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The mission and function of the professional activity of a teacher


1. Theoretical issues of the professional activity of a teacher

1.1 The role and place of the teaching profession

1.2 Features of pedagogical work

2. Practical Issues professional activity of a teacher

2.1 The mission of the professional activity of the teacher

2.2 The function of the professional activity of the teacher




The teaching profession is one of the oldest, most important and most honored in society. It appeared when a school arose, that is, in the 5th-4th centuries. BC e. In a tribal society, the functions of teachers were performed by priests, elders, i.e., authoritative, wise and respected people. Each era gave birth to its outstanding teachers. This is Confucius in ancient China, Socrates in Athens, Comenius in medieval Europe, Pestalozzi, who accomplished his pedagogical feat in Switzerland, a teacher of Russian teachers K.D. Ushinsky and the brilliant L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Makarenko and V.A. Sukhomlinsky. All these great people gave their hearts to children, having accomplished each of their pedagogical feats, leaving an indelible mark on the history of mankind.

The functions (from the Latin “duty”, “appointment”) of a teacher are diverse, but three main ones can be distinguished among them: teaching, educating, social and pedagogical. The teacher, first of all, teaches, i.e., helps children to master generalized human experience, knowledge, as well as ways to acquire them, techniques and methods of educational work. The formation of the child's personality occurs in the process of learning and in extracurricular activities. The organization of the educational process, the communication of the child with the teacher, the personality of the teacher, educational work - all this contributes to the formation of certain personality traits of the student, the development of his individuality, that is, the educational function is realized.

A teacher at any time is the cornerstone on which the process of both education and upbringing of a person capable of living and creating in an ever-developing world rests. He teaches not only knowledge and skills, but also tolerance, mutual understanding, goodwill, everything that we call the general culture of man.

The teaching profession is one of the most important modern world. The future of human civilization depends on his efforts. What should be a modern teacher? What is its role in society? What is the mission of the teacher?

Relevance of the chosen topic term paper characterized by. That the profession of a teacher is very difficult, it requires a lot of patience and understanding from a person. Basically, it consists of difficult, but interesting everyday life. Teachers teach wisdom, pass on life experience.

The purpose of writing the work is to study the mission and main functions of the teacher in professional activities based on the analysis of educational literature.

The object of the research is professional pedagogical activity.

The subject of the research is the mission and functions of pedagogical activity.

Identification of the role and place of the teaching profession;

Analysis of the features of pedagogical work;

Characteristics of the mission of the teacher's professional activity;

Characteristics of the functions of the teacher's professional activity.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

1. Theoretical issues of the professional activity of a teacher

1.1 The role and place of the teaching profession

Everyone who chooses the profession of a teacher takes responsibility for those whom he will teach and educate, at the same time he is responsible for himself, his vocational training, their right to be a teacher, teacher, educator. The worthy fulfillment of a professionally pedagogical duty requires a person to accept a number of obligations.

First, one should objectively assess own possibilities, know your strengths and weaknesses, qualities that are significant for this profession (features of self-regulation, self-esteem, emotional manifestations, communicative, didactic abilities, etc.). Secondly, the teacher must have a general culture of intellectual activity (thinking, memory, perception, representation, attention), a culture of behavior, communication and pedagogical communication in particular. The teacher is a model that students consciously, and most often unconsciously, imitate, adopting what the teacher does. Thirdly, an obligatory prerequisite and basis for the successful activity of a teacher is respect, knowledge and understanding of his student. The student must be understood by the teacher and accepted by him, regardless of whether their value systems, behavior patterns and assessments coincide; it also involves knowledge of the psychological mechanisms and patterns of behavior and communication. Fourthly, the teacher is the organizer of the learning activities of students, their cooperation, and at the same time acts as a partner and a person who facilitates pedagogical communication, that is, a “facilitator”, according to K. Rogers.

This obliges to develop organizational, communication skills to manage the process of assimilation of knowledge by students, including them in active forms of educational interaction that stimulates the cognitive activity of its participants. Development of such professional skills involves not only deep psychological and pedagogical knowledge, but also constant, systematic professional training.

Thus, the professional qualities of a teacher should be correlated with the following postulates-commandments of his psychological and pedagogical activity: respect a person in a student, a person (which is a specification of the golden rule of antiquity, treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself); constantly look for the possibility of self-development and self-improvement (for it is known that one who does not study himself cannot develop a taste for learning, “mental appetite” in others); transfer knowledge to the student so that he wants and can master them, be ready to use them in different situations and in his self-education.

These postulates are the concretization of the well-known thesis: only the personality educates the personality, only the character forms the character. The teacher must be a Personality, this is his professional characteristic. As special abilities, the following can be distinguished: observation, the ability to quickly navigate the situation, intuition, empathy (the ability to imagine yourself in the place of another person and understand his feelings, desires, ideas and actions), reflection and self-control.

Determining the personal characteristics of a teacher, it is important to remember that he works in the sphere of "person - person", which implies the ability to successfully function in the system of interpersonal relations.

In order for the development process to be successful, painless for the child, an appropriate atmosphere must be created around him, the so-called "humanistic space". In creating such a space, the teacher takes certain place plays one of the main roles. Using WORD, DEED and OBSERVATION (diagnostics), the teacher creates conditions for the child to prove himself. In order to help the child, you can define the basic rule "Rule 7U": "confidence" knowing your rights and the rights of the child, the ability to protect him. The teacher is the guarantor of the observance of the rights of the child; “success” when taking on any business, the teacher must foresee a positive result, that is, be sure that it is within the power of the children and him; “amazingness” must be developed in oneself as original, children do not like “pies with nothing”; "persuasiveness" to be able to kindle children's hearts, to convince them of the importance of the matter; "respect" requires mutual respect; Respect your children's opinion, they respect yours. Education without respect suppression; "poise" in the classroom need to be ready for anything; “Smiling” without a sense of humor at school is impossible to live. A smile is both appreciation, and approval, and encouragement.

Pedagogical activity is multidisciplinary and multifaceted, but in whatever field of activity a teacher works (from practice to manager), he will have to work with people, and first of all with children. His professional competence will be determined not only by intelligence, but also by the characteristics of the nervous system: emotional stability and increased efficiency in the process of communication, which will allow him to resist emotional fatigue when working with children and the development of the “emotional burnout” syndrome, withstand heavy loads in socio-pedagogical and other specific processes.

Features of the emotional sphere suggest: emotional stability, the predominance of positive emotions, the absence of anxiety as a personality trait, the ability to endure psychological stress.

An important characteristic of the teacher is the characteristic of the "I-image", which implies an attitude towards oneself, high positive self-esteem, self-acceptance, expectation of a positive attitude from the partner. A feature of the "I - image" is the teacher's high adaptability, which implies openness in communication, the ability to accept another person, and a low degree of suggestibility.

Highlighting personal qualities teacher, it is not difficult to understand that not every person is suitable for pedagogical work.

Listing the personal characteristics of a teacher, it must be said that they are not common to different levels and areas of pedagogical activity. They also depend on the socio-political, economic characteristics of the state and its culture. However, in general, they set the personality profile of the teacher.

Early diagnosis of these qualities in a future specialist is an important part of his pre-professional training.

1.2 Features of pedagogical work

Before starting the study of pedagogical activity, let us consider the structure of pedagogical abilities and their connection with the individual style of activity.

In order to successfully cope with their work, the teacher must have certain general and special abilities. The general abilities include those that determine high results in any human activity, and the special ones include those on which the success of pedagogical activity, education and upbringing of children depends. We will not dwell on general abilities, since they are associated not only with pedagogical activity, but we will consider special abilities in more detail.

These include:

The ability to see and feel whether the student understands the material being studied, to establish the degree and nature of such understanding;

The ability to independently select educational material, determine the best means and effective teaching methods;

The ability to present in different ways, to explain the same educational material in an accessible way in order to ensure its understanding and assimilation by all students;

The ability to build training taking into account the individuality of students, ensuring their rapid and deep assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities;

The ability in a relatively short time to achieve the assimilation of a significant amount of information, accelerated intellectual and moral development of all students;

The ability to build a lesson correctly, improving your teaching skills from lesson to lesson;

The ability to share your experience with other teachers and in turn learn from their examples;

The ability for self-learning, including the search and creative processing of information useful for learning, as well as its direct use in pedagogical activities;

The ability to form in students the right motivation and the structure of educational activities (teachings).

