Breeding pigs at home for beginners. Rules for raising pigs

Breeding pigs in the household is a very profitable business. If you organize your business correctly, then pig farming is one of the most profitable activities in agriculture. And it's all about the features of this, I'm not afraid for the word, a unique animal.

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Recently, a new trend has appeared among farmers - to breed exotic animals. Our craftsmen grow snails, ostriches, deer and even crocodiles at home. But I am sure that a well-known pig can give a serious head start to all this exotic in terms of possible profit and you can organize profitable business.

Why is it profitable to breed pigs?

And the whole focus here lies in the features of this animal. At proper care and maintenance, a pig can very generously endow a diligent pig breeder, returning him a hundredfold, for all his labors and worries. The main products of pig breeding are meat and lard. Animal skins, bones and bristles are also used.

The pig is a weight gainer champion. Keeping these animals is much more profitable than, say, cattle. The pig uses feed much more efficiently than other domestic animals. In a year, the weight of a piglet increases 140 times. It is estimated that a goose or chicken digests only 20% of the food eaten, while in a pig this figure is more than 30%. These animals digest feed one third more efficiently than cattle. In addition, breeding pigs at home is not so difficult.

Another positive moment for pig breeders: in a pig, the carcass weight in relation to live weight reaches 85%, and in a bull it is only 50-60%. For one farrowing, a pig can bring up to 14 piglets - from one litter per year you can get 2.5-3 tons of excellent meat.

You can say a few words about pig meat. It has excellent taste and is perfect for the production of smoked meats and sausages. Pork contains only 60% water, while beef and lamb contain 70-75%.

It is not difficult to make a room for keeping pigs. Breeding pigs at home requires a warm, well-ventilated and well-lit barn, with a good roof. It should not freeze in winter and have a floor with special grooves to remove animal waste products. The pigsty should consist of three parts:

  • a room with machines for keeping animals;
  • space for walking with a canopy;
  • bathing pit.

The pen should have a den and a place to feed the animal. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe machine is recommended as follows: for young animals, 3 square meters is enough. meters, for a pregnant uterus you need 4 square meters. meters, and for the suckling uterus - six. So, here are the minimum requirements for a future pigsty:

  • waterproof roof;
  • non-freezing walls;
  • floor with gutters for waste disposal;
  • lighting;
  • ventilation.

There is another important point: the barn must be made strong enough, otherwise the pig will simply break the structure or dig. Pigs are very smart animals.

Pig feeding

Pigs are omnivores, a variety of foods can be used, although for various breeds pigs they are a little different. The basis of feed is usually grain different types(preferably crushed), potatoes, bran, root crops. Also, the pig is happy to consume different kinds meal, feed and food waste.

As vitamin supplement use chopped clover or nettle.

Piglets start fattening at about three months of age.

How can you make money from pigs

Breeding pigs at home is not expensive. These are funds for the purchase of pigs, for the equipment of the barn and the purchase of feed. You can take piglets for fattening, or sell piglets yourself, or you can do both at the same time. Since the pig is a very unpretentious in terms of food, an omnivore, the costs for this item will be minimal, the cost of the pigsty where you will breed your pets is also relatively low.

From about the seventh month, the growth of animals stops and they begin to fatten up. Starting from this age, the pig should eat about 7 kg of food per day. By the end of the first year, the pig should exceed the weight of 250 kg. For normal weight gain, animals need a fairly spacious room.

If you decide to start selling piglets, then you should choose a good sow for yourself, whose mother was highly prolific. The animal will be ready for insemination at the age of nine months.

In this case, you can make a real closed cycle in your household. On the one hand, this is a more profitable business, but such an economy will also require more costs and more significant start-up capital is needed.

What a Newbie Should Consider

They are divided into three main groups: pigs of tallow breeds, pigs of meat (or bacon) breeds and universal breeds. As it becomes clear from their names, these animals differ in the amount of meat and fat that can be obtained from different animals. Each group of breeds has its own nuances of care and maintenance. When choosing a breed, you need to consider specific features market in your area to maximize the profits from pig production. The same factor must be taken into account when choosing the general direction of your pig farm.

