Management of the authoritarian type is no more. Dictator, liberal, democrat: how to choose a management style

Leadership style- a method, a system of methods for influencing a leader on subordinates. One of the most important factors effective work organization, the full realization of the potential of people and the team. Most researchers distinguish the following leadership styles:

Democratic style (collegiate);

Liberal style (permissive or anarchist).

Authoritarian management style characterized by a high centralization of leadership, the dominance of one-man management. The leader demands that all cases be reported to him, single-handedly makes decisions or cancels them. He does not listen to the opinion of the team, he decides everything for the team himself. The prevailing methods of management are orders, punishments, remarks, reprimands, deprivation of various benefits. Control is very strict, detailed, depriving subordinates of initiative. The interests of the cause are placed much higher than the interests of people; harshness and rudeness prevail in communication. The authoritarian leadership style has a negative impact on the moral and psychological climate, leads to a significant decrease in initiative, self-control and responsibility of employees.

Subordinates are recipients of orders. According to "theory x and xy:

    the average person is lazy and, as far as possible, shirks from work;

    workers are unambitious, afraid of responsibility and want to be led;

    pressure on subordinates and sanctions against them are necessary to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

    strict management of subordinates and private control over them are inevitable.

Theory "X"

1. The average person has an inborn aversion to work and will seek to avoid it if possible.

2. Therefore, the majority of people must be forced to work, controlled and led under the threat of punishment, so that they can make their best contribution to the goal.

3. The worker tends to be led, he avoids responsibility, he has little ambition, he wants to be protected in everything.

Theory "Y"

1. A person does not have an innate dislike for work. Work is natural, as is rest.

2. If a person identifies himself with goals, then he cultivates self-discipline and self-control. External control and the threat of punishment are unsuitable means.

3. Duty to goal setting is a reward function.

4. Under appropriate circumstances, a person not only learns to accept responsibility, but also strives for it.

5. Resourcefulness and creativity are widespread among the working people.

6. Spiritual potential is barely activated in industrial life 1 . Theory "X" and theory "Y" allow us to imagine two opposite types of a person. McGregor believed that every leader bases his leadership style on the adoption of one of these theories. At the same time, "X" is typical for autocrats, and "Y" for democrats.

The MacGregor model itself is not a pure theory of management styles, but it was she who made it possible to more fully and accurately understand the classifications that existed at that time and analyze them.

In this style of management, the motivation of subordinates is often limited because the leader separates socially, transfers, as a rule, less interesting work to subordinates and maintains in them the fear of threatening sanctions. Subordinates become indifferent to the leader, as well as to the enterprise. They get information because of the information barriers set by the head in unofficial ways.

The disadvantages of the authoritarian style lie in the weak motivation for the independence and development of subordinates, as well as the danger of erroneous decisions through excessive demands from managers regarding the quantity and (or) quality of work.

Leadership style- a set of methods used by the leader to influence subordinates, as well as the form (manner, nature) of the implementation of these methods in order to effectively implement managerial functions and assigned tasks.

The study of leadership style and the very emergence of this concept are associated with the name of the famous psychologist K. Levin, who in the 30s. XX century Developed a typology individual styles guides. The German psychologist Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) conducted a series of experiments, on the basis of which he identified three classic management styles:

Ø democratic (or collegial);

Ø conniving (or liberal-anarchist, or neutral).

Based on giving orders to subordinates in the form of an order without any explanation common ties with the goals and objectives of the organization. It is characterized by strict individual decision-making by the leader (“minimum democracy”), strict constant control over the implementation of decisions with the threat of punishment (“maximum control”), lack of interest in the employee as a person. Employees should only do what they are ordered to do. At the same time, they receive a minimum of information. The interests of employees are not taken into account.

This style is characterized by the centralization of power, the leader requires reports on the work performed, and prefers the official nature of relations. The leader maintains a distance between himself and his subordinates, perceives everything new with caution. Due to constant control, this management style provides quite acceptable results of work according to the following criteria: profit, productivity, product quality can be good.

Style Features:

Ø the prevailing methods of leadership are orders, orders, reprimands, threats, deprivation of benefits. The interests and wishes of employees are not taken into account;

Ø in communication with people, a harsh tone of communication prevails, harshness, tactlessness, even rudeness;

Ø The interests of the cause are placed much higher than the interests of the people.

Style benefits:

Ø provides clarity and efficiency of management

Ø minimizes decision-making time, in small organizations provides a quick response to change external conditions

Ø creates a visible unity of management actions to achieve the goals.

Style disadvantages:

Ø high probability of erroneous decisions;

Ø suppression of initiative, creativity of subordinates, slowing down innovations, passivity of employees;

Ø bulky control system,

Ø dissatisfaction of people with their work, their position in the team;

Ø unfavorable psychological climate ("toadies", "scapegoats", intrigues) causes an increased psychological stress load, is harmful to mental and physical health.

