Compliance with the ethics of business communication examples. Ethics and etiquette of business communication

The concept of "ethics" as a doctrine of morality came to us from ancient Greece. The philosopher Aristotle introduced this term into everyday life, establishing the ethical standards of social relations in the most different areas life, from family to politics. Largely thanks to him, we have a clearly structured system of moral categories: good, evil, conscience, dignity, good, happiness.

The ethics of business communication is a set of moral norms that streamline the behavior and relationships of people in the course of their mutual production activities. When making a decision, a person (regardless of position) should be guided not only by his own desire, but also by its compatibility with the values ​​of the opposite side. There are the following types of business communication:

  1. (supervisor and subordinate).
  2. From the bottom up (subordinate and leader).
  3. Horizontally (employee and employee).

What are the specifics of each of them, the examples below will illustrate.

Top-down business communication

The attitude of the head to subordinates determines the nature of business communication within the company, its psychological microclimate in particular. The manner in which orders are given, the organization of the work process, the established service discipline - everything should be focused on creating a comfortable and benevolent atmosphere in which team members feel protected and connected to each other.

The attitude of the head to subordinates determines the nature of business communication within the company, its psychological microclimate in particular.

Key rules and methods of leader behavior:

  • Strive to unite and unite the team. Create conditions for communication.
  • Do not pretend that you have lost control of the situation, otherwise you will lose authority and respect.
  • Learn to admit your own mistakes. Hiding them is a sign of weakness.
  • If an employee shirks from obligations, make it clear that you know this, make a reprimand or remark. Find out the reasons for poor performance.
  • If you criticize, then condemn the actions and actions, not the person.
  • Do not act as an adviser in your personal life. With a good outcome, you will most likely not be thanked; if bad - blame.
  • Judge fairly and on merit, do not single out favorites.
  • Encourage the team, even if success is achieved only thanks to you: “we were able”, “we have achieved”.

The form of the request can be anything: an order, a request, a question. Depends on the specific situation. If the relationship is based on trust and friendliness, asking will do. Such a manner of behavior on the part of the boss will allow the employee to be open and calm.

If such a statement is pronounced in an appropriate tone, then it will be perceived as an order. Most often they are used in emergencies or in relation to an unscrupulous employee. The question is used for discussion when the course of the conversation falls on the shoulders of a subordinate in order to test his professionalism and experience.

Business communication from the bottom up

Sometimes finding a common language with the boss is easy and simple. You can even draw him to your side and make him a real ally. And you can, on the contrary, turn against yourself and include in the ranks of ill-wishers. Therefore, knowing the basics of behavior in the “bottom up” aspect is so important for any subordinate. Here are a few ethical rules necessary to create a favorable and lasting relationship:

  • Contribute to the creation of a friendly atmosphere in the team.
  • Do not impose your worldview on the boss, do not command.
  • Express comments and suggestions politely and correctly.
  • Give up the eternal assent, the annoying categorical “no”. Have your own position on every issue.
  • Show yourself as a reliable and responsible employee, adhere to firm principles.
  • Do not seek support through the “head” of the boss (that is, from higher management), except in emergency situations. Otherwise, your act will be regarded as disrespect and disregard for his position.

You can not turn to higher management for support, except in emergency situations, otherwise it will be regarded as a disregard for the position of the head.

Business communication "horizontally"

As for communication with colleagues, finding the right angle of behavior is not an easy task. On the one hand, these are people who are competitors in the struggle for the desire to climb the career ladder. From another point of view, they are all members of the same team, which has a common professional goal.

Basic principles of ethics business relations are that colleagues should feel equal. Therefore, the following characteristics are taken into account:

  • Do not demand special treatment from colleagues. Treat each of them respectfully and friendly, address them by name.
  • Divide tasks, rights and shares of responsibility.
  • Don't promise what you can't deliver. Exaggeration of business opportunities threatens with a negative assessment from colleagues and a loss of significance in their eyes.
  • Don't overstep personal boundaries. Drop your prejudices.
  • Appreciate your colleagues. Treat them the way you would like to be treated.

General requirements

Basic knowledge of the postulates of business communication will facilitate the process of communication, prevent the occurrence of quarrels, disputes, conflicts. To maintain a warm atmosphere in the team at the enterprise, it is enough to remember some forms and features of behavior:

  • Everyone who enters the room should say hello to those present.
  • The pronoun "you" is preferred over "we". Also relevant is the “proper name” technique, based on the obligatory pronunciation of the name of the interlocutor.
  • It is important to maintain a good mood, be friendly and polite, use the “mirror of attitude” technique when a smile causes a mutual reaction.
  • Know how to listen to the interlocutor and not interrupt him.
  • React to criticism calmly, do not get angry and do not take revenge.
  • Do not forget about appearance, literacy and demeanor (for example, about smoking, it is better to ask permission from others).


Knowing and mastering the norms of business communication helps to formulate one's own thought, analyze comments and evaluate criticism, which contributes to the strengthening of interpersonal relationships and the successful development of cooperation. Each entrepreneur who values ​​the reputation of the company seeks to establish in the team the postulates that make up the ethics of business communication, for violation of which he is even ready to reduce the amount of material bonuses.

A direct conclusion follows from this: the ability to communicate with people is the most important professional quality that a person must learn and which he must improve throughout his life. One should recognize as fair the witty remark of the English philosopher John Locke that in a badly brought up person courage takes the form of rudeness, learning looks like pedantry, wit, buffoonery, simplicity, uncouthness, good nature, flattery It should be emphasized that the highest moral qualities are emasculated and deprived of practical ...

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Lecture 7. Ethics of business communication

7.1. Concepts of business communication ethics

Ethics of business communication— this is the sum of moral and ethical requirements, principles, norms and rules developed by science, practice and world experience, the observance of which ensures mutual understanding and mutual trust of the subjects of business communication, increases the effectiveness of contacts and the final results of their joint actions.

At the heart of business communication lies the solution of an important service issue, a responsible specific case concerning the fate of people, material and financial costs, and often legal relations with very unpleasant consequences for the subjects of communication. Therefore, the moral side of positions, decisions and the social result of communication plays a huge role. In addition, when it comes to a leader, the ethical content of communication directly affects the moral views of subordinates and, consequently, the quality of their performance. Therefore, knowledge and possession of the ethics of business communication is an indicator of the professional culture of a law enforcement officer, the degree of his compliance with modern requirements.

Studies show that in the business life of most people, communication processes occupy 70-85% of their working time. In other words, a person achieves the greatest part of the result of his official activity through interaction with other people, which gave rise to the well-known American banker D. Rockefeller to say: “The ability to communicate with people is also a commodity, and I will pay for this ability more than for anything else.” or anything else in the world."

A direct conclusion follows from this: the ability to communicate with people is the most important professional quality that a person must learn and which he must improve throughout his life. This skill is especially important for a leader. The quality of communication of the leader depends on: the degree of awareness of the leader, the effectiveness of his influence on subordinates, the moral and psychological climate of the team, satisfaction, both of the leader and his subordinates with the results of their activities. Business communication should be based on certainmoral principles,among which are the following.

1. At the heart of a business contact are primarily the interests of the business, which mediate both personal interests and one's own ambitions.
Despite the apparent banality, this principle is violated
most often, because far from everyone and far from always finds in himself the ability to give up personal interests when they conflict with the interests of the case.

2. Decency, i.e. organic inability to act dishonorably,including a heightened conscience, the desire to preserve
unsullied their honor as the highest degree of honesty, incorruptibility and nobility; the ability to behave in the same way with anyone
a person, regardless of his official or social status;
adherence to principles the presence of strong convictions and active
striving for their implementation; commitment, accuracy, responsibility, fidelity to word and deed.

  1. Goodwill, i.e. organic need to do
    people are good.
    Of course, any professional activity
    aims to satisfy social needs and in this
    sense is directed to the "production of the useful". However, good
    desirability expands the scope of social life
    man, because without this he is limited only to the fact that
    is obliged to perform within the limits prescribed by the service (for which,
    in fact, he receives a monetary allowance (salary)). Prin
    The principle of benevolence encourages a person to perform not only
    what he owes, but also beyond what he can, in the name of
    the good of the people and for which he receives human gratitude
    and satisfaction.

Respect, i.e. respect for human dignity,
realized through such educated moral qualities,
as politeness, delicacy, tact, courtesy, caring.
At the same time, politeness, not to the detriment of respectfulness, should be combined
tread with correctness, restraint and poise. Here
etiquette merges with morality, because, following its norms, we are one
temporarily fulfill the moral requirement: to respect the human
dignity. The same applies to the statutory provisions: the statute does not
to what extent does not allow the derogation of the dignity of his subordinate
chief. Etiquette norms of communication in which people do not
experience mutual irritation, resentment, insults, dissatisfaction with each other, protect from stress, nervous shocks and other negative consequences of communication, both domestic and business. Ignorance of etiquette rules, in the words of a British politician
XVIII V. F. Chesterfield, the inability to apply them can negatively affect the respect of others for this person, because they make a person constrained, clumsy, as a result of which communication becomes painful not only for him, but also for others 1 .

5. Reasonableness and expediency.This general principle, which underlies any ethical norms and rules, is especially necessary in all forms of human behavior and communication, a significant part of which is determined by etiquette norms. Thus, observance of etiquette norms of communication favorably affects the moral and psychological climate of the service team and makes its functioning most effective. Compliance with etiquette at the table, in addition to creating a pleasant atmosphere, contributes to better absorption of food. The culture of clothing (certain etiquette rules are also observed here) promotes neatness and cleanliness, develops aesthetic taste, etc.

One should recognize as fair the witty remark of the English philosopher John Locke that in an ill-bred person courage takes the form of rudeness, learning looks like pedantry, wit buffoonery, simplicity uncouthness, good nature flattery. 2 .

Good qualities constitute the true wealth of the soul, but this wealth often lies without movement, at best it brings an insignificant effect if a person is not able to
cannot express himself properly, does not know how to find the appropriate form for these qualities to apply.

Knowledge of etiquette norms and rules of a culture of behavior is not only of social utility, but also brings benefit and pleasure to those who possess it. Personal interest here is also satisfied by the fact that a well-bred person feels confident in any society, easily overcomes the psychological barrier of communication, does not experience an inferiority complex and gets the opportunity to expand his circle of communication as much as he likes, including interesting, intelligent people who have something to learn and communication with which brings real pleasure.

Knowledge of etiquette norms is not innate, it is not comprehended unconsciously, spontaneously. They must be mastered consciously and purposefully, just as we master any skill. The acquired knowledge must be consolidated through exercises and practical application. Thus, one's own demeanor is created, and a person can no longer behave differently. It is generally recognized that knowledge and observance of etiquette norms is a qualitative indicator of the level of development of a person's culture.

Etiquette is a stable order of behavior, a set of rules of polite behavior in society.Etiquette rules are the behavioral language of cultural communication. In official etiquette, the main thing is the correspondence of manners, appearance, speech, gestures, facial expressions, posture, posture, tone, clothing to the nature of the social role in which the person acts, as well as the official and social status of the interlocutor and the specific specifics of the situation in which communication takes place. This requirement is of particular importance when participating in a strictly regulated ceremonial, where certain official forms of behavior of officials must not go beyond rigidly established limits, failure to comply with the requirements of etiquette due to their ignorance or disrespect for them is perceived as an insult to personal dignity and often becomes a cause of conflicts or , at the very least, causes justified disapproval.

Etiquette in its etymology (but not in content) has nothing to do with ethics their consonance is accidental. As mentioned in the chapter I , the term "ethics" is based on the ancient Greek word ethos, denoting "custom", "character", "way of thinking". As for the term "etiquette", it comes from the old French verb estiquer, literally meaning “to bring closer”, “to attach”, and in its original meaning included a set of rules that determined the form and order of behavior at the court of the monarch for his entourage.

Nevertheless, since both etiquette and morality have as their subject the regulation of human relations, they have a certain commonality, although each of these phenomena has its own specifics. Etiquette rules arise on the basis of moral and aesthetic norms and principles that determine the content and forms of human communication. At the same time, morality refers mainly to the content, and etiquette to the form of this communication. And therefore, a person who not only possesses good manners, tact and the ability to behave in society, but also harmoniously combines them with spiritual beauty and high morality, is of particular value.

characteristic feature rules of etiquette is theirconventionality,in other words, they are produced by people by mutual agreement. At the same time, some forms of behavior are considered correct, while others are not. Hence, by the way, there is a certain diversity of the rules of etiquette among different peoples, social and professional communities, arising due to the specific conditions of their development and formation.

Compliance with etiquette is the most important element of a culture of behavior. The well-known Russian sociologist A.G. Kharchev: “The culture of clothes, movements, manners is not important in itself. What is called "external culture" not only provides a certain level of communication between people, but with the appropriate direction of its education, it gives rise to a person's steady need to realize the maximum of positive tendencies inherent in him. And vice versa: the inability to behave in public is a kind of psychological dead end, it intensively forms a feeling of inferiority in a person, embitters him, creates an “alienation zone” between his personal “I” and the system of social values” 1 .

