Human parasites presentation on biology. Protozoa-parasites

Helminths and their prevention

Completed by: Asfandiyarova R.R. .

Hidden threat

"The defeat of the child by helminths"

"Brain damage by ascaris"

"We are in danger"

What are helminths?


According to localization, luminal helminthiases are distinguished, including intestinal - ascariasis, trichuriasis, strongyloidiasis, teniarinhoz, etc.; helminthiases of the hepatobiliary system - opisthorchiasis, clonorchiasis, fascioliasis; pulmonary helminthiases - paragonimiasis, tominxosis; tissue helminthiases - trichinosis, schistosomiasis, filariasis, toxocariasis.

"External symptoms of helminthiases"

Acne, acne, roughness of the skin, peeling of the skin of the fingers, freckles, early wrinkles on the face, papillomas, cracked heels, detachment and breaking of nails - tells us that the gastrointestinal tract is infected.

The simplest infection disables the self-regulation and immune defenses of the body. There is an infection, frequent acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, as well as snoring in a dream.

  • In children: cause developmental delay, anemia, weakening of mental abilities, poor performance, exhaustion.
  • For women and men: loss of strength, inflammation of the adrenal glands, bladder, kidneys, mental disorder.
  • The generation that replaces infected parents dies 10-15 years earlier.

"Diagnosis by a drop of blood"

Blood is a true and objective indicator of your well-being.

In 1953, the Danish physicist Fritz Zernik was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the "phase contrast" effect.

Using a microscope and a TV monitor through a video camera, allows the doctor and patient to see firsthand the level of toxicity and contamination of the patient's blood.

This test allows you to look at the root causes of the weakening of your condition:

Prevention and control measures

Project objectives:


Trichomonas cause diseases of the genitourinary system, intestines, mouth, blood, vessels. Diseases: diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, stroke, heart attack, cancer. Fungi - an abundance of various diseases, the formation and development of oncology.

Giardia affects the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, and the small intestine. Giardiasis can cause duodenitis, pancreatitis, enteritis, hepatitis and cholecystitis.

Roundworms cause pulmonary, biliary and intestinal diseases.

Opisthorchiasis causes allergies, biliary dyskinesia, diseases of the stomach and intestines, hepatic and bile ducts, dysbacteriosis, vegetovascular dystonia, and affects the pancreas.

Pinworms - enterobiasis, an abundance of intestinal diseases, allergic reactions, severe itching around the anus at night.

Fascioliasis causes allergies, biliary dyskinesia, chronic hepatitis.

Asciolopsidosis is involved in the formation and development of various oncological diseases.

Chlamydia causes infertility, indigestion, various lesions of the pancreas (including diabetes), liver and lead to heart attacks.

Chlamydial infection, for example, is dangerous because it does not always lead to a well-defined inflammation. There may not be an obvious disease, but there is a lot of chlamydia in the blood. Often, chlamydia occurs with almost no symptoms. And in 40 - 50 years - a heart attack! This is because chlamydia is too tenacious, and besides, they know how to "hide" in white blood cells. That is why the body itself hardly fights chlamydia, it simply does not notice them.


2. Always wash your hands with soap and hot water.

3. When using fresh herbs for salads, pour boiling water over them.

4.Wash chicken eggs with soap before using them in the preparation of any dishes.

5. Be sure to wash bananas and citrus fruits before eating. It does not matter that you do not eat the peel, you touch it with your hands, with which you then touch the flesh.

6. If you like to walk barefoot, wash your feet thoroughly after such walks with soap and hot water.

7. Wash your hands after every contact with pets. If you have a cat or dog at home, do not give them fresh meat, fish, or chicken without first freezing or boiling them.

8. Do not drink raw water in the country, in the village and other places where you can doubt its thorough disinfection.

Following simple hygiene standards will protect you from dangerous diseases.

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Roundworms, pinworms Pinworm is the most common helminth in children. They live in the lower part of the intestine. Females actively exit the anus, lay eggs (from 5,000 to 15,000 per day) and die. After 4-6 hours, the eggs ripen, fall on bed linen, hands, fall into the mouth.

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Toxocara The main host is dogs, but human infection can also occur. The length of the helminth is up to 30 cm. The female lays 200,000 eggs daily, which remain viable for several years. With dust, sand, on shoes, through dirty hands, eggs enter a person’s house, infection occurs.

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Hookworm - hookhead Adult worms are 5-13 mm in size, live in the intestines, where they attach to the villi, sucking them into the mouth. Total population can reach from a few pieces to 2 million. The female lays up to 20,000 eggs per day.

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Helminth larvae that have matured in the soil enter a person through dirty hands. Migrating through the body through the blood vessels, they settle in the lungs, heart. Growing up, fall into oral cavity and are swallowed, they feed on blood.

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Echinococcus Mature individual has a head with 4 suckers and a double crown of 40 hooks, a neck and 2-3 body segments.

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Human infection occurs through contact with infected animals, when collecting berries and herbs, drinking water from contaminated sources. In the human intestine, the larvae penetrate into the blood vessels and are carried by the blood stream, linger in the liver, lungs, kidneys, and settle in the bones and brain. There, the echinococcus begins to form a capsule with many worms, the size of such a capsule can reach the size of a soccer ball, while squeezing and dying off the host tissues.

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Test for the possibility of infection with helminths Yes - 2 points, Sometimes - 1 point, No - 0 points. Do you swim in rivers, ponds? Do you drink water from unverified sources, such as a well in a village? Do you fertilize your garden with manure? Do you eat homemade lard with streaks of meat? Do you eat salted freshwater fish?

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6. Do you eat freshly cooked pork skewers? 7. Do you eat "wild meat" like bear meat? 8. Do you use lightly salted caviar of your own preparation? 9. Do you eat vegetables straight from the garden? 10. Do you eat fruits and berries straight from the garden, such as strawberries? 11. Do you eat fallen fruits like apples? 12. Store carrots in sand taken from the yard?

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13. Don't wash your hands with soap before eating? 14. Do not boil all the greens before cooking? 15. Don't wash chicken eggs? 16. Do not wash bananas, oranges, tangerines before eating? 17. Do you walk barefoot on the grass? 18. Were there helminthic diseases in the family, for example, pinworms in children? 19. Does the family have a dog or a cat?

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0-5 points The helminths have almost no chance of finding you as a host. Keep doing the same. 6-12 points Chances of infection are real. You need to strengthen the rules of your own hygiene, reconsider some aspects of nutrition and rest in order to increase the degree of your protection from the penetration of helminths.

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13-25 points You have absolutely real chances to become the owner of about 150 types of helminths. You are a desirable object for them, because you do not have sufficient information about the methods of infection, or do not attach importance to it. Over 25 points You are the best helminth friend! You need to completely reconsider your views on personal sanitary safety!

I've done the work:

5th grade student B

2. Malarial Plasmodium.

3. Giardia.

4. Mystery chests

5. Feelword "The Simplest"


Malarial Plasmodium

  • Malarial Plasmodium causes malaria, which occurs with attacks of fever, changes in the blood, enlargement of the liver and spleen. The source of the disease is a person with malaria, and the carrier is a female malaria mosquito. The female mosquito, becoming infected by sucking the blood of the patient, becomes able to transmit plasmodia. A healthy person becomes infected by the bite of a mosquito infected with plasmodia, with whose saliva pathogens enter the body.

  • lamblia cause disease in the small intestine, sometimes in the gallbladder. The mobile form of Giardia has four pairs of flagella and a suction disk, with which it attaches to the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Most often, children get sick.

Mystery chests

Question #1

How does the disease "Malarial Plasmodium" appear?

If a person is bitten by a malarial mosquito.

Question #2

Amoeba vulgaris has a permanent body shape? And why?

No. The body of the amoeba is mobile and it does not have a permanent body shape.

Question #3

Which protozoan has cilia (VIEW)?


Question #4

Why can protozoa be called cell-organisms?

Bacteria do not have a nucleus, but protozoa have a nucleus.

Question #5

How does Amoeba ordinary move?

With the help of false feet

Feelword "Protozoa"

Internet sources

  • http://
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