organizing activities and interaction between structural units of law enforcement agencies.

    Exercise 4

    Read an excerpt from the story "Across the Bridge" by the German writer Heinrich Böll.

    “The history of this house haunted me. I became thoughtful, careless in my work. Yes, really careless. I've been thinking too much. Once I even forgot to take the “Controversial Cases” folder, thereby incurring the wrath of the head of the district administration. He called me to him, he was trembling with indignation.

    Grabowski, he told me, I heard you forgot your Controversial Cases folder. Service above all, Grabowski!

    Since I was stubbornly silent, the chief continued in an even more stern voice:

    Courier Grabowski, I warn you: bunglers have no place in the All-German Society for Hunting Dog Breeding. We can provide ourselves with qualified employees...

    He looked menacingly at me, but suddenly his eyes softened.

    Maybe you have some personal troubles? I quietly said:

    What's happened? he asked in a different tone. In response, I just shook my head.

    Can I help you? Tell me what?

    Give me one free day, Mr. Chief. I don't need anything else. He nodded generously.

    And don't take this rant to heart. In the end, everyone can forget the folder. Other than that, we're happy with you...

    I rejoiced. This scene took place on Wednesday, and the next day, Thursday, I was free.

    1. What part of the conversation between a boss and a subordinate is characteristic of a "bureaucratic personality"?

    2. How and in what way psychological trick did the courier Grabowski manage to change the content, character and tone of the monologue of the head of the district administration?

    3. Describe the style of managerial activity of the head of the district administration of the All-German Society for Hunting Dog Breeding.

    4. Evaluate the behavior of the courier Grabowski in this situation.

    Exercise 5

    Examine Figure X. Bidstrup's Leadership Style. Questions:

    2. Why a leadership style that can be formulated as follows: “Do as I do! Learn by looking at your boss!” turned out to be ineffective?

    3. At what stage of training was the leader supposed to switch from “showing” to “forcing to perform”, to the need to “apply power”?

    4. Give a psychological description of the trainer.

    5. What are the "bureaucratic" personality traits of the owner of the dog?

    6. What are the reasons for the failure of training.

    Exercise 6

    In the study of the psychological aspects of organizational relations, a number of factors were identified that affect the degree of legal regulation of the behavior of employees:

    a) the need to follow the law and regulations;

    b) the choice of tactical methods for solving service tasks;

    c) the importance of the direction of activity (for example, financial activities, ensuring the safety of citizens and employees, etc.);

    d) planning of personal work and selection of priority tasks at a specific point in time in a fixed area of ​​work;

    e) implementation of duties, rights and responsibilities of employees;

    f) introduction of best practices and innovations;

    g) joint actions of a large number of employees;

    i) activities in conditions of changes in the usual modes of operation (extreme situations, natural disasters, etc.);

    j) increasing the level of professional and psychological readiness;

    k) solving joint tasks in the conditions of interaction between various structural divisions of the internal affairs body;

    l) improvement of the organization of personal labor, rationalization.

    Check out these factors. Choose from two groups of factors:

    1. Encouraging detailed regulation of the activities of employees.

    2. Allowing to provide independence and rely on the self-organization of workers.

    Exercise 7

    In foreign administrative literature, a case from military service is sometimes published, borrowed from the book by A. Mol "Sociodynamics of Culture" (M., 1973), filed with humor, but instructive and usually presented in a slightly modified form.

    Colonel to Major:

    Tomorrow at 9.00 there will be a solar eclipse, i.е. a phenomenon that doesn't happen every day. Order to build personnel on the parade ground. The dress code is casual. When observing this interesting phenomenon, I personally will give explanations. In the event of precipitation and poor visibility, there will be nothing to observe, so send personnel to the sports hall.

    Major to captain:

    By order of Mr. Colonel tomorrow at 9.00 a solar eclipse will take place. In the event of rain on the parade ground, poor visibility is assumed in everyday uniform. Then - spend the disappearance of the sun in the gym. This doesn't happen every day.

    Captain - lieutenant:

    By order of the colonel, tomorrow at 9.00 in the gym we will work out the disappearance of the sun. Dress code is casual. Whether it rains or not, the colonel will decide. This doesn't happen every day.

    Lieutenant - Sergeant:

    When it rains in the gymnasium, which doesn't happen every day, our colonel will disappear at 9:00 in his daily uniform. Orderly:

    Soldiers, our colonel is to disappear tomorrow. This doesn't happen every day. It's a pity!

    1. What psychological patterns have led, in your opinion, to the distortion of information when it is transmitted from top to bottom?

    2. Why were the distortions exactly of the nature given in the description? What groups of psychological factors influenced this?

    Exercise 8

    The exactingness of the leader and his disciplinary practice are associated with the understanding that the subordinate can make mistakes, but he should not necessarily be punished for this. In the theory of personnel management psychology, there is a widespread judgment about the right of a subordinate to make a mistake. In particular, this is expressed in the following opinions: “The right of a subordinate to make a mistake is one of the most important elements of a good atmosphere of joint activity in an institution, and it is based on the fact that so far the mistakes made by a subordinate (of course, without malicious intent) in matters entrusted to him for independent decision, do not cross the “normal” border, the immediate superior (without even giving up a sharp, but expressed without witnesses, reprimand) is obliged to the superior boss to take on the subordinate’s mistake ” (I. Greenish).

    “The boss must understand what risk of error there is in the activities of the subordinate. He must ask himself the question: what percentage of errors in the category of cases under consideration can be made by an employee who is quite rightly considered a good specialist? He must find an answer to this and inform the subordinate that if the percentage of mistakes made by him under any circumstances does not exceed the established limit, then he will not talk about these mistakes with the subordinate at all, considering this as a normal phenomenon. (E. Schlech).

    “When considering the issue of transferring tasks, powers and responsibilities to subordinates, it should be borne in mind that this should be something real, not fictitious. A very important element of this delegation of duties is the right of the subordinate to make mistakes within certain limits. (I. Steijer).

    “If we want initiative and creativity from someone, then we must give this person a greater right to make mistakes than we give others. If we do not do this, then the fear of unsuccessful attempts will fetter the initiative. (M. Feinberg).

    1. Try to form your position in relation to the judgments made about the subordinate's right to make a mistake.

    2. By what psychological criterion (motive, goal, experience, etc.) can one determine the possible limit of such errors of subordinates?

    Exercise 9

    At an operational meeting in one of the district departments of internal affairs, the officers were informed that the position of a psychologist was being introduced in the unit. The reaction of the staff varied. One said: “What are we, psychos?”, The second: “It would be better if they added an opera”, the third: “Let's invite Kashpirovsky to this position”, the fourth: “Now we will no longer have suicides.”

    Questions and tasks:

    1. What misconceptions about yourself and your work can a practical psychologist in law enforcement agencies encounter?

    2. How would you react to the remarks of employees, how would you explain the reasons for their erroneous opinions?

    Exercise 10

    A graduate of the Faculty of Law applied to the Department of Internal Affairs of one of the districts of the city of Moscow with a request to accept him for service in the internal affairs bodies, in the criminal investigation department. During the initial acquaintance with the candidate for the service, the psychologist discovered in him a pronounced increased aggressiveness, in connection with which doubts arose about the professional suitability of the candidate.

    According to the results of psychological testing of the candidate at the Center for Psychodiagnostics at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow, he was diagnosed with a hypersthenic personality profile and a conclusion was made: “Recommended conditionally”.

    However, the deputy head of the criminal investigation department came to the practical psychologist of the Internal Affairs Directorate and began to ask to take the “guy to work”. He said that this is his neighbor, that he has known him since childhood, that he has decent parents who work in law enforcement agencies, that he is personally ready to issue a guarantee for the candidate and act as his mentor.

    Questions and task:

    1. What would you do if you were a senior psychologist in this situation?

    2. What does the hypersthenic personality type (profile) mean, what type of behavior can be expected from him when serving in law enforcement agencies? Can this type of personality be attributed to the so-called risk group?

    3. If you decide to support the application for the admission of a candidate for service in the internal affairs bodies, then what plan of action should be outlined to manage the process of his adaptation?

    Exercise 11

    The chief instructed a practical psychologist to examine two fairly experienced employees and give them a psychological description. The chief did not inform about the purposes of psychological testing.

    After the psychologist examined the employees and presented the characteristics to the boss, it turned out that the issue of appointing one of them to a vacant managerial position was being decided. After reviewing the characteristics, the boss reproached the psychologist for not indicating the level of development of organizational skills, the ability to lead people. The psychological examination had to be repeated.

    Subsequently, one of the employees, the one who was not appointed to a new position, stopped greeting the psychologist, believing that it was his fault that he did not receive a promotion.

    1. Was the task assigned to the psychologist correctly? If not, how should it be formulated?

    2. What professional and ethical rules must be observed so that the psychologist does not have conflicts with employees and management?

    Professional orientation and selection of personnel. In most law enforcement agencies, the psychological service is a structural element of the personnel apparatus. Therefore, one of the main tasks facing the service is to use the achievements of practical psychology in working with personnel (personnel, personnel).

    Professional orientation is a system of psychological, pedagogical, organizational and other measures of the state, specific departments and psychologists aimed at optimizing the process of youth employment in accordance with the desires, inclinations, developed abilities and taking into account the need for specific specialists. Professional orientation in law enforcement includes various forms of work. The most common is to familiarize young people with the specifics of the activities of law enforcement agencies through the use of the media (central, local, departmental). Educational institutions hold open days every year. In many regions, specialized colleges and classes are being created in general education schools. The participation of a psychologist in professional orientation work at the stage of selecting candidates for service allows them to correct their ideas about future activities, provide qualified advice on the choice of a specialty (faculty), and sometimes convince a candidate that his personal qualities do not meet the qualification requirements for a future specialist and thereby save a person from possible disappointments and stresses.

    In the course of professional counseling, the attention of the candidate and his relatives is drawn to a particularly tense and dangerous nature future specialty, conditions of service in specific structural units.

    Vocational orientation work is often carried out among a relatively small group of young people - the children of law enforcement officers. On the one hand, this is a positive factor, since young employees brought up on family traditions have a deeper knowledge of the specifics of the activities of the relevant services and are better prepared for the professional and psychological difficulties of practical activities. There is no staff turnover among this category of specialists. But, on the other hand, the focus only on the children of law enforcement officers strengthens the closedness, isolation of this system, and limits the influx of capable young people.

    The experience of individual vocational guidance of capable and gifted young people deserves attention. They are identified at the stage of training in various educational institutions, their personal qualities are studied. Professional counseling is carried out not only for candidates, but also for their parents. Only after that, candidates are invited as applicants to specialized educational institutions of law enforcement agencies.

    The central stage of the psychological support of work with personnel is professional selection. It includes a set of "special procedures for studying and probabilistic assessment of the suitability of people to master a specialty, achieve the required level of skill and successfully perform professional duties in typical and specific difficult conditions" 1 . In other words, professional selection is a procedure during which a person's suitability for professional activity is determined, first of all.

    An important feature of this procedure in law enforcement agencies is its legal regulation, which is explained by the increased requirements for employees of state bodies and the responsibility of officials for its implementation. The regulations provide for the following aspects of professional selection: social and legal (age, education, citizenship, etc.); medical (fitness for professional activity for health reasons); psychological (the presence of appropriate personal qualities). The specific features of psychological selection, in which practicing psychologists take an active part, are discussed in § 6.1.

