Interesting tasks for teachers at the concert. Game program dedicated to teacher's day

How to surprise teachers on their professional holiday? There are many ideas and options, and many of them are quite real. But it's better to come up with interesting scenario for teacher's day at school with competitions and nominations for teachers so that they are completely delighted with what is happening. Games and competitions should be such that teachers of different generations can play them, and it is desirable to make the nominations simple, without complex problems. Check out our version of this scenario and try it out.

Dear friends! Today we have wonderful holiday We are celebrating Teacher's Day. This is not just an ordinary calendar holiday, but a holiday celebrated by the whole country and every person. After all, we all once studied at school and received knowledge from teachers, and we are all involved in this day.
Today we will congratulate our beloved teachers, give them flowers, reward certificates of honor and diplomas. And so, please pay attention - we start the holiday!

The guitarist takes the stage musical group and sings a song about teachers.

Watch the video, maybe this song will suit you.

After such a touching and kind song, I want to cry. But let's leave it for later, and now we will continue the holiday and play.

Competition for teachers - what kind of book?

This competition is for teachers. The host takes a book, which is pre-wrapped in an opaque wrapper and reads any piece from it. And teachers must answer what kind of book, what subject, and so on.
So you can play 3-5 times, if the teachers like it, then continue the game further.

So we tested the knowledge of our teachers. Not tired? We see that we are tired. Of course, answering and thinking is difficult. But we are not tired, so we invite you to look at our dance!

The dance group shows a pre-prepared dance or flash mob. Put on a real show that will be remembered long after your graduation!

See an example in the video of how students from other schools showed dances:

Many teachers thought that dance is our gift. In fact, we thought so at first, but then we decided that gifts should be meaningful, and here are our gifts!

Gifts for teachers.

Here the host and assistants present gifts to teachers. First, they are handed over to those who have worked at the school for up to five years - such teachers are handed a jug. They are handed with the words: the jug symbolizes the life-giving source of knowledge and you have so many of them that you can fill many jugs with them.
Further gifts to teachers who have worked at the school for up to ten years. They are handed - lamps. The words are as follows: for many years you have been illuminating the road to reason for children.
It was the turn of teachers who had worked in their field for up to 15 years. Their gift: a watch. The clock is a symbol of time and the connection of generations. It is you who bind the students and the older generation together.
For teachers who have worked at the school for up to 20 years, we give a box. The box is a kind of treasure trove of wisdom. Thanks to you, many generations of smart children graduated from the school.
And now we are presenting gifts to all other teachers who have worked at the school for more than 25 years. Their gift is crystal. Crystal is the versatility of talent and a great souvenir for what you do!

And again, we want to test the teachers a little and have prepared a competition for them. We all know that teachers can do a lot. They can teach two classes at the same time. Tell new topic and dream at the same time. They can tell us - sit quietly, and go home early ...
In general, teachers can do everything. Do they know their subject and the subjects of their colleagues? We will check this now.

Game for teachers: school knowledge.

And so, the first question for a physical education teacher who should answer us: were there skis in Pushkin's time and were there any competitions on them?
A physical education teacher can ask for help from a literature teacher.

After the meeting of the teachers and their answer, the rider reads out the correct answer:
No. At the time of Pushkin, they did not go in for skiing. Remember the lines: “Are you still dozing, lovely friend? It's time, beauty, wake up!
With these lines, Pushkin proves that there was no sport at all, and people were constantly sleeping and not being active.

The teacher confers with the physical education teacher and gives an answer. Then the correct answer is read:
We find the fulcrum of the body, choose the trajectory, push off and smoothly rise to a given height. This is where the climax comes, folks. Our body, having reached the highest point, makes the return journey - a jump from a height. At what angle, do you wonder? What determines the flight path? Do not forget that the earth's gravity, acceleration, and gravity act on the body. All this must be taken into account when you start to land.

We laughed, played, it's time to move on to the main thing: nominations for teachers!

Block - nominations for teachers.

Here you can come up with your own nominations, adjusting to your teachers. We offer the usual option, where each subject teacher is awarded with his own prize.

We have more to show you. And now let's see the scene prepared by our actors!

Scene for teachers.

Pupils show a skit for teachers. You can come up with something of your own, for example, remember funny stories from your class. Or you can watch the video and get the idea from there:

And so our holiday comes to an end. We offer to applaud the teachers in unison and smoothly move on to the festive disco!

It occupies a special place both in importance and in the involvement of the majority of the country's population in it: the educators themselves, their friends and relatives, students of all ages and their parents. And, of course, teachers receive the main congratulations at school from children and administration, but in many teams it has become a good tradition to gather in the evening after class and celebrate the holiday with colleagues. But even going adult company educators rarely manage to do without talking about the school and, often, entertainment is also closely related to the profession, lessons and school topics. For organizers corporate holidays and lovers of themed entertainment, we offer several new ideas - Games and competitions Teacher's Day"In the circle of colleagues", which can be taken as the basis of the script.

Game for subject teachers "Geographer, feel for your globe"

Props: a large box with attributes of school items: a globe or a map, cardboard letters or notebooks or a toy tongue, cardboard numbers or a ruler, a microscope or a plant, embroidery items and plasticine, test tubes or a bottle with a substance, a Monomakh hat or a toy sword, bandages or a gas mask, a ball or a rope, folded sheets of poetry or a pen, a textbook on social studies, a weight or a flask, small figures of planets, brushes or an album, a microphone or a musical instrument, you can also use any paraphernalia of objects, textbooks, figurines, portraits of scientists and completely foreign objects to confuse the participants and make the contest more funny. The box needs to be big enough to fit everything.

The essence of the game: the leader calls the participants in turn, puts a box in front of each, then the teachers with their eyes closed try to find something related to his discipline. The action is accompanied by the host's comments, he constantly asks what the participant felt and what he thinks it is. When the subject is chosen with confidence, the teacher takes it out, there is a discussion with the presenter, if there is a photographer, then a photo with the subject. Then the next participant is invited. If the items do not match, it’s even funnier, the search process itself is important. The competition is accompanied by background music.

Musical dialogue with the audience "Did you know?"

Lead to entertainment: Now you will learn about many secret thoughts of some attributes and participants of the school process, which are reflected in the songs.

1) Did you know that the diary's complaint song is…..? -

Plays an excerpt from "My Attempt Number Five".

2) Did you know that the favorite song of the school table is…..

Plays an excerpt from the song "Only a glass of vodka on the table".

3) Did you know that the song of a geography teacher who is looking for at least one secluded place on the map is ... ..

Plays an excerpt from the song "A week before the second, I will leave for Komarovo".

4) Did you know that the song of the learned paragraph that escaped from the student is…..

Plays an excerpt from the song "And you told me I won't come again".

5) Did you know that the song of the board that you don't really want to this moment so that you go to her ... ..

Plays an excerpt from the song "Try Stop".

6) Did you know that the song of the student who doubts the accent of this rare name is……

Plays an excerpt from the song "Faina, Faina".

7) Did you know that the song of the paragraph you learned 5 minutes before the lesson is……

Plays an excerpt from the song "If you forget me, then I will answer."

8) Did you know that the song of the students who are glad that another was called to the board is ......

Plays an excerpt from the song "Goodbye, goodbye."

9) Did you know that the visit log's favorite song is …….

An excerpt from the song "It's great that we are all here today" plays.

10) Did you know that the song of the diary, which has already become related to the blue pen, is ....

Plays an excerpt from the song "Mood Color Blue".

Dance warm-up "Teacher-partner"

Lead to entertainment: Dear teachers! Well? what are we going to study? (answer) What about having fun? (answer) I propose to do this: today I will give you the coolest and most fun lesson, in which each of you will not be a teacher, but a super hanger! Ready? (answer). Then I ask everyone to me! Let's start with a warm-up! I will call you the exercise, and you be ready to perform it correctly, and most importantly, incendiary.

(The warm-up is accompanied by background music. The host calls the exercises and shows an example.)

List of warm-up exercises:

- The physical education teacher warms up (the first is the simplest, the presenter shows a standard warm-up, then there is a complication)

- The geography teacher turned into a globe and revolves around himself (the presenter shows all the movements with turns and rotations)

- The magnifying glass in the hands of the biology teacher turned into a hot potato (if there is an object, it can be used, if not, the corresponding hand movements go)

- The fingers and toes of the Russian teacher turned into dancing letters (everyone dances with their fingers, and do not forget about the legs too)

- The geometry teacher decided to feel like a compass (circling around its axis)

- The teacher of labor decided to recall the mechanical sewing machine(it turns out a wonderful dance movement with the hands)

- The teacher of literature felt like a romantic literary hero and is preparing to dance at the ball (rehearsing waltz movements)

- The physics teacher decided to test the force of gravity in the dance (they dance, cuddling closely with a partner)

- History teacher emotionally talks about military battles (everyone shows fighting and the like)

- The geography teacher lost the map and now independently shows where the rivers and continents are (active hand movements)

- The social studies teacher decided that the society really knows him and decided to greet everyone (movements - everyone says hello and give each other five, waving)

- The English teacher speaks with every movement English word(for example, any movement andOK, OK, OK, then another andhello hello hello)

- Astronomy teacher on the same wavelength with space (wave movements)

- The fine arts teacher forgot what brushes are and draws with his palms all over himself and throughout the space (all movements with the palms)

- The music teacher decided that the notes in the music lesson should compete, who will jump higher on the staff (jumping movements).

- Chemical elements have sharply turned into you and now they want to react (everyone dances in pairs or more, the leader helps to unite) More molecules! (everyone unites)

Dance competition for Teacher's Day "To the blackboard!"

Lead to entertainment: Today, my task is to entertain you and involve you in entertainment, which means making offers that are impossible or unacceptable to refuse! And in light of this, I declare the dance floor a school board, to which I, as a teacher, will call you! So let's call our next dance competition"To the blackboard!"

The essence of the competition: the host calls the first participant to himself and names the subject or task. What subject, such should be the style of dance. For example, if mathematics, then you can dance like a ruler or count on your fingers, if physical education, then jump, run and dance with the ball. Next, the leader calls the second participant, and the task is to dance already in pairs and interact, for example, if the subject is life safety, then dance in the style of salvation. So the number of participants is added, the game continues until the list of items or tasks ends. Background music plays, the presenter comments and helps with movements.

Task examples:

One participant - Dance in the style of literature.

Two participants - Dance in the style of OBZH.

Three participants - Dance in the style of mathematics

Four participants - Dance in the style of the school basketball team.

Five participants - Dance of little ducklings at a biology lesson.

Six participants - Dance of letters at the lesson of the Russian language.

Seven participants - Dance on the subbotnik during the labor lesson.

Eight participants - Dance of chemists.

Nine participants - Dance of the stars in an astronomy lesson.

Ten participants - Dance of brushes at the lesson of fine arts.

Eleven participants - Dance of cribs in your pocket, etc.

Twelve participants - Dance of the months in the academic year.

Thirteen participants - Dance marks for the week in the diary.

How to organize a professional meeting to make it fun and interesting? Surely various table entertainments will come in handy and, despite the fact that the work of the Teacher is very difficult, as a rule, even when resting, they cannot forget about it. We offer a new drinking role-playing tale for Teacher's Day, which will bring variety and entertain the heroes of the occasion.

Participants receive cards with remarks and pronounce them as artistically as possible - whenever the name of "their" character appears in the text.

Characters and their lines:

School"We will learn everything";

Teacher"I can't help it!";

Magazine“I have all the moves recorded!”;

Books(2 people) "A storehouse of knowledge";

Board"I will endure everything";

Computer"Nowhere without me"

Unified State Examination "And who is it easy?" ;

Students(2 people) "What are we, we are nothing"

The text of the table tale.

Early in the morning at the School ... silence. Pupils… still have breakfast at home, comb their hair, wash their faces, collect their briefcase, in general, they are preparing for the School… The teacher… is already at the workplace. He is cheerful, full of strength, inspired, ready to sow reasonable, kind, eternal in the minds and souls of his Students... Teacher..., like no one else knows the price of the Books... He knows each of them, more than one sleepless night Teacher.. devoted to reading. A special place is occupied by the cool Journal... This document is similar in value and significance to a passport, and therefore, the Class Journal... is the holy of holies of any School... The teacher... works with the Board... The topic, number, diagrams, tables appear on the Board.. The computer is involved in the process of preparing the lesson ... All efforts are aimed at ensuring that the Students ... learn educational material and passed the Unified State Examination... The board... is covered with chalk notes, presentations are loaded into the school Computer... There are a lot of smart books on the teacher's desk... in anticipation of the lesson. In the Journal ... all the necessary entries have already been made. The teacher ... understands that the exam is not far off ...

And now the School… is filled with the noise of the Students… The Teacher… is mobilized, he is ready to create, teach, surprise. Teachers .. do not frighten any OGE, GIA, GEF, UUD, USE ... he loves his job, he loves his Students ... !. No reforms, innovations, innovations will be able to cut off the oxygen to the great living organism called the School... And no matter what Pupils... stand at the Board... no matter what presentations and tasks are loaded into the Computer... and no matter what USE... descends from above, Teacher ... will show good results, that's why he is a teacher ...

And, of course, on their professional holiday, all the Teachers ... in all Schools ... countries will put Class Magazines aside for at least one evening ... and Books ..., will not approach the Computer ... and the School Board, will finally forget about the Unified State Examination . And they will receive only congratulations from the Students…, their parents, relatives and colleagues! And may the Teachers, at least on this day... otherwise live easily, cheerfully and carefree!

No wonder they say that the teacher is the second parent of every child in the class. Teacher's Day is a very important professional holiday for every teacher. Very often there is an invisible connection between a teacher and a student. After all, it is with the teacher that the children spend a lot of time, learn something new.

It is the teacher who teaches us mathematics and geography, but not only this, but also what good and evil are, and how to become successful person. The teacher will always understand, give valuable advice, support in difficult times. It is not surprising that there is such a holiday as Teacher's Day. How to celebrate it with students in a fun and unforgettable way?

How to organize a holiday for Teacher's Day?

To organize good holiday First of all, you need to choose a place. Most of the time it's a school. You can arrange a fun celebration in your own class, after school. Several students, most often girls, will help color the class. The boys will move their desks to create more space in the classroom. You can buy a cake, various pastries and sweet water. But an integral part of any holiday at school, whether it be February 14 or March 8, are funny contests. What contests can be chosen for Teacher's Day so that this day will be remembered for a long time?

Fun games and contests for Teacher's Day.

Competition number 1. "Come to the blackboard!"

For this competition we need a teacher, 5 people and 5 large bedspreads. The teacher leaves the class. The host chooses 5 people, wraps them in blankets so that it is not clear who they are. These five are at the blackboard. Then the teacher comes in. His task is to guess who is hidden under the covers. The teacher approaches the first student and says “….. come to the blackboard.” First, the teacher says the name of the student. As a reward, the teacher receives as many sweets as the number of students he guessed.

Competition number 2. "Change".

Everyone can take part in this competition. Music is playing in the classroom, but when the leader rings the bell to signal recess, everyone must quickly rush out of the classroom. The one who ran out last - lost. The teacher gives him a piece of paper with a funny task that the loser must complete. It can be, for example, "10 push-ups", "kiss on the cheek of the one who is sitting or standing on the right."

Competition number 3. "Pointer".

This competition requires 10 people. These 10 students are divided into 2 teams of 5 people each. Each team is given paper and tape. The task of the team is to make a pointer in 40 seconds. The team with the longest pointer wins. The teacher can give some funny task to the losing team, and the winning team receives prizes.

Competition number 4. "Skilled Hands".

There are two guys in this competition. They sit down at the desk. Each is given a small piece of fabric, a needle and thread and many different buttons. The host takes a minute, and the guys must demonstrate how independent they are and how they are prepared for adulthood. The one who sews more buttons, and who will have them more diverse (with two, four holes or buttons on the leg) - won.

Competition number 5. "Globe".

This competition requires 12 people. The guys are divided into 2 teams, 6 people in each. The host gives each team various materials at hand: glue, adhesive tape, paper, newspapers, plasticine, fabric, etc. The task of both teams is to make a real globe out of this trash. Participants are given 3 minutes to complete the task. The team with the larger globe wins.

Competition number 6. "Countries and Their Capitals".

10 people must participate in this competition. These 10 people are divided into two teams. All participants are given 3 minutes to remember all kinds of countries and their capitals and write them down on a piece of paper. Then the lists are compared, repetitions are crossed out, and those countries in which the wrong capitals are indicated. The team with the most countries with capitals left on the list wins.

Competition number 7. "No emotion."

Anyone can participate in this competition. But you need to choose 3 people. The three sit on three chairs near the blackboard. Their task is not to show emotions, not to react to anything and sit with stone faces. All the rest can scare them, make them laugh, anger, in general, do everything to achieve at least some kind of reaction. The participant who did not succumb to any provocation wins.

Competition number 8. "Pyramid".

For this competition, we need 2 teams of seven people and 2 chairs. The task of each team is to fit all seven on one chair so that not a single participant touches the floor. You can only touch the chair and each other. For everything about everything, both teams are given 2 minutes. That team, in which at least one participant touches the floor, did not have time to find a place for himself, fell and so on - lost.

Competition number 9. "The Works of Shakespeare".

This competition is more intellectual and will especially appeal to the teacher of foreign literature. 4 people must participate in the competition. Each of the participants rolls a die, thereby determining who will be the first, second, third and fourth. In the appropriate order, each participant recites by heart an excerpt from a play or any Shakespearean sonnet they can remember. If all four were able to tell something, we go again in a circle. Until there is only one winner left.

Competition number 10. "Algebra".

This competition requires 8 people. All participants are divided into two teams, but so that the people were equally divided. The host takes 20 pieces of paper, writes any numbers on them. But on the first ten leaves, the numbers should be green, and on the other ten - purple. Each team chooses their own color. The task of both teams is to collect as many leaves of exactly their color as possible, and then add up all the numbers. The team that copes earlier and the result is correct wins.

Competition number 11. "Cubes".

This competition consists of 2 teams of 3 people. The first team is the boys team, blue. The second is the girls' team, pink. Each team is hooked to the chest and back by a letter of the corresponding color. Now these students are cubes. The first team comes to the board. The teacher marks the minute. The host speaks simple words, consisting of 3 letters, and the team must line up in a line so that this word is obtained. Then the second command does the same. The team with the most words wins.

Competition number 12. "Cosmonauts".

For this show jumping you will need 2 people and 2 chairs. Chairs are in the middle of the classroom. Both astronauts are blindfolded and untwisted. Their task is to find a chair with their eyes closed and sit on it without falling. All classmates help the participants with words, claps. Whoever completes the task first wins.

Competition number 13. "Girl of my dreams".

There are 2 boys and 2 girls in this competition. They are divided into teams, each with one boy and one girl. The guys are blindfolded and given chalk in their hands. Their task is to draw the girl of their dreams on the board. The task of the girls is to guide their partner, giving him hints. But you cannot help with your hands, only with words. The winner is determined by all those present by general vote.

Competition number 14. "Memory".

This game is aimed at finding out which of the participants has a better memory. Three students are participating in the competition. The facilitator distributes to each student a card, which depicts various geometric shapes of different colors in a different order. Participants are given 20 seconds to memorize everything. Then, from memory, each student draws with colored crayons the figures that he had in the card. The one who drew more correct figures, the correct color - won.

The duties of teachers often include the organization of various school and extracurricular activities. But on Teacher's Day, other people need to make sure that the professional holiday becomes a bright event in the life of the teaching staff. A selection of original funny contests very useful for this purpose. Competitions will make the event interesting and captivate not only adults, but also children.

Teachers are divided into teams of several people and in a certain time, for example, 5 minutes, the teams must make a list of films, cartoons, stories and novels that mention the school or the educational process, for example, “ Big change”,“ Adventures of Electronics ”,“ Guest from the Future ”,“ Singing Bird ”and so on. The team with the longest list will win.

teacher to teacher

Teachers are asked questions from the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball subjects, who first raises his hand. He answers. For the correct answer - one point, of course, the teacher who leads the subject from which the question is asked does not answer. Whoever gets the most points wins.
Sample questions:
Who wrote "Woe from Wit" (Griboyedov)
What is the name of the first part of the physical education lesson? (organizing)
How is power measured? (watt)
What is a chemical reaction that releases heat called? (exothermic)
Do prokaryotes have a nucleus? (No)
Prince Igor fought with the Tatars or the Pechenegs? (with Pechenegs)

poet teachers

Each teacher takes out a fant, in which the name of another teacher is indicated. The teacher should rhyme the surname in such a way as to make a kind of compliment to a colleague, for example, teacher Tomilina is a smart convolution, teacher Petrova leads lessons with drive, teacher Pasyukevich is full of mysteries and shades, like Malevich, and so on. Whoever gets the best rhyme will win a prize.


The contestants are divided into teams. Each team is given a newspaper and scotch tape. With the help of these items, the team must make a pointer. The longer it gets, the more chances to win. Team members are allowed to support the pointer with their hands, but the diameter of the item should not exceed 5 centimeters. The team with the longest and thinnest pointer wins.

most famous teacher

Children answer the same questions about each of the teachers. About which of the teachers the children know more information, that is, the teacher, to the questions about which the children will give more correct answers, is recognized as the most famous and receives a medal.
Sample questions:
At what age did you start teaching?
How many schools did you work in?
Favorite activity in your free time?
How many children?
Favorite color?
Favorite season?
Favorite writer?
What do you like more: tea or coffee?
What will he choose: the sea or the mountains? And so on.

Checking notebooks

Participants of the competition are given ten sheets of paper of a small size. At the signal of the leader, the players begin the “check”. The player must draw a flower on one side of the sheet, and a sun on the other, and put a signature. The one who completed the task faster than the others becomes the winner. Before presenting the prize, the presenter checks if all the pages are signed.


The participants are divided into teams. The host announces that each of them needs to build a “globe”, that is, a ball, from improvised means. It can be made from paper, clothing, any other materials. But the most important condition is that it must be of a larger diameter than that of the opposing team. The team that makes the largest globe wins.


Several participants or teams are offered to remember and write down as many names of sciences existing in the world in two or three minutes. After that, the resulting lists are compared, duplicated names are crossed out in them, and the number of remaining sciences in the list of each team is counted. The one who remembered and managed to write down more won.