Cultivation of breeding goats. Experience in creating a pedigree reproducer sniizhk for breeding Saanen goats Production of mutton and goat meat in Russia

* Calculations use average data for Russia

800 000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital

24-36 months




50-90 ₽

Average cost of milk per liter

Goats are valued primarily for their milk, which is considered healthier than cow's. In this article, we will look at the main points that you need to know for those who are planning to open a goat farm.

Currently, up to 78% of the total number of goats in our country is kept in private backyards (for comparison, four years ago this figure was 2% higher). large enterprises for breeding goats in Russia today, no more than 15. However, experts are confident that the situation will change dramatically in the near future. In their opinion, market participants are showing more and more interest in the commercial production of goat milk and its processing, which, in turn, should lead to an increase in the number of large farms for breeding and keeping goats.

The factors that hinder the development of the industry include the high cost of goat's milk, which is 3.5 times higher than cow's. Investments in the goat-breeding industry can be returned in 5-6 years. On the one hand, these terms seem considerable. But for comparison: investments in the production of cow's milk pay off twice as long.

The goat breeding business is suitable even for beginner farmers. These animals, unlike large cattle, can be contained in subsidiary farms. They are small in size, unpretentious to the conditions of detention (including climatic) and diet, do not require special care.

Goats are valued primarily because of their milk, which is considered much healthier than cow's milk, as it contains a large amount of vitamins A and D. Despite the high fat content (about 4.5%), goat's milk is almost completely absorbed by the human body. This product is also widely used in medicine due to its restorative properties and in cosmetology due to the high content of casein in goat milk.

What breed of goats to choose

Dairy breeds. Of the dairy breeds of goats, the Saanen and Megrelian breeds are the most popular. Saanen goats are demanding on the quality of feed and keeping conditions more than other breeds, they are large in size (the weight of a goat can reach 100 kg, although, on average, it is 65-70 kg for goats and 50-55 kg for queens) and high cost (if we are talking about breeding animals). On the basis of the Saanen breed, which was bred in Switzerland and is considered the most dairy, the so-called Russian goats were bred. Goats of the Russian breed are in most cases white in color, although there are also piebald, red, black and gray colors. The weight of an adult animal is 40-50 kg. Fertility reaches 250 kids per 100 queens. Average milk yields at 7-8 months of lactation, as a rule, are 350 kg, and with improved feeding they increase to 500 kg. Megrelian goats give an average of 300 kg of milk during lactation and are distinguished by short hair. One dairy goat gives 5-9 liters of milk per day.

Wool breeds. In addition to dairy, there are also wool and down breeds. Quite a valuable product of goat breeding is wool. Among the woolly goats, the Angora breed is the most widespread. Animals of this breed are distinguished by particularly long (up to 25 cm) and, most importantly, uniform hair, a high yield of pure wool (80%), but they are not very prolific (they bring one or two kids per offspring). The finest wool is obtained from young goats at the age of about one year. The Soviet woolly breed of goats originates from the Angora breed, which are distinguished by increased endurance and, with good nutrition and care, are almost as good as Angora goats in shearing wool.

Downy breeds. Goat down belongs to a special category of wool raw materials, products from which are particularly soft and light. Downy goats are bred not only for the sake of down, but also for skins, meat and milk. The meat of goats of downy breeds (goat meat) is not inferior in taste to lamb. The maximum carcass of an adult and well-fed goat can weigh up to 28 kg. Goats that go for meat are castrated at the age of one year to avoid the unpleasant odor inherent in goat meat. good feeding downy goats give up to 300 kg of milk per lactation and bring 1-2 kids per offspring. The downy breed also includes the Don breed (low milk productivity, but at the same time good fertility), the Orenburg breed (you can get up to 400 grams of down and up to 350 grams of coarse wool per animal, it has a relatively high fertility).

Obviously, on the scale of a small farm, it is more profitable to breed dairy goats. But no matter which option you choose, experts advise giving preference to animals of the same breed. This is especially true for small farms.

When buying downy and woolly goats, it is necessary to inspect before combing and shearing, that is, at the end of winter - early spring (before spring shearing) or in autumn, when the kids have already grown enough. The productivity of these animals depends on the length of the downy fibers, their density, the degree of overgrowth of the animal, the percentage of fine down in thicker wool. To determine the density or total mass of down, make several test grips with your hand on the animal's shoulder blades, barrel and thigh. In thoroughbred goats, the down content in the wool should exceed 40%, and the length of the down fibers should be from 5.5 cm. The color of the down, depending on the breed, can be white, gray or warm gray. The larger the animal (hence the larger the area of ​​the rune), the better. The length of the coat of annual growth should be from 20 cm.

What to consider when choosing goats

The productivity of a dairy goat is measured by the udder. It should be voluminous, well developed, soft, without hardening, with nipples of medium length (too long are hard to bear). The shape of the udder is pear-shaped with a good front and rear margin. The stock is softer, more tender and more voluminous, the more productive the animal is considered. In a dairy goat, the udder is elastic; when milked, thin folds form on it. In a non-dairy animal, the udder is loose and pasty. The milkiness of a goat can also be judged by the milk veins and milk wells. Milk veins start from the udder and pass to the belly, where milk wells are formed. The wider and more pronounced these veins and wells, the better.

In a year, the milk incisors in goats begin to be replaced by permanent, larger and stronger teeth. At the age of one and a half years, the first pair of permanent incisors grows, at the age of two - the second, at the age of three - the third. By the age of four, all incisors are already permanent, and by the age of six they acquire a rounded shape, gaps appear between them. At seven or eight years of age, the incisors begin to wobble and fall out. Goats begin to chew food poorly, lose productivity, so when the animals reach the age of eight or nine years, they are replaced with young goats.

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For successful breeding of goats, it is very important to choose a good goat-producer (one goat is enough for 50-60 goats). Since the productive qualities of the offspring of animals depend mainly on the father, you need to know the pedigree of the purchased goat. Experts also recommend that when buying a manufacturer, take into account its age. In goats and goats, puberty occurs at the age of 5-8 months, and physiological - at the age of 8-12 months.

That is, although theoretically a male can be allowed to mate at the age of six months, it is still better to wait at least up to 1.5 years, otherwise the offspring of a too young producer will be frail and undersized. Goats are also not recommended to happen before they reach one year of age. After 6-7 years, the breeding goat is replaced with a young one. On smaller farms, it is recommended to change sires more frequently, about once every three years, to prevent inbreeding, which is fraught with malformations in the resulting offspring.

