Summing up the year in the company speech. The procedure for introducing and introducing a new employee

It would not be an exaggeration to say that a congratulatory speech by a manager in front of employees is a significant event in the life of the company. Firstly, because in the modern business reality, the leader does not often speak to his subordinates. Secondly, because sometimes not enough attention is paid to joyful occasions for speaking in companies.

It can be said that corporate culture is the "glue" that holds people together in a company. The content of corporate culture includes, for example, communications and the language of communication adopted in the company, how employees perceive themselves and their place in the company, values, awareness of time and its use, relationships between people, work ethics, etc.

It is known that the role of the leader's personality in the development of his company is enormous. It is the leader who sets the pattern of behavior for his subordinates. Consciously, and to a greater extent unconsciously, subordinates copy the mannerisms of the leader.

Researchers of corporate culture have come to the conclusion that the following features of the behavior of managers are most influenced by the culture of the company:

  • Direction of attention. What does the leader monitor, measure and control?
  • critical situations. How does the leader respond to critical situations and crises?
  • role model. What example does the leader set for his subordinates?

A congratulatory speech is a kind of organizational ritual designed to demonstrate to subordinates required samples behavior and send the right signals from one level of the hierarchy in the company to others. It is difficult to think of a better opportunity for communication between the first person and the entire team. That is why a leader should prepare specially for a speech to employees with congratulations. It is necessary to think over both the content and the style of the speech.

To clarify this statement, let me remind you of a parable. One eastern ruler had a terrible dream, as if all his teeth fell out one by one. In great agitation, he summoned an interpreter of dreams to him. He listened to him anxiously and said: “Lord, I have to tell you sad news. You will lose one by one all your loved ones. These words aroused the wrath of the sovereign. He ordered that the unfortunate man be thrown into prison and another interpreter of dreams be called to him, who, having listened to the dream, said: “Lord, I am happy to tell you good news. You will outlive all your loved ones." The ruler was delighted and generously rewarded him for this prediction. The courtiers were very surprised. “After all, you said the same thing to him as your poor predecessor, so why was he punished and you rewarded?” they asked the second interpreter of dreams. To which the answer followed: “We both interpreted the dream in the same way. But it all depends on not what to say, but how to say.

Thus, we can conclude that the whole point is not what the leader says, but how he says it. Western business people they say: "If you have been given the floor, then immediately make a show out of this." Of course, the leader, speaking with congratulations, does not need to become a showman and entertain the audience. But to make a performance memorable is a matter of honor.

This fact is noteworthy. The word "charm" today means - charm, conquering influence, attractive force. The original meaning of the word "charm" was different. "Charm" meant - to be able to speak beautifully, to captivate with a word. The very word "charm" comes from the root "bay" - bayat, button accordion, rhetoric, bike. For a leader, the ability to speak in public, the skill of eloquence increase the chances of success, allow you to more effectively manage the team, convey your ideas to the staff, motivate employees, hold celebrations, conferences, meetings, presentations, exhibitions.

A few minutes of a congratulatory speech can seriously affect the business atmosphere in the team, decide the fate of the company's work on next year or finally determine the fate of a manager's career. The stakes are high. Therefore, a wise leader adheres to the rule: “Failure in preparation is preparation for failure.”

To be a good leader, you need to:

  • Be aware of your goals;
  • Have a speech plan
  • Own the subject of the speech;
  • Keep a balance of time

The answer to the question about the goals that the leader plans to achieve during the congratulatory speech is key.

Leaders should ask themselves:

  • Why am I going to congratulate the audience?
  • What actions and decisions do I expect from employees after my speech?
  • What should be remembered by the audience in the first place?

In a congratulatory public speech, it makes sense to adhere to the classic rules of public speaking. That is, remember about a clear structure: introduction, main body and conclusion.

You can start by complimenting the audience. He will create positive attitude, For example:

  • Dear employees! It is a great honor for me to speak at the opening of the in-house conference and congratulate you, dear colleagues, on…
  • Dear colleagues! I am glad to speak today at the meeting of our team and sum up... I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, dear like-minded people, and now I will be happy to say a few congratulatory words to you...
  • I am proud, dear comrades-in-arms, that today I can sum up and congratulate the best on ...

An unusual start to the performance is also a good move. It will grab the attention of those present. For example:

  • Dear friends! When I was driving to our festive evening, I remembered ...
  • Colleagues! The aphorism states: "The road will be mastered by the walking one." I am sure that this idea applies to our company because….
  • Dear Colleagues! Let me give you a shocking fact...

The gratitude expressed at the beginning of the speech emphasizes the professionalism of the speaker.

  • Dear employees! Thank you for your efforts in creating this event and welcome you! Let me open...
  • Dear Colleagues! Thank you for accepting the invitation and visiting….
  • Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for your attention to our conference and express confidence in …

In the main part of the congratulations to employees, shareholders, partners, it is useful for the manager to briefly say where we (our company, our association, our holding) are now; where we want to go; what we need to do for this (what qualities to show).

It will be a mistake instead of congratulations - on the holiday, on the opening, on the achievement, on the completion - to pronounce fragments annual report or get carried away with a monologue about the future. Do not confuse meeting with strategic planning and a congratulatory speech. It is even worse to slip into criticism or a statement of negative moments in the life of a business organization. It makes no sense to turn the holiday into a public flogging.

