Become more energetic. How to stay energetic throughout the day: tricks and tricks

Hello my dear readers! Let's talk about such a vital topic as energy. The presence of energy in us determines our future life, one can even say fate. If we are energetic, then, as a rule, we set the bar high, but if, on the contrary, we are lifeless and tired, then no development takes place. Where then to find a source of inexhaustible energy, how to change and enjoy life?

I came to these thoughts a long time ago. With the birth of children, life changed, I was covered with chronic fatigue, lack of interest in everything. My greatest desire was to have a good night's sleep, to rest. And now the time has come when I could calmly devote time to myself, sleep well and, it would seem, everything that I wanted came true. But the trouble is, there was still no strength left for anything. Then I started to change. She did everything on an instinctive level. He was the one who told me what to do. I didn’t read much then, so I didn’t have the information I needed at hand. But, nevertheless, I got my way. I - three years ago and I - now, these are two different people. I have a huge amount, which I will certainly achieve. And all thanks to the energy that is in me.

Energetic person: who is it?

Who do you think is an energetic person? This is someone who knows how to enjoy life, is always cheerful in spirit, stress-resistant, cheerful and hardworking. They have a different outlook on life, on its structure, so they are not afraid of mistakes, they are constantly developing, setting new goals and moving forward. A simple person, who does not have enough of that very energy, usually goes with the flow, relies on politicians, lack of money, bad people, he is often afraid to take risks, start new enterprises. What kind of energy is needed to move forward? First of all, the physical, and the spiritual will come next. You may have a lot of ideas, ideas, plans in your head, you strive to implement them, but there is not enough time or energy, and the desire is gradually fading away. This state of affairs is familiar to many.

Fortunately, the situation can be corrected, reversed and be on top. But there is one thing - desire is not enough. You need to work and, above all, on yourself, give yourself a magic pendel and start acting.

If you notice the following symptoms in yourself, then take immediate action.

  • Constant fatigue
  • Passivity
  • Lack of interest in new things (events, people)
  • Self pity

Each of us has a choice: to be like everyone else and, or to differ from everyone with our outlook on life and achieve our goals.

If you haven't read my article about it, be sure to do so. So, there I told a little about the force of attraction. I think you will find the answer to your question, where to draw spiritual energy from. It's very simple, the main thing is to start.

Well, now let's talk about specific actions that will help you become a battery and constantly recharge your energy on a physical level.

How to become an energetic person to be successful in life

Get rid of time wasters

This is a terrible phrase, speaks for itself. Many people don't have enough time. Where can you find a couple more hours in a day to fulfill your plans, take care of yourself and your health, and work productively at the same time? The answer is simple - manage your time, remove time eaters from your life. For this you need:

  • around, your house and workplace, so as not to spend precious hours on constant cleaning, folding and searching for what you need.
  • devote time only to the most important thing, do not waste your energy on empty things that are not related to your goals
  • refuse to watch TV, uncontrolled throwing on the Internet
  • , month, year, learn how to make a plan to achieve the goal
  • learn to delegate

Start eating right

The importance of nutrition in human life cannot be overestimated. Everything we eat has a direct impact on our health and energy levels. If you do not adhere, then it's time to start doing it. Start small, take your time. Accept gradually the changes that will happen to you. Here is a mini plan to help you change your eating habits:

  • start
  • be sure to have breakfast
  • reduce the number of servings, it should be the size of your fist
  • eat more vegetables, greens
  • try to cook all the food yourself
  • exclude harmful foods from the diet (soda, chips, baked goods, fast foods, and so on)
  • cook light dinners, do not fill up at night

You can change your diet by making your plan, or take advantage of it by swapping points.