    Placement of personnel and management of their professional adaptation. The final conclusion on admission to the service in law enforcement agencies and staffing carried out directly in the territorial divisions. A practical psychologist at this stage acts as an expert and consultant. He compares, on the one hand, the psychological information about the personality of the candidate, obtained from his direct study and received from the center of psychodiagnostics, and on the other hand, the requirements that apply to a particular position (professiogram or specialist model).

    The absence or weak development of certain properties in a candidate is not always a contraindication to service (if we are not talking about moral qualities), because these properties can be formed only in the process of professional activity.

    When deciding on employment, it must be borne in mind that modern personnel management involves not only the adaptation ("fitting") of the individual to the requirements of the position, but also the adaptation of the position (functional duties, powers, responsibilities) to the psychology of a particular person, the redistribution of functions.

    When enlisting in law enforcement agencies, it is often taken into account personal guarantee for an experienced employee candidate. This implies the official responsibility of the guarantor for the recommended employee, as well as the obligation to be his mentor. Personal guarantee is important especially in situations where the candidate for the service is conditionally recommended (i.e. falls into the risk group).

    At the stage of accepting a candidate for service, a psychologist often has to conduct individual consultations in order to reorient the future specialist to work in another area, not in the one that the candidate dreamed of.

    The law enforcement agencies are well developed mentoring institute and as an important form of ensuring the professional development of young employees, and as a means of psychological assistance in adapting to the team. Therefore, one of the tasks of a practical psychologist is to advise the head of the unit in order to select mentors who are psychologically compatible with the employees who have been hired, as well as to further advise the mentors and improve their psychological competence.
    Considering that the psychological service itself in law enforcement agencies is going through a period of formation and experienced workers do not always realize its necessity and its possibilities, it is quite justified that psychologists also shift the emphasis in their work to young employees. In many subdivisions, psychologists begin their work with hired employees with an individual conversation based on the results of a psychological examination, at the same time clarify their self-esteem, level of claims, and develop tactics for behavior in the service team.

    Yes, on adaptation process of young employees such a quality is significantly affected conformity. Increased conformity can lead to the fact that the newcomer easily succumbs to negative influences, is drawn into "mutual responsibility". Non-conformity, the desire for independence leads to ignoring traditions, public opinion, gives rise to conflicts with experienced employees. In large divisions (several hundred people), where the annual replenishment of young employees is quite large, it is advisable to conduct social and psychological training with them. And above all - self-confidence training. Experience shows that trainings relieve emotional tension, significantly unite young employees, provide an opportunity to discuss the socio-psychological difficulties they face in work teams and when communicating with the population, and form a sense of self-confidence.

    In the course of social and psychological trainings, a certain immunity to negative phenomena in law enforcement agencies is instilled, the foundations are laid for the personal growth of employees. Purposeful work is carried out with persons at risk. On them, the psychologist starts a special folder (case), where all the activities carried out are recorded. At the end of the probationary period (from 6 to 12 months), the results of their service activities, relationships in the team are comprehensively analyzed, a repeated psychological examination is carried out by the psychologist of the unit or in the center of psychodiagnostics. After that, a final decision is made on the further service of an employee classified as a risk group. Experience shows that this category of employees should be registered with a psychologist for up to three years.

    The psychologist's task is to analyze the factors influencing the process of professional adaptation and develop measures to optimize them. For the successful adaptation of young employees, work is also carried out with the teams in which they work. The attitude of employees towards a newcomer in social psychology has always been considered as a criterion for the level of development of the team itself. The ability to notice the first successes of newcomers, to stimulate their diligence significantly affects motivation and job satisfaction, and forms self-confidence.

    The problem of adaptation is relevant not only for the practical units of law enforcement agencies, but also for educational institutions. It is known that the first year of study is the most difficult for students. New living conditions: getting up, exercising, drill and physical training, switching to a statutory form of relations, strict control over behavior, separation from parents, barracks conditions, different food, new friends, colleagues to be reckoned with, and sometimes just them endure, intense training - have a strong psychological impact on first-year students, cause deep feelings, doubts about the correct choice of life path. It is no coincidence that the number of expelled students in the first year and in the first semester of the second year of study is the most significant.

    Difficulties in adaptation can also be judged by the reasons for expulsion. So, in the first semester of 1997/98, for all educational institutions, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was deducted,%:

    At their own request - 46;

    For negative reasons - 32;

    For academic failure - 14;

    For health and family reasons - 8.2

    Based on these data, it can be argued that the main difficulty in adapting students is not study, not the intellectual level of development, but personal qualities: motivation, value orientations, discipline, relationships in a team, etc.

    The main forms of work of a practical psychologist during the period of adaptation of students are:

    Individual counseling of students at their request;

    Psychocorrectional work with persons referred to the group of conditionally recommended (they make up 33%) and the group of those not recommended, but admitted to educational institutions (they make up 7%);

    Psychological and educational work with all first-year students (on the difficulties of adaptation and ways to overcome them);

    Creation of favorable socio-psychological conditions in study groups;

    Proper selection and appointment of junior commanders.

    The adaptation of young employees and students of educational institutions is mainly completed by the end of the first year of study. This is manifested in the assimilation of basic professional techniques, methods of work and value orientations. A young employee begins to identify himself with law enforcement agencies, he develops a sense of “we”, a sense of professional pride, he connects his future fate with his career and the results of his professional activities. The further process of professional development of the individual is often carried out spontaneously, and the task of the practical psychologist and the head of the unit is to give it a purposeful character.

    Personal growth and professional development of law enforcement officers. The task of a psychologist is to work with employees at all stages of their business career. Therefore, having provided psychological assistance to young employees at the stage of adaptation, it is important to exercise psychological control over their further professional development and personal growth.
    Personal growth law enforcement officers is a system of purposeful development of their socially and professionally significant qualities and skills. Personal growth is carried out primarily in the process of properly organized professional activity. Therefore, by monitoring changes in the personal potential of employees, their authority in the team, the results of professional activities, satisfaction with the service, the psychologist gives recommendations to management on improving the organizational climate in the team and individualizing managerial influences on specific employees.

    In labor psychology, it is generally accepted that seven years in one position is already a critical period, after which the performance does not increase anymore, the motivation of employees decreases, and staff turnover increases. An analysis of statistical data shows that in some regions up to 70-80% of employees with experience of up to three years work in law enforcement agencies. It seems that the reason for the transition of experienced employees to other areas of activity lies not only in the low financial security of law enforcement personnel, but also in insufficient attention to the issues of personal growth and business career of mature employees.

    The departure of experienced officers from law enforcement service is also associated with such a phenomenon as the “mid-life crisis” 3 . At the age of 35-45, people full of strength and energy are often aware of the limitations of their opportunities in a business career, the contradictions between personal beliefs and the values ​​of society; are dissatisfied with the standard of living and family well-being. An existential conflict arises - people lose the meaning of their former life and try to find new life guidelines.

    A practical psychologist owns an arsenal of psychotechnical methods of influencing employees, which can ensure their personal growth. Considerable experience has now been accumulated in conducting such trainings 4 . So, clarification of personal life plans during the training can be carried out according to the following scenario:

    1.0. Self-assessment of various spheres of life.
    1.1. Job:
    Do I have clear ideas about my work and its goals.
    Does work help you achieve your goals in life?
    2.0. Based on the assessment of various areas of life, specify your main personal goals and justify why they are important to you.
    2.1. My life goals are:

    2.2. My goal timeline:
    2.3. What factors contribute to achieving your life goals, and what hinder?
    2.4. What resources do you need to use to achieve your goals?
    (time, money, health, etc.).
    2.6. Are you ready to enable these factors or do you need to adjust
    your goals?

    Passed for 70 points in 2017 A screenshot with a mark is attached to the work. Answers highlighted in color in word.

    1. Activities regarding human resources, which are mainly related to the future needs of the organization, are ...
    relationship with trade unions
    human resource planning

    2. The purpose of the professional orientation of the employee is ...
    providing the employee with information directly related to work
    staff development
    familiarizing the employee with the new organization and changing his behavior in accordance with the requirements and rules organizational culture new company
    employee training

    3. The bonus form of remuneration must be used ...
    for legal requirements
    in order to acquire qualified workers
    throughout the work of the employee in the organization

    4. Creating your own training center is advisable ...
    only for large organizations operating on the periphery
    for any organization
    for any major organization

    5. External regulations governing the activities of the organization in the field of personnel management refer to ...
    regulatory and methodological support
    information support
    technological support

    6. The number of personnel service at the enterprise should be ...
    1 staff member per 40 employees
    1-1.5% of the total number of employees
    1 staff member per 70 staff members
    0.5% of the total number of employees

    7. Proper management of the orientation program can have the following result: ...
    reduction in staff turnover
    reduction in the number of errors in work
    better career planning for all employees

    8. Payment costs wages refer to …
    prime cost
    enterprise consumption fund

    9. An interview with a candidate for a vacancy in a large organization is conducted by ...
    competition commission
    line manager and HR specialist
    line manager
    personnel service specialist

    10. The need to work as part of a team united by common goals in accordance with the hierarchy of A. Maslow refers to the level of satisfaction of needs ...
    the need to belong to a social group
    need for self-expression
    security need
    need for recognition and respect

    11. The functional task of planning the organization's needs for workforce related to HR...
    personnel planning
    personnel accounting and reporting
    formation of personnel strategy
    headcount regulation

    12. The development of employee motivation systems is part of the responsibilities ...
    development specialist
    search and recruitment specialist
    accounting and cash distribution inspector
    social program specialist

    13. When selecting candidates for the reserve for nomination, the priority criterion is ...
    necessary personal qualities, complemented by high professionalism, responsibility and loyalty
    high loyalty to the employer, complemented by other qualities
    high professionalism, complemented by responsibility, loyalty and relevant personal qualities

    14. For small organizations, when organizing psychological support for personnel, it is advisable to focus on ...
    a combination of the above options
    for the services of psychological consulting centers
    for the maintenance of your own psychologist

    15. The law of change of labor reflects ...
    the need for employees to increase material remuneration
    the need of individuals to regularly change the list of labor functions performed, the nature and place of labor activity
    the need of employees to constantly improve the quality of working life

    16. Professional development is a condition ...
    both job retention and subsequent promotion
    subsequent promotion
    job retention

    17. The most common form of training for future middle managers is ...
    on the job training
    training in special programs in educational institutions
    appointment to the position of deputy head
    The democratic style of leadership involves the orientation of the leader on the principle

    18. Role play is...
    participation in solving the problem, which makes it possible to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice under controlled conditions
    discussion and problem solving through free association of ideas
    a description of specific events - real or hypothetical - that took place in the organization
    solution of complex economic and social problems in a staged business situation

    19. The difference between a “bonus” and a “premium” is ...
    in the method of determination (percentage and fixed)
    in the form of payment (monetary/non-monetary)
    in the frequency of payment

    20. Order - an internal document that is signed ...
    deputy heads
    heads of areas related to the content of the document
    all responsible persons
    the first person of the company

