Presentation on the nutrition of schoolchildren. Presentation "proper nutrition for schoolchildren"

“We eat to live, not live to eat. »

The movement towards this goal should be gradual - step by step. Each step prolongs the active years of life.

Each person is able to independently take care of their own health.

  • Food is the only source from which the student receives the necessary plastic material and energy. The normal activity of the brain and body depends mainly on the quality of the food consumed.
  • It is useful for parents to know that the "difficult" nature of the child is often the result of poor nutrition, that proper nutrition improves mental abilities, develops memory in children and thus facilitates the learning process for him.

  • Nutrition ensures the normal activity of the growing body of the student, thereby supporting its growth, development and performance.
  • To do this, it is necessary to balance the diet depending on the individual needs of the student, which should correspond to his age and gender.

  • The nutrition of the student must be balanced. The right balance of nutrients is essential for children's health. The student's menu must include products containing not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also essential amino acids, vitamins, some fatty acids, minerals and trace elements.
  • These components are not independently synthesized in the body, but are necessary for the full development of the child's body. The ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4.

  • The nutrition of the student should be optimal. When compiling the menu, the needs of the body associated with its growth and development, with changing conditions are necessarily taken into account. external environment, with increased physical or emotional stress. At optimal system nutrition, a balance is maintained between the intake and expenditure of essential nutrients.
  • The calorie content of the student's diet should be as follows:
  • 7-10 years - 2400 kcal
  • 14-17 years old - 2600-3000 kcal

Signs of the right schoolchild nutrition

  • By what signs can you determine that the child began to eat more correctly?
  • The main direct manifestations of the effect of supplemented nutrition are, first of all, an improvement in the mood and increased activity of children, the disappearance of complaints of fatigue and headaches, an increase in attention, memory and school performance, and a decrease in the level of conflict in behavior.
  • Today, less than five percent of students lower grades can be considered completely healthy. At the same time, the well-being of schoolchildren is rapidly deteriorating.
  • This is facilitated by a significant increase in the load on children at school and at home, both physical and intellectual and psycho-emotional. At the same time, children are little in the air, they do not move and sleep enough.

  • Observations have shown that children who receive hot meals at school are less tired, they have a longer high level performance and higher performance.
  • In this regard, the task of the medical and pedagogical staff of the school is to achieve 100% coverage of schoolchildren with hot breakfasts and lunches.

  • It has been established that during their stay at school, the daily energy consumption of junior schoolchildren averages 2095-2510J (500-600kcal), middle and senior school age 2510-2929 J (600-700 kcal), which is exactly about 1/4 of the daily requirement for energy and basic nutrients.
  • These energy expenditures must be replenished with hot school breakfasts.

  • In nutrition, everything should be in moderation;
  • Food should be varied;
  • Food should be warm;
  • Chew food thoroughly;
  • There are vegetables and fruits;
  • There are 3-4 times a day;
  • Do not eat before bed;
  • Do not eat smoked, fried and spicy;
  • Do not eat dry food;
  • Eating less sweets
  • Do not snack on chips and crackers;
  • Be sure to take a hot lunch at school.


Fast food is high in calories, high in fat and low in vitamins. In fast food, trans fats are widely used - non-natural isomers of fatty acids. Their use threatens with inevitable obesity, since they increase weight more than any other food with the same number of calories. It is no coincidence that scientists call them “killer fats”.

IN french fries and chips scientists have found a number of harmful substances, including substances that are used in the manufacture of various plastics and paints.

It has been proven that these substances have a toxic effect on the nervous system of animals and humans.

Rules for healthy eating for schoolchildren Healthy eating for schoolchildren is the key to success in the school year

