Presentation of the rules of the road dhow. Presentation on traffic rules: “Observe the rules of the road

Alla Kovalenko
Presentation on traffic rules

Good afternoon.

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You are welcomed by the teaching staff of MBDOU No. 70, Shakhty, Rostov Region.

We present to your attention our work on the prevention of road traffic injuries.

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The road ... like life. Both in life and on the road, you never know what might happen, around which turn danger awaits.

Their life and health depend on the behavior of pedestrians on the street. And children are the most careless participants in the movement. They neglect the rules of conduct, primarily because they do not represent the danger that threatens them.

And therefore, it is necessary to prepare yourself and especially children for various unforeseen situations on the road from an early age.

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Preschoolers do not have a protective psychological reaction to the traffic situation, which is characteristic of adults. The thirst for knowledge, the desire to constantly discover something new puts the child in front of real dangers, including on the streets of the city.

I think that the sooner we introduce the child to the rules of the road, teach him the skills of a culture of behavior on the streets and roads, the less accidents there will be on the roadway.

That is why from a very early age it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and the rules of the road. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, the school and other educational institutions.

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In our kindergarten, the commission "For Road Safety" coordinates the work on the prevention of road traffic injuries.

On this slide, you can follow the work of the Commission "For Road Safety" with teachers, children, parents, as well as with society.

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To implement the tasks set in the preschool educational institution, the necessary conditions. A methodical office and safety corners for traffic rules have been equipped, in which there is a variety of advisory material, recommendations, materials of the commission "For traffic safety", seminars, video materials.

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The cabinet is provided with instructional material, periodicals(newspaper "Good Road of Childhood" and "Journey to the Green Light" magazine).

Designed for teachers information stands, where you can find information about planned events, stages of the game - the “Traffic Light Adventures” trip, specific recommendations for teaching traffic rules to preschoolers, etc.

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In our preschool educational institution No. 70, a lot of work is being done to prevent accidents in transport, with the parents of pupils. This is participation in events: tournaments, quizzes, KVN, sports holidays, promotions "Children's seat", "Child is the main passenger".

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Work in the preschool educational institution on the prevention of road traffic injuries is also carried out jointly with the traffic police. For children, conversations are organized in which they can better learn the specifics of the work of the traffic police.

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Information stands for parents have been designed in the preschool educational institution, on which the necessary information, reference, statistical, analytical materials, advice for parents are located.

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Working with preschoolers to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road is based on integrated approach and is conducted in three directions: organized activity, joint activity and independent activity.

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A variety of forms of work with children are used: educational activities, targeted walks, reading fiction, conversations, creating and playing out problem situations, didactic, mobile, role-playing games.

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In the warm season, all work on training traffic rules is transferred to the street. For this, on the territory kindergarten a transport platform with remote road signs, bicycles, scooters was equipped, road markings with pedestrian crossings were made. Children learn how to cross the road correctly, regulated and unregulated intersections, learn how to behave at a passenger transport stop, and get acquainted with the rules of behavior for cyclists on the road.

In order to maintain children's interest in studying traffic rules, new forms of work with children and parents are being introduced, using the means information technologies. In our preschool educational institution, educators, together with children, create presentations “The road is not for games”, “Make friends with a traffic light”, which are used to consolidate children's knowledge.

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Children and adults of our preschool educational institution took part in the "Study of O. Koshevoy Street according to traffic rules."

Purpose of the study:

Find out how many road signs

Find out if there are violators on the road.

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As a result of the work carried out, it can be noted that children have the necessary knowledge of traffic rules: they know road signs, the purpose of the sidewalk, roadway, pedestrian crossing; know the types of transport, the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the streets of the city and know how to use these rules.

And also, preschool educational institution No. 70 is an active participant in road safety drawing competitions.

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In kindergarten, generalized and systematized pedagogical experience for teaching children traffic rules, a methodical piggy bank has been assembled, which is equipped with:

Card file of outdoor games according to traffic rules;

file cabinet didactic games according to traffic rules "Road game library";

A selection of fiction to familiarize children with traffic rules;

Summaries of classes, conversations, leisure and entertainment;

A cycle of observations according to traffic rules, excursions, targeted walks along the street, to a stop, to an intersection;

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To improve the pedagogical skills of kindergarten teachers, pedagogical councils, business games, seminars, consultations, open views on teaching children the rules of the road.

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Safety minutes are held daily in the preschool educational institution, where teachers, together with children, repeat the road alphabet.