move more

Movement is life, energy, strength. Without movement, we will become vegetables. You may not go to the gym, do not run in the morning, do not go to the pool, but you still have to move more. You can physically develop at home, without wasting time on the road to the fitness center. The Internet is full of various video sets of exercises. Everyone can find 10-15 minutes a day, no matter what schedule they have. Take more walks, if possible, refuse transport, do not use the elevator. Choose the sport that you enjoy. For example, I was strained for a long time, which I performed through force, often artificially motivating myself. But once, having tried to complete the complex, I realized that it was mine. And since then I have to force myself to do it, I always do it with pleasure.

temper yourself

The fourth point, which the units are able to fulfill. To be honest, I myself have not yet dared to start. But I will definitely try to do it in the near future. Its benefits are enormous. Firstly, morning hardening awakens the body from a night's rest. Secondly, the work of the circulatory and lymphatic systems is stimulated. Thirdly, a huge supply of energy is given, and this is what we need for a productive day.


And lastly, in order to become an energetic person, proper rest is necessary. And by this phrase, I mean not only, everyone should have it - this is the rule, but also moral rest. To do this, you need to set aside time for yourself, for your hobbies, entertainment, fun. For example, many consider acceptance to be a vacation, others - a hobby, others relax while reading books. Here it is very important to be clearly aware of the boundary between moral, spiritual rest and work. During relaxation, do not think about business, just relax, enjoy the process that is happening to you, think positively and dream.

Now you know how to become an energetic person, vigorous and healthy. No wonder everyone wants each other to be healthy. It will be - everything will be. What sources of energy do you have that help you stay afloat and achieve your goals?

But new meetings. Kiss! Bye!

The concept of “loss of energy” exists both in parascience, which calls this phenomenon damage and the evil eye, and in medicine, which explains it as a syndrome chronic fatigue. A person who has lost part of his “charge” feels lethargic and unwilling to work, to do anything else. He always wants to sleep or just lie in bed, he often feels cold and chilly. Such a person needs silence - he and the noise and fun become unbearable. Therefore, it is often necessary to look for effective ways that will prompt


If you want to learn how to become energetic, then first of all you need to change your diet, pay great attention to your diet. The first rule that should be observed for weakened people is to prepare a full breakfast. The morning diet should include fruits, cereals, dairy products.

For lunch, it is good to eat fish, vegetables, green leafy herbs, dark whole grain bread, poultry meat, lean meat. If between meals you want to eat again, then eat a handful of nuts or 100-150 grams of fruit, bananas are especially good in this regard.

Try to eat small meals, but often. breakfast and even dinner can be considered muesli with yogurt, without sugar. Pharmacies have already begun to sell dry yeast for the preparation of this fermented milk drink with biobacteria. Such yogurt will help get rid of dysbacteriosis, and the state of health immediately becomes better. It is this state of imbalance that often causes chronic fatigue syndrome.

Don't Forget About Water

Let's find out, the second major cause of fatigue is dehydration. Moisture deficiency leads to rapid fatigue, neurosis, apathy. Therefore, doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day, not counting soup, tea, coffee. Everyone who is learning to be cheerful should pay attention to green tea, as well as healthy fresh juices, foods that contain a lot of water - watermelons, oranges, cucumbers, celery.

In the morning you can drink a cup of coffee, but do not get carried away with it. You can argue about the benefits of energy drinks sold in stores for a long time. Yes, they are initially invigorating, but then the body gets used to them, their effect becomes weaker, tooth enamel is destroyed, the stomach and intestines work worse, heart problems appear. Therefore, you should not abuse them, it is best for the body to drink natural drinks that contain a lot of natural energy - mate tea, coffee, celery juice.

Bad habits

If you are still not sure, then here helpful advice: stop smoking. Alcohol and drugs are out of the question. The most disgusting and negative thing is when a girl smokes, not a man. And not because of stereotypes, but because of how chemicals affect her condition.