  • Proper nutrition is the foundation of human health. As a rule, the nutritional value of various dishes largely depends on how they are prepared.
Proper nutrition
  • Food is the only source from which the student receives the necessary plastic material and energy. The normal activity of the brain and body depends mainly on the quality of the food consumed.
  • It is useful for parents to know that the "difficult" nature of the child is often the result of poor nutrition, that proper nutrition improves mental abilities, develops memory in children and thus facilitates the learning process for him.
  • Nutrition ensures the normal activity of the growing body of the student, thereby supporting its growth, development and performance.
  • To do this, it is necessary to balance the diet depending on the individual needs of the student, which should correspond to his age and gender.
Schoolchild nutrition
  • The nutrition of the student must be balanced. The right balance of nutrients is essential for children's health. The student's menu must include products containing not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also essential amino acids, vitamins, some fatty acids, minerals and trace elements.
  • These components are not independently synthesized in the body, but are necessary for the full development of the child's body. The ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4.
Schoolchild nutrition
  • The nutrition of the student should be optimal. When compiling the menu, the needs of the body associated with its growth and development, with changes in environmental conditions, with increased physical or emotional stress, are necessarily taken into account. With an optimal nutrition system, a balance is maintained between the intake and expenditure of essential nutrients.
  • The calorie content of the student's diet should be as follows:
  • 7-10 years - 2400 kcal
  • 14-17 years old - 2600-3000 kcal
Signs of proper nutrition of a student
  • By what signs can you determine that the child began to eat more correctly?
  • improvement of mood and increase in activity of children, disappearance of complaints of fatigue and headaches, increase in attention, memory and school performance, decrease in the level of conflict in behavior.
  • Today, less than five percent of elementary school students can be considered completely healthy. At the same time, the well-being of schoolchildren is rapidly deteriorating.
  • This is facilitated by a significant increase in the load on children at school and at home, both physical and intellectual and psycho-emotional. At the same time, children are little in the air, they do not move and sleep enough.
The benefits of hot meals
  • Observations have shown that children who receive hot meals at school get tired less, they maintain a high level of working capacity for a longer period and higher academic performance.
  • In this regard, the task of the medical and pedagogical staff of the school is to achieve 100% coverage of schoolchildren with hot breakfasts and lunches.
The need for hot meals at school
  • It has been established that during their stay at school, the daily energy consumption of primary school students averages 2095-2510 J (500-600 kcal), middle and senior school children 2510-2929 J (600-700 kcal), which is exactly about 1/4 of the daily need for energy and essential nutrients.
  • These energy expenditures must be replenished with hot school breakfasts.
Recommendations for schoolchildren
  • In nutrition, everything should be in moderation;
  • Food should be varied;
  • Food should be warm;
  • Chew food thoroughly;
  • There are vegetables and fruits;
  • There are 3-4 times a day;
  • Do not eat before bed;
  • Do not eat smoked, fried and spicy;
  • Do not eat dry food;
  • Eating less sweets
  • Do not snack on chips and crackers;
  • Be sure to take a hot lunch at school.

Have a bite. So it turns out that by the time they graduate, when they need to prepare for entrance and final exams, teenagers have to get acquainted with a gastroenterologist, undergo unpleasant studies, follow a diet and think not only about exams, but about drinking Maalox before or after meals. IN kindergarten or at home, nutrition is usually given a lot of attention. However, no one will monitor what, how and how much your child eats at school. It's no secret that most children will prefer sausages and pizza to soup or stew, or even forget that it's time to eat.

Small man who joins knowledge, not only performs hard work, but at the same time grows, develops, and for all this he must receive good nutrition. Intense mental activity, unusual for first-graders, is associated with significant energy costs. And everything that is connected with intellectual work depends on the reserves of carbohydrates in the body, mainly glucose. Lowering the content of glucose and oxygen in the blood below a certain level leads to impaired brain function. This can be one of the reasons for the decrease in mental performance and deterioration of perception. educational material students.

It is known that in the first 3-5 years " school life"Changes are formed in the human body that in the future will make themselves felt with gastritis, duodenitis, problems with the liver and gallbladder, constipation and other diseases of the digestive system. Do not forget about the problem of obesity: the body will be extremely reluctant to part with excess weight gained during active growth and the onset of sexual development. It is clear that parents cannot run to school during recess with a pot of porridge or soup. Ask the teacher questions baby food also does not always work. But you can still influence the nutrition of the student.

The schedule of classes in primary school is usually quite clear and stable, so parents can organize the daily routine in such a way that during the day the child has at least 3-4 main meals. With high school students, everything is much more complicated: their life program is more intense, and it is very difficult to cope with the teenage mentality and the desire to do everything in their own way. One of the important arguments that works in this situation is the connection between food culture and appearance: something like "eat chips - get fat." However, one should not expect easy victories anyway.

Breakfast Not every person wakes up with an alarm clock. It usually takes a couple of hours for the digestive system to fully awaken. It is on this physiological feature that the tradition of the second breakfast is based - I must say, a completely justified tradition.

Breakfast Even if a child eats breakfast willingly, try not to overload his body with easily digestible carbohydrates and fats: they provoke a sharp increase, and then an equally sharp decrease in blood sugar, which greatly interferes with brain function. And excess fatty foods cause drowsiness. Many parents, of course, think that children are very active and "burn" everything they eat. However, this is a misconception that can lead to weight gain. Do not feed instant cereals to children: they contain too much sugar!