Proceeding from this, etiquette as a form of manifestation of culture is defined not as the sum of frozen norms and rules, but as the most important element of the culture of communication that meets all its requirements and is closely related to the fundamental principles of morality.

It should be emphasized that the highest moral qualities are emasculated, deprived of practical meaning, if they are combined with a low culture of behavior, with ignorance of etiquette norms, with disregard for "conventions". “Good people who make up the vast majority of our society,” wrote the outstanding Leningrad director N.P. Akimov, very often in everyday life they do not behave very well, offend their loved ones, often spoil the mood for themselves and others. And this usually happens without any malicious intent, without the intention of offending, humiliating, insulting, but simply, through negligence, thoughtlessness, inattention. 2 . And on this basis, he made an important conclusion about the importance of education, the ability to lead oneself in such an irazim, actions were clothed in forms that contribute to the emergence of truly humane relations between people. Such an observation should be carefully listened to, because we have all repeatedly encountered how an insult inflicted not “out of malice”, but simply because of a person’s moral and cultural deafness, gave rise to a chain reaction of mutual insults and insults, as a result of which many people had spoiled and mood, and well-being, and the case suffered.

This position can be easily illustrated with a textbook example. Suffice it to recall why Gogol had Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich: in the heat of the altercation, he called him a gander. It can be said (and this is exactly how Ivan Nikiforovich reasoned): just think, what a terrible insult, is it worth fencing a garden over such a trifle. But the fact of the matter is that, due to some personal reasons, it was precisely the comparison with the goose that inflicted a mortal insult on Ivan Ivanovich. As a result, not only was the long-term friendship destroyed, but in general Ivan Ivanovich's whole life turned out to be broken: his character deteriorated, he became a litigator, he lost his fortune and all this only because Ivan Nikiforovich, due to his "thick-skinned" failed to show proper tact and sensitivity.

We emphasize: strict adherence to the rules of etiquette— an important condition for a high culture of behavior.This is the “clothes” by which they “meet”, by which they make the first impression of a person. But even the most scrupulous knowledge and observance of these rules does not guarantee the corresponding behavior of a person, because the real circumstances are so diverse that no rules and norms are able to cover them completely. To avoid possible mistakes, it is necessary to develop a sense of emotional empathy with the interlocutor, which is called tact. A developed sense of tact allows a person to determine the proper measure in expressions and actions, in showing interest in another person. It is tact that allows you to find a solution to a problematic conflict in communication, without detracting from the dignity of other people and without dropping your own dignity.

Professional tactthis is a manifestation of restraint, foresight and decency in communication with others.Tact implies a careful, attentive attitude to the personality of the interlocutor, excluding the possibility of touching some of his “sore strings”. This is the ability to tactfully, correctly bypass, if possible, questions that might cause embarrassment to others. This is the ability to say or do something by the way, without unnecessary "excesses", importunity and unceremoniousness. The manifestation of tactlessness is an unmistakable evidence of a lack of culture, an indicator of rudeness and bad manners. It is important to constantly remember that the observance of etiquette and the manifestation of tact is not just an obligatory element of communication, but an integral component spiritual culture of the individual, especially the personality of the leader, an indispensable condition for the positive results of business communication and the authority of law enforcement agencies in general.

It was said above that the norms of etiquette cannot be applied mechanically, that each specific situation can “correct” them, and that only the developed ability of professional tact protects the employee from mistakes. But there are also more general controls. etiquette behavior. They are the same as those of morality: it isimpact public opinion and remorse of the conscience of the person himself. There are also "sanctions": from caustic ridicule to a fine for disturbing the peace. But still the best, in any case the most worthy controller is one's own conscience.

If a healthy man does not give way to an old woman on the bus, then this is not about his ignorance of etiquette rules, but about the neglect of his moral education. And before you start teaching him the rules of behavior, you need to start educating his moral principles. It is these foundations that will be the main judge of the correctness of behavior, and public opinion will be only an assistant.

Etiquette, tact and culture of behavior of an employee is an indicator of his moral upbringing and evidence of his general culture, the most important condition for establishing the right relationship between employees and citizens, creating relationships of trust, benevolence, solidarity. Therefore, mastering the rules and norms of the culture of business communication, work ethics and etiquette should become an internal need for every law enforcement officer.

7.2. Forms of Business Communication Ethics

Business communication between employees, both among themselves, in service teams, and with citizens, can occur in various situations and take various forms. Let's present the main ones.

1. Daily business communication:

conversations, meetings, negotiations;

reception of visitors;

meetings, meetings, sessions, conferences;

visiting organizations, institutions;

visiting citizens at the place of residence;

duty, patrolling, security.

2. Specific forms of official communication:

communication in the service team (subordinated forms
we are communicating; communication between colleagues)

communication between teachers and students in the learning process;

business contacts with foreign citizens.

3. Extreme forms of official communication:

communication in a conflict situation;

communication with participants in rallies, demonstrations, public

communication with detainees during the search;

communication with the special contingent.

4. Non-specific forms of communication:

public contacts with journalists, interviews;

speeches on radio, television, in the press;

telephone, teletype, radio communication;

business correspondence, resolutions.

In addition, in all these forms of communication, great importance is attached to the so-called accessories, which are included as elements in the etiquette rules of communication. These include: the culture of speech, text, appearance, facial expressions, tone, gestures. For each of these elements, there is a set of specific rules that should also be carefully followed.

Each of the above forms contains a variety of principles, techniques, rules and norms. In their totality, they make up a voluminous special course "Business Communication", which goes far beyond the scope of the discipline considered in this textbook. Therefore, only the basic information on the most commonly used forms of business communication in the activities of law enforcement agencies is presented below.

I . Ethical requirements for conducting business conversations, meetings and negotiations

results professional activity law enforcement officers largely depend on personal meetings, conversations, meetings. Ethical requirements for their implementation are the necessary condition that allows you to find the right solution, smooth out sharp corners and get out of difficult or unpleasant situations with dignity.A properly conducted conversation is the most favorable and often the only way to convince the interlocutor of the validity of your position, to force him to accept your decision and conditions.

Naturally, not every business meeting or conversation requires a detailed study of all its aspects, but it is necessary for responsible meetings. You should not abandon the rules for holding meetings and conversations even at seemingly insignificant meetings, since regular observance of these rules leads to the development of skills for the most correct behavior in such situations and ultimately contributes to success in business.

Not every contact, meeting develops into a conversation. It is tactless and even indecent, for example, to try to “draw” into a conversation a person whom you have just met and who is not disposed to this conversation. If the person with whom you come into contact is not in the mood for a conversation, then it is better to postpone it. However, in law enforcement, there are situations when there is a need to obtain this or that information from a person who avoids a conversation. Even in these situations, you need to remember that the person you have been able to win over will be of much more help to you than the one you are trying to get to talk to you.

  1. preparation for the conversation;
  2. the beginning of the conversation;
  3. transfer of information;
  4. argumentation;
  5. refutation of the arguments of the interlocutor;
  6. making decisions.

He recommends sticking to just such a structure of the conversation. However, this is not always possible. Sometimes it is necessary to change the order of stages, sometimes it is advisable to omit some stage, sometimes the boundary between the third, fourth and fifth stages is erased, sometimes you have to return to the previous stages. But at the same time, the structure of the conversation must necessarily include preparatory, introductory, main and final parts of the conversation.

When preparing for a conversation, it is recommended to study the interlocutor. What position does he occupy? How does he treat you? What kind of person is he? What are his intentions? It is good to know the main points of the interlocutor's biography, the range of his personal interests, including his favorite pastime, hobby.

Once you have figured out who you will be talking to, you should conduct a preliminary analysis of the conversation, that is, consider the business environment, which makes it possible to determine the time, place and topics that could be discussed during the conversation, as well as its possible participants.

Psychologists believe that the peak of brain activity falls at 10.00-12.00, so the most important meetings that require a lot of mental and psychic energy should preferably be scheduled in the first half of the day. The time frame of the meeting is indicated in advance. The time allotted for the meeting should be freed from other business. At this time, you can not appoint other meetings and make those invited to wait in the reception. It is not customary to drag out a meeting beyond the time allotted for it, unless, of course, this is related to the resolution of an important issue.

It is considered indecent to look at your watch while talking. This gesture is usually perceived as a signal to end the conversation. Therefore, you should learn to "feel" the time.

It is very important to outline a preliminary plan for the conversation. This is done necessarily in cases where it is a long conversation in which a number of controversial and delicate issues are to be touched upon. The text written in advance, the working plan of the conversation should be visual, the keywords should be easy to read and catch the eye. All the most important points should be recorded on paper and highlighted by any means (underline, shade, etc.).

After the preliminary work, the important stage of the conversation itself begins. In a conversation, it is important to pay attention not only to its main part, but also to its beginning and end. At the beginning of the conversation, every effort should be made to create an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual trust.

You should not start talking about business from the very beginning of the meeting. This may leave an unpleasant impression. It is advisable at the beginning, when the interlocutors are just looking at each other, to talk on abstract topics, gradually transferring the conversation to the main

the content of the conversation. A sharp transition from the introductory part, relaxing the interlocutor, relieving the tension of the first minutes of the meeting, setting up a conversation on the main topic, can have the opposite effect: the person will close up, the predisposition to you will disappear. So, it is undesirable to cut off a conversation about the weather or yesterday's football match with the words: "Now let's get down to business", thereby showing that the entire previous conversation, which could be interesting to the interlocutor and helped him get used to the new conditions for him, is a kind of pro forma , a psychological trick.

Turning to the main topic of the conversation, one should not force the interlocutor to seek counterarguments and take a defensive position with the first questions. It is better to find conciliatory moments in your positions than to cause internal resistance in the interlocutor.

Try to present your evidence, arguments, ideas and considerations as simply as possible to the interlocutor. The presentation should be clear, illustrative, concise and, above all, intelligible and understandable.

All important provisions and data should be recorded in the form of an abstract. Therefore, pen and paper are indispensable attributes of participants in meetings, meetings, and many official meetings. However, in the case of a confidential conversation, it is better not to keep notes so as not to violate the atmosphere of trust. If the need to write down something nevertheless arises, then you should warn the interlocutor what exactly you want to write down, but it is better to do this after your interlocutor leaves the office.

For the success of the conversation, the stage of its completion is important. At the end of the conversation, there is no place for superfluous words, vague formulations. The conclusion should be clear, containing the most important arguments in favor of the proposed solutions, and at the same time easily perceived so that the interlocutor does not have unclear ideas.

Experts believe that a business conversation can be completed if it is directed towards the desired goal, the main arguments are given in favor of the proposals put forward or against them, the questions raised during the conversation and the comments made are answered to the satisfaction of the interlocutors, good contact is established between the interlocutors and a favorable environment is created. atmosphere to complete the conversation.

You need to realistically assess your capabilities: not everyone has the eloquence of Cicero, so it does not hurt to say the main points that you would like to express in a conversation. It is important to highlight the most significant ideas, the sequence of their presentation. When holding a meeting (or conversation), it is important to take into account not only their strategy and tactics, but also pay attention to the “little things” of etiquette that can grow into circumstances that seriously affect the outcome of the meeting.

So, entering the office, you should ask permission for this, even if you were invited by the secretary. This is not done if the secretary herself takes you to the office and introduces you to the owner. The owner, in turn, does not just nod in response, but leaves the table and goes towards the newcomer, greeting him. Saying hello across the table is a sign of bad taste.

If the interlocutors do not know each other, after a mutual introduction, the host invites the guest to sit down. The location of the guest and the host is symbolic and can influence the nature and tactics of the conversation.

If the owner remains in his place, this gives him more weight, symbolizes dominance in the conversation. If the host sits opposite the guest, and even more so next to him, then this indicates a desire for equality, an expression of respect for the interlocutor, and in the latter case, it speaks of close relationships, the desire for an informal conversation.

During a conversation, they sit straight, freely. Participating in a business conversation, they try not to smoke, especially without the permission of the owner of the office. It is not recommended to ask him for permission to smoke, since it will be inconvenient for him to refuse you, although it may be unpleasant for him to be in a smoky office or other participants in the conversation cannot stand cigarette smoke.

In a conversation, not only facial expression, smartness, trimmed nails and hair are important, but also clothes, her condition, the ability to feel free in her. Neatness, strictness of clothes, well-groomed appearance always favorably influence the perception of a person by his business partner, which is why this should not be neglected.

Of great importance in conversation, negotiations arespeech and presentation style.Timbre, intonation, clarity of pronunciation, loudness of voice - these are facts that psychologically affect the interlocutor, cause him respect, sympathy for you or, on the contrary, negative emotions. For example, too fast verbose speech creates the impression of a person as insufficiently reliable and thorough. Too slow speech causes irritation, makes you think about the slowness of the reaction of this person.

You need to be careful with the use of foreign words and expressions. The use of words incomprehensible to the interlocutor is not the best way to show your erudition and education. This not only does not contribute to a better mutual understanding, but also causes irritation. It has long been noticed among the people: whoever thinks clearly, he clearly states. The more intelligible, the more understandable your speech is to the interlocutor, the more likely it is that you will find a common language.