All these special abilities relate to three interrelated aspects of the activity of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities: learning, teaching and learning. It is difficult to say definitely how and when they begin to form in ontogenesis and according to what laws they develop. Something in them is innate and exists in the form of inclinations, but so far science has not been able to say anything specific about this. Like any other abilities, pedagogical abilities are brought up, and they can be formed quite consciously.

Due to the ambiguity of the answer to the question about the origins of pedagogical abilities, work on them in practice should be carried out in two interrelated directions. On the one hand, it is necessary to engage in early diagnosis of pedagogical abilities and use their presence in vocational counseling and career guidance work, orienting those in whom they manifest themselves especially clearly to the choice of a pedagogical profession. On the other hand, these abilities must be nurtured, formed and developed.

A special class of special pedagogical abilities is the ability to raise children. Among them, the main ones are the following:

1. The ability to correctly assess the internal state of another person, sympathize, empathize with him (the ability to empathize).

2. The ability to be an example and role model for children in thoughts, feelings and actions.

3. The ability to evoke noble feelings in a child, the desire and desire to become better, to do good to people, to achieve high moral goals.

4. The ability to adapt educational influences to the individual characteristics of the child being brought up.

5. The ability to inspire confidence in a person, calm him down, stimulate him to self-improvement.

6. The ability to find the right style of communication with each child, to achieve his disposition and mutual understanding.

7. The ability to arouse respect from the educated person, to enjoy informal recognition on his part, to have authority among children.

The same can be said about the process of formation and development of the abilities of a teacher as an educator, which was stated above about the abilities of a teacher, with the exception, perhaps, of one thing: being a good educator is more difficult than being a good teacher. This is due to the fact that among the abilities characteristic of an educator, there are more of those that are given to a person by nature than among the abilities characteristic of a teacher.

Among teachers there are many who are a good teacher, but a relatively weak educator. There are also those who are able to raise children well, but cope much worse with the role of a teacher. This circumstance is not the basis for the conclusion that the corresponding people cannot become good teachers, just the sphere of application of their pedagogical skills can be different: either predominantly teaching, or mainly educational.

Among the special pedagogical abilities there is also an ability of a special kind, which cannot be unambiguously attributed either to the activity of a teacher or to the work of an educator, since it is equally necessary for both of them. This is the ability for pedagogical communication.

V.A. Kan-Kalik, a psychologist who has done a lot of research on this ability, wrote that pedagogical work has more than 200 components in its structure. Communication is one of its most difficult aspects, since through it the main thing in pedagogical work is carried out: the impact of the teacher's personality on the student's personality. One of important qualities teacher is the ability to organize a long and effective interaction with students. This skill is usually associated with the communication skills of the teacher. Possession of professional and pedagogical communication is the most important requirement for the personality of a teacher in that aspect of it, which concerns interpersonal relationships.

What is the structure of communication abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities used by the teacher in communicating with students?
First of all, we note that the communicative abilities that are manifested in pedagogical communication are the ability to communicate, acting in a specific way in the field of pedagogical interaction associated with the education and upbringing of children. At least two useful conclusions can be drawn from this:

1. A conversation about the ability to pedagogical communication cannot be conducted independently of the discussion of general communicative abilities, manifested in all spheres of human communication.

2. When it comes to the ability to communicate pedagogically, it is impossible to confine ourselves to talking about general communicative abilities. Firstly, not all human communicative abilities manifest themselves in the same way and are equally necessary for the teacher. Secondly, there are a number of special communication skills that a teacher should possess and which are not necessary for people of other professions, in particular, a person’s knowledge of other people, knowledge of himself, correct perception and evaluation of communication situations, the ability to to people, the actions taken by a person in relation to himself.
Let us consider each of the selected groups of communicative abilities in more detail and at the same time note the problems that may arise in the process of pedagogical communication due to the insufficient development of these abilities.

Cognition of a person by a person includes a general assessment of a person as a person, which is usually formed on the basis of the first impression of him; assessment of individual traits of his personality, motives and intentions; assessment of the relationship of externally observed behavior with the inner world of a person; the ability to "read" postures, gestures, facial expressions, pantomime.

Man's knowledge of himself presupposes the evaluation of his knowledge; assessment of their abilities; their character and other personality traits; as well as how a person is perceived from the outside and looks in the eyes of the people around him.

The ability to correctly assess the situation of communication is the ability to observe the situation, choose the most informative signs of it and pay attention to them; correctly perceive and evaluate the social and psychological meaning of the situation.

Interesting in pedagogical terms, but less studied and give rise to more diverse problems in practice non-verbal forms of pedagogical communication. Related communication skills include the following skills: making contact with strangers; prevent the occurrence and timely resolve conflicts and misunderstandings that have already arisen; behave in such a way as to be correctly understood and perceived by another person; behave in such a way as to enable the other person to express their interests and feelings; get the most out of communication.

The abilities manifested in a person's actions in relation to himself contain the ability to manage those aspects of his own behavior that are important for establishing normal relationships with people around him, to ensure that these people perceive and understand us correctly. They also include the ability of a person to self-perception, aimed at eliminating habits and inclinations that impede communication, at the formation and development of skills and abilities that are useful for communication.

The communication skills of the teacher are subject to development. Good results in their formation gives socio-psychological training.

A special area of ​​manifestation of the ability for pedagogical communication is the use of rewards and punishments by the teacher. They stimulate the success of the student, especially when rewards and punishments are deserved and fair. Their stimulating role depends on the pedagogical justification of rewards and punishments.

At present, the concept of pedagogical abilities, developed by N.V. Kuzmina (Kuzmina N.V., 1990), is the most complete systemic interpretation. In this concept, all pedagogical abilities are correlated with the main aspects (sides) of the pedagogical system.

First, let us briefly consider some aspects of the pedagogical system developed by N.V. Kuzmina (Fig. 1). The system is presented as a set of interrelated elements that form a stable unity and integrity, which has integral properties and patterns.

The pedagogical system is defined as a set of interrelated structural and functional components subordinated to the goals of upbringing, education and training of the younger generation and adults.
Structural components are the main basic characteristics of pedagogical systems, the totality of which forms the fact of their presence and distinguishes them from all other (non-pedagogical) systems. In the interpretation of N.V. Kuzmina, the pedagogical system includes five structural elements: goals, content of education ( educational information), means of pedagogical communication, students and teachers. In addition, the scientist also considers functional components.

Functional components are stable basic connections of the main structural components that arise in the course of the activities of managers, teachers, students and thereby determine the movement, development, improvement of the pedagogical system and, as a result, their stability, resilience, and survival. There are five main functional components: gnostic, design, constructive, communicative and organizational. The same elements are elements of individual pedagogical activity (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Components of pedagogical abilities

N.V. Kuzmina considers the totality of the teacher's abilities as the most important factor in the development and formation of students' abilities. In this regard, in the structure of pedagogical abilities, she distinguishes two series of features:

The specific sensitivity of the teacher to the student as a subject of communication, cognition and labor, since the main means of education are the activities of the emerging personality (i.e. the student himself) and ways of organizing them in order to obtain the desired end result.

The first level consists of perceptual-reflexive abilities, addressed to the object-subject of pedagogical influence, i.e. to the student, in connection with himself (the teacher). They determine the intensity of the formation of the sensory fund of the teacher's personality.

The second level consists of designing pedagogical abilities, addressed to the ways of influencing the object-subject of the student, in order to form his need for self-development, self-affirmation, civic and professional development.

Perceptual-reflexive pedagogical abilities, in turn, according to N.V. Kuzmina, include three types of sensitivity:

1. Feeling the object.

2. A sense of proportion or tact.

3. Feeling of belonging.

The level of formation of perceptual-reflexive pedagogical abilities ensures the formation of pedagogical intuition, which, in turn, can be both "good", i.e. helping to productively solve pedagogical problems, and "bad", i.e. suggesting bad decisions.

Thus, perceptual-reflexive pedagogical abilities "specialize" in the analysis of the interaction between the subject of professional pedagogical creativity and the student for whom he is responsible.

Design pedagogical abilities consist in a special sensitivity to the methods of creating productive technologies of educational and educational influence on students in order to form the desired qualities in them, i.e. achieving the desired end results.

Numerous psychological and pedagogical studies conducted by N.V. Kuzmina, showed that the self-development of teachers is ensured by a sufficiently high level of formation of such general abilities as:





Organizational (Fig. 1).