    21. The personnel strategy of an organization is defined as a set of ...
    strategic goals in the personnel direction and approaches to their practical implementation
    strategic goals for HR
    strategic priorities in the field of work in the labor market

    22. The main responsibility for the professional orientation of an employee lies with ...
    human resources department
    trade union organization
    line manager

    23. The systematic collection, evaluation and organization of information about activities is ...
    work analysis
    description of work
    performance appraisal

    24. The results of the psychological adaptation of a newly hired employee are primarily responsible ...
    head of the structural unit
    personnel service psychologist
    direct technical manager

    25. The main tasks of employee certification include ...
    identification of reserves for increasing the level of employee productivity
    company restructuring
    control of performance and professionalism

    26. When an employee's salary increases ...
    it is possible to increase or decrease the amount of surcharge depending on its type
    All payments will remain the same
    all surcharges will decrease, as they are regressive in nature depending on the salary
    all surcharges will increase accordingly

    27. "Human resource management" in contrast to "personnel management" implies ...
    strategic focus
    regulation of labor and employment relations at the enterprise according to the situation NOT correct
    operational focus

    28. Human motives…
    may change under the influence of external factors
    can only change under the influence of internal factors
    cannot change under the influence of external factors

    29. In the personal management system, the staffing table ...
    can be a document of both a methodological and directive nature, depending on the traditions that have developed in the organization
    is a policy document
    is a methodological (recommendatory) document

    30. The main goal of the personnel development policy is ...
    creating a constant interest among employees in ensuring the labor results planned by the employer
    ensuring that the qualification level of employees meets the requirements of the employer
    full satisfaction of the needs of the organization in labor resources

    The words of Jack Welsh, the uncrowned king of corporate managers, at the end of this chapter, speak to how important the process of training and replacing leaders is to the success of an organization. If the position of the president is vacated in the company and it is forced to invite an outside specialist, the latter needs from 3 to 6 months to get acquainted with the affairs of the organization, from 1 to 3 years to be recognized as "their own", and from 2 to 5 years, to absorb the culture of the organization. The manager who worked earlier in the company does not have such problems.

    Modern organizations create special systems for the selection, development and movement of future leaders (leader pool) and consider their management as a strategically important task. It is no coincidence that top managers are directly involved in this process. The management reserve training system combines three main processes:

    1. identification of employees of the organization with the potential for leadership positions;

    2. preparation of these employees for work in a managerial position;

    3. Ensuring the smooth replacement of the vacant position and the approval of a new employee in it.

    Most organizations, when working with a reserve of leaders, distinguish two groups - successors or understudies and young employees with leadership potential. Each group has its own specifics both in terms of selection and development.

    SUCCESSORS or SUCCESSORS are candidates for certain key company positions who are currently or will be ready to work in these positions in the near future. Orion Joint Stock Company has identified two successors to the position of CEO - a 42-year-old director of sales and marketing, who is ready to take up the position immediately, and a 44-year-old director of human resources, who will be able to take up this position in two years.

    Preparation of successors is a complex multi-stage process (see Fig. 29), requiring constant attention from top management, human resource specialists, and support from department heads. Not all modern organizations effectively manage this process, many still solve the problem of succession in leadership promptly at the time of the release of a key position. This is not surprising, since the systematic work with the reserve requires a significant investment of time, a global outlook, patience, and insight from managers, which often conflicts with operational tasks. However, those organizations that have learned to manage this process - General Electric, McDonald's, Hewlett Packard, the American armed forces - receive an enormous return on the time and money invested in working with a reserve in the form of a painless change of generations, preserving traditions and introducing fresh views that materialize in decades of success.

    The first step in working with the reserve is the definition of KEY POSITIONS, i.e. positions that have a special impact on the company's activities. It is strategically important for the organization who occupies these positions, since their contribution to the achievement of organizational goals is exceptionally high. As a rule, the key positions are the heads of the organization (the first manager, his direct reports, heads of branches and divisions), however, sometimes key positions may be at lower levels of the organizational hierarchy - a company engaged in the production of propellers for aircraft and helicopters, refers to the number of key the position of master of aerodynamic characteristics, since the reliability of the propellers depends to a large extent on it.

    The number and specific composition of key positions depend on the size and specifics of the organization. In large international companies, their number ranges between 30 and 150 - 200.

    When planning a reserve, it is necessary not only to determine which positions are key for the organization today, but also how their list will look in a year, two, five years. This is especially true in today's fast paced organizational change caused by competition and accelerated technological progress.

    Management needs to imagine how the organization will change over the next years. In most cases, it is impossible to accurately determine the future structure, but it is possible to predict which positions or at least areas will play a key role based on an analysis of the development strategy, the dynamics of the external environment, and changes in competing organizations.

    And finally, the last thing to do at this stage is to prepare a plan for the release of key posts. To do this, the human resources department, together with the head of the organization, must carefully analyze the current situation, taking into account the age, promotion prospects, personal interests, health status of employees holding key positions, and determine the timing of the release of each of them. The prepared plan will form the basis for managing the preparation of successors.


    DETERMINATION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF FUTURE LEADERS. This stage plays an extremely important role in the entire process of preparing the reserve. Indeed, without an understanding of the competencies that key managers should have, an organization cannot effectively select potential successors, prepare development plans for them, and evaluate readiness for a planned position.

    When planning a reserve, the portrait of a leader consists of three components: general characteristics of a leader, characteristics of an effective leader of a given organization, and qualities necessary for working in a particular position.

    Recently, many studies have been published on the characteristics of successful leaders. Based on them, as well as taking into account own experience many organizations have created their own portraits of the "ideal leader" (see box: Portrait of a leader).

    Portrait of a manager (areas of competence)

    Planning and decision making

    Financial planning/analysis: collection, analysis and effective use financial data; correct conclusions from the analysis of financial information; application of financial and/or accounting principles in making plans and solving problems; preparation of realistic budgets to meet the objectives of the organization.

    Strategic thinking: analysis of the development of the situation in the long term, taking into account all existing factors; determination of the potential impact of external forces on the organization's activities, such as: innovations in the industrial sector, competition, changes in legislation, development trends international relations and technological progress, which is either a threat or a favorable factor for the expansion of the organization's activities; formulation and evaluation of development alternatives.


    Resource Allocation/Control:

    Providing employees with the resources and powers necessary to achieve their goals; establishment of the minimum necessary control; monitoring the results achieved, comparing them with the plan.

    Organized / better use of time:

    Determination of personal priorities and goals corresponding to the objectives of the organization; reasonable distribution of working time; productive work with documents and effective solution of administrative issues; optimal processing of information, selection important points without excessive detail; ability to work under heavy load.


    Attention: the ability to "listen and hear" messages and perceive information.

    Presentations: Preparing and delivering pre-prepared or impromptu presentations that are appropriate for the audience and topic and achieve the desired results.

    Development of subordinates

    Employee development: development of relevant skills and abilities of employees in accordance with specific professional needs; setting complex professional tasks; creating situations conducive to the development of the qualities of a mentor in relation to other employees, providing employees with the opportunity to take on more responsibility.

    Motivation: creating an environment that encourages people to achieve and develop their own abilities;

    Encouragement in employees of energy, enthusiasm, devotion, trust and striving for excellence.

    External contacts

    Business relationship management: developing and maintaining constructive relationships with external and internal clients, suppliers, public and government representatives; showing special attention to the client, punctuality in the supply of products and services.

    Company representation: representation of the company in relations with external organizations: governmental, political, social or industrial groups; understanding the impact of the organization's activities on society, the economy and the population; constant concern for the reputation of the company.

    Communication skills

    Communication: the ability to interact effectively with others; the ability to seek support at any organizational level.

    Conflict management: the ability to understand a variety of points of view, control over stressful and crisis situations; ability to resolve conflicts and disagreements.


    Quality: the constant manifestation and encouragement of attention to the quality of work at all levels, both within the organization and outside it; critical attitude to the results below excellent.

    Achievement of results: achievement of goals; acceptance of a system of responsibility for the results and performance of work with a sense of responsibility for labor productivity.

    change management

    Ability to adapt: effective work V various conditions, when performing various tasks and various degrees of responsibility; the ability to correctly and confidently solve professional problems in conditions of change, uncertainty, an unfavorable situation or in any other tense situation; displaying the necessary flexibility to implement the required changes.

    Risk: the ability to analyze and choose a course of action containing a certain degree of risk in the interests of the company.

    Research results show that various aspects of managerial activity are important to varying degrees for different organizations, so each should choose the portrait that best suits her features. At the same time, most scientists agree that the characteristics of effective leaders are not immutable, but to a large extent depend on the external environment in which organizations operate, and, accordingly, change over time. In the 1960s and 1970s, company leaders needed, first of all, technical knowledge in the field of the organization’s activities, the ability to make decisions, discipline, and perseverance. In the 80s, such qualities as decisiveness, rigidity, practical skills in finance, marketing, and sales came to the fore. Today, the most important success factors are: the ability to change and manage change, non-standard thinking, communication skills, the ability to motivate highly educated employees.

    Giving the portrait of an ideal leader features that reflect the specifics of the organization is an extremely important task, since the correspondence of the personality of the leader to the culture of the organization is as important as the presence of general characteristics of an effective leader. There are many examples where leaders who have achieved outstanding success have failed miserably, moving to companies with a different culture. Therefore, the human resources department must pay special attention to those qualities that are necessary for success in a particular organizational culture.

    An important source of information about the competencies that the successor should have is the current manager. His opinion should be carefully listened to and used when creating a portrait, both in terms of professional skills and human qualities.

    However, it is important to remember that we are talking about the future leader, and, therefore, he may need some other characteristics. The organization, and above all human resource specialists, must be intuitive and anticipate what qualities the incumbent will need in two, three, five years. Consultants who specialize in leadership training and specialize in managerial forecasting can provide assistance in solving this problem.

    SELECTION OF CANDIDATES to the reserve of managers is carried out by the top management of the organization in cooperation with the department of human resources in a confidential manner. The selection is made in relation to a specific key position, taking into account three main criteria:

    Correspondence individual characteristics candidate to the profile of the ideal employee for this position. The simplest method for determining compliance is the method of expert assessments, when experts (top managers and human resources specialists) evaluate each candidate for all components of the portrait of an ideal employee using a standard rating scale. The integral assessment shows how close each of the candidates is to the "ideal". This method suffers from subjectivity, which can be reduced by providing assessors with supporting materials (a detailed description of each competence and the degree of their development corresponding to each assessment) and by expanding their number. The latter, unfortunately, conflicts with the principle of confidentiality, which is extremely important when working with a reserve. An alternative to this method is the method of psychological testing conducted by specialists. Testing significantly increases the objectivity of the assessment, however, it is associated with significant material costs and requires the active participation of the assessed employees, which is not always desirable;

    The results of work in the occupied this moment positions and previous positions. The source of information about the results of work is the results of certification (or other types of peri-

    Odic assessment used in the organization) and other information from the employee's personal file (data on rewards, punishments, etc.). Sometimes a special evaluation of the results of a potential successor is carried out with the participation of his head;

    Candidate Readiness. Determining the degree of readiness is the most difficult moment in the selection of candidates. Often this requires a special flair, which is developed by many years of experience. Performance and capacity assessments, often presented in the Capacity-Results matrix (see Figure 30), can be used as supporting tools:


    The general list of successors, as a rule, is confidential, only the head of the organization and the director of human resources have access to it. Some organizations inform successors about their placement in the reserve for filling a certain position, others keep it secret. The advantage of the first approach is to increase the motivation of the successor and the possibility of organizing targeted training, taking into account the opinion of the employee himself. The advantage of the second is to avoid potential conflicts between the incumbent manager and his successor and unnecessary excitement around the reserve preparation process.