We correctly register livestock farming

If you plan to breed goats and sell goat milk, then first you need to apply for registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP). You can choose the following as suitable activity codes: OKVED codes:

    01.45.1: Breeding of sheep and goats;

    10.51: Production of milk (except raw) and dairy products;

    01.62: Provision of livestock services.

Ready-made ideas for your business

After receiving the state registration number - a certificate of PSRN in form 4, you can apply to the district administration for renting or buying land for a goat breeding and keeping farm. This site will need to be drawn up at the State Committee technical documentation and carry out land surveying. In the BTI, you will need to get a cadastral number for the land and technical data sheets mood.

At the next stage, you will need to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor for the activities of your farm and the sale of the products received, as well as permission from the fire and environmental inspections, as well as register the ownership or lease agreement for the premises and land plot.

What you need to know about keeping goats

    Temperature regime. Although, as we mentioned above, goats are considered unpretentious animals to the conditions of keeping, nevertheless, they still do not tolerate cold, so it is most advantageous to keep them in the southern regions. In the warm season, they can even be kept in a barn or barn. But in winter it will be necessary to transfer the animals to a closed warm room - bright and dry, with access to fresh air, but without drafts, with a temperature of at least 8 degrees Celsius.

    Windows and doors. Windows are made, as a rule, 1.5-2 meters. The windows themselves are up to 80 cm wide and up to 60 cm high. Doors should be with a vestibule or double to ensure the safety of heat and eliminate drafts.

    Floors and bedding. The floors in the goat house can be any - wooden, earthen, adobe, but always with a slight slope for manure runoff (goat manure, by the way, is an excellent fertilizer). Straw, sawdust or pine needles can be used as bedding.

    Cleaning. In the summer, the goat's rue must be thoroughly washed and bleached, and the feeders are cleaned with water with lye and soda.

    Pens. In a corral 20 by 20 meters, you can keep up to 15 animals. However, when planning a goat house, keep in mind that goats will definitely need a separate area for walking. Permanent keeping of animals in indoors negatively affects the quality of milk, wool and fluff, goats begin to get sick. For walks of goats in the cold season, they equip a separate corral - the so-called bazok. On frosty days, goats are allowed into it for a couple of hours - from 12 to 14 hours, and on sunny days with a slight frost - for several hours, from 9 to 15 hours. Adult animals are usually kept in groups, but goats are recommended to be kept separately, otherwise the milk of dairy goats may acquire an unpleasant goat smell.

    Fencing. The goat pen must be fenced with a net or a high fence, as these animals are very jumpy, they can jump onto trees or even a low fence, climb onto the roof of a one-story house.

    Feeders. For each animal it is necessary to equip a separate feeder. The best option- structures with gratings and partitions that close the feeders from neighboring goats.

Dairy goat diet

As with other ruminant herbivores, juicy, rough, and concentrated feeds are used to feed goats. In the warm season, goat grazing on pastures is recommended, since grass is the most complete food and a source of all the necessary vitamins.

Of the natural pastures, mountain pastures are most preferred. Wetlands are not suitable for grazing goats.

The fact is that high humidity can cause stomach and leg problems in goats. For the same reason, on cool spring and autumn days, it is recommended to drive the goats out to pasture only after the dew has dried. In summer, goats need to be watered twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon. In addition, they should receive salt lick daily.

Feeding goats in winter

In winter, the diet of goats is based on roughage: twigs, straw, hay. They are also given grain feed, compound feed, bran, cake. Do not forget about mineral dressing, which is used as chalk and salt, meat and bone meal. Goats cannot be given cold water (and they won't drink it themselves), so you'll have to invest in good drinkers. Moreover, many experienced goat breeders give goats water in winter ... with real herbal tea.

To do this, raspberry leaves, currants, cherries, strawberries, hawthorn berries, viburnum, mountain ash, etc. are brewed in boiling water, and then the “tea” is cooled to room temperature. An adult goat can drink up to 10 liters of such a decoction per day, which serves as an excellent prevention of beriberi and helps to improve the quality of milk and increase milk yield. ABOUT proper nutrition and care is evidenced by the physique of the goat. It should be plump, but not greasy.

Features of breeding and raising goats

The mating of goats is usually carried out from November to December and from May to July. When hunting appears, goats become restless, eat less, constantly bleat. Hunting occurs every 18-20 days. In the spring or summer, goats happen if you need to get milk in the winter. But directly for breeding, it is recommended to have goats in the fall so that lambing occurs in the spring. In the warm season, with an excess of fresh food, it is easier to grow healthy offspring. The gestation period lasts for about five months in goats. During this time, it is important that the uterus receives good care and good nutrition. She should not be fed poor quality food.

For wool goat breeding, kids are grown by suckling, letting them suckle their mother for 3.5-5 months. Kids of dairy breeds are grown by the method of limited suction or artificial watering (using a special teat drinker). Gradually, kids are taught to eat hay and fresh grass, from the age of one month they are given concentrates from cake, bran and crushed oats with the addition of chalk.

Expenses and income of the goat farm

You can buy a breeding goat of the Saanen breed at the time of this writing for 15-20 thousand rubles. Although there are nurseries where kids at the age of two or three months are sold for 45-50 thousand rubles. When buying animals in breeding centers or from private breeders, do not forget to check the breeding cards of the purchased goats by making copies of them, and also take an interest in the productive characteristics of the parents.

Of course, you can find not very purebred animals for 5 thousand rubles, but no one guarantees you either the volume of milk yield or the quality of the milk received from them. It is important to check the availability of vaccinations against brucellosis and other diseases, as well as veterinary certificates in purchased animals.

We will proceed from the fact that the land for the construction of the goat's rue is in your property. The costs for the construction of pens, the purchase of equipment and inventory will amount to 200 thousand rubles. Another 50-70 thousand rubles will be required for the purchase of feed. In advance, put in the estimate at least 20 thousand rubles for transportation costs (for the transportation of animals, as well as building materials, feed, etc.). Don't forget to pay for veterinary services.

What is the income of such a farm? First of all, this is the sale of milk - 75% of total profit enterprises. The retail price of goat's milk averages 50-90 rubles per liter in Russia, depending on the region, with a cost of 20-40 rubles.

Cooperation with trading networks has its own reverse sides. The latter, as a rule, do not allow suppliers to raise selling prices and impose sanctions on the economy for the instability of supplies. However, it is almost impossible to achieve stable volumes of milk yield. In summer, they can reach up to 400 liters per day, and in winter, for objective reasons, they decrease to 80 liters per day. But whatever the reason, retail chains they still fine their suppliers for underdeliveries in the winter.

Payback period for a goat farm

Of course, it is practically impossible to estimate the payback period without knowing all the initial data. It is known that a private farm for 20 goats pays off in two to two and a half years. A small goat farm with 50 or more animals will be profitable in three years. The average profitability of such an enterprise is 25%. In some cases, it can reach 40%.

Technical documentation for the production of goat milk products was developed in our country relatively recently - in the middle of the last decade. Among the most promising and still untapped segments is the market for goat milk powder and baby food.

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Authors): L.N. Grigoryan, S.A. Khatataev / L.N. Grigoryan, S.A. Khatataev
Organization(s): Russian Research Institute of Animal Breeding

UDC 636.32/.38

Keywords: goat breeds, cool composition, breeding regions, grading, productivity

key words: breeds of goats, class composition, regions of breeding, productivity records


Data on the state of the breeding base of dairy goat breeds of the Russian Federation for 2012 are given: livestock, class composition, live weight, productivity.

The information on the status of tribal base of dairy breeds of goats in the Russian Federation for 2012 is presented: livestock, class composition, live weight, productivity.

In recent years, the breeding of dairy goats has been intensively developed throughout the world. The production of various dairy products from goat milk - butter, cheese, various yoghurts - is becoming more and more popular in many countries. Goat's milk has a better digestibility compared to cow's, contains an increased amount of minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids. Goat milk is not only a dietary product, but also has healing and anti-infective properties.

In the Russian Federation, dairy goat breeding is a new developing branch of animal husbandry. In dairy goat breeding, the most common goat breed is the Saanen breed. IN farms along with the Saanen breed, others were also imported, such as Alpine and Nubian.

Currently, the breeding base of dairy goat breeding is represented by only one breed - the Saanen, since only this breed is officially registered and has a permit for use on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Head Information and Breeding Center of Livestock Breeding of Russia received reports on the grading of goats of the Saanen breed for the first time in 2003 (for 2002) from two breeding reproducers: GNU SNIIZhK and KH Pozharenko. The total number of breeding goats of this breed at the beginning of 2003 was 292 heads, including queens - 182 heads.

Currently, the breeding base of the Zaanen breed is represented by 4 breeding reproducers (Lukoz LLC of the Mari El Republic; KH Rus-1 LLC of the Stavropol Territory; PZ Prinevskoye CJSC, Leningrad Region; Vyatsky Breeding Plant LLC, Kirov Region). and one gene pool farm (GH SNIIZhK of the Russian Agricultural Academy).

The largest breeding organization for breeding goats of the Saanen breed is the breeding reproducer LLC Lukoz of the Sernursky district of the Republic of Mari El. At the beginning of 2012, the total number of breeding goats in this breeder was 1373 heads, including queens and goats older than a year - 1186 heads. The milk yield per lactation per one goat was 809 kg for the herd. The herd was created on the basis of absorption crossing of Saanen goats with mothers of local dairy breeds, mainly Russian White breed.

The second large breeding reproducer for the Saanen goat breed is CJSC PZ "Prinevskoye" of the Leningrad Region. The breeding reproducer was created on the basis of the livestock of Saanen goats imported from Holland. At the beginning of 2012, the total number of breeding goats in this farm amounted to 1163 heads, including queens and goats older than a year - 800 heads. Milk yield per lactation per one goat was 764 kg.

They are successfully breeding pedigree goats of the Saanen breed in the Stavropol Territory, where there is one gene pool farm for this breed and one breeding reproducer: GNU SNIIZhK (total goats - 90 heads, queens and goats older than a year - 54 heads, milk yield per goat - 715 kg) and Rus-1 LLC (471 and 458 heads, 757 kg, respectively).

In 2012, a total of 4424.7 goats were tested, including 67 sires and 2432 queens (Table 1). It should be noted that the overall assessment of breeding goats is high: all breeding goats and replacement goats are 100% elite; 88% of queens and 100% of replacement goats are assigned to the elite class (according to the requirements of the documents "Rules in the field of breeding livestock", "Types of organizations operating in the field of breeding livestock", the share of the breeding stock of the elite and first classes in breeding reproducers and gene pool organizations should be 80 and 70%, in breeding plants - 90%).

Probonitated goats of various sex and age groups in all breeding organizations were characterized by high live weight, according to which they met the requirements of the elite class for animals of the Saanen breed (Table 2).

Among the producers in terms of live weight, goats belonging to Lukoz LLC stand out, the average live weight of which was 104 kg; and among the breeding stock - the queens of CJSC PZ "Prinevskoe" (65 kg).

It should be noted that in general, in all breeding farms, breeding goats meet the requirements of current regulatory documents in terms of milk productivity. (Table 3). The highest milk productivity of goats was noted in the breeding farm of Lukoz LLC.

One of the main tasks of breeding organizations is the cultivation of breeding animals for the acquisition of their own herd and for the sale of breeding stock (replacement young animals) into herds. legal entities And individual entrepreneurs. The total sales of breeding goats in 2012 amounted to 987 heads, incl. breeding goats - 154 heads, among which the share of elite animals is 93%, the current year of birth - 7%. The class composition of the sold breeding stock is as follows: elite - 99%, goats of the current year of birth - 1%. Based on 100 breeding queens available at the beginning of the year, 39.1 goals were sold. breeding goats. The main share of the sold rearing young stock was made up of animals of LLC Vyatsky breeding plant, per 100 queens - 80 heads, LLC Lukoz - 64.2% and PZ Prinevskoe - 25.6%, respectively.

In the future, the breeding base of Saanen goats will expand. Candidates for obtaining tribal status are KFH "Samigulina R.R." Republic of Bashkortostan, LLC "Nefedovskoye" Pskov region, ZAO PH "Krasnozernoe" Leningrad region and LLC "Vireneya" Moscow region.

Since the breeding base of dairy goats of the Saanen breed is expanding, the question of creating a breeding center (association) for this breed of goats, which should carry out activities for scientific, methodological, service and information support selection and breeding work with the breed on the territory of the Russian Federation, monitoring of selection and genetic processes in the breed, as well as state book breeding animals, where the best animals will be brought.

All other breeds of dairy goats (Alpine, Dutch White, Anglo-Nubian, Belgian White, German White, Nubian, Toggenburg, etc.) are not registered in State Register selection achievements approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation.

When importing and breeding dairy goats of other breeds in our country (Alpine, Dutch White, Anglo-Nubian, Belgian White, German White, Nubian, Toggenburg, etc.), you must first submit to the State Sort Commission Required documents for authorization to use. After passing through this procedure, organizations with a legal status can apply for the status of breeding organizations by submitting documents in accordance with the requirements of the documents "Rules in the field of breeding livestock", "Types of organizations operating in the field of breeding livestock" (approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 183 April 16, 2013).

