Why does a bear sleep in winter. Performance for children

It should be said right away that not all bears hibernate. In hibernation, the following species are carried out: brown bear, Himalayan and baribal, in polar bears, only pregnant females fall into winter sleep. Other species do not sleep in winter.
Hibernation is a period of slowdown life processes and metabolism in the body.

Why does a bear sleep in winter?

The main reason for hibernation of bears is a severe shortage of food in winter. Such large animals need a large amount of food, which is very difficult to find in the cold season, and even more so after snowfall. Therefore, the mammal instinctively hibernates. Of course, there is a possibility that berries or other fruits will be under the snow, but they still will not be able to moderate the hunger of a 500 kilogram beast. Although bears are carnivores, they are actually omnivores.

How does a bear prepare for hibernation?

Before hibernation, the animal stores fat, it needs to accumulate so much fat, nutrients, so that it is enough for the whole winter. Depending on the habitat, bears eat different foods, their diet consists of: nuts, berries, fish, insects, small rodents, roe deer, deer, and bears do not disdain carrion. In general, they store and accumulate fat all summer long in order to survive in winter, because bears spend 2.5 to 6.5 months in hibernation and lose up to 100 kg of their own weight.

Abstract continuous educational activities for the development of speech
using mnemonicsin the middle group
compensatory orientation for children with THD

Memorizing a poem by V. Orlov "Why does a bear sleep in winter? "

Murtazina Lyubov Alexandrovna,
speech therapy group teacher
GBDOU kindergarten No. 2 compensating type
Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

With the use of educational technologies:
  • health saving,
  • personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with children,
  • elements of social gaming technology,
  • development of fine and gross motor skills of the hands,
  • information (computer technologies).
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the priority areas of the preschool education system is the development of speech in preschool children. Therefore, the conditions for the development of speech in children are among the most important pedagogical tasks. The problem of speech development is one of the most urgent. Mnemonics techniques are tools that facilitate the solution of speech problems.
The purpose of this methodological development is to arouse in children an interest in a given literary work, a desire to remember it and expressively read it by heart; help adults (teachers and parents) create conditions in order to arouse children's interest in fiction as a means of cognition, to introduce to verbal art, to form and improve coherent speech.

Purpose: To help children memorize and expressively read the poem.
  • to promote the formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher;
  • learn to clearly pronounce words, answer questions on the content, using the lines of the poem;
  • to teach children to understand the content of the poem; develop expressive reading skills.
  • Develop visual and auditory attention.
  • Develop visual and auditory memory.
  • Continue to work on the development of a common and fine motor skills
  • Develop dialogic speech through the performance of the poem.
  • To cultivate the ability to listen carefully, not to interrupt the interlocutor, to develop cognitive interests.
  • Cultivate activity and attention in the classroom.
  • To instill in children a benevolent attitude towards game characters, to arouse sympathy for them and a desire to help.

Preliminary work: making a collage "Winter in the Forest" with children,
viewing illustrations about the life of animals in winter forest, reading fiction and educational literature, riddles about wild animals, word games, enrichment of the dictionary with words (waddling, lair), acquaintance with the mnemonic table, conversations on lexical topic: "Wild Animals", viewing filmstrips about the life of wild animals in winter.

Materials: an envelope with a collage, a presentation about the life of animals in the forest in winter, mnemotables, a toy bear, coloring books of animals in a winter forest, riddles about a bear, a piece of music by P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Winter, bear hats, laptop, screen interactive whiteboard, typesetting canvas.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.
The group plays a piece of music by P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Winter”, winter landscapes appear on the screen. The teacher gathers the children around him, draws their attention to the music, to the images on the screen.

Educator: It's so cold outside! Why? ( winter, everything is covered with snow, cold ...)
And we are warm and cozy. It's good that we are all together!

Let's greet each other:
We give our hands to a friend, and with a smile "Hello" - we sing!

Good afternoon Good afternoon We are not too lazy to do it!

2. The main part.
Educator: If you are not too lazy to study, then I ask you to sit down.
Guys, they gave you an important envelope, such a big one! ( We open it, there is a collage "Winter in the forest") Look, this is our collage! Let's remember how we did it? What do we see on it? And what kind of animals did we put to sleep for the whole winter? ( hedgehog, bear).