An energetic and cheerful girl gradually becomes gray, wrinkled and joyless. 80% of the strength is lost by a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. Therefore, getting rid of this bad habit, he begins to feel more energetic and cheerful. But this effect is not achieved immediately, it takes at least 9 months to cleanse the body of a smoker. By the way, no woman gains weight by quitting smoking. Of course, if she does not begin to experience stress from the absence of cigarettes in life.

energetic music

Notice how your foot begins to tap on the floor when rhythmic music is playing. This sign can be the answer to the question of how to become an energetic person.

By making these music therapy sessions permanent, you can get a real boost of energy. This is a great option for those who don't know how to get more energetic.

Turn on the music, the blood will move faster through the vessels, increase metabolic processes. Thus, music will perfectly cure you of chronic syndrome fatigue.

Sleep tight

Regular lack of sleep is a disaster for the body. Your body clearly knows how to generate energy during proper rest. This is how children who sleep for 9-10 hours are charged.

If you do not allow yourself to fully sleep because of an uncomfortable bed, constant noise, waking up, or simply because there is no time for a long rest, then the body begins to consume the remaining forces very sparingly. Therefore, you will not be able to run and jump, you will be accompanied by constant weakness and nervous breakdowns.

Physical exercise

So energetic person? The answer is simple: exercise. You must train as often as possible, doing it at the right time. If you exercise right before bed, you will never fall asleep anytime soon. Your brain is on alert while your body is tired.

It's not a very good feeling. When you wake up, you will feel so weak, as if someone has been tormenting you all night. That is why you should train just enough so that you can sleep peacefully later. In the process of choosing the time for loads, it is important to determine for yourself the most optimal option.

However, if you decide to work out overtime, then take a half-hour walk on foot half an hour before dinner. It is best to go when you are too lazy to go to the gym.


If you want to learn how to become energetic and active, then you need to take care of your health. The physical body needs a lot of nutrients and vitamins to be in constant tone.

You hardly think about how many vital components you got from food. If something is missing, then the body tells you about it, making you feel constantly tired. You can solve this problem by visiting a doctor, getting tested, and starting to take multivitamin tablets every day.


Another answer to the question of how to become more energetic and have time for everything is to be sociable. Have you ever noticed that successful people Are you constantly talking to people around you? They are always chatting on the phone or in a meeting, and they can never keep their mouths shut, even in important points.

It's simple, because the conversation gives them energy. If you don't believe me, you can experiment by trying to chat with real people as often as possible, ignoring correspondence on social networks and instant messengers.

emotional fatigue

Negative emotions can drain your energy. Sadness, anger, depression, fighting conflict all the time can suck all the juice out of you. Surrounding yourself with negative people, as well as those who are constantly ready to morally put pressure on you, you doom yourself to weakness and constant fatigue.

remember, that positive emotions generate energy. Focus on what makes you happy. Stop worrying about it. Get rid of bad habits and people whose thought patterns lead you astray. Surround yourself only with those who will create better world around you and inspire. Read motivating books, learn new things, and don't let apathy eat you up from the inside.

Too many computers

If you are sitting at the screen of a computer, phone, tablet or TV all the time, then your body does not expend much physical energy. Most of your energy is spent on unnecessary news, games and watching stupid videos. Your energy will simply drain into these resources, leaving you devastated and weak.

Get up! Put away your phone, move your computer away, and turn off the TV. Go outside, exercise, set a goal for yourself. Explore, meet! Sitting at home will not make you an energetic person.

Good day to you, dear friend!

How to become an energetic person? Active, cheerful. Why this is necessary, I think it is superfluous to explain. If you don't agree, just don't read any further.
The statistics are disappointing - only every hundredth person can call himself cheerful and active.
What is the danger of weak energy? In the absence of life: depression, fear, insecurity, apathy, despondency are common phenomena in this case.

Are you familiar with these emotions? Yes?

Be sure to read this article. It will help you learn how you can increase your energy potential and make your life fun and cheerful!

Just imagine...

you wake up in good mood with a smile on your face. It's great to start the day feeling great!