For more efficient planning, make as many detailed business plan breeding pigs, including both estimated costs and expected profits. There are average annual rates of feed consumption per animal. For green fodder, this is about 550 kg, for concentrates - 280 kg, for potatoes - about 330 kg, and so on. Also, you must consider the cost of preparing the premises, labor and other expenses.

Farming is always hard work, but raising pigs at home is not so difficult and this business gives a fairly quick and good result. It is necessary from the very beginning to take care of the acquisition of high-quality animals, to follow all the recommendations for their maintenance and care. And almost everyone can breed pigs at home. These animals gain weight very quickly, give high-quality and tasty meat, and are quite unpretentious.

Breeding pigs profitable business

At the present time, breeding pigs at home is becoming more and more popular. You can buy meat, but it is not cheap and there is a chance to buy defective goods. Breeding pigs is a profitable business due to the quick offspring and the variety of feeding.

The care and breeding methods of the pigs are taken into account, the purpose of which is to increase the fertility of the sow, reduce feed costs and improve meat properties. There are ways of keeping pigs, which are divided into walking and non-walking methods.

Benefits of raising pigs

Features of modern breeds of pigs are that they have a high offspring. About 14 piglets can be bred from just one farrowing. A pig gives birth twice a year. The breeding of pigs has some requirements that must be met in the process of feeding and caring. This is what will bring significant profits.

At home, raising pigs is more profitable than other animals. The secret lies in the precocity of piglets. When born, a piglet weighs only 1-1.3 kg. But after seven days it is twice as heavy, in a year the body weight increases 140 times. In two hundred days, piglets gain one hundred kilograms in weight. If you count, only one sow gives up to three tons of meat. This is three times more than a sheep or a cow.

Pork meat is in good demand

Growing piglets is also beneficial from the rational use of feed. Chickens and geese digest only a fifth of the feed, and piglets a third. A pig spends 30% less feed per kilogram of weight gain than cattle.

Pork meat is in good demand among buyers. It is softer, more tender than beef. Delicious smoked pork meats that do not lose their taste during storage. Pork canned meat is also more appetizing than any other.

Pork meat enjoys in great demand at buyers. It is softer, more tender than beef. Delicious smoked pork meats that do not lose their taste during storage. Pork canned meat is also more appetizing than any other.

It is important that pork meat is not only tasty, but also healthy, because it contains vitamins, amino acids (proteins, iron, B vitamins) that are 100% absorbed by the body.

Carcass breeds

In the vastness of our country, raising piglets is a fairly popular business, on average, about 30 types of pigs are bred. How to do right choice breeds of piglets for growing at home? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since the keeping of pigs depends on the climatic conditions of the area. According to meat qualities, pigs are divided into three types:

  • meat-sebaceous;
  • bacon;
  • lard-meat.

Pig breed Siberian North

Such directions help determine the choice of breed. Meat and greasy - large white breed and breeds produced from it (Siberian northern pig, Ukrainian white, Lithuanian white, etc.). Pigs are white in color, where muscle tissue dominates development than adipose tissue. Breeding white pigs is the most common method.

Landrace is grown for bacon breed. This breed is also white, but with an elongated body shape, formed by the back and loin. IN end result, a large amount of meat is formed and a small amount of fat.

Why more often buy a pig of a white breed? Because the this species versatile and suitable for both meat and bacon fattening. They give great offspring. At the end of growth, boars reach a weight of 370 kg or more, and sows up to 280 kg. Feeding and care carried out, given special requirements, will allow the young to add 100 kg in weight already in 6-7 months.

Greasy-meat piglets are usually black or mottled black in color. Very precocious, characterized by rapid growth of fat, weight is less than that of previous breeds. These include: Mirgorodskaya, North Caucasian, Belarusian, etc.

Tallow-meat Mirgorodskaya breed

Pregnancy and care

The maturity of the pig occurs 8-9 months after birth. During this period, mating can begin. Given that the duration of gestation takes 112-116 days, the first offspring is expected at 12-13 months. For normal mating, a pig is chosen from one hundred kilograms, which has 12 shaped nipples.

