Levels of innovation in education. Types of innovative learning approaches

The classification of innovations allows the organization implementing them:

Ensure a more accurate identification of each innovation, determining its place among others, as well as opportunities and limitations;

Ensure effective communication between specific type innovations and innovative strategy of the organization;

Ensure program planning and system management of innovations at all stages of its life cycle;

Develop an appropriate organizational and economic mechanism for implementing the innovation and replacing it with a new one in order to ensure the fulfillment of the strategic objectives of the organization;

Develop an appropriate compensation mechanism (overcoming anti-innovation barriers) to reduce the impact of innovation on the stability and balance of the system.

The main criteria for the classification of innovations are: the complexity of the set of classification features taken into account for analysis and coding; the possibility of quantitative (qualitative) determination of the criterion; scientific novelty and practical value of the proposed classification feature.

Based on the composition of innovations, a number of the most common types are distinguished.

1. Source of idea for innovation may perform:

discovery, scientific idea, scientific theory, phenomenon;

Invention, a number of inventions, licenses;

Rationalization proposals;

Other situations.

2. Type of innovation .

Product, its design or device, system and mechanism;

Technology, methods, ways;

Materials, substances;

Structures, buildings, structures;

information product;

3. By applications V research and production process :

Research and development, which change the process in the field of R&D;

Technical or product (lead to a change in the technology of business processes at the consumer);

Technological (occur when using improved, more advanced methods of manufacturing products);

Information and communication (lead to a change in information processing technologies and communication technologies at the consumer);

Marketing (lead to changes in market research and work on them, changes in product brands and organizations);

Logistics (leading to changes in the organization of flow, supply and marketing);

Organizational and managerial (lead to changes in the organizational mechanism and management system, improve them);

Socio-economic, legal and others (change the social, economic and legal conditions for the functioning of the enterprise).

4. By place in the system (at the enterprise, in the firm):

Innovation at the entrance of the enterprise (changes in the choice and use of materials, machinery and equipment, information, etc.);

Innovations at the output of the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information);

Innovations of the system structure of the enterprise (management, production, technology).

5. By level of novelty innovative goods and services can be divided into those with the following characteristics:

New to the industry in the world;

New to the industry in the country;

New to this company.

In any case, this is something new, unknown or not previously used in a particular business area, field of activity or individual company. A lot depends on the angle of view. For example, the introduction of automated accounting, which is not an innovation in itself, may become an innovation for a particular company that has not previously used an automated accounting system.

A review by the consultancy Booz, Allen & Hamilton proves that 90% of all new products are "well forgotten old".

Most of the new products are a modification of the goods already produced by the company: products are being improved, the company's specialization is expanding, it is entering new markets. Only a tenth of all new products can rightfully be called innovations. But improved products should not be viewed as an "inferior" form of innovation. It is the main means of preserving the "freshness" of well-proven trademarks. This allows manufacturers to maintain a high level of sales and product profitability. Product improvement, cost reduction and repositioning contribute to the profitability of brands, adapting them to modern requirements. And another interesting finding: of those 10% of truly new innovations, only 2% are new products. The most successful innovations are new marketing concepts.

New old goods . New ways to use products familiar to consumers.

New markets are new consumer groups.

New Ways to Do Business are innovative approaches to the supply of existing products and customer service. IN modern conditions they are one of the most important sources of innovation. Enormous opportunities open up the creation of new distribution channels and the proposal of new ways of serving consumers.

6 . By type of innovation allocate



Depending on the technological parameters and their impact on achieving the economic goals of the organization, logistical innovations include:

Product innovation (product innovation)

Innovation-processes (technological innovation).

Product innovations include the use of new materials, new semi-finished products and components to obtain fundamentally new products. (enable to ensure profit growth both due to raising the price of new products or modifying old ones, and by increasing sales volume).

Process innovation can be associated with the creation of new organizational structures as part of the company and mean new methods of organizing production (allow to improve economic indicators due to: improving the preparation of starting materials and process parameters, increasing sales due to the productive use of existing production capacities, the possibility of mastering commercially promising new products in production).

Social innovations include: economic (new methods of labor assessment, stimulation, motivation, etc.), organizational and managerial (forms of labor organization, decision-making methods and control over execution, etc.), legal and pedagogical innovations, innovations of human activity (changes in intra-collective relations, conflict resolution, etc.).