You are curious about what the new day will bring. You involuntarily remember that the past days have brought many interesting events: new projects, interesting acquaintances, promising prospects.

At the mirror, you watch with interest how literally before your eyes you are getting younger. You literally radiate light and health!

You are already used to people looking at you and asking in surprise: “How do you manage to be so cheerful?”

Cool script? Unfortunately, only one in a hundred lives like this.

Fortunately, we have prepared for you top five proven methods that will change your life!

Down with stimulants!

One of the most common mistakes people make is that they tend to increase energy artificially through coffee, tea and other stimulants.

Starting from this moment, stop using them. They give temporary stimulation of the nervous system, causing addiction.

What will happen to a person after giving up these drinks?

In the first few weeks, he will experience cravings for tea or coffee and experience a breakdown. This is temporary - the body is re-learning how to stimulate itself, without external pathogens.

Then the person feels that he maintains vigor throughout the day without external stimulation.

Back to food...

Almost every resource about health can find information about proper nutrition. To become more active, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) is important - common information on such sites.

Is this true, dear reader?

The main source of energy in the body is the central nervous system. It depends on its stable and normal functioning whether a person will walk sluggish or vigorous. .

The control point of the entire nervous system is the brain. Our work depends on it. general state. But the brain is not fed by a certain ratio of BJU, which people like to carefully calculate. The main source of nutrition for him is vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
The formula is simple - eat more raw plant foods - vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, herbs. No wonder the World Health Organization speaks of the importance of eating at least 400 grams per day of this particular food.

This will help your brain become more efficient and your mood positive.

Breathe a little

Do simple breathing exercises daily. Enough 10-15 minutes.

Oxygen helps every cell in the body to be more active, and a person is a collection of trillions of cells! Have you imagined how impressive it is?

With normal breathing, about a third of all cells do not receive their portion of oxygen, which means that your life will not become full and cheerful to the end. .

How can oxygen uptake be increased?

Technique - Breathing Square. To do this, you need to prepare a stopwatch (optional) and sit comfortably.

Algorithm: inhale - hold - exhale - hold. Moreover, each phase must be equal to each other.

For example, the duration of inhalation is 8 seconds, the breath is held for 8 seconds, the duration of exhalation is 8 seconds, and the breath is held on exhalation for 8 seconds. This is one cycle. Do this exercise for at least ten minutes.

Over time, you need to increase the number.

Interest as a prerequisite for increasing energy

If you do not like routine, it is unlikely that monotonous work will add strength. Do you agree?

Your activity should inspire you, motivating you to continue it. A person can come exhausted after work, but after a shift, he is happy to do his hobby. Even if it is associated with hard physical labor.

The conclusion is simple, but important - engage in interesting, fun and pleasing activities!

Relax your mind

People, of course, are not computers, but with prolonged continuous work they begin to freeze. It seems that there is not enough RAM. It must either be increased (using the methods we wrote about above), or freed from everything unnecessary.

What do they do with the computer if it starts to slow down? Reload. If you transfer the analogy to a person, a reboot will help! To do this, it is not at all necessary to look for a button on the back of the head or behind the ear.

You don't have to go to bed to feel refreshed and energized.

It is enough to turn off your mind for 5-15 minutes.

To do this, sit comfortably, close your eyes and turn off all the thoughts that you will have. You don't have to fight them. Make the practice fun for yourself - capture the thoughts that arise, then let them go.

It is convenient for some to represent images, for example, nature. Let your imagination take over for the time being.

Such practices help to get rid of unnecessary thoughts stuck inside the head.


These techniques perfectly answer the question, how to become an energetic and positive person.

The presented practices are extremely effective, especially if they are followed in a complex way! You can write about it as much as you like, but until you check it yourself, they will remain just words on

They are basic necessities for human existence. Consider them!

If this topic is really important to you, you are a business owner, and becoming an effective leader is an urgent need for you - go to the next, more advanced level.