When organizing classes and conversations, teachers proceed from the fact that at this age children better perceive the material presented in the form of a game, excursion, competition, that is, with the active participation of the child himself.

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Mobile, didactic games, simulation of road situations, travel to the "Country road alphabet”, riddles and puzzles of cartoon characters help children learn how to behave in the surrounding road environment.

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In order to instill in children practical skills in following the rules of the road, group walks along the sidewalk are held to observe the transport, the actions of pedestrians and drivers.

All this allows teachers to comprehensively solve the problems of teaching children safe behavior in the road environment.

To cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with the rules of the road, a culture of behavior in the road transport environment.

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In the work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries, various forms of interaction with parents are used:

Memos and leaflets-appeals to parents about the need to comply with traffic rules;

Folders-sliders, which contain material on the rules of the road, necessary for learning by both children and adults;

Consulting material "Preschooler and the road".

Great attention is paid to working with parents in kindergarten, because it is they who cross the road with the children more than once every day and are responsible for them.

Throughout the year, exhibitions of drawings by children of older groups are held: “Such different cars”, “Me and the road”, etc.

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We can already speak about the effectiveness of the work of preschool educational institution No. 70 from the above results, this system works and gives positive results.

But the work doesn't end there.

Every year, kids come to us, and our task is to prepare them for life in society, to warn them against danger on the roads.

We believe that this area of ​​work should always be in the field of close attention of teachers, parents, traffic police,

which means that further search and improvement in the organization of work on the prevention of road traffic injuries is necessary.

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"Thank you for your attention".

Head Distribution functional duties between team members; Conducting briefings; Solution financial matters(acquisition of equipment, literature, paintings, toys, etc.). Senior educator Determination of the place of the system of teaching preschoolers the rules of the road in the general educational space of the kindergarten, its connection with other areas. Participation in the development of projects and long-term plans for teaching children traffic rules and organizing a subject-developing environment: - safety corners in groups; – information stands for parents; - platform for practical exercises with children (on the territory of the kindergarten). Educator Creation of conditions for teaching children traffic rules in groups: conducting work on traffic - designing safety corners; - selection of literature, photographs according to traffic rules; - production of attributes for games. Interaction with parents. medical worker Participation in the assessment educational work V preschool in terms of children's health Musical director. Development of scenarios for holidays and entertainment according to traffic rules. Selection of musical works. Instructor for physical culture: Help in organizing a subject-developing environment. Participation in holidays, entertainment according to traffic rules. Carrying out outdoor games with children according to traffic rules. Assistant educators: Help in organizing a subject-developing environment. Participation in holidays, entertainment according to traffic rules.

Relevance of the topic The problem of road safety in modern world is one of the most important issues. The speed of movement and the number of cars on the streets and roads of our city and country are rapidly increasing. Therefore, ensuring traffic safety is becoming an increasingly important task. Of particular importance in solving this problem is the advance and proper preparation of our smallest pedestrians - children. From early childhood, it is necessary to instill the basic knowledge of traffic rules. Correct understanding and observance of road signs, markings and the main provisions of the Rules of the Road allow not only to be a confident pedestrian and driver, this allows you to make the right decision in a critical situation on the road.

Traffic signs in riddles Hey, driver, be careful, It's impossible to drive fast, People know everything in the world. In this place they go (Children) If a friend's bicycle Speeds you faster than rockets, You never need to go Where you see this sign. (Biking is prohibited)

Rules for crossing the intersection The intersection is the most dangerous place for pedestrians and drivers. Streets intersect there, cars, buses, trolleybuses go by. At the intersection there may be a traffic light and a traffic controller with a whistle and a baton. He stands in the center of the intersection so that everyone can see him and controls the traffic.

Crossroads with a traffic controller The traffic controller's stick is raised straight up traffic and pedestrians are prohibited! The right hand of the traffic controller is extended forward, and the left hand is lowered down; pedestrians can only cross the road behind the back of the traffic controller. The traffic controller communicates with drivers and pedestrians with the help of signs that he shows with his stick. These signs are very simple, let's figure them out together! The traffic controller stands straight and holds the stick down or parallel to his arms extended to the sides - you can only cross the road in front of the traffic controller or behind his back.