Most successful leaders adhere to the principle: "Praise employees - in front of everyone, criticize - in private." According to organizational psychologists, respect is "psychological bread". A celebratory event is an excellent occasion to satisfy the need of the company's personnel for respect.

When thinking about the content of the speech, it is advisable for the manager to remember that one of the objectives of the speech is to publicly approve the encouraged behavior, recognize the merits of employees and instill enthusiasm in them.

Based on one of the recognized theories of motivation, it is important to remember that the motivating factors that affect the performance of staff are:

  • Achievements;
  • Confession;
  • Work as such;
  • Responsibility;
  • Goal setting;
  • Promotion;

Recognition and a positive outcome are the strongest motivators. Therefore, in a festive speech, it is worth emphasizing successes, positive trends, positive facts, examples to follow. If the staff does not yet have obvious merits and achievements, then it is especially important to adhere to the managerial axiom: “It is more important to praise when moving towards a goal than when it is achieved.” As you know, you can pay attention and control the result of the activities of employees, or you can control the process of achieving results. Both are equally important in creating a positive business environment and momentum to improve the state of affairs.

Experienced managers usually "catch on the good" of their employees, that is, they notice and publicly speak about the positive. Inexperienced draw attention to the negative, to what does not work. However, organizational psychology has proven that focusing on the negative can cause a decrease in the frequency of undesirable employee behavior, but this does not mean that the desired behavior will necessarily increase.

Usually on holidays corporate events summarize and reward based on performance. It is great if the manager personally gives prizes, gifts, bonuses to the employees of his company. The very act of public delivery has a special meaning for the staff. public recognition merit, the opportunity to go up on stage or just go out in front of the whole team, shake hands with the leader, receive from his hands a certain symbol of success - all this is valuable for the employee personally and has a positive effect on the corporate culture as a whole. When organizing a public presentation of symbols of success, it is important to think over the process in such a way that it does not look formal and cold, when queues of employees, as if on a conveyor belt, hand over some benefits and even confuse their names. If the team is large and at the same time there is a need for the manager to personally hand over and congratulate the staff, then it makes sense to organize congratulations by departments, groups, divisions of the company.

The business etiquette of the speech suggests that, at the end of the congratulatory speech, it is necessary to once again congratulate all those present on the holiday, on the opening, on the achievement, on the completion, and to wish something related to business life and prospects. For example:

  • So, dear friends! The official part of our gala evening is over. Let me once again congratulate you on ... and wish you success ... (in the coming year, next quarter, next project, etc.)
  • Ladies and gentlemen! Closing our meeting, I once again congratulate you on the successful completion of this stage of development and wish you good luck in business in …
During the entire speech, it is advisable to remember that the most sought-after emotions of the leader in the process of speaking are enthusiasm and inspiration. Employees, shareholders, guests, partners will appreciate a leader who will add energy to them and improve their morale. Speaking with enthusiasm breeds listening with enthusiasm.

To deliver a memorable holiday speech, it is important for the leader to have not only listeners, but also spectators. Therefore, it is advisable to think over your business manners and body language.

Is it necessary to smile during a speech? A smile is absolutely essential. The leader can safely multiply the strength of his smile by the number of people present.

Where to look? In a group of up to 15 people, it is recommended to look at each one in turn. Eye contact should not exceed 10 seconds. With a group of 15 to 50, it is recommended to look at every one, then every fifth. With a group of more than 50 people, the leader should conditionally allocate several groups of approximately 7 to 10 people and turn to one person from each group in turn.

Where to put your hands? To make the best impression, at the beginning of the performance, the arms should be held in a natural position along the torso. Simultaneously with the first words, you need to translate them into a “neutral” position: two arms in a half-bent position are slightly extended forward, the hands are brought together. If you need to hold something, then it is advisable to hold it in one hand.

How to stand? You need to stand straight, straightening your shoulders. Do not lean on the podium, table, chair. The legs should be spaced 15 - 30 cm. The left leg is slightly forward and slightly bent. Right leg supporting. Straight back. The head is slightly tilted. You shouldn't swing from side to side. The body is collected, the hands are ready for gesticulation.

Since a public holiday performance is not an ordinary event, rehearsals must be taken seriously. At the first stage of rehearsals, the leader needs to silently, "to himself" pronounce the text, based on the outline or plan. The goal is to test mastery of the content of the greeting. In the second stage, the leader can speak out loud to hear himself. It is even more effective to record your speech on an audio cassette and listen to it several times. The goal is to improve your own sound. At the third stage, the leader needs to make a trial performance in front of colleagues, household members, a dog, a cat, a mirror. The goal is to notice how the speaker holds himself and correct facial expressions, posture, and movements.

Of course, if the leader pays attention to preparation and rehearsals, then the likelihood of a successful performance increases. If the leader relies on "maybe", then most likely the result will be modest.

Festive Performance Rules

The leader needs: To lay the success of the speech with congratulations at the preparation stage.

Remember: Failure to prepare is preparation to fail.

Only very experienced speakers can afford to improvise. Experience emotional uplift, joy, inspiration.

Remember: Positive emotions contagious.

Remember: A festive accent in appearance is essential. For example, a tie that is brighter than usual, a flower in the buttonhole of a jacket, jewelry for a female leader that is more catchy than usual, brighter colors for a business suit, and so on. Special grooming on the occasion of a festive performance. For example, a specially thought-out hairstyle, hands that you are not ashamed of, shoes in perfect condition. Speak briefly and concisely.

