Determination of time norms for accepted works. Calculation of the norm of time for the performance of work

operational time

conditional time used in command and staff exercises and games, staff training, group exercises, combat and operational training, etc., during which the plan is carried out and the tasks assigned to the participants in these actions are solved.

Edwart. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010

See what "Operational time" is in other dictionaries:

    operational time- Part of the piece time, equal to the sum of the main and auxiliary time. [GOST 3.1109 82] Topics technological processes in general EN base cycle time DE operative Zeit ...

    operational time- 75. Operative time D. Operative zeit E. Base cycle time Source: GOST 3.1109 82: one system technological documentation. Terms and definitions of basic concepts ...

    operational time- conditional time (hours, minutes, date) used in command post exercises and group tactical exercises for drawing the next stage of the exercise or solving the introductory one as of a certain time specified in the plan of the exercise (class) ... ... Concise Dictionary operational-tactical and general military terms

    operational time- conditional time used in command and staff exercises and games, staff training, group exercises, combat and operational training, etc., during which the plan is carried out and the tasks set by ... ... Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

    operational time of maintenance (repair)- The time spent by the performer to perform the operation Maintenance(repair) determined by the design and technical condition object. Explanations The concept of "operational time for maintenance (repair)" is used ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Operational maintenance time- (repair) - the cost of the contractor's time to perform the maintenance (repair) operation, determined by the design and technical condition of the object. Explanations. The concept of “Operational maintenance time ... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

    operational time of preventive maintenance- — [Ya.N. Luginsky, M.S. Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S. Kabirov. English Russian Dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Power Industry, Moscow, 1999] Electrical engineering topics, basic concepts EN active preventive maintenance time ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Operational time of operation of a device of a digital computing system- 9. Operational time of the device of a digital computing system Operational time of the device The time interval during which the device is in the on and operable state under the functionally determined ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Operational time of maintenance (repair)- 3 . Operational maintenance (repair) time The time spent by the performer to perform the maintenance (repair) operation, determined by the design and technical condition of the object Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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Since the costs of working time are diverse, they are classified for the purpose of study and analysis. The classification is the basis for studying the actual costs of working time, comparing and analyzing the results of observation in order to identify reserves for the growth of labor productivity, determine the necessary time spent on the elements of the labor process and establish standards.

Under working time means the time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor duties, as well as the time that the employee is at the enterprise in connection with the work performed by him. 1

Depending on the purpose, working time is divided into working hours And break times(Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 3.1. Classification of working hours

Working hours- the period of time during which the performer performs actions related to the work performed by him, is divided into: work to fulfill the production task (T pz) and work not provided for by the production task ( T nz).

Work that is not subject to the production task includes odd jobs, caused by production necessity (going for orders, technical documentation, raw materials, blanks, tools; searching for a master, adjuster, tools and fixtures; performing auxiliary and repair work not provided for by the assignment, etc.). This category also includes unproductive work, which do not give an increase in production or improve its quality: manufacturing and correcting defects, removing excess allowance from the workpiece, etc.

The time for completing the production task by type of expenditure of working time is divided into preparatory and final, operational time and time for servicing the workplace (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.2. Classification of working hours by types of working time costs

Preparatory and closing time(T pz) - the time spent on preparing oneself and the means of production for the fulfillment of the production task and its completion:

    receipt of a task (order) of materials, tools, fixtures, technical documentation;

    familiarization with the work, documentation;

    installation of tools, fixtures, setting up equipment for the required technological mode, removal of tools and fixtures after performing a certain job.

    change finished work, preparation of documentation for the work performed.

A feature of the preparatory - final time is that its value is determined by the type of production and the level of organization of labor, and not by the amount of work. For example, in single-piece and small-scale production, Tpz is 11-15% of the working time, which is explained by the frequent changeover of equipment to other products and the lack of loading of the permanent workplace. In mass production, it is only 1 - 2% and is usually not isolated separately.

operational time(T op), - the time spent on a direct change in the shape, size or properties of the object of labor. It is divided into main and auxiliary.

Main(T os), or technological, time- this is the time spent directly on the change of the object of labor.