Sheep and goat breeding in Russia- an analytical article prepared by experts of the Expert and Analytical Center for Agribusiness "AB-Center". The material includes the following data on sheep and goat breeding in Russia: dynamics of the number of sheep and goats, including by regions of Russia, analysis of the pedigree sheep breeding industry, pedigree goat breeding, production of mutton and goat meat in live and slaughter weight, including by regions of Russia, data on the import of mutton to Russia, the dynamics of prices for mutton in Russia.

The number of sheep and goats in Russia

The number of sheep and goats in Russia as of the end of 2015 in farms of all categories amounted to 24,528.4 thousand heads. This is 0.7% or 182.8 thousand heads less than at the end of 2014. However, over 5 years, the number of sheep and goats in the Russian Federation increased by 12.4% or by 2,708.5 thousand heads; over 10 years, the increase was 32.0% (5,947.0 thousand heads).

There are no data on the number of sheep and goats separately, as of the end of 2015 (as of the date of this article). As of the end of 2014, the number of sheep in Russia in all categories of farms was 22,578.3 thousand heads, the number of goats - 2,104.5 thousand heads. Thus, in the structure of the number of small ruminants, sheep account for about 91.5%, goats - 8.5%.

The number of sheep and goats in Russia by category of farms

In the commercial sector (livestock in agricultural organizations and peasant farms, excluding household households), the number of sheep and goats amounted to 12,938.0 thousand heads (52.7% of total strength small cattle in Russia). Compared to 2010, the number of sheep and goats in the commercial sector increased by 22.7% or 2,395 thousand heads, over 10 years - by 46.5% or 4,107 thousand heads.

In the households of the population, the number of sheep and goats amounted to 11,590 thousand heads (47.3% of the total), compared with 2010, the number of livestock in the households of the population increased by 2.8% or 314 thousand heads, over 10 years - by 18.9% or 1,840 thousand heads.

Livestock of sheep and goats by regions of Russia

Sheep and goat breeding in Dagestan. The region with the most developed sheep and goat breeding is the Republic of Dagestan with a share of 21.1% of the total Russian herd of small cattle. The livestock at the end of 2015 amounted to 5,183.8 thousand heads, which is 0.8% or 43.1 thousand heads more than in 2014, 18.0% or 792.4 thousand heads more than in 2010, by 9.4% or 446.1 thousand heads more than in 2005.

Sheep and goat breeding in Kalmykia. The second place in terms of the number of sheep and goats in 2015 is occupied by the Republic of Kalmykia, whose share is 9.7% (2,376.3 thousand heads). Over the year, the number of sheep and goats decreased by 1.4% or 32.6 thousand heads, over 5 years the number increased by 8.4% or 184.7 thousand heads, over 10 years increased by 27.5% or by 512.8 thousand heads.

Sheep and goat breeding in the Stavropol Territory. The third place is Stavropol region with a livestock of 2,230.7 thousand heads (9.1% of the all-Russian herd of sheep and goats). Compared to last year, the livestock decreased by 6.7% or by 160.1 thousand heads, from 2010 - increased by 0.8% or by 17.8 thousand heads, from 2005 - increased by 41.9% or 658.1 thousand heads.

Sheep and goat breeding of the Astrakhan region. In fourth place is the Astrakhan region, where the number of small cattle at the end of 2015 amounted to 1475.1 thousand heads. This is 6.0% of the total number in the Russian Federation.

Sheep and goat breeding in Karachay-Cherkessia. In fifth place is the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The livestock in the region amounted to 1,203.2 thousand heads, the share in the all-Russian herd was 4.9%.

The TOP-10 key regions of sheep and goat breeding in Russia as of the end of 2015 also included: Rostov region(livestock - 1,182.0 thousand heads, share in the total herd in the Russian Federation - 4.8%), Republic of Tyva (1,146.2 thousand heads, 4.7%), Volgograd region (958.1 thousand heads , 3.9%), the Republic of Bashkortostan (816.6 thousand heads, 3.3%), the Republic of Altai (630.8 thousand heads, 2.6%).

Pedigree sheep breeding in Russia

As of March 2016, Russia has 184 breeding farms in the field of sheep breeding. Of these, there are 53 breeding plants, 112 breeding reproducers, 15 gene pool farms, 1 breeding and genetic centers, and 3 hybrid breeding centers.

Sheep breeds bred in Russia

According to the state breeding register, the following breeds of sheep are bred at breeding enterprises in Russia:

Rough-haired breeds of sheep. According to the register, the coarse-haired breeds of sheep include: Aginskaya, Andiskaya, Buryatskaya, Kalmyk fat-tailed, Karachaevskaya, Lezginskaya, Romanovskaya, Tuva short-fat-tailed, Tuvan short-fat-tailed (steppe type), Tushinskaya, Edilbaevskaya.

Assorted breeds of sheep. In farms with the status of breeding sheep, only one astra breed of sheep is bred - Karakul.

Semi fine-wool breeds sheep. According to the register, semi-fine-fleeced breeds of sheep include: Tashlin, southern meat, Kuibyshev, texel, Soviet meat-wool, Soviet meat-wool (Siberian type), Gorno-Altai, North Caucasian meat-wool, and also Tsigei breed of sheep.

Fine-fleeced breeds of sheep. The following fine-fleeced breeds of sheep are bred at the breeding enterprises of Russia: Volgograd, Grozny, Dagestan mountain, Transbaikal fine-fleeced, Trans-Baikal fine-fleeced (Argun type), Trans-Baikal fine-fleeced (Dogoi type), Trans-Baikal fine-fleeced (Buryat type), Trans-Baikal fine-fleeced (Nerchinsk type), Trans-Baikal fine-fleeced (Khangil type), Caucasian fine-wool, Kulunda, Manych merino, Salskaya, Soviet merino, Stavropol.

Livestock of breeding sheep

The number of breeding sheep in Russia, according to Rosstat, at the beginning of 2015 in agricultural organizations amounted to 828.1 thousand heads, including ewes and ewes older than 1 year - 538.7 thousand heads, sires - about 16.4 thousand heads, ewes up to 1 year - 149.2 thousand heads, rams up to 1 year - 91.3 thousand heads.

Livestock statistics are kept separately breeding sheep Karakul And Romanov breeds. Livestock of breeding sheep Karakul breed as of the beginning of 2015 amounted to 32.3 thousand heads, breeding sheep of the Romanov breed - 5.6 thousand heads

Pedigree sheep breeding in Russia, unlike beef and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding is generally self-sufficient. Imports of purebred breeding sheep are at low levels. In 2015, only 73 breeding animals were imported - purebred sheep of the East Friesian breed. Import was carried out from the Czech Republic.