Remember: Brevity is the soul of wit and... showing respect to the audience. Employees are already ready to celebrate and have fun, so too long congratulatory speeches are contraindicated. Capacity is achieved through the use of metaphors, quotations, examples, proverbs, sayings. For example, “Employees of the logistics department in the ending year, like lions, pounced on the difficulties that arose and became the first at the end of the year. Congratulations to the logistics department!”

Hello dear readers! Appointment to leadership position- it's always exciting. Still would! After all, you have successfully passed the interview and now brilliant prospects loom ahead. And if now you have been appointed head of a department, you probably imagine how you will eventually head a branch, and maybe even join the board of directors.

While you are immersed in these dreams, like in a barrel of honey, a small but tangible fly in the ointment disturbs the soul. Do not give rest to thoughts about how they will perceive the new boss in the old team? It's one thing to get a promotion where you've already worked for some time and know every employee well, internal regulations and unspoken laws.

It is quite another thing to come to the position of chief in a new place. Here the beginner feels like a sapper in an endless minefield. One wrong step and instead of a dizzying career, the newly minted boss will face a deafening failure.

Tighten the screws too tight - and they already hate you and plot intrigues behind your back. If you don't squeeze it, let it pass - you will quickly lose credibility and your opinion will be considered no more than the opinion of an office cooler.

So how to behave at work so that employees are imbued with respect and do not put a spoke in the boss's wheels? About how to join new team to the leader, and not to fill cones at the same time, we will talk in this article.

First, remember how not to behave

If you shared your concerns with your friends, you could get some bad advice from homegrown psychologists.

  • Open the door to the department with your foot and immediately show who is the boss here
  • Do not listen to anyone - from now on you are the boss and you must listen to you
  • Get yourself a spy who will report what is happening inside the close-knit old team

Remember - this is not the way to start a career in a new place. This is a direct path to quiet hatred on the part of subordinates. But you shouldn't go to the other extreme either. If you demonstrate miracles of democracy and loyalty from the first day, do not expect to be taken seriously in the future. An opinion will be formed about you as a soft-bodied person, who is easy to push through and impose your opinion.

So how is it right to start fulfilling your duties at work so that such a long-awaited appointment does not turn into a headache in the end?

Set aside your charter for a while

Of course, you have your own vision of how to properly build relationships with subordinates and how to work. But if you start putting ideas into practice in the very first days, you will get stiff resistance.

Even if your reforms are sound and allow you to optimize work processes, remember that you have come to a “foreign monastery”. And while he has not become his own for you, while they are only looking at you, any of your initiatives will be taken with caution.

Don't rush to make friends

In many teams there is an employee who aspires to be a squire to the boss. And he is usually disliked by others. So, if among your subordinates there was also an employee exuding helpfulness and in a hurry to fulfill your wishes, even before they are announced, try to keep him at a distance.

The benefit of such a "faithful slave" is doubtful. All he can give you is a portion of regular gossip from the smoking room. But the damage will be tangible. The rest will decide that you have got a pet and will slowly begin to take revenge.

Don't believe everything you are told

Often, old-timers try to mislead a novice leader in order to bargain for some concessions or bonuses for themselves. At the same time, the entire old team, without batting an eyelid, claims that this has been accepted from time immemorial.

You may be told that the previous boss had nothing against "corporate gatherings" in the workplace. Or to repeat that he was a kind-hearted person and always turned a blind eye to the fact that Ivanov and Sidorov were late every day.

In general, no matter what you are told about the former “golden times”, do not rush to take it on faith and, all the more so, quickly put it into practice. And even if it was so before, you are not obliged to maintain traditions that contradict employment contract and job descriptions.

Politely but firmly explain that from now on Friday corporate parties are transferred from the office to the nearest cafe. And Ivanov and Sidorov will have to set the alarm clock half an hour earlier in order to come to work with everyone else.

Do not fall into the trap of the "gray cardinal"

This is another common practice that allows you to subdue your boss. In every work team there is a person, and sometimes more than one, who believes that you have taken a position that rightfully belongs to him. If he is really smart, then with the advent of a new leader, he tries to do everything to manage the established team himself. Even if in the role of "right hand".

It is sometimes difficult to understand that they are trying to manipulate you, but it is possible. Here are the main signs:

  • This is the informal leader. He is respected and his opinion is considered by all or almost all employees.
  • He does not express his dissatisfaction with your appointment. On the contrary, he takes care of and supports the new boss in every possible way.
  • He offers his projects, usually thought out in detail - up to which of the employees will implement which part.

It would seem, what's wrong with the fact that you have such a wonderful assistant? No matter how great the temptation to trust the "good fairy" who performs the lion's share of your duties, do not succumb to it. If you let go of the reins of power, it will be difficult to get them back.

You don't need the fame of a boss who sits in the head's chair and has no idea what to do? Namely, this is what the failed boss is trying to achieve, hoping to move into your office sooner or later. Therefore, politely thank him for his help, praise him at meetings for his initiative and, if you see fit, encourage him financially. But make decisions on your own and only after delving into all the details.

Refuse to be an arbitrator

In large teams, two or even more warring camps, unfortunately, are not uncommon. To successfully begin to lead subordinates, observe absolute neutrality. You just came here and do not yet know all the details of undercover games.