Breakfast For those children who do not eat at home, the main breakfast should be the second: it should be about 15-20% of the daily diet. The ideal option is porridge, milk soup or scrambled eggs. If your child does not go to the school cafeteria, take him breakfast with you. It can be fruit cottage cheese (bought in a store or cooked at home from natural cottage cheese - with fruits, berries or dried fruits), cheesecakes, a casserole or fruits baked with cottage cheese, a bun or a pie, a sandwich with cheese or ham (boiled sausage - not the best option: it has a lot of fat, besides, it quickly deteriorates at room temperature).

Breakfast Please note: you should not give your child only fruit or a bag of juice with you - fruit acids can irritate the mucous membranes, they should not be eaten “on an empty stomach”. You should not get carried away with “floury” breakfasts. Alternate buns and sandwiches with cottage cheese and casseroles. For the normal functioning of the digestive system, it is necessary that not only carbohydrates enter the body with food (their work is enough for minutes), but also proteins and fats. They stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juices and bile from the gallbladder. The regular absence of these components in food leads to a violation of the secretion of digestive juices and stagnation of bile, which in the future can provoke precipitation of bile salts and the formation of stones.

Lunch If your child stays at school after 13:00, he must have a hot lunch. In fairness, it should be noted that the food in school canteens has changed a lot in recent years, and in better side. At least the child in the school cafeteria now usually has a choice of hot meals. For example, if for some reason he does not eat fish, he can take meat or chicken for lunch. If he doesn't want rice, he takes buckwheat or potatoes. But it is also important to explain to the child how important a normal lunch is for his health.

Lunch loves soup, you can get by with a second course and salad. Lunch is the main meal of the day, it should include meat or fish and vegetables in any form: salad, stews, mashed potatoes. If the child does not eat in the school canteen, lunch should be waiting for him at home. And for this it is absolutely not necessary to write out a nanny, grandmother and governess. He just needs to know where to find and how to heat food. But you need to take care of this in advance. A full meal does not have to include three courses. If the child eats soup, that's good. Soup with meat or fish, borsch, mashed soup, hodgepodge themselves can be the main course. If the child is not

Lunch Often, parents fill the refrigerator with store-bought semi-finished products - all sorts of dumplings and “ready-made” cutlets, referring to the speed of preparation and the fact that the child eats them with pleasure. Well, of course, you can occasionally include semi-finished products in your diet, but you absolutely shouldn’t do this all the time: as a rule, these products contain a lot of fat, salt, soy protein and very little fiber.

Please note: pasta should also not be a daily dish. In the child's diet, they should not appear more than 3-4 times a week. fish and other seafood should be on the table as often as possible (provided that the child is not allergic to fish - in this case, seaweed is suitable) potatoes are not a complete vegetable and contain little fiber, which is important for digestion

It is important... ...that a child's diet contains a full range of nutrients and is varied. It must contain vegetable and animal proteins and fats, and the carbohydrate part should be predominantly represented by complex carbohydrates, that is, cereals and fruits, easily digestible carbohydrates should account for no more than grams per day. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should approach the following: 1-1.5 (proteins): 2 (fats): 3.5-4 (carbohydrates)

Snack Snack is not a compulsory meal for school-age children, but it can be saved for first graders so that it will be easier for them to adapt to the new daily routine. As an afternoon snack, you can offer tea, compote, juice with cookies or yogurt and some fruit. If the child attends sports school, an afternoon snack will not hurt him either. Moreover, it can be denser than for ordinary schoolchildren and should include some kind of protein product - cheesecake, casserole, kefir, scrambled eggs.

The optimal diet for a child during the day is breakfast at home (5-20% of the daily ration) - hot breakfast at school (10-20% of the daily ration) - lunch at home or at school (30-35% of the daily ration) hours - afternoon snack (5 -10% of the daily ration) - dinner at home (20% of the daily ration)

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"Fundamentals of proper nutrition of a younger student" MOU "Gymnasium named after the Hero Soviet Union V.V. Talalikhina, Volsk, Saratov Region" Completed by: Saratovtseva Elena Vladimirovna, teacher primary school Volsk, 2017

Proper nutrition - necessary condition in the life of a child, it is the basis for the harmonious development of a person and the prevention of diseases.

The first rule is variety A varied diet should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

First rule - variety Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are important for a person, they are a source of energy and vitality. The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - 1:1:4). The ratio of vegetable and animal fats is 2:3

The second rule is adequacy Food eaten during the day should replenish the energy costs of the human body (on average 2350 kcal / day). The diet and diet of a child who is actively involved in sports is different from the diet and diet of a child with a less mobile lifestyle.