In 2014, there were no deliveries of purebred breeding sheep to Russia. On the contrary, Russia exported breeding sheep to Armenia. From the Republic of Kalmykia, 23 animals of the Edilbaev breed were delivered to this country. In 2013, 266 heads were exported from the Russian Federation in the same direction.

In 2012, 22 heads of purebred breeding sheep of the Texel breed from the Czech Republic were imported into Russia, 233 heads of the Romanov breed were exported from the Russian Federation to Abkhazia, and 100 heads of the Edilbaev breed were exported to Armenia.

Tribal goat breeding in Russia

The total number of breeding goats in Russia in agricultural organizations as of the beginning of 2015 amounted to 10,410 pieces, including goats and goats older than 1 year - 8,148 pieces, goats under 1 year old - 96 pieces, goats producers - 205 pieces. , goats up to 1 year old - 1,959 pcs.

In total, in Russia, according to the state breeding register, as of March 30, 2016, there are 14 breeding farms in the field of goat breeding. Including 2 breeding plants, 11 breeding reproducers, 1 gene pool farm.

Goat breeds bred in Russia

According to the state breeding register, the following breeds of goats are bred at breeding enterprises in Russia: dairy goats of the Saanen breed; downy goats of the Gorno-Altai breed (Chuya and Seminsky types), Orenburg breed; wool goats of the Soviet wool breed.

The import of purebred breeding goats to Russia is at a relatively low level, but in recent years it has been on the rise. In 2015, 675 heads were imported (Saanen breed, Alpine breed). In 2014, only 438 heads were imported, in 2013 - 303 heads, in 2012 there were no deliveries. Export of breeding goats from the Russian Federation is not carried out.

Lamb and goat meat production in Russia

The production of mutton and goat meat in farms of all categories in 2015 amounted to 455.8 thousand tons in live weight (202.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight), which is 0.8% or 3.8 thousand tons less than in 2014, for 5 years, production increased by 11.3% or 46.2 thousand tons, for 10 years the growth was 35.1% or 118.4 thousand tons.

Production of lamb and goat meat by regions of Russia

Lamb and goat meat production in Dagestan. The first place in the production of mutton and goat meat in live weight in farms of all categories in 2015 is the Republic of Dagestan with a share of 12.8% of the total Russian production. Production in live weight in 2015 amounted to 58.4 thousand tons (25.9 thousand tons in slaughter weight), which is 3.2% or 1.8 thousand tons more than in 2014, by 1.9 % (by 1.1 thousand tons) less than in 2010, by 21.6% or 10.4 thousand tons more than in 2005.

Lamb and goat meat production in Kalmykia. In second place in the production of sheep and goat meat in 2015 is the Republic of Kalmykia with a production volume of 51.8 thousand tons in live weight (23.0 thousand tons in slaughter weight), whose share is 11.4% in general production lamb and goat meat in the Russian Federation. Over the year, the production of sheep and goat meat increased by 2.3% or 1.2 thousand tons, over 5 years - by 37.2% or 14.0 thousand tons, over 10 years the growth was 122.5% or 28 .5 thousand tons.

Production of lamb and goat meat in the Stavropol Territory. The third place is occupied by the Stavropol Territory with a production of 39.6 thousand tons in live weight (17.6 thousand tons in slaughter weight). The share of the Stavropol Territory in the volume of production in the Russian Federation is 8.7%. Compared to 2014, the growth amounted to 0.1% or 0.03 thousand tons, since 2010 production has increased by 11.3% or 4.0 thousand tons, since 2005 - by 54.2% or 13 .9 thousand tons.

Production of lamb and goat meat in Bashkiria. In fourth place is the Republic of Bashkortostan, where the production of sheep and goat meat in 2015 amounted to 26.5 thousand tons. This is 5.8% of the total.

Production of lamb and goat meat in the Astrakhan region. In fifth place is the Astrakhan region. The production of mutton and goat meat in the region amounted to 24.1 thousand tons, the share - 5.3%.

The TOP-10 key regions for the production of mutton and goat meat in live weight in farms of all categories in 2015 also included: Rostov region (production - 20.5 thousand tons, share in the total volume in the Russian Federation - 4.5%), Tatarstan (19.2 thousand tons, 4.2%), Volgograd region (17.4 thousand tons, 3.8%), Karachay-Cherkess Republic (15.8 thousand tons, 3.5%), Saratov region (15.2 thousand tons, 3.3%).

Import of lamb to Russia

The highest volume of mutton imports to Russia was observed in 2008 (17.2 thousand tons). In the context of global financial and economic crisis, which led to the weakening of the ruble, in 2009 imports fell by 43.2% to 9.8 thousand tons.

Further, over several years, lamb supplies to Russia were relatively stable. In 2015, another round of ruble devaluation began, as a result of which imported products purchased in foreign currency in the domestic market significantly increased in price. Deliveries of mutton to Russia decreased to 3.8 thousand tons (in relation to 2008 they fell by 78.0%). In January-February 2016, there is a recovery in import volumes compared to the same period in 2015 (by 70.6%), however, compared to 2014, there was a decrease in the volume of supplies by 57.2%, compared to 2013 - by 69, 9%, since 2012 - by 52.3%.

Concerning goat meat imports, then the supply of this type of meat to the Russian Federation is practically not carried out.

The goat farm "Golden Goat" is a breeding reproducer for breeding goats of the Saanen and Alpine breeds. In addition to these well-known dairy breeds, the farm has begun breeding goats of several other dairy breeds - Anglo-Nubian and Lamancha.

Everyone has long known that a good goat-producer is already half of your herd.

At the Zolotaya Goat farm, special attention is paid to the search, selection and delivery of stud goats.

The ancestors of the lines On the farm, two purebred goats-producers from CJSC “Prinevskoye Breeding Plant” (Russia), whose parents were brought to Russia from Holland and Germany: goats Geert (Holland) and Franz (Germany).

In addition to Geert and Franz, two goats were used on the farm - Hercules and Hoarfrost, purchased from the breeding farm of DP Agrofirma Shakhtar. These are the descendants of the well-known Saanen goats (Czech white), brought to the Kirov state farm (Poltava region, Lokhvitsky district).

Goats of the Dutch, German and Czech lines, the descendants of these goat-producers, are still kept in the breeding loudspeaker "Zolotaya Goat".