Use cases:

This is required by the production situation (in critical situations - accidents on the production)

The staff voluntarily and willingly agrees to authoritarian methods of leadership. Subordinates trust the leader, and he is sure that they are not able to independently act in the right way.

This style is effective military service, in the activities of some public institutions(combat military operations, etc.).

Democratic management style:

Management decisions are made on the basis of a discussion of the problem, taking into account the opinions and initiatives of employees (“maximum democracy”), the implementation of the decisions made is controlled by both the manager and the employees themselves (“maximum control”); the manager shows interest and benevolent attention to the personality of employees, taking into account their interests, needs, characteristics.

The democratic style is the most effective, as it provides a high probability of correct balanced decisions, high production results of labor, initiative, activity of employees, people's satisfaction with their work and team membership.

This management style involves interaction based on trust and mutual understanding. The leader behaves in this case as one of the members of the group; each employee can express their opinions on different issues. Part of the management functions the leader delegates to his subordinates, creates situations in which they can show themselves in the best possible way. The implementation of a democratic style is possible with high intellectual, organizational, psychological and communicative abilities of the leader.

Style Features:

Ø Important production problems are discussed and a solution is developed on this basis. The leader in every possible way stimulates and encourages the initiative on the part of subordinates;

Ø regularly and timely informs the team on issues that are important to them;

Ø Communication is friendly and polite;

Ø With this style, a favorable psychological climate and cohesion develop in the team.

Style benefits:

Ø stimulates the manifestation of initiative, reveals creative potential

Ø allows you to successfully solve innovative, non-standard tasks

Ø includes psychological mechanisms work motivation

Ø increases the satisfaction of performers with their work

Ø creates a favorable mental climate in the team, etc.

Conditions for applying the style:

Having a stable, well-established team

High qualification of employees

The presence of active, proactive, out-of-the-box thinking employees

Under non-extreme production conditions.

Permissive management style:

The permissive style of management is characterized, on the one hand, by the "maximum of democracy", i.e. everyone can express their positions, but they don’t strive to achieve real accounting, agreement of opinions, and on the other hand, “a minimum of control” (even decisions taken are not implemented, there is little control over their implementation, a collective method of decision-making is used to avoid responsibility). Softness in managing people prevents the leader from acquiring the desired authority.

Style Features:

Ø communication is conducted in a confidential tone, in a polite manner, the manager is indifferent both to the needs of employees and to criticism addressed to him,

Ø this leadership style is acceptable in creative teams in which employees are distinguished by their creative individuality;

Ø there is almost complete freedom of performers with a very weak managerial impact;

Ø This style of management is characterized by lack of initiative, non-interference of the leader in the process of certain works.

Style disadvantages:

Performance is usually poor;

People are dissatisfied with their jobs

The psychological climate in the team is not always favorable;

There is no cooperation;

There is no incentive to work conscientiously;

Sections of work are made up of individual interests of leaders;

There is a stratification into conflicting subgroups.

This style is justified with a very high competence and responsibility of the staff and poor training of the leader himself. Also in the management of scientific and other creative teams in the presence of strong and disciplined workers.

In general, the leadership style is flexible, individual and situational. He must master all three styles and skillfully apply them depending on the specific situation, the specifics of the tasks being solved, the socio-psychological characteristics of employees and their personal qualities.

Custom Style:

This style is not distinguished by science, but it will always exist.

We can say that the individualized style is a creative mixture of all the above leadership styles. The leader uses authoritarianism at certain moments, takes the blow on himself, and bears all the responsibility. Then, in order to solve some problems, he convenes the management of the company and puts a number of issues before them for consideration, i.e. uses a passive, liberal style. And, finally, the leader assigns some of the duties to the heads of departments, including giving them the right to resolve certain issues and responsibility for making decisions, while he himself controls the progress of their work.

Forte this style of leadership: his creativity, because The manager can vary different styles of leadership depending on the situation that occurs in the company.

Weak side: the leader must constantly show a certain flexibility and speed of reaction, for example, if in situations that require authoritarianism, he will show a passive style, then he will quickly lose his influence and authority in the company.

"Multidimensional" Leadership Styles(take into account simultaneously a number of criteria for assessing the behavior of the leader)

Initially, the idea of ​​a "two-dimensional" management style was formed, which is based on two approaches. One of them focuses on the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, the establishment of human relations, and the other - on the creation of proper organizational and specifications in which a person can fully reveal his abilities.

Management grid of R. Blake and J. Mouton.

In the early 1980s, the concept of the "management grid" appeared, created by American psychologists Robert Blake and Jane Mouton.

1,9 9,9
1,1 9,1

Focus on

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Task orientation

The vertical axis of this scheme ranks “concern for a person” (the manager’s focus on employees, their needs, expectations, positive and negative qualities) on a scale from 1 to 9. Caring for people can be expressed in creating favorable working conditions, job security, improving the structure salaries, etc.