Before mating for a larger and healthier offspring, the pig should be prepared with special feeding. Her diet is improved with mixed fodder, skimmed water, food waste, be sure to enrich the feeding with greens. In winter, greens are replaced with hay, legumes. Fulfilling the requirements of fattening, during the day the individual will have 500-600 grams of weight gain.

Pigs are grazed in the summer, adding 4 kg of green mass (finely chopped) mixed with concentrates to the feed. Before mating, the volume of concentrates is increased to 2.5 kg and 2-3 liters of dairy products, 5-6 kg, are added to the feed. succulent feed, 2 kg of legume hay. 1.5-2 teaspoons of salt are added to food daily. Another add 0.5 teaspoon of chalk or replace with tricalcium phosphate. Don't forget to drink fresh water.


What to expect in the behavior of the carcass if estrus has begun? She is anxious, tries to jump out of the cage, sniffs, often listens, does not want to eat, grunts in a special way, if pushed from behind, stands motionless. But, humbly lets the boar close to him.

The pig is anxious and sniffing

Twelve hours later, after such signs, the sow is crossed with a boar or inseminated artificially. Be sure to fulfill the following requirement: repeat the crossing again after 12 hours. Over the next seventeen days, the behavior of the pig is monitored, if no strange features are observed in the behavior of the animal, then the sow is fertilized.

pregnant pigs

  • concentrate-2.5 kg;
  • alfalfa or clover - 7 kg .;
  • food and dairy waste - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 30-40 gr. and mineral additives - 20-25 gr.

Care after childbirth

In a difficult postpartum period, the sow requires increased attention and care. After farrowing, you need to give the pig a liter of water to drink, or half a liter of milk mixed with half a liter of water.

  • After six hours give water in sufficient quantities.
  • Feeding during this period is different from usual.
  • On the first day, a liquid mixture is given with oatmeal or wheat bran in the amount of one kilogram.
  • Already in the second week, milk-producing root crops are included in the feeding.
  • The sow is fed three times a day at regular intervals. Drink in the quantity required by the animal.

The sow should be professionally assisted during childbirth. Newborn piglets must be wiped, scrupulously clean the patch, ears, mouth from mucus, cut off the umbilical cords and be sure to cauterize with iodine. Important point: small pigs are brought to the nipples for 45 minutes.

The main requirement in the first minutes after the birth of piglets is feeding with colostrum (natural food), which is completely absorbed in the body of piglets. In newborns, the vitality increases and piglets sucking colostrum significantly relieve the pain of the female and accelerate the end of the birth process.

Raising pigs in winter

Keeping pigs in winter has its own characteristics. So that the pigs do not freeze and do not get sick, you should think about heating or insulating the room. It is safer, during this period, to drink carcasses with warm water. Raising pigs in winter differs in the way they are fed. In the season, when there is no greenery, more food waste is added to the diet, mixed with mixed fodder, bran, and do not forget to add salt.

It is noticed that in winter pigs love finely chopped dry nettles harvested in summer. Nettle is quite useful in raising pigs. Proper preparation will make it easier to keep pigs in the winter.


Raising pigs requires physical and material costs. To get a high profit from labor, you should take care of the conditions for keeping animals. The best option there will be a spacious barn or barn, divided into three zones: a place with machines for keeping carcasses, an area for walking, preferably with a cover, a formed pit with water for bathing.

How to build a pigsty

Each breed of pig has its own characteristics in physique, and this is taken into account before starting the construction of a pigsty. Partitions are built from durable material otherwise they will be damaged. What should be considered when equipping a pigsty:

  • roof without leaks, warm;
  • walls are sealed;
  • floor out hard materials with sewage ditches;
  • lighting;
  • heating appliances, especially when there are small piglets.

When constructing a pigsty, heat-retaining materials are used. It can be: cinder blocks, brick, adobe. Inside carry out plastering work, whitewashing. When preparing a pigsty, the methods of keeping pigs and, accordingly, the fulfillment of these requirements are taken into account.

If you foresee and take into account all the requirements for the care, cultivation and maintenance of pigs, this process will not bring difficulties and the result will be desired.