Gnostic abilities consist in the teacher's specific sensitivity to the methods of studying students in connection with the goals of forming each person's moral, labor, intellectual fund of personality, which ensures his self-development even when he enters an unfavorable environment.
Design pedagogical abilities consist in the special sensitivity of teachers to the construction of a "pedagogical labyrinth", i.e. that pedagogical route along which the student must be led from ignorance to knowledge, so that he is not only interested, but also useful, economically and deeply, difficultly and easily, intensely and "creatively."

Constructive pedagogical ability consists in a special sensitivity to how to build an upcoming lesson, meeting, lesson in time and space in order to move towards the desired end result: where to start, what system of tasks-tasks to offer, how to organize their implementation, how to conduct an assessment.

Communicative pedagogical abilities are manifested in the specific sensitivity of the teacher to the methods of establishing and developing pedagogically expedient relationships with students on the basis of gaining authority and trust from them and are provided:

The ability to identify, i.e. identification with students;

Sensitivity to the individual characteristics of students (their interests, inclinations, abilities);

Good intuition, which is an important characteristic creative thinking, manifested in anticipation, i.e. in anticipation of the desired pedagogical result, already when choosing strategies for influencing; educator student

suggestive properties of the personality or the ability to suggest.

Organizational pedagogical abilities consist in the special sensitivity of the teacher:

To productive and unproductive ways of organizing the interaction of students with objects of activity and cognition during school and extracurricular time;

Productive and unproductive ways of organizing the interaction of students in groups and teams;

Productive and unproductive ways of teaching students self-organization;

Productive and unproductive ways to organize your own interaction with students;

Productive and unproductive ways of self-organization of one's own activity and behavior.

Summing up the first chapter, we can say that pedagogical abilities imply a high level of development of general abilities (observation, thinking, imagination) and that other abilities are included in the scope of pedagogical activity only if there is a pedagogical orientation and pedagogical abilities in the conditions of their further development. In addition, three types of combination of pedagogical and other special abilities are identified: pedagogical abilities that either help, or are neutral, or interfere with pedagogical activity.

2. Practical issues of the professional activity of a teacher

2.1 The mission of the professional activity of the teacher

A teacher in the modern world is also a comprehensively developed personality, capable of answering all the questions of a student, igniting in him a craving for learning new things, and instilling love for his subject. After all, no modern technology can replace the living word of the Teacher, who sows "reasonable, good, eternal."

The highest mission of a teacher is to influence the minds and hearts of his pupils. He must teach the little man to see the world of beauty, to teach compassion and mercy, kindness and love. This is the uniqueness of the teaching profession.

A real teacher should work for the future, ahead of his time. He should be concerned not only with a separate individuality, but with the world of people. Thereby teaching profession becomes a creative mission. The mission of the teacher is not only his own interests, motives, plans. He is an intermediary between children and the system of ideas, traditions, culture of his people and humanity. His duty is to educate worthy people capable of multiplying the achievements of human civilization.

The mission is the purpose of the profession, it is what answers the question "for the sake of what" this activity is performed. Understanding the mission as the purpose of the profession, the ultimate goals of the specialist's activity strengthens motivation (and sometimes creates it), is a support in difficult situations of moral choice. Defining a mission is at the same time a process of self-identification of professionals (“who are you?”, “what is the meaning of your activity?”).

There are two possible answers to this question.

The first option: pedagogical work is a "service sector" ("educational industry"). If we agree with this statement, then the answer to the question “for what” will be the following - “for the sake of making a profit”, which automatically turns an educational institution into a kind of “business corporation”, and professional ethics expressed by the formula - "the client (student, his parents) is always right" (as in the service sector).

Naturally, the professional community of teachers itself is not prone to this kind of aberration; deviations from the norm.

The second option: traditionally, pedagogical activity was given the status of a “high profession” (for the majority of current specialists, this is so). What does this metaphor mean?

Firstly, the characteristic “high profession” focuses not on the pragmatic (profit!), but on the ideological orientation of educational activity, its calling to develop a person, and not to provide educational and information services. It is no coincidence that some researchers (A.M. Novikov) believe that the word “education” comes from the root “image” and can be interpreted as creating in a person (child) an image of the world around and his “I” in this world.

Secondly, the mission is concretized through those social requests (goals, tasks) that teachers face and determine the "nobility" of their profession. They aim to develop:

a) a person focused on the welfare of others and their own perfection;

b) a citizen who is socially responsible and oriented towards the welfare of society;

c) a specialist focused on professional honor and dignity.

The highest mission of a teacher is to influence the minds and hearts of his pupils. He must teach a small child to see the world of beauty, to teach compassion and mercy, kindness and love. This is the uniqueness of the teaching profession.

A modern school needs talented and open-minded teachers who see their calling in helping each student to maximize their abilities and realize them. No new technologies can replace a good teacher who loves and understands children and puts his soul into his work.

Today, more than ever, we need competent, enthusiastic, talented teachers who keep up with the times, teach children to think independently, make decisions and take responsibility for their choice.

The teacher must be a person of culture and universal values, a conductor of the ideas of the state and democratic changes, a person of great soul and kind heart. Love for a child is the flesh and blood of an educator as a force that can influence spiritual world another man. A teacher without love for a child is like a singer without a voice, a musician without hearing, a painter without a sense of color.

A real teacher should work for the future, ahead of his time. He should be concerned not only with a separate individuality, but with the world of people. Thanks to this, the teaching profession becomes a creative mission. The mission of the teacher is not only his own interests, motives, plans. He is an intermediary between children and the system of ideas, traditions, culture of his people and humanity. His duty is to educate worthy people capable of multiplying the achievements of human civilization.

The modern teacher is interested in the formation of the child's soul. Each student is given certain circumstances of life: parents, material security, intellectual abilities, a tendency to sympathy, leadership, etc. Only by knowing the essence of the child, his state of mind, feeling his readiness to make contact, having studied his capabilities and outlining his individual trajectory of education and upbringing, the teacher has the right to fulfill his mission - to equip the child with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for him in self-realization in the world that surrounds him.

"The mission of the teacher" - sounds beautiful, proud. What is it? A mission is a responsible task, a role, an assignment. After all, a teacher is a bit of an actor, he is assigned the role of a mentor, educator, conductor of knowledge. The teacher is the model that children imitate. The most important thing is to understand the student, to accept him as he is, it is important to create psychological comfort for students. A student will not love learning if he sees that the teacher is indifferent to his profession. The teacher should be a source of love, radiate only light and warmth, since no amount of knowledge without kindness and decency will be useful. Only a true professional can kindle a spark of knowledge in a child's heart.

Participation in numerous school activities, informal communication with their pupils, leadership of circles or sections - this is, as a rule, a public voluntary activity, i.e., the fulfillment of a socio-pedagogical function. All functions of the teacher are closely interconnected. They keep getting harder. Methodical, self-educational, research are added to the named main ones. In the work of a teacher, the following interrelated activities are distinguished:

Agnostic activity is connected with the study of students and the establishment of the level of their development, education. To do this, the teacher must be able to observe, master the methods of diagnosis.

predictive activity is expressed in the constant setting of real goals and objectives of the pedagogical process at a certain stage, taking into account real possibilities, in other words, in predicting the final result.

constructive activity consists in the ability to design educational and educational work, to select content that corresponds to the cognitive abilities of students, to make it accessible and interesting. It is connected with such quality of the teacher as his creative imagination.

Organizational the activity of the teacher lies in his ability to influence students, lead them along, mobilize them for one or another type of activity, inspire them. In information activities, the main social purpose of the teacher is realized: the transfer of the generalized experience of older generations to young people. It is in the process of this activity that schoolchildren acquire knowledge, worldview and moral and aesthetic ideas. In this case, the teacher acts not only as a source of information, but also as a person who forms the beliefs of young people. The success of pedagogical activity is largely determined by the ability of a professional to establish and maintain contact with children, build interaction with them at the level of cooperation, understand them, and, if necessary, forgive them.

The success of pedagogical activity is largely determined by the ability of a professional to establish and maintain contact with children, build interaction with them at the level of cooperation, understand them, and, if necessary, forgive them. In fact, all the activities of a teacher are of a communicative nature, and for psychologists this is a priority.

Aappraisal activity is to get feedback, i.e. confirmation of the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and the achievement of the goal. This information makes it possible to make adjustments to the pedagogical process.