The horizontal axis ranks “concern for production” (the concentration of the manager's attention on production indicators - productivity, profit, efficiency) also on a scale from 1 to 9. In total, 81 leadership styles are obtained, which are determined by the degree of manifestation of these two factors. Blake and Mouton describe the middle and four extreme positions of the grid as:

1.1. poverty management (little management): involves minimal concern for production and the needs of workers. The leader makes the minimum effort required to maintain his or her workplace In the organisation.

9.1. work management: maximum concern for production efficiency is combined with minimum concern for subordinates. The 9.1 type leader gives priority to maximizing production results, dictating to subordinates what and how they should do, the moral microclimate in the leader's team is of little concern.

1.9. people management: maximum concern for people is combined with minimum concern for production; attention is paid to creating a comfortable and friendly atmosphere in the organization, due to which a fairly even working rhythm can be maintained.

5.5. control in the middle: leader finds balance production efficiency and a good microclimate in the group. This style is quite conservative, it assumes a system of assumptions that ensure the peaceful coexistence of the leader and subordinates, and an orientation towards a reliable average result in work (both in terms of labor achievements and employee satisfaction).

9.9. collective management: performance is determined by the high level of commitment of people and their interaction. The leader seeks the acceptance by employees of the goals of the organization as their own, thus ensuring high productivity. A high degree of employee satisfaction entails high labor achievements. An atmosphere of universal trust and respect is being created.

Thus, the managerial grid includes two components of the manager's work. First, attention to the solution production problems and tasks, and the second - attention to people.

Blake and Moutton proceeded from the fact that the most effective leadership style - the optimal style - was the behavior of the leader in position 9. 9. In their opinion, such a leader combines a high degree of attention to his subordinates and the same attention to performance. The term "production" means not only the production of material goods, but also the implementation of sales, settlements, customer service, etc. The researchers believed that professional training and a conscious attitude to the goals of the organization allows all leaders to approach the style of 9. 9, thereby increasing the efficiency of their work.

Theoretically, the attractiveness of the style in position 9.9 is obvious, but the question arises - what then prevents it from becoming the most common in practice? The German researcher U. Shtopp identified seven main obstacles to its use:

1. low level of education of employees

2. insufficient managerial preparedness of managers

3. low identification of employees with the tasks of the organization

4. unsatisfactory condition information system enterprises

5. low degree of willingness of employees to take responsibility for themselves

6. difference value orientations manager and employees

7. Emotional incompatibility of the leader and subordinates arising from hierarchical relations in the organization.

Most of the listed obstacles are, in principle, removable, but require long-term and serious work, both on the part of the leader and on the part of subordinates (for example, according to parameters 1,2,4). However, among them there are those that practically do not depend on the efforts of the leader (parameters 6, 7). This means that the effectiveness of leadership is affected additional factors which are called situational. This means that in the models of leadership styles being developed, one more variable should appear - the situation. Consider some situational models of leadership styles.

Each leader manages the company according to an individual "layout", the form of which takes into account his ideas about the order, discipline in the team and depends on a number of factors, for example, on the temperament or character of the manager. Of course, the working gears of the "manager - subordinate" mechanism must work smoothly and harmoniously. But to achieve such a result, the manager must choose the exact tools of interaction that will soften the friction in this large-scale and powerful "engine" of the company.

Vladimir Tarasov reveals the secrets of managerial and communication skills to listeners in his author's courses and. The unique methods of the author will be useful to any manager who sets himself the task of creating a strong team that will move towards the same goal and contribute to the development of the company. Regardless of whether you are a leader or a subordinate, you must know what submission is and develop these skills in yourself, since a rare person, going through life, does not find himself in these two hypostases. During the courses, he will reveal the secrets of effective management, which are embedded in the 8 steps of managerial art, and will tell you how to get away "From stormy stupid action to sensible inaction"

Know by sight: types of leaders

The quality of the working atmosphere in the team and the efficiency of the organization as a whole depend on the competent approach of the manager to management. Each manager is, first of all, a unique person who has unique character traits, abilities, and qualities. He has his own views on life and obeys the laws of the “picture of the world” that he has created over the years. Based on all these factors, the type of the head of the company is created. It doesn't matter how many people he has under his command or in what area he works. His attitude towards subordinates, manner of communication, management skills and actions that he uses in the process of work are the main elements that influence the formation of a specific leadership style.

1. I am the boss, you are nobody: the dictator leader

The manager of this authoritarian type is the most rigid and unshakable in relation to his own orders. He believes that the employee must have absolute subordination, and appreciates precisely this quality of his. All decisions and tasks are made only by him, his return to work is often the maximum, which he also requires from his subordinates. In relation to employees, he is rude, unceremonious, easily switches to a raised tone, “presses” with his authority. Does not take into account other people's opinions, passes “sentences” with lightning speed - to dismiss, punish, deprive.
It is not easy to work under such supervision: discipline and discipline again, strict observance of the regime, unquestioning fulfillment of all assignments and tasks. An authoritarian leader does not accept the manifestation of initiative - it is punishable. It must be hidden in the "far corner of the closet" and not revealed under any circumstances.
In one of his interviews, Vladimir Tarasov revealed the secret why some leaders are idolized, while others are hated. The main reason for the negative is the manager's misuse of managerial mechanisms. Do not forget that some of the main management tools can be applied regardless of the desire of subordinates (these include dominance, sanctions, the creation of favorable working conditions and informational distancing). Whereas techniques, leadership, imitation must be implemented in accordance with the desires and will of the team. If the leader is dominated by the first set of tools, subordinates do not particularly like him. If the head of the company is more inclined to apply the second group of techniques, the employees of the company do not feel the authoritarian pressure of the head and respect him.