Guard S. Mikhalkov "My Street" Here at the post at any time A clever guard is on duty. He controls at once all who are in front of him on the pavement. No one in the world can do this with one movement of the hand Stop the flow of passers-by And let the trucks pass. Rules of the road in verse

Traffic signs in riddles If you are going with a friend To the zoo or to the cinema, You will have to make friends with this sign anyway, And it will drive you quickly, deftly Sign ... (Bus stop) This sign will help you find out where the bus or trolleybus stops.

Traffic light The traffic light is the most important on the road, both drivers and pedestrians obey it. It has one leg and three round eyes: the top one is red, the middle one is yellow, and the bottom one is green. He can be seen on the streets and crossroads of the city, where he stands and alternately blinks his multi-colored eyes. A traffic light indicates who can drive or walk, and who needs to stay put. Everyone must obey him. Traffic light for pedestrians. It depicts two men - red and green. The red man is drawn standing, and the green one is walking. The red man is lit up, so stand still, you can’t cross the road! As soon as the green walking man lights up, you can safely cross the road.

Rules of the road in verse Irina Gurina "Malyshkin traffic light" The traffic light is waiting for us. Illuminates the transition. The red eye lit up: He wants to detain us. If red there is no way. Red light can not go. Yellow light is not very strict: Wait, we have no way yet. The bright yellow eye burns: All movement stops! Finally, the green eye opens the way for us. The striped crossing is waiting for young pedestrians!!!

Cars with flashing lights. You were about to cross the street and suddenly you see this picture: it is driving " ambulance”, there is a flasher on the roof, all cars give way to it, and pedestrians stand still and do not cross the street, although the green light is on. Know that this is a special transport! Everyone gives way to him, both drivers and pedestrians, because he is in a hurry to help those who are in trouble.

Cars with flashers Special transport- this is an ambulance, a fire truck, a rescue service and a police car. These cars have a sound signal called a siren and a flashing light on the roof - a flashing beacon of blue or red. If this light is on, show participation - give way.

We are driving a car. You ended up in a car, and immediately turned into a passenger. So you have some responsibilities. First, be sure to fasten your seat belts in your car seat. Secondly, do not distract the driver from driving. Thirdly, never open the car doors until you are allowed to! Fourth, never get out of the car until you are sure that another car, motorcycle or bus is not driving by.

It is important that parents be an example for children in observing the rules of the road! Don't rush, cross the road at a measured pace! When you go out onto the road, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate. Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light. Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".

It is important that parents be an example for children in observing the rules of the road! Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway. Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road: show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc. Do not go out with a child from behind a car, bushes, without first examining the road - this typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

It is important that parents be an example for children in observing the rules of the road! Dedicate a separate walk to the rules of crossing the road. Check if your child understands them correctly, if he knows how to use this knowledge in real traffic situations. To do this, practice walking along pedestrian crossing through the carriageway with one-way and two-way traffic, through regulated and unregulated intersections. During the holidays, it doesn't matter if your child stays in the city or leaves, you need to use every opportunity to remind him of the rules of the road. Do not leave children unattended on the street, do not allow them to play near the roadway. Teach your kids to follow the rules of the road from an early age. And do not forget that personal example is the most intelligible form of learning.


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The theme of the project: "The rules of the road should be known to everyone without exception." Completed by: educators of senior groups Yulova A. V., Emelyanova D. Sh., Safarova N. V., Monakhova O. M., Lobanova K. A., Karashchuk N. N., teacher-speech therapist Naumova E. A.

The purpose of the project: -Create conditions for the conscious study of traffic rules by children; - To develop in children the ability to navigate in a different environment; -Develop the habit of preschoolers to behave correctly on the roads; -To educate competent pedestrians in children; -Intensify advocacy activities among parents of preschool educational institutions on traffic rules and safe behavior on the road. Project Objectives: - To form in older children knowledge about traffic rules for pedestrians and passengers, and about the work of traffic police officers who control and regulate traffic on the street. -Continue familiarity with the purpose of road signs and their style. -Teach the ability to use the layout to simulate the situation in the game space. - Strengthen the relationship between teachers and parents in the issue of familiarizing children with traffic rules and their observance in life. -To develop a block of visual material, a game library that has a developmental impact and cognitive stimulation on children. - Expand the vocabulary of children on road vocabulary. -Formation of a conscious attitude to compliance with traffic rules. -Formation in children of a sense of control and self-control. -Education of elementary safety rules.

Hypothesis: If children understand and learn the rules of the road from an early age, they will be able to avoid dangerous situations and save their lives.