    PREPARATION OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS is based on a comparison of the characteristics of each reservist with a portrait of an ideal employee for this position. To conduct this comparison, it is necessary to evaluate the candidate according to those parameters that are critical for this position, i.e. on the components of the portrait of the ideal employee.

    There are two main methods for conducting such an assessment - testing and peer review. Testing allows for a comprehensive and fairly objective assessment of successors, however, it requires specially designed tests (for each key position), professional psychologists who are able to interpret their results, and a significant investment in the time of the candidates being evaluated. This is a complex and expensive method used by fairly large and successful organizations. The second method consists in the assessment by experts of the individual characteristics of the candidate for each of the components of the portrait of an ideal employee. Employees of the organization who know the successor well: his immediate supervisor, colleagues, director of human resources act as experts. The advantage of the peer review method lies in its simplicity and low costs, while the disadvantages are related to the difficulty of obtaining objective assessments and maintaining confidentiality.

    The result of comparing the characteristics of the successor and the ideal leader is the identification of development areas - indicators for which the candidate does not meet the standards of the "ideal" (see box Portrait of the successor). The development plan should contain specific measures aimed at eliminating this gap, as well as the timing of their implementation. Development plans for each successor are prepared by the Human Resources department and approved by the head of the organization.

    The training of successors is a special type of professional development, since it is targeted (preparation for a certain position), but at the same time it can include the development of a wide variety of qualities, skills and abilities (comprehensive training of a future leader). Any form of professional development may be used to train successors, but particular emphasis is placed on practical work in a targeted leadership position: internship, temporary replacement, apprenticeship.

    Portrait of a successor

    F., I., 0. ZakuloU.S. Candidate for the position of director of the association Competence assessment (1 ==fully competent)

    Problem Solving 0 ---0.55

    Strategic planning ------0.7

    Leadership ------0.8

    Employee management _______ 0.5

    Interaction with colleagues _______ 0.35

    Organization and coordination 0.55


    Responsibility and achievement 0.65

    1. It is required to pay special attention to the effectiveness of interaction with colleagues and managers. As a means of developing this competence, one should use the candidate's involvement in the work of cross-functional groups, interaction with partners of the organization. In November 1996, take part in the international machine-building exhibition. Manager to hold weekly informational meetings with the candidate;

    2. to improve communication skills take a course " business communication"(April 1996), prepare a note to the General Director on the prospects for the development of the engineering industry.

    IMPLEMENTATION OF SUCCESSOR PLANS requires the participation of three parties - the employee himself, the human resources department and the top management of the organization. Development presupposes, first of all, the active and positive participation of the successor himself - without his motivation and efforts, the most perfect preparation plan is doomed to failure. The management of the organization should be well aware that the implementation of the plan requires significant additional (compared to "normal" work in the position) time, intellectual and physical effort from the successor, and consciously motivate him to actively participate in the development program. As a rule, the most powerful motivator is the opportunity to take one of the key positions in the company in the future, but the human resources department should not forget about the other interests and needs of the employee, especially if the company does not inform successors about inclusion in the reserve. Potential motivators can be: the desire to improve in the position held, the interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills, participation in the work of cross-functional groups, and the expansion of social contacts.

    The success of the implementation of the development plan also depends on the management of the organization, including the immediate supervisor of the successor. Firstly, managers manage the resources necessary for development - they make decisions on appointment, financing of a temporary team, allocation of funds for the study foreign language or cryogenic chemistry. Secondly, they largely determine how the successor's time is distributed and his priorities - working in his current position or preparing for a new one. And, thirdly, leaders have a direct impact on the motivation of the successor.

    The role of the Human Resources Department is primarily to exercise overall control over the functioning of the successor training process and to draw the attention of senior management to this strategically important process for the organization. Often, under the pressure of current problems, managers forget about the preparation of the reserve, sacrifice the development plans of their subordinates in order to achieve financial or production results of the current month, quarter, year. The task of personnel management specialists is to prevent this by using all available means - persuasion (often a reminder is enough), an official appeal to the manager, appeal to higher authorities.

    DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS EVALUATION. Annually (more often in some organizations), the head of the organization, together with the director of human resources (sometimes with the participation of some other heads), conducts a formal assessment of the progress of each of the successors. During the assessment, a detailed discussion of the work of the successor in the current position, the implementation of the individual development plan, as well as an assessment of the degree of readiness to take on a key position takes place. The result of the assessment may be an adjustment to the development plan or a change in the composition of the reserve - employees who have not met expectations can be withdrawn from it.

    Appointment to office. If a key position is vacated (of course, well in advance of its actual vacancy), the organization's management discusses the readiness of successors and makes a decision on the appointment. The process of preparing the decision involves the head of the organization, the director of human resources, the head of the unit in which the key position is being vacated, other senior managers and, depending on the situation, possibly the employee who currently occupies the vacant position. When determining the readiness of a successor, the results of the implementation of the development plan, work in the position held (certification), authority in the organization (with managers, colleagues and subordinates), maturity, etc. are taken into account. Although the decision to accept a key position is the culmination of the entire process of preparing a successor, there are still no "scientific" methods to facilitate this decision. Knowledge of people, experience, intuition of leaders determine its quality. At the same time, constant monitoring of the development of successors, regular summarization of information about their achievements and shortcomings makes this decision more justified.

    After the appointment of a successor to a new position, the most difficult period begins - the period of adaptation. At this time, an employee working in a new position is in dire need of help (informational, organizational, moral) from managers, colleagues and subordinates. Unfortunately, many organizations underestimate the importance of such support, as a result of which the newly minted leader may lose faith in their own strengths, interest in the position and in the organization as a whole. A fairly widely used method of adaptation is the method of "pairing", or "twins", in which for a certain time the old and new leaders work together to transfer information, working methods and "little secrets". The duration of such a dual power varies from several weeks to several months or more: there are cases when the successor worked together with the leader for a year and a half.

    Practice gives many examples of both success and failure when using this method. Of course, in each case of replacement of the leader, a period of time is necessary during which the transfer of information from the former leader to the new one is carried out. However, the excessive duration of such a period (especially in the case of the departure of the former leader not of his own free will, mismatch of temperaments, etc.) can lead to a conflict situation and paralyze the work of the unit headed by the duet, as well as adversely affect the ability to work independently, affect motivation of yesterday's successor and his authority in the organization. A much more effective method of adaptation is the partnership of the new leader and his immediate supervisor, when for a certain period (six months - one year) the leader pays special attention to the work of his subordinate, holds regular meetings, and provides direct assistance in managing the unit.

    A year and a half before the president of the European branch of the American multinational company retired, his successor was appointed to the specially created position of vice president. While working in this position, he supervised one of the regions, at the same time getting acquainted with all aspects of the work of the president and fulfilling his special instructions. As a result, the change of leadership was painless, the new leader was fully prepared for work in the position.

    This approach allows a new employee to receive on a regular basis qualified assistance, information, support in the form of additional resources, patronage, advice without compromising his authority and status in the organization.

    During the adaptation period, gaps in the qualifications of the new leader may be revealed, which do not allow effective implementation official duties. The organization must quickly eliminate these gaps, because otherwise the manager may develop a feeling of inability to work in the position, stress, and his subordinates - mistrust and skepticism.

    As we know, the purpose of planning and preparing a reserve of managers is to increase the efficiency of the organization in the long term. Therefore, the main criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of this process is the success of the organization, i.e. the degree of achievement of its goals. At the same time, there are a number of special indicators used to evaluate the results of work with the reserve. These indicators are, in particular:

    1. the effectiveness of training leaders within the organization.

    This indicator is calculated as A, = B / C x 100%, where B is the number of key positions occupied by employees from the reserve, and C is the number of key positions vacated during the period.

    This indicator is compared with the recruitment rate for external managers, calculated as A2 = B / C x 100%, where B is the number of key positions occupied by specialists invited from outside, and C is the number of key positions vacated during the period, or A2 \u003d 1-A1 ;

    2. turnover of the reserve of managers.

    This indicator is calculated as A3 \u003d B / C x 100%,

    Where B is the number of employees from the reserve who left the organization during the period, and C is the total number of employees in the reserve;

    3. the average period of stay in the reserve before the occupation of the key


    This indicator is calculated as A \u003d B / C x 100%, where B is the number (sum) of years between enrollment in the reserve and holding a key position for all employees who moved from the reserve to key positions during the period, and C is the number of these employees;

    4. readiness of the reserve.

    This indicator is calculated as A = B/C x 100%, where B is the number of key positions that have successors ready to fill the position within one year, and C is the total number of key positions.

    Successor training is effective tool optimizing the use of the organization's personnel, selecting and moving management personnel, ensuring the succession of leadership, and on this basis, increasing the efficiency of the entire organization.

    American researchers have come to the conclusion that the ability of a company to train future leaders for a long time, and not invite existing managers, is one of the most important conditions for its prosperity in the long term. Since 1915, General Electric has consistently outperformed its main competitor, Westinghouse, in terms of share price growth and income. During this period, 7 presidents (executives, directors) were replaced in General Electric, and all of them grew up within the company, in Westinghouse - 13 leaders, four of whom were invited from outside.

    To have a positive impact on the results of the entire organization, work with the reserve must be based on the real needs and capabilities of the organization and, perhaps most importantly, have the unconditional support of management. Otherwise, situations arise similar to the one that existed in our country in the recent past, when practically none of the official successors ended up in targeted positions. The reason for this inefficiency was, first of all, that the reserve was formed according to one criteria (formal, such as: membership in the CPSU, higher education, origin, participation in public work), and appointment to a position was carried out according to others: professional suitability, experience, ability lead, initiative, etc.

    For the convenience of studying the material, the article is divided into topics:

    These types of methods have quite a lot in common, but at the same time they have some features, which determines the expediency of their separate consideration.

    In the first case, we are talking about such methods as internships and temporary replacement of managers, field thematic classes with the solution of functional problems, business meetings, thematic discussions of students, etc. All these types of classes are conducted under the guidance of experienced specialists at advanced facilities, where there is something learn. In such classes, students get the opportunity to test the relevance and significance of the acquired knowledge, and the difficulties encountered encourage them to a deeper mastery of management theory and new skills. They return to the economic systems enriched with knowledge and experience, allowing them to think more perfectly, to show initiative and enterprise.

    A special place in a number of applied forms of training is occupied by an internship. It is aimed at preliminary preparation of the applicant by familiarizing him with the specifics and tasks of the system that he is to lead, with the powers and responsibilities in the new position being designed for him. The essence of the internship is to give students the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in practice while mastering and consolidating the skills of successfully completing various managerial functions. It is carried out according to individual programs under the auspices of experienced leaders in advanced (in terms of technology, technology, economics, management organization) economic systems.

    Thus, during the internship, the leader learns in natural conditions by temporary appointment to a position previously not occupied by him (most often by replacing the leader during his vacation). A period of one and a half months is sufficient to, in principle, recognize the managerial abilities of the trainee, especially if he behaved actively and made independent decisions.

    In our country, for the first time, an internship for managers on an industry scale was organized at the USSR Ministry of the Automotive Industry. In this industry, future leaders practice under the guidance of experienced mentors - general directors of associations and enterprises. They are also in constant contact with the functional managers. For example, a candidate for the position of director of an enterprise is studying issues capital construction with the deputy general director for construction, technical issues with the chief engineer of the association, etc.

    A somewhat different internship is carried out in the Zhdanov Tyazhmash production association. Here, the workers who are in the reserve undergo an internship with the manager for whose replacement they are being trained. Within a few months, the trainees, under the supervision of supervisors, mentors, realize their knowledge and abilities in solving production problems. At this time, they are released from the main work. The results of the internship are discussed special commission created under the party committee, after which an assessment is given, and specific recommendations are prepared regarding the trainee.

    In many production associations and enterprises, it is part of the system to spend days and weeks of young executives, when the management of individual sections of production is entrusted to trainees for the independent performance of official duties. Thus, at the Askaykardandetal plant during this period, the management of individual production areas is completely transferred to trainees. The first such experiment was carried out here in 1983. At that time, about 50 people participated in the business game. Many of them have already been promoted to leadership positions.

    Decades and months of young managers in the production associations of the Ministry of Heavy and Transport Engineering - Yuzhdizelmash, Elektrostalyyazhmash, Donetskgormash - became an effective, business-like test of the personnel reserve. During this period, understudies hold the positions of directors, chief specialists, their deputies, heads of workshops and departments. Based on the results of the business game, 16 people were included in the priority reserve for promotion, four were appointed to the positions of heads of services and departments of the plant. This form of preparation and verification of the reserve is also practiced at other enterprises in the industry.

    A similar experiment - a review of managerial talents for the ability to lead - was carried out at the Omsk plant "Elektrotochpribor". During the week, called the "week of the young", the enterprise was run by young workers and specialists. 232 understudies replaced their mentors, starting with the foreman and ending with the director. Of course, it was not easy to decide to entrust all the levers of management of a modern enterprise to young people and not enough experienced people. But this was not a big risk either, since they were preparing ahead of time and thoroughly for the “Week of the Young”.

    The experiment was preceded by purposeful study of young specialists in economics and management. Before it began, the management of the enterprise, veterans and other experienced workers had a conversation with them, advised them on how best to build their working day. With great success, a competition organized by sociologists under the motto: "If I were a director ..." was held, in which everyone participated. Young understudy foremen, heads of workshops and services diligently studied all the necessary documentation, looked closely at the work of those whom they would replace. By order of the plant, those responsible for the preliminary training of the backup staff were appointed. The director took in all the veterans of the plant, old cadre workers. He asked to help the youth, to support young leaders. Then the veterans held conversations in the shops and at the sites. Candidates for understudies were considered intently and meticulously, and were additionally discussed at workshop meetings.

    Not a single leader had the right to appear at the plant during the “week of the young”, except for the director, and even then not to interfere in business, but only for the purpose of observation. The experiment showed the ability of young people to quickly comprehend the science and practice of management. He contributed to the education of young workers of a masterly, civic interest in their work, aroused great interest in the production and social life of the team.

    At the Tiraspol garment factory named after On the 40th anniversary of the Komsomol, economic games are held, the purpose of which is to find out the capabilities of specialists included in the personnel reserve. On a predetermined day, some leaders of shifts, workshops, departments and services give up their jobs to applicants for the corresponding positions. The results of the experiment are such that it became possible to create a more reasonable reserve for promotion, there were much fewer mistakes in assessing people, and the risk of passing by a truly talented future leader has decreased. So, for one day, the position of the director of the factory was performed by an employee of the legal department of the enterprise. He had to experience many large and small concerns that fall to the share of the director - these are production matters, and meetings, and receptions on personal matters, and construction. According to him, he seemed to have seen the light: he began to look at everything that happens at the factory in a completely different way, and, moreover, not from the bell tower of an employee of the legal department, but much more broadly.

    The current practice of internships apparently needs some improvement. In particular, such an order prevails when candidates undergo an internship during a vacation or business trip of the head for whose position they are preparing. However, it is more expedient to conduct an internship at the best enterprises and the best leaders, as is done in some industries. The scale and duration of the internship are also insufficient.

    In many ways, this type of training, such as duplication, resembles an internship. Some tend to accept this method of preparation. economic managers the most efficient. Its advantages, among other things, are seen in the fact that it prevents possible difficulties of a psychological nature when filling a position, because it does not put anyone in a false position. The understudy receives his position, and with it the corresponding salary, studies and works at the same time. Nobody hurries the duplicated to retire, and his departure does not affect the affairs of production, since by that time a worthy replacement is being prepared.

    Another type of internship is the determination of a probationary period for the applicant, during which he performs certain tasks in various departments of the administrative apparatus. We know the statement of V. I. Lenin on this subject. Speaking about the need to identify and put forward new organizational talents, he pointed out that “we must put them forward, test them, give them tasks, complicate these tasks.” The trial period is an effective method of identifying managerial abilities, especially if he himself does not know about the test. But you need to carefully consider the choice of units and the duration of the trial period, skillfully organize all this hard work so as not to turn it into a formality. At the same time, as far as can be judged from the materials of the analysis of practice, it is advisable to expand the list of positions, the selection of personnel for which is associated with probationary period, and increase this period.

    Another type of internship is to establish the position of assistant manager specifically for the applicant. Staying in this position gives him the opportunity to expand his horizons, directly and daily observing the actions of the leader, to gain a lot of useful information and acquire management skills. With the completion of the internship, the post of assistant manager is abolished.

    Increasingly, mentoring is becoming a form of training for new leaders. It is expressed in familiarization with specific examples of management methods, in helping to justify and make decisions, in advising on issues of interest to the reservist, etc. As mentors, they usually choose the head of the unit in which the reservist is undergoing an internship.

    This form of work with a reserve is also practiced, when the economic manager is charged with the duty to prepare a replacement for himself from among gifted workers.

    The type of occupation, when the applicant is entrusted with the development of an actual problem, also deserves attention. All students who want to subsequently implement the solution found in the conditions of systems that they manage or will manage are involved in its solution. Such targeted developments increase the interest of listeners in useful innovations and help them to keep abreast of the latest developments in the relevant field of activity.

    As for the methods of active training of managers focused on acquiring management skills and abilities, they include: analysis of specific situations, discussions on methodological and practical problems, implementation of functional problems, conducting business games with the distribution of roles, setting and executing simulation tasks, analyzing incidents and mail correspondence, discussion of projects, etc. With the help of these methods, the manager is quickly introduced to the situation and quickly gets used to the situation in the system, gets the opportunity to demonstrate his ability to use information in solving current and future problems, establishing relationships with colleagues. Modeling management processes based on game theory and other active learning methods is increasingly replacing case studies: after all, in games, as in reality, situations are never static - managers have to make decisions under conditions of uncertainty, with limited information and time limits.

    The high efficiency of these methods is largely due to the methods of analyzing situations and justifying decisions. Among them we will name “brainstorming”, in which any controversial considerations are expressed without fear of criticism. But when using synectics (translated from Greek - a combination of outwardly disparate elements), participants in group decision-making who have different training programs and work experience are selected from several divisions of the system. They analyze the situation of different, sometimes mutually exclusive points of view and search for a generally acceptable solution.

    Active learning methods are most effective when working with students who have managerial experience and therefore are able to learn not only from the teacher, but also from each other. In the latter version, the teacher sets the task, leads the discussion, and helps formulate recommendations. Thus, the learning process is accelerated, the ability and skills to make a comprehensive assessment of the situation are more intensively assimilated, to reasonably defend the position taken, to convince the interlocutor that one is right. Let us briefly consider some of the methods of active learning that we have mentioned.

    The discussion method is used when discussing complex and quite significant, from the position of the audience, methodological problems or major practical tasks that do not have a unique solution. The discussion is reduced to the free exchange of knowledge, ideas and views on the topic under consideration. Each listener (or small groups of listeners), having received detailed description problem to be discussed, independently analyzes it, defends his opinion and participates in the development of a solution in a general lesson. The lesson itself is carried out in the following sequence: work with written information, analysis of the problem, joint decision-making in small groups, discussion of their proposed solutions, choosing the most appropriate of them and analyzing its advantages. When the study group includes students of various managerial profiles, it is preferable to conduct a discussion around a variety of options for a common problem of interest to everyone. If the group brings together listeners of the same profile, then problems specific to them are discussed.

    The exchange of knowledge and experience between students is noticeably activated by visiting classes, especially when they are supplemented by a task that stimulates their educational and cognitive activity. With this form of training, along with the study of best practices, skills are improved in analyzing a specific situation, developing and implementing collective solutions. The need to complete a special task forces students to carefully familiarize themselves with the object, purposefully and with great responsibility to collect the information required to study it and make an informed decision. In this case, as in the previous one, the listeners are united in small groups of three to four people, each of which prepares its own solution. The classes end with a discussion in which the proposed assessments of a particular situation and the decisions made on it are discussed with the participation of managers and specialists of the relevant system.

    Among active learning methods, a prominent place belongs to business games that imitate certain economic, psychological and other processes in order to find the right solutions to the problems posed under artificially reproduced conditions. The importance of business games is so significant that the idea of ​​using them as the main method of improving qualifications and retraining business managers has received wide recognition. The advantage of this method over others is that if the situation usually subject to study and solution appears as the starting point for playing roles, then when conducting business games, the management activity itself is modeled. A person has long used various games to learn to anticipate events, evaluate information and make decisions in situations that may occur in practice. Any game, be it chess or basketball, is essentially a conflict situation. The same can be said about a business game, during which not real reality in all its diversity is modeled, but some of its fragments and strict rules are used that the “conflicting” parties must adhere to.

    The business games that the students are engaged in are a prototype of their future work activities. They have been used especially vigorously since psychologists proved that contacts with other people (interpersonal relationships) are interesting for leadership characters only when they are colored by the excitement of the struggle for victory, the unpredictability of the result, and rivalry. A correctly staged game really ignites people, makes those who are indifferent active, passive - capable of initiative. In a business game, as in real management, the main thing is to make decisions. As in real production, participants in the Business Game use all sorts of tricks to find the best solution.

    The business game makes it easier for its participants to understand the relationship between the functions and parts of the system, the nature of its communication with environment, develops the ability to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty and increased risk, teaches the coordination of private, local interests of the system based on the priority of more general ones, mastering the skills of cooperation in the preparation and decision-making. The inherent competitive spirit of the game and the desire to gain recognition among their peers encourage listeners to full use in the process of substantiation and decision-making of their accumulated knowledge and experience.

    In most cases, each listener presents an individual solution to the game, but it can also be a group one. The game is played, as a rule, in four successive stages: familiarization of the participants of the game with its conditions by transferring the initial data to them in the form of records, tables and diagrams; briefing on the order of the game, during which its participants receive comprehensive information about the rules that they must comply with; dividing the game participants into several groups, each of which plays a given role; analysis and evaluation of the results of the game by the instructor, analysis of typical mistakes made.

    Business games improve the quality of decision-making, which gives a tangible economic effect. In stock management games, for example, it is possible to find a way to work for the warehouse system as a whole, in which permanent stocks are reduced by 15-20%. Game simulation of the workload of workers on complex production processes makes it possible to increase labor efficiency by 10-12%. It is understandable, therefore, that games are becoming increasingly important in the preparation management personnel in teaching students certain skills. But, of course, they cannot replace experience or compensate for organizational abilities that a person lacks.

    Let's reproduce the technology of a business game held at one of the enterprises. Usually in games while studying at advanced training courses, in order to learn how to make informed business decisions, they imitate managerial activities. This time there was no imitation, everything was real. The game was played in several stages and lasted a total of 12 hours.

    The participants of the game were divided into three groups. The head of the headquarters of the game determined the task: for each group to draw up a project for the restructuring of production management, which would provide a sharp increase in labor efficiency. And each group, secluded, began to discuss possible ways to improve management. During the defense, each group reported their findings. At the same time, naturally, there was a lively discussion, a competition of ideas. The game made it possible to reveal, as they say, "who is who." And there were no surprises. The abilities of those who were considered inconspicuous "middle peasants" were revealed. It turned out that they are thinking people, capable of making non-standard decisions, convincingly defending their position. And, on the contrary, it was noticed that some leaders did not work so much as skillfully imitated activity.

    The result of the business game was new structure management and a new one, according to which the total number of administrative and managerial personnel has decreased. Each manager had a few more responsibilities, but it did away with parallelism, with “blurred” responsibility, when several people were responsible for a certain area of ​​work at once, but in essence - no one in particular.

    The scale of application of business games in the educational process is quite wide and varied, and therefore they can be classified according to different criteria. In particular, games differ in the nature and dynamics of the processes being modeled, and in the ways in which information is transmitted and processed. There are research, production and educational games. You can group them according to the following criteria: scope (object boundaries), degree of reality, level (stochastic, deterministic), the nature of the interaction of participants.

    However, not always individual types of games can be clearly separated. Thus, production games often contain elements of research, and vice versa. Nevertheless, the classification of games is useful because it creates the prerequisites for a more in-depth study of their strengths and weaknesses, and this allows you to identify possible ways to improve their effectiveness. In particular, considerations regarding the special design of games that simulate conflicts of various kinds are of interest.

    With success in the educational process, sometimes considered as a kind of business game of situations, or "case method" ("case" - literally "case"), which involves the study of an event or some circumstances that reproduce an example from management practice, in oral or written form, using slides, filmstrips, etc. Situations are very diverse, and in working with them, students can pursue different goals: in one case, ranking tasks according to the criterion of significance for the economic system, in the other, ensuring integrated approach to the assessment of the existing state of affairs, in the third - the development of skills to substantiate one's position, etc. In the process of solving problems, students acquire the ability to collect and process information necessary to find the causes of the proposed situation and find ways to implement it.

    A variation of this form of learning is the incident analysis method. Contrary to what has been said before, the listener is informed in writing or oral only the fact of the incident in this system. He can search for the information required for making an informed decision by posing targeted questions to the manager. Having accumulated sufficient information, he makes a decision, which is submitted for discussion by the group. When evaluating the quality of a solution, it is revealed whether all the information requested by the listener was used to justify it and how the costs of collecting and processing it correlate with the expected results of implementing the solution. If the listener could not correctly formulate the questions, then Key information remains unknown, which means that a reasoned solution to the incident cannot be found. The lower the cost of information support for the analysis of the situation, the more acceptable, all other things being equal, the decision is recognized.

    The role-playing method, which is another variation of the case study method, is based on familiarizing listeners with the situation and then assigning roles to them. The participants in the game receive, along with a description of the situation, instructions for playing the role, which contains an explanation by the listeners and the daily practice of social systems. In other words, learning and training in the classroom are combined with the application of the acquired knowledge in the context of the current system. Projects can be developed individually or in small groups. The type of project is selected taking into account the goals, content, volume and other features of the training program, as well as the area of ​​interest of the student. The latter is given ample opportunities to apply their theoretical knowledge and skills in practice.

    In this regard, the teaching method based on combining an internship with business games is also promising. Business games, which have deservedly become quite widespread, most often display, however, some kind of conditional situation, while real situations are of greater interest for the learning process.

    In conclusion, we mention the method of sensitivity training, which, unlike other methods focused on the assimilation of certain information, is used for people to know themselves, to find out how they relate to others and interact with them.

    The data of sociological surveys, as well as visual observations, indicate that the ability of many leaders to communicate is modest. They prefer administrative methods of influencing subordinates, instead of widely resorting to a democratic style of work. There is no proper knowledge of the psychology of people's behavior, the ability to understand and control oneself, one's actions. Therefore, the need to fill this gap in the process of training the leader is obvious.

    As a rule, such classes are held in the form of lectures. But lectures give knowledge without forming skills. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement studies with business and role playing more precisely, socio-psychological training. Its essence is that in an environment that reproduces real human relationships, students are taught to develop and skillfully use their best qualities and neutralize those character traits that interfere with their work with people and prevent them from quickly restructuring their behavior and attitudes in accordance with the specific requirements of the situation.

    The GDR was tested and proved to be excellent over efficient view socio-psychological training - video training. With the help of video recording equipment, students receive prompt feedback about their actions, behavior, nuances of intonation, facial expressions and gestures in the situation being played out. Then, either on their own or together with the leader or other members of the study group, they sort out what they did well and what was bad, what needs to be consolidated, developed, and what should be rejected as unsuitable for work in a real environment. Employees who have applied the sensitivity training method are unanimous in that it helped them to look at themselves from the outside, to approach critically the style of their behavior, to streamline some ideas about themselves, about the people around them.

    These are the main active methods of training managers and reserves, which play a significant role in the formation of workers of a new type. Active methods occupy more and more space in training programs. It can be said with full confidence that in the future these methods will become even more widespread. However, lectures are still mainly used in the training and retraining of managerial personnel. Learning methods based on creating "game" situations and making decisions in changing conditions are common only in individual organizations and, unfortunately, only as a small element of the overall program. But it is impossible to teach a person, for example, how to drive a car or swim, by giving him lectures alone, but for some reason, in management, a similar situation is considered acceptable.

    The widespread use of active teaching methods is limited to a certain extent due to the lack of seriously trained teachers and time. The terminology of many active learning methods may be troubling to some. Conservative leaders do not particularly perceive, for example, the method of the game as something respectable and trustworthy. Overcoming the difficulties of the named order is not difficult, and the fact that they persist long years, can be explained, in our opinion, by a lack of understanding of the importance of active games. At the same time, the methodology for conducting classes using active learning methods also needs to be better developed. And what is especially important, training should also include special training of students for the implementation of theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations, for a quick return on the funds spent on their training.

    The greatest success in the professional training of the reserve for promotion is achieved when training is supplemented by self-study. Self-learning is understood as the process of acquiring knowledge and mastering skills, which takes place on the initiative of the student himself. The need for this is clear and great. It has been proven that no training is able to maintain a person's knowledge and skills at the required level. Of decisive importance here is the daily independent work of the manager, which is also carried out in close connection with the specific needs of the economic system.

    To ensure the proper effectiveness of self-study, it is recommended: to clearly define what and how to study, draw up a work plan and highlight the preferred hours of classes. Of particular importance is the organization of work with literature - textbooks, books, magazines, abstract collections. At the same time, a person may strive to acquire knowledge and skills that go beyond the scope of his immediate practical activity today, that is, to accumulate knowledge "for the future." active work in self-learning, the growing intellectual potential, of course, will reveal itself, if not directly, then indirectly, and in the future they may even become decisive for improving the efficiency of managerial activity and rising through the ranks.

    Self-learning, of course, is not an easy form of advanced training for a leader, but it pays off with its fruitfulness. Self-trained workers tend to be more mature and find better solutions than traditionally trained workers. Some experts even argue that self-education is the only way a highly developed person can learn anything. Of course, self-study does not immediately bring results, but, having become a habit, every year it, as it were, exponentially increases its efficiency.

    The scale and nature of the tasks being solved in the current economic systems are such that, without any exaggeration, we can say: self-education should become a need for the mind and soul of the leader. At present, many specialists come to management who do not have professional knowledge in the field of management, who also need a more fundamental assimilation of knowledge and skills necessary for the manager to implement educational functions in a team. It is clear that for them constant purposeful work on themselves is especially relevant and important. In this situation, any neglect of self-education by referring to the absence of time cannot serve as an excuse.

    Self-education implies, of course, not passive familiarization with incoming information. It is necessary not only to read and listen, but also to work with a pencil in hand, write down and outline what is necessary, analyze, draw up abstracts, give lectures or reports, actively participate in interviews, seminars, discussions, theoretical conferences. Meanwhile, our self-study is far from being organized in the best way. In this important matter, there is still a lot of formalism and the appearance of work for a “tick”. In order to improve the state of affairs, it would be good to analyze and try to disseminate proven forms of self-learning, using foreign experience as well.

    Self-education as a means of improving the skills of managers has become widespread in the CMEA countries. In some countries, for example, those who want to improve their skills on their own unite in small groups - learning communities (LCs). Those enrolled in the OS meet regularly for many months and even years, with each meeting lasting about a week. Typically, such a group, led by a highly qualified consultant, goes through a carefully thought-out cycle of self-education, divided into several stages. At the same time, the method of “learning through action” is used, which contributes to the assimilation of ways to solve complex and uncertain problems, analysis and identification of the reasons that impede innovation, etc. Learning through action is organized in different ways, in particular, by releasing the manager for some time from his direct duties to give him the opportunity to work on, say, a project that is not directly related to his main activity.

    This form of self-learning is also practiced, when a person himself is engaged in a developed program; but in those cases when any questions or problems arise before him in the process of studying it, he can turn to his mentor or consultant for help.

    In all cases, self-study programs are based on self-control; The trainee himself watches over the apparatus in order to force people to study, says one of the firm's leaders, this would be an unjustified link. And when solving this problem, we have a principle: profitability, profitability, first of all. In addition, the struggle for existence works for us here. The one who is behind knows that he will be fired.”

    The leaders of the Soviet economic systems, of course, are not threatened by such harsh treatment, they do not have to fight for existence. However, the consciousness of the unconditional need for continuous professional development must be developed in each of them. After all, no study is able to foresee all the variety of situations that a leader faces, and even more so to give recipes suitable for all occasions, only continuous, seriously organized self-study can help here.

    Unfortunately, our motives for learning, especially for self-learning, are weakened. Therefore, it is important to identify what is holding back the desire to learn in order to try to overcome the difficulties encountered here.

    First of all, apparently, it is necessary to ensure that the leader, who strives to systematically improve his knowledge and skills, expends significant efforts in this regard, feels real benefit not only in his work, as such, but also in its material and moral evaluation. And this means that it is necessary to provide a clearer relationship between the level vocational training and promotion (not necessarily only vertically). Oddly enough, but so far there is no acceptable dependence of promotion in the service - in one form or another - on training programs. Without the opportunity to satisfy his need for an increase in social status, a person naturally does not experience a valley desire for learning.