Research activity is determined by the creative nature of pedagogical work, by the fact that pedagogy is both a science and an art. Based on the principles, rules, recommendations of pedagogical science, the teacher uses them creatively every time. For successful implementation for this type of activity, he must master the methods of pedagogical research.

The teacher's mission is to educate a person who is able to live and act successfully in a rapidly changing world, realizing his creative potential and respecting other people. The teacher's mission is "to sow the reasonable, the eternal, the good."

The meaning and purpose of the social mission of professional activity for a person is largely determined by its social significance, i.e. by how much it is in demand in society and what it gives for it. Pedagogical activity performs the most important creative function: in the process of it, not only a specific personality is formed and developed, but also the future of the country is determined, its cultural and production potential is ensured.

Consequently, the school can and should decide not only pedagogical, but also social problems of people. That is why it is so important for a teacher to realize not only narrowly professional, but also large-scale social tasks, their personal acceptance, concretization and building on this basis the goals and objectives of their pedagogical activity. The civil position of a teacher is a prerequisite for the development of pedagogical creativity, the growth of pedagogical activity, courage in making pedagogical decisions.

Of course, the activity of a teacher is socially determined, its success is determined not only by the teacher himself, but also by the level of socio-economic development of society. The school can and must solve not only pedagogical, but also social problems, otherwise we cannot expect changes in social development, since all of them are primarily the result of a change in people's consciousness. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to realize not only his narrowly professional, but also large-scale social tasks, their personal acceptance, concretization and building on this basis the goals and objectives of pedagogical activity.

civil the position of the teacher lies in the prerequisite for the development of pedagogical creativity, the growth of pedagogical responsibility, activity, courage in making pedagogical decisions.

Thus, one of the tasks facing theoretical pedagogical ethics is the development of an adequate modern conditions ideas about the professional and moral mission of pedagogy in general and its individual segments in the context of an emerging civil society. It is the idea of ​​the teacher's mission that determines the range of professional and ethical values, and the content of the teacher's professional duty, and the nature of his responsibility.

2.2 The function of the professional activity of the teacher

The realization by a teacher of his high social mission is not feasible without a clear idea of ​​the professional functions that he must perform. Regardless of the specifics of the work of any of the representatives of the teaching profession, the main essence of the function of their activities is the education, upbringing and training of the younger generation.

Education is the process and result of the integral formation of the individual: physical, intellectual, spiritual, which is carried out by introducing it to culture. The origin of this concept goes back to the word “image”. The initial meaning of education consists in the formation by a person in his own mind not only of the image of the world, but also of his own image of the Self, growth towards the better, higher in himself.

Education is a multi-valued concept. In the broadest sense, it is used to refer to a purposeful pedagogical process that creates conditions for the development and holistic formation of the individual.

Education is considered one of the leading means of education of the individual. Its specificity is joint activities teaching and learning. This activity is aimed at educating a person through organizing the assimilation of a system of knowledge, methods of activity, creative activity and an emotional and value attitude to the world. The fulfillment by a teacher of his high mission is impossible without a clear idea of ​​the professional functions that he is called upon to perform. Regardless of the specifics of the work of each of the representatives of the teaching profession, the main content and functions of their activities are the education, upbringing and training of the younger generation.

Pedagogical activity includes a wide range of functions, the implementation of which requires special inclinations and abilities, special personality traits and techniques for interacting with people, skill and creativity.

Socialization is the process and result of the involvement of the individual in the system social relations, social practice in general; it is the assimilation and reproduction of social experience by a person. Socialization consists of two interrelated components: social adaptation - adaptation of the individual to social conditions and individualization (isolation) - her awareness of the uniqueness of her individuality, inner freedom and independence, the ability to remain herself and realize her creative potential. All this carries out not only the adaptation of the individual to social conditions, but also the readiness for their transformation.

The teacher's functions reflect his social purpose, qualification-professional duties and roles performed.

The teacher must help young man self-determination in the existing world: in the system of social norms and values, in relations with other people, finding the meaning of one’s life and learning activities, which is leading for him, making a professional choice and self-determination. The implementation of this function is associated with the focus of the teacher on solving such problems:

Development of semantic, life attitudes of students, their awareness of their calling, opportunities;

Assistance in designing their life and professional path;

Detection of cognitive and professional opportunities, interests and intentions of schoolchildren;

Collateral required level their training in the areas of knowledge that are at the heart of the chosen profession;

Formation of readiness for self-determination in the system of interpersonal and business relations, the study of communication skills;

Development of organizational skills, formation of readiness to make socially and professionally valuable decisions in difficult situations of life and professional activity. That is, the success of socialization and professionalization is determined by the teacher's orientation towards the development of the student's individuality, his creative potential.

Scheme 1 - Functions of a teacher

Participation in numerous school events, informal communication with their pupils, leadership of circles or sections is, as a rule, a public voluntary activity, that is, the performance of a social and pedagogical function. All functions of the teacher are closely interconnected. They keep getting harder. Methodical, self-educational, research are added to the named main ones. In the work of a teacher, the following interrelated activities are distinguished.

Diagnostic activity associated with the study of students and the establishment of their level of development, education. To do this, the teacher must be able to observe, master the methods of diagnosis.

predictive activity It is expressed in the constant setting of real goals and objectives of the pedagogical process at a certain stage, taking into account real possibilities, in other words, in predicting the final result.

constructive activity consists in the ability to design educational and educational work, to select content that corresponds to the cognitive abilities of students, to make it accessible and interesting. It is connected with such quality of the teacher as his creative imagination.

Organizational activity The teacher lies in his ability to influence students, lead them along, mobilize them for one or another type of activity, inspire them. In information activities, the main social purpose of the teacher is realized: the transfer of the generalized experience of older generations to young people. It is in the process of this activity that schoolchildren acquire knowledge, worldview and moral and aesthetic ideas. In this case, the teacher acts not only as a source of information, but also as a person who forms the beliefs of young people. The success of pedagogical activity is largely determined by the ability of a professional to establish and maintain contact with children, build interaction with them at the level of cooperation, understand them, and, if necessary, forgive them.

Analytical and evaluation activities consists in receiving feedback, i.e., confirming the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and achieving the goal. This information makes it possible to make adjustments to the pedagogical process.

Research activities is determined by the creative nature of pedagogical work, by the fact that pedagogy is both a science and an art. Based on the principles, rules, recommendations of pedagogical science, the teacher uses them creatively every time. For the successful implementation of this type of activity, he must master the methods of pedagogical research.

Thus, the success of pedagogical activity is largely determined by the ability of a professional to establish and maintain contact with children, build interaction with them at the level of cooperation, understand them, and, if necessary, forgive them.


The social purpose of the teacher, his functions largely determine the characteristics of his work. First of all, it is the social significance of labor, which is set by the perspective direction of activity. From this follows the next feature - a huge responsibility. If the turner allows marriage, then society will lose only the smallest piece of material values, and the teacher's mistakes are the fate of people.

The famous Soviet psychologist E.V. Rogov wrote: there is nothing more lifeless and scholastic than the idea that there is only one way to successfully carry out any activity. These methods are infinitely varied, as human abilities are varied.

In pedagogical activity, success is achieved through the development and use by the teacher of the strongest aspects of the personality, his most striking abilities. The fullest possibilities of the teacher are realized through the individual style of activity.

A feature of pedagogical activity is that it is carried out in the course of interaction between the teacher and the student. The nature of this interaction is determined primarily by the teacher. The optimal type of such interaction is cooperation, which implies the position of equal, mutually respecting partners.

The teacher is a profession of eternal youth. Despite his age, he lives by the interests of the younger generation, communication with which gives him the opportunity to remain spiritually young all his life.

Summing up the course work, we note that the features of pedagogical work include: great social significance, promising orientation, high social responsibility, creativity, a high level of employment associated with the constant need to work on oneself, which determines the role of the teacher's personality in the results of pedagogical work, constant communication with youth.

The teacher must be not only a professional in his work, that is, he must have an impeccable knowledge of his subject, be demanding of himself and his students, have self-esteem, and be persistent in achieving the goal. He must also have such moral and emotional character traits as caring, sincerity, goodwill, attentiveness, responsiveness, have the ability to empathize with the feelings of students and their parents, be optimistic, generous with praise.