The second rule is adequacy. The diet and diet of a child with increased mental stress differs from children who are not engaged in mental activity.

The second rule is adequacy. The diet and diet of a child during illness differs from the diet and diet of a healthy child. During illness, it is useful to eat cereals, fruits growing in the native area, sour-milk products, boiled meat, fish.

The third rule is regularity First breakfast 25% Second breakfast 10% Lunch 35% Afternoon snack 10% Dinner 20% Food during the day should be consumed in 4-5 meals, chewing it thoroughly. The diet is determined by the laws of our body.

The fourth rule - pleasure Original table setting. Beautiful design dishes. Good mood. Compliance with the rules of etiquette.

The fifth rule is safety. Food safety is ensured by three conditions: the child's compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the ability to distinguish between fresh and stale foods, and careful handling of unfamiliar foods.

Neglecting the rules of proper and healthy nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle will lead to obesity and, as a rule, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems. Remember: you need to eat healthy and varied food; food should be taken at the same time; be sure to eat raw vegetables and fruits. food must be fresh; eat right, don't overeat.

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Proper nutrition Proper nutrition is the basis of human health. It is the food that we take that ensures the development and constant renewal of the cells and tissues of the body, is the source of energy that our body spends not only during physical exertion, but also at rest. Food sources of substances from which enzymes, hormones and other regulators are synthesized metabolic processes. The metabolism underlying the vital activity of the human body is directly dependent on the nature of nutrition.

Importance of nutrition Nutrition directly provides all the vital functions of the body. The composition of food, its properties and quantity determine the growth and physical development, ability to work, morbidity, neuropsychic state, life expectancy. With food, our body must receive a sufficient amount of necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, minerals ... Sufficient, but not excessive. And in the right proportions. Nutrition directly provides all the vital functions of the body. The composition of food, its properties and quantity determine growth and physical development, ability to work, morbidity, neuropsychic state, life expectancy. With food, our body must receive a sufficient amount of necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, minerals ... Sufficient, but not excessive. And in the right proportions.

Basic nutrition rules

Compliance with the correct diet. Four meals a day at intervals of 4-5 hours, at the same time, are considered optimal. In this case, breakfast should be 25% of the daily diet, lunch 35%, afternoon tea 15% and dinner 25%. Dinner is recommended no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Compliance with the correct diet. Four meals a day at intervals of 4-5 hours, at the same time, are considered optimal. In this case, breakfast should be 25% of the daily diet, lunch 35%, afternoon tea 15% and dinner 25%. Dinner is recommended no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Sufficient, but not excessive caloric content of the diet. The number of calories consumed should cover the energy consumption of a person (which, in turn, depends on gender, age and lifestyle, including the nature of work). Both insufficient and excess caloric content of the diet is harmful to health.

The correct ratio of the main components of nutrition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). On average, the ratio of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed should be 1:1:4, with heavy physical exertion - 1:1:5, for mental workers - 1:0.8:3.

The body's need for basic nutrients (primarily essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, trace elements, minerals, water) should be covered (but, again, without excess), their correct ratio should be ensured.

Catering For children, 4-5 meals a day are optimal. Breaks between these meals should be about 3-4 hours. For children, 4-5 meals a day are optimal. Breaks between these meals should be about 3-4 hours. Children need 2400 kcal per day. If a child goes in for sports, he should receive more calories. Children need 2400 kcal per day. If a child goes in for sports, he should receive more calories. Children need per day: only 80 g of proteins, including animals - 48 g; total fat 80 g, including animals - 15 g; total carbohydrates 324 g. Children need per day: only 80 g of proteins, including animals - 48 g; total fat 80 g, including animals - 15 g; total carbohydrates 324 g.