The conversation must be conducted calmly, without raising your voice and not showing your irritation, even when there are grounds for this. Hotness, haste are bad helpers in a conversation. Even if you have to give a rebuke in response to an attack from the interlocutor, complete self-control and calm speech will make a greater impression on the partner than an ardent tone and a raised voice.

Be attentive and considerate to the interlocutor, appreciate his arguments, even if they are weak. Experts believe that nothing has such a negative effect on the atmosphere of a business conversation as a contemptuous gesture, meaning that one side discards the arguments of the other without the slightest effort to delve into their content. If you are dealing with an interlocutor who is below you in position or dependent on you, it would be simply stupid to demonstrate your personal or professional superiority over him. In this case, the result can only be the emergence of personal antipathy and intolerance.

In business communication, it is especially importantability to listen carefully.The ability to listen to an interlocutor in a difficult situation is a guarantee of mutual understanding, without which business relationships may not work out. Therefore, the basic ethical rules for effective listening in such communication have been developed. These include:

the ability to set yourself up for a wave of internal interest in the topic of a business conversation, dispute, meeting;

highlighting for oneself the main thoughts of the speaker (reporting information) and the desire to correctly understand them;

a quick comparison of the information received with one's own and an immediate mental return to the main content of the message, dispute, conversation.

Listening carefully and not even expressing his opinion, the employee must still be an active, and not a passive participant in the conversation, discussion, dispute.

In whatever conditions the communication takes place, if the employee is not clear what the interlocutor is talking about, he must let him understand this either by asking clarifying questions, or by asking him to correct him if he misunderstands something. Do not take the silence of the interlocutor for attention. If a person is silent, it does not mean that he is listening. He may be lost in his own thoughts. The ideal case is when the interlocutor can simultaneously express his thoughts at length, process information and listen perfectly, but these are not often found.

Exist ethical standards external manifestation feelings in business communication.Restraint in intonation, voice power, facial expressions and gestures affects the interlocutor more than immoderate exclamations, loud voice, violent gestures. In communication, much must be coordinated, synchronized. Gross tactlessness is the “forceful” imposition of a level of communication, topics of dialogue, position, tone on a partner.

During the conversation, you must turn to face the speaker and constantly maintain eye contact with him. Make sure that your posture and gestures show that you are listening carefully to the interlocutor. It is necessary to be at such a distance from him, which provides convenient and safe communication with him. It should always be remembered that a person in extreme conditions, turning to a law enforcement officer, wants to communicate with an attentive, lively interlocutor, and not with a stone wall. Never pretend to listen as it is practically useless. No matter how you pretend, lack of interest and boredom will inevitably show up in facial expressions or gestures. Pretense in extreme conditions is perceived offensively. It's better to admit that this moment you cannot listen, referring, for example, to being busy. In dialogue, with direct auditory perception of the interlocutor, the meaning of words decreases, the role of situations, facial expressions, gesture, intonation increases, which is why sounding speech is simpler and more accessible.

Focus on what the other person is saying, as listening requires conscious attention.Strive to minimize situational interference (telephone, TV, music, etc.), do not allow your own "wandering" thoughts. Do not interrupt the interlocutor unnecessarily. Most of us interrupt each other in communication, sometimes doing it unconsciously. Employees vested with authority, managers should resort to this only in really necessary cases. If you need to interrupt someone in a serious conversation, then help then restore the interrupted train of thought.

Try to understand not only the meaning of the words, but also the feelings of the interlocutor.Remember that people transmit their thoughts and feelings "coded" (according to socially and historically determined norms). Take in not only verbal information, but also conveyed feelings.

Don't jump to conclusions.It is such subjective assessments that make a citizen take a defensive position in relation to an employee. Always remember that such evaluations are a barrier to meaningful communication.

Do not let yourself be "caught" in a dispute on inattention.When you mentally disagree with a speaker, you tend to stop listening and wait your turn to speak. And speaking out, you are so carried away by substantiating your point of view that sometimes you no longer hear the interlocutor, even when he has long been saying that this is exactly the information that he is trying to convey to you. If there is a real disagreement, you should definitely listen to the person carefully and to the end in order to understand what exactly you disagree with, and only then state your point of view.

Whenever the topic and setting of the conversation allows, stick to a benevolent-approving attitude towards the interlocutor, as this creates a favorable atmosphere for communication. The more the speaker feels approval, the more accurately he will express what he wants to say. Any negative attitude on the part of the listening employee causes a defensive reaction, a feeling of insecurity and wariness in communication.

Try to express understanding.While listening, reflect on what was said in order to understand how the interlocutor really feels and what significance the information is trying to convey to you. Try to mentally imagine yourself in the place of the interlocutor. Such communication not only means the speaker's approval, but also allows you to more accurately understand the message.

Don't ask too many questions.Try to limit yourself to questions to clarify what has already been said. Closed questions that require a specific, specific answer should be kept to a minimum. Open-ended questions that encourage the speaker to express their thoughts in detail should be used with caution. An excessively large number of questions to a certain extent suppresses a person, takes away the initiative from him, puts him in a defensive position.

Never tell the interlocutor that you understand his feelings well, such a statement serves more to justify your own (not always successful) attempts to convince the interlocutor that you are listening to him. In addition, such communication will call into question the credibility of you, and the conversation will most likely stop altogether. When listening to an excited interlocutor, be careful and do not be influenced by his feelings, otherwise you can miss the meaning of the information being communicated, the appeal. Be "impenetrable" in relation to emotionally charged words and expressions, listen only to their meaning. Your own feelings can block you from understanding what you really need to know.

Don't give advice unless asked.But in cases where you are really asked for advice, use the techniques of analyzing listening to establish what the interlocutor really wants to know. Don't hide behind listening as a refuge: passive, insecure people often use listening as an opportunity to avoid business communication and self-expression. In these cases, they not only don't speak, they don't actually listen.

Observe the non-verbal manifestations of the speaking person.Pay attention to the expression on the speaker's face and how often he looks at you intently, how he maintains eye contact with you. Pay attention to the tone and speed of speech, pay attention to how close or far the speaker is sitting or standing, whether non-verbal cues enhance speech or contradict what is being said in words. Often we are distracted from purposeful listening when we pay too much attention to the appearance of the interlocutor, watching him, we do not believe that we will hear something new and, in our opinion, interesting. Subconsciously, we are also distracted when the interlocutor expresses views that contradict ours, communicates outdated and insufficiently deep information.

Listening to the interlocutor consists of perception, reflection and understanding. One of these links inevitably breaks when the employee inattentively listens to the interlocutor. Understanding is sometimes false. The man tired the employee with an abundance of complex formulations, and he decided to himself: “Enough. I got it". In fact, this is far from being the case, which becomes clear as soon as the employee begins to respond to the communication partner. Without a full understanding, any business communication is ineffective. Understanding is based on an internal interest in the topic or problem under discussion, on the discipline of the mind and knowledge of the rules of communication.

We have to admit that not all law enforcement professionals know how to listen. Summing up some of the above, we highlight a fewessential ethical precepts to help you learn to listenfor the benefit of himself and for business. Listening, you need to:

forget personal prejudices against the interlocutor;

do not rush to answers and conclusions;

distinguish between facts and opinions;

make sure that your speech is as clear and precise as possible;

be impartial in assessing what you heard from the interlocutor;

really listen, and not pretend to listen, not
get distracted by extraneous thoughts.

Often we inattentively listen to the interlocutor due to lack of patience. The interlocutor, in our opinion, takes too long to get to the point of the conversation. We get annoyed: it seems to us that in his place we would conduct a conversation differently. This position is of no use. You have to be patient, reckon with the manner of conversation of the interlocutor.

You can’t be overconfident: don’t assume that when you enter into a conversation, you have an absolutely unshakable position. It may happen that the information you receive will change your point of view. Therefore, be careful, analyze what you hear. At the same time, you need to set yourself up for long-term intense attention. Remember that usually the length of time during which a person is able to concentrate on one problem is short. After intense attention comes a period of fatigue, absent-mindedness. And this often happens precisely at the moment when the interlocutor or partner in the dispute goes to the merits of the issue. A person who does not know how to regulate the tension of his attention usually does not know how to listen rationally, being captive to the opinion that the partner "will not say anything worthwhile."

It follows from this that all forms of business conversations should have one result correct understanding, which is impossible if you do not know how to listen to the interlocutor. Understanding is primarily the ability to predict. If, after listening to the interlocutor, you can imagine what actions will follow the conversation, then you have managed to correctly understand him.

Try to logically plan the entire process of listening, remember first of all the main thoughts expressed by the interlocutor.During the conversation, try to mentally summarize what you heard 23 times, and it is better to do this during pauses in the conversation. Remember that your tendency to anticipate what will be said as you listen is a sign of active thinking and is a good way to remember the main points of a conversation.

Whenever possiblebe polite, friendly, diplomatic and tactful.An old saying goes that a drop of honey attracts more flies than a gallon of bile. The same applies to people. If you want to win a person to your side, first convince him that you are a sincere friend.

Politeness does not reduce the certainty of a request or order, but in many ways prevents the interlocutor from developing internal resistance. Of course, at the same time, politeness should not develop into cheap flattery or flattery. The measure is necessary in everything, including in the manifestation of politeness. In law enforcement, you often have to deal with people who do not deserve to be treated kindly. But in this case, correctness should come to the fore, that is, the ability to keep oneself within the framework of generally accepted decency in any situation.

Summarizing what has been said, success in a business conversation, in negotiations can be greatly facilitated ifadhere to certain rules that are compiled by experts in the field of business communication:

write a conversation plan in advance, work out the most important

apply the provisions of psychology on the periodic impact on the interlocutor during the conversation, namely: alternate unfavorable moments with favorable ones, the beginning and end of the conversation should be positive;

constantly remember the driving motives of the interlocutor, his
interests, his expectations, his position, self-esteem
dignity, pride;

express your thoughts and suggestions clearly, concisely and clearly;

never, under any circumstances, insult or offend
interlocutor, be polite, helpful, tactful and delicate with him;

never treat others with disdain;

compliments to speak moderately;

always, when possible, recognize the correctness of the interlocutor;

avoid empty conversation, distractions on extraneous topics,
disrupting the logical flow of the conversation.

II. A culture of speech

The culture of a person is most clearly and directly manifested in his speech. In a certain sense, the culture of a person's speech, the manner of expressing his thoughts and feelings are his calling card. The first idea of ​​a person and his initial characteristics, as a rule, are formed on the basis of the impression that arises from the speech manner of the interlocutor. Therefore, for a law enforcement officer, one of whose duties is the educational impact on people, the culture of speech is of particular importance.

Usually isolated three components of professional speech:

  1. normative speech correctness;
  2. communicative the ability to understand speech by the interlocutor;
  3. ethical relevance, legitimacy of the statement in a given situation.

Unfortunately, the official position of the leader gives him the opportunity not to bother himself with the need to endow speech with a persuasive or cognitive function. Lack of time and a low level of culture encourage such a leader to get by and be content with rudeness, other extreme manifestations of command speech. The confidence that, regardless of the content and form of the statement, the subordinates are obliged to listen to the boss, allows him not to care about the aesthetics of the expression, creates in him the idea of ​​permissiveness in speech. Subsequently, this becomes a habit, is fixed not only in the lexical material, but also in the method of logical and compositional construction of the text and, most importantly, inevitably turns into disrespect for subordinates, low authority, and ineffective leadership.

Such bosses do not even suspect that speech is a powerful means of managing personnel for the leader, acts as one of his main professional “tools”, and has a huge impact on his authority. A clever, passionate word addressed to a person awakens thought, develops initiative, forms lofty feelings and thoughts.

The culture of speech is both a culture of thought, and a characteristic of the cultural level, and evidence of the moral integrity of a person.In order to write or speak well, one must first of all think and act correctly. The confusion of expressions speaks of the confusion of thoughts, the fuzziness of views and beliefs. The poverty of thinking, its inconsistency, fallacy, in other words, the lack of a culture of speech indicate the lack of a general culture, knowledge, erudition and negatively affect both the authority of an employee of the authorities and the effectiveness of his educational activities.

A high culture of speech is the ability to correctly, accurately and expressively convey one's thoughts by means of language. It lies in the ability to find the most intelligible and most appropriate means for expressing one's thoughts. The culture of speech obliges a person to adhere to certain mandatory norms and rules, among which the most important are the following.

1. Content.The speech of the employee of the authorities should be
carefully thought out, extremely compressed and at the same time extremely
informative. A laconic but meaningful speech testifies to a high culture of both thinking and language, since
true eloquence consists in saying all that is needed,
but no more.

2. Logic. In logical speech, all its provisions are justified,
are consistent and consistently follow one from the other. All
its leading positions are interconnected and subject to a single thought.
Logic provides the foundation for persuasion and proof.

3. Evidence.The evidence must be credible and
justified, i.e. must prove to the interlocutor that everything about
than they say, exists in reality and wears
objective character.