Figure: Winter in the forest.pdf

True, but we know about them finger exercises:

Hedgehog, bear, badger, raccoon
They sleep in the winter every year.
Wolf, hare, lynx, fox
And in winter you will find in the forest

Educator: Look, someone is moving under the tree. Let's go and see.
Who is this? ( Children with a teacher approach the Christmas tree, the teacher reads a riddle)
The beast is waddling
For raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much.
And when autumn comes
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where does he sleep and dream bear)

A toy bear appears. The children run and sit down.

Bear: Hello! I am a good bear. How did you guess that the riddle is about me? ( children's answers with words from the riddle)

Educator: Misha, our children know a lot about you:
-Tell me how a bear walks. ( waddling)
-What does the bear like? ( raspberries, honey)
What else does a bear like to eat? ( all sweet)
-When does the bear sleep? ( autumn)
What is the name of the place where the bear sleeps? ( in the hole den)
When does the bear wake up? ( spring)

Bear: Yes, you know a lot about me. Do you want to know why we bears sleep in winter? Then listen to the poem, which is called “Why does the bear sleep in winter?”.

Educator: Misha, let me help you read the poem. I can read poems about bears beautifully. Wrote a poem "Why does the bear sleep in winter?" Vladimir Orlov.
(Educator reads a poem, conveying intonation):
Bear, bear! What's wrong with you?
Why do you sleep in winter?
Because snow and ice
Not raspberries and not honey!

Guys who were attentive and heard the answer to the question: Why does the bear sleep in winter?
Because snow and ice
Not raspberries and not honey!

Teacher: What a wonderful poem! Did you like it? Remember who wrote it repeated by several children).
Let's learn it to tell mom why do bears sleep in winter?
I will read the poem again, and you memorize and select
pictures - hints.
The teacher reads a poem, and the children put up pictures - hints on a typesetting canvas.

Figure: Why does the bear sleep in winter.Pdf

Teacher: Who is this poem about? ( about the bear)
What does a bear do in winter? ( sleeping)
Why is he sleeping? ( Because snow and ice are not raspberries and not honey)

Listen to the poem again, and Nikita will help me tell it ( according to the mnemonic table).
(The teacher pronounces each line, pointing to the pictures in the table):
1. Bear, bear! What happened to you?
2. Why do you sleep in winter?
3.-Because snow and ice -
4. -Not raspberries and not honey!
Reading each line separately, and the child repeats.

Telling a poem by 3-4 children based on a graphic drawing.

Bear: I like you so much, let's all be cubs now, and I'll play with you:
Bear, put your paws up.
Bear, put your paws down.
Bear, bear spin around
And then touch the ground.
And rub your tummy
One two Three! One two Three!

Bear: And now Andryusha, put on a bear hat, you will become a Bear, and you are Kirill - ask why he sleeps in winter. ( Playing on the poem "Why does the bear sleep in winter?")

Educator: Guys, the Bear whispered to me that he really liked visiting us. But, unfortunately, he really wants to sleep. Do you know why bears sleep in winter? ( Because snow and ice are not raspberries and not honey!)

Bear: Thank you guys, I was very interested with you, and as a keepsake I leave you portraits of my friends, only now they were covered with snow and now they are all the same color, all white. There will be time, paint their fur coats, okay? Bye for now! ("Goes" out the door)

3. Summary of the lesson.
Educator: What good fellows we are. How cool to play with a bear!
What else did we do? ( taught a poem).
Guys, did you like the new poem?
Anyone remember what it's called?
Who wrote it?
And who can tell us this poem again?
Be sure to tell your parents why the bear sleeps in winter.

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Slides captions:

Why does a bear sleep in winter? music by L. Knipper, lyrics by A. Kovalenkov.

Lev Konstantinovich Knipper Born November 21 (December 3), 1898 in Tiflis (now Tbilisi) - Soviet composer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974). Laureate of two Stalin Prizes of the second degree (1946, 1949). He died on July 30, 1974 in Moscow.

From an early age, Leva Knipper was involved in the life of the cultural elite of Russia. His aunt, O. L. Knipper-Chekhova, was the famous People's Artist of the USSR and the wife of the great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Olga Leonardovna Knipper-Chekhova Olga Leonardovna with her husband Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

In summer he walks without a road Near pines and birches, And in winter he sleeps in a den, He hides his nose from the frost. He sleeps in a lair in winter Under a huge pine tree, And when spring comes, Wakes up from sleep. The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring, And in winter, under a blizzard howl, Sleeps in a snowy hut.

The bear is one of the animals that hibernate in winter. They go to bed because they do not make any winter supplies. Basically, bears eat plant foods, but when winter comes, it disappears. During the summer, bears accumulate a fairly large fat layer. With the onset of cold weather, when the bear cannot find enough food, he crawls into his den and falls asleep until it becomes warm again. During sleep, he does not eat anything at all, but lives off the accumulated fat.

Winter hibernation is not at all like normal sleep. In winter, in the den, the bear's body temperature drops, breathing slows down, and the heart beats less often than during wakefulness. And the bear wakes up when the air temperature rises in the spring and it again becomes possible for him to eat normally. Everyone knows that the bear sucks its paw during sleep, but he does this not because he wants to eat, as you might think. Performing such actions, he gnaws off coarsened skin on his paws and moisturizes it.

Once in a frosty winter Along the edge of the forest A bear walked to his home In a warm fur coat. He walked, walked to his lair Along the country road And, walking across the bridge, Stepped on the fox's tail.

The fox raised a cry - The dark forest rustled. And the bear, in a moment of fright, climbed into a large pine tree. On a pine tree, a cheerful woodpecker Belka caulked a house And said: “You, bear, Must look under your feet!”

Since then, the bear has decided that in winter you need to sleep, Do not walk along the paths, Do not step on the tails. He calmly sleeps in a lair in the winter, while it is snowy, And he is pleased for a reason, That he was born without a tail.

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From colored tracing paper, the idea came to my mind that such stained-glass windows without characters would be chic decorations for a home shadow theater. The idea came, but I still couldn’t think of what kind of fairy tale I could show my son in this way, because the whole plot of such a fairy tale had to unfold on just one sheet of A4 format, and there should be a minimum of characters. And then the other day on the radio I heard an old Soviet song, which I remember by heart since childhood. And something immediately clicked inside - here it is, my fairy tale!

To demonstrate the fairy tale, I used our sandbox by lining the plexiglass with white sheets of paper and placing a bright flashlight under it.

The stained-glass window itself was made, in principle, using the same technology as with the gnome: at first, as best I could, I simply drew a picture in which I thought out the location of all the objects that were needed according to the plot: a forest, a tall pine tree with a hollow, a bridge (well, like mine a bridge in the forest? for me it's just an old fallen tree) and a lair. Then I looked critically at the drawing and thought about how it could be simplified so that the cut out contours of the objects were easily recognizable, and at the same time, it is desirable that in the end the cut out picture was not completely flimsy, that is, the objects should touch each other at least a little. Taking into account these simple requirements, I redrawn my picture again on plain printer paper. In the course of work, it became clear what else could be improved and redone. The result was a draft of the future stained glass window. We cut it out with nail scissors, and then carefully outline it on thicker paper (I use watercolor paper) and carefully cut out the finished base for our stained glass window. Next, with glue-pencil, we glue paper of a suitable color to the voids on the voids, smearing the base with glue, and not colored paper. To make the sun, I cut a round hole in blue paper and glued a circle of yellow paper on the wrong side.

I really wanted the animals themselves to be colored too, so I made them in the following way: I found pictures with the contours of a bear and a fox on the Internet and circled them with a permanent marker directly from the screen on pieces of hard transparent plastic (I use unnecessary packaging from a Christmas ball), then I glued paper of the desired color to the plastic and cut out an already colored animal along the contour. To maintain the scale, the woodpecker had to be very small, it was not possible to find a distinct outline of a woodpecker of this size, so the woodpecker was drawn by herself as best she could with permanent markers on plastic.

The result I got left me with some ambiguous impressions: on the one hand, the animals came out really colored and more realistic and cute because of this, and on the other hand, the rest of the scenery eventually shone through them, which slightly spoiled the overall picture. Maybe it was still worth cutting out the animals simply from thick white paper, like the base, and making a classic shadow theater.

Once upon a frosty winter

Along the edge of the forest

The bear went to his home

In a warm fur coat.

He walked, walked to his lair

Along country road

And walking across the bridge

Stepped on the fox's tail.

The fox raised a cry -

The dark forest roared.

And a bear with a fright in an instant

Climb a big pine tree.

Cheerful woodpecker on a pine tree

Squirrel's house caulked

And he said: "You, bear,

You have to watch your step!"

Since then, the bear decided

That you need to sleep in winter

Do not walk along the paths