If employees start attacking you with complaints about each other, do not rush to make verdicts quickly. Listen to both sides, and then explain that you, as a new person, find it difficult to judge the conflict. That way you don't have to take sides.

Do not try to demonstrate your superiority

Some mistakenly believe that the best defense is an attack and choose a deliberately disastrous course of action. For example, you should not behave like a Harvard graduate among schoolchildren, because you are surrounded by adult, accomplished men and women.

Even if your diplomas allow you to boast of education, keep in mind that experience also means a lot. At best, you will be laughed at. At worst, they will get angry and do everything to put the arrogant boss in a puddle along with his diplomas.

Be especially careful if you are a woman and come to women's team. Here you can be shown not only intellectual superiority, but also appearance. Therefore, postpone provocative and extravagant outfits until appropriate occasions, and at work give preference to a restrained business style.

Tips to help you effectively manage a new team

You probably already understood that it is not easy to adapt to a new place not only for an ordinary employee, but also for a boss. First you need to understand that you definitely won’t succeed in becoming a universal favorite. Why? You can read about it in the book. Itzhak Adizes “The Ideal Leader. Why they cannot become and what follows from this”.

However, it is possible to bypass the pitfalls and enter an established team without unnecessary difficulties. Use the advice of a psychologist and you will see that it is quite possible to win the respect of subordinates, even if you are an absolute beginner in this company.

Get to know everyone

Start your first working day by getting to know the team. Most likely, you will be introduced in a nutshell by higher management. But after that, it is desirable to set aside fifteen minutes for less official communication.

Quickly tell about yourself, previous place of work and professional skills. You can also touch on your hobbies - so others will understand that you are a living person, and not a biorobot programmed to work. But the details of personal life are best left behind the scenes.

Then listen to the employees and try to remember who is responsible for what. Do your best to remember the names. If, after such an acquaintance, you turn to someone “Hey, how are you,” this will be a manifestation of blatant disrespect. Do not rely on memory - write down the names in a notebook.

Also, try to learn as much as you can about the people you have to lead. To do this, just watch them. Someone sits in social networks and counts down the minutes until the end of the working day, while someone is sincerely passionate about their work and can stay up late, immersed in the project.

You must understand what to expect from everyone, who you can rely on in any situation, and who will fill up the deadlines and not blink an eye.

Tell subordinates about what awaits them

Even if you followed the advice of a psychologist and common sense, refusing to reform for the first time, most likely in the future you will have a desire to change something. Inform the team personally about all the innovations and be prepared for the fact that some of them will be hostile.

In such cases, explain what prompted you to make a decision and how this will optimize the work.

Work on your reputation

It is not easy to create and very easy to destroy, so do not make rash decisions and do not get excited, no matter what happens. In difficult situations, do not hesitate to consult with the team. Don't worry, you won't be seen as incompetent. On the contrary, employees will appreciate the fact that you listen to their opinion.

Respond appropriately to criticism. Remember, you are not a gold piece of gold to please everyone. Take fair comments into account, and ignore rumors and gossip from the smoking room,. Don't stoop to the level lower grades and take revenge on offenders or call them for an educational conversation.

In turn, use criticism carefully. Your remarks should be to the point and in the wording that does not offend the interlocutor. It is easy to hurt with a word, it is even easier to make an enemy in the face of a subordinate by speaking derogatoryly about him or his work in front of other employees.

Therefore, for serious conversations, call employees to the office, and do not arrange an accusatory rally in the middle of the office.

Do not give impossible tasks

When distributing current tasks, take into account the experience and qualifications of each employee. It is important to observe the golden mean here. The task should be feasible, but not super easy. Different employees spend different amounts of time on the same job.

Yes, an experienced specialist will be able to cope with the task in an hour, while an intern takes half a day. But if you bombard a professional with easy tasks that he can quickly deal with, like seeds, he can relax.

Leave small things for the less experienced, and entrust the ace with an interesting difficult task that will allow him to demonstrate professionalism.

Control the execution of work. If you suddenly see that an employee is not coping or meeting deadlines, give him someone to help or delegate the task to a more experienced colleague. This way you will demonstrate your attention to work processes and insure yourself against missed deadlines.

Be kind and open

This does not mean that at a meeting you will be patted on the shoulder, and after work they will call you for a beer. The reputation of his shirt-guy on the board is useless to the boss - subordination must always be respected. But the halo of an unattainable, always busy boss does not contribute to a healthy atmosphere in the team.

Let employees know that you appreciate the initiative, that you are ready to listen to suggestions and provide the necessary assistance. Let subordinates know that they can turn to you in a difficult situation and get support. This will have a much better effect on your reputation than low-grade flirting with the team.

Have you experienced all the charms of adaptation in an established team as a leader?

Write in the comments what moments caused difficulties and how you coped with them. Share your experience - it is important for others!

The tasks of corporate culture development are relevant for any company. Many experts already say that the corporate culture can be safely attributed to the intangible assets of the company. Companies with a healthy, constructive, entrepreneurial corporate culture are valued incomparably higher than companies torn apart by contradictions and conflicts, or with a bureaucratic or Soviet culture. In such companies, it is difficult to make changes, they are inflexible, inert and ready to absorb any undertaking like in a swamp. This article will focus on such a powerful tool for the development of corporate culture as a leader's speech to the team.