  1. Persuasiveness. The purpose and meaning of any conversation is not
    only to convince the interlocutor of the correctness of the information communicated to him, but also to ensure that this conviction is firmly
    rooted in his mind. Therefore, when talking
    take into account the psychological characteristics of the interlocutor, and the system of his views and values, refer not only to his mind,
    but - both to the heart and to the conscience, to illustrate their arguments with vivid and
    understandable examples. It should be remembered that all
    which conviction is persuasion, the reshaping of worldview or moral principles, and therefore it cannot
    limited to simple logical arguments. This requires both mutual trust and an emotional, non-indifferent look,
    and a humane, kind word, etc.

Clarity. You need to speak clearly, calmly, restrainedly, in a moderate tone. Too fast speech is difficult to perceive, too slow causes irritation. Each spoken word, syllable, sound must, of course, be perceived by the interlocutor. Dull and inexpressive speech is capable of ruining the deepest thoughts and the most meaningful ideas.

  1. Clarity. Use only words and terms
    understandable to the interlocutor. In addition, you need to make sure that
    the concepts you use, the interlocutor puts the same meaning.
    If this is not done, then it may well be that the lion's share
    the information you provide will remain unassimilated by the interlocutor.
  2. Purity of speech. The purity of speech is expressed by the absence in it of elements alien to the literary language, as well as those that are rejected
    moral standards. The purity of speech is destroyed:

dialectisms words that are not characteristic of the common language of the people
(literary), but to local, territorial dialects and dialects;

barbarisms included in speech without any need
foreign words and phrases;

jargon words and phrases inherent primarily in individual professional or social groups(dude, go crazy, wet);

vulgarisms swear words that degrade the dignity and honor of a person;

interjections (yeah, uh-huh, wow), as well as inappropriate sounds: uh-uh, m-m-m, a-ah-ah, etc .;

clericalism words and phrases typical of a business
style and inappropriate in a colloquial everyday style;

stamps hackneyed expressions that have been erased from frequent use (there is a place, it should be noted, it must be emphasized, etc.);

little-known words and phrases (if you can’t do without them, they should be explained right there).

All of them impede speech, clog it, have a psychologically negative effect on listeners, reduce the significance of information (not to mention the fact that most of them carry the only information about the speaker's speech lack of culture). They are disastrous for any report, lecture or conversation, because they scare away with their coldness, dryness and indifference to the listener.

The expressiveness of speech is achieved under the following conditions.

  1. independence of the speaker's thinking the material presented must be comprehended by the speaker and receive its own
  2. indifference, the speaker's interest in the material being presented: to what he says, and to those for whom he speaks;

3) good knowledge of the language, its expressive capabilities, features of various language styles (the famous ancient Roman orator Cicero advised: the speaker should take care of three things what to say, where to say and how to say).

To master speech culture, it is necessarysystematic training of speech skills.You should speak more often, listen carefully to the speeches of people with oratorical abilities, learn from them. It is also necessary to form a psychological target setting for the expressiveness of one's speech. It is very useful to record your speech on a tape recorder (or even better on a video recorder) and then analyze it.

An important role in oratory is also played byindicators of phonetic culture, namely:

correct accent and pronunciation;

expressive intonation;

clarity of diction.

In Russian, stress freely and can fall on any syllable. Therefore, it is necessary to memorize the speech of the speakers. In doubtful cases, you should consult a spelling or orthoepic dictionary.

Intonation is an emotional design of speech, increases its effectiveness. The famous Russian teacher A.S. Makarenko managed, through training, to develop up to 20 shades of spoken commands and ensured that no one dared not to fulfill the command given to him. An important role in speech art is also played by pauses. By the way, the longer an actor knows how to "keep a pause", the higher his qualifications.

Clarity of diction lies in the ability to clearly pronounce all vowels and consonants, not to chew or swallow them, especially at the ends of words. Particular attention should be paid to proper names and numerals. The timbre of the sound is also important it should be pleasant, not harsh and not deaf.

Compliance with all the above requirements ensures the completeness of assimilation of information, demonstrates the culture of the speaker and inspires respect for him, shows his respect for the audience.

It is also of great importance tone conversation. To a certain extent, the tone speaks of the upbringing or bad manners of the interlocutor, for the same word or phrase can have a completely different effect depending on how they are pronounced. An arrogant and arrogant tone, indicating an overestimation of one's own person and disregard for others, is not acceptable in the activities of a law enforcement officer. Even instructions that are categorical, commanding in nature should be expressed in a businesslike, calm, even tone. This is especially important when the conversation escalates, when uncontrollable emotions begin to penetrate the stage. In these cases, it is useful to remember that emotions are not an argument, as well as the ancient Chinese saying: "When a person shouts in anger, he is ridiculous; when a person is silent in anger, he is terrible."

The correct tone of the conversation is the key to its success. Tone is a powerful means of emotional and volitional influence on the interlocutor: it can offend, hurt, induce the interlocutor to withdraw, but it can also create an atmosphere of trust, mutual sympathy, cause the interlocutor to feel respect, desire to open up, understand and accept your arguments.

The speech of a law enforcement officer should testify to his respectful attitude towards others. Particular attention should be paid to the correct forms of address, since a mistake, even an involuntary one, in a greeting or address is regarded as a manifestation of disrespect. The form of address to “you” can only take place in close, friendly or trusting relationships: it expresses mutual respect and is unacceptable in any other cases (for example, when a boss addresses a subordinate or when addressing a person who has committed an offense), because then it is disparaging and degrading to human dignity. Anonymous address is used only if the person is unknown. The word "citizen" should always be used before the surname, but it is preferable to address by name and patronymic. It is indecent to call a third person present during the conversation with a pronoun like "he", "she" or "this", but always only by name or surname. A well-mannered person will never allow himself to speak disrespectfully, mockingly or badly about those who are absent.

The employee must constantly improve his speech: read the classic fiction containing the best examples of speech culture; listen carefully and adopt the speech techniques of the most intelligent radio and television announcers, artists, lecturers; expand your vocabulary, improve your diction, imagery, clarity, brightness and expressiveness of your speech. Only under these conditions will he be able to perfectly master the culture of speech one of the most important professional qualities law enforcement officer.

III . Reception of the population

The reception of citizens by responsible employees of departments and institutions is one of the main factors contributing to the propaganda of the activities of law enforcement officers and strengthening their ties with the population. To implement this installation, it is necessary to first carry out work through the mass media to bring the days and hours of reception to the population, indicating which specific managerial person receives visitors. In addition, information for visitors is posted directly in the department in a conspicuous place, which gives schedules for receiving visitors with a specific indication of which heads of departments and services are receiving, which the visitor can contact to make a decision on the issue of interest to him. In the duty unit or at the secretary, assistant, a special journal is started, in which the last name, first name and patronymic, address, telephone number and the question with which the applicant addresses this or that official are recorded. If the applicant applies to the unit with a letter, then it is considered by the head of the body or unit, who instructs a competent specialist to meet with the author of the letter and invites him on a specific day and hour to answer on the merits, if necessary.

As a rule, specific days and hours of admission are determined in a unit or institution. If the appointment is not in the office official, then a separate room is allocated for this, equipped with appropriate equipment. If possible, a waiting room, also equipped with the necessary furniture, is set aside in front of the reception room.

Leading worker must be competent in the questions to which he has to give answers to visitors, for which, knowing in advance the questions of interest to them, he consults with specialists from the relevant services.

The manager receiving visitors must be attentive to the applicant, listen to everyone without haste, without interrupting, showing respect and tact, must be psychologically prepared for the perception of the applicant, who can be overly emotional, verbose, even aggressive. He must master the methods of neutralizing these manifestations and be able to lead the conversation into a calm channel.

The head of the reception should strive to give the most comprehensive answers to the questions of the applicants, solving them both with specialists from services or departments, and with the relevant bodies and departments, on which the solution of the problems posed by visitors depends. In the same case, when the host manager is unable to answer the question, he informs the visitor that he will be given a written (if required) or oral answer, while determining the response time. This is to ensure that the visitor leaves the unit satisfied both with the nature of the meeting with the leader and with the results of that meeting. When leaving the unit, the visitor must be sure that his question has been properly resolved or taken under effective control. If the manager makes a negative decision on the issue of the applicant, then he must give a reasoned, exhaustive explanation of this decision, not letting the visitor go until he is convinced that this decision is based on laws or other regulations, or he agrees with the conclusion that, at the present time, there is indeed no capacity to comply with his request.

Recently, such forms of communication with the population have also appeared, such as a helpline (the so-called “direct line”) or a special box for letters, complaints and statements of citizens put up in duty units, in which they report certain actions of law enforcement officers. . These forms also enable senior staff to keep abreast of public opinion about the activities of law enforcement agencies and issues that need to be resolved.

At the end of the year, the duty unit (or employees of the secretariat) prepares an analytical report on letters, statements and complaints from citizens who were at the reception or sent relevant oral or written messages. It is desirable that this oral or written material be brought to the attention of the population through the mass media, which, of course, will help increase the authority of law enforcement agencies among the population and strengthen their capabilities in the uncompromising fight against crime.

The above material contains recommendations in relation to the conditions of activity of grass-roots bodies. If we are talking about higher authorities, then the functions described in this material as related to the competence of duty units are transferred to the jurisdiction of headquarters units or special reception rooms that exist in some departments.

IV . Communication in the work team

Service relations affect the mood of people, create that moral microclimate, without which the existence of the team is impossible. Normal service relations are formed on the basis of two basic requirements: responsibility for the cause and respect for colleagues.

Responsibilityimplies an honest and binding attitude to one's word and deed. An optional person brings harm not only by his personal behavior, but also creates around him an atmosphere of irresponsibility, indiscipline. Idle conversations, smoking breaks, doing personal business during office hours, empty talk, including on official topics, not only reduce the efficiency of work, but also have a corrupting effect on those who are conscientious in their work. Violation of the business environment does not compensate for the most refined courtesy and courtesy.

It is no coincidence that the Americans, and after them the Japanese, prefer to work in one room, and the boss, if separated, is only glass walls. They believe, not without reason, that great success can be achieved in this way. You can’t be lazy you are in front of your comrades, you can’t endlessly talk on the phone or receive visitors. Yes, and the team works more cohesively, as its members constantly consult with each other, and everyone feels like parts of one mechanism.

The business environment depends to a large extent onrespect for colleaguesthe ability to insist on something, and give in to something, the ability to defuse a conflict situation. Respect for colleagues is to a large extent manifested in the ability to take into account their interests, show concern, and provide small but pleasant services.

Service relations are somewhat different from everyday ones, which leaves its mark on the requirements for the behavior of colleagues.If, for example, in a cafe or restaurant, the main priority for women and men is the priority of the lady, then in official relations this priority often recedes into the background and is replaced by the priority of the boss. Respect for the employee as a woman is reflected in the provision of assistance and attention to her, but not in the fact that she was allowed to violate discipline, to shift the work that she should do herself onto the shoulders of colleagues. At the same time, to make a pleasant compliment to a female colleague, to give way, to help carry heavy things, to let you go ahead, going through the door, to respond to a request for help in any business, to take on the most difficult and difficult part of the overall work the duty of a man in any conditions, regardless of whether he is her boss or not.

Law enforcement is associated with complex, rapidly changing situations, significant risk, which causes an increased likelihood of various conflicts - interpersonal and intergroup. For successful work, it is important to anticipate the possibility of conflict situations and know how to get out of them. If it was still not possible to avoid the conflict, then you need to be able to resolve the problems that arise painlessly and with minimal losses. How to achieve this? It is no longer enough to know only the etiquette rules of conduct. The implementation of these rules should be combined with a subtle psychological analysis of the situation, taking into account the possible behavior of colleagues in a conflict situation.

The life of the service team cannot do without critical remarks addressed to colleagues. And here it is especially important that this criticism was constructive, and was not the result of any grievances or interests. It should be perceived by the person as deserved. And for this, it must meet the basic requirements for it.

1. Criticism should be businesslike and substantive.Unfortunately,
There is also the so-called pseudo-criticism. Specialists highlight
several types of such self-serving criticism:

tendentious criticism as a settling of personal scores, criticism
as a means of maintaining or enhancing one's position and
prestige; it may include elements of hypocritical self-criticism, but above all it is aimed at censuring those persons who, in a given situation, are especially beneficial to criticize;

criticism as a kind of "prophylaxis", without which, according to some leaders, it is allegedly impossible to create a "working spirit";

standard, or formal, criticism, when, for example, in
the report is made the so-called "critical part", which
does not oblige to anything and is of a formal nature;

pre-emptively defamatory criticism, when a principled
and an honest worker who asked to speak for a critical
speeches, before his exit to the podium fall
accusations exaggerating his minor mistakes and

2. Criticism should be tactful and benevolent, taking into account the positive qualities and merits of the criticized.Its task is not to humiliate a person, but to help him improve, to show ways out of the situation. Criticism is always perceived as unfair if it carries only a negative charge. Conversely, a fair assessment of positive and negative points has a beneficial effect on the activities of employees.