    Another reason for the low interest in learning lies, in our opinion, in the fact that often the possibilities of applying the acquired knowledge to business and improving one's activities turn out to be very limited. There are frequent cases when even convincingly reasoned proposals prepared in the process of training leaders do not receive the support of higher authorities (sometimes similar developments sent down from above or even prepared by third parties can be perceived much more favorably).

    Quality is also important curricula. They are not everywhere sufficiently focused on the maximum possible return of the acquired knowledge in the practical activities of the working people.

    Often a significant obstacle to learning and learning itself is the manager's excessive confidence in his competence and capabilities. As soon as he believes that he has all the necessary knowledge and skills, then, naturally, he does not see the benefit of studying. It is characteristic that such a reassessment of one's knowledge often affects managers who have many years of experience in the same managerial position. Of course, if a person is able to realize the need for a systematic increase in his knowledge, he needs help in this. If he does not have such an ability, then it is unlikely that he could successfully carry out managerial activities.

    And finally, a negative attitude towards learning can be caused by an unjustified fear of dropping oneself in the eyes of subordinates and colleagues. By attending courses or engaging in self-education, the manager thereby admits that he lacks some knowledge and skills, and he wants to always look omniscient. But here the surest way to rid the leader of such views is to convince him that the prospect of becoming inappropriate for his position is much more unpleasant for him.

    Organization of the work of personnel services

    By the very name of these personnel services, it is obvious that they play an important role in the selection and training of personnel. Indeed, they are called upon to carry out extremely responsible work in the selection and study of candidates for positions, in the systematic assessment of the qualities of leaders.

    There are more and more personnel services that represent their role in the management system in this way. However, for various reasons of an objective and subjective nature, their work is not always

    An analogy is appropriate here. Some first-class Nilots with extensive experience behave very insecurely on the simulator when they get into “emergency” situations: the inertia of many years of practice affects when people believe in their abilities - indeed, they fly without remarks - and have lost interest in professional growth. The same thing happens with many managers of economic systems in full sea meets modern requirements. Often it turns out to be far from understanding the essence of the scientific approach to its own functions and activities.

    Attention is rightly drawn to the fact that the current personnel departments perform mainly auxiliary duties of a technical and information-accounting nature - registration, design, documentation.

    Appeared back in the 30s, in the form of recruitment and dismissal bureaus, performing simple clerical duties for processing documents on and releasing from it, over many decades they have changed little in their activities: and until now, for the most part, their leading function is reduced to office work. But since then the economy has stepped far forward, the functions and conditions of managerial activity in literally all sectors of the national economy have changed radically.

    The need for office work, of course, is beyond doubt. After all, personal files are stored work books, sheets on personnel records, characteristics, protocols of compliance with the position based on the results of certification. Gradually, the personal files of all members of the team, including managers, are enriched with information used for their assessment and promotion. Nevertheless, practice shows that their content is not able to create a sufficiently capacious idea of ​​the qualities of a particular employee. They do not contain documents containing answers to any complex questions related to taking into account psychological, physiological, personal characteristics, inclinations and attitudes. It is not surprising that when the need arises for a comprehensive assessment of a particular candidate for a leadership position, HR and managers begin to make inquiries and collect additional information.

    The absence of objective criteria that could guide personnel officers leads to the fact that sometimes the selection of a person for a responsible position is carried out by trial and error, which is unacceptable in our time. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in many cases the opinion of personnel officers is not at all interested: their real participation in the decision-making on the appointment is limited to the preparation of the order. Needless to say, the deprivation of the opportunity to participate in this activity in the bud extinguishes their interest in improving their own activities, and helps to consolidate formalism in their work with personnel.

    The formal approach here, in fact, is predetermined by the traditionally established content of the activities of employees of personnel departments. If their work is reduced exclusively, or almost exclusively, to paperwork, then judgments about the possibilities of appointing and moving leaders can be based only on information concentrated in personal files. Therefore, the staffing of managerial positions by people with diplomas is often perceived as an end in itself, although it is known that no higher education in itself guarantees the necessary style and successful managerial activity of its owner.

    But after all, it is important not only and not so much to take into account the movement of personnel, to monitor their hiring and dismissal, but what happens between these two administrative acts. It takes years to check a person in the course of his activities, and when disappointment sets in, the search for a candidate for a vacant position is carried out according to the same scheme. It is clear that the methods of work of personnel services are in dire need of a qualitative update in all respects. In order to fully perform its functions, this service must assimilate proven progressive forms of work, and also rely on scientific achievements in the field of management, sociology, psychology, law. It is desirable to transform personnel management from an ordinary clerical work into a process of purposeful and scientifically organized search, training and placement of managers.

    One cannot but agree with the opinion of the deputy general director of the Svetlana association for personnel, when he says that “work with personnel cannot now be limited only to providing the enterprise with employees. We need a unified strategy that includes measures for the development of personnel and their retention in production. Accordingly, the work of personnel services must be radically restructured, they must fully take into account the requirements of the current stage in the development of science and technology, production, pedagogy and psychology.

    Of course, shortcomings in the organization of work with the personnel of managers are gradually being eliminated.

    As an example, one can refer to the experience of Magnitogorsk metallurgical plant, where the functions performed by the personnel department are much wider than prescribed by the official instructions. This department develops the main directions personnel policy, a reserve for promotion is being selected and educational work is planned with them, sociological studies of the problems of team development, etc. are being organized. The personnel department successfully copes with many issues that are not yet part of the official duties of its employees, acting in close contact with the administration and public organizations.

    Representatives of personnel services should practice the exchange of best practices in their work more widely. True, the departments of leading personnel of some ministries from time to time send quarterly plans and materials on the experience of working with personnel, information reviews to the economic systems subordinate to them. In production associations, personnel services conduct seminars and exchange best practices. It would be necessary, however, to carry out these functions on a stable and methodologically substantiated basis, to make it an obligatory and permanent part of the activity of personnel services.

    Unfortunately, people who deal with personnel on a staff basis sometimes do not meet modern requirements and have little direct contact with a contingent of managers. The structure and functions of personnel departments are also not always adequate to the tasks of managing the movement of managers. Therefore, much remains to be done to form a unified system in each economic system. personnel service and streamlining its activities. The solution of such a problem is associated with clarifying the function of both this service itself and the divisions of the administrative apparatus in the part related to the same field of activity, and with the transfer of this activity to a long-term basis.

    Satisfying the need for managers' personnel involves, as mentioned earlier, the identification and consideration of their creative potential through a comprehensive test of each in practice and the study of his personal qualities. This creates the prerequisites for organizing work with management personnel on the basis of a plan that includes measures to educate and improve the quality of managers, form a reserve for promotion and, finally, train and improve the skills of managers.

    In the light of the foregoing, the functions of the personnel service can be outlined with sufficient accuracy, which together ensure the timely completion of vacancies leaders who are able to effectively carry out management activities:

    Forecasting and planning the need for managers, as well as their training, retraining, relocation and education;

    Systematic analysis of the professional, general education, age composition and other socio-demographic characteristics of managers;

    Determining, if it is not provided for by the current regulatory enactments, the most expedient method of staff recruitment (appointment, elections, competition);

    Participation in the certification of managers, preparation and implementation of activities based on the results of this work;

    Study and scientifically based assessment of the qualities of leaders, primarily by the forces of special sociological services;

    Formation personnel reserve and work with him on targeted programs that are adequate to the structure of the reserve;

    Identification of the needs for training and advanced training of managers, based not only on the interests of the system, but also taking into account their individual wishes;

    Development of a program to encourage managers to improve their education and qualifications, creating the necessary prerequisites for this;

    Preparation of a preliminary discussion of candidates nominated for leadership positions in the primary party organizations and at meetings of collectives of workers;

    Studying the working and living conditions of managers, developing and implementing proposals for improving these conditions in accordance with the available opportunities;

    Summarizing the best practices of working with the personnel of managers both in this and in other economic systems, its systematic application in their own activities;

    Organization of accounting and promotion of personnel, study of the frequency of their turnover and, if necessary, development of reasoned proposals for its reduction to a normal level;

    Improving the mechanism for the selection and placement of personnel, methods for their assessment and training.

    The listed functions reflect the totality of modern requirements for personnel services. This list can be detailed, and in some ways supplemented, but the essence of the matter does not change from this. Even with a superficial acquaintance with the functions of the personnel service, the exceptional complexity and responsibility of the work performed by it becomes clear, which implies an increase in the requirements for the level of special and general training of its employees. Many of the difficulties in implementing these functions are caused by the fact that they do not have . Maybe, to some extent, this explains that the personnel service sometimes spends up to 60% of its working time on things that are not related to its direct duties.

    Significant assistance to the personnel services of economic systems can be provided by the public personnel departments created in many of them - amateur bodies labor collectives designed to promote the rational use of labor force, strengthening discipline, improving working conditions, living conditions and retaining personnel in production. Such departments are formed by a joint decision of the administration, trade union, party and Komsomol organizations for a period, as a rule, for two years from among labor veterans, youth mentors, advanced workers, engineering and technical workers, employees, as well as representatives of the administration and public organizations. The department works under the guidance of the trade union committee and the administration according to a plan agreed with them, in its work it is guided by labor legislation and other regulations related to work with personnel, and operates in close contact with public organizations. In connection with the adoption of the Law on labor collectives, the positions of the public personnel department are also being strengthened.

    Despite the importance of the functions of the personnel department in working with applicants, the decisive word belongs, of course, to the head of the economic system, who has no right to shift his duties in this area to anyone else: neither to his deputies, nor to public organizations, nor to the personnel service. Human resource management is his first duty. All decisions regarding personnel become valid only after they are issued by order of the head. One may get the impression that with the transition to the election of managers at enterprises and associations, when elected bodies come to the fore in the selection of applicants for a position, the role and responsibility of the head of the economic system become smaller. This, of course, is not true. In fact, under conditions of election, the role of the leader in this work is not only not weakened, but increased. He is the person most interested in seeing applicants judged, perhaps more impartially. In the event of an unsuccessful selection of applicants, which will be revealed later in the course of their work, he will not be able to refer to the fact that he did not select them, but they were chosen by the team.

    The direct responsibility of the economic manager for the selection and placement of managers in no way diminishes the role of the personnel department, and the transition to electivity significantly enriches its functions.

    Under the conditions of appointment to positions—let us recall this also because not all economic managers have yet been elected—who and at what level makes decisions regarding certain categories of managers is determined by the existing nomenclature. The practice is such that for most categories of managers, the relevant decisions are made one or two levels above the management body in which the applicant for the position will work. The person responsible for the operation of the system as a whole regularly meets with people included in the personnel reserve, studies the style and results of their activities, involves them in the preparation of individual issues and documents, and is interested in the opinion of their immediate leaders and subordinates, party activists.

    The foregoing does not contradict the rule according to which the most active part in deciding on the selection and transfer of personnel is taken by deputy heads and employees of the personnel service, party and other public organizations. The implications of decisions on personnel matters are so significant, and so many factors must be taken into account in making them, that their qualified justification cannot be entrusted to one person. But participating in the preparation of a decision and making it are far from the same thing.

