We write an explanatory note about an error in work - instructions and examples

Mistakes by employees in the performance of their duties can have serious consequences, cause material damage to the employer, harm to the health of employees. The employer may apply a disciplinary sanction to the employee for mistakes made, up to and including termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer.

You can download a sample order to impose a penalty in the form of dismissal.

The task of the employer is to make every possible effort in order to objectively assess the error of the employee. It is necessary to receive a memorandum from the head of the department and an explanatory note from the employee.

The guilty employee must write an explanatory note about the error in the work and the reasons for this. There are no strict requirements for the execution of the document, however, you need to understand that this is an official document intended for the head of the organization, and therefore you should state what happened without undue emotions, the style should be official and businesslike.

You should not blame others for your mistake, it is better to think over the reason why it could be allowed. Three samples of writing an explanatory note about an error in work are presented for free download below.

Many employees do not pay due attention to this document, however, it is important for making the right decision about the possibility of punishment.

Insignificant errors in the work may result in reprimands or comments. If the errors are systematic or their consequences have caused serious harm to health, caused significant damage to the property of the organization, or caused significant losses of customers, then the employee may be dismissed under Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to write an explanatory note about a mistake at work?

Error in filling out documents

Usually the note is handwritten on a piece of paper by the guilty worker.

In the right corner, you should write the last name and initials of the person to whom the employee's explanation is addressed. Below you should indicate the surname and initials of the author, as well as his position and place of work.

Any document must have a title and a title, this case is no exception - an “explanatory note” is written at the top, and just below “about an error in work” or another title.

The text is the main part of the form, you need to write in it the date when the mistake was made, as well as its essence - what exactly happened, what mistake was made by the employee - what rules and requirements were violated, what exactly was done or not done.

After the situation is consistently and briefly stated, the consequences should be written - for other employees, for the employer, for his clients, for the employee himself.

Information must be stated as truthfully as possible, it is better if the employer learns the truth from the employee himself than from his boss.

Possible Causes of the Error

An important point in the design of an explanatory note is an indication of the cause of the error. You should choose a reason that will minimize the possible punishment and at the same time will be as close to the truth as possible. If the reason is really good, then you should try to document it.

As a rule, the real cause is a violation of the instructions, requirements and rules established in the organization, as well as inattention and haste in the performance of any action. You can explain the error in your work by your painful condition, fatigue, workload, the performance of the duties of other absent employees.

If guilt is admitted

An example of an explanatory note about an error in the work of an accountant, when the accountant admits his guilt, but tries to smooth out its degree, is given below.

Explanation of an accountant's mistake

If guilt is not recognized or it does not exist

Sometimes the employee is not at fault. If the employee is confident that he is right, then in the explanatory note you need to clearly state your position, without admitting guilt in the mistake. An example of such a note.

The employee does not admit fault for the mistake

At the end of the explanatory note, you should honestly admit your mistake, realize it and promise not to make it again.

Below you can download another example of writing a word document for free.

Correct design

Sample explanatory note about an error in work -.