Our children are the future of the state. Only happy, self-respecting teachers can bring up the same students. It is necessary to raise the prestige of the teaching profession, this is an investment in the future. Perhaps someday, one of our students will say like Alexander the Great: "The father gave me life, and the teacher gave me immortality." This is what makes it worth being a teacher. Modern teacher!

A teacher is not a profession, it is a special mission, a special mind and soul. A teacher is responsibility, dedication, patience, multiplied by knowledge, skill and creativity. For those who have chosen the profession of teaching for themselves, it is incredibly difficult along the way, because it is very difficult to strive to make others happy and be able to forget about your interests at least for a while. This is the main mission of the teacher of the XXI century. Moreover, Seneca said: "By teaching others, we learn ourselves."

Thus, the teacher of the XXI century is a professional who has a modern arsenal educational technologies; this is a Personality who serves as a model for his pupils; it is the main guardian of the spiritual potential of the nation and humanity as a whole.


1. Demidova I. D. Pedagogical psychology: Textbook. - Rostov n / D .: publishing house "Phoenix", 2003. - 224 p.

2. Dzhurinsky A.N. History of Education and Pedagogical Thought: Proc. allowance for students of pedagogical universities / A.N. Dzhurinsky. - M.: Humanit. publishing center VLADOS, 2004.

3. History of pedagogy and education. From the origin of education in primitive society to the end of the twentieth century: / Ed. acad. RAO A.I. Piskunova. - M.: TC "Sphere", 2001.

4. Kan-Kalik., Nikandrov N. D. Pedagogical creativity. - M .: publishing house "Pedagogy", 1990. - 144 p.

5. Kodzhaspirova G. M., Borikova L. B., Bostandzhieva N. I. etc. Pedagogical practice: Educational Toolkit. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1998. - 144 p.

6. Kraevsky V.V. Methodology of Pedagogy: new stage: Proc. allowance for students of higher education. textbook institutions / V.V. Kraevsky, E.V. Berezhnova. - M.: Academy, 2006.


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A teacher in the modern world is also a comprehensively developed personality, capable of answering all the questions of a student, igniting in him a craving for learning new things, and instilling love for his subject. After all, no modern technology can replace the living word of the Teacher, who sows "reasonable, good, eternal."

The highest mission of a teacher is to influence the minds and hearts of his pupils. He must teach the little man to see the world of beauty, to teach compassion and mercy, kindness and love. This is the uniqueness of the teaching profession.

A real teacher should work for the future, ahead of his time. He should be concerned not only with a separate individuality, but with the world of people. Thanks to this, the teaching profession becomes a creative mission. The mission of the teacher is not only his own interests, motives, plans. He is an intermediary between children and the system of ideas, traditions, culture of his people and humanity. His duty is to educate worthy people capable of multiplying the achievements of human civilization.

The mission is the purpose of the profession, it is what answers the question "for the sake of what" this activity is performed. Understanding the mission as the purpose of the profession, the ultimate goals of the specialist's activity strengthens motivation (and sometimes creates it), is a support in difficult situations of moral choice. Defining a mission is at the same time a process of self-identification of professionals (“who are you?”, “what is the meaning of your activity?”).

There are two possible answers to this question.

The first option: pedagogical work is a "service sector" ("educational industry"). If you agree with this statement, then the answer to the question “for what” will be the following - “for the sake of making a profit”, which automatically turns the educational institution into a kind of “business corporation”, and professional ethics is expressed by the formula - “client (student, his parents) always right” (as in the service industry).

Naturally, the professional community of teachers itself is not prone to this kind of aberration; deviations from the norm.

The second option: traditionally, pedagogical activity was given the status of a “high profession” (for the majority of current specialists, this is so). What does this metaphor mean?

Firstly, the characteristic “high profession” focuses not on the pragmatic (profit!), but on the ideological orientation of educational activity, its calling to develop a person, and not to provide educational and information services. It is no coincidence that some researchers (A.M. Novikov) believe that the word “education” comes from the root “image” and can be interpreted as creating in a person (child) an image of the world around and his “I” in this world.

Secondly, the mission is concretized through those social requests (goals, tasks) that teachers face and determine the "nobility" of their profession. They aim to develop:

  • a) a person focused on the welfare of others and their own perfection;
  • b) a citizen who is socially responsible and oriented towards the welfare of society;
  • c) a specialist focused on professional honor and dignity.

The highest mission of a teacher is to influence the minds and hearts of his pupils. He must teach a small child to see the world of beauty, to teach compassion and mercy, kindness and love. This is the uniqueness of the teaching profession.

A modern school needs talented and open-minded teachers who see their calling in helping each student to maximize their abilities and realize them. No new technologies can replace a good teacher who loves and understands children and puts his soul into his work.

Today, more than ever, we need competent, enthusiastic, talented teachers who keep up with the times, teach children to think independently, make decisions and take responsibility for their choice.

The teacher must be a person of culture and universal values, a conductor of the ideas of the state and democratic changes, a person of great soul and kind heart. Love for a child is the flesh and blood of an educator as a force capable of influencing the spiritual world of another person. A teacher without love for a child is like a singer without a voice, a musician without hearing, a painter without a sense of color.

A real teacher should work for the future, ahead of his time. He should be concerned not only with a separate individuality, but with the world of people. Thanks to this, the teaching profession becomes a creative mission. The mission of the teacher is not only his own interests, motives, plans. He is an intermediary between children and the system of ideas, traditions, culture of his people and humanity. His duty is to educate worthy people capable of multiplying the achievements of human civilization.

The modern teacher is interested in the formation of the child's soul. Each student is given certain circumstances of life: parents, material security, intellectual abilities, a tendency to sympathy, leadership, etc. Only by knowing the essence of the child, his state of mind, feeling his readiness to make contact, having studied his capabilities and outlining his individual trajectory of education and upbringing, the teacher has the right to fulfill his mission - to equip the child with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for him in self-realization in the world that surrounds him.

"The mission of the teacher" - sounds beautiful, proud. What is it? A mission is a responsible task, a role, an assignment. After all, a teacher is a bit of an actor, he is assigned the role of a mentor, educator, conductor of knowledge. The teacher is the model that children imitate. The most important thing is to understand the student, to accept him as he is, it is important to create psychological comfort for students. A student will not love learning if he sees that the teacher is indifferent to his profession. The teacher should be a source of love, radiate only light and warmth, since no amount of knowledge without kindness and decency will be useful. Only a true professional can kindle a spark of knowledge in a child's heart.

Participation in numerous school events, informal communication with their pupils, leadership of circles or sections is, as a rule, a public voluntary activity, that is, the performance of a social and pedagogical function. All functions of the teacher are closely interconnected. They keep getting harder. Methodical, self-educational, research are added to the named main ones. In the work of a teacher, the following interrelated activities are distinguished:

Agnostic activity is connected with the study of students and the establishment of the level of their development, education. To do this, the teacher must be able to observe, master the methods of diagnosis.

predictive activity is expressed in the constant setting of real goals and objectives of the pedagogical process at a certain stage, taking into account real possibilities, in other words, in predicting the final result.

constructive activity consists in the ability to design educational and educational work, to select content that corresponds to the cognitive abilities of students, to make it accessible and interesting. It is connected with such quality of the teacher as his creative imagination.

Organizational the activity of the teacher lies in his ability to influence students, lead them along, mobilize them for one or another type of activity, inspire them. In information activities, the main social purpose of the teacher is realized: the transfer of the generalized experience of older generations to young people. It is in the process of this activity that schoolchildren acquire knowledge, worldview and moral and aesthetic ideas. In this case, the teacher acts not only as a source of information, but also as a person who forms the beliefs of young people. The success of pedagogical activity is largely determined by the ability of a professional to establish and maintain contact with children, build interaction with them at the level of cooperation, understand them, and, if necessary, forgive them.

The success of pedagogical activity is largely determined by the ability of a professional to establish and maintain contact with children, build interaction with them at the level of cooperation, understand them, and, if necessary, forgive them. In fact, all the activities of a teacher are of a communicative nature, and for psychologists this is a priority.

Analytical and evaluation activity consists in receiving feedback, i.e., confirming the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and achieving the goal. This information makes it possible to make adjustments to the pedagogical process.

Research activity is determined by the creative nature of pedagogical work, by the fact that pedagogy is both a science and an art. Based on the principles, rules, recommendations of pedagogical science, the teacher uses them creatively every time. For the successful implementation of this type of activity, he must master the methods of pedagogical research.