    In the process of preparing a decision, great importance is attached to a personal conversation between the leader and the applicant, in which other persons invited by the leader and necessarily representatives of the party organization may participate. In a conversation, they try to evaluate the behavior of the applicant, his system of motivations and values, the ability to communicate, to obtain additional information about his professional experience and way of thinking, life plans and preferences, and features of his individual work style.

    Naturally, during the conversation you need to be extremely objective and avoid bias. The nature of the conversation is formed under the influence of many factors - the personality of the leader, the amount of information about the applicant, the level and characteristics of the projected position, etc. Given these circumstances, each manager adheres to a certain order in the conversation.

    For example, as the CEO describes production association"Apatit" G. A. Golovanov adopted by him the order of the conversation: the conversation is always conducted in the presence of either the chief engineer of the association, or one of the deputy directors (depending on the nature of the position being occupied). Even before the meeting, I have all the information available to me about the employee.

    There is a certain system in the series of questions I ask. The first question is rather stereotypical: “How do you feel about the offer to take a new position?” If the answer is no, then in about 80% of cases I thank the interlocutor for frankness and stop further conversation with him. In other cases (and this happens when I intuitively feel or know from other, but already objective sources, that the refusal is unreasonable), I try to find out in more detail the reason for the refusal, calling the specialist for frankness. The motives for refusal are mainly insufficient preparedness for the performance of new duties, health status, some personal reasons, but there are also reasons such as fear of not coping with new duties, unwillingness to take on additional workloads, antipathy towards your future boss or some of his subordinates. .

    If I consider the motives for refusal not serious enough, then I insist on accepting the offer, and if this follows, then I will definitely make a note to myself about the need to take into account the circumstances identified during the conversation that served as the reasons for the initial refusal.

    After the candidate agrees to take the proposed position, he is asked the following obligatory question: “How do you imagine your future responsibilities?” The answer to this question allows not only to form an additional opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate, his theoretical knowledge and practical skills, tastes and inclinations, but also to more correctly formulate advice for him for the future. In addition, the conversation gives me the opportunity to form some opinion about the further growth of this specialist. The final approval for the positions of heads of workshops, departments and chief specialists is made at the next board meeting.

    Naturally, the party organization takes a direct and active part in personnel work, since this is one of the main, and most likely the leading aspect of its activity. Party leadership in work with leadership cadres has been and remains an important guarantor of a successful solution to the problem of actually securing their "business career" in the spirit of modern requirements.

    On different levels economic management the scope of functions and forms of work of party bodies with the cadre of leaders are not the same. Within the subdivisions of the primary links of the national economy, the selection of managerial cadres, like other actions of the administration, is controlled by Party organizations. The predominantly sectoral structure of economic management predetermines the sectoral approach to the selection of personnel, and from the standpoint of the territorial structure of party bodies, the nomenclature of leading personnel is formed somewhat differently. The specificity of party-political and economic approaches, the difference between sectoral and territorial criteria predetermine the complexity and subtlety of the mechanism together!! selection and placement of business leaders. Moreover, the participation of party bodies in this is carried out in two forms - by recommending to the economic bodies and approving their proposals.

    The effectiveness of the selection, evaluation, placement, and movement of personnel is increased under the conditions of the use of automated systems for processing the information used in this case. Without modern technical means, it is difficult to count on a radical improvement in the activities of personnel services, a timely and high-quality solution to the increasingly complex tasks of personnel policy. Automated information processing allows you to quickly receive in real time, that is, immediately after the question, various kinds of information, summary statements, personal and professional characteristics, information about official movements and much more, which allows you to raise all the work with the personnel of managers to a higher level.

    The system of work with personnel is created and functions with the active assistance of law, which acts as a regulator of relations between bodies and employees of the administrative apparatus. The sources of the legal norms used are normative acts.

    Different branches of law regulate personnel issues to an unequal degree: for example, in administrative law, they are resolved more widely and more thoroughly than in state law. Thus, Soviet administrative law contains norms that determine the relations of the public service: its accessibility to all citizens, regardless of nationality, property status and gender, the selection of personnel on business, political and psychological grounds. There are, for example, regulations governing the procedure for enrolling in the civil service, establishing general and special requirements for employees, forms of part-time employment, etc. Labor law defines the powers and responsibilities public services in the field of labor, their responsibility for the implementation of internal regulations.

    Common are, in particular, the requirements related to the social and legal status of citizens: for example, hiring only after reaching a certain age, the prohibition to hold certain positions for citizens deprived of such a right by a court, etc. Special requirements are due to the peculiarities of work in the relevant systems - state, economic, party, etc. On the whole, the state of legal support for work with cadres of leaders can hardly be considered satisfactory. Suffice it to recall that with an urgent need to streamline the legal regime of a career, the promotion of managers through the ranks of the job ladder is not regulated by any legal norms and methodological provisions, which significantly complicates the work of personnel services.

    That is why it is recognized as necessary, as already mentioned, the formation of a legal mechanism, the creation of clear norms and rules that determine the procedure for promoting employees in the service, the sequence in which a candidate goes through all stages of the “career model” for the corresponding position.

    Many legal questions arise in connection with the transition from appointments to elected leaders, based on such a fundamental legal act, as the USSR Law on state enterprise(association). The Law implements a line on the effective use of direct democracy in the lower economic level. General meetings and councils of labor collectives are empowered to resolve issues related to production, social, and personnel matters. It is important to find ways to implement the far-reaching provisions of the Law. We know the main means of implementing the Law. This is a broad development of publicity, criticism and self-criticism, democracy in the sphere of production, the consistent introduction of self-government in the execution of labor collectives. The implementation of these fundamentally important areas of democratization will be a strong barrier in the way of those who would prefer to resolve issues relating to the leaders of the primary link in the national economy behind the back of the collective, and even more so against its will. But a number of other normative documents are needed that provide specific tools for the implementation of legislative prescriptions, organizational forms and technology for implementing the provisions of the Law addressed to the problem of improving work with the personnel of economic managers.

    Improving the activities of personnel services and increasing their role in staffing the management apparatus with managers who have a highly effective style of work are directly dependent on the structure and qualifications of the employees of these services.

    Human resources services exist in three versions. In the first option, a single personnel department is in charge of all the personnel of the system, including managerial ones. In the second option, a specialized service is created to work only with managerial or even only with leading personnel. In the third option, the personnel service is also unified.

    However, neither the qualifications of the employees of the personnel departments among them can be found and the technician of the builder, and the teacher of the kindergarten, and the engineer-economist - the established work practice does not allow them to perform their functions at the proper level.

    According to qualification handbook positions of employees, the head of the personnel department must have a higher education and work experience in engineering and technical management positions for at least five years. But in reality, the requirements for the position of head of the personnel department are far from always observed. On the recommendation of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, ministries and departments, when compiling sectoral nomenclatures for engineering and technical positions I of employees, are obliged to provide for the replacement of the positions of chiefs (managers), senior inspectors, inspectors of personnel departments by university graduates who have received education in the specialty of document management and management work organization in state institutions. But there is nowhere to take them!

    Studies carried out at the enterprises of the Estonian SSR showed that only three out of ten chiefs and only nine out of a hundred other employees of personnel departments have a higher education. Estonia, of course, is no exception. At 28 surveyed enterprises Western Urals the picture is about the same.

    The obvious inadequacy of the current level of education and qualifications of personnel officers will not seem surprising if we remember that there is practically no educational institution in the country that would truly train specialists in this profile, and there is no profession of a personnel officer. True, groups of personnel service managers are beginning to be created in some institutes, and personnel in the specialty "documentation" and "organization of managerial work" are being prepared at the faculty of state office work of the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute, but special training of workers for work in personnel services is not organized in any system. higher or secondary education. There are also advanced training courses for employees of personnel departments, but classes are rarely held, and the level of their conduct is far from the pressing practical issues of personnel work. Self-learning opportunities are also limited, since there is too little specialized literature on working with personnel. Finally, some of the efforts being made in certain industries to improve the training of personnel officers are not always supported by their real capabilities.

    For example, in accordance with the standard nomenclature of positions to be filled by graduates, approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry, specialists in the leading production profile or economists and lawyers can work in the personnel service. In the absence of a personnel officer profession, this approach is legitimate, but its implementation encounters certain difficulties. One of them is much smaller (compared to the remuneration of specialists) official salary employees of the personnel service who, being classified as employees, do not enjoy the benefits provided for engineering and technical workers. In many economic systems, they generally proceed from the premise that practically every competent worker is capable of working with personnel.

    The tradition is such that usually one of the experienced and well-known veterans is appointed as the deputy head of the economic system for personnel. Years take their health naughty, it is more and more difficult in operational work, so they find a quiet backwater for him. Of course, it is wonderful that in the past he was the head of a workshop or department, he was in an elected position for a long time, and he has a rich worldly experience. But after all, in order to successfully implement the functions of the personnel service at the modern level; requirements, this is not enough; Without special training, only on the basis of work experience, it is already difficult to perform many of these functions today.

    For the most part, the positions of heads of personnel departments are people with a technical or humanitarian education who do not have the knowledge necessary to work with people. Being insufficiently familiar with the basics of labor legislation, regulations and instructions regarding work with personnel, they have to comprehend the wisdom of their service exclusively in practice. Months and years pass until they acquire necessary knowledge and begin to perform their functions competently.

    The stereotype of the head of the personnel service that has developed over the years is far from perfect. Usually this is a conscientious and diligent worker, accustomed by his past work to be neat and peculiarly vigilant, whose activities take place as if in a certain atmosphere of mystery.

    In order for personnel departments to be able to perform their difficult and most important duties in a qualified manner, it seems to us that it is absolutely necessary to recertify the employees of these departments and retrain them according to a special program. An analysis of their training programs shows that there is no clear concept of personnel management, without which it is difficult to organize work with them on a stable scientific basis.

    Apparently, it is preferable to select people with a higher legal education for the heads of personnel departments. Existing practice confirms that in this case, work with personnel is organized in the most rational way. It is also advisable to use the experience gained in some industries in centralized training of personnel departments, improving their skills in courses where special attention is paid to the study of labor legislation, analysis of incidental situations, the most common shortcomings in work, etc.

    Special attention should be paid to the training of heads of personnel departments. Now, for the first time, special groups of heads of personnel services are being formed in branch institutes, courses and faculties of advanced training.

    The experience of the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics is interesting, where classes were organized with the heads of personnel departments of the USSR State Committee for Labor: at this faculty, specialists with higher education study management theory, the basics of sociology and psychology, labor legislation, communications between personnel departments and other departments of enterprises, the principle of using computers in HR, etc.

    Prospects for a radical improvement in personnel work are associated with the introduction of automated management systems with the "Personnel" subsystem. Machines are quite capable of taking on a significant part of the work on processing and searching for accounting, reporting and statistical reference information. Employees of personnel departments, who have got rid of the burden of routine information and reference concerns, will be able to devote more time to socio-psychological, legal and other tasks of personnel management.

    Personnel departments are obliged and can actively participate in staffing the management apparatus with comprehensively trained managers. But this will require enriching the content and changing the way they work. In solving the problems arising from this, a standard (exemplary) Regulation on the personnel department, which defines in detail their functions, rights and obligations, could serve as a help.

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