  1. Criticism must have its specific subject.Great harm is done when, instead of evaluating a person's specific actions, his personality and character are criticized. This can cause anger, indignation of the criticized, a desire to justify itself at all costs, since a person considers himself, and quite justifiably, undeservedly offended. And specific instructions for certain actions or behavior of the employee relieve tension. Therefore, they are always preferred.
  2. Criticism requires a specific approach, taking into account the peculiarities
    temperament and personality.
    One will treat the remarks
    painful, but quickly calm down and return to normal, before another
    they can, as they say, "not reach", the third can be pushed to
    the path of experiences, and the fourth so internally experienced
    his offense, that in relation to him the penalty would be superfluous. Even the same measure of punishment acts differently depending on the mental state of a person, his character, the novelty of the impact on him, etc. Thus, the first criticism or some other type of punishment is perceived much more sharply than subsequent ones.

V . Holding business meetings

There are several rules which the leader who is going to hold the meeting must remember:

  1. the meeting should be extremely brief: a prolonged meeting causes its participants to lose interest in the issues under consideration and “reject” even the information that previously aroused interest;
  2. You should only invite people to the meeting
    which are really necessary, i.e. those who must really implement the information received here, and those whose opinion is necessary for making a decision;
  3. the meeting should be held only when it is really necessary, when there is another way to develop certain
    decisions will be longer and less effective; excessively frequent meetings indicate weak leadership or
    his administrative cowardice, as well as the useless waste
    working hours of employees;

4) it should be taken into account that the greatest effectiveness of the meeting takes place when the number of participants in the meeting is limited to 710 people. At the same time, a certain number of employees should be kept on standby and invited only to discuss certain specific issues, as well as to provide information and advice on certain complex problems.

Every meeting requires careful preparation. The better the preparation of the meeting, the less time is spent on its conduct. The preparation of the meeting includes the following operations: defining the goals of the meeting, formulating the topic, setting the agenda, setting the date and time of the meeting, determining the participants and appointing the main speaker, preparing participants, determining the duration of the meeting (optimally 1.5 hours, then its effectiveness decreases sharply), preparation of materials, technical support.

There are four types of meetings:operational, instructive, problematic, final.In addition, according to the nature of the meeting, they are divided into the following types:

dictatorial only the leader leads and has the actual right to vote, the rest of the participants are given the right only to ask questions, but by no means express their own opinion;

autocraticbased on questions from the leader
to the participants and their responses to them; there is no broad discussion here, only dialogue is possible;

segregative the report is discussed by those elected by the head
participants, the rest only listen and take note;

discussion free exchange of opinions and development of a common solution; the right to decide in its final
wording, as a rule, remains with the head;

free they do not adopt a clear agenda,
sometimes the chairman is also absent, they do not necessarily end with a decision and come down mainly to an exchange
well opinions
1 .

The meeting must start at the specified time. The opening speech, as a rule, is made by the head of the unit. In the introductory speech, it is necessary to clearly outline the contours of the problem (or problems) under discussion, formulate the purpose of the discussion, show its practical significance and determine the rules.

The main task of the leaderis to provide an opportunity to listen to the views of speakers and analyze them. He must correctly point out repetitions, cut off unnecessary, irrelevant to the case, insist on the argumentation of the opinions expressed. An important sign of the leader's culture is strict observance of the regulations. However, even here “relaxations” are possible if the speaker expresses an opinion that is of great importance and arouses general interest. In this case, you should contact the assembly and obtain its permission to increase the regulations.

Participants should never be forced to listen to reports and speeches and encouraged to speak without fail. If during the meeting some of its participants are engaged in extraneous matters, there is no need to rush to condemn them. It is likely that the questions raised have little to do with them, or they are so clear that they do not merit discussion. In these cases, the meeting organizer may only be dissatisfied with himself. At the same time, extraneous conversations, walks and similar manifestations of tactlessness and bad manners should not be allowed during the meeting. They definitely need to be stopped.

Meeting speechesalso require careful preparation. It is advisable to pre-write the text of the speech, but in no case should it be read out its purpose is to streamline thoughts, build them in a logical sequence, make the speech extremely concise and specific. You can limit yourself to a speech plan, where you can identify the most important theses and illustrative examples. If you have significant material on the topic of the speech, it is advisable to state it in the form of a memo and, having brought the essence of the issue to the participants of the meeting, ask permission from the head of the meeting to submit it after the end of the meeting.

The leader should not abuse meetings in his office. Here, the situation itself emphasizes the inequality between the leader, sitting in an armchair at his own table, and the rest of the interlocutors. Subordinates are held in these conditions more constrained.

The leader holding a meeting in his office, of course, should not interrupt his progress by talking on the phone, calling the secretary, talking with visitors, etc. Such behavior is not only a waste of the time of those present, but also a direct tactlessness towards them. The meeting should end with a decision or a final word from the chief with instructions to specific performers. At the meeting, a protocol is kept, where it is not the form that is important, but the fixation of the decisions made for subsequent control. Solutions can also be written on task cards.

The most important criterion meeting is the attitude of the participants to its results. It is necessary that they do not have a sense of wasted time, that everyone has a clear understanding of the decisions made and their role in their implementation. By the degree of specificity of the decisions made, one can judge the competence of the boss, his managerial culture and moral upbringing.

VI . Telephone conversations

Telephone communication in solving official issues takes almost more time than personal communication. That is why it is so important to keep rules business conversation on the phone.Unnecessary telephone conversations disrupt the normal mode of operation, break up the working day, make it difficult to make decisions important issues requiring reflection and analysis in a calm environment interfere with colleagues.

The phone is one of the psychological irritants at work. According to doctors, long-term exposure to phone calls negatively affects the nervous system, and some even believe that this effect can shorten a person's life by three to four years. And the point here is not in this or that news that we learn from a telephone conversation, but in the tension of the nervous system due to the unexpectedness of a phone call or, on the contrary, because of the constant expectation of it. Therefore, firstly, you should adjust the volume of the call so that it is audible, but does not make you flinch, and, secondly, it is better to immediately pick up the phone as soon as you hear the call. In addition, some shy people who are afraid to disturb the subscriber with their annoying call, having heard that no one answers after the first beeps, hang up. And in law enforcement, the fate of a person may depend on such a failed telephone conversation.

Prepare well for an important phone call.Experts have calculated that poor preparation for a telephone conversation, the inability to highlight the main thing in it, to succinctly and competently express their thoughts among some workers reduces their useful working time by a quarter. For most people, up to a third of a phone call is filled with repetition, unnecessary pauses, and just a lot of unnecessary words.

To reduce speaking time, always have a pen, paper, documents and data that you may need to refer to, phone numbers, addresses of organizations or persons that you need to tell, and a calendar at hand. The presence of these peculiar "requisites" of a telephone conversation is an integral part of the culture of official communication.

When preparing for a business telephone conversation, you first need to determine the purpose of the conversation. You have a good memory, but whatever it is, it is advisable to write down the questions you want to solve or the information you want to get. Recorded questions will help you return to the topic you need if the conversation gets sidetracked, as well as not to miss something important so that you do not have to come back later on this issue. Repeated calls do not characterize the caller very well, they speak of his lack of concentration, fuzziness in the conduct of business.

It is possible to deal with business questions by home phone only in cases of urgency, or at the request of the owner himself. But in this case, you should call no later than 22.00.

The phone rings and you pick up the phone. Where to begin? If it is quite appropriate to say “Hello” on a home phone, then a business conversation should begin with an introduction. On an external phone, as a rule, they do not call their last name (if it is not a personal phone), but an organization or department. On the internal phone, the unit and the name of the person who answered the phone are called. When answering a call on a personal phone, you should always give your last name.

The first phrases on the phone serve as a means of introducing the parties to each other, the further conversation largely depends on them, therefore, even without knowing who is calling, you need to answer in a friendly tone. Often the caller, after he hears in the receiver: “Hello, I’m listening,” said in a rude tone or as if they were brushing you off like an annoying fly, any mood to continue the conversation disappears. People expect help and protection from law enforcement agencies, and when they hear an irritated voice on the phone, they understand that they are unlikely to get such help from this person.

The initiator of the conversation, having heard the answer, should say hello and immediately introduce himself, that is, give his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the organization and position. Not to put a man V an awkward situation, forcing him to painfully remember your name, or frantically flipping through a notebook, trying to find your last name, it is recommended to give your first and middle name after the last name. Even if you call a person who knows you, you should not rely on the fact that every one of your acquaintances remembers your name well.

Since the phone call may come at an inconvenient time for the other person, after the introduction it is recommended to ask if you interfered with him and if so, at what time would it be convenient to call back. At the same time, you can briefly state what issue you would like to talk about. Forgetting to ask about it and starting to state the essence of your question, you risk being interrupted and feel embarrassed, embarrassing the person you called. At best, they will listen to you, but in this case it is not necessary to count on the fact that the conversation will be effective, since your interlocutor at this time may not be able to concentrate on you or conduct a confidential conversation.

If, when talking on personal topics, it is considered impolite to immediately start talking about business, then a business conversation, on the contrary, is immediately recommended to start with business, saying what will be discussed. It is usually not customary to ask about the reason for the call, but if the person you need was not at the place, the person who answered the phone is not only not prohibited, but it is also recommended to ask if he can help or convey something to the person you need. In any case, a note should be left on the desk of the person who was called with the request transmitted and the name of the caller. It is also desirable to indicate the time of the call.

The caller, in turn, must say about the reason for the call or, if he cannot do this for one reason or another, at least give his last name and the time when he could call back, so as not to make the person guess who could be interested in him .

If you hang up to invite someone to the phone, try not to forget about it, as well as the fact that they are waiting for an answer on the other end of the line. Naturally, the caller should thank in advance the person who responded to the request to call the employee he needs on the phone.

When you need to leave your phone for a while to make inquiries or pick up necessary information, tell the other person how long they will have to wait, and ask them if it would be more convenient if you call them back later.

It is not uncommon for a wrong number to be dialed or an incorrect connection to occur. Then you should remember that you were unintentionally disturbed and that the caller may be just as annoying as you are. No apology is required on your part, but it doesn't hurt to say "I'm sorry" or "I'm sorry" to the caller. If the call is heard again, you should not change the friendly tone to an aggressive one, it is better to ask what number the caller is dialing. Thus, you will save yourself from further anxiety and help the person who is in difficulty, who will understand that it is not a technical problem, but an incorrectly recorded phone number.

If the connection is interrupted during a call, hang up. According to the generally accepted rule, the one who called again dials the number. The same rule applies when determining the duration of a conversation: the caller hangs up first. In a conversation between a senior and a junior, a boss and a subordinate, regardless of who called, the end of the conversation is determined by the senior or boss.

If the person called to the phone is in a hurry or is busy, he should, apologizing, tactfully ask the caller to reschedule the conversation to another time convenient for him or, if this is difficult to do, state the essence of the issue in the most concise form. Office conversation requires brevity and clarity. It should always be remembered that a business conversation on the phone is not a detailed exchange of views, but an exchange of information of operational importance in order to achieve a certain result, as well as to clarify the position of the other side on a particular issue. The art of telephone conversations is to communicate everything you want to say in the shortest possible time and get the necessary information. At the same time, it is important to remember that conversations containing state and official secrets are not conducted on the phone. Competence, tact, goodwill, mastery of conversational techniques, the desire to quickly and effectively solve a problem or provide assistance in solving it all this leaves a good impression on the interlocutors and helps to achieve the goal that caused the phone call.

Often law enforcementpeople call with reports of an incident, a crime,in an excited or depressed state, in a stressful situation. They cannot concentrate, speak inconsistently, miss the point, repeat themselves, etc. In this case, you should tactfully direct the thread of the conversation in the right direction by asking leading questions. It is recommended to avoid long questions and complex sentences that are hard to hear. Politeness, attentiveness, calm, interested tone of the employee will help to get maximum information, relieve stress from the subscriber.

You need to learn how to pause during a telephone conversation: after questions, so that the interlocutor can answer; before you say important information or words that the interlocutor should pay attention to; after you finish your thought, to give the other side an opportunity to express theirs. Try to restrain yourself and not interrupt the interlocutor in mid-sentence, even if he expresses, in your opinion, unfair reproaches and remarks. Reciprocal aggressiveness will only strengthen your subscriber in the correctness of his position, but will not lead to a positive resolution of the issue. In such cases, you need to let the interlocutor speak, and then in a calm tone, recognizing, when possible, his correctness, express his opinion on this issue, and if necessary, offer to meet and discuss all controversial points in a personal conversation.

It should be borne in mind that when talking on the phone, you lose one of the most important means of transmitting information - facial expressions and gestures, but allverbal deficiencies,the value of tone, timbre of voice, intonation is enhanced. Pay attention not only to what the interlocutor says, but And on how he says it, in order to understand what psychological state he is in, what hinders him in a conversation, so as not to make mistakes.

On the phone, it is recommended to speak clearly, slowly and quietly, unless the room is too noisy or the connection is poor. The acoustic feature of a telephone conversation is the specular effect: if they speak quietly at one end of the wire, then they will also answer in an undertone, and if it is loud, the answer will be given in a raised voice, because the speakers get the impression that they are hard to hear. Try to pronounce numbers, proper names, consonants especially clearly. This is due to the fact that words with the same vowels and endings ("fifteen", "sixteen") can sound the same on the phone. Words that are difficult to understand, especially names and surnames, should be pronounced syllable by syllable or even by letter, using simple words for this: most often, well-known names are used for these purposes.