In Russia in the field Agriculture one of the most profitable business lines is the breeding and rearing of pigs. Pig breeding is a rather promising and profitable industry, primarily because there is a constant demand for fresh and high-quality meat.

A pig business, like any other, has many nuances, risks and features, so the opinion that you can simply buy feed, piglets, equip a pigsty, raise pigs, sell products and earn millions without much effort is wrong. However, if you have chosen agriculture, then pig farming is one of the best options.

In this article, we will take a closer look at a number of questions about how to start a business with pigs, whether it is profitable or not, how much income you can get and how much you have to invest, how to keep pigs, what breeds are suitable for raising for meat, etc.

  • High yield of meat. When slaughtering a large cattle the percentage of waste is about 40%, while in a pig this figure is only 15%.
  • High fertility. For one farrowing, one sow can bring 12-15 piglets (or even more).
  • Short gestation period. The offspring of the sow bears about 3 months, another 1-2 months will be needed for feeding, then they can be taken from the mother and fattening of the pigs can begin.
  • High growth rate. A week after birth, a piglet can gain from 1.5 kg to 2.3-3 kg of weight. By 6 months, the pig reaches 100 kg and already at this age it can be slaughtered.
  • Ease of maintenance. Pigs don't need special conditions content. It is only necessary to provide them with a dry, warm barn and the right feeding ration.

Pigs as a business: where to start

In rural areas, the breeding and rearing of piglets is widespread. But mostly pigs are bred and kept for themselves, or they sell a small number of heads to local buyers. Many people think about starting piglet breeding as a business, but only a few realize it. Although with the right approach, pork production can be a good source of income.

Another point is the amount of financial investments. It is this factor that prevents the villager from starting to earn money on pigs. After all, raising animals at home in small quantities practically does not bring profit, and sometimes even becomes unprofitable. The reason for this may be high prices on feed, lack of experience or the possibility of proper maintenance.

If you have the necessary amount and a strong desire to build a profitable pig farming business as a business, then all you have to do is get started.

But not only those who have "round sums" can start receiving income from the sale of meat products or piglets. You can start from any private courtyard, at home, in a small barn or mini farm. The main thing is to have a desire and constantly increase the livestock.

It is quite possible to start from scratch by purchasing 10-20 heads, gradually expanding the farm. By raising piglets, you can earn income from the sale of:

  • meat;
  • Sala;
  • Young growth (from the age of one month, piglets can be sold);
  • Skins.

An additional source of income can be a smokehouse - smoked pork and lard are in great demand and the cost of such products is much higher.

For successful start you will have to find a room and supply it with equipment, purchase piglets, feed, organize a continuous workflow, find sales points, etc. More on all this below.

What breed of pigs is profitable to breed for business

Today, many breeds have been bred, each of which is grown to obtain
a certain result and is suitable for breeding in a particular region. Breeds are classified into:

  • Tallow-meat (universal). These include breeds Hampshire, Duroc, large white;
  • Bacon (or just meat). Temvros, Landraces, etc.;
  • Sebaceous. Berkshire, Mangalitskaya, black large, etc.

The following breeds of pigs have become widespread in Russia and the post-Soviet space:

  • Landrace;
  • Duroc;
  • Urzhum;
  • Hampshires;
  • Speckled and white steppe Ukrainian;
  • North Siberian;
  • Murom.

But the most popular breed is, perhaps, large white. It is she who can be attributed to the most profitable breeds of pigs for business in Russia.

Large white belongs to the universal group of pigs. Most farmers choose this particular breed for breeding. And this is not in vain, because already at the age of 12 months a wild boar can weigh about 350 kg, and the weight of a sow can reach 250 kg. But this is not the limit - with a special diet, wild boars of this breed can weigh up to 500 kg after 1 year of life.

Another reason for the popularity of this breed is its high fertility. One sow per farrowing can bring 10-15 piglets, each of which will weigh 1-1.2 kg. By 5-6 months, with proper care and feeding, pigs easily reach a weight of about 100 kg.

In general, if you do not know which breed to choose for breeding, then we recommend the Large White. It is successfully bred by farmers in various regions of Russia, and these pigs have received numerous positive reviews owners.