The teacher's mission is to educate a person who is able to live and act successfully in a rapidly changing world, realizing his creative potential and respecting other people. The teacher's mission is "to sow the reasonable, the eternal, the good."

The meaning and purpose of the social mission of professional activity for a person is largely determined by its social significance, i.e. by how much it is in demand in society and what it gives for it. Pedagogical activity performs the most important creative function: in the process of it, not only a specific personality is formed and developed, but also the future of the country is determined, its cultural and production potential is ensured.

Consequently, the school can and should solve not only pedagogical, but also social problems of people. That is why it is so important for a teacher to realize not only narrowly professional, but also large-scale social tasks, their personal acceptance, concretization and building on this basis the goals and objectives of their pedagogical activity. The civil position of a teacher is a prerequisite for the development of pedagogical creativity, the growth of pedagogical activity, courage in making pedagogical decisions.

Of course, the activity of a teacher is socially determined, its success is determined not only by the teacher himself, but also by the level of socio-economic development of society. The school can and must solve not only pedagogical, but also social problems, otherwise we cannot expect changes in social development, since all of them are primarily the result of a change in people's consciousness. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to realize not only his narrowly professional, but also large-scale social tasks, their personal acceptance, concretization and building on this basis the goals and objectives of pedagogical activity.

civil the position of the teacher lies in the prerequisite for the development of pedagogical creativity, the growth of pedagogical responsibility, activity, courage in making pedagogical decisions.

Thus, one of the tasks facing theoretical pedagogical ethics is the development of an idea that is adequate to modern conditions about the professional and moral mission of pedagogy in general and its individual segments in the context of an emerging civil society. It is the idea of ​​the teacher's mission that determines the range of professional and ethical values, and the content of the teacher's professional duty, and the nature of his responsibility.

The question of developing a Company Mission is increasingly common among Russian enterprises. Owners and managers are beginning to realize that "hard" management tools - KPI and budgeting, time tracking and reporting control, position profiling and assessment of their presence on a lie detector and through numerous tests, etc., etc. - do not allow fully create a company of like-minded people with a strong corporate culture. People, if they do not share your values, will always find loopholes to get around all the fences and gadgets of your smart control system.

Only engaged and committed employees are ready to work to the maximum of their capabilities without external additional incentives and restrictions.

The Mission and Values ​​of the company is just the tool that allows you to identify "ours" at the start, and stick to the right course in work without expensive systems of sticks and gingerbread.

Below is a list of 50 missions famous companies, on the basis of which you can formulate your own.


so let's go!

Google: "Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."

Facebook: "Give people the opportunity to connect and make the world more open and connected."

Kodak: "We help the world create memories and make money."

Yandex: "To help people solve problems and achieve their goals in life."

Disneyland: "We work to ensure that adults and children spend more time together."

Castorama: "We help buyers make their homes better and more comfortable, transform the laborious and costly process of repair and furnishing into an interesting, accessible hobby for everyone."

The Ritz-Carlton: "Relentless care and comfort for every guest."

Mary Kay: “To brighten the lives of women everywhere by offering quality products to customers, opening new horizons for independent beauty consultants and providing them with unlimited possibilities. career development doing everything so that women who encounter Mary Kay can fulfill themselves.”

IKEA: "Change for the better" everyday life ordinary people".

XEROX: "Sharing Knowledge Through Documents".

The Bank of New York: "We strive to be recognized as the global leader and partner of choice in helping our clients succeed in a world of rapidly evolving financial markets."

Harley-Davidson: "We make people's dreams come true with our experience building the very best motorcycles."

Apple: "Apple makes Mac computers the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and Professional software. Apple continues the digital music revolution with its iPod and iTunes. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store and is shaping the future of mobile media and computing with the iPad."

Zappos: "Provide the best customer service possible."

Amazon: "To be 'the most customer-conscious company on Earth'."

Samsung: "We use the human and technological resources of the company to create products and services of superior quality, thereby contributing to the improvement of the global state of society."

Twitter: "Give everyone the opportunity to exchange ideas and information instantly, without barriers."

Sberbank: "We give people confidence and reliability, we make their lives better by helping them realize their aspirations and dreams."

Enter: “We give time for the present. Honestly. With love. As for myself."

Citibank: “Citi works tirelessly for the benefit of citizens, communities, organizations and nations. With over 200 years of global experience in tackling the toughest challenges and realizing opportunities, we strive to deliver the best value for our clients through simple, creative and responsible financial solutions. We connect over 1,000 cities, 160 countries and millions of people. We are your global bank. We are Citi.

Best Friends Animal Society: " better world through kindness to animals.

JTI Tobacco Company: "Our mission is to build a strong international tobacco company that delivers maximum value to its shareholders, employees, consumers and society as a whole and strives to be a leader in its industry."

New York Public Library: "Inspire Lifelong Learning, Spreading Knowledge, and Strengthening Our Society."

Walmart: "We save people money so they can live better."

McDonald's: "To be our customers' favorite place to eat or drink. And the formula for achieving this goal is one long-standing McDonald's formula: KKCh and D, which means Quality, Service Culture, Cleanliness and Accessibility.

BMW: "The BMW Group is the world's leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility."

Valio: "To feel good."

Lukoil: "We are created to provide energy natural resources turn for the benefit of man.

Polaroid: "Improving the market for instant photography and digital equipment to meet the growing need for people to capture the faces of friends and family, places dear to their hearts and funny moments of life."

Daria: "Free up consumers' time for a fulfilling life by producing high-quality, easy-to-prepare products."

Levi-Strauss: “We will bring to market the most beautiful and popular casual wear in the world. We will dress the whole world."

Toyota: “Let our customers feel the pleasure of high-quality Toyota vehicles. We are responsible for every vehicle we sell. We create an environment in which Toyota professionals use their years of experience and knowledge of advanced Toyota technologies to meet the needs of our discerning customers. The Company's mission is to maximize customer satisfaction by providing reliable and safe TOYOTA products and providing a network of high-quality service and qualified service.”

Gazprom: OAO Gazprom Gazenergoset, as a specialized operator of OAO Gazprom, sees its mission in ensuring efficient uninterrupted supplies of products from gas and oil refineries of the Gazprom Group to consumers, while maintaining a high level of safety and consistently developing the types of activities, associated with the sale and use of this product.

Sportmaster: “We make sports accessible! Develop a successful efficient business, offering customers the best range of quality goods for sports and active rest at the optimum level of service. Contribute to the improvement of the population in the countries of our presence, promoting the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, sports and active recreation, improving the quality of life of our customers.”

ChTPZ-KTS: "Comprehensive satisfaction of the needs of builders and operators of main and technological pipelines in fittings, pipeline fittings, process equipment and other components."

Adidas: “Our mission is to be the world's leading sports brand. We achieve leadership through our vision - our passion for sport makes the world a better place. All our work is inspired by the passion for sport that drives us to improve ourselves and the world around us.”

Sony Corporation: "We are a group of young people who are endowed with enough energy for an endless creative pursuit."

Unilever: “Our mission is to energize life. We meet people's daily needs for food and hygiene. Our brands help you feel great, look great and enjoy life more.”

Coca-Cola is based on 3 principles, which are formed as follows: Refresh the world, body, mind and spirit; Awaken optimism through our drinks and our deeds; Bring meaning to everything we do. Our vision of tasks is based on five words that reflect our values! Each of them is based on a word that - coincidentally - begins with the letter "P". This is what the five Ps sound like: Personnel, Planet, Products, Partners, Profits!

MegaFon: MegaFon will unite Russia by breaking down barriers and developing communications to become the obvious choice for everyone. MegaFon proceeds from a special attitude to the company's social mission, which is to create conditions for people to communicate, without regard to borders and distances.

Microsoft: “Microsoft's mission is to help people and businesses around the world reach their full potential. Achieving this goal requires talented, energetic, bright and creative people who possess the following virtues: conscientiousness and honesty, enthusiasm, openness and respect, willingness to solve complex problems, self-criticism and responsibility.

The mission of Youtube video hosting is "To provide quick and easy video access and the ability to share videos frequently."

Lenovo (Lenovo): “For those who do! For those who do! (as an option, "For those who act!"). Our vision is that Lenovo will create personal devices that inspire more people, inspired by our own culture, and through which we build a business that is respected around the world. This Vision guides us on our mission to become one of the world's greatest technology companies. We will accomplish this via: Personal computers, Convergence and Culture".