In a business conversation, slang words and expressions such as “good”, “goes”, “okay”, “okay” and others seem alien. They give the impression of a frivolous attitude to business, the frivolity of a conversation partner.

Although politeness requires saying words such as “sorry”, “sorry”, “thank you”, “please”, in a business telephone conversation it is advisable not to abuse the repetition of apologies and thanks.

Having clarified the necessary questions, one should not repeat what has already been said once again, drag out the conversation, not knowing how to end it, or remembering aloud whether everything that one wanted was discussed. At the end of the conversation, it is recommended to thank the interlocutor for the assistance, advice, information, express readiness to continue cooperation and say goodbye. With all the difficulties of the conversation and its possible unpleasant content and debatable nature, the conversation should end on an optimistic note and in a friendly tone, which leaves the possibility of continuing contacts.

VII . Drafting official documents and conducting business correspondence

It is impossible to imagine the activity of a law enforcement officer without working with documents. Experts have calculated that some law enforcement officers spend from 30 to 70% of their working time on compiling official documents and working with them. Compliance with the law, the authority of law enforcement agencies, relations in the team and with citizens, and ultimately the success of the case, largely depend on a correctly drawn up order, resolution, and correctly written letter.

Office documents, as a rule, are strictly formalized. They require brevity, clarity, monosyllabic language, should not be overloaded with words, unnecessary turns.Maximum information with a minimum of words an immutable rule for their compilation.

The formalization of service documentation allows you to quickly and clearly understand the essence of the issue, avoid wasting time on its preparation and reduce paperwork. Like any formalization, which is one of the signs business etiquette, service documentation is contractual in nature. On the one hand, this leads to the fact that the rules for compiling official documents and conducting business correspondence are fixed in official documents and thus become the same for everyone to whom these documents apply, and on the other hand, they can differ significantly from similar rules adopted, say, in another department or another country.

At the same time, the general principles of business communication through documentation are practically the same all over the world, which allows law enforcement officers to exchange official documents not only with each other, but also with their colleagues from other countries, contributing to the fight against international crime.

All service documents can be divided as follows:instructive-administrative(instructions, decisions, orders, directives), reference (summaries, acts, protocols, statements); operational (official letters, memos, telephone messages and etc.); organizational(statutes, regulations, instructions).

Among administrative documents, the most common order. The order must be precise, clear and in accordance with the law. Its content is placed in the title and formulated in the prepositional case, for example, "On measures to improve the fight against crime."

The introductory (stating) part of the order sets out the facts and events that served as the basis for the issuance of the order: “In accordance with the decision ...”, “In order to eliminate the noted shortcomings ...”. In the administrative part of the order, non-specific expressions such as: raise, raise, strengthen, improve, take measures should be avoided. The items containing such tasks are vague and it is almost impossible to check their execution.

Orders by personnel have some features and are drawn up separately from orders on general issues. The stating part can be omitted in them. In the administrative part, as a rule, first there are paragraphs on appointment, then on transfer, dismissal, etc. The presentation of the content of such orders should be uniform, which facilitates their use for reference purposes. Each paragraph of the order begins with a verb: appoint, transfer, release. These words are written in capital letters. Then with new line the surname, name and patronymic of the person in question, his position, the unit where he is appointed are indicated.

Orders and orders must be stated in such a language as if they were read aloud. You should not abuse excessive science, use artificial lengthening of speech. And, of course, the offensive tone of the order is unacceptable.

A large place among official documents is occupied by business letters, which are made for a variety of reasons. A well-written, well-written letter is one of the most effective means of obtaining the desired result.

When writing a business letter, it is important to observe the following requirements:

the performer must clearly imagine the message,
which he wants to convey, or a question he wants to find out, and know exactly how to express it in an understandable and concise way.

the letter should be simple, specific, logical, without
ambiguities that allow for multiple interpretations
the addressee could understand its content;

The letter is composed of only one question. Text of the letter
is divided into paragraphs, each of which should address only one aspect of the issue;

the letter must be convincing, with sufficient reasoning;

the letter is written in a neutral tone of presentation that does not allow emotional coloring;

The volume of a business letter, as a rule, should not exceed
two pages of typewritten text, but its executor
in no case should he sacrifice politeness of tone for the sake of brevity;

a sloppy letter with spelling, syntax and stylistic errors produces poor
impression and irritating effect on the addressee.

It should be borne in mind that the perception of a letter largely depends not only on the content, but also on the envelope, the letterhead of the organization. Official letters are written on special forms that meet the standards, having an established set of mandatory elements (requisites), arranged in a certain order. For an official letter, the following composition of mandatory details is recommended: the name of the department that owns the organization; the name of the organization, which is given in full and abbreviated form; postal and telegraphic address; telephone and telefax number; date of; document index; reference to the index and date of the incoming document; name (name) of the addressee; title to the text; text; a mark on the presence of the application; signature; surname, name, patronymic and phone number of the performer.

A business letter is the only official document that does not have its name on it. It is not allowed to arbitrarily abbreviate the names of organizations, although official abbreviation is not only allowed, but also necessary, for example, as a prop for a business letter.

The name and address of the recipient of the letter are put down on the upper right side of the letterhead. The name of the organization, its subdivision or the surname and address of the person to whom the letter is sent is indicated here. When sending a letter to an official, the name of the organization is indicated in the nominative case, and the position and surname in the dative. Initials are written after the last name.

Punctuation marks in an internal address may be omitted. The name of the organization, the name and surname of the person to whom the letter is addressed should be written as they are given in the correspondence outgoing from this organization or in the directory.

If the letter is sent to a private person, then first the postal code and address are indicated, and then the surname and initials of the recipient in the dative case. If the letter is addressed to several persons, then each surname is written on separate line. If the recipient of the letter has a military, special or academic rank, then it should be indicated before the surname.

The letter should not contain more than four addressees. When sending a letter to more than four addresses, a mailing list is compiled and only one addressee is affixed to each letter. The heading is placed before the text of the letter on the left and contains one phrase, which should reflect the main reason for sending the letter and an indication of what it is about. You should not try to state the content of the letter in the title, it should be short and capacious. The heading usually begins with the preposition "About" or "About" and is not marked with quotation marks.

The heading is not put down if the letter is addressed to a personal person. In this case, an appeal is written, for example: “Dear Ivan Ilyich!” This is followed by the text of the letter. Since official letters have legal significance, their content and style must meet certain requirements. The letter usually consists of two parts. The first set out the facts and events that necessitated writing a letter, the second - specific requests, proposals, decisions, recommendations, etc.

Although the language of official documents is a set of clichés, cliches, standards that seek to minimize the subjective-emotional side, any business letter, in addition to the content itself, has a subtext, which is expressed by the word "tone". By the small strokes of the letter, the choice of words, stylistic turns, and simply by the design, one can judge the author of this letter. The use of standardized verbal expressions not only eliminates the unnecessary emotional tone of the letter, but is also an expression of business courtesy, as it eliminates unnecessary stress when reading a letter, as well as ambiguity and inaccuracy in wording. The formalization of a business letter also helps its author or performer, reducing the time and effort to draw up a document.

If there is an attachment to the letter, then a mark about it is put in the lower left corner of the letter. The word "Application" is printed and underlined from the red line. On the right is a list of attached documents indicating the number of copies and sheets, the degree of secrecy. Each title is on a separate line. If the name of the application is given in the text of the letter, then only the number of sheets and copies is indicated in the mark.

The letter ends with a signature, which includes the name of the position of the person who signed the letter, a personal signature and its transcript. The name of the organization is not indicated so as not to repeat what is already indicated in the form. In the signature, the initials are placed before the surname. If the letter must be signed by several officials holding the same positions, then the signatures are placed at the same level.

In recent yearsstyle of business lettersin Russia began to approach the Western style. This is manifested, in particular, in the so-called compliment, that is, the words of politeness before the signature. As a rule, they are handwritten by those who sign the letter. Such a compliment can be: “respectfully”, “your sincerely”, “I hope to continue our contacts”, “I wish you success”, etc.

It is recommended to observe the official level of signing letters. In particular, the response to a letter signed by the head of the department must also be signed by the head of the appropriate level, and not by his deputy. But the answer to a letter signed by the deputy head of a department may be signed by the head of another department.

What to do if there is no official whose signature is printed in the letter? Such a letter may be signed by the person acting in his capacity or by his deputy. Often in such cases, the signature is supplemented with the preposition "for" or just a slash. This is not recommended by the rules of business etiquette, since it is not clear to the addressee who signed the letter, whether the signatory has the necessary powers. Therefore, it is required to indicate the position and surname of the person who signed the letter, for example: “Acting.” or "Zam".

The last requisite of a business letterartist mark.The author of an official letter and the performer are not always the same. The author is responsible for the legal side of the letter, and the performer is responsible for the technical side, therefore there is a requirement to make a note about the performer in the letter. This mark includes the surname of the originator of the letter and his official telephone number. The mark is placed on the front or back of the letter in the lower left corner. Unlike the signature of an official, the initials are placed after the surname of the performer. In general, the text of the official document cannot be confused with any other text. This suggests that it has developed its own style, subject to certain rules which are an integral part of business etiquette.

So, the text of documents is recommended to be printed at 1.5 intervals. Small documents can be printed with single spacing. All pages of the document, with the exception of the first, on which the number "1" is not put, must be numbered. The date in official documents can be drawn up in any of the following ways: 10/05/2010 (after the numbers indicating the year, the dot is not put) or June 4, 2010.

If the text uses numbers, then you should know how to write them. For example, if 1800 in the text of the document looks like this: 18 thousand. Such an entry greatly facilitates the perception of numbers. A single digit number is written as a word, not a number. Multi-digit numbers are usually written as numbers, but if the number is at the beginning of a sentence, it should be written in words.

If the document must be approved, then the approval stamp is located in the upper right corner of the sheet and consists of the word “I approve”, the title of the position of the person approving the document (including the name of the organization, if it is not part of the details of the form), personal signature, its transcript and dates.

The approval stamp is placed below the signature or on a separate approval sheet. This stamp consists of the word "Agreed", the name of the official with whom the document is agreed, a personal signature, its transcript and date.

Copies of documents are certified by affixing the inscription “Correct”, the name of the position of the employee who certified the copy, a personal signature, its transcript and the date of certification. On copies of outgoing documents remaining in the file, the date of certification and the position of the employee who certified the copy may not be indicated.

Business etiquette requires documents to be reliable, evidence-based, objective, and convincing. Accuracy in the selection of facts, assessments of the situation is especially necessary in documentation that reflects various aspects of law enforcement.

Although documents are usually written in a neutral tone, the style of the document itself can be seen as friendly or rude, polite or tactless, and so on. Often in documents, behind the external neutrality of tone, harshness and disrespect for the addressee are visible. However, one should not go to the other extreme - compete in excessive politeness. Unpleasant impression of the document leaves the sloppiness of its design. You should carefully read the document to eliminate possible errors and omissions. business document, containing an edit, must be retyped. Often there is an incorrect construction of the text, a disproportionate arrangement of its parts, there is no breakdown into paragraphs, which greatly complicates the perception of the text.

In official documents, the incorrect use of words and terms, inappropriate or unjustified use of foreign words, unnecessary or incomprehensible abbreviations, etc. should be combated.

Experienced managers are not in a hurry to send it to the address immediately after preparing the document, if, of course, time permits. This is done in order to re-read it again, correct it if necessary, and only then send it. The perception of the document is influenced by many factors, including irritation, fatigue, haste. After some time, the text and its content can make a completely different impression on the sender, which will make him work on the document more carefully.

Of course, each law enforcement agency or its division develops its own traditions in the preparation of documents, but at the same time, it should be ensured that, with all the differences, the document is clear, specific, evidence-based, objective, written in compliance with the rules of style and beautifully designed, and its content meets the requirements business courtesy.

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In whatever area of ​​professional activity a person works, he always enters into certain - business, official - relations with colleagues at work, with a leader or subordinates, with representatives of other organizations. The ability to behave appropriately with people is one of the most important factors determining success in official or business activities.

In order for the goal of business communication to be successfully realized, in modern psychological science, the main ethical and psychological principles business communication, which include:

1) principle creating conditions for identifying the creative potential and professional knowledge of the individual, on the basis of which it is possible to harmonize the personal goals of the employee with the overall goals of the organization;

2) principle powers and responsibilities, regulating business communication within the framework of official rights and duties in accordance with the employee's official status, assessment of his business qualities and the use of his qualifications and experience.

Jen Yager, in her book Business Etiquette: How to Survive and Succeed in the Business World, outlines the following six basic principles:

1. Punctuality (do everything on time). Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that a person cannot be relied upon. The principle of doing everything on time extends to all service tasks. Experts who study the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25% to the period that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work.