Today, in the breeding loudspeaker "Golden Goat" goats-producers of the Saanen breed are used for breeding work:
Frank - Geert Line, Holland
Marcus - line Vatzke, Germany, son of record holder Dinara (ex. No. 00257) and Markus (VARAS)
Martin - Line Watzke, Germany
Caesar II - Franz Line, Germany
Vitas - German-Lithuanian line, son of record holder Dinara (ex. No. 02223) and Caesar II
Also on the farm goats-producers of other breeds are used:
Samson - Goat Anglo-Nubian breed, Timbuktu line, Germany
Alf - Alpine goat, Germany.
Mark - lamancha goat, Slovenia, corrugated ears.

Saanen breed

The Saanen goat breed originated in Switzerland. It got its name from the Saanen Valley (Saanental), which is the center of breeding and the greatest distribution. At present, the Saanen breed is one of the most highly productive dairy breeds in the world and is distinguished by longevity and good health, and due to its extraordinary dairy qualities, it has gained immense popularity throughout the world and has been introduced to many countries.
If we talk about the general impression Saanen goats make, then these are thoroughbred aristocrats who are distinguished by such an unusual appearance, with such incomparable beauty and grace that they rightfully deserve to be considered the best in the whole world. They are very calm, friendly and intelligent animals.

Goats of the Saanen breed are considered the largest. The coat is short, white, sometimes with a cream tint (which increases in summer and almost disappears in winter). Horns may or may not be present. Initially, the Saanen goats had horns, polled - the result of selection. The absence of horns does not mean at all that the goat is already thoroughbred.

According to the standard, a Saanen goat should produce at least 3.5 liters of milk daily. Milking of our adult goats in farm conditions is up to 4-5 liters of milk per day. But goats - first-cats, bought from us, in household conditions give from 3.5 liters to 6-7 liters, and the second lactation and up to 8-9 liters of delicious milk per day.

For example, among the leaders of the Golden Goat farm:

Dinara (ID 02223), max. daily milk yield of the 1st lactation - 7,700l, 1310 kg per lactation

Princess (ext. No. 01400, daughter of Dinara and Umka), max. daily milk yield of the 2nd lactation - 9.200 l

Dinara (ex. No. 00257, daughter of Milka and Caesar), stable milk yield of 4-5 liters per day for 1-4 lactations.

The Saanen goat became famous not only for its high milk yields, but also for its amazingly tasty milk. Her milk has no aftertaste. The taste of milk is rich creamy, light, in some animals it is sweet. It is known that goat's milk is much healthier than cow's milk, it is much better absorbed by the human body and does not cause allergies in children.

The precocity of the Saanen breed is very high and the kids reach full development by the end of the year, and with good care and feeding they can be covered at 10-12 months of age. A Saanen goat can have from one to three kids, but more often there are twins; four goats are a rarity. In our practice, there was one case when the goat Snegurochka gave birth to 5 kids.

As for the maintenance of Saanen goats, it is practically the same as their ordinary relatives. A warm room in the winter season, good grazing in dry calm weather, timely coverage, sufficient rest before lambing (start 2 months before birth), varied and complete feeding, respect, care and love - this is what all goats need without exception, both thoroughbred and simple, so that they please with high milk yields and good healing milk.

Anglo-Nubian breed

Nubian goats are the most ancient of the varieties of goats tamed by man. Modern Anglo-Nubian goats were bred in England, the breed was recognized in 1896.
The country of origin of the Anglo-Nubian goats and goats of the Golden Goat farm is Germany and Austria.
These goats have a very specific appearance - large hanging ears, "Roman profile" - a hump nose, expressive eyes. They are characterized by high live weight, high fertility. By nature, Anglo-Nubian goats are very temperamental, emotional, curious and cheerful.
Any color is allowed: black, brown, gray, white, both solid and patterned.
Possible spotted two and three-color coloring, which is very effective.
The milk of Anglo-Nubian goats has a high fat content - 5% or more, as well as a high density, and is used for cheese making. Milk yield for lactation is 750-1500 kg of milk.

Goat breed LAMANCHA

At the beginning of the 20th century, short-eared goats were brought from the Spanish province of La Mancha, from where the name of the breed came from, first to Mexico, and then in 1930 to the USA in the state of Oregon. Short-eared goats were crossed with goats-producers of other highly productive breeds. From the resulting crossing, a new breed was bred, which was called Lamancha. The breed was first registered in January 1958.
The suit of the Lamancha breed is of various colors, from pure white to brown and black. Goats of medium size, strong build. Animals can be either horned or hornless (hornless). A distinctive feature of the Lamancha breed is short ears, which are of 2 types: “corrugated” (gopher) and “elf”, the size of which is not more than 2.5 cm, without cartilage, without folds.
Goats are prolific, for one kid they bring 2-3 kids. Milk production: daily milk yield is 3-5 liters per day. Milk is tasty, fat content is 3.5-4%.
By nature, the animals are calm, affectionate, with a gentle disposition, love the manifestation of care.

Alpine breed

The Alpine breed is named after its native French mountains of the Alps. The Alpine breed is characterized by the large size of the animals. This breed is very prolific and usually produces several kids in one litter. Goats are unpretentious and adapt well to different climatic conditions. The owners are friendly and accommodating.

The classic colors are:

"white neck" - white color, starting at the neck, smoothly passes to the shoulders, and then transforms into gray or black;
"red neck" - the same as "white neck", but the tan color turns to brown or black towards the back of the body;
"bay" - red-brown, red or brown color with black markings on the head and neck, a black stripe along the ridge and black legs;
"magpie" - with a white head;
"sandgow" - black with white marks;
"paid" - spotted or motley;
"kunwar" - black front and white back.

The Alpine breed is highly productive with a good fat content of 3.5% and a protein content of 3%. Milk has a pleasant taste.

As a result of selection work, british alpine breed

This short-haired goat is sometimes referred to as the Black Toggenburg because they bear a striking resemblance, with dramatic pure black coloration and white "Swiss markings" (stripes on the muzzle, white edging on the ears, white legs below the hocks and pasterns, white markings under the tail). The British Alpine has a good milk yield - an average of 4.5 liters per day.

Visiting the farm for guests by appointment only!

Based on the materials of the seminar at AgroFarm 2015

Vladimir Kozhanov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC "Sernursky Cheese Plant", Republic of Mari El, Director of the Department of Dairy Goat Breeding of the National Union of Milk Producers, said that the "discrimination" of goats ends, and they will be recognized as dairy animals. Thus, producers of goat milk delivered for processing may qualify for government subsidies.

Another important problem is the consumer demand for goat's milk - the majority of the population is not ready to consume it.

Topic Svetlana Novopashina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Goat Breeding Laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding" was "Organization of zootechnical work in dairy goat breeding".

Goat breeding in Russia is actively developing as an industry Agriculture. Pedigree farms for breeding dairy goats of the Saanen breed began to appear and fruitfully work in the country.