But first, let's define the concepts. Under corporate culture we will understand the orders that operate in the organization and which are formed on the basis of corporate values.
Orders is a fairly general definition and refers to:

  • Accepted rules of conduct (documented and unwritten)
  • Established norms (what is considered normal and what is unacceptable)
  • Accepted business procedures (a certain established sequence of actions, for example, the procedure for agreeing documents)
  • Traditions and customs (which are more often related to the informal life of the team, but there are also business ones, for example, the tradition at the end of the year to discuss in management team goals for next year)
  • The style of management followed by the majority of leaders and, above all, the first person
  • Rewarded (considered as good) behavior and discouraged (considered as bad) behavior
  • Selected priorities, what is considered important, significant, and what is not paid attention to.

That is, corporate culture is the relationship between employees, attitude to work, to customers; environment that prevails in the company. Corporate culture is usually formed spontaneously, each member of the team brings something of their own to the company, and a unique environment is gradually formed. However, it is the leader who plays the first violin in this process. The leader has a direct impact on almost all of the listed elements of corporate culture. At his disposal are such methods as a personal example, personal conversations, going to the people, holding meetings and speaking.

On the one hand, the leader's speeches are one of the most powerful, energetically charged and effective means of forming a corporate culture, on the other hand, and the most complex tool that requires careful preparation and regular training.

There are several main types of speeches of the head to the employees:

  • at a meeting about changes in the company ( new strategy, reorganization, introduction of new systems, for example, motivation)
  • presentation of plans and prospects for development, new projects
  • reports for the period, summarizing
  • congratulations and welcome speeches at corporate events
  • introducing new employees to the team

Accordingly, the types of speeches differ from each other in subject matter, format, and duration.

Paradoxically, but a fact, a leader who speaks to an unfamiliar audience (for example, at a conference) carefully prepares for his speech. The same leader does not consider it necessary to prepare if he speaks to his employees. And he makes a serious mistake.

In order for even the shortest speech to be successful and influence the corporate culture in the right direction, it is necessary to adhere to several general rules its preparation:

  1. Determine the goals of the speech, formulate what results you want to get. It is this point that is the basis in the development of corporate culture. When formulating a goal, it is important to calculate how the performance will affect the corporate culture, whether it will set the desired guidelines.
  2. Analyze the audience, understand the mood, fears, expectations of listeners, their thesaurus.
  3. Decide on the format and time of the presentation.
  4. Formulate the main idea that will form the core of the speech.
  5. Plan the main part of the speech.
  6. Collect necessary material(numbers, facts, stories).
  7. Prepare a speech abstract (or full text if necessary), including the introductory part, emotional inserts, links, final part.
  8. Return to the goals and the main idea of ​​the speech and check how the goals were achieved, how clear and memorable the main idea is.
  9. Conduct a rehearsal and correct the performance.

Consider the preparation on the example of two types of speeches.
Welcome speech by the head of corporate party in honor of the company's birthday.

1. The purpose of the speech is to inspire employees, create pride in the company and its success, and show development prospects. 2. Audience. The entire staff is both old-timers who remember how it all began, and newcomers eager to fight, and tuned critical employees who saw the crisis, but did not know big victories. The party is attended by top managers, who think in MBA terms and treat the party as an important team-building event, and ordinary employees, up to loaders, for whom the party is just an opportunity to have a good time. Many want to hear confirmation that they knowingly connected their lives with the life of the company. 3. The party takes place in the dining room, in addition to the banquet, performances from departments and awards are expected the best employees. The most appropriate format for the director's speech at such a party is the opening of the holiday, an introductory welcoming speech, almost the first toast. The performance time, respectively, cannot be more than 5 minutes. 4. The main idea is that the company has come a worthy path and achieved a lot, but the main thing is still ahead. And success depends on common efforts. 5. Plan of the main part of the speech.

  • The opening of the party, the reason for which we gathered
  • What will be discussed, regulations
  • Our success for last year
  • There were difficulties, but we coped with them thanks to joint efforts.
  • Many tasks have not yet been solved and we have room to develop
  • Our strengths which will enable us to achieve our goals

6. Necessary facts.

The company's success over the past year: sales dynamics - 30%, market share amounted to 10%, "Buy Russian" award in 2006 - best product year, 3 branches were opened, a club of regular customers was created and 30 companies joined it. Difficulties we coped with: opening a new warehouse. Development reserves: expenses grew faster than revenues, as a result, profits grew slightly, the opening of own production was postponed. Strengths: a unique product, industry-leading specialists, qualified top managers, a team that strives to work for results.

7. Text of speech

"Dear Colleagues!

We have gathered with you today to celebrate the birthday of our company.

You know that the program of the evening includes numbers prepared by each department and the awarding of participants in the competition. But it's ahead.

And now I would like to say a few words about what the past year was like for us, and what we expect from the next year.

Old-timers remember how it all began.
We rented two rooms and solved all the problems together at the same table. It was a golden time and the contribution of those who were the first is invaluable.
But every new employee contributed to our business, each brought a piece of himself to the company and enriched it.
Many probably remember the case when Vitya, our loader, printed the signs on the printer himself and hung them all the way to the warehouse.
How many later thanks we received from customers!
It seemed like such a simple step.
But how important!
And it shows that we do not have indifferent people, that we care about customers.
And this is not an isolated case, indeed each of our employees has done something that has improved the life of the company.