MTS: "We are working to make MTS the best operator for their clients. We want every person who comes to the MTS salon, calls our call center, uses the company's services, to like being an MTS client. Thanks to reliable communication, MTS provides customers with the opportunity to build and improve their lives, to constantly develop. All MTS resources are aimed at making the life of MTS customers richer, more interesting and filled with new opportunities thanks to the company's services.”

RZD (Russian railways) consists in meeting the market demand for transportation, increasing the efficiency of operations, improving the quality of services and deep integration into the Euro-Asian transport system. RZD brand mission: We are the most important part of the global system for the movement of people, goods and technologies. We work for clients, we contribute to the unification of peoples, we integrate Russia into a single economic space. Our solutions are based on a unique infrastructure, the skill of a team of professionals high level and innovative technologies.

Aeroflot: “We are working to ensure that our customers can quickly and comfortably cover long distances, which means they can be mobile, meet more often, work successfully and see the world in all its diversity. Vision: Our goal is to remain the undisputed leader in domestic and international air transportation in Russia and be among the best airlines in the world, combining dynamic development and high reliability with quality service.”

Nike: “Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world” (“If you have a body, then you are an athlete,” said the legendary track and field coach of the University of Oregon, and one of the founders of Nike, Bill Bowerman) ".

Yota: "To be the leading developer and provider of innovative mobile services that will change the way people think and experience in the field of communication, entertainment and information consumption in one iota."

Svyaznoy: “We work with people and for people. We create an exciting world of mobile communications and new offers that are understandable and accessible to everyone. We provide simplicity, convenience and attractive choice.”

Canon is committed to helping people realize the full potential of the image (Power of Image). The European brand slogan You Can ("You can") was launched in 2002 and aims to inspire customers to realize the potential of the image.

Mission Development Algorithm

The development of the Mission takes place according to the following algorithm:

Formulating the meaning of the existence of the organization (for what?);

Formulating "messages" for each group of stakeholders (customers, staff, owners, partners);

Comprehension of the above and combining in one or three capacious sentences, taking into account the meanings of all phrases as much as possible.

Staff involvement

It is important not only to formulate the Mission and Values ​​beautifully, but to do it in a management team, and then discuss it together with all employees (some companies immediately involve the entire staff in the development of the Mission).

To do this, you can use the following order:

Send out 50 Missions of Famous Companies to your team for a preview.

Gather together for 3-4 hours and answer the questions: “what is the meaning of the company’s existence?”, “to meet what needs of society ( target groups) was it created?”, “What do we want to convey to our customers, partners, employees, owners?”, “How do we differ from similar companies, competitors?”

Write the results of the brainstorming on separate A1 sheets and hang them in the meeting room. Have the team members look at the materials and think (each one separately) in which phrase you can combine all the accumulated meanings.

Then meet for another 3-4 hours and have everyone present their version.

Discuss (without criticism and ratings) options and vote for the most suitable for your company (2-3 options).

Finalize your selections and present them to the team.

Ask employees to give feedback on your achievements - “how accurately does this or that option reflect the essence of your company?”, “which option more accurately reflects the messages to customers, staff, partners and owners?”, “what important meanings were not reflected in the presented options?" etc.

Based on the feedback from employees, select the final version, design it and hang it in a prominent place in the company (stand, reception, etc.), place it on the company portal, website.

Ask HR to adjust the selection, motivation, training and development tools in accordance with the developed Mission and Values.

Make decisions based on this Mission and Values ​​and demand the same from your colleagues. Otherwise, everything is in vain.

Is it possible to combine them and at what cost?

This academic year, there were discussions about the professional standard of the teacher, and there was so much talk about the complexity of measuring pedagogical work that the preparation of the document was extended until November (the original deadline was March), and the idea that no changes in the school are possible over the heads of teachers seems to made available to officials. Another thing is that it is very difficult to work with teachers. It is easier to force, force, intimidate. But, as the reforms of the past 10 years have shown, things are not moving forward from this, and the intended effects often turn into their opposite.
Many attempts to reduce the influence of the teacher's personality on the educational process have also failed: no technologies from IT, the Unified State Examination to new pay and certification, nor the moral depreciation of labor with the help of swearing like the "outdated" role and importance of the teacher have been canceled.
Nevertheless, not everyone at the top is ready to change the view of the school and the teacher from arrogant to partner-oriented. We still hear in the mouths of managers and experts about “an insatiable school that just wants to snatch its piece of the pie” and about Marvann who has gone out of her mind, who only know how to submit reports, “they don’t need to give anything at all, even if first ...”.
This defamation “the school is a parasite, the teachers are parasites” is not only insulting, but also unconstructive.
You need to know what a real school does, what a teacher lives today. Reliable research is needed. Another thing is that they are not ordered - few people are interested in reality, in contrast to schematic constructions. But even the data that has already been obtained rarely falls into the field of vision of decision makers.
Today we are publishing two materials - theoretical and practical - dedicated to the importance of the teaching community. Randomly, the results of the scientist's research and the plot of a real teacher's life were combined on the pages of the newspaper. But the general conclusion is logical: teacher professionalism exists and is preserved as a value only within the community.

Values, traditions, norms

One of the professions for which it is impossible to calculate the amount of work, the number of hours actually worked: the teacher does not stop working for a minute. He is involved in the process, even if he is formally free. In such conditions, the feeling of unity with the professional community, the awareness of a common mission, values, and traditions is extremely important. Where there is a professional group, there are norms, prescriptions, prohibitions. If you are not held together by values, it is not clear why you should be in “this bondage”.
But political reforms have invaded the field of education, challenging the established rules. The importance of external results and direct control has increased, the circle of interested persons has expanded, the time for performing individual operations has decreased, and the imposition of the principles of new management on the school, on the teacher's world, has begun. The already relative autonomy of the activities of teachers with naturally established norms and principles has been violated.
The result is a crisis of professional identity. Anna Istomina, a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, made an attempt to study this phenomenon, she conducted focus group work with teachers in Moscow and Voronezh. And although the conversation was about the criteria for assessing the professional qualifications of teachers, he gave a much broader picture.

Paradoxes of self-descriptions

During the conversations, two obvious contradictions were recorded. First: in the minds of teachers, the denial and affirmation of the need for knowledge in pedagogy and psychology, the need to acquire this knowledge, coexist simultaneously. Admissions that teachers do not need knowledge of psychology and theory of pedagogy are combined with statements that a qualified teacher should have such knowledge and strive to acquire it. But when it comes to mandatory advanced training courses - “we don’t need it”: “To talk about some, forgive me, psychological directions or pedagogical directions in education and recall some scientists who are not even heard, they are basically not needed.
Second, denial and recognition of the desirability of external control over the quality of a teacher's work closely coexist. Certification, for example: on the one hand, teachers expressed their unwillingness to undergo professional certification: “Why do we have to prove something to someone who has nothing to do with school at all? Well, you can't do that". On the other hand, they noted the need for external verification: “There must be some kind of perspective. I mean the categories of other professions, they should look at us from the outside, we should not only evaluate.
A few minutes later, when discussing the plot about the possibility of introducing an institution of voluntary certification, teachers themselves recognized knowledge of the methods of psychology and pedagogy as a necessary element of their professional activities and even named it as one of the main criteria for assessing their qualifications: “But here we define our criteria for ourselves : knowledge of psychology, age characteristics, pedagogy, that is, different techniques and methods of teaching, that is different levels lessons, different types of lessons and knowledge of the material.
Judgments about the "knowledge" paradigm of teaching are indicative. Here they are talking about their professional functions: “The ability to teach a child ... Now we can only teach him where to find it, we do not have to give him basic knowledge. No, we just have to ... That is, we don’t have to, but we give them. And they must themselves, we must direct, and they must acquire this knowledge themselves.”
But they definitely see such a task as writing articles and filling out various reporting forms: “Now the category of a teacher is equated to a candidate of science, that is, we must have five printed works ... A teacher is first of all a teacher at school, he teaches children, and does not do anything but study.”
The performance of additional forms of activity that are not characteristic, from the point of view of teachers, of their social role, forces them to play other people's roles: “We play the role of a methodologist and play the role of a teacher ... I entered the institute to teach children, not to write books.” The need to play other people's roles leads to a feeling of leveling one's own: "The direct appointment of a teacher ... is lost."
The researcher suggests that the contradictions in the self-descriptions of teachers reflect the desire for liberation from excessive external intrusions and the desire to strengthen self-control - here is an internal crisis, a revision of the boundaries of one's own freedom.