2. Only up, no matter what: the leader-careerist

A manager of this type perceives the team as the next step towards his long-awaited dream - a dizzying career. He treats employees rather superficially, formally. In the process of work, he does not always delve into the essence of the tasks, and if he misses, he shifts all the blame on the employees. Can pass off other people's ideas as his own, likes quick results when minimal cost. His actions are reduced, in principle, to one thing - to “light up” in the eyes of high authorities and move even higher.
Successfully working with a representative of this type means becoming irreplaceable for him, the best worker and "right hand". For fruitful work with a “careerist”, you need to know in advance what his goals, thoughts and tasks are in order to start fulfilling them ahead of schedule and show a quick, ready-made result. Of course, it will not be possible to change it, but on the other hand, you will know exactly from which side you expect the next instruction. In addition, if you become the "right hand" of this type of leader, your promotion is not far off. career ladder. He will take a valuable and reliable assistant with him to the next stage of his career.

3. Free flight: Democrat leader

This type is one of the most loyal and free leaders who perceives the company as a single team moving towards the same goal. He trusts employees, gives them the opportunity to take the initiative, develop own ideas and introduce individuality and innovative methods into the work process. "Democrat" objectively evaluates the abilities of each employee, takes into account the new ideas of the younger generation, and participates in the life of the team.

But, let's draw the reader's attention to the words of Vladimir Tarasov: “The control system can be humane with one caveat. There can be no equality in it.” Of course, the leader-democrat organizes management in such a way as to give freedom to subordinates. However, it must be remembered that people themselves are very different - some are more intelligent and advanced, while others have these qualities less developed. The management system must necessarily take into account these nuances, because management arises precisely in the environment of human inequality. But it does not represent a format of differences that need to be “burned out with iron”. IN modern system management, it is necessary to organize labor in such a way that less developed people follow more “advanced” ones.

4. It will be as it will be. Humanist leader

A liberal adherent who introduces a minimum of effort into the management of the company. It can be said that he is predisposed to let the work go by itself, "go with the flow" and solve critical issues only after instructions "from above". Risk is not his prerogative. He prefers not to "stick out" unnecessarily, avoids trials and conflicts. He treats his subordinates with his characteristic humanity, first of all they are people for him.
Work in a company run by a liberal humanist - a good option for active and competent employees. Large selection of solutions, "green light" for any action. However, not all employees tend to give 100% to their work. Sometimes the growth of the company "gets stuck" in place, as the staff of workers is also purged of those who stubbornly do not want to work actively and know that a humane boss will not do anything about it.

Vladimir Tarasov advises managers to clearly divide work, highlighting what is routine for them and what processes are of interest to them. In this scheme, activities are clearly visible that require a creative approach or a standardized, monotonous activity. In management, the leader must come to the full establishment of standardized processes that go “on the knurled rails” and engage in work that requires something new.

5. Work ennobles a person: a workaholic leader

This type of manager is characterized by a peculiar approach to activity. Work for him is the goal and the main passion, and not a means to achieve some material benefits. He "burrows" into work affairs from the very morning: he comes to the office before everyone else, and leaves the last. He takes work home to “pull up his tails” and turn in an important project on time, thus closing the work on himself. He seriously does not understand why others work at a different pace.
How to work under the control of a workaholic? Of course, it will be necessary to work and work again, as he considers a person through the “prism” of his ability to work and attitude to duties.

Vladimir Tarasov singled out the main differences between foreign and Russian managers. Foreign specialists are divided into 100% performers, who do everything according to the protocol, and creative managers. Russian managers, on the other hand, are practically not subject to standards, but they are able to close up “holes” in management left by others, which is called rationalization. In order for a person to work well, one should first of all separate the “solid from the empty”, and also learn how to bring the work started to the end. The main core, the basis of human feelings is self-esteem. Only this quality will allow you to work well, to do perfectly what others cannot do. Not acceptable, but high quality!

6. Power and authority: head-patriarch

A manager of this type has absolute power, exceptional professionalism and really knows that only he can cope with the problem that has arisen. Such a leader takes care of employees and helps them, expecting the effective completion of tasks, and also creates a personal "retinue" of people close to him. He is interested in the affairs of employees with his characteristic royal good nature, even mercy, and he rarely shows tough character traits. Subordinates love their “sovereign-manager” and actively fulfill their duties, since only he knows the problems of all his “subjects” and can solve them “at the snap of his fingers”.

Vladimir Tarasov openly speaks about the qualities of a person, without which it is impossible for him to take place as a leader. “This is the exactingness and ability to accept management decisions. Demandingness is manifested in cases where the leader is able to oppose his will to the desires of others, to make a claim. Whereas decision making- one of the important leadership qualities, which is certainly present in the leader-patriarch.

7. No to inaccuracies and relativity: the leader-pedant

Perfect order and cleanliness on the desktop, impeccable appearance and perfect manners - this is the image of a manager-pedant. He does not like being late, despises slovenliness, requires accuracy, punctuality from his subordinates, and he himself sets a dress code that all employees of the company follow. In communication, he can be dry and laconic.
The success of work under the guidance of the "pedant" lies in the full compliance with his ideas about ideal employee. In the reports he finds slightest nuances and shortcomings, immediately sends them for multiple revisions, however, he rarely resorts to material punishment of employees.

Management styles in management

In the process of managing a company, sooner or later, the leader tends to a certain style of leadership. Its formation is facilitated by such factors as the type of leader, type of activity, specific situation, personal characteristics of subordinates. Today, it is very rare to find companies whose management corresponds to a single style. Basically, in the work of an effective manager there are elements that are present in several areas. Successfully combining various management strategies, the head of the company achieves high results and confidently copes with management in the event of the most unforeseen cataclysms.

Exist three leadership styles, each of which is defined as a system of principles, methods used by the manager in the process of interaction with subordinates.

Authoritarian style

The degree of centralization of the leader takes high positions. The leader solves the vast majority of issues, imposes his will on subordinates, does not delegate authority. He works hard and forces others to work. In communication with subordinates, he does not tolerate objections, does not listen to the opinions of others, ignores and punishes initiative workers.

The main prerequisites for a leader in communicating with subordinates:

  • people want to avoid responsibility, preferring to be led;
  • subordinates do not like to work and in every possible way avoid any work;
  • to increase the efficiency of personnel, it is necessary to apply control, coercion, punishment.

The authoritarian management style is chosen by tough, domineering people who are accustomed to exaggerate own possibilities striving for an absolute form of power. This style is used in companies where the result of the functioning of the organization is put forward in the first place, regardless of how and in what ways it is achieved.
pros: iron discipline in the team, minimum time for decision-making, predictable results, fast organization of any production process.
Minuses: suppressing the initiative of subordinates, the leader reduces their work to the banal execution of orders, motivation is completely exhausted.

Democratic style

This style of management is characterized by the possibility of self-expression, freedom of decision-making within the qualifications of an employee under the supervision of a manager. The manager does not pull the “strings” from above, but prefers to work in a team, participate in solving problems and in the life of the team. The leader does not impose his positions on subordinates, fairly evaluates the results of work, and treats colleagues with respect.

Leader Prerequisites:

  • at favorable conditions created for work, people will strive for responsibility;
  • bringing people to important issues the functioning of the organization, people understand their importance, using self-control and self-management in the process of work;
  • "Green light" to creative approach and non-standard solutions.

With the dominance of a democratic management style in a company, modern approach to completing tasks. Orders have the format of proposals that take into account the opinion of qualified subordinates. This management option is not explained by the desire of the leader to share responsibility or the lack of personal opinion. The Democrat leader believes that the best solutions are found in a well-organized process and in team actions.
pros: respect for subordinates, freedom of action, a single team-team, maintaining initiative, a non-standard approach to solving problems.
Minuses: to accept the only solution too much time is spent, a lot of effort is expended.

liberal style

This style is characterized by passivity on the part of management, a low degree of control, and a tendency to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of subordinates. Employees of companies where there is a "spirit of liberalism" are free to make decisions and control their own work. The head of the company prefers to rely on the instructions of higher authorities and acts more as an intermediary between the higher and lower levels, rather than maintaining the status of an active leader.

Liberal Leader Prerequisites:

  • we will act when the instructions come;
  • subordinates are people too, they have their own principles of work and needs;
  • material rewards - The best way to strengthen the credibility and motivation of employees.

In rather difficult situations, a liberal leader cannot defend his position and often explains his actions by restricting his rights. He works on the principle of strict adherence to instructions and very rarely interferes in the affairs of subordinates.
pros: subordinates are competent in decision-making, have freedom of action, are not subject to criticism or pressure from above.
Minuses: in the absence of a purposeful leader, the company is not able to actively grow and may decline.

A modern leader chooses his own line of management, corresponding to the activities and characteristics of a particular company. Management styles are quite different, and the lion's share of managers tend to a mixed format. Most companies today are dominated by democratic and authoritarian management styles. In situations where the company's staff is poorly organized, interpersonal relationships are reduced to zero, the manifestation of initiative is minimal, it will be important for the manager to choose a democratic style. However, in extreme situations, as well as in activities that do not accept long decisions and lengthy meetings, an authoritarian management style will come in handy. Setting priorities with lightning speed and making quick decisions on his own, an authoritarian leader will find a way out of a difficult situation and will be able to establish production that has gone out of a stable rhythm.