Project Type: educational and playful. Duration: long term. Age of project participants: c older age group 5-6 years. Nature of contact: interaction within 3 groups. Form of work: frontal, individual, group. Venue: MBDOU No. 8 (groups No. 5, No. 7, No. 8). Expected result: Creation of original activating subject environment; Expanding the horizons of pupils; Improving the culture of children's behavior on the street and in public transport;

Stages of the project Stage - Preparatory: Setting goals and objectives. Definition of research methods. Drawing up a calendar-thematic plan for traffic rules. Selection of visual and illustrative material. Selection of fiction on the topic. Production of attributes for role-playing games. Making a desktop model of a road with a pedestrian crossing, an intersection and city streets. Selection of material for productive activity.

Main stage: Working with children: direct educational activities; joint activities educator and children, taking into account integration; independent activity children. Working with parents: Consultations; Questioning; Registration of a corner according to traffic rules; Making folders-movers; Reminders; Conversations; Making a photo collage. Stage 3 - final (generalizing) Generalization of the results of the work in the form of a photo collage.

Meeting - conversation of children with the traffic police inspector "The street is full of surprises" Target walk: To the pedestrian crossing; traffic light; to the crossroads.

Didactic games: "Pick up a sign", "Red-green", "Collect a sign", "Safe way".

Productive activity Application "Truck", "Crossroads"

Drawing "Road sign", "My street"

Games "Pedestrians and transport", "Colored cars".

Competition game

Registration of traffic rules corners.

Results of the project implementation: Updated traffic rules corners in groups, visual material. A card index of didactic games has been created. Compiled card index with poems and riddles, proverbs and sayings. Formed in children knowledge of the rules of the road and skills safe behavior on road. The emergence of interest among parents in the problems of preschool educational institutions. The ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about the rules of the road. Formed in children the ability to compose short stories about the traffic situation.

Conclusion: The formation of a culture of safe behavior on the street in children should be started from an early age, they easily learn the rules and can avoid dangerous situations, save their lives.

Information resources: Software literature on design: Anastasova L.P. Life without dangers. – M.: Ventona Graf, 1996. Astashkina. Preschoolers about the rules of the road. - M .: Preschool education, No. 4, 1993. Belaya K. Yu. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. - M .: Education, 2001. Vasilyeva I. We teach safety rules. - M .: Preschool education, No. 2, 1980. Vdovichenko L. A. A child on the street: "Childhood-press", 2008 Izvekova N. A. Traffic rules for children preschool age. - M .: Creative Center, 2005. Klochanov N. I. Road, child, safety. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004. Loginova L. 365 security lessons. - M .: Iris, 2000. Website www. pravdd. en

Thank you for your attention!

  • Guys, you and I know that a lot of cars drive along the street. How can you and I cross the road? What will help us in this? What should we know?

"Around the city, down the street,

They don't just walk.

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember ahead:

They have their own rules

Driver and Pedestrian!!!

What helps us to cross the road correctly?

In order not to get into trouble on the street, road signs and road markings come to our aid.

Where can you cross the street?

This sign is very simple.

But so reliable

He helps us cross the road along the way.


Where this sign hangs

The path is open to pedestrians.

And it is clear to all passers-by:

It's safe to walk here.

Our most important assistant is a traffic light.

By the road in a house Without a garden and a porch Gnomes live, Two glorious little men: They don't play dominoes, At tag or hide-and-seek, And they look out the window all day. Is everything all right there? The green dwarf says: - Everything is calm. The path is open! If red came out - So the path is dangerous! And day and night dark The windows in it do not go out: Here a green dwarf came out, Here a red one appeared. Little men have an important hard work- Careless citizens Blink at the crossing! Author Andrey Usachev

You are the driver, don't rush!

You have to listen without argument.

Traffic lights!

Need traffic rules

Perform without exception!

I slowly walk along the "zebra",

I explain to drivers:

Here is the place to go

Wait, let the pedestrian pass.

Caution children!

Warning - turn off the gas

Hanging, drivers for you

The school has a sign here - "Children",

We are all responsible for them.

Men at work.

Road works sign

Appeared ahead.

The road is being repaired here.

Be careful on the road.

We can be more than just pedestrians.

Ride a bike

Loved by adults and children.

With this sign it will become clear

Where to ride safely.

Used Books:

1. T. F. Saulina. “Familiarization of preschoolers with the rules of the road. To work with children

2. I.Yu. Bordachev. Visual and didactic manual "road signs".

3. Internet resource: /

4. Internet resource: