Name of 3 migratory birds. Which birds fly south in winter: names, photos and a brief description of migratory bird species

See tables.

List of migratory bird species

1. Gray heron - Ardea cinerea

30. Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris

2. Buzzard - Buteo buteo

31. Mistletoe - Turdus viscivorus

3. Harrier - Circus cyaneus

32. Redwing - Turdus iliacus

4. Hobby - Falco subbuteo

33. Song Thrush - Turdus philomelos

5. Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus

34. Blackbird - Turdus merula

6. Quail - Coturnix coturnix

35. Meadow coin - Saxicola rubetra

7. Crake - Crex crex

36. Redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus

8. Coot - Fulica atra

37. Robin - Erithacus rubecula

9. Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus

38. Common nightingale - Luscinia luscinia

10. Tie - Charadrius hiaticula

39. Bluethroat - Luscinia svecica

11. Chernysh - Tringa ochropus

40. Garden warbler - Sylvia borin

12. Woodcock - Skolopax rusticola

41. Gray Warbler - Sylvia communis

13. Black-headed gull - Larus ridibundus

42. Warbler - Sylvia curruca

14. Common tern - Sterna hirundo

43. Black-headed warbler - Sylvia atricapilla

15. Klintukh - Columbia oenas

44. Willow warbler - Philloscopus trochilus

16. common cuckoo- Cuculus canorus

45. Chiffchaff - Philloscopus collibita

17. Common nightjar - Caprimulgus europaeus

46. ​​Ratchet Warbler - Philloscopus sibilatrix

18. Black swift - Apus apus

47. Green warbler - Philloscopus trochiloides

19. Vertineck - Junx torquilla

48. Marsh warbler - Acrocephalus palustris

20. Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica

49. Garden warbler - Acrocephalus dumetorum

21. City swallow - Delichon urbica

50. Badger warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

22. Shoreline - Riparia riparia

51. Common cricket - Locustella naevia

23. Field lark - Alauda arvensis

52. River cricket - Locustella fluviatilis

24. Forest Pipit - Anthus trivialis

53. Gray flycatcher - Muscicapa striata

25. White Wagtail - Motacilla alba

54. Pied flycatcher - Ficedula hypoleuca

26. Common Shrike - Lanius collurio

55. Small flycatcher - Ficedula parva

27. Oriole - Oreolus oreolus

56. Finch - Fringila coelebs

28. Wren - Troglodytes troglodytes

57. Common lentil - Carpodacus erythrinus

29. Forest Accumulator - Prunella modularis

58. Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniculus

Birds. Ornithology in pictures. An invitation to the world of birds. Why do birds need feathers and beaks? Why do they fly away to distant lands? How should you take care of birds in winter? This book was created by people who sincerely love nature: the wonderful writer Nikolai Sladkov and the artist Ruben Varshamov. The book is here. And here.

Animal world. Migratory and wintering birds of Russia. Thematic dictionary in pictures. Didactic cards. Is here. And here.

Birds of the world. This book is a gallery where the author of the text (a zoologist, candidate of biological sciences) and animal photographers decided to show the reader the diversity of birds and tell in a popular way about the most amazing thing that exists in the feathered kingdom. Is here. Dear book.

Birds. The book is dedicated to birds living on different continents of the planet. The book is on thick cardboard with opening windows, funny drawings and details from the life of birds. The book is here. Book from AST.

Birds. Encyclopedia from Rosman. The book tells about the diversity of the feathered world: from huge ostriches that have lost the ability to fly to small, inconspicuous birds that fascinate us with their singing. Birds have mastered all continents and oceans, all earthly elements and landscapes. You will learn a lot of interesting things about lifestyle, characteristic features and habits of many members of the bird class. Is here.

Birds. Complete encyclopedia. This book is about loving parents and faithful spouses, skillful builders and thrifty owners, ruthless predators and nectar connoisseurs, great singers and amazing dancers, about knights and pirates - about those who conquered the sky millions of years ago. Is here. And here.

List of wintering bird species

1. Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos

26. Magpie - Pica pica

2. Buzzard - Buteo lagopus

27. Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris

3. Goshawk - Accipiter gentilis

28. Blackbird - Turdus merula

4. Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus

29. Ladle - Aegithalos caudatus

5. Grouse - Bonasia bonasia

30. Yellow-headed kinglet - Regulus regulus

6. rock dove- Columba livia

31. great tit- Parus major

7. Tawny Owl - Strix aluco

32. Lazorevka - Parus caeruleus

8. Rough-legged Owl - Aegolius funereus

33. Blue Tit - Rarus cyanus

9. Little Owl - Athene noctua

34. Moskovka - Parus ater

10. Owl - Glaucidium passerinum

35. Fluffy - Parus montanus

11. Zhelna - Dryocopus martius

36. Crested Tit - Parus cristatus

12. Grey-haired woodpecker - Picus canus

37. Common nuthatch - Sitta europaea

13. Three-toed woodpecker - Picoides tridactylus

38. Common pika - Certhia familiaris

14. Big motley woodpecker -Dendrocopos major

39. Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis

15. White-backed woodpecker - Dendrocopos leucotos

40. Greenfinch - Сarduelis chloris

16. Lesser spotted woodpecker - Dendrocopos minor

41. Siskin - Carduelis spinus

17. Gray Shrike - Lanius excubitor

42. Common tap dance - Carduelis flammea

18. Common Waxwing - Bombycilla garrulus

43. Schur - Pinicola enucleator

19. Common starling - Sturnus vulgaris

44. Crossbill - Loxia curvirostra

20. Raven - Corvus corax

45. Pine crossbill - Loxia pyttyopsittacus

21. Hooded Crow - Corvus cornix

46. ​​Bullfinch - Purrhula purrrhula

22. Rook - Corvus frugilegus

47. Common Grosbeak - Coccothraustes coccothraustes

23. Common Jackdaw - Corvus monedula

48. Field sparrow - Passer montanus

24. Nucifraga caryocatactes

49. House Sparrow - Passer domesticus

25. Jay - Garrulus glandarius

50. Common oatmeal - Emberiza citrinella

The manual contains 28 subject pictures on cardboard, author's poems and riddles for them, didactic games.

Card file of subject pictures. Issue 9. Domestic, migratory, wintering birds. There is in the ozone.

Migratory and wintering birds. 50 didactic games dedicated to the lexical theme "Migratory and wintering birds". Color illustrative material is contained in the middle of the manual, can be easily removed from the book and can serve as a demonstration or handout.

Is the bullfinch a migratory bird?

No, not a flight!

Although we constantly see bullfinches only in winter, they are not migratory. In summer they live in forests where there is a lot of food. And in winter, bullfinches begin to fly long distances from the forests in search of food, and remain to winter in the urban zone. Also in winter, bullfinches peck at the berries left on the trees, for example, hawthorn or mountain ash.

The most interesting thing for children is to watch live birds on a walk. Often, kids have their favorite birds among the birds, to which they give names and even claim that they can distinguish them from all other birds in the yard.

Make a feeder, pour food into it. Very soon, the birds will get used to the fact that there is always food for them here, and they will begin to fly to your feeder. Watch them with your child. The most useful and most interesting thing is to make a whole series of such observations. A series of observations will give the baby much more for his mental and speech development than just reading a story about wintering birds or watching an educational film. After all, the film is likely to be quickly forgotten without consolidating and applying the information received.

In observations of wildlife, the child will learn to compare, draw conclusions, ask questions and look for answers to them, describe, find the exact words to express their thoughts.

What can we see in such observations? What should children pay attention to?

1. How do birds differ from each other in appearance? How are they similar? (They have a head, eyes, a beak to peck seeds, wings to fly, a body, paws, a tail, a body covered with feathers)

Compare, for example, a sparrow and a crow - how do they differ and how are they similar? (The crows are big. And the sparrows are small, gray-brown, they fly in a flock, nimble, jump on two legs. The crows are gray-black, a crow flies alone. A crow walks in a waddling, important, slowly). How are sparrows and doves similar and different? (The sparrow is smaller than the dove, it is of a different color. The sparrow jumps, and the dove walks. The sparrow chirps, and the dove cooes)

2. What is the difference between the habits of different birds:

  • how they peck food in the feeder (immediately sit on the feeder or be careful and first sit on the bushes, and only then fly up to the feeder),
  • whether they quarrel or not, whether they give in to each other,
  • how birds fly and walk
  • Are they close to people?
  • live alone or in flocks
  • what kind of food do they like (titmouse and woodpeckers like to eat unsalted lard, lard can be hung on a thread to the feeder, bullfinches and waxwings - berries, seeds are eaten by all birds, but sparrows and oatmeal love oats and millet)
  • at what time of the day they arrive at the feeder (when it is light),
  • in what cases birds make sounds - they shout, call to each other, and in what cases they silently peck grains,
  • what kind of beak the birds have and is it possible to guess what the bird eats by the shape of the beak (It is possible that birds that eat insects have a thin and narrow beak, and those birds that eat grain have a blunt and thicker beak)
  • What footprints do birds leave in the snow? (try to draw them and learn to read " bird stories”Following the tracks - which birds flew in, with whom did they meet at the feeder, how many birds were at the feeder?). This task is very popular with children. They feel like real trackers.
  • why, when a crow flies up, doves and sparrows fly away? (The crow is large, it has a strong beak, and small birds are afraid of it. That is why it is better to feed the crow separately so that it does not take away food from small birds)

Here are some notes for observing the habits of wintering birds with children.

sparrows- nimble, cheerful, mobile, often quarrel. They are bullies, they like to snatch her seeds from under the nose of the titmouse, they stay in a flock.

Here we are tap dance. They are noisy and talk to each other. The seeds peck. Tap dances can be different. There are brown tap dances with a gray breast, and there are with a red breast. Tap dancers are our guests. They come to us for the winter from the north.

pigeons slow, calm, not so shy, come close to a person.

Bullfinches- calm, sedate birds. And the sound of their voices is special - they whistle softly (they ring like bells). If they need to fly somewhere, then they come to life, call to each other and fly away with the whole flock. Bullfinches are very fond of eating berries, grain, ash and maple seeds. They come to us from the north - they are also our guests.

Crows, magpies, jackdaws - this is all "crow's relatives". They come to us from the forest in winter. In the forest, they always fly away from people, and in the city they are less afraid of people. In the evening they fly in flocks over the city, and then they fly to the park, sit there on the branches of trees and fall asleep until morning. Ravens are smart, do not come close to a person, cautious, waddling. Magpies are large, gray, and the head and wings are black. Her sides are white. Therefore, forty are called "variegated." Magpie jumps. She likes to eat unsalted bacon on the feeder.

titmouse have a yellow chest and a black cap on the head, white cheeks. They love to peck at lard, swinging on a rope, for which the lard is attached to the feeder.

Goldfinches come in flocks. They are very beautiful - there is a red spot on the forehead, and yellow stripes on the black wings. They are very mobile - real gymnasts! Goldfinches are fidgety, noisy, constantly screaming, quarreling, making noise, crouching, eating seeds.

During the observation, you can read poems about these birds to children. Poems about wintering birds for the youngest and older children can be found in this series of articles. It is very convenient to write or print poems on cards (the size of a quarter of an album sheet) and carry it with you for a walk in a pocket or purse. At any time, you can get a card and read the desired poem or guess a riddle.

Wintering and wandering birds in fairy tales, games, stories, riddles and tasks for kids

Very often, we, adults, do not know what kind of bird it is, we cannot tell children about it in an interesting way or answer the numerous questions of our whys. Therefore, I decided to make a kind of anthology for kids and adults on the Native Path, prepared pictures of wintering birds, coloring books, games, educational stories and fairy tales, assignments, poems and riddles on this topic. This anthology will consist of several parts. and about each wintering or wandering bird you will find a separate article with fairy tales, stories, pictures and tasks, cartoons.

I deliberately did not distribute this material by age of children. You can choose the excerpts, games, tasks that you like.

Wintering birds. Pictures for children.

Compare with the baby birds in these pictures. How are the two birds in each picture similar? What is the difference?

According to such paired pictures, it is very convenient to guess riddles-descriptions of wintering birds. And all the kids love to guess riddles and invent them! You describe the bird (without naming it) - talk about what wings, chest, head it has, how it walks, what it eats, and the baby guesses who you have guessed. Then the kid will be able to guess a riddle for you by describing the bird.

Speech game "Say the opposite"

In this speech game, the baby will learn to use words that are opposite in meaning to a given word (we are adults - we call such words antonyms).

Always rely on the experience of the child, inventing tasks for such games. Show the birds in the picture, photo or real birds on the feeder.

Sample tasks for children on the topic "Wintering Birds":

  • The crow is big, but the sparrow is what? (small)
  • Magpie long-tailed, and sparrow - what? (short-tailed)
  • The woodpecker is long-beaked, and the sparrow is what? (short-billed)
  • The crow's beak is big and thick, what about a sparrow? (small and thin)
  • The bullfinch has a red breast, and the titmouse has ...?
  • The bullfinch flew up to the forest, and the sparrow - ...?
  • The bullfinch is sitting on the top branch, and the sparrow is on ...?

Speech exercise "Call me affectionately"

This exercise is aimed at developing a language sense, which allows the child to experiment with the word and come up with new variants of it.

You can play this game in the "magic version". You give the child a "magic wand" and the baby turns the big one into a small one (the magic wand is a normal one, but beautiful pen or a pencil, to get a magic wand, you can wrap the pencil with foil or decorative paper). A wave of the "magic wand" - and a small bird will turn out of a bird, and a small tail will turn out of a large tail. Here are some sample words for a game on the topic "Wintering Birds"

  • bird - bird
  • Feather- ... (feather)
  • Wing - ... (wing)
  • Tail - ... (tail)
  • Beak - ... (beak)
  • Tit - ... (titmouse)
  • Chick - ... (chick)
  • Sparrow - ... (sparrow)
  • Crow - ... (funnel)
  • Dove - ... (dove)

We play hide and seek.

The game "Whose? Whose? Whose?"on the topic "Wintering Birds"

Tell your baby: “You already know many wintering birds. They decided to play hide and seek with you. Guess who hid behind a branch from you? (speech grammar game "Whose? Whose? Whose?" - we learn to use possessive adjectives - pigeon, sparrow, magpie, raven, titmouse, bullfinch, etc.). It is not necessary to use ready-made images. You can hide the pictures behind your palm, showing the baby only part of the image - for example, the tail of a bird or only the breast of a bird. And the child learns from this detail what kind of wintering or nomadic bird it is.

Here are my pictures-riddles for kids. All these pictures are good quality and permission is in the presentation at the end of the article. The presentation can be downloaded for free.

Riddles riddles:

  1. Tail, beak and breast bullfinch. Bullfinch tail, bullfinch beak, bullfinch breast. Ask the kid how he guessed that this was the beak of a bullfinch, because other birds have a very similar beak? (for red chest)
  2. This passerines feathers and tail are also sparrow. The sparrow is easily recognizable by its gray and brown plumage.
  3. head and beak pigeon. The dove is easily recognizable by its bluish feathers.

Game task on the topic “Wintering Birds” - “Spread out the stamps” (for children 5-7 years old)

In this game, the kid will learn to classify pictures and distinguish three subgroups in a group of birds: wintering birds, nomadic birds and migratory birds.

Tell the child a story. Explain what a stamp is and why it is needed, why a letter will not reach the addressee without a stamp. And then tell the story about the boy Vanya.

Vanya decided to collect stamps depicting various animals, insects and birds. Here are the brands.

Ask the child: "Help Vanya arrange the stamps in his album." Vanya figured it out. On one page of the album there will be migratory birds. On the other - wintering (those that live next to us both in summer and winter). On the third - nomads (our winter guests). But he is confused about which birds winter where. Can you help him figure it out?"

  • Look, here's Vanya's stamp album. This is a palm tree page. What bird stamps do you think will be on this page? That's right, there will be stamps with migratory birds that fly south and spend the winter there.
  • And here is the second page. It depicts rain and snow, summer and winter. So what kind of birds will be on it? (wintering birds that live next to us both in summer and winter).
  • And here is the icicle. This is our resort "Icicle" from a fairy tale. Here will be our winter guests - nomadic birds.

Look at Vanya's stamps. What stamps would you put on the palm tree page? What are these birds called? (These are migratory birds - swallows, storks)

And what nomadic birds are there on Vanya's stamps? (bullfinch, waxwing) On which page of the album should Vanya place these stamps?

What birds live with us both in summer and winter? (sparrow, crow). On which page of the album will we put these stamps?

You can use other options for this game:

1.Print pictures with the image of stamps and the image of the album on the printer. Then you get a sheet with a task in which the child draws lines from the bird to the desired page of the album with stamps.

2. Give the child pictures of birds and ask them to divide them into three groups.

3. If the exercise is carried out with a group of children, then you can give each child a picture of a bird in their hands. Draw three circles on the floor with chalk. In one circle put a picture with a palm tree, in the second - pictures of summer and winter, in the third picture with icicles - a sign of nomadic birds that have flown to our resort "Icicle".

Children depict birds. At the signal "day" the birds begin to fly. At the signal "Go home!" children look for their flock and run to the right circle. Migratory birds run in a circle depicting a palm tree, nomadic birds run in a circle depicting a flying bird, and so on. You need to have time to find your home and your flock of birds before the signal: "Night!". Then the birds fall asleep - each flock in its own house. At the signal “Day”, the birds begin to fly again, peck grains, and flap their wings. Then the signal “Go home!” sounds again. and the birds fly to their flocks.

You can introduce an additional character into the game - a cat or an owl, which will catch birds at night. The rule is that you can catch only those birds that did not have time to hide in their house. If the bird is caught, then it becomes a cat (or an owl) in the next game.

4. You can introduce a deliberate mistake into the game - for example, give the child a picture of a squirrel along with pictures of birds. When the baby begins to lay out the pictures into three groups, ask where he will put the picture with the squirrel, because she also does not live in trees? This is a problematic situation for a child, because indeed, a squirrel lives on a tree! What to do with this picture?

But does a squirrel look like a bird? Does she breed chicks? Does it have wings? How does it differ from birds? Can it be attributed to one of these three groups of birds? No!

In such problematic tasks, the kid learns to distinguish the main thing from the secondary, and this is very important for him. intellectual development! And he also learns to defend his opinion and not succumb to provocations!

If you want to believe, you want to check.

Folk omens about wintering birds

In the following articles, you can get to know the wintering birds closer. We will talk with each of them, listen to stories about them, solve riddles and find out Interesting games. On this topic you can read:

And together with the children, you can see the pictures of this article in high quality in the form of a presentation here. To view the picture in full screen mode, click the icon in the lower right corner.

Presentation for children "Wintering birds"

You can also present a presentation for children with pictures from this article in high quality for printing or showing to children on the screen, as well as in our Vkontakte group “Child Development from Birth to School” (see the group section “Documents” under community videos).


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

They remain in their native lands, and migratory ones change their range depending on the time of year. With the advent of cold weather, the food base is reduced, so birds fly to regions with warm winters and affordable food. Among the insectivorous species, there are more migratory birds than among the granivorous ones. In the spring they return to their habitable places to breed chicks. Bird migration can occur both over short and long distances.


The only migratory bird from the Raven family. The female and male build a nest in the tops of trees. Rooks, they feed on plant seeds, earthworms, May beetles. A small percentage of the diet is made up of small ones. Flight to warmer climes occurs in October. Rooks are early birds that return to their native places in March. Scientists noticed that in some regions they began to lead a sedentary lifestyle.


A tiny red-tailed bird lives in mixed forests, as well as gardens and parks. These birds feed on flies, beetles, small caterpillars and mosquitoes. Redstart flies in early autumn, and returns to its original place in May.

song thrush

These representatives of the avifauna have chosen forests with dense undergrowth. Males attract females with their trills. Their diet consists of insects and wild berries. In autumn, the song thrush flies to the west of Europe and the north of Africa. Arrival times depend on weather conditions. The birds return to their inhabited places no later than the first decade of April.


The bird is distinguished by a dense physique and a massive beak. Grosbeaks build their nests in the crowns of trees. found in deciduous forests, gardens and groves. The main food is the bones and seeds of fruit and berry plants. Departure is at the beginning of September.

field lark

The bird, which is slightly larger than a sparrow, lives in the fields and on the hills. Larks make their nests right on the ground, in the middle of rural areas. They feed on insects and seeds. The species winters in southern Europe, where it migrates in mid-September. Field larks massively return to their habitats in March, when the snow has not yet melted. They feed on last year's seeds, which they find in places warmed by the sun.


The little bird is known for its rolling trills. Finches are found in forest-steppes, forests, parks and gardens. They make nests in low trees. Adults feed on seeds, earthworms and caterpillars. For the winter, finches fly in huge flocks to Southern Europe and the Caucasus. Some individuals prefer to simply move to more southern regions. Arrival occurs at the beginning of April, and a month later, the birds start laying eggs.


A songbird of bright color that lives in Central Europe. She settles in mixed forests, groves and forest parks. The oriole tries to be inconspicuous, therefore it builds nests in the crowns of trees. The nest of stems, bast and plant fibers resembles a basket. The oriole is careful, she tries not to fly off the branches. Adults feed on snails, beetles, and caterpillars. The bird is considered valuable for forestry. In the summer, the oriole pecks at the fruits of bird cherry, mulberry and various berries. In August, birds fly to Africa and India for the winter. The oriole returns to its inhabited places only in May, when the air warms up well.

Forest horse

The natural habitat of these birds are fields, sparse forests, edges and overgrown clearings. The horse builds nests on the ground, in shallow pits. On the surface, birds move by running. Insects serve as a source of food, often the bird picks up seeds from the ground. In warm regions, skates move in small flocks or singly. Birds leave their habitats no later than the beginning of October. They migrate to Africa and India. The pipit returns from winter quarters in early April and immediately finds a nesting mate.

common cuckoo

The gray bird is slightly smaller than the dove. Perhaps there is no person who would not hear the trill of the cuckoo. Feathers are found throughout the country, from to. Cuckoos are polygamous birds. The female lays her eggs in the nests of small passerine species. The grown-up cuckoo throws other chicks out of the nest, but the "parents" continue to feed him. Adults are mobile and voracious. All day long they eat caterpillars, slugs, dragonflies and grasshoppers. Cuckoos fly to their winter quarters singly. Older generations fly earlier. They disappear from inhabited places by the end of August. Birds winter in Africa, Arabia and.

Swallow city

The bird has black plumage on its back and white plumage on its belly. The tail has a triangular ending. The city swallow, or funnel swallow, is not adapted to walking. Their lives are in flight. Birds catch insects on the fly and even drink water. The swallow lives in settlements throughout Europe. She makes nests of clay and earth on stone buildings. Birds arrive in mid-spring and occupy last year's nests. Departure to Africa falls in mid-September.


The closest relatives of the bird are nightingales. The robin is known for its sonorous and melodic voice. These birds live in alder, spruce and forest parks. They are a source of nutrition, in warm weather they eat berries. The robin nests on the ground. Birds fly to the south of Europe one by one. The birds return in April and immediately start nesting.


The species lives on the edges, in forest parks, thickets of grass. The range is distributed throughout the country. This species of warblers builds nests not only on the ground, but also in the thick of the undergrowth. They feed on cicadas, aphids, small butterflies and caterpillar pupae. Chiffchaffs winter in.

common starling

The starling is distributed from to semi-deserts. Migrations are observed in birds from the eastern parts of the range. The bulk of starlings nest in settlements, using specially built houses. IN wild nature Birds make their nests in hollow trees. Diet consists of invertebrates. Starlings winter in the tropics of Africa and Asia.


The bird is common in the European part of Russia. Its range is . Warbler nests mainly on young fir-trees, junipers and raspberries. Birds feed on insects and their larvae; a small proportion of the diet is berries and seeds. Departure to Africa falls on September, some individuals fly away only in October. Warbler-chernogolovka returns in mid-May.

common nightingale

The species is distributed in Europe and Siberia. The habitat is light forests, floodplains and city parks. The nightingale builds nests at the roots of bushes and in a heap autumn leaves. During the breeding season, the diet of birds consists of insects and invertebrates. At the height of summer, the nightingale feeds on berries, nuts and seeds. Wintering takes place in East Africa. Birds return to their original places in early June.

white wagtail

The color of the bird is gray-white, the long tail sways periodically. The wagtail is distributed throughout Eurasia. It lives along the banks of rivers, on the edges, in agricultural lands. Nests are often found in residential areas, squares and parks. The bird moves well on the ground. The main food is mosquitoes, dragonflies, flies and butterflies. In the southern regions of Russia, the wagtail leads a sedentary lifestyle. Departure to the Mediterranean falls at the beginning of September. Sometimes birds return to nesting sites to remember them. Birds arrive in March, when the rivers break up from the ice.


A small bird from the Rzhankov family, common in Europe. The back of the lapwing is painted black, shimmering with a metallic sheen. On the head there is a crest of long feathers. Birds prefer open spaces, therefore they settle in meadows, pastures and in river valleys. They build their nests in holes in the ground. It is difficult for a lapwing to protect offspring from; both partners take part in protecting the nest. In case of masonry ruin, the couple proceeds to the second attempt. Birds come together in flocks to search for food. The diet includes larvae, earthworms and snails. At the end of summer, lapwings gather in flocks and go to India, China and Japan for the winter. Birds return to nesting places in early spring, when snow is everywhere. They migrate both in pairs and in groups.

Many birds have become the messengers of spring. And this is no accident.

In winter, everything calms down, nature freezes, and the birds chirp is almost inaudible. But in the spring the world is again filled with sound. The migratory birds are back.

Sounds great, right? But in May-June I hardly fall asleep, the birds sing so loudly under my window. The earliest are thrushes. Three o'clock in the morning - they are already cracking.

In general, migratory birds delight with their return, of course, but waking up with the first roosters of thrushes is not very pleasant.

But back a little closer to the topic.

Why do birds fly away

Not because of the desire to change places.

One of the main factors is cold. Not every bird can survive thirty-degree frosts.

But winter is not only frost, it is also a sharp decrease in the amount of food resources. In this sense, omnivorous birds and "townspeople" birds have the least worries.

Typical non-migratory inhabitants of the city:

  • hoodie;
  • house sparrow;
  • gray dove.

Such types of animals that constantly coexist with humans are called synanthropic.

For waterfowl critical presence open water. Ducks are migratory birds, but in the presence of non-freezing reservoirs they winter well, which can be regularly observed in Moscow.

And this is not the only example when birds of the same species behave differently. They play a big role climatic conditions region and availability of forage

Which birds are called migratory and which are not

There are birds that move quite actively throughout the year, but migratory, strictly speaking, are not.

Birds are:

  • migratory;
  • nomadic;
  • settled.

Migratory birds are characterized annual seasonal migrations(flights).

But even settled birds can appear and disappear like swallows.

In winter, in cities you can often see handsome bullfinches, which suddenly "disappear" somewhere in the summer. Are they airborne? No.

You can see them even in summer in forests And large parks. It’s just that they don’t need to visit the city in search of food, since there is enough of it, and they are less visible among the leaves than on bare branches in winter.

Birds may also fly away from their homes if they are no longer habitable. migratory they don't get it. The reasons for this change of residence may be Forest fires, active human activity in this territory, etc.

Birds are the most mobile creatures living on earth. Due to the presence of wings, they can easily migrate over long distances due to changing weather conditions or environmental degradation. According to their ability to fly, birds are divided into two large groups:

  • wintering:
  • sedentary (never leave the inhabited territory);
  • nomadic (constantly on the move: moving from place to place, wanting to get food);
  • migratory (make constant movements, depending on the time of year).

Migratory birds - acquaintance

These birds seem to live in two houses: they have different wintering and nesting places, they can be located at a considerable distance from each other. Frequent migration goes through several stages, between which the birds take a break to rest. The list of such birds is quite extensive.

Birds begin to leave their permanent habitat at different periods: for example, orioles, nightingales, swifts begin to travel at the end of summer, although there are still warm days and food for them is a real abundance. And waterfowl (swans, ducks) leave their reservoirs very late, waiting for the first frosts.

Reasons for flying

Birds are most often thermophilic, their body is characterized by elevated temperature (often it exceeds 40 ° C). However, feathers protect them well from the cold, which is why, of course, they can live in the cold conditions of a harsh winter. But for this need more food. And in the snowy season, getting food is not easy! That is why birds have to leave their nests and fly to distant countries rich in food.

As a rule, the inhabitants of the tundra and taiga are more susceptible to flights, where natural conditions the most severe, and food in winter is extremely scarce. A regularity was also revealed: most often insectivorous and carnivorous birds migrate, less often - granivorous. The reason for this is obvious: you can find grain in winter, but even the sharpest beak will not get insects from under the snow. A large number of migratory and among the inhabitants of the middle zone.

Since there are a lot of them, imagine list of famous representatives feathered world:

  • martin;
  • lark;
  • landrail;
  • song thrush;
  • wagtail;
  • fieldfare;
  • lapwing;
  • nightingale;
  • oriole;
  • robin;
  • cuckoo;
  • finch;
  • heron;
  • woodcock;
  • gray flycatcher.

It is these birds that leave their places closer to autumn in order to return in the spring for breeding.

Buntings are of interest: before they were sedentary and ate in the stables all winter. However, due to the development of urban life and the gradual extinction of the village, there are fewer and fewer stables, so the birds had to switch to a migratory lifestyle. With ducks, the situation is the opposite: in urban waters, thanks to humans, there is now enough food, so they can spend the whole winter there, that is, they become hibernators.

Species of migratory birds

Among the migratory birds, one can distinguish two main types:

Instinctive is usually insectivorous birds that leave their nests in advance, without waiting for the arrival of cold weather. They instinctively feel the approach of autumn, although there are still warm days. To understand that it is time to hit the road, they are allowed to reduce the length of daylight hours.

Weather - most often these are granivorous or birds with a mixed type of food. They fly away if the weather deteriorates significantly, for a short distance and a short time.

Why are they coming back

There is still no clear answer to the question of what prompts birds to leave warm places rich in food and return, overcoming great distances to the abandoned nests. Scientists have put forward several hypotheses.

Many are interested in the question, is the crossbill migratory? No it's nomadic species, which is evidenced by the following signs:

  • he makes movements not related to seasonality, but in search of food,
  • migrations do not occur along a certain route, but in a chaotic manner;
  • the nesting area directly depends on the amount of food: pine, spruce, larch seeds.

In a similar way, cedar, waxwings, and schury behave in a similar way, therefore they are also nomadic representatives of the feathered world.

Black grouse and crow

Are black grouse a migratory bird or not? Despite the most severe cold and lack of food, this bird remains in its habitat and does not migrate. Special devices help this wintering bird not to die in the cold: they are headlong burrow into the soft snow and bask, since in the resulting well the air from breathing heats up. And for nutrition, the black grouse uses berries and buds previously hidden in the goiter.

And the crows? These birds are wintering. They do not fly, they prefer to live in an urban environment, eat carrion or in garbage dumps, and hunt for ruining other people's nests and hunting for small rodents. Due to their dense plumage and unpretentiousness in food, crows easily survive the winter cold.


This wise bird leads a sedentary life without migrating. In cold weather, there is enough food for an owl in the forest, so it can easily cope with the difficulties of wintering. Due to the fact that this predator has tenacious claws, an owl can catch small rodents, which are in its diet most often in cold weather.

The world of migratory birds is very rich and diverse, many of them lead a completely unique way of life. However, sedentary birds are also of interest due to how they manage to adapt to adverse conditions and survive in a hungry winter. It remains only to admire the logic and thoughtfulness of nature!