In the diet of a student must be: Fats - butter, sour cream, lard, etc. Meat, milk and fish are sources of hidden fats. Fats - butter, sour cream, lard, etc. Meat, milk and fish are sources of hidden fats. Carbohydrates - rice, buckwheat, potatoes, grapes, cabbage, watermelon, sugar, etc. Carbohydrates - rice, buckwheat, potatoes, grapes, cabbage, watermelon, sugar, etc. Proteins - fish, beans, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, etc. Proteins - fish, beans, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, etc. In the diet of a first-grader, there must be meat and fish - this is a complete protein that is needed to build the cells of a growing organism. Fish also contains a lot of phosphorus, necessary for productive work nerve cells of both the brain and those transmitting signals to the muscles In the diet of a first-grader, there must be meat and fish - this is a complete protein that is needed to build the cells of a growing organism. Fish also contains a lot of phosphorus, which is necessary for the productive work of nerve cells of both the brain and transmitting signals to the muscles. fish fat. Since the visual apparatus of a first grader is experiencing enormous overload, do not forget to give your child carrots, apples, apricots, sorrel, tomatoes and fish oil to preserve vision. To help the child's brain - do not forget about the liver, cod, oatmeal, rice, eggs, soy, low-fat cottage cheese. To help the child's brain - do not forget about the liver, cod, oatmeal, rice, eggs, soy, low-fat cottage cheese. Poultry, lean beef, hard cheeses are useful for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Poultry, lean beef, hard cheeses are useful for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Seafood - contain a lot of iodine. Seafood - contain a lot of iodine.

The main "smart" vitamins for the student Very often, a lack of vitamin C is found. Possible symptoms of vitamin C deficiency are bleeding gums, tooth loss, ease of bruising, poor wound healing, lethargy, hair loss, dry skin, irritability, general soreness, depression. Vitamin B1. It enters the body with bread, especially from wholemeal flour, cereals (unprocessed rice, oats), legumes, meat. Vitamin B2. It is found mainly in dairy products. Vitamin B6. It is found in unrefined grains of cereals, green leafy vegetables, yeast, buckwheat and wheat cereals, rice, legumes. Vitamin B12. Found in foods such as liver, kidney, beef, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese.

A significant amount of ascorbic acid is found in plant products - citrus fruits, red bell peppers, leafy green vegetables, melon, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, black and red currants, tomatoes, apples, apricots, peaches, persimmons, sea buckthorn, rose hips , rowan, baked potato in uniform. Foods rich in vitamin A: liver, carrots, spinach, pumpkin, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, milk, green salad, fruits (especially apricots), tomatoes, parsley. Foods rich in vitamin E: milk, lettuce, wheat germ, peanut, soybean and sunflower oil.

Everything depends on how the child eats: how quickly he will get tired, how he will learn, how and how often he will get sick. The worse the diet, the more vulnerable the immune system. And if earlier, at a big break, the guys went to the canteen for lunch, but now this is not found in every school. It also happens like this: children are fed, but many refuse to eat in the school "canteen" tasteless, cooked in a dirty kitchen, etc. Everything depends on how the child eats: how quickly he will get tired, how he will learn, what and how will often hurt. The worse the diet, the more vulnerable the immune system. And if earlier, at a big break, the guys went to the canteen for lunch, but now this is not found in every school. It also happens like this: children are fed, but many refuse to eat in the school "canteen" tasteless, cooked in a dirty kitchen, etc.

The consequences of malnutrition Improper nutrition leads not only to problems with digestion, but also causes various allergic diseases. Alas, children love chips, fast food, lemonade, sweets. The year before last, chips, lemonades, chewing gums and other things considered undesirable for baby food were removed from school buffets. However, during breaks, children manage to run to a nearby store and buy what they like, rather than eat a set lunch in the school cafeteria prepared by professional chefs. For a growing child's body, breakfast is a must. This can not be neglected in any way, as well as lunch, dinner. Meanwhile, many schoolchildren save on lunches in order to have pocket money, this has always been the case. Improper nutrition leads not only to digestive problems, but also causes various allergic diseases. Alas, children love chips, fast food, lemonade, sweets. The year before last, chips, lemonades, chewing gums and other things considered undesirable for baby food were removed from school buffets. However, during breaks, children manage to run to a nearby store and buy what they like, rather than eat a set lunch in the school cafeteria prepared by professional chefs. For a growing child's body, breakfast is a must. This can not be neglected in any way, as well as lunch, dinner. Meanwhile, many schoolchildren save on lunches in order to have pocket money, this has always been the case.

Diseases - First of all, these are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. -Followed by diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular diseases, neurological and mental diseases, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. - Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are the consequences of malnutrition, if you do not dwell on the hereditary and infectious nature of diseases.

With age, the consumption of fruits, vegetables, dairy products decreases. The amount of vitamins in the diet is sharply reduced, which is catastrophic for a developing organism. The consequences of a deficiency of micronutrients, iron, copper, calcium, iodine, etc. directly affect health. Anemia, decreased performance, caries, intellectual atrophy, gastrointestinal disorders, gastroenterological diseases, underweight and short stature are all due to malnutrition.