We have achieved a lot in the past year.
Our sellers showed excellent results, and we finally reached the coveted 10% market share, i.e. in a year our sales volumes increased by 30%.
This is a record number for us.
The growth rates were higher only in the first year, but then we started from scratch.

Our technologists are doing well too - the "Buy Russian" award in 2006 - the best product of the year - is a well-deserved appreciation of their work.

Our joint efforts have led to the opening of 3 branches over the past year.

In addition, we have created a club of regular customers and 30 companies have already joined it. Indeed there is much to be proud of!

There were also difficulties.
If it wasn't for them, it probably wouldn't be as interesting.
After all, if you manage to cope with a really difficult situation, you understand that you are really worth something.
The opening of a new warehouse was a very difficult task, we could not meet the deadlines or estimates, but at the cost of the heroic efforts of many of those present here, the warehouse was opened. And we were finally able to provide customers with decent service.

Of course, not all succeeded.
Our expenses grew faster than our income, as a result, our profit grew slightly, and we were forced to postpone the opening of our own production.
This is our reserve for the future.
This year, we must make every effort to optimize costs and reduce reckless spending.
Everyone remembers how we prepared for the exhibition last year.
Of course, everything went great in the end, but if we had started to prepare in advance and planned everything more carefully, we would not have had to spend so much money on an outsourcing company at the last moment.
And this is just one example.
Everyone, if he thinks, can find such reserves in his work.

And of course, we need to improve the coherence of actions.
If we can make decisions faster, this will also allow us to spend money more rationally.

Moreover, we have so many strengths that it would be a sin not to use them. Our product is truly unique and the last exhibition confirmed this once again.

Our experts are industry leaders, and it is not for nothing that all the leading magazines in the industry constantly turn to us for comments. Our leaders have excellent education and know all the secret buttons of the business.

And finally, we are a team that strives to work for results. With such assets, we have every chance to enter the top five market leaders, and it depends only on you and me how quickly we will achieve this.

I congratulate all of us on our birthday and raise this glass to our business, which has united us all! Hooray!"

  1. To inspire employees Memories of how it all began and their invaluable contribution are aimed at inspiring veterans, for newcomers - the victories of the last year, for workers - a positive example of Vitya, for tops - an assessment of their level of education.
  2. Generate pride in the company and its successes To achieve this goal, the presentation lists the company's achievements over the past year and some references to the company's inception stage.
  3. Show development prospects The prospects are outlined (to enter the top five market leaders) and the main tasks on this path are listed (open own production, increase profitability, reduce unproductive costs, increase coordination of actions) The main idea was that the company has come a worthy path and achieved a lot, but the main thing is still ahead. And success depends on common efforts. This has also been achieved.

Presentation by the CEO of a new commercial director to the employees of the commercial service.

1. The purpose of the speech is to introduce a new leader, show his strengths, relieve the tension of the team and avoid resistance, ensure a faster adaptation of the leader through his acceptance by subordinates, raise the morale of employees, because last Commercial Director did not achieve serious results and the belief of the staff in the "Varangians" weakened.

2. Audience. All employees commercial service(30 people) - sales managers, marketers, purchasing managers, advertising specialists, PR specialists, secretaries and heads of departments. Among those present there are employees who have already "survived" two commercial directors. The represented employee will be the third. There are those who themselves expected to take this post. Age structure: from 20 to 55 years.

3. The performance will take place in the meeting room. Proposed regulation: submission CEO, self-presentation of the new commercial director, employee questions, brief presentations by department heads of their departments and employees. The meeting is scheduled for 1 hour. The speech of the General Director should be no more than 10 minutes.

4. The main idea is that in order to develop further, the company needs professional managers, and the influx of new people and new ideas is also very important. The main reserve is in the management of the commercial block, in the coordination of efforts, in the development of a unified commercial strategy. For this, an appropriate specialist was invited.

5. Plan of speech.

  • Presentation of the commercial director
  • His experience and achievements
  • What are the company's expectations for the new CEO?
  • How important is the support of everyone for the new leader to live up to these expectations, success is possible only with joint efforts

6. Necessary facts.

Resume of the commercial director, his place of work and achievements. Strategic goals of the company for the next 3 years.

7. Text of speech

Good afternoon
Our meeting is dedicated to the changes that affect everyone present.
On June 1, a new commercial director starts working, and today's meeting is dedicated to this event. The rules of the meeting are as follows. First, I will introduce the new commercial director. Then he will tell about himself. Then you can ask him your questions. And in conclusion, each department head will briefly introduce his department and his subordinates.

So, I present to you Ivanov Igor, your new leader.
Igor has been in sales for 15 years, he started with a simple sales representative even when I was a student. By the way, he graduated from the Plekhanov Academy with a degree in finance and credit. So he understands finances professionally, which is very important for us, since one of our priority tasks is to increase the profitability of sales and turnover current assets. Well, I hope he explains to you what it is.

So, Igor went all the way in sales, as they used to say: from a worker to a director. He has worked in our industry for the last 5 years and is well versed in our market. Last place of work - Deputy Director of Marketing. In addition, in the last three years he has been a member of the jury of an industry competition. In more detail, Igor will tell about himself.

In more detail, Igor will tell about himself.
I want to emphasize that very serious tasks have been set before Igor. Our goals for the next three years are to double sales volumes, which is a very difficult but interesting task. We plan to enter new markets, launch new line products, to rebrand. The last task is especially difficult, none of us has experience in rebranding (Igor, by the way, has, and is successful), and we understand that such tasks cannot be solved only with a large budget.

You know that our previous experience in attracting professional sales managers was not very successful. This is our common fault. Somehow I missed the point. In some ways, those leaders did not want to adapt to our company, and in some ways you showed inflexibility, could not understand new ideas. I hope that now we all take into account past experience and correct mistakes. I am counting on you, and I hope that you as specialists and your new leader will become a team and will strengthen each other. The most important thing in this is the mutual desire to achieve results. If difficulties arise, and they will arise, since any new business is not without difficulties, I expect that you will be guided primarily by the interests of the cause. After all, it will be either a common victory or a common defeat. And, of course, we all must strive to win, otherwise, in fact, everything loses its meaning.

I hope you understand how much I have high hopes not only for the new leader, but for all of you. And I'm sure you won't let me down. To develop further, the company needs professional managers, and the influx of new people and new ideas is also very important. The main reserve is in the management of the commercial block, in the coordination of efforts, in the development of a unified commercial strategy. For this, an appropriate specialist was invited. And now I give the floor to Igor. Igor, please tell us a little more about yourself so that our people can get to know you better.

8. Let's return to the goals that were set before the performance.

  1. Introduce a new leader, show his strengths - such features of the new leaders were noted that those present (even those who applied for this place) do not have - financial education, experience in rebranding, recognition in the industry.
  2. Relieve the tension of the team and avoid resistance, ensure faster adaptation of the leader due to his acceptance by subordinates. Implemented by emphasizing the special achievements of the new leader and the importance and novelty of the tasks assigned to him.
  3. Boost employee morale as the previous commercial director did not achieve serious results, and the belief of the staff in the "Varangians" weakened - it is honestly said that the past experience was negative, the head took some responsibility for this. On the other hand, it is noted that success is a common success, and defeat is a common defeat.

And in conclusion, we want to talk about some useful tricks and little tricks of successful speakers.

  1. The speech must be announced, if employees know about the upcoming speech of the leader, they will wait for it. If you start speaking without prior notice, many employees will simply not understand what is happening and will not attach much importance to the speech.
  2. When calculating the time of the speech, remember that 1 page of text (14 font with one and a half intervals) is 3-4 minutes of speech. And if you use an interactive style (ask questions to the audience, ask their opinion), then more by 1.5 - 2 times.
  3. In the printed text of the speech, separate the logical parts with paragraphs and an empty line (as in our first example), this will also allow you to separate the speech intonation and not get lost. Even better, each new sentence starts with new line. It also allows you to control the length of sentences. In oral speech, sentences should not be more than two lines, it is even better to limit yourself to one.
  4. The first phrases should not carry a serious semantic load. Their main task is to attract the attention of the audience, to ensure that everyone tunes in to the hearing and starts listening. It is known that this period (settings) lasts 10 - 30 seconds, depending on the audience and its initial mood (which largely depends on the topic of the speech). Therefore, the first phrases may not relate to the topic of the speech at all. For example, “Good afternoon, I hope everyone has already gathered, if not, we are not waiting for latecomers. Let's begin". Attention can be attracted even silently, for example, by making preparations. A description of the timetable, a speech plan or an emotional insertion also helps to attract the attention of listeners.
  5. Emotional inserts cause pictures in the minds of the audience, this allows the audience to “turn on”, increases the level of attention. The speech must contain examples, preferably from the life of the company, that one of those present has personally experienced.
  6. Rehearse the performance out loud. A text read to oneself takes 1.5 times less time. And it does not allow you to remove words and sentences that look good in printed form, but do not sound at all.
  7. To achieve your goals and convey the main idea, the first thing you need is to formulate them. The second is to repeat (either in plain text or in various variations) at least three times.


Prepare for the new team ahead of time. On the eve of the first working day, allocate 1-2 hours of free time for this. Ask your family and friends. Think over your image: what clothes you will wear, what accessories will suit it, what you need to take with you (pen, notebook, folder, etc.). All things should be modest, in harmony with each other and meet corporate requirements.

Write a short story about yourself: age, marital status, where you studied, previous place work, hobbies, positive and negative qualities etc. Most likely, you will not voice most of the autobiography. But having a prepared text, you will not be at a loss when you hear an offer to tell about yourself. Practice your speech in front of a mirror.

Get out of the house early in the morning. It is unacceptable to be late on the first working day. Walk some of the way. A vigorous walk in the fresh air will allow you to calm down, collect your thoughts and tune in positively.

Please check with Human Resources before starting work. In small organizations, it is customary for a new employee to visit the director directly. These people will choose the way they represent you to the team.

Acquaintance with the whole team at the same time This is how they do it when a new leader is introduced, or in very small companies where the interaction between employees is very close. In this case, the specialist personnel service or the head of the organization will name your last name, first name and patronymic, position, outline the scope of your duties and area of ​​responsibility.

IN large companies all members present labor collective they won’t introduce you by name, because it will take a lot of time. In the process of work, you will independently learn the names and patronymics of colleagues. In teams with no more than 20 people, you will most likely be introduced to each employee personally. Try to remember the names and main responsibilities of colleagues. Later you will learn more about them, but now it is important to learn what issues will bind you.

Introduction to department staff and tour of the organization Perhaps this is the most common way to introduce a newcomer. Your immediate supervisor will first tell the team about you, then list by name all the employees of the department and their official duties will show you workplace clarifies the priorities. A little later, for example, after lunch, you and your boss will visit neighboring departments. There the manager will call you and explain what questions to contact this structural subdivision companies.

After the formal introduction, you may be asked to tell a little about yourself and ask additional questions. Now the speech rehearsed the day before will be very useful to you.

Speak clearly and distinctly, do not use jargon and parochial expressions. Answer all questions correctly, without hints and ambiguity. Say that you have a certain life and professional experience. Sincerely assure new colleagues of your loyalty and desire to work for the good of the company.

Do not overload your presentation with too personal details. For example, when talking about a family, you should not list the names and ages of all relatives. Say only that you are married and have two sons. Do not bore listeners with listing your awards and merits. During your work professional quality colleagues will appreciate it. It is categorically impossible to criticize the previous place of work. When asked about the reasons for leaving, give a neutral answer: “I think that in your company I can fully realize myself.”

Stay calm, confident and kind. Try to overwhelm your emotions. Apologetic or, on the contrary, overly self-confident intonations should not be heard in the speech. Speak smoothly, not too quickly and not too softly. Do not make long pauses so that you do not get the impression that you cannot find the right words. Smile and joke in moderation so that your story is not perceived as something frivolous, unimportant and insignificant.

Self-acquaintance with the teamThis option is undesirable, but possible. If for some reason you were not introduced to the employees of the organization on the first or second day, go get acquainted yourself. Start with the secretary of the head and the workers of neighboring departments. State your name and position, say that you would be happy to learn a little about this department. A small professional question will also be a good reason for getting to know each other, for help in solving which you can turn to colleagues.


  • how to introduce yourself at work

A newly appointed employee to a new position has the right to some introduction into the process. He can count on the help of management, the personnel department for this. But he must also know some of the rules for entering a new duty station himself, so that he can quickly adapt to a new environment and begin to work effectively.


Do not copy the demeanor and way of working of your predecessor. Take as a basis what impressed you in his activities, helped the company to achieve success. But think carefully about your management style, methods of leadership on new position.

As it usually happens when a new person takes office, he will be expected to act quickly, to have a quick effect. But do not rush to "take the bull by the horns." First, plan in stages your future actions, distributed over a quarter or half a year of effective work.

You should not establish your own rules in the team from the very first week of taking office. To begin with, communicate with him, with each employee separately, with everyone together, collect information. You must install

Hello colleagues! Reviewed last quarter's customer inquiries and found that the topic came up more often than usual how to introduce yourself to a manager in a new team. I have a suspicion that such statistics are not accidental - crisis processes in the economy are always associated with the migration of personnel. It is especially popular to hire young managers without experience. Namely, they face the described task.

In this article, we will figure out how to get to know the team correctly, so that initially, how to behave when meeting, what can and cannot be done.

I will try to state the topic as much as possible in essence - and you will immediately be able to take some tricks into service.

In the new team

The human psyche is designed in such a way that you always strive for a state of balance. Biologists call it homeostasis. This is expressed in everything:

  • for example, when you are already, if you do not use it, you quickly roll back to the previous level
  • when you do not drive a car for a long time, the acquired skill disappears
  • making 60 outgoing cold calls, before you did not experience any inconvenience, and after half a year without calling you already feel that you need to force yourself

Exactly the same with public speaking. Experienced negotiators and business coaches feel like fish in water in public. Those who speak infrequently begin to worry, sweat, speak too quickly or confuse words. And if this, for example, is the first speech of the leader in a new team, you should take it even more seriously. Our task is to understand 2 algorithms - how to calm the physiology, and how to behave from the point of view of business etiquette.

How to introduce yourself to the team? Psychophysiology

If you intend to spend the first day with new subordinates without embarrassment, it is enough to understand the standard principles of preparing for public speaking:

  1. Personal rituals . Many have them - dress in a happy suit, put on the most expensive watch or shoes, take a wad of money with you (yes, I remembered this from practice). The main thing is to raise self-confidence at the pattern level.
  2. Conductor . It will be easier if you have an assistant assigned to you on the first day who will tell and show you, take you to the right places and fill the void when you do not know what to say. From experience I can say that it is better to abandon the guide-boss in favor of a secretary or office manager.
  3. Breathe right . To prevent your heart from jumping out of your chest and your palms not to sweat, try breathing according to the 4/7/8 pattern or the Buteyko method. Here is a link to Wikipedia >>> It works.

The second important direction is the understanding of business etiquette. You have to prove yourself right on the first day. I will give the most important, but which are forgotten when you need to introduce yourself to the team, the rules:

  • No familiarity and such words . You are the leader and you should act accordingly.
  • Talk less . No need to be a parrot, even a minor joke on the first day may not be perceived correctly by subordinates. It is better to forget details about your family, past employer, etc. for the first time.
  • Ask questions . If the team is up to 20 people, accept to call subordinates to the office / meeting room, and talk about business. It is important not to move on to topics like “what would you change”.
  • First 100 day rule . During this period, it is worth refraining from changes. At least not to declare to employees that "we will change this and that and save the world." Scare and piss off.

Remember that any universal solution is not a panacea! My article is based on the experience of various leaders who also had the task of introducing themselves to a new team in different business areas. You need to draw conclusions and develop your vision.