Features of social innovations in comparison with material and technical ones are that:

they have a closer connection with specific social relations and the business environment;

they have a large scope, tk. the implementation of technical innovations is often accompanied by the necessary managerial and economic innovations, while the social innovations themselves do not require new technical equipment;

their implementation is characterized by less visibility of providing benefits and the complexity of calculating efficiency;

during their implementation, there is no manufacturing stage (it is combined with design), which speeds up the innovation process;

7. Breadth of impact (distribution scale) of innovations:

Global, world;

Economic, national;



8. The pace of implementation innovations:

Fast, growing;

Slow, uniform;

Slow, fading.

9. By the depth of the changes (innovative potential) highlight innovations:

radical (basic)) - include the creation of fundamentally new types of products, technologies, new management methods. The potential results of radical innovation are to provide long-term competitive advantages and, on this basis, a significant strengthening of market positions. In the future, they are the source of all subsequent improvements, improvements, adaptations to the interests of individual consumer groups. It is radical innovations that with great success can find distribution in other areas and thereby create new needs and new markets. Their creation is associated with a high level of risks and uncertainties, technical and commercial. This group of innovations is not widespread, the return from them is disproportionately significant. The early stage of the process of radical innovation is rich various possibilities and is poor in factual information. Because of the high degree of uncertainty, this phase of innovation has become known as "the fuzzy front end".

The creation of an internal combustion engine can be attributed to a radical innovation. An example of sustaining innovation is power windows in a car.”

-improving (modified, incremental)- lead to an improvement or addition to the original structures, principles, forms. This is the most common type of innovation. Small improvements are created in the course of direct observation both in the sphere of consumption of the product and in the technology of its production. Each of the improvements promises a risk-free increase in consumer value of products, a reduction in production costs, and therefore must be implemented. Particular importance is attached to such innovations in the context of mass production, resulting in products that are balanced in their parameters, aimed at long-term retention of market positions; Incremental innovations are minor changes to an existing product that are not revolutionary. For example, adjusting the composition of the product, creating an umbrella brand or new packaging. Little is said about this, but most often it is this kind of change that brings the bulk of the profits to companies, and, in addition, this kind of innovation is available to everyone, since they do not require large financial investments, a huge staff of developers, and the period of their creation and implementation is minimal. It turns out that they are economically more profitable than global innovations. Minor changes also help companies enter new markets and win a place in the sun from competitors, i.e. solve strategic problems and increase business competitiveness.

Factors stimulating the development of local innovations:

1)Product specifics.

2) The desire of consumers for diversity. This is especially true for products such as computers or mobile phones where consumer demand is very high, the range of desirable and necessary applications and add-ons is huge, and ideas about the ideal design are strictly individual. Local innovation will allow the company to expand the line, attract new customers and retain existing ones.

3) Market sector. Radical changes in the service sector are directly dependent on the emergence of equally fundamental innovations in production, minor modernization will allow the company not to be afraid of its future .

Of course, there are industries where new products are essential, but even in these sectors, incremental innovation is essential. Because they, first of all, are called upon to support radical innovations. An effective leader must understand that each global innovation can serve as a springboard for a number of incremental innovations, which will increase the “shelf life” of the product and allow for greater profits, which, in turn, can be directed to new developments.

4) Incremental innovation enables companies to successfully enter new markets or develop new niches, splitting existing brands according to the needs of potential customers. The same strategy also promotes local market share, severely limiting competitors' aspirations and preventing them from offering their own products. This allows you to win the time needed to develop and implement those solutions that are still only at the project stage.

However, we note that local innovations do not always follow global ones, but often precede them, giving companies an impetus to development and new ideas.

Such minor changes help to conquer both new countries and new niches in the market.

5) Small innovations allow a company to add value to its products., because additional options will allow you to increase the price of the product several times without a negative reaction from consumers.

6) Incremental Innovation Helps Companies Compete for Influence. For example, on retail market in the face of fierce competition for shelf space, manufacturers can expand their product range by making small changes in the composition or by starting to produce related products that do not require a radical re-equipment of workshops and attract a large number of new specialists. The breadth and variety of offerings gives a retailer more shelf space, making it harder for competitors to enter store warehouses. Increase in the number of products under the same brand is also resorted to if the product category has low consumer loyalty or if consumers in a particular segment often change manufacturers in search of diversity. The presence of umbrella brands reduces the possibility of customers leaving for competitors.

-combinatorial (innovations with predictable risk)- represent ideas of a relatively high degree of novelty, which, as a rule, are not of a radical nature. The development of a new generation of products (including by combining various combinations of structural design of elements) due to the concentration of huge resources is necessarily completed successfully, which distinguishes them from radical ones. Such innovations are only possible for large enterprises and are rarely found in economic practice. In terms of returns, they are close to radical ones.

According to principle relationship with his predecessor :

- substitutes which involve the complete replacement of an obsolete product with a new one and thereby ensuring a more efficient performance of the relevant functions (for example, a new version of a mobile phone, a technological process);

- canceling- exclude the performance of any operation or the release of any product, but does not offer anything in return (for example, in the pharmaceutical industry, new knowledge contributes to the prohibition of the use of a particular medication);

- returnable, which imply a return to some initial state in the event of failure or inconsistency of innovation with new conditions of use (fashion trends, rejection of new materials and technologies);

- opening that create agents or products that do not have comparable analogues or functional precursors (radio, DNA analysis).

11. According to the implementation mechanism stand out:

- single, implemented on one object,

Diffuse, distributed on a variety of objects, innovations.


There are the following types of innovations:

novelty level:

  • - new;
  • - improved;
  • - requiring capital investments;
  • - basic;
  • - improving;
  • - pseudo-innovations;
  • - radical;
  • - ordinary.

From scope:

  • - for services;
  • - technological;
  • - organizational;
  • - economic;
  • - public;
  • - technical;
  • - social;
  • - legal;
  • - political.

From the scope:

  • - medical (associated with changes in the treatment and diagnostic process, in the provision of nursing services, in the level of medical (nursing care), in relationships medical staff with patients)
  • - technological (affect changes in the technology (methods) of creation, production and consumption of manufactured or new products);
  • - organizational and managerial (associated with the introduction of new methods of organizing any systems and managing them).

By degree of novelty:

  • - radical (determine repeated points in cyclic development and become the basis for the formation of new generations medical services and medical technologies);
  • - imitating (imitating a radical innovation by improving its consumer properties).

Distribution scale:

  • - global - these changes occur once, are formed and implemented for a long time, require significant economic, physical and moral costs from managers; such changes cause a negative reaction among medical personnel and, in this regard, meet with rejection of one or another innovative idea; in addition, they form the basis of revolutionary changes in nursing);
  • - local - this type of innovation in any medical institution occurs and should be carried out constantly. Changes in working methods (introduction of a new diagnostic method), in routine, paperwork (use of a PC, special requirement forms, production acts, etc.). Changes in the composition, structure and quality of human resources (their number, qualifications, professional suitability and so on.); in addition, they do not have a fundamental impact on the economy, organization and social conditions of society, which reduces the negative perception of innovations by staff.

According to the degree of progressiveness, the nature of innovation;

  • - progressive, when innovation is the result of purposeful, conscious activity of people, which ensures the progressive development of a particular system; for example, the use of modern aseptic means for processing the hands of personnel and the operating field;
  • - regressive, when degeneration processes occur in the economic organism, act as a brake on social development; for example, the use of outdated disinfectants (chlorine, chloramine, etc.) in many medical institutions.

By final orientation:

  • - production, when innovations are focused on the means and methods of production;
  • - consumer, changes made to services that meet human needs.

According to the impulse of the emergence of innovation, they mean:

  • - production needs (laws of profit);
  • - human needs;
  • - development of science.

Thus, it can be seen that innovations are quite diverse and different in content. In connection with the introduction of innovations in medical institutions, psychological problems arise that are difficult to correct.

If we generalize the above classification of innovations, which was done by N.A. Ilyina, we will get the following types of innovations:

  • - subject-targeted, aimed at introducing new service, from a psychological point of view, they are most characterized by the expectation of complication of work;
  • - technical and technological - new means of production and new medical technologies, employees of a medical institution expect the least negative from such innovations;
  • - organizational and managerial - development and application of new organizational structures and methods for managing nursing or medical personnel, for example, the introduction of teams of doctors and general practitioners;
  • - socio-economic - social development and application of new cost-effective mechanisms for the functioning of healthcare facilities.