LLC SHP "Lukoz" (Republic of Mari El) is not only the largest, but also the most productive breeding organization, with high level selection and breeding work. On the basis of this economy will soon appear new type Saanen goats. Breeding farm "Krasnoozernoe" ( Leningrad region) breeds 2 breeds of goats: breeding Saanen breed and Alpine breed.

ZAO Breeding Plant Prinevskoye (Leningrad Region) is the second largest breeding reproducer for the Saanen goat breed. LLC KH "Rus-1" (Stavropol Territory) and LLC "Putilovka" (Republic of Chuvashia) - two not very large breeding farms, which enjoy well-deserved prestige among goat breeders in Russia.

In addition, there are other dairy goat farms in the country that are not breeding, but are involved in the preparation of documents for obtaining this status: Berezka LLC (Kursk Region), Koltsovo Farm Farm (Voronezh Region), Geyzerovo (Tyumen ).

However, there are a number of farms that keep Saanen goats and have a good reputation in the goat environment, but are not breeding. The reason for this in most cases is ignorance of where to turn and how to properly draw up documentation.

To get a status breeding farm, you need to report annually to the regional breeding service and provide this service with a package of documents:

1. Card of the breeding farm;

2. Statement of the breed and class composition of the herd of goats;

3. Characteristics of the herd of goats by live weight;

4. Characteristics of a herd of goats in terms of milk production. After the submission of these documents, the Ministry of Agriculture issues a license for breeding activities for a period of 3 or 5 years. Obtaining this document does not just give the right to sell breeding animals, it is a great responsibility for conducting selection and breeding work. Farms that have received this status are required to competently conduct zootechnical work, carry out marking of animals, and work according to a breeding plan for a five-year period. In addition, it is necessary to maintain a certain list of zootechnical documents:

1. Card of a breeding goat;

2. Card of a breeding goat;

3. Journal of individual grading and productivity of goats;

4. Journal of mating and kidding;

5. Journal of milk yield;

6. Journal of breeding breeding young animals. The All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding has developed regulations“The system of zootechnical and breeding records in dairy goat breeding”, where all the necessary forms will be collected both for submission to the service of the Ministry of Agriculture and for maintaining breeding records.

Mikhail Sannikov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Scientific Secretary of the All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding shared information on the development of an electronic database in dairy goat breeding.

Without creating a union (association) to protect the interests of the industry, it is impossible further development. Practical steps must be taken to address this issue as soon as possible. One of the forms of this association could be the creation of a single Russian base data of breeding resources in dairy goat breeding.

When creating the base, the task was to maximize access to it and provide the opportunity to work with it for any willing goat breeder. At present, any goat breeder can register in this database and, using the Internet, create and replenish his own database. This greatly simplifies the work in contrast to the traditional purchase of licensed programs, the cost of which is quite high.

After the imposition of sanctions, the developers of this program refused to place it on free cloud services abroad. Currently, the database is hosted on the RU server.

For registration and work in this system, there are no restrictions on either the number or the importance of livestock. Both large industrial farms and any amateur goat breeder interested in promoting their farm are located. In the future, it will be possible to select farms according to their territorial location, which greatly facilitates the search for a farm for a potential buyer.

At the time of entry, each animal is assigned an identification number, which guarantees its uniqueness. This is important when conducting a breeding sale of goats, establishing a pedigree, issuing a breeding certificate.

Based on the information entered, a register of animals is formed, which allows you to search for any of the available data (animal number, date of birth, date of departure, etc.).

All this makes it possible to carry out selection work, for example, to establish the proportion of blood for animals according to various breeds up to 6 generations. This exceeds the modern requirements for breeding records, since when issuing a breeding certificate, we indicate data only for the 3rd generation, in some cases - for the 4th.

The introduction of such a unified registry makes it possible to analyze productive qualities according to offspring, to establish an improver according to individual characteristics, for example, according to milk yield, fat content, protein in milk. At the same time, analysis by offspring can be carried out even if it is sold to other farms.

The database allows you to carry out your own accounting of productive indicators, such as the result of daily or control milking, quality indicators of milk, etc. The analytical block of the program allows you to summarize the results and conduct a comparative analysis.

Access to this system is free of charge: you must fill out an application for participation and agree to the processing of personal data.

Vladimir Lebed, the head of the livestock department of CJSC PZ "Prinevskoye", Leningrad region, spoke about the practical experience of creating the first breeding plant in Russia for breeding dairy goats.

"Prinevskoye" is a diversified enterprise engaged in dairy farming, milk processing, growing seed potatoes, vegetables, floriculture, and mushroom growing. Today, the farm produces 13% of the gross product of the entire mushroom growing industry in the Russian Federation.

In 2007, goats of the Saanen breed were brought to the farm from the Netherlands and Germany, because Russia did not have the quantity that was needed. In 2009, the first results appeared - 678 kg of milk. Then work began on obtaining the status of a breeding reproducer. In a short period of time, the numbers turned out to be higher than the program that was planned.

Last year, grading was carried out: 22 stud goats, 333 young goats, 800 goats. First lactation - 896 kg of milk (82 heads), second lactation - 925 kg (123 heads), third lactation - 943 kg (181 heads), fourth lactation - 912 kg (79 heads), fifth lactation - 904 kg (72 heads) , sixth lactation - 912 kg (85 heads), seventh lactation - 889 kg (46 heads). Total: the average yield according to the grading amounted to 918 kg, which is 78 kg higher compared to the previous year.

The main task is to sell 100% elite breeding stock. This suggests that the animals live in our farm for a long time. The goats are indoors. The farm is in the heart of the city.

By live weight. First lactation: 55 kg was kept for a long time, since last year this figure has increased to 60 kg. The second lactation - 71, the third - 75, the fourth - 76, the fifth - 79, after the sixth, seventh and older - all for 80 kg. The average live weight for goats is 71 kg, for goats-producers - 97 kg. The leading breeding goal is a large livestock. At the age of 8 months, when the goat reaches a live weight of 36 kg, it is placed for insemination. The average age at lambing is 395 days, or 13 months.

Livestock structure: 600-700 kg - 36 heads, from 700 to 800 kg - 112, from 800 to 900 - 131 heads, from 900 to 1000 - 139, from 1200 to 1400 - 31 heads, from 1400 and above - 8 heads.

Since 2011, the farm has been actively engaged in artificial insemination, inseminating 80% of the goats in the same year with this method. From 2012 to the present, the entire goat population has been artificially inseminated. The efficiency of this method is 96-98%.

Much attention is paid to animal nutrition.

Diana Edzaeva, dairy goat consultant, stopped at the import of imported goat breeds to Russia. Theoretically, getting goats from abroad is easy. But in practice it turns out that this is associated with certain difficulties and requires large material investments.