“... If there is a corresponding desire, a person can cultivate any qualities in himself ... 8 stages of the promotion of a leader is a movement “from a stormy stupid act to a sensible inaction”. With each new step, the manager frees up personal time, intellectual and spiritual strength for strategic management company, country or humanity. As for the ideal leader, the ideal is complete inaction. You can grow until you completely disappear, when the smile disappears, as in the famous book about Alice.

The way that the leader chooses to work effectively with subordinates is called management style. Each of them has its own tools and methods. The authoritarian leadership style is characterized by high level disciplines.

What is an authoritarian leadership style

It is believed that the way of one-man leadership with the establishment of strict discipline is an authoritarian style of leadership. His main principle- absolute authority, the primacy of the leader. Authoritarianism is based on the ability to make quick decisions, on clear and precise orders, while not allowing objections, as well as on the denial of any manifestations of initiative on the part of subordinates. This leadership style is considered effective when the organization has reached a crisis in labor discipline. However, it is this style of management that is considered dangerous due to the occurrence of staff turnover.

In pedagogy

However, this pedagogical approach has disadvantages - the socio-psychological atmosphere of such a class is unfavorable, since the student simply does not have the right to express his own opinion. Any initiative coming from a student is perceived by an authoritarian teacher as an act of self-will, which is unacceptable for the latter. Suppression of the student's will has a detrimental effect on his further socio-psychological development.

in personnel management

Management and personnel management is the area in which the authoritarian method of management is most often used. In order to increase the efficiency of the workflow, to streamline the provocative behavior of employees, a decision is made to apply a directive style. Thus, the chief himself is responsible for the progress of work, excluding the delegation of his powers in any form. An authoritarian leader gives clear instructions that staff members are required to follow unquestioningly.

Note! There are cases when the leader abused his power, which led the organization into decline - employees left their positions, from which the organization's activities as a whole suffered.

Advantages and disadvantages of such management

One of the main advantages of this management style is the effective behavior of the leader. The advantage of an authoritarian leader is that he is aware of the level of his responsibility and, in problematic, even crisis cases, is able to quickly orient himself and make certain decisions as soon as possible. It happens that companies that are in decline decide to accept help by hiring an authoritarian leader for the post of head. Undoubtedly, any existing democracy ceases to function, since the new leader assumes the only goal - to raise the company and achieves this, first of all, through tight control of the implementation of work on instructions.

Naturally, it is not without drawbacks. First of all, psychology modern man in an era of freedom of speech and action, is unable to work in conditions of an authoritarian attitude, which a leader can achieve through insults and humiliation professional qualities employee. In this case, staff turnover may occur, expressed in the constant departure of employees. At the same time, newcomers do not have time to get comfortable, gain experience, and either they are fired or they leave on their own. Sooner or later, in this state of affairs, the company will cease to exist.

Basic Mistakes

An authoritarian leadership style is a tool that is expedient to use for a limited time, otherwise an authoritarian leader can cross the line, feeling the power, starting to abuse it. Given that the authoritarian style does not allow the usual friendly conversations with subordinates, many leaders often forget, and instead of issuing the usual order, they resort to sharp criticism, including insults and humiliation. Encouragement with this style of leadership is also not welcome, however, punishments for disobedience or improper execution of an order may take an inadequate form.

An authoritarian leader is a person with a huge amount of responsibility. It is unacceptable to neglect this responsibility, as well as an attempt to place it on subordinates. However, in the pursuit of performance, some leaders may lose their temper, taking out anger for existing failures, missed deadlines, etc. on employees. The only thing this will lead to is the loss of employees one by one, which clearly will not benefit the organization. It is one thing to punish or fire an employee for insubordination. Another is to intimidate him so that other team members decide to leave the workplace, devoid of motivation and faith in the positive result of hard work.

When is it effective?

There are a number of reasons why you should adopt an authoritarian leadership style. Among them, there are periods at the enterprise when the discipline of employees decreases, along with it financial indicators the organization itself, its income. An autocratic director is required to get the team working, albeit at the expense of tough measures. As a last resort, the weakest links will leave their places, to which other employees will be hired. With characteristic management, an organization that is in decline will soon take up its former positions and rush towards progress.

Note! Employees who have undergone a change in leadership style should remember that this is a temporary phenomenon. With maximum patience, obedience and skills, each member of the team will be able to become part of that historical moment when the organization emerges from the crisis.

Examples of authoritarian leadership

One of the brightest good examples authoritarian leaders is Henry Ford. He approached the selection of employees so carefully that he literally studied all their ins and outs. Focus on structural detail, efficient and thoughtful work allowed him to found a world-famous company.

Another example belongs to another car company, Chrysler, which was in crisis for some time. In the end, a specialist was invited who managed to combine authoritarian and democratic governance. As a result, this commonality of management orientations helped the company break out to the world level.