How to keep piglets: preparing a room (pigsty)

Growing a small number of pigs at home in a private backyard does not involve the construction of some capital structure equipped with special equipment. After all, 2-3 heads are kept until slaughter (the beginning of winter).

With a serious approach to the pig business, the livestock is already more significant - about 200-300 individuals. It is with this amount that farmers recommend starting their business. In this case, a capital pigsty is already required, which can be built from scratch or rented. But whatever the livestock, the premises for it must meet a number of requirements.

What conditions must be observed when arranging a pigsty

  • Good ventilation.
  • Stable air temperature - optimally 18-20 degrees, but not lower than 11 degrees Celsius.
  • No drafts! Seal up all cracks.
  • Optimal light level. Light influences general state animals, weight gain, appetite, fertility. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the room with both artificial and natural lighting.
  • The floors in the pigsty must be durable, preferably from wooden planks. A slight slope is needed.
  • The ceiling and walls are recommended to be disinfected with lime whitewash. It needs to be updated periodically.

Required barn area

Before you start building a room, you should consider the livestock that you will contain the possibility of expanding the structure. For one pig, which is fattening, a minimum of 3 square meters of area is required. A sow will need about 5 square meters. Thus, to contain 50 pigs, you will need a pigsty of 300 square meters. You should also consider walkways, paddocks for walking, rooms for inventory, etc. The optimal height of the pigsty is from 2.5 meters or more.

What equipment is required

The main equipment is feeding systems. With a large livestock, it is better to give preference to automatic feeding. The choice of type depends on the method of feeding, which can be liquid or dry. The simplest and cheapest option is dry feeding equipment.

Also in the pigsty you will need:

  • drinkers;
  • Care equipment;
  • Special lamps that are used to heat newborn piglets.

How many heads can you start a business on piglets

Many beginner farmers are primarily interested in this particular question. But no one can answer it for sure. After all, it all depends on the possibilities and volume of financial investments. You can start from scratch with a couple of dozen pigs, gradually expanding the farm.

According to the experience of many farmers, the optimal livestock from which you can start a pig business is 300-400 individuals. Here you should also take into account the next point - the sale of products. It is this question that needs to be studied before you start buying piglets.

Important point! Acquire females and males should be in different nurseries or farms. This will avoid family ties and possible genetic mutations.

Where to sell meat products

At first glance, the question is rather absurd. After all, even offhand can be cited as an example
places such as markets, fairs, meat processing plants, etc. You can also add restaurants, canteens, your own tents, shops and, finally, private individuals and meat buyers.

Each item requires an individual approach. You can use local newspaper ads, social media and much more. The issue of marketing should be studied especially carefully.

Organization of feeding: what and how to feed

A balanced feeding ration is the key to successful pig breeding as a business. Feed affects the rate of weight gain, animal health, quality finished products. In general, three types of feed can be distinguished, each of which leads to a particular result:

  • Common and available. These are potatoes, buckwheat, wheat bran, corn.
  • Mixed feed. Various types of herbs, as well as whey.
  • Feed for high quality pork. These are cereals (barley, wheat, rye), as well as legumes and some root crops (beets, carrots).

Feeds from the last category are the most preferred, but at the same time the most expensive. The second category is less effective, it is better to mix it in equal proportions with the third. Small amounts can be added to the main diet of feed from the first category, as they adversely affect the taste of meat and should be excluded 1-2 months before slaughter.

Important! The issue of proper feeding should be studied especially carefully, because, for example, the diet of a fattening boar and a sow is different. There is a lot of information, on the net you can find both instructions and advice from experienced farmers.

Sample business plan for breeding pigs

Any successful business is a well-thought-out, elaborate scheme of work, a project that takes into account all costs, profits, expected losses, risks, etc. Pig farming is no exception, and in order to get a rough picture of what can be obtained as a result, we will make some calculations.

The data below is approximate, costs and revenues may vary by region, cost of feed, young animals, etc. But still, they will help in the future to develop their own, more accurate business plan for fattening pigs for meat.