During auxiliary time(T sun) the actions necessary for the implementation of the main work are performed. Includes: supply of machines and apparatus with raw materials, installation and removal of parts, removal of finished products, equipment management, tool change, control measurements.

Service time of the workplace (T obs ) - the time spent by the employee on maintaining cleanliness and order in the workplace, caring for equipment in the process of work. In machine and machine-manual work, it is divided into the time of technical and organizational maintenance.

Maintenance time (T obstech ) – time spent on adjusting equipment during operation, replacing worn-out tools, sharpening, cleaning, lubricating equipment.

Organizational service time (T obsorg ) - the time spent by the employee to maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace, includes: laying out and cleaning tools, documentation, cleaning up waste, the workplace at the end of the shift, moving containers with parts within the workplace.

Break times- the time during which the performer does not take part in the work, the break time is divided into two types - regulated and unregulated breaks.

Consider the classification of the time of breaks in work (Fig. 1.3.)

Scheduled breaks- break time established by regulatory materials for certain types of work, included in the time norm. These include:

Rice. 1.3. Break time classification

    breaks for rest and personal needs (T exc) are used for rest of the employee in order to maintain normal working capacity and personal hygiene;

    interruptions of an organizational and technical nature are due to the established technology and organization of production, their features.

Unscheduled breaks- breaks due to various problems in production, causing suspension of production processes. These include:

    breaks due to disruption of the production process (T pnt) - breaks due to equipment breakdowns, lack of raw materials, materials, workpieces, tools, energy, etc.;

    interruptions due to violation labor discipline(T pnd) - late for work and early departure, unauthorized absences, extraneous conversations.

In the next chapter, we will consider methods by which you can study the above costs of working time.

Definition of operational time

operational time- the period during which the labor operation is performed - there is a change in the form, properties or quality of the object of labor, its position in space or other changes provided for by the technology of its processing.

operational time- time spent directly on the performance of a given work (operation), repeated for each unit of production, batch, scope of work.

operational time- the time spent on the direct processing of the product, as well as the installation / removal of the part, measuring operations and other operations provided for by its manufacturing technology

This term is used to standardize labor and individual labor operations. Operational time - part of the piece time for execution technological operation, during which useful work is directly performed, for example, processing a part.

During the normalization of the operation, the normalizer first, according to the technological process, calculates the required time for processing the part, then takes into account the time required to perform auxiliary operations. Auxiliary operations include the time spent on installing and removing a part, measuring it, controlling equipment, etc.
The sum of the obtained values ​​will be the operational time of the technological operation.

The formula for determining the operational time

Operational time consists of main and auxiliary time.

Top = Tosn + TVsp

Tosn - the time spent on the direct execution of part processing operations
Tvsp - the time spent on the performance of mandatory operations that do not directly change the object of labor, but are necessary to perform the operation (installation, removal, measurement, control, management)

Methods for calculating operational time

The operational time of processing a part is determined by the following main methods:
  • Analytical method
  • Carrying out the timing of the technological operation being performed
  • Combined method
Rationing by the analytical method requires a high qualification of the rater, understanding of the production technology and the ability to determine the most rational sequence for the implementation of technological operations.

To obtain reliable adequate results when normalizing by the analytical method technological process must meet the following conditions:

  • Stability of the process (the results of the worker performing the same actions lead to the same results and conditions of the object of labor, the object of labor predictably undergoes planned changes, the time of transformation of the object of labor is stable, predictable, predictable)
  • Stability of the required sequence of operations, their nomenclature and duration
Examples of operations, the operational time of which is well normalized by the analytical method: assembly on a conveyor, processing of a part on a semi-automatic machine.

Examples of operations, the operational time of which is poorly normalized by the analytical method: the manufacture of jewelry by hand.

At timing When performing a technological operation, it must be taken into account that the worker performing the operation is not always interested in objective data acquisition by the observer and may perform the operation slower than usual or add unnecessary steps or transitions to his actions.

The main method of "fighting" against obtaining unreliable data using timing is the exclusion from the statistical sample of the results of those obtained at the very beginning of the observation process. The fact is that after a certain number of repetitions of the same operation, the worker will no longer consciously control and slow down his actions.