2. Confidentiality (don't talk too much). The secrets of an institution, corporation, or particular transaction must be kept as carefully as personal secrets. There is no need to retell to anyone what you heard from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their official activities or personal life.

3. Kindness, kindness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, customers, buyers and colleagues politely, affably and kindly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.

4. Attention to others (think of others, not just yourself). Attention to others should extend to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have this or that point of view. Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. When someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence should not prevent you from being humble.

5. Appearance (dress appropriately). The main approach is to fit into your work environment, and within this environment, into a contingent of workers at your level. It is necessary to look the best way, that is, dress with taste, choosing a color scheme to match your face. Carefully selected accessories are essential.

6. Literacy (speak and write well). Internal documents or letters sent outside the institution must be written in good language, and all proper names transmitted without errors. You can't use swear words. Even if you just quote the words of another person, they will be perceived by others as part of your own vocabulary.

A personality has individual traits and qualities - intellectual, moral, emotional, strong-willed, formed under the influence of society as a whole, as well as in the process of family, labor, social, cultural life of a person. In communication, it is important:

    knowledge and consideration of the most typical features of human behavior;

    their character traits and moral qualities.

Business communication should be built on the basis of such moral qualities of a person and categories of ethics as honesty, truthfulness, modesty, generosity, duty, conscience, dignity, honor, which give business relations a moral character.

On the nature of communication, the status of communicants, their social and situational roles, as well as their temperament (sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic).

Ethics features top-down business communication

Top-down business communication is the attitude of a manager to a subordinate. The basic rule of ethics for such communication can be formulated as follows: “Treat your subordinate the way you would like to be treated by your boss.”

The art and success of business communication is largely determined by the ethical standards and principles that the leader uses in relation to his subordinates. The norms and principles are understood as what behavior in the service is ethically acceptable, and what is not. These norms concern, first of all, how and on the basis of what orders are given in the management process, what is the official discipline that determines business communication. Without observing the ethics of business communication between a leader and a subordinate, most people feel uncomfortable in a team, morally unprotected. The attitude of the manager to subordinates affects the whole nature of business communication, largely determines it. moral and psychological climate. It is at this level that moral standards and patterns of behavior are formed in the first place.

Moral standards and patterns of behavior in business communication "from top to bottom"

1. Strive to turn your organization into a cohesive team with high communication standards. Involve employees in the goals of the organization. A person will feel morally and psychologically comfortable only when he is identified with the collective. At the same time, everyone strives to remain an individual and wants to be respected for who he is.

2. If there are problems and difficulties associated with dishonesty, the manager should find out its causes. If we are talking about ignorance, then one should not endlessly reproach the subordinate for his weaknesses and shortcomings. Think about what you can do to help him overcome them. Rely on the strengths of his personality.

3. If the employee did not comply with your order, you must let him know that you are aware of this, otherwise he may decide that he tricked you. Moreover, if the manager did not make a corresponding remark to the subordinate, then he simply does not fulfill his duties and acts unethically.

4. A remark to an employee must comply with ethical standards. Gather all the information on this case. Choose the right form of communication. First, ask the employee to explain the reason for not completing the task, perhaps he will give facts unknown to you. Make your remarks one on one: it is necessary to respect the dignity and feelings of a person.

5. Criticize actions and deeds, not a person's personality.

6. Then, when appropriate, use the "sandwich" technique - hide criticism between two compliments. End the conversation on a friendly note and soon find time to talk to the person to show him that you are not holding a grudge.

7. Never advise a subordinate how to act in personal matters.

8. Don't overgrow with pets. Treat employees as equal members and all with the same standard.

9. Never give employees the opportunity to notice that you are not in control if you want to maintain their respect.

10. Observe the principle of distributive justice: the greater the merit, the greater should be the reward.

11. Encourage your team even if success is achieved mainly due to the success of the leader himself.

12. Strengthen the subordinate's self-esteem. A job well done deserves not only material, but also moral encouragement. Do not be lazy to once again praise the employee.

13. The privileges you give yourself should be extended to other members of the team.

14. Trust employees and admit your own mistakes at work. The members of the collective will find out about them one way or another. But concealing mistakes is a manifestation of weakness and dishonesty.

15. Protect your subordinates and be loyal to them. They will answer you the same.

16. Choose the correct form of the order.

Note that when choosing order forms First of all, two factors should be taken into account:

1) the situation, the availability of time for nuances;

2) the personality of the subordinate - who is in front of you, a conscientious and skilled worker or a person who needs to be pushed at every step.

Depending on this, one should choose the most ethically acceptable norms of behavior and forms of command.

The forms of the order can be: order, request, question and the so-called "volunteer".

Order - most often should be used in an emergency, as well as in relation to unscrupulous employees.

Request - used in the event that the situation is ordinary, and the relationship between the leader and the subordinate is based on trust and goodwill. This form allows the employee to express his opinion on the problem if for some reason it cannot be solved. And if you pronounce the phrase in an appropriate way, then the employee will have no doubt that this is an order.

Question:“Does it make sense to do this”, “How should we do this?” - it is better to use in cases where you want to provoke a discussion on how best to do a job or push an employee to take the initiative. At the same time, employees must be proactive and sufficiently qualified. Otherwise, some may perceive your question as a sign of weakness and incompetence.

"Volunteer"(“Who wants to do this?”) is appropriate for a situation where no one wants to do the job, but it still needs to be done. In this case, the volunteer hopes that his enthusiasm will be appropriately appreciated in future work.

Ethics of business communication "from the bottom up"

In business communication "from the bottom up", i.e. in relation to a subordinate to his superior, the general ethical rule of conduct can be formulated as follows: "Treat your boss the way you would like to be treated by your subordinates" .

Knowing how you should treat and treat your leader is no less important than knowing what moral requirements you should make to your subordinates. Without this, it is difficult to find a "common language" with both the boss and subordinates. Using certain ethical norms, you can attract the leader to your side, make him your ally, but you can also turn him against yourself, make him your ill-wisher.

Ethical norms and principles in business communication "from the bottom up"

1. Try to help the leader in creating a friendly moral atmosphere in the team, strengthening fair relations. Remember that your supervisor needs it first.

2. Do not try to impose your point of view on the leader or command him. Express your suggestions or comments with tact and courtesy. You cannot directly order something, but you can say: “How would you feel if ...?” etc.

3. If any joyful or, on the contrary, unpleasant event is approaching or has already happened in the team, then this must be reported to the leader. In case of trouble, try to help facilitate the way out of this situation, offer your own solution.

4. Do not talk to the boss in a categorical tone, do not always say only “yes” or only “no”. An employee who always agrees is annoying and gives the impression of a flatterer. The person who always says no is a constant irritant.

5. Be loyal and dependable, but don't be a sycophant. Have your own character and principles. A person who does not have a stable character and firm principles cannot be relied upon, his actions cannot be foreseen.

6. Do not ask for help, advice, suggestions, etc. "over the head", directly to your leader's supervisor, except in an emergency. Otherwise, your behavior may be regarded as disrespect or disregard for the opinion of the boss or as a doubt about his competence, and your immediate supervisor will lose authority and dignity.

7. If you have been given responsibility, gently raise the issue of your rights as well. Remember that responsibility cannot be exercised without an appropriate degree of discretion.

Ethics of business communication "horizontally"

The general ethical principle of communication is “horizontally”, i.e. between colleagues (leaders or ordinary members of the group), can be formulated as follows: "In business communication, treat your colleague the way you would like to be treated" .

If you find it difficult how to behave in a given situation, put yourself in the place of your colleague.

With regard to fellow managers, it should be borne in mind that finding the right tone and acceptable standards of business communication with employees of equal status from other departments is a very difficult task. Especially when it comes to communication and relationships within the same enterprise. In this case, they are often rivals in the struggle for success and promotion. At the same time, these are people who, together with you, belong to the team of the general manager. In this case, participants in business communication should feel equal in relation to each other.

Thus, the basis of the ethics of business communication should be coordination, and if possible harmonization interests. Naturally, if it is carried out by ethical means and in the name of morally justified goals. Therefore, business communication must be constantly monitored ethical reflection, justifying the motives for joining. At the same time, making an ethically correct choice and making an individual decision is often not an easy task at all. Market relations provide freedom of choice, but at the same time increase the number of solutions, give rise to a set of moral dilemmas that await business people at every step in the course of their activities and communication.

At the heart of any successful team is the observance of the basic principles and rules of business communication. Relationships based on professional ethics and mutual respect create a comfortable working atmosphere and prevent conflicts. Absolutely all business norms matter - from the ethics of business communication on the phone to the speech culture in the conversation between the boss and the subordinate.

Both personal success and the results of the work of the whole team depend on the correct behavior in business communication.

Etiquette is the most important and significant part of the negotiation processes, regardless of their level. It is based on the unspoken principles of communication in a team, united by common professional goals.

The rules of business communication and the ethics of professional conduct in practice are necessary in order to:

  1. streamline the exchange of information between employees;
  2. develop an understanding of their goals and actions to achieve them;
  3. create the right working atmosphere aimed at production;
  4. improve labor productivity by creating a comfortable moral environment;
  5. avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.

Basic principles and rules of business communication

Each company has its own corporate culture that regulates relationships in the team. Regardless of it, the basic principles and rules of business communication apply, which include:

  • fair distribution of resources among employees;
  • the absence of an unfriendly attitude towards customers, colleagues, juniors in rank and superiors, criticism towards competitors;
  • development of the ethical side of the behavior of the organization and the loyalty of employees to its traditions;
  • equal professional recognition of collective and individual action;
  • justified references to personal experience in solving work issues;
  • showing confidence in employees in order to increase their sense of self-responsibility;
  • general motivation to follow the established norms for everyone by personal example;
  • the absence of violent measures in relation to employees and restrictions on the freedom of one employee to others, lack of conflict.

Today there is a lot of information about how to behave in various conversations and negotiations.

It is not enough to issue an order to comply with all of these guidelines, they should become a tradition for your company. It is necessary to follow the rules of business etiquette and the norms of business communication, which are based on such qualities as:

  1. image and officiality;
  2. politeness and friendliness;
  3. literacy, punctuality;
  4. integrity;
  5. confidentiality;
  6. impressiveness and conviction.

All of them are impossible without a certain set of moral values, mutual respect and the correctness of conducting working dialogues. What are the basic communicative speech rules of business communication that will help you with this:

  • keep yourself within the bounds of decency, regardless of the situation;
  • learn to manage emotions and put a ban on their external manifestation;
  • follow the course of your thoughts and listen carefully to the interlocutor;
  • develop the correct way of speaking.

Among the main forms and rules of business communication, there are a number of factors that affect the negotiation process, which must be taken into account in any conversation:

  1. influence or power factor - an unequal position, when one side has an advantage over the other, understand what its source is and think about what can be opposed to it;
  2. time limit or temporary conditions - in the best position, you should be patient, your interlocutor or opponent is also limited in time, like you;
  3. information resource - information should never be neglected, learn to read and listen to it from speech and gestures;
  4. intrigue, surprise factor - the other side may have trump cards in reserve, be it new idea, offers of cooperation, you must be prepared for a sharp resistance to your concept or an unforeseen situation that radically changes the general plans.

In modern society, most of the solution of work issues comes down to electronic correspondence, but here the basic communicative speech rules of business communication apply:

  • respect and attentiveness to each other's work goals;
  • safety and security of information without its free distribution;
  • literacy and punctuality.

Let's take a closer look at each of the aspects of business ethics.

Don't talk too much

The key to success is not only a well-delivered speech, but also its content.

The principle of confidentiality applies here. If you have been entrusted with some information as part of the negotiations, do not try to make it public knowledge. Be aware of what, when and to whom you say.

The security of a company largely depends on the talkativeness of its employees - you should not give out corporate secrets in a friendly or family circle, take them out of the scope of personal correspondence and your department. The same applies to negotiations with competitors - they do not need to know how and what your organization is working on.

Be Punctual

This item is related not only to the banal arrival at work without delay, but also to timely responses to incoming letters at work, documentation and correspondence. Manage your working time wisely and then you will gain a reputation as a punctual person.

Generally accepted norms of etiquette underlie everything

Keep the promises you make - whether it's an appointed time for a telephone conversation, the fulfillment of some duties, or the organization of an intended event.

Forget what the appeal to "You" is

A sense of tact and respect for the interlocutor lies in the correct appeal to him. There is only one form of appeal to your colleagues, superiors and subordinates - to you. Even when taking into account the informal situation, it is not recommended to contact the leader on You.

A polite form of conversation with customers and a competitor is also an appeal to you.

telephone etiquette

A telephone conversation adheres to a rigid framework due to its limited format. This culture provides a clear set of recommendations:

  1. do not call the home number of partners and colleagues without prior approval;
  2. the time interval for making calls is no earlier than 8 am and no later than 11 pm;
  3. if there is no answer to the call - do not hang up immediately;
  4. if the connection is interrupted, it is resumed by the initiator;
  5. do not speak too loudly unless you are asked to do so due to poor hearing;
  6. keep the conversation short and to the point;
  7. answer calls promptly and without delay;
  8. do not move away from the phone during a conversation - if necessary, warn the interlocutor;
  9. don't forget about a positive greeting and ending the conversation with a debrief.

Relationships between boss and subordinate

For a constructive dialogue with subordinates, the leader must adhere to these tips:

  • encourage the team, even in cases where success is achieved by management actions;
  • address criticism not specifically to a person, but to his professional actions;
  • make comments, even with minor non-fulfillment of duties;
  • do not give personal advice to employees who are not related to work;
  • show that power and decision-making are concentrated with superiors;
  • praise employees for the good performance of tasks, not only financially, but also in words;
  • reward workers fairly - the size of the bonus is equal to professional merit;
  • protect your wards from competitors and outsiders.

Always listen to the interlocutor to the end

To form a good opinion about the company and yourself among others, you must follow certain methods of behavioral culture based on psychology. Here, attentiveness and punctuality, a sense of tact are taken as the basis.

In addition to not interrupting your opponent, you need to listen carefully to what he says to you. This will give you the opportunity to understand his motives and determine his inner state by his manner and voice, the way he builds his questions and proposals. Determination of the internal state of the partner (by manners and voice). Neutralization of comments during the conversation. Ways to protect against incorrect behavior. Technique of conducting a conflict-free conversation. Self-soothing technique.

Respond calmly to criticism

The ability to manage emotions and self-control will add a big plus

We all perceive criticism acutely and painfully. But in business communication it is worth learning to take control of your emotions. To do this, follow the scheme:

  1. listen to the interlocutor - determine his motives - understand his mood;
  2. neutralize comments during the conversation, focusing on successes;
  3. defend against misbehavior by citing urgent work tasks;
  4. use the techniques of conflict-free conversation and self-soothing - restraint, politeness, counting to oneself, while simultaneously looking for ways to resolve a controversial situation.

No gossip

Everyone knows that gossip is bad. It is especially bad to speak negatively about your employees and colleagues, management, all the more so to spread rumors about their work and personal life.

Never use unverified information and exclude all personal conversations during work, stop any gossip, referring to the fact that you are not interested in them.

If you absolutely can not resist discussing someone else's bad habits and failures - write down your shortcomings and work on them.

Phone business rules

The etiquette adopted in a live conversation also applies to the rules of business communication by telephone. In addition to the standard set of polite phrases, you must correctly and briefly convey the purpose of your call to the person on the other end of the telephone wire. To do this, business telephone communication has general rules that apply to all employees of the organization:

  • correct appeal to the opponent, the correct formulation of questions;
  • before voicing them - introduce yourself, name your position, the name of the company and the department in which you work, ask for the full name of your interlocutor;
  • clearly formulate sentences - if you need to interrupt the conversation, apologize and promise to call back at another time.

These representations of business etiquette should be in all employees of firms. They are an active communication tool in professional field, facilitate understanding in the team, help establish contact between management and its customers, make communication productive.

Communication has such styles and rules of conduct that are based on relationships and benefits that partners want to receive. Culture and principles form the etiquette that is acceptable in the business world. The psychology of business communication is slightly different from the usual conversation on everyday topics.

All the features and forms of business communication will be discussed in this article. This will help many people connect with those they encounter in the work environment.

What is business communication?

A feature of business communication is that people consciously adhere to all its rules in order to achieve the best result. What is business communication? This is communication between people in the professional sphere, where all parties solve a common problem, wanting to achieve the goal. At the same time, they comply with all norms, rules and etiquette, which is established in business communication.

This type of communication is applicable exclusively in the work area. Here are the tasks and goals to be achieved. Contact is established between the parties in order to achieve all the goals set. Taking into account the goals, objectives and wishes of the opponent, observing the ethics and rules of negotiation, it is possible to achieve the set results.

Business communication needs to be learned. This is not everyday communication, where you can demonstrate your "I" and show off. In business communication, your personal qualities, although they are also taken into account. Your desires and goals become the main ones, as well as the aspirations of the opponent, which should be combined in such a way that your joint activity will lead both parties to the desired.

Ethics of business communication

Ethics is a set of rules that help any person to show himself cultured and educated in a certain environment. Business ethics is different from other ethical areas that are used in social or everyday communication. It is based mainly on the following pillars:

  • Psychology of communication and management.
  • Labour Organization.
  • Ethics.

In business communication, the cultural and national side of the opponent becomes important. Since business people communicate with opponents of various nationalities, one should be aware of their traditions and mores. This allows you to show respect for their differences and win over.

For successful management business negotiations important is the ability to win over, listen to the interlocutor, conduct and direct the conversation, leave a positive impression, create a favorable atmosphere. This is facilitated by the following skills:

  1. Clearly articulate your thoughts.
  2. Analyze your opponent's words.
  3. Argue your own point of view.
  4. Critically evaluate sentences and statements.

It is not enough to hold a certain position. You also need to be able to communicate with different people in order to strengthen your own skills and abilities. It is ethical to conduct business communication when all parties benefit. If someone loses or some damage is done, such a decision is unethical and unpromising for further interaction.

Psychology of business communication

If we turn to the psychological side of business communication, it can be noted that the development of specific conversational skills in oneself makes a person improve himself and develop exclusively the best qualities of a person. If you pay attention to how opponents communicate with each other, then they show only positive qualities, avoiding the manifestation of rude forms and manifestations. The psychology of business communication is the improvement of the person himself.

It doesn't matter what position a person holds. If he masters the skills of business communication, then it becomes easier for him to negotiate, communicate with competitors, and achieve his goals. Nobody says that there will be no losses and failures. They will simply be justified and clear for the person himself, who will be able to see his own mistakes or understand the wrongness of his choice of people as partners.

The psychology of business communication is based on the recognition of the opponent's feelings and their consideration. There are also techniques that help in the conversation:

  • "Proper name" - when you pronounce the name of the interlocutor.
  • "Golden words" - when you say compliments. Flattery is to be avoided here.
  • "Mirror of attitude" - when you smile and smile back at you, and vice versa.

The quality of good speech is based on the following components:

  1. Literacy.
  2. Composition of speech using professional jargons.
  3. Lexicon.
  4. intonation and pronunciation.

You should also pay attention to the non-verbal part of communication, which also affects the course of the conversation.

Culture of business communication

The employer always pays attention to the culture of business communication that the employee uses when hiring. After all, this shows his ability to establish contacts and win over. The culture of business communication becomes especially important when hiring employees who will talk on the phone, where there is no non-verbal impact on the interlocutor.

Here are the rules of communication:

  • interest in the topic.
  • Goodwill and favor to the interlocutor.
  • Lack of influence of your mood on the style of conversation.

The purpose of business communication is to influence the emotional mood, beliefs, opinions and decisions of the interlocutor, which will affect future actions. Partners exchange messages, influence the emotional mood, create images of themselves and their opponents in their heads.

Since people often negotiate in the working area, conversations, conversations, discussions, knowledge and skills in the culture of business communication are simply necessary. Sometimes these skills play a decisive role in achieving goals.

Features of business communication

In the working sphere, people communicate with each other at the level of their own professional interests, official activities and work. A feature of business communication is a clear regulation - subordination to established norms, which are determined by national traditions, professional frameworks and cultural customs.

Business communication includes two types of rules:

  1. Norms are rules that work between opponents who occupy the same status.
  2. Instructions are rules that arise between a subordinate and a leader.

A feature of business communication is the observance of certain rules and the expression of respect for people, regardless of personal attitude towards them, mood and other factors.

The parties begin to contact each other in order to organize joint activities (cooperation), where their goals will be achieved. This happens in the following steps:

  1. Acquaintance, where people introduce themselves and get to know each other.
  2. Orientation to the topic of conversation.
  3. Discussion of a problem or question.
  4. The solution of the problem.
  5. End of conversation.

The success of business communication depends on the approach to business based on cooperation, taking into account mutual interests and requests. Only in this case, you can find a creative solution to the problem, where all parties win.

Business language

The language of business communication is understood as the use of established syllables that are accepted in a particular working situation. On different levels its own vocabulary of terms is used, which is assumed in a certain situation. For example, business communication between representatives of the legal field will involve the use of legal terms, and contact between an employee and a manager will involve a different vocabulary.

Business language includes:

  • Orthology - the norms of the language, its changes, the correctness of speech. Expressing their thoughts, they use patterns, samples, accepted phrases that are established in a particular ethnic society.
  • Communication - the relevance and purity of speech, which is subject to the scope, situation, tasks, circumstances, goals of the conversation.
  • Ethics - the norms and rules adopted in a particular society. To be successful at this level of communication, one should be familiar with all the customs and traditions of the culture to which the partner belongs.

Types of business communication

The process of business communication determines its types:

  1. Verbal type of communication in which spoken words are used.
  2. Non-verbal type of communication, which involves taking into account facial expressions, postures and gestures of the opponent.
  3. Direct type of communication, when the interlocutors interact at the same time and in the same place, that is, there is direct oral communication using non-verbal signals.
  4. An indirect type of communication that often takes place in writing. People transmit information at different times, being in different places. This type of business communication is less successful, because time is spent in which you can change your mind about everything.
  5. Written type of communication, when communication takes place through written messages.
  6. Telephone type of communication when oral speech is used, but it is impossible to influence the course of the conversation with the help of non-verbal signs.

As in any kind of communication, direct contact remains the most effective when you can establish a visual connection, hear the other person, feel his emotional mood, influence his decisions with external attributes, etc.

Forms of business communication

Forms of business communication are the requirements of professional situations, which include:

  • A conversation is a discussion at the level of oral expression of thoughts and ideas. Discussion of pressing problems, tasks, clarification of nuances, etc.
  • Public speaking is the notification of some information by one subject to a whole group of people. There is no discussion of the topic here, but rather information on some topic.
  • Business correspondence is the written communication of information. It is carried out within the organization, for the organization and between enterprises.
  • Negotiation - joining forces with partners who take the same position with the person. Here tasks are solved and decisions are made, agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation are signed.
  • Press conference - a meeting of a company representative with media workers to notify relevant and important information.
  • Meeting - choice certain group people (from the team, management team) to solve problems, set new tasks, change strategies, etc. Etc.

Each form of business communication involves its own set of etiquette, rules, norms, and more. Disagreements often arise during a business conversation. If people deviate from the rules of business communication, then their meeting does not lead to the desired results.

Business communication rules

It can sometimes be about a multi-million dollar deal or promotion, development of your company. Therefore, compliance with the rules of business communication helps to eliminate embarrassing and controversial situations:

  • Legible and clear speech, when the interlocutor understands what is being said to him.
  • Avoid monotonous speech. It must be emotional.
  • The pace of speech should be medium (moderate). Slow speech can cause melancholy, and fast speech can not keep up with the speaker's train of thought.
  • Alternate long and short phrases.
  • To ask questions. Both open and closed questions are important. It is appropriate to alternate them.
  • You need to hear and listen to the interlocutor.
  • Don't give advice, but make gentle suggestions.
  • Encourage the interlocutor to solve the problem on their own.

A person can hold any position, but with high business communication skills, he is able to follow the rules and bring the conversation to the desired result. Here, the interests of opponents are taken into account, under which the tactics and strategy of negotiating are selected.

Business communication styles

Depending on the sphere of business communication (social, legal, managerial) and the type of interaction (oral, written), a style is determined that helps to move up the career ladder, improve one's status. Here are the subspecies of the style of business communication:

  • Administrative and clerical - a memorandum, a receipt, a power of attorney, an order, a certificate, a characteristic are used.
  • Diplomatic - a note, a memorandum are used.
  • Legislative - a normative act, law, agenda, paragraph, code, etc. are used.

The accuracy of speech allows in establishing business contacts. Here, terms that are narrowly focused or widely used become important.

Business communication styles include:

  1. Manipulation is the use of a partner as a tool to achieve personal goals. For example, control over the execution of tasks.
  2. Rituals - the creation of the desired image. Status is important, not qualities and personality.
  3. Humanism - support and joint discussion of the problem. Personality is perceived completely with all its qualities and individual characteristics.

Principles of business communication

The importance of business communication has already been determined. Here are the principles of such communication, which are:

  • Purposefulness is the achievement of the set task. Often a person in the course of business communication achieves several tasks at once, some of which are conscious (solution of a working issue), while others are unconscious (show their qualities, show off, for example).
  • Interpersonal communication - partners are interested in each other. Although their communication is aimed at solving work problems, interpersonal connections are still established between them, where qualities and personal claims to each other are evaluated.
  • Multidimensionality is not only the exchange of data, but also the establishment of interpersonal relationships.
  • Continuity of communications - maintaining contacts at all levels of communication.

In the course of business communication, people not only exchange working information, but also create an emotional mood that depends on their relationship to each other.


The role of business communication is great, since it was formed specifically to establish business contacts and achieve the set work goals. In every field, people interact. They follow the rules, etiquette, principles, styles. All this is necessary in the business sphere, where the correct use of all principles and rules leads to a positive result.

If a person has problems, then he can use the help of a psychologist on the site site. Indeed, often we are talking about personal barriers that interfere in the assimilation and application of all the principles of business communication. If you eliminate internal barriers and complexes, you can achieve high results.