The authoritarian leadership style is characterized as contradictory. Many consider this style to be cruel, since the opinion, experience and skills of subordinates are not taken into account. On the other hand, there are many examples where this type of government pulled organizations out of decline. One way or another, it has its place among leaders, it is often resorted to in cases where the company is in crisis.


The head at all levels of the organization's management system acts as a leading person, since it is he who determines the purposefulness of the work of the team, the selection of personnel, the psychological climate and other aspects of the enterprise.

Management- the ability to influence individuals and groups, encouraging them to work towards the goals of the organization.

One of the most important characteristics of the leader's activity is the leadership style.

Leadership style- the manner of behavior of the leader in relation to subordinates in order to influence them and encourage them to achieve.

The leader is the leader and organizer in the management system. Management of the activities of groups and teams is carried out in the form of leadership and leadership. These two forms of government have certain similarities.

One of the most popular leadership theories is K. Levin's theory of leadership(1938).

She identifies three leadership styles:

  • authoritarian leadership style - characterized by rigidity, exactingness, unity of command, prevalence of power functions, strict control and discipline, focus on results, ignoring socio-psychological factors;
  • democratic leadership style - based on collegiality, trust, informing subordinates, initiative, creativity, self-discipline, consciousness, responsibility, encouragement, publicity, orientation not only on results, but also on ways to achieve them;
  • liberal leadership style - characterized by low demands, connivance, lack of discipline and exactingness, the passivity of the leader and the loss of control over subordinates, giving them complete freedom of action.

K. Levin's research provided the basis for the search for a management style that can lead to high and satisfaction of performers.

Considerable attention was paid to the study of leadership styles in the works of R. Likert, who in 1961 proposed a continuum of leadership styles. Its extreme positions are work-centered leadership and person-centered leadership, with all other leadership behaviors in between.

According to Likert's theory, there are four leadership styles:
  1. Exploitative-authoritarian: the leader has clear characteristics of an autocrat, does not trust subordinates, rarely involves them in decision-making, and forms tasks himself. The main stimulus is fear and the threat of punishment, rewards are random, interaction is based on mutual distrust. and are in conflict.
  2. paternalistic-authoritarian: the manager favorably allows subordinates to take limited part in decision-making. Rewards are real and punishments are potential, both of which are used to motivate employees. Informal organization is somewhat opposed to formal structure.
  3. Advisory: head accepts strategic decisions and, showing trust, delegates tactical decisions to subordinates. The limited involvement of employees in the decision-making process is used for motivation. The informal organization does not coincide with the formal structure only partially.
  4. Democratic leadership style is characterized by full trust, based on the wide involvement of staff in the management of the organization. The decision-making process is dispersed across all levels, although it is integrated. The flow of communications goes not only in vertical directions, but also horizontally. Formal and informal organizations interact constructively.

R. Likert called model 1 task-oriented with a rigidly structured management system, and model 4 - relationship-oriented, which are based on team work organization, collegial management, and general control. According to R. Likert, the last approach is the most efficient.

Choice of management style

Management style- represents the manner of behavior of the leader in relation to subordinates, which allows you to influence them and force them to do what is in this moment need to.

Management styles are formed under the influence of specific conditions and circumstances. In this regard, we can distinguish "one-dimensional", i.e. due to one, some factor, and "multidimensional", i.e. taking into account two or more circumstances when building a relationship "leader-subordinate", leadership styles.

"One-Dimensional" Control Styles

Parameters of interaction between a leader and subordinates

Democratic style management

liberal style management

Decision-making techniques

Single-handedly resolves all issues

When making decisions, he consults with the team

Waits for instructions from management or gives the initiative to subordinates

The way to bring decisions to the performers

command, command, command

Offers, asks, approves proposals of subordinates

Asking, begging

Distribution of responsibility

Completely in the hands of the leader

In accordance with the powers

Completely in the hands of the performers

Attitude towards the initiative

Suppresses completely

Encourages, uses in the interests of business

Gives initiative to subordinates

Afraid of skilled workers, tries to get rid of them

Selects business, competent workers

Does not recruit

Attitude towards knowledge

Thinks he knows everything

Constantly learning and demanding the same from subordinates

Replenishes his knowledge and encourages this trait in subordinates

Communication style

Strictly formal, uncommunicative, keeps a distance

Friendly, likes to communicate, positively makes contacts

Afraid of communication, communicates with subordinates only on their initiative, allow familiar communication

The nature of the relationship with subordinates

Mood, uneven

Equal, benevolent, demanding

Soft, undemanding

Attitude to discipline

Rigid, formal

A supporter of reasonable discipline, carries out a differentiated approach to people

soft, formal

Attitude to moral influence on subordinates

Considers punishment the main method of stimulation, encourages the elect only on holidays

Constantly uses different stimuli

Uses reward more often than punishment

Douglas McGregor's theories "X" and "Y" became the prerequisite for the establishment of various "one-dimensional" management styles. Thus, according to Theory X, people are inherently lazy and avoid work at the first opportunity. They completely lack ambition, so they prefer to be leaders, not to take responsibility and seek protection from the strong. To force people to work, you need to use coercion, total control and the threat of punishment. However, according to McGregor, people are not like this by nature, but because of the difficult living and working conditions that began to change for the better only in the second half of the 20th century. Under favorable conditions, a person becomes what he really is, and his behavior is reflected by another theory - "Y". In accordance with it, in such conditions, people are ready to take responsibility for the cause, moreover, they even strive for it. If they are attached to the goals of the company, they are willingly included in the process of self-management and self-control, as well as in creativity. And such attachment is

a function not of coercion, but of reward associated with the achievement of goals. Such workers rely on a leader who professes a democratic style.

The characteristic of "one-dimensional" management styles was suggested by the domestic researcher E. Starobinsky.

"Multidimensional" management styles. "Theory X" and "Theory Y"

In 1960, Douglas MacGregor published his point of view on the bipolarity of opinions about how people should be managed. "Theory X" and "Theory Y", presented in the book "The Human Side of the Enterprise", have won wide acceptance among managers.

Theory X

  1. A person initially does not like to work and will avoid work.
  2. A person should be coerced, controlled, threatened with punishment in order to achieve the goals of the organization.
  3. The average person prefers to be led, he avoids responsibility.

Theory Y

  1. Work is as natural as play for a child.
  2. A person can exercise self-management and self-control. Reward is the result associated with the achievement of a goal.
  3. The average person seeks responsibility.

Thus, two views of governance are emerging: an authoritarian view leading to direct regulation and tight control, and a democratic view that supports the delegation of authority and responsibility.

Based on these theories, others have been developed, which are various combinations of the above. Also popular in Western business "management grid" theory, developed by R. Blake and J. Mouton. They pointed out that labor activity unfolds in a force field between production and man. The first line of force determines the attitude of the head to production. The second line (vertical) determines the attitude of the manager to the person (improvement of working conditions, taking into account desires, needs, etc.).

Consider the different leadership styles shown in Fig. 10.

Fig.10. Leadership styles
  • Type 1.1 - the manager does not care about anything, works in such a way as not to be fired. This style is considered purely theoretical.
  • Type 9.1 - a style of strict administration, in which the only goal for the manager is the production result.
  • Type 1.9 - liberal or passive leadership style. In this case, the leader focuses on human relations.
  • Type 5.5 is in the middle of the "administrative grid". With such a compromise, average results of labor are achieved, there cannot be a sharp breakthrough forward. At the same time, this leadership style promotes stability and non-conflict.
  • Type 9.9 is considered the most efficient. The leader tries to build the work of his subordinates in such a way that they see in it opportunities for self-realization and confirmation of their own significance. Production goals are determined jointly with employees.

Concepts of situational marketing

Attempts to define a universal leadership style have failed because The effectiveness of leadership depends not only on the management style of the leader, but also on many factors. Therefore, the answer began to be sought within the framework of situational theories. The main idea of ​​the situational approach was the assumption that managerial behavior should be different in different situations.

A model describing the dependence of leadership style on the situation was proposed in the 70s. T. Mitchell And R. Howes. At its core, it is based on motivational expectancy theory. Performers will strive to achieve the goals of the organization when there is a connection between their efforts and work results, as well as between work results and remuneration, i.e. if they get some personal benefit from it. The Mitchell and House model includes four management styles:

If employees have a great need for self-respect and belonging to the team, then the "style" is considered the most preferable. support".

When employees strive for autonomy and independence, it is better to use " instrumental style ", similar to that oriented towards the creation of organizational and technical conditions of production. This is explained by the fact that subordinates, especially when nothing depends on them, wanting to complete the task as soon as possible, prefer to be told what and how they need to do, and create the necessary conditions work.

Where subordinates aspire to high results and are confident that they will be able to achieve them, a style focused on " participation"subordinates in decision-making, most of all corresponds to the situation when they strive to realize themselves in management activities. At the same time, the leader must share information with them, widely use their ideas in the process of preparing and making decisions.

There is also a style focused on " achievement"when the leader sets feasible tasks for the performers, provides the conditions necessary for work and expects independent work without any coercion to complete the task.

One of the most modern is the model of leadership styles proposed by American scientists. V.Vrooman And F. Yetton. They, depending on the situation, the characteristics of the team and the characteristics of the problem itself, divided managers into 5 groups according to leadership styles:

  1. The manager himself makes decisions based on the available information.
  2. The manager communicates the essence of the problem to subordinates, listens to their opinions and makes decisions.
  3. The leader presents the problem to subordinates, summarizes their opinions and, taking them into account, makes his own decision.
  4. The manager discusses the problem together with subordinates, and as a result they develop a common opinion.
  5. The leader constantly works together with the group, which either develops a collective decision or accepts the best, regardless of who its author is.