Good luck in practice and new achievements!

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Have a nice day!

Active people not only succeed in work and personal life, but also have excellent health and a great figure. So many people aspire to be like that. How can this be achieved in a short time and on our own? Follow the guidelines below to help you become an active person.

Stick to a daily routine

Active people always have their own daily routine, which is why they manage to do a lot. So, it is necessary to get up at 8-9 o'clock, and go to bed no later than 23 o'clock, since the deepest sleep occurs between 24.00 and 02.00. As a result, the quality of sleep will increase significantly, and this will positively affect your well-being.

Follow the right diet

It is impossible to become an energetic person without proper nutrition. Develop a healthy diet for yourself, eat at least three times a day, and preferably more often, but in smaller portions. Try to avoid overeating.

go in for sports

Of course, in order to start exercising, you will need to overcome your laziness, and motivation will help you with this. Remember that sport not only makes the figure beautiful and gives energy for the whole day, but also helps prevent the development of many serious diseases. And for the sake of this, it’s worth getting up from a chair or sofa and looking up from a computer or TV screen and heading to the gym or fitness center. Remember that the loads must be increased gradually so that your body has time to get used to them and recover.

Rest properly

For many modern people rest is synonymous fun gatherings with friends at a table bursting with fatty foods and alcoholic beverages. Active people choose alternative options. Take your friends to the tennis court or golf course and have a duel there, or go hiking or go skiing in the mountains. All this will bring you invaluable benefits and energize you for a long period.

Express yourself at work

You also need to be active at work. So, try to offer various ideas for the development of the company where you work, develop interesting projects, and so on. All this will not only bring moral satisfaction and reveal your talents, but will also give you material profit along with career advancement.

Learn more about how you can improve your quality of life with the articles in the section.

An active lifestyle is very good for health, but many people perceive physical activity as a boring duty and routine. Change your perception and choose an active lifestyle that is right for you. For activity, you just need to find suitable activities for yourself, set reasonable goals and identify the right sources of motivation. Cope with this task and an active lifestyle is guaranteed to you.


Part 1

First steps

    Maintain physical activity every day. Choose a convenient time or define a period when you do nothing or watch TV to replace passive activity with active activity or supplement entertainment with physical activity.

    • Lack of time is one of the most common excuses. If you find a couple of hours every evening to watch TV or surf the Internet, then carving out 20 minutes will not be difficult and will not deprive you of a well-deserved rest at the end of the day, but will allow you to lead a more active lifestyle.
  1. Notice the benefits. Start noticing the improvements that physical education has brought you to root new habit. Even in the short term, exercise can help improve mood and sleep quality. In the long term, an active lifestyle leads to increased stamina and vitality of the body. Keep these benefits in mind. If exercising doesn't bring you joy, change the schedule or type of exercise until you find a suitable regimen. Keeping fit is a long-term project that takes time to find the right approach.

    Sign up for classes. If you find it difficult to stick to a routine or want to exercise under the supervision of an instructor, then sign up for regular aerobics classes that will keep you moving in organized conditions. Similar encounters with strangers in public place will motivate you and allow you not to worry about your appearance. After all, it's just a group of strangers. The differences between the classes are not too striking, and the workouts are not too difficult:

    • Aerobics is vigorous aerobic exercise;
    • Zumba is a fun and energetic dance aerobics set to music.
    • Yoga is an ancient collection of complex postures and exercises that develop strength and flexibility.
    • Pilates is a combination of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the body and aerobic exercise from yoga.
    • If you decide to buy a membership to a fitness club, then take advantage of the pool and gym to work out on first-class equipment outside the home. It's fun!
  2. Go from walking to jogging . If you enjoy walking regularly, buy good running shoes and start jogging for more intensity. Take your time and increase the load gradually, and also find suitable routes. The more you run, the more you will enjoy. You may soon want to run five kilometers or train for a mini-marathon.