The question of the limits of freedom

The researcher puts it. One freedom is “I am not disturbed by others”, and the wider the area of ​​non-intervention, the greater my freedom. In philosophy it is defined as "freedom from". And the other is "freedom for", the result of the desire to be the master of one's own life. Freedom associated with the feeling of being a subject, a thinking, strong-willed, active being who is responsible for his choice and is able to justify it with reference to his own convictions.
Ideally, the balance of these two freedoms. In the teaching environment, it is necessary to maintain the sovereignty of the social group, to protect its right to act as usual. Violation of boundaries promises a loss of certainty in relation to one's group. The border provides “freedom from” interference from other institutions and makes it possible to realize “freedom for” – to perform social actions according to new rules, among other things.
It is curious that teachers used the “freedom from” manifestos in a situation where the moderator asked questions related to external control, professional certification, and the procedure for assessing professional qualifications. This is a reaction to the destruction of boundaries and the intrusion into the space of freedom of social action of the group. A large number of statements related to the metaphor of violence are recorded here. Teachers presented themselves as victims of bureaucratic mechanisms: “These are all officials who have nothing to do with the school ... It is not clear where and who makes up questions for this certification, it’s just a millstone.”
But the ideas of “freedom for” manifested themselves in a situation where teachers spoke about themselves, were immersed in the space of freedom of the group. In this case, and recognition of the need to learn new things, and the need to keep up with the times, and professionally meet the needs of our time. The idea of ​​voluntary self-assessment as an alternative to institutional mechanisms for testing the qualifications of teachers has become a vivid manifestation of “freedom for”. She became the embodiment of teachers' dream of "freedom for": "How should the voluntary examination be conducted? You come in, sit down at the computer and answer some tests ... Nobody interferes, nobody touches, there is absolutely no commission. It’s not going anywhere, you see for yourself how we give testing to children.”
They also need a formative assessment, and it is clear that the teachers are confident in their own professionalism - which means that the group has not yet broken up, values ​​have not been lost. However, the presence of “freedom from” is a condition of “freedom for”, and in the self-descriptions of teachers, it is precisely the lack of trust that is fixed: “They interfere ... climb ... do not allow to concentrate.”

“We need control, but not like this”

External regulation is interpreted by teachers as excessive, violent, violating the boundaries of the professional group and destabilizing the comfort space of activity.
People are ready for change, but from the inside; they need control, but not that kind. But this sense of self only entails an increase in external sanctions. Nevertheless, the researcher sees that today the ubiquitous effective management has run into a natural barrier, much stronger and more stable than itself. It is an internal, voluntarily adopted tradition. Great power. The way teachers used to see themselves, the mission with which they went to school, is stronger than any external influences.
What's next? Either give up positions, open the borders for external interventions, or further strengthen the borders, actually wage a guerrilla war, spitting on everything and continuing to work not out of fear, but for conscience, based on established principles. In the first case, we are waiting for the formal fulfillment of roles, the lack of ties with our professional group, that is, in fact, the collapse of the profession. In the second - the crisis of the institution of public education.
The only question is, is there a large margin of positive freedom? How many teachers really strive for intense personal involvement in the work, for participation in the management of the school, how many of us are ready to fight for this - at least through another conversation with the director?

Way to the word - I go to work only in a taxi - I hear from Oksana Nikolaevna. She is young, pretty and apparently loves cars. It was said in such a way that I feel a little ashamed: I use public transport. Really, ashamed? - I listen to myself. All the same, no. Why? Because the bus is interesting. On the way, I look out the window, watch the passengers, and, most importantly, think. It's my time. So go ahead! “School No. 17 stop,” a beautiful mechanical voice announces. - ... But mine still goes and goes to school, - the husband says to his friends in some special tone, in which one can hear both patronage (they say, it’s still small), and mockery (what can you do with it), and pride (I don’t have it anyone but a teacher!). And I'm good at school. I love school. For surprises. Recently, for example. There is a lesson of extracurricular reading "My favorite book". Everything is fine, everything is according to plan ... Suddenly something incomprehensible happens to me: I stop understanding what Kostya is saying! I don't understand a single word! I feel like a foreigner. And Kostya is still broadcasting: "". I can't even understand the verbs. I look at the children, maybe I'm not the only one? Hopelessly. Children listen attentively and prompt. And at this time I frantically think about how to evaluate Kostya's answer? In order not to fall face down in the dirt, I confidently ask: - Were you interested? What mark does Kostya deserve? The guys put the mark "5". And Fedor goes to the board. I'm already worried: what will he talk about? Thank God, "The Tale of a Real Man" ... "Stop" Working "- interrupts my thoughts all the same pleasant voice. Work... Every activity has its results. They are not always material. Now in my purse are the results of my work: the book by Pavel Sanaev “Bury me behind the plinth”, which was brought to me by the mother of my student (I read it with pleasure); a disc with all (oh, horror) episodes of "Angelica", which my Karinka asked me to watch (well, this also needs to be "outgrown"); the book “Oscar and the Pink Lady” by S. Schmitt, which now worries me the most: maybe this is exactly what I have been looking for for a long time for extracurricular reading lessons. It probably doesn't matter to anyone, but I know that this is how a COMMUNITY is born. Community of READERS. And my bus passes by the Church of the Nativity of Christ (the official name of the stop - “Church Complex” always jars me) ... Our life is a great gift from the Lord. The ability to choose is both a gift and a test... For some time now, I have been haunted by the question: the chicken or the egg? To read or not to read? No, read, of course! But most importantly: when? with whom? It would be easier for me, as a teacher, if children came to literature classes without any impression about the book already created (most often, terrible, negative, boring, incomprehensible). We have to do double work: first to change these impressions, and then to teach to understand and accept the work. And re-educating, as you know, is always more difficult than educating. And I uproot stumps and snags that have grown as a result of the notorious summer reading (under the rods of the right parents). It's a pity the time it takes. I close my eyes and see a pink picture. I go to class. The children sit quietly, the desks are in order, each has a book "Dead Souls". - Who read the poem "Dead Souls"? - I ask menacingly suspiciously. The answer is silence. “Thank God, no one,” I sigh with relief. Today I will be a battery! I will charge you with interest, joy, love for this book, its characters and even its strange long-nosed author! Children, love this book through me, read it through me! I have a lot of love for her! I have something to give you! I will give you FIRST IMPRESSION!!! ... And at the end of the lesson, I will definitely hear: - Well, again, to wait a whole week ... Exactly, this is an idea! I will do that in May. I will give everyone a LIST OF LITERATURE FOR SUMMER READING with one recommendation: “Never read”: “A Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov “Dead Souls”, “Inspector General” by N. V. Gogol “Crime and Punishment” by F. M. Dostoevsky "Fathers and Sons" by I. S. Turgenev "The Cherry Orchard" by A. P. Chekhov Maybe I'm the wrong teacher, but when I do everything according to the methodology (oh, this LIST), the results often do not please me: there is no interest to reading, everything is smooth, dull and ... boring. And when the children come “clean”, the lessons are interesting, memorable, having a continuation in the life of my students, and mine too. What should be the result of literature lessons? Marks? Knowledge of "texts"? Ability to analyze “according to plan”? In no case! I remember the saving poem: Text analysis! Lord, save From this violence over the word And from the habit of seeing only the foundation, Only the skeleton, Lord, save me from this! Lord, don't let us wallow in sin, Among the countless, meaningless theories, Leave me the right to see the verse - in the verse, As in the sky - the sky and as in the sea - the sea! The result of literature lessons is always the same - love! Love for reading, a trusting relationship with a teacher, a classmate based on literary interests, the excitement of disputes and discussions, the desire to create, compose oneself, a community of like-minded people - “like-minded people” ... And then I understand that the dreams were not pink: in my purse lies book P. Sanaeva “Bury me behind the plinth”, which was brought to me by the mother of my student (it means that at home they talk about literature); CD with all episodes of "Angelica" (Karina, thank you for your trust); the book "Oscar and the Pink Lady" by S. Schmitt, (a wonderful book, exactly the one that I have been looking for for a long time for extracurricular reading lessons) ... - Stop "Central Library". My. Your exit, Olga Viktorovna!