Let's say we decide to start breeding pigs with 130 pigs. We will need a pigsty with an area of ​​​​about 800 square meters. About 1-1.5 million rubles will have to be invested in the construction of such premises from scratch. Rent will cost about 150 rubles per 1 m2 (about 120 thousand per year).

  • Costs for water supply and electricity - about 20 thousand rubles per month;
  • The cost of a veterinarian (you can’t do without it). Usually one-time and he will have to pay about 20 thousand rubles a year.
  • Staff salaries. We need a livestock specialist, pig breeders - about 4 people for such a population (the average salary for such workers in the village is about 15-20 thousand rubles per month). For other work, you will need a handyman (salary of about 10-15 thousand).
  • Purchase of young. The average purchase price of one piglet at the age of two months is 2.5 thousand rubles. To purchase 130 heads, you will need to invest 325 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of feed. Efficient feeding of piglets for meat is based on mixed fodders and grain additives. One pig consumes approximately 280 kg of feed per year. It turns out that for the entire livestock per year, 36,400 kg of feed will be required, which in money will be about 290 thousand rubles. (with an average cost of one kilogram of 8 rubles).


If everything went well and at the above costs, the pigs are steadily gaining weight, then at 6 months of age they can already weigh 100 kg. average cost one kilogram of pork - 250 rubles. From 120-125 heads (we need to leave a few pigs for breeding) in six months we will receive about 3.2 million rubles. From this amount, we subtract the costs of about 1.4-1.5 million rubles. We get a profit of 1.6-1.8 million rubles for six months, or about 300 thousand rubles a month.

Once again, we note that all calculations are approximate, but nevertheless they give an idea that pig breeding is a rather profitable business in the field of agriculture and you can start it with a small financial investment. Good luck in all your endeavors!

Useful video: keeping pigs

Useful video: how to make money on pig farming

  1. Farrowing and suckling period. The duration of this stage is approximately four weeks: from birth and feeding exclusively on mother's milk until they are weaned from the sow.
  2. The period of weaning from breast milk and the mother in general. passes this stage about 7-10 days, when the piglets start to stay with the sow exclusively for feeding her milk.
  3. The final period is the fattening of piglets. There are different types of fattening depending on the goals, i.e. meat, bacon and tallow.
    • The purpose of meat fattening is to obtain young and juicy pork in 6-8 months.
    • Bacon fattening is more labor-intensive and costly, and produces enough pork to make bacon that is in high demand.
    • Piglets are fattened to greasy conditions in order to obtain selected fat from pig carcasses.

For the cultivation and maintenance of piglets, certain conditions are necessary: ​​a room, a specially designated place for feeding, a place for walking, temperature, vaccinations, timely treatment, and so on.

Piglets are raised in small herds preferably of the same age, sex, weight and physiological state. Pigs of different breeds tolerate both natural stresses (heat, cold, pressure drops) and technological stresses (transportation, vaccination, drug treatment) in different ways.

To achieve good results (selected pork) when growing boars at home, it is necessary to castrate them at the age of one month. In order to fully develop and grow rapidly, young animals need walking both in winter and in summer. Compliance with zoohygienic standards in pigsties leads to the production of selected pigs and, consequently, to material benefits.

Proper Diet

Sows, boars and young animals should be fed with different foods, taking into account their characteristics. The digestive system of pigs is formed in the first days of their life, so the feeding of piglets should be taken under control from their very birth. In order to avoid diarrhea, constipation and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, along with mother's milk, the piglet needs to be fed.

Table of approximate feeding of young animals

Piglets need to be fed frequently and at regular intervals. Most pig feed ingredients can be grown at home (vegetables, herbs, grains), which in itself will reduce the cost of the feed needed. Water, however, as well as feed, young animals should be from a special container designed for this. For the diet of young animals, iron-containing preparations are of particular importance. They can be given to piglets with feed or by injection, which is easy to do at home. To enrich the diet of piglets, premixes are used.

Causes and signs of disease in piglets

General characteristics

Growing healthy piglets is the key to high productivity of the future pig population. Their diseases are always easier to prevent than to treat them later. Therefore, success lies in the timely prevention of diseases, the creation of decent conditions for keeping and feeding animals (premixes, vitamin complexes, etc.).