In Russia, there are two organizations that deal with the preparation of documents for the import of animals: the Rosselkhoznadzor and the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture.

How to apply for an import permit? All documents are drawn up by the veterinary service: the certificate of acceptance of the quarantine premises is drawn up by the local one, everything else (application, contract for the purchase of goats, transport plan indicating all the proposed border crossing points) is done by the regional one. As a result, the Rosselkhoznadzor gives permission for import.

Goat selection in the exporting country

1. It is better to select goats from only one farm. It will be cheaper, more profitable and more practical. Mixing goats from different farms is unacceptable! At the same time, if you plan to buy goats several times and there is no contract for the supply immediately for 2-3 years, then you need to prepare for the fact that the next year the price will increase significantly.

2. Young animals are evaluated according to the general level of productivity on the farm, genetics, stress tolerance.

3. The feeding system on the farm has an impact on productivity!

4. The farm must have a valid certificate confirming the absence of scrapie, infectious arthritis-encephalitis and pseudotuberculosis.

Quarantine in the exporting country:

1. Before being sent to the Russian Federation, goats must undergo a 21-day quarantine according to the EAEU veterinary certificate.

2. The quarantine facility must be certified.

3. In the exporting country, quarantine is carried out under the supervision of the state veterinarian of the exporting country. In all countries, this is a very significant figure, which is customary to trust. Not a single state veterinarian in the country will go against the certificate. The certificate is the protocol by which goats are supplied and all tests are done.

4. Analyzes are taken veterinarian in accordance with the EAEU certificate.

5. When importing only to Russia, a representative of the state veterinary service of the Russian Federation must be present.

If you bring animals to Russia and put them in quarantine, but something happened to the animal, the veterinarian does not bear any responsibility.

Quarantine costs, or why Russians buy goats more expensive than Europeans

1. Europeans don't quarantine. Selected animals are tested only for dangerous infections that cause economic damage.

2. The state veterinarian of the exporting country gives permission for export. In the civilized world, it is customary to trust government services.

The State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation does not trust the State Veterinary Services of other countries. To control the implementation of quarantine measures, the constant presence of a representative of the state veterinary service of the Russian Federation is mandatory.

The Russian veterinarian performs an exclusively supervisory function. Blood sampling, tests, documents are done by veterinarians of the exporting country. The Russian doctor may require additional tests or close the quarantine at his discretion. He does not bear any responsibility in case of positive tests in quarantine in the Russian Federation. All costs for slaughter and disposal of livestock are borne by the buyer.

4. A large number of tests, according to the veterinary certificate, some tests are taken twice. Mandatory requirement– take kids from certified infectious arthritis-encephalitis and scrapie farms.

Veterinary certificate

1. A prerequisite for export to the Russian Federation is that the farmer has a certificate for infectious arthritis-encephalitis CAE. According to the same certificate, the buyer is obliged to make an analysis for CAE. In civilized countries, they act on the principle of either one or the other. In Russia, the analysis for arthritis-encephalitis must be repeated.

The cattle is imported from a farm that has already been certified for arthritis-encephalitis. There, every year, the entire livestock is monitored for this disease. Why do tests for this disease?

2. Analysis for antibodies to listeria. Listeria is a ubiquitous bacterium. In the EU, testing for listeriosis has been abolished and diagnosis is based on clinical signs. Very often quarantine can be closed due to listeria. But this disease is not dangerous for humans.

3. Bluetongue, or catarrhal fever. tropical disease. Our climate is far from tropical. Europe has been free from this disease for 3 years, but according to the certificate, it is necessary to do an antibody test if the animals have not been vaccinated, or PCR if they have been vaccinated.

4. The Schmallenberg virus is recognized as non-hazardous and does not bring economic damage in the EU, like a strain of the Akabane virus. The Russian Federation without any restrictions buys cattle with antibodies to the Akabane virus from the USA and Australia. The main route of spread is through the bites of blood-sucking insects. Infected countries: Germany, Holland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, etc. It is not found in the Kaliningrad region. If there is no diagnosis, there is no disease; if there is a diagnosis, there is a disease.

According to the instruction of the Rosselkhoznadzor dated November 7, 2014 No. FS-NV-2/21651, new conditions for the safe import of animals susceptible to Schmallenberg disease and their genetic material have been established. These conditions say the following:

Before exporting to Russian Federation from a country not officially free from Schmallenberg disease, the animals must be quarantined for at least 28 days in the territory of the exporting country;

During quarantine, blood samples from all animals included in the quarantine group intended for export must be subjected to two laboratory tests by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in order to identify the Schmallenberg virus genome. In this case, the first sample is taken from the 1st to the 7th day, the second - from the 15th to the 21st day of quarantine. The virus lives in the body for 3-4 days, in addition, it is not persistent, it quickly disintegrates.

Animals are allowed to be imported into the Russian Federation in the following cases:

If during the summer period of insect vectors in the entire quarantine group, laboratory tests did not reveal PCR-positive animals;

If during the absence of the summer of insect vectors in the quarantine group, laboratory tests revealed PCR positive and doubtful animals, and they were immediately excluded from the quarantine group, and the rest of the animals were subjected to repeated PCR tests and negative test results for Schmallenberg disease were obtained. One PCR test for the Schmallenberg virus costs 45-65 euros, depending on the laboratory.

In winter, insects do not fly. The virus lives in the body for 3-4 days, then natural immunization occurs. The virus can be determined by PCR analysis within 8-15 hours after blood sampling. There is no guarantee that upon arrival in Russia the animal will not be bitten by a carrier of the disease. With a positive reaction to the Schmallenberg virus, the animal will have to be destroyed at the expense of the buyer.

5. Pseudotuberculosis (Caseous Lymphadenitis) is a serious disease, but testing for pseudotuberculosis is not on the veterinary certificate. It is a slow-moving, difficult-to-diagnose infection that causes economic damage. Widespread in Spain, Canada, France. A farm certificate for the absence of pseudotuberculosis can serve as a guarantee of the absence of the disease.

Additional costs: transport; the cost of passing the veterinary inspection of the EAEU countries; import VAT 18%. Import duty on purebred breeding goats - 0%, on non-breeding goats - 5%. Even if the animal is not included in the register, the duty will still be 0%, it is necessary to show the breeding certificate at the customs.

But these are 40% of the problems, the main of which begin in Russia. This is the cost of quarantine in the Russian Federation. A Russian veterinarian must do tests in accordance with the certificate. But veterinarians take the initiative and do additional tests for leptospirosis, chlamydia, and helminthiasis.