Job description of the chief specialist of the sales department. Sales Department Specialist Job Description

The main purpose of the job description of a sales manager is a detailed definition of the main duties and qualifications of the seller, the procedure for subordinating an employee to management, his rights, responsibilities, as well as the rules for appointment and dismissal from his position. Despite the fact that the job description does not apply to the standard, binding documents enterprise, its presence allows, in the event of any disputes and disagreements, to identify or cancel the fault of both the employee and the employer, which is why its compilation should be taken as seriously and thoughtfully as possible.


Rules for compiling a job description

There is no legislatively fixed concept of “job description”, therefore, there is no unified, strictly established sample of it. Organizations can develop a document template at their discretion, as well as change it depending on the working conditions of the employee and other parameters.

It should be noted that different companies official duties sales managers may differ slightly, but the basic provisions should always be similar.

The wording in the job description must be written in detail and clearly, without the possibility of double interpretation. If the document is drawn up for employees of one department, then in order to avoid duplication of the same functions, if necessary, the document should be adjusted.

The main rule is that the job description must always be approved by the head of the unit and the director of the enterprise, and also signed by the employee himself.

The signature of the sales manager will indicate that he agrees with the terms assigned to him job responsibilities granted by the rights and understands its responsibility. The standard job description consists of four sections:

  • "General Provisions",
  • "Responsibilities"
  • "Rights",
  • "Responsibility",

Completing the Sales Manager Job Description

First, at the top of the document in the middle, its name is written indicating the position for which it is being drawn up.
Further on the right, you must leave a few lines for approval of the job description by the head of the organization. Here you need to enter his position, company name, last name, first name, patronymic, and also leave a line for signature, with a transcript.

Main part of instructions

In the first section titled "General Provisions" it should be indicated which category of employees the sales manager belongs to (worker, specialist, manager, technical staff, etc.), to whom specifically he reports (without naming), the qualifications that he must correspond to (specialization, education, additional courses) required experience and experience.

Next, the person who will replace him during his absence from the workplace is entered (also without specifying specific names), as well as the basis for appointing or dismissing the employee from office (for example, an order or order of the director of the enterprise).

Below you need to list all the documents and rules with which the sales manager, due to the specifics of the work, must be familiarized:

  • fundamentals of labor law,
  • rules for concluding transactions and contracts,
  • documentation procedure,
  • labor protection and internal regulations, etc.

Also here you need to identify specific documents and regulations on which this category of specialists should rely in their work.

Second section "Responsibilities" relates directly to the functions that are assigned to the sales manager. Depending on the enterprise and its type of activity, they may be different, but they should always be described as fully and in detail as possible, starting from market research and ending with reporting and employee participation in internal events.

In chapter "Rights" it is necessary to describe in detail the rights of the sales manager, that is, the powers that are granted to him for the most efficient performance of his work. Here it is necessary to prescribe the possibility of increasing the professional level, interaction with the management of the enterprise and employees of other departments, as well as the initiatives expected from the employee.

Fourth section "Responsibility" determines those violations that may be punished by the management of the enterprise. It is desirable to indicate them in detail. If necessary, this part of the document can include specific sanctions and penalties that will follow for certain violations.

Finally, the job description is necessary agree with the responsible officer. Here you need to enter his position, name of the organization, last name, first name, patronymic, and also put a signature with a transcript.

Below you should indicate the details of the sales manager: his last name, first name, patronymic (in full), name of the organization, passport details (series, number, where, when and by whom issued), signature and date of familiarization with the document. In conclusion, the job description should be submitted for resolution to the head of the organization.

What are the duties of a sales manager and what requirements do employers have for these specialists? This profession can confidently be called one of the most sought after and available for employment. But at the same time efficient trading not everyone succeeds and requires a complex of knowledge, skills, and even a certain type of character. We tell you what companies expect from sales managers, what they write in their job description, and also present you with a sample of this document for download.

Job description sales manager is attached to the employment contract and contains a redundant list of functions, duties and rights of this specialist. Like any other instruction, without employment contract it has no legal force. The purpose of the document is to explain to the employee what the company expects from him, by what criteria he will evaluate his work and what rights he will provide to facilitate work. The instruction comes into force only after signing by the employee: the employer keeps one copy of the instruction marked “familiarized” and signed, the citizen takes the second copy for himself.

The structure of the document will be standard, without any differences from the instructions of other specialists. It will include the following sections:

  • General provisions.
  • Functions and responsibilities.
  • Rights.
  • Responsibility.

It is not necessary to write the requirements for education and professional skills in this document. It is assumed that if an organization hires a citizen and issues such instructions to him, his level of qualification completely suits it.

IN " General Provisions» write the full name of the position. For example, not "manager", but "sales manager". Here they indicate the immediate supervisor, the procedure for hiring (for example, “appointed to a position and removed from it by order CEO). However, these are formalities. It is equally important to indicate in the first section what the employee needs to know: Russian legislation, the rules for concluding contracts, the basics of marketing, the assortment of the store and the characteristics of products (goods, services). The section ends with a list of acts that guide the specialist in his work. This Russian laws, local regulations and management orders.

The duties of a sales manager are detailed in the job description.

Job Responsibilities

Of key importance is the section describing the responsibilities of the manager - in fact, this document is compiled for the sake of it. The content is determined by the specifics of the company, but most of the provisions are typical. Job responsibilities include:

  • active sales;
  • finding and attracting customers;
  • presentation of the assortment to visitors outlet, advice and assistance with the choice of goods;
  • cold and warm calls to potential buyers;
  • registration of reporting documents;
  • support of purchases and transactions;
  • work with objections";
  • dealing with problem customers and returns;
  • implementation of the sales plan;
  • travel on business trips;
  • assistance in opening new outlets.

Of course, this is an approximate list - each employer will adjust the functional responsibilities of this category of specialists to suit their goals. Sales managers work in different conditions: someone sells by phone, others - "live", serving customers in trading floor. Each direction requires specific knowledge and skills.

Even within the same organization, the content of the instructions for employees in similar positions may differ if there is motivated reason. For example, specialists can be divided into 2 sectors: those working in the hall and selling by phone. One of the management team may be senior or responsible for working with wholesale buyers. All these nuances must be documented.

Sales manager rights

The next section deals with the rights of a sales manager. Here they write non-standard rights from Labor Code like paid vacation and social guarantees, but those that will help a specialist solve work problems. As a rule, the section "Rights" includes:

  • receive information from management about work processes;
  • get acquainted with the sales plan in a timely manner, as well as make proposals for its adjustment;
  • propose changes to the company's marketing policy, as well as to optimize the workflow in general;
  • sign contracts and cash documents when making transactions with clients;
  • interact with structural divisions organizations to deal with business issues.

The employer has the right to give the specialist other rights, or, on the contrary, reduce their list. When preparing the list, one should proceed from the fact that the employee really needs to perform his duties. However, we should not forget that this section is largely formal and does not imply an exhaustive enumeration of rights - only key details.

Job Requirements for a Sales Manager

The "Requirements" section includes:

  • financial responsibility for the property of the company;
  • implementation of the sales plan;
  • execution of instructions of the management, internal regulations;
  • maintenance of service standards business communication and etiquette;
  • keeping trade secrets;
  • timely and accurate reporting;
  • Prompt communication to management about emergency, emergency situations.

An analysis of vacancies on popular job search portals shows that most employers see in such a position a person with a secondary specialized or higher education, as well as experience in trade. In some cases, experience requirements are specified: B2B, mobile connection, jewelry. The advantage will be the passage of specialized courses and trainings in sales.

Among personal qualities, sociability, self-confidence, a good memory, the ability to win over an interlocutor and multitasking are noted.

The understanding of the assigned tasks by the employee depends on the quality of the preparation of the job description of the manager.

Typical job description for a sales manager

In the previous sections, we looked at the approximate content of a sales specialist job description. This is a simple document consisting of only 4 sections. However, the effectiveness of the work of a specialist, his understanding of the tasks and expected functions depends on his high-quality training. It will be easier for the employer to control and evaluate work.

Creating a job description from scratch is quite difficult. More practical option - download type specimen below and adapt it to your needs. So, on the one hand, you will save time, and on the other hand, you will be able to create a document that is optimal for a particular situation.


Job responsibilities of a sales specialist are disclosed in a separate instruction. From this document, the specialist learns what functions the employer entrusts him with, what rights he gives and what requirements he imposes. The better the instruction is prepared, the easier it is for the parties to understand each other and start effective work.

Sales differ depending on the core business of the company. If a company provides financial services, then this employee is required to solve some problems, and in a clothing company, other tasks are required. But the general features of the work of a sales specialist are similar. Everything is detailed below.

History of the profession

The profession is as old as trade. But at different historical stages, it was called differently: a merchant, a barker, a clerk or a traveling merchant. Over time, their field of activity expanded, their role in business was only affirmed. Of course, the duties of a salesperson have also changed over the centuries.

To date, there are varieties of this profession. For example, a sales manager or an account manager. The duties of a sales specialist in this case are established depending on the specifics of the services or goods of the company. In one case, they have to monitor the product throughout the sales cycle, in the other, it is enough to increase customer loyalty to the company.

We observe an example of the second case among representatives mobile operators or internet providers. Usually they sell by phone, calling and offering people the services of the company. If the client shows interest, then the sale is made by other people: the Internet is technical specialists, the contract is drawn up by customer service managers. In the case of mobile services, the sale takes place in any service center of the company that the client chooses.


In different companies, depending on the duties, the sales department specialists are called differently, but the essence of the work is not much different. The most common are two types:

  1. Account Manager. The duties of these employees include analyzing the target audience, studying demand, developing schemes for increasing the client base, making calls, processing incoming correspondence and calls, negotiating with customers and completing the sales cycle.
  2. A contact manager often works for wholesalers or B2B service providers. In this case, the duties of a sales office specialist will be the same, only the target audience is different. The requirements remain the same as those discussed below.

Job responsibilities. The essence of the work

The main responsibilities of a Sales Specialist are:

  1. Knowledge of the specifics of the market, its trends and current situation.
  2. Knowledge of the company's position in the market.
  3. Be informed about the offers, about the sales strategy of competitors.
  4. Consideration of customer complaints and elimination conflict situations.
  5. Implementation of the sales plan.
  6. Constant customer support.
  7. Making repeat sales.
  8. Studying the opinions, suggestions and wishes of customers.
  9. Additional procedures for the delivery and sale of products.
  10. Providing complete information about a product or service.
  11. Sales process optimization.

The conditions for the sale are also different. Some products require skillful presentation. For example, Appliances or car. In other cases, much depends on the awareness and efficiency of the sales specialist. For example, when selling airline tickets or travel packages.

General requirements

To successfully fulfill the duties of a sales specialist, basic knowledge is required. They are the following:

  1. Business ethics.
  2. Psychology of sales, behavioral features when buying.
  3. Principles and technologies of sales.
  4. Knowledge of all features of the product, its competitive and weaknesses.
  5. Pricing methods.
  6. Basics market economy.
  7. Consumer Rights Law.

IN large companies Job responsibilities of a sales specialist are somewhat expanded. If necessary, they should be able to easily replace the implementation manager.

Personal qualities

Many people try to become good sales managers, but not everyone succeeds. A successful manager is a combination of different personal qualities. Some of them can be acquired with experience. But one thing remains unchanged: the main tool of the manager and the main requirement of the employer is his communication skills. What does this concept include:

  1. Proficiency in sales techniques. In practice, when dealing with clients, there is no time to think or get help from colleagues. In a matter of minutes or even seconds, the manager must have time to win over and establish contact with the client. That's what sales techniques are for. To master them, you need to apply, analyze errors and improve.
  2. Ability to negotiate. In the business world, negotiation is the most important aspect any business. At the same time, there are many subtleties when discussing business matters. good manager should be able to conduct them at a high level.
  3. Energy. Almost every modern company exists in a highly competitive environment. For development, they need not only to be on a par with them, but to be two steps ahead of others. Therefore, many companies are interested in repeat sales. In other words, it is not enough to attract a customer, but you need to keep him. Confidence in the company is formed by a sales manager or customer service manager. This will require the ability to maintain friendly relations for a long time, which requires a specialist high level energy.

How to start a career?

Direct sales are not taught anywhere today, since this is a process consisting of a set of measures. When recruiting, employers do not attach fundamental importance to the profile education of the applicant. Experience in the field of sales is a good help. If not, then almost every company for which sales is important provides a short on-staff training.

For effective work a novice specialist will need experience and knowledge. By the way, what should a sales specialist know:

  1. The specifics of the product or service. The client can ask any question, the specialist must be able to answer so that the client is convinced that this is exactly what he needs.
  2. Offers from competitors. This knowledge will be useful in order to build a sales technique in a profitable way, emphasizing the advantages of your product. Reference to the shortcomings of competitors is considered a violation business ethics.
  3. Client types. This is taught at special trainings or in the company itself. Knowing the types of customers helps you choose the right approach.
  4. Maximum information about the client. Collecting information openly is also considered a violation of ethics. But some creative companies know how to do it. As a result, this will come in handy if the company provides loyalty programs or a special service for regular customers. For example, hotels prepare special conditions, shops can congratulate the client on significant dates for him.

Career at Sberbank

Sberbank is the largest employer in the country. Experience in a strong financial colossus opens the way to a brighter future. For purposeful people, there is a special section on the bank's website - vacancies, among which the position of a direct sales specialist in Sberbank is often open.

The work of an employee is in the implementation of the products of the institution: loans, credit and debit cards, opening a deposit, savings programs and much more. The peculiarity is that sales are made on the territory of the client. Of course, all travel expenses are paid by PAO.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how a sales specialist at Sberbank differs, duties and prospects, then you should pay attention to the implementation plan. When performing, you can count on good bonuses, as well as incentive measures. The most stable move up career ladder. One of the nice features is the issuance wages twice a month.


A job in sales is a great school not only for a career but also for life experience. Mastering this path, young people at the same time gain confidence in their abilities, gain practical experience in communicating with different people. And the experience of effectively building communications will be useful in the future in any position. The position of a direct sales specialist in Sberbank is especially in demand among applicants. The duties of an employee are not too complicated, so you can try your hand.

The most successful employees become heads of departments, subdivisions, and if they do not stop simultaneously improving their skills and growing as a specialist, they rise to the top management.


sales department specialist

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional, job duties, rights and responsibilities of a specialist in the sales department of the Infocommunication Technologies division (hereinafter referred to as the Sales Department Specialist) of the All-Russian Association of Employers "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following requirements for education and training is appointed to the position of a sales specialist:

  • Additional professional education- advanced training programs, programs professional retraining in the field of marketing, management, economics, new infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists;
  • Higher education - bachelor's degree;
  • with practical experience:

  • At least six months of work in the field of sales of high-tech products with secondary vocational education;
  • 1.3. The Sales Specialist must know:

  • Industry and local regulations in force in the organization;
  • Instructions for the preparation, processing and storage of reporting materials;
  • Primary accounting documentation and rules for its preparation and execution;
  • Methods for searching for information about potential needs in infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Rules of work in the relevant computer programs and databases, their purpose;
  • Purpose and rules for the use of computer and office equipment;
  • Industry and local regulations in force in the organization;
  • Normative acts regulating the rules for the sale of goods to organizations of various forms of ownership;
  • Methods of system analysis to substantiate a commercial offer for the sale of infocommunication systems and / or their components;
  • Composition of the tender documentation;
  • Technical characteristics of the infocommunication systems and/or their components being sold;
  • Rules of business correspondence;
  • Main tender sites;
  • Main specifications, advantages and disadvantages of world and Russian manufacturers infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Rules for the preparation of primary accounting documentation;
  • Fundamentals of office work;
  • Search computer programs;
  • Main technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of products of global and Russian manufacturers of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Rules for conducting business negotiations;
  • Business Etiquette;
  • Purpose and rules for the use of computer and office equipment;
  • Sales models of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Rules for working in the relevant computer programs and databases, their purpose;
  • Rules for conducting business correspondence;
  • Fundamentals of organization management;
  • Instructions for the preparation, processing and storage of reporting materials;
  • Fundamentals of psychology;
  • 1.4. The Sales Specialist must be able to:

  • Prepare reports on the complete set of sold infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Prepare reports on the needs of clients in infocommunication systems and / or their components;
  • Organize and conduct meetings with clients and partners;
  • Identify the needs of customers in infocommunication systems and / or their components;
  • Conduct business negotiations with clients about their needs in infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Prepare customer database materials for discussion of customer needs in infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Prepare primary accounting documentation using accounting programs;
  • Work with the database standard solutions for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Compile and execute primary accounting documentation;
  • Prepare tender documents;
  • Work with accounting software
  • Work on tender sites;
  • Work with a database of standard offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and / or their components;
  • Work with computer and office equipment;
  • Conduct business negotiations with potential clients;
  • Establish and maintain long-term relationships with clients;
  • Conduct presentations of information and communication systems for sale and / or their components for potential customers;
  • Work with a large amount of information;
  • Work with customer databases / customer relationship management system;
  • 1.5. The sales department specialist is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the executive vice president of the Institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. The Sales Specialist reports to the Executive Vice President of the Institution and the Head of the Infocommunication Technologies Division.

    2. Labor functions

  • 2.1. Control of the complete set of infocommunication systems and / or their components during the sale and documentary support.
  • 2.2. Establishing and maintaining contacts with existing clients to discuss their needs in infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 2.4. Search for potential customers for the purchase of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.1. Checking the completeness of the sold infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.2. Verification of compliance of the sold infocommunication systems and/or their components with the declared specification.
  • 3.3. Formation of shipping documents for the sold infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.4. Control of shipment (delivery) of goods under concluded contracts for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.5. Forecasting sales of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.6. Analysis of the client base.
  • 3.7. Informing customers about current marketing promotions, new products and special offers.
  • 3.8. Conducting conferences and seminars for existing and potential clients.
  • 3.9. Formation commercial offers for partners and customers selling infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.10. Preparation of a contract for the sale of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3.11. Selection of equipment according to the terms of reference.
  • 3.12. Coordination of the terms of the contract for the sale of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3.13. Preparation of commercial offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3.14. Preparation of the necessary financial documents(bank guarantee, certificates).
  • 3.17. Informing customers about new products.
  • 3.18. Development of relationships with clients for the conclusion of new contracts for the sale and maintenance of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3.19. Maintaining a database of clients.
  • 3.20. Conclusion of contracts for the sale and maintenance of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3.21. Search for new customers for the purchase of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 4.4. Participate in the discussion of issues that are part of his functional duties.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on the improvement of activities in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Contact the relevant authorities local government or to the court to resolve disputes arising in the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. enjoy information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

    4.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner.

    5. Responsibility

    The Sales Specialist is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of their functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with the orders and instructions of the Executive Vice President of the Institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the execution of assigned tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the Establishment.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that became known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, a sales department specialist can be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with applicable law, depending on the severity of the offense.

    This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) of the Labor Code Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (with amendments and additions), professional standard"Sales manager of information and communication systems" approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation dated October 5, 2015 No. 687n and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

    Job responsibilities of a sales manager are approved at the local level and depend on the specifics specific organization, which hires him to work, although this position is contained in the all-Russian classifier. In practice, there are various positions whose responsibilities include the implementation of the company's product. They are subject to approximately the same requirements in relation to business and professional qualities. Consider the features of the job description of the manager of the sales department, which regulates their functional responsibilities.

    Types of Sales Managers

    All-Russian classifier of professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of December 26, 1994 No. 367, contains several positions to which the position in question can be attributed:

    • 24051 trade manager;
    • 24057 manager (in commercial activities);
    • 24068 manager [in subdivisions (services) for marketing and sales of products].

    Depending on the specifics of the duties of a sales specialist, his position may belong to one of the categories, but the closest in terms of functional duties sales manager in the modern sense is the latter.

    A different typology of companies selling specialists has not been established at the legislative level, but it is present in theory and is applied in practice by business entities. There are various criteria by which the position in question can be classified:

    1. Depending on the territorial coverage of activities:
    • zonal;
    • regional;
    • territorial, etc.

    The specified gradation is individual and is set individually in each company. A territorial manager in one company can cover one city or district with its activities, in another - a subject of the Federation, in a third - several regions at once.

    1. By level of position (and responsibility):
    • head of the company's product sales department;
    • senior manager;
    • implementation officer;
    • his assistant.

    The job descriptions of a senior sales manager for the main range of duties do not fundamentally differ from others. Differences may relate to the level of responsibility and leadership functions.

    1. By type of sale:
    • active sales manager;
    • passive sales specialist

    Differences in the functions of "salesmen" by active and passive type are the level of participation in attracting customers. In the first case, the employee himself takes measures to find clients, calls potential clients, attends seminars and exhibitions, etc. Passive ones involve communication with a client who is already ready to buy the company's product.

    1. How to communicate with clients:
    • direct sales (personal contacts with clients);
    • telephone;
    • electronic.
    1. By number of sales:
    • wholesale;
    • retail.

    This criterion does not affect the differences in the content of the job description of the manager wholesale sales and retail in terms of their main functional duties.

    Required Qualities

    Requirements for the professional and personal qualities of a sales manager are included in the job description of this employee. The quality and quantity of the company's product sold depends largely on their observance. TO necessary qualities include the following:

    • knowledge of the legislation governing the issues of their activities (labor, civil in terms of the execution and content of purchase and sale transactions, corporate and economic law and etc.);
    • possession of various sales methods that can be applied in a particular enterprise in the position held;
    • experience in the field of sales of goods, involving knowledge of the relevant market, competitors (suppliers of a similar product), range of potential customers;
    • knowledge of the product, its advantages and disadvantages;
    • business communication skills;
    • skills in applying psychology in communicating with potential clients;
    • possession foreign language(if there are potential buyers among foreigners);
    • activity and good communication skills;
    • motivation;
    • the ability to convince;
    • learning and creativity.

    The specific list of personal skills of an employee is different depending on the activities of the company and the specifics of the sale of the product (wholesale, "cold", direct, etc.).

    There was no unified professional standard in our country for employees of this category, since special education Until recently educational establishments didn't give. Therefore, each company has developed and is developing its own requirements for job seekers of sales managers.

    Manager's Responsibilities

    The main responsibilities of an employee of the sales department are approximately identical, regardless of the characteristics of the enterprise and the position of the employee. They are subject to inclusion in the job description of a sales specialist and must be strictly followed by the employee. Duties include:

    • collection of information about persons who are potential customers of the company (for example, for manufacturers of food packaging, these will be manufacturers food products And retail chains those who pack them), including the name, contacts, information about the head and purchasing manager, etc.;
    • conducting business negotiations through personal meetings and telephone communications, sending commercial offers by fax, e-mail and regular mail;
    • accepting orders for a product manufactured by the company;
    • collection and compilation of statistical information;
    • drawing up reports;
    • maintaining and editing the client base;
    • control and release of goods;
    • sending the necessary documentation to the counterparty (contracts, invoices, waybills, certificates of work performed, etc.);
    • signing an agreement with the head of the company;
    • study of similar products of competitors, forms and methods of their work;
    • advising potential clients and existing contractors;
    • participation in marketing research and etc.

    There are other duties that depend on the specifics of the position held. The duties of a senior sales manager or the head of the relevant division of the firm may include directing the activities of subordinate sales employees. The duties of a senior manager may include mentoring and supervising the work of line managers and trainees.

    Job description regional manager may additionally include the obligation to coordinate the activities of branches and representative offices of the company in the territory of a certain region (or territorial zone).

    Job description

    The functionality of an employee is included, along with other sections, in an official document to be executed and observed by the employee and his employer. The sales manager job description contains:

    • general provisions on the position (name, place in the structure, subordination);
    • regulatory documents that guide the worker in their activities;
    • requirements for professional and personal qualities;
    • work schedule ( work time, place of work, working conditions, etc., including the regulations for the work of the unit - the sales department) or a link to a separate regulation;
    • rights and obligations of a sales manager;
    • employee liability for failure to perform or improper performance of his duties (disciplinary and);
    • final provisions (for example, the performance of duties during the absence of a manager, the procedure for appointing and dismissing a position, etc.).

    You can download a sample sales manager job description template here:

    Final conclusions:

    • sales manager corresponds to code 24068 of the all-Russian classifier, other classification criteria are of a theoretical and practical nature, but are not provided for by law;
    • the professional standard is set by companies independently, taking into account educational standards in this specialty;
    • the functional responsibilities of a sales employee depend on the characteristics of the company and the position held;