Diseases of piglets can be divided into:

  1. Non-communicable diseases (anemia (anemia), gastroenteritis, dyspepsia, bronchitis, etc.).
  2. Infectious diseases (edematous disease of piglets, plague, foot and mouth disease, dysentery, paratyphoid, etc.)

Common signs include loss of appetite, increase / decrease in body temperature, rash, spots, dry skin, depression / agitation, diarrhea and other symptoms. Little piglets are more susceptible to many ailments than their adult relatives, which must be taken into account when growing them.

The main causes of disease in piglets are improper feeding (abuse of premixes, concentrates), lack of vitamins and nutrients in food, non-compliance with temperature and zoohygienic standards. The cost of all the above shortcomings of the pig breeder is a decrease in the profitability of the business as a whole.

Types of diseases and their manifestations

Gastroenteritis, dyspepsia, acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and poisoning are diseases of the digestive system. Signs of their appearance are diarrhea, lethargy, lack of appetite, convulsions and vomiting. In order to avoid these ailments when growing young animals, you need to feed piglets with fresh food grown at home.

Catarrhal diseases of pigs (bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchopneumonia) are manifested by cough, fever, rapid breathing.

Disturbed metabolism causes diseases such as alimentary anemia, rickets, beriberi, etc. in a piglet.

Infectious diseases of piglets have a more detrimental effect on their health and on the health of the rest of the livestock. They require more radical methods of their treatment and elimination of consequences.

Edematous disease of piglets occurs due to intoxication of the body with bacteria or feed allergies. With it, the nervous system is affected and swelling of tissues and organs appears. Weaned piglets are exposed to this disease. Growing young animals at home initially without a sow (with a "foreign" mother) usually eliminates the possibility of this disease.

Swine fever is the most dangerous disease caused by the smallest microorganisms.

Dysentery is detrimental to piglets in that they rarely recover. A distinctive feature of this disease is diarrhea with blood, which is accompanied by constant attempts.

Another deadly disease that piglets are susceptible to is foot-and-mouth disease. It is accompanied by high fever, watery vesicles in various parts of the body, which, bursting, turn into ulcers. As a result, the acute form of foot and mouth disease leads to the death of animals. With this ailment, this is a significant expense for the owner.

Most diseases require urgent professional care, so the services should not be neglected. veterinarian who will carry out the necessary treatment, otherwise its cost will significantly exceed the funds spent on prevention.

Profitable business or waste of time

The well-known misconception that pig farming is the most highly profitable and light business can be quickly dispelled by any farmer who breeds and raises piglets. To receive good results(income) should be created best conditions. Growing piglets at home brings a good income if they are raised in clean pigsties, eat good rational feed with premixes and biologically active substances, and are vaccinated on time.

In terms of payback, this business is a good place to start because you can start with a small number of pigs and build up over time. Young piglets (their meat, lard and skin) can be sold at a good price from the age of 4 months. This is due to the physiological characteristics of pigs, namely their rapid growth, omnivorousness, high slaughter yield and distinctive meat qualities.

Subsequently, the breeding of domestic piglets can be turned into a highly profitable business if certain rules are followed:

  • The choice of breed should be determined by the desired goals.
  • The selection and purchase of females and males should be carried out from different suppliers, paying due attention to the pedigree characteristics of animals.
  • Maintenance at a decent level of the pigsty (timely disinfection, destruction of pests, temperature control).
  • Sensitive veterinarian supervision for regular vaccination, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Compliance with the peculiarities of feeding sows, boars and young piglets. They should be fed with high-quality, rational and nutritious feed (using premixes, biologically active substances, etc.).

Given the above rules, you can actually profitable production and not just a home based business.

Why is keeping pigs so attractive? Why is it preferable to engage in pig breeding than to breed cows, goats, rabbits, poultry on a personal farmstead?

Options for keeping pigs in private households and on pig farms

When breeding pigs in a private yard, you can keep animals in a wooden barn in the summer

There are many reasons for this:

  • pork is perfectly digestible and contains the amino acids, vitamins and fatty acids necessary for our body;
  • feed costs for pigs are less than for cattle or sheep;
  • the yield of pulp from a pig carcass can reach 87%;
  • of domestic animals, pigs are the most prolific;
  • gestation lasts an average of 115 days, on average each sow gives birth twice a year;
  • piglets are suitable for further breeding already at the age of six months, and some breeds even earlier;
  • keeping pigs at home does not require impressive costs - you can start with an ordinary barn converted into a pigsty;
  • pig products will never be superfluous at home, in addition, you can earn money from their sale, turning pig farming into a profitable business.

But in order to achieve the desired results in pig production, you need to know the basic rules for keeping pigs, and be well versed in how to care for pigs.

Video about keeping pigs

When breeding pigs in a private courtyard, you can keep animals in a wooden shed in the summer, but for the winter you will need a warm pigsty. you need to make sure that the room is quite spacious, bright, warm and dry. Additional insulation of the barn can be achieved by overlaying the building outside with straw. To provide fresh air, ventilation is provided or the barn is ventilated while the animals are on the walking area.

The arrangement of a walking area when keeping pigs in a private courtyard is necessary: ​​thanks to walks, animals get sick less, the quality and taste of pork improve. In addition, if pigs are fed outside on warm days and allowed to walk for twenty minutes after feeding, they will defecate outside, which will reduce the humidity in the pigsty.

It is recommended to place pigs in a barn in groups in machines. Individual machines will be needed for boars, for pregnant and lactating sows. Young animals can be kept 30 heads in one pen, idle and repair boars - 10 heads each. In the cold season, sows are arranged additionally for the time of farrowing a “berlozhka” - a plank or plywood house with a manhole and a rising roof, so that it is more convenient to change the litter.

Feeders and drinkers are securely attached to the front wall of the machines, they can be made. A bedding of straw is laid on the floor of the machine and it is changed as it gets dirty in parts, adding fresh straw.

The floor in the pigsty should have a slope towards the wall, along which a wooden groove is provided, leading under a slope to a slurry collector, dug out at some distance from the barn.

The easel and walking content is more typical for the middle climate zone

In pig breeding complexes, there are three ways to keep pigs:

Common in warm areas free-range content, in which the walking area is divided into sections so that from each pen the pigs can freely go out for a walk to their personal area for walking through the holes on the rocking valves.

easel and walking content more typical for the middle climatic zone - the animals are placed in the machines, and manholes with tight doors leading to the walking area are arranged in the walls. Pigs are released for a walk only in sunny weather.

On pig farms with multi-storey, tiered-cage or floor placement of pigs, can be used free content option, in which animals throughout their lives are exclusively indoors, walking is not provided.

Competent care of pigs in the household

Acquired piglets are first placed for some time in a separate quarantine room, otherwise, if one piglet turns out to be a carrier of any viral disease, the entire population may be infected.

Acquired piglets are first placed for some time in a separate quarantine room.

Pig Care Rules clear and simple:

  • it is important to maintain a suitable temperature in the barn (for young animals from +18 to +22 degrees, for adult pigs from +12 to +16 degrees);
  • humidity in the pigsty should not be higher than 85%, optimally - 70%;
  • Pigs, and especially piglets, are contraindicated in drafts, cold and dampness;
  • keep clean in the pigsty, good sanitary condition of the premises is the key to the health of pigs;
  • without walks in the fresh air, young animals often develop rickets and growth is retarded;
  • change the water in the drinkers more often;
  • clean the feeders after each feeding and rinse with lye once a week;
  • once a month, disinfect and disinsection the pigsty;
  • feed piglets up to three months five times a day, young animals - four times, adult pigs - three times a day, be sure to adhere to.

Video about keeping pigs

When preparing, remember that root crops are best given raw, finely chopped, but potatoes must be steamed or boiled. Bran and flour are recommended to be moistened a little before feeding - pigs grow faster on moistened feed than on liquid “talkers”.

Providing the pigs with suitable housing conditions and good care, you will easily achieve excellent results in pig production. The main thing is to treat your pets with attention and care - pigs are very responsive to affection.