The last two types of innovations cause the greatest number of negative expectations and consequences. Most often ending in failure, the reasons for which may be: the desire of any organization for stability; the unpredictable impact of changes in one structure on changes in another; the impact of innovations not only on the formal structure of the organization, but also on the informal, and, as a result, the negative attitude of employees towards innovations.

Innovation (innovation)- created, mastered new or improved technologies, types of goods, products and services, as well as organizational and technical solutions of an industrial, administrative, commercial or other nature, contributing to the promotion of technologies for goods, products or services to the market.

Innovations developed but not implemented in practical activities, are called innovation.

Innovation - final result innovative activity, implemented in the form of a new or improved technological process, technology, goods, services.

Purpose of innovation: satisfaction of needs.

Types of innovations:

1.Technological - obtaining a new or efficient production an existing product, product, technique, new or improved technological processes. Innovations in the field of organization and management of production are not technological.

2.Social (process) - the process of updating the spheres of human life in the reorganization of society (pedagogy, management system, charity, service, organization of the process).

3. Grocery- Creation of products with new and useful properties.

4. Organizational- improvement of the management system.

5.Marketing- implementation of new or significantly improved marketing methods covering significant changes in the design and packaging of products, the use of new methods of sales and presentation of products (services), their presentation and promotion to sales markets, the formation of new pricing strategies.

Classification of innovations:

Classification sign Types of innovation
The degree of radicalism (novelty, originality, etc.) 1. Radical (pioneer, basic, etc.) 2. Ordinary (new technical solutions, inventions) 3. Improving (modernization)
Nature of application 1. Product - include the use of new materials, new semi-finished products and components; obtaining fundamentally new products. 2. Process (operational) means new methods of organizing production (new technologies).
Appearance stimulus (source) 1. Caused by the development of science and technology 2. Caused by the needs of production 3. Caused by the needs of the market
Place in the system (at the enterprise, in the firm) 1. Innovations at the entrance of the enterprise (raw materials, equipment, information, etc.) 2. Innovations at the exit of the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information, etc.) 3. Innovations of the system structure of the enterprise (management, production)
Purpose of innovation 1. For the producer and consumer 2. For society as a whole 3. For the local market

Sources of innovation

Theorists have identified the following sources of innovation:

Internal sources(occur within an industry or organization)

1) Unexpected event (success, failure, event in the external environment)

2) Incongruence - a discrepancy or discrepancy between reality and its reflection in our opinions and assessments

3) Needs production process

4) Sudden changes in the structure of the industry and the market, "taking everyone by surprise"

External sources(occur outside the enterprise or industry):

5) Demographic Change

6) Changes in consumer perception and sentiment

7) New knowledge (scientific or non-scientific)

Of the 7 types, 3 and 7 are the most important. they are the most radical.

Implementing source type 3 requires understanding that:

a) it is not enough to define the need, it is important to understand its essence;

b) it is not always possible to satisfy the need, in this case, the solution of some part of it remains.

The most radical changes occur on the basis of new knowledge. These innovations tend to be difficult to manage. This is due to: a) there is a large gap between the emergence of new knowledge and its technological use, b) a lot of time passes before new technology materializes in a new product, process or service. An innovation based on new knowledge must “mature” and be accepted by society. Only in this case it will bring success. In the sphere of commodity circulation, new ideas are formed, as a rule, under the influence of consumers' opinions about possible ways meeting their needs. Extensive contacts with consumers allow us to form a more voluminous portfolio of new ideas, reduce the time for searching for new solutions, and provide a flexible response to changes in the competitive environment.

There are other sources of innovative ideas:

1. Consumers. The development of needs requires a deep study of consumer demand and consumer behavior;

2. Scientists. Engaged in inventions or searches for new materials of commercial properties that can lead to the creation of original or improved versions of commercial products or services;

3. Competitors. Their actions can lead to the birth of a new idea;

4. Sales agents, dealers and other intermediaries;

5. Enterprise consultants for certain elements activities;

6. Direct employees of the organization.

14. Trade innovation: essence, properties, functions

Trade innovation is the implementation of targeted economic, technical, social, organizational change trading activities, consumer behavior in order to obtain the appropriate effect.

Trade innovation inherent properties:

Ø compatibility- characterizes the potential possibility of using innovations in the inextricable relationship between production and consumption systems.

Ø mobility- reflects the functional dependence of trade innovation on time and space, its locality and dispersal.

Ø efficiency– is related to the importance of the communication component of a possible innovation.

Ø commercial feasibility– is determined by the potential profitability of the innovation, taking into account possible risks;

Ø safety- is expressed in guaranteeing the safety of people when using innovation;

Ø value- characterizes novelty, potential utility and competitiveness.

The essence of innovation is manifested in its functions :

1. reproductive- innovation is an important source of financing for expanded reproduction, its meaning is to profit from innovation and use it as a source of financial resources.

2. investment– profit received through the implementation of innovation can be used in various areas, including as capital. This capital can be used to finance new types of innovation. Thus, the use of profit from innovation for investment is the content of this function.

3. stimulating- innovations bring entrepreneurial income, which serves as an incentive for the introduction of new innovations, and encourages constantly studying demand, improving the organization marketing activities, apply modern methods financial management.

Functions according to her outline:

Innovations are a channel for the implementation of the achievements of human intelligence, scientific and technological results, contributing to intellectualization labor activity, increasing its knowledge intensity (a regularity of the growing intellectualization of society as it moves from stage to stage);

With the help of innovations, the range of products and services is expanding, their quality is improving, which contributes to the growth of the needs of each person and society as a whole and the satisfaction of these needs (the law of elevation and differentiation of needs);

Innovations make it possible to involve new productive forces in production, to produce products and services with less labor, materials, energy (the law of labor economy);

The concentration of innovations in one area or another helps to bring the structure of reproduction in line with the structure external environment(the law of proportionality of development).

An important constituent element of the scientific theoretical and methodological substantiation of innovation processes is the classification of innovations. Classification is based on cognitive activity, the purpose of which is to establish order, determine the structure, systematize specific innovations. In this case, the classification is based on the division of system elements according to various characteristics, which take into account similarities, differences and relationships. Also, the classification of innovations can be considered as the result of research activities, based on knowledge in the field of innovation, techniques and methods of cognitive activity.

Consequently, classification can be both the result and one of the goals of cognition, which contributes to further cognitive activity and the development of knowledge. The classification of innovations makes it possible to navigate the variety of innovative phenomena, to establish relationships and interdependencies between various innovations, to represent the content specifics of specific innovations, to carry out innovative diagnostics, forecasting and consulting.

Control innovative activities depends on the conditions for studying innovations, which is necessary for their selection and use. It should be distinguished:

Innovations and minor changes in products and technological processes

Minor technical or external changes in the products (the properties, cost of the product and the materials and components included in it do not change;

Expansion of the number of new, but already known products on the market, in order to meet the current demand and increase the income of the enterprise.

The classification of innovations has great importance both for the further development of innovation theory and for successful implementation innovative practice. When constructing various classification models of innovations, it is necessary to take into account their specifics. The specific features of innovation include:

    openness (the need for constant situational correction of innovation activity in the course of its implementation;

    non-linearity (unpredictability in appearance and implementation)

    high level dynamics (constant development, improvement of types and forms of innovative activity, elements of creativity)

    incompleteness (the presence of a constant intention to generate innovations, inventions, the emergence of creativity at all levels for self-development and self-organization of society)

    procedurality, (phased implementation of innovations)

    alternativeness, the ability to choose and implement a variety of innovative development

    probabilistic and risky nature (high degree of uncertainty of implementation and effectiveness; lack of guarantees of commercial and social success)

    consistency of innovations (implementation, subject to the mobilization of all types and forms of activity, of a directed process of implementing the main innovative idea)

    objectivity (determinism of innovations and their conditionality by socio-cultural, historical, industrial and other circumstances and needs)

These features of innovation consider innovation processes as creative, sensitive to uncertain situations, and also suggesting a high level of motivation and creativity among the participants in the innovation process.

The novelty of innovations is evaluated by technological parameters, as well as from market positions. With this in mind, a classification of innovations is built.

Depending on the technological parameters, innovations are divided into:

Grocery (use of new materials, semi-finished products and components; obtaining fundamentally new products);

Process (new methods of organizing production (new technologies. May be associated with the creation of new organizational structures as part of an enterprise, firm)

According to the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into:

New to the industry in the world;

New to the industry in the country;

New for this enterprise (group of enterprises).

If we consider an enterprise (firm) as a system, we can distinguish:

    Innovations at the entrance to the enterprise (changes in the choice and use of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information, etc.);

    Innovations at the exit from the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information, etc.);

    Innovations of the system structure of the enterprise (management, production, technology).

Depending on the depth of the changes introduced, innovations are distinguished:

    radical (basic);


    modification (private).

The listed types of innovations differ from each other in terms of the degree of coverage of the stages of the life cycle.

Russian scientists from the Research Institute for System Research (RNIISI) have developed an extended classification of innovations, taking into account the areas of activity of the enterprise, in which innovations are highlighted:






    in the field of management.

N. Monchev identifies the following innovations according to the nature of the main operations and activities:

Technical - ensuring technical progress and the appearance on the market of an improved product; scientific - leading to the formation of new sciences or scientific directions; scientific and technical innovations - transforming inventions into socio-economically significant products with new technical and economic indicators.

According to the subject content, I. Perlaki singles out: product innovations (production and use of new products); technological (creation and application of new technologies for the production of end products; social (creation and application of new structures and mechanisms for the functioning of the economic sphere) and complex innovations (the unity of all the previous ones).

I. Perlaki proposes to classify innovations according to the degree of novelty and represents: radical innovations (the emergence of fundamentally new means of satisfying needs and introducing qualitative changes in the way of life) and modifying (ensuring the improvement of the means of satisfying social needs).

A fairly complete classification of innovations was proposed by A. I. Prigogine:

1. By prevalence:



Diffusion is the spread of an innovation once mastered in new conditions or on new objects of implementation. Thanks to it, there is a transition from a single introduction of innovation to innovation on an economy-wide scale.

2. By place in production cycle:


Providing (binding)


3. By succession:





Retro introductions

4. By coverage:




5. By innovative potential and degree of novelty:




The last two directions of the classification, which take into account the scale and novelty of innovations, express the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of innovations to the greatest extent and are important for economic evaluation their consequences and substantiation of managerial decisions .

Having carried out a comparative analysis of approaches to the classification of innovations at the present (third) stage, it is possible to differentiate all the types represented here into two main classes: those related to the material sphere and those related to the non-material sphere. The former include all technical and technological innovations and have a direct direct impact on the innovation process; while the latter are social in the broad sense of the word and influence it indirectly. With all the variety of approaches to the construction of classification-species matrices, we can say that the main criterion for classification division is the sphere of innovation. It is according to this criterion that innovations are differentiated into conceptual, scientific, technical and technological, economic, organizational and managerial, informational, social.

The evolution and development of theoretical and methodological approaches to the justification of classifications of innovations occur in parallel with the formation of innovation theory, reflect the trends of its development, research priorities, are carried out in line with the dominant cognitive paradigm (techno-technological, economic or social) and reflect the level of development of innovative knowledge at the moment [ibid.].

A systematic comparative analysis of the classifications of innovations is needed, which will allow not only to fix their different types, but also to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the existing approaches in the field of differentiation and systematization of innovative phenomena; analyze the methodological principles underlying the substantiation and selection of classification criteria; identify modern types of innovations within the specified criteria for the purpose of their theoretical and methodological study and effective practical development [ibid.].

An integrated approach is needed to establish classification criteria, which should be significant and make it possible to designate derivative generic innovations, as well as fix the complexity of innovative processes, taking into account their effects and consequences, and understand their structure. The classification must comply with the known logical rules of construction: the classification criteria must be designated on the basis of one basis, the intersection of the division criteria and the presence of missing classes according to the selected criterion is unacceptable, ensuring the completeness of the volume of the divisible set and the continuity of the division procedure itself [ibid.].

Thus, the classification acts as a methodological tool for explaining innovations and makes it possible to:

To carry out an accurate identification of innovations (which allows, on the basis of fixing the essential characteristics and parameters of innovations, to register innovative phenomena, “find” them in reality, study and use them taking into account their specific features);

Systematize the characteristics of innovations (which helps to establish the place and role of specific innovations in social practice, taking into account their essential characteristics);

Present a comparative analysis of innovations (which will allow you to compare their capabilities and limitations; understand the ratio of types of innovations in various fields);

Determine the status of specific innovations in comparison with others (which will allow the most effective implementation of innovative consulting, planning and forecasting activities in order to minimize the costs of innovation).

Innovation management Bandurin Alexander Vladimirovich

2.1. Types of innovations and their classification

Innovation management can be successful if innovations are studied for a long time, which is necessary for their selection and use. First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between innovations and minor modifications in products and technological processes (for example, aesthetic changes, i.e. color, etc.); minor technical or external changes in products that leave the design unchanged and do not have a sufficiently noticeable effect on the parameters, properties, cost of the product, as well as the materials and components included in it; expanding the range of products by mastering the production of products that were not previously produced at this enterprise, but already known on the market, with a goal. Satisfying the current demand and increasing the income of the enterprise.

The novelty of innovations is evaluated by technological parameters, as well as from market positions. With this in mind, a classification of innovations is built.

Depending on the technological parameters, innovations are divided into product and process innovations.

Product innovations include the use of new materials, new semi-finished products and components; obtaining fundamentally new products. Process innovation means new methods of organizing production (new technologies). Process innovations can be associated with the creation of new organizational structures within the enterprise (firm).

According to the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into: new to the industry in the world; new to the industry in the country; new for this enterprise (group of enterprises).

If we consider an enterprise (firm) as a system, we can distinguish:

1. Innovation at the entrance to the enterprise (changes in the choice and use of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information, etc.);

2. Innovations at the exit from the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information, etc.);

3. Innovations of the system structure of the enterprise (management, production, technology).

Depending on the depth of the changes introduced, innovations are distinguished:

* radical (basic);

* improving;

* modification (private).

The listed types of innovations differ from each other in terms of the degree of coverage of the stages of the life cycle.

Russian scientists from the Research Institute for System Research (RNIISI) have developed an extended classification of innovations, taking into account the areas of activity of the enterprise, in which innovations are highlighted:

* technological;

* industrial;

* economic;

* trading;

* social;

* in the field of management.

A fairly complete classification of innovations was proposed by A. I. Prigogine:

1. By prevalence:

* single

* diffuse.

Diffusion is the spread of an innovation once mastered in new conditions or on new objects of implementation. It is thanks to diffusion that there is a transition from a single introduction of innovation to innovation on an economy-wide scale.

2. By place in the production cycle:

* raw materials

* providing (binding)

* grocery

3. By succession:

* substitutes

* canceling

* returnable

* opening

*retro introductions

4. By coverage:

* local

* systemic

* strategic

5. By innovative potential and degree of novelty:

* radical

* combinatorial

* improving

The last two directions of the classification, taking into account the scale and novelty of innovations, the intensity of innovative change, to the greatest extent express the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of innovations and are important for the economic assessment of their consequences and the justification of managerial decisions.

The original innovative observation was made by N. D. Kondratiev in the 1920s, who discovered the existence of the so-called "big cycles" or, as they are called abroad, "long waves". N. D. Kondratiev pointed out the existence of a relationship between long waves and the technical development of production, involving data on scientific and technical discoveries in the analysis, showing the wave-like nature of their dynamics. He explored the dynamics of innovation, distinguishing it from discoveries and inventions. The dynamics of innovations is studied in the context of the phases of a large cycle. In the studies of N. D. Kondratiev, for the first time, the foundations of the so-called cluster approach are seen. N. D. Kondratiev showed that innovations are distributed unevenly over time, appearing in groups, that is, in modern terms, clusters. The recommendations of N. D. Kondratiev can be used in the development of an innovative strategy.

From book Organizational behavior: Workshop the author Gromova Olga

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CHAPTER II. TYPES OF INNOVATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT 2.1. Types of innovations and their classification Innovation management can be successful under the condition of a long study of innovations, which